An HR Lady Reviews Your Resumes! | #grindreel

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I'll turn up the gain so they can hear I stand corrected yeah I'm not Pacific you guys can see let me make sure everything's good it gave me an error second ago alright there we go we're good you guys can see alright so we're gonna pick up where we left off with the last livestream you said now instead of having a char in the chat I got actual HR to look at the resumes so she doesn't have to type in the chat so if you want your resume reviewed or cover letter reviewed send it to that that email address right there hope you guys are having a good Easter eating lots of that grandma's casseroles casseroles for days bird what up where can I send the resumes just send it down there I'll pass I'll have Josh see we're both doing it we're both gonna be reviewing the resume not just her alone alright can't just you can't just give her like total power because she's HR at the end of the day alright I can't just like trust everything she says yeah so she'll tell you exactly what they look for and I'll tell you how to break all the rules so that you match what they're looking for it's perfect it's great how come you are not social distancing we were but you wouldn't be able to hear Happy Easter same to you greetings I just finished watching the last video those toaster alumni sigh oh I hope we're all toast strong today I think I'm gonna make my next video it's either gonna be like well they're both gonna have a skit but it's either gonna be corporate simple just examples of corporate simple or maybe engineering elitism but that's what I'm gonna be working on after this physical distancing why are you the way that you are that's a Toby question from the office I don't know if these people are still here that sent the resume last time but if you want it reviewed yeah just send it to that email down there I'll tell you exactly what she's looking for Josh you Ryan what's up dude hello Easter's I have more Orlando what's up man please don't roast my resume hashtag toast wrong I think I think Amy's a HR 2 June enough corporate merica is gonna hate you with everything and that's wonderful yeah still waiting for the resume review all right all right let's do it I'm gonna put the chat over there Josh proper social distancing please nah dude I'm not about to social distance these see this these easy why would you want a social distance then that's gross all right we got a lot of we got a lot of work here I can tell this is what template 100% this is a template but I wouldn't put your picture in there though y'all want to see together pretty all right so let's start at the top let's look hold on you go first you give your thoughts overall first the colors are all at least coordinating looks pretty good all of your bullet points are one line that's like number one I think your introduction could be a lot shorter maybe don't put an exclamation point I know that sounds nice but I mean once it gets passed HR your hiring managers kind of probably getting older eyes alright yeah so your take take this off yeah totally take off your pick take this off take this off it doesn't matter what you look like it matters if you can do the job and the EU people are like we care about what you look like and that's where the EU is behind because you shouldn't people shouldn't care what you look like right it shouldn't matter people racially profile people gender profiling whatever all that stuff it doesn't matter and you're just giving them subconscious ammo take that off you don't want that also I don't know if that's on purpose but you should probably move your name over into the green you have way too many fonts going on here that's hard to look at yeah you got this font here take one bold you have another font here and another font here so this is this is Sarah you got the seraphs all the black is a different font let's see here text is gonna be multiple colors to just pick two colors and go with it not four I see for you guys here HR lady okay honestly it I work for several global companies I wouldn't put your picture resume instructor says to add okay how's that not even like a pyramid scheme a resume instructor no your resumes the resumes or resume colors not really gonna make it pop or memorable or anything like a front end it helps just like this is fine color wise this is fine it looks fine we can always tell what kind of job you're looking for based on your resume psychology it's not it's not gonna be related instead I would yeah you already have UX so that's like the most amount of psychology you need but that's also just of interest take your areas of interest off and tris doesn't isn't meaningful at all unless the company does that interest I would put that if it's your interest tie that into what you've done in your actual resume you don't need any of that in your introduction also take your age off of there never put your age never put your birthdate never put your address those are just criminal or things to never put your age ever did she have a name yeah Haley Rose get it HR yeah Haley Rose HR that's her name isn't this gonna make a mess up all the resume auto scanners I don't know they're pretty good here let me bring it let me bring it back cuz we got to talk about these bad boys right here number one all right we're gonna look at the skill section first I like that chart actually but the thing is nobody knows what these levels mean let let them decide what your level is don't tell them up front that you suck at something which would be I guess Python is half angular is half but what does half mean to them half to them could be expert to you you know you're not selling yourself very well you're setting yourself up for a lot of questions and a lot of failure already telling about the gate how good you are has something if you have experience in it great put it on there you have experience but don't tell us how much why would you do that I mean it looks pretty but otherwise it's useless it's only gonna hurt you I put my address why can't I put my address don't put your address you up no don't put your address I guess that's number sign never put your address you don't want them to say oh they live in like a really expensive part of town they don't need this job or oh they live in a really crappy part of town what kind of person you know you just don't want to give any more information than you need to know so take these off I mean all right so let's get skills but take off your level because nobody knows what these mean it's not you don't even have like a percentage here or nine out of ten or nothing like and also you have quite a lot of skills that it's gonna be hard to tell exactly what you want and don't fit the percentage but what you have experience and take all of that out don't add in a percentage you don't need that at all yeah let them decide what your skill level is exactly and you know you might you might all right so here's the thing all right let's go to full screen for a second you might think that you're a complete noob with the technology but if they ask you a question in the interview and you answer it like a pro hey great now you're a pro at that technology right and then you get hired right alright let's go back let's examine these bad boys worked in it with private wealth management technology team see I don't I mean that was your job yes that is what that is what your job was but what did you do there worked with private wealth management technology team but what does that mean what did you do does the girl have the wisdom to criticize other people's resumes I mean she's in I mean she's HR they are used to and this is what I like holiday resumes are people really that judgmental yes yeah if they say they're not they're lying yeah I mean I think people try not to be they can say that bad by judges and it's our job not to discriminate against dear it'd be judgmental but if you're already setting us up to think something about to you like why would you do that also designed and developed a sophisticated dashboard from scratch do you have before-and-afters because otherwise that's gonna be hard to talk about because they're gonna want to see the proof in the pudding implemented rest api is yeah you probably can't give that so if you're going to talk about code that you can't show make sure to say in da guide students in sundry subjects what is sundry subjects I don't know that is do you like Toby from the office no I guess teaching assistants fine yeah that's fine whatever experience you have on there that's yeah but you got to put outcomes yeah you got but what you didn't and the outcomes guided students in subjects like this and what did you did you have outcomes like improve overall grades did you smash it see I told you this question was going to come and the correct answer for that that question is why do you think she's here so early I think she woke up and came over y'all wrong but back to the resumes design UX all right so notable projects but these aren't you don't have a link for them you need a link to the code or the wireframes these are part of other jobs you've had at the top of your resume don't junk up your resume with calling out specific projects like this but your notable projects within your actual work experience otherwise it gets really confusing your dates don't match up I wouldn't do that it needs to be in chronological order and if you're like your website redesigned if you did that for a company that's already up at the top then put that at the top of your bullet points it doesn't need to be called out in a separate section that's very confusing if we're confused looking at your resume that's not gonna help you at all remember you have to get their HR before you get to the hiring manager yeah I guess that's it hold on let me go back to full screen so I don't Docs any more info real quick it's practically afternoon it's 951 in the morning on a Sunday on Easter Sunday all right so you have LinkedIn you got a personal website currently based in India some places depending on the location you're applying to you well look for hiring people within that locations specifically so if I wanted a job in Colorado I would say my location in Colorado it's what I would say if I didn't care about getting help and what they don't offer relocation and you got to make that calling yourself if you want to be hired somewhere more than you care about being relocated like having help with relocation there say that if you you got to decide what matters to you if I really wanted to live in Austin Texas I would say my location in Austin Texas I would never say oh I live in Utah right now because they're gonna say oh well we're gonna have to pay to get you out there if I wanted help getting out there say you live in it you gotta be honest if you want that relocation package you can be honest also if you apply to companies in the US that aren't sponsoring there throw this resume in a trash yep before you even say hey wait what about paying me and remote as like a contractor yeah here's another thing yellow clothes good alright here's another thing uh I guess I'll take that off Italy my bed alright so outside of work fitness enthusiast so don't tell them what you're doing outside of work this lets people discriminate against you take that away that's a like you don't philology what is philology is that word I mean they have parentheses it teaching myself Spanish will say that if you have extra skills but that up here some Spanish don't say teaching myself don't outside of work activity has never put because what you're gonna say oh I coach my kids soccer team and then they're gonna think I don't know asteroids you have your kids we can't do that yeah take all that out yeah so you're gonna give them too much information here none of that matters and that's not gonna help you get the interview or the job either so pointless takes up space it makes your resume really busy and take it out yeah so also if you had like outside of work if you had stuff that was like related to that's the laziest censoring I've seen look dude I told you not to send in the resumes with the with the info on it you know that like I'm doing I'm Dom being courteous take your high school off of there to never fit your high school on there take your GPA off unless they ask for it don't give your GPA yeah I think that's yeah already in high school or college because they have it in the college do you take that out outside of work reading articles on design I mean to be honest you should be getting paid to do that at work and if you're not doing that anyway like that should be implied take that out yeah also like if you had like religious stuff on here like I teach Sunday school or something boom right there discriminatory information so like keep that away yeah put it away jamming on my bass guitar that's cool though how would you show career progression within the same company yeah so you probably just have a bullet point here and then title for your job and then another bullet point here in a title for your and then leave the company like that that's what I would do I mean that's if you want to show career progression - you don't have to if you made it to a senior level whatever you can only put that job title that's not something that we can verify we can't say hey gives me every job title they've had if you were an intern for half of your time at a company and you don't want that to count against you and you want it to look like oh my god your whole five minutes said that day I said the resume is at the right address yeah dude we got a lot in we got a recent graduate oh there's another one and sometimes your job title at the end first name last way more impressive than progression through job title all right so this is recent graduate that's a good one this is like Plain Jane I think I could fit this in here does the Abril button work I hope all right I'll give me a minute the Admirals just want to watch me work out huh huh I'll work out by myself Thanks okay all right let me zoom in so we got first-name lastname education so to be honest the skills man the skills got to go up top like it's cool that you graduated but the skills are what you know can't you do the job so you got to put the skills up there you two should launch a consulting firm that's what she does but for these skills here you should organize them independent and team player uh I'm dating HR girls because I want a job see that's big brained why even apply I have a 5 to 10 page CV and I get a 50% response rate yeah it's because nobody reads past your first page true story problem solver strong work ethic yeah I mean so all of these things here yeah are just like like these are expected of you to be able to do a job yeah take planning out that music how do you approach females at the gym are you trying to like pick up girls at the gym is that what you mean you won't know how to pick up girls at the gym how you pick up girls at the gym so you asked them to lay on the ground and then you lift them up for the deadlift and boom picking up girls at the gym usually they scream and flail and say what are you doing and you just like what's your name about you're cute now don't do that it's terrible advice detail-oriented adaptability so that again that's expected yeah so the only real skill that you have here is Microsoft Office and even then that's going to be kind of expected of you so what the college yeah what other skills you got you got a bachelor's and Information Systems what did they teach you do you know how to code I know you learned at least some code their section means nothing if you don't have a way to prove that within your work experience that it's meaningless are you got a section you still advise write the gems are closed it was before that do not hit on women at the gym and most the time it's awkward but yeah relevant coursework so like these are skills here web dev skills database management skills application dev like all these are skills white whoops why why isn't it here like you need to put them together and put your education down at the bottom but this is good like deliver customer vehicles and received a gift for delivering 50% more vehicles than others right so that's a good outcome with an increase in check-ins results dude so you got this on point I think the main weakness here is your skills you got to have more skills don't focus I'm trying to fill up your page either fix your your alignment and your text size so that your bullet points are one line don't give don't junk up you're like there's only three letters for that second line under valid grader you want every bullet point to be one line it's too much to read it's too busy otherwise that sounds like really nitpicky stuff but it's important like I said you gotta get through HR before you get to the hiring manager I don't know I mean this is kind of a funny outcome I don't know how do you monitored students and caught two students who fail to uphold the honors codes so basically cheated you caught two students who cheated and then reported them to the supervisor basically I don't know I mean that's an outcome we're gonna laugh that's what I'm saying no but really I don't know I don't know if I put it I wouldn't that mean that's if they want to ask you more about how you monitored students then you can tell them in the interview you don't need to put all that detail right there the mic doesn't go any further dude all right thank you for the thank you for the hundo the earlier resume made me look on educate from India plus where the a bro let let me get let me get the air give me some insights on what the change or edit okay when we get there all right how important is it it to include education I feel like education just waste space so important put your education if you've got an education put it on there put at the bottom put it there it depends on your industry but for what most of y'all are applying for you I put it at the bottom put your work experience at the top that's what matters the most for these kind of jobs but always put your education it's not wasting space that's important it shows that you finished something if nothing else no matter what your degree is in you've finished a degree start to end and that's the important part that's what we look for you had the motivation and desire to actually finish something I'd also let's see here if you guys some college put it on there you don't like if you didn't complete college still put some college on there please come closer to the mic art I'm gonna be eating it well the stream be uploaded yeah Marco sure will this is the worst resume it's not that bad it's not bad just a recent grad dude yeah you want to see my resumes when I first graduated do absolute trash the structure of this one is actually pretty good that's it's easy to read model yours after this more than junking it up with a lot of color and a lot of design pizzazz whatever this is great that's easy you want like I said you've got to get through HR having a degree doesn't get you a job it doesn't get you a job but for some specialties like civil engineering you add battle that'll help get you that you can't get a job without it you know ya always have a degree it will never hurt you it will always help you if you have some college like Josh said put it on there I have half a master's degree and I put it on there every time I have a master's I do I did half of it but I still put it on my resume because I did it and it's education education in some form you just say partially completed or currently enrolled or whatever but why would you not put it on there also if you paid for it in your the resume analysis can all things dude where since CDC has an email at the bottom of the stream right there alright let's go to the next one uh what is this it's a docx blah blah com relevant work experience previous work experience what all right yeah well look at this because this is yeah that's all that white space like the spaces between your bullet points we got formatting problems here that needs to come out big boy formatting problem alright so number number one it's just like we're missing sections we're missing a central sections like do you have an education section because you should add an education section do you have a skills section where are your skills skills and digital marketing include search keyword search ad split testing BSL client relationship management confident user of excel knowledgeable and PPC applications so that's your skill section don't put that don't mix your skill section with your summary or your statement if you're gonna have those make and bullet points there's something else that's a paragraph and I guarantee you nobody's gonna read that paragraph like I thought that this is reading that I thought this was gonna be about me yeah the about me but it's not it's just a it's just a paragraph of your skills so make this bullet points or organize it or something yeah we're not relevant work experience previous work experience so typically what you do is you just list your jobs that you had also if you want to keep the formatting like this like in this structure that's fine but take your name your contact information and push that over to the right side and the rest of it can be you I lined to the left but make that stand out a little more right now it just looks like you put everything in a list because you didn't know what else did you that's a good question how does she feel about you not wanting to get married again that would assume a lot but how do you feel about men who don't want to get married I'm here why can't women feel like we don't want to be owned I don't understand and also I don't do you not want to get married I don't want to be owned you don't want to be an owned piece of paper I'm not getting married that's it you do you I hope that answers your questions but nice chick flakes to it I want was responsible for dragging revenue through direct sales all right how much sales where did this increase like 50% more 20% more how did you drive revenue I mean I saw two sales conversion rate how much how much did you improve it can we get a metric maintained customer satisfaction that's hard to that's hard to prove yeah unless you got any kind of customer service awards or something like that that's put that on there I'm sure you probably did if you maintain customer satisfaction somebody sent you some kind of kudos or an email to your boss or something otherwise take it out because it's meaningless and they're gonna ask you nobody's gonna read that couple that's nice they're gonna say how did you do that and if you don't have anything to back it up that's gonna look worse than it is helping you right now in your resume so take it out or I have proof hmm also if you get proof like that at a job keep it can we see like examples like you don't have links to examples basically I generated a marketing creative for clients wait what Lucas you all assume a lot all right so for this finance beauty products I've written email copy book descriptions and landing pages and we need to see proof we need to see proof for this can I see before and afters something like that uh-huh I put the music back there we go dreamy and relaxing music it's pretty good just chill have music yeah so you need a lot more outcomes and maybe name the clients that you worked with like definitely flex on the clients I mean make sure you're not breaking any kind of rules though if you have contracts with I'm saying you can't because HR will look at that and say oh are they gonna give away our client names so you can say like freelancers but keep that in mind because if you're not or even if like I mean I would even say that if you're giving away client names specifically a jar can look at that and say oh are they gonna give away our client names but you can hint towards that as much as you want Alma Shakey's are we good sent mine as a contrast of those resumes the guys keep on sending you did you disinfect the resumes before treatment no we didn't we go I mean let's see oh we got to do from Portugal all the other information visit my github but alright sure take your GPA yeah hold on I'm not sharing it alright yeah so that's that's a good point that she made so it says here you have a master's right but in order to get a master's you have to have a bachelor's so you should probably put that bachelor's but real talk you should put this education down here at the bottom in my opinion it should go down there because what matters is current company and what you can do mm-hmm fornications still important though it's more so in Europe yeah and take your GPA off if they want to know your GPA they'll verify it in your background check take it off that can only hurt you can you show stuff that's under non-disclosure no that's how you can sue don't do that make sure to tell them that if you have code that you can't show say I have code that I can't show so it's like it's like when people go to my github and they look and they're like Josh's good hope it's just noob stuff for this and that and it's like now dude I was a professional developer just like you guys I just legally cannot show you that code I am NOT that is how I get sued you're not gonna find my work code publicly available because then all these software applications could just be stolen and copied and pasted so you have to say this is NDA I have a I have like ten different github x' because the companies made me make ten different github x' and bid buckets and get lab accounts whatever to do each job so make sure to say that you can submit down here yeah all right let me go let's go back if your GPA is perfect should you still remove it I mean if you got a 4.0 that's not gonna hurt or help you if it's a 4.0 still if they want to know it'll come up in your back she knows more than you yeah dude I know the same things I know what HR was I'm gonna tell you how to break the rules so that you can appease what they want honestly I'm just confirming we think pretty much the same and all this stuff let me see what's the best way for a junior to have to get a job apply for anything that says software working right for everything yeah so working in front-end design team developing core features like you got to put results though can you can you include results for this that's the main thing here percentages numbers feedback something put some kind of result yeah cuz they're gonna ask you in their interview anyway isn't if you don't have a good answer for that it's gonna be meeting like what was what was the hardest project that you worked on did you improve something did you increase metrics did you develop X amount of complex let's say you're building react components or something right like put how many react components that you made or messed with or modified or improved Masters in date what someone say prenups Josh you know prenups exist right Oh prenups our meme dude prenups get thrown out all you have to say all right there's two magic phrases two for prenups you say my lawyer wasn't there when I when I signed it right boom prenup thrown out or you say I didn't know what I was signing and I was under stressed to sign it or he wouldn't marry me boom prenup thrown out I don't make the big bucks thank you very much way to flex all right let's go back so yeah we need the bachelors there yeah if you just put a master's we're all gonna look at that and go where's the bachelors yeah but I know in Europe so in Europe it works a little bit different like in Finland do you get a bachelor's technically but if you have a master's your bachelor there's nothing to write home about so maybe it's that here if you accomplished it put it on there I would never hurt you I will preach education till the day I die I think it depends what you had boy you can teach yourself stuff to you I mean but why wouldn't you Easter's all right so you need a link for this you need a link to the code for this if you can give it away same for this same for this same for this you need links for all these things and then a hosted version is ideal but right if you built something using C++ a path marcher gpu-accelerated path tracer write it so if if you don't have a hosted version of this where people can test it make sure to have a video with timestamps so at one minute this is what I'm showing and where you took it out okay so this is probably just code then okay cool but I think that you could just make this clickable you don't need to add a link just make that clickable I'd be easy to do remember that I just had that question and I made sure we are not coders make that readable for us too it's got to get the rest first education is important when you don't have experience no it's all good all right so let me go back real quick person who interviewed me stole my code and made millions move yeah dude you gotta be careful like I got a I got an email earlier today about someone who wants me to do like a sponsorship for them and they said in order for us to pay you for the sponsorship you have to make a sample ad for us and then if we like your sample ad we'll pay you and then you can go ahead and start I'm not going to give you I'm not going to make a sample endorsement for your product for free because then you could just take my endorsement and start picked like copy and pasting it everywhere on your own stuff without even having to pay me you gotta be careful with stuff like that you always see it look I'll show you because I'm obviously not going to take it hold on where is it here it is all right look it says hello I'm Bobby advert manager from lazy music app I'm offering ad cooperation with your YouTube channel we're introducing new audio editor application which includes blah blah blah if you're interested in cooperation with us please read all instructions about the price you will need to make only a test video for us after which we will estimate the quality of it don't upload it on your channel just do a test video ad of course if I upload it on my channel right they're gonna they're gonna say that hey you know they couldn't just steal it as easy basically sure after the agreement of the final video yo ya answer questions about getting an HR job I don't have any help for you for getting when it's kind of hard to break into you as long as you pay attention to Sherm if you can name drop Sherm as HR M where Josh Pearson or something like that that'll help you out but my biggest piece of advice if you're looking at HR is don't just pursue HR just to generalize like specialize in something and go the consulting route don't hang out in HR and be a Lilly HR BS worker like this like you can do other things be a consultant get your experience and then pursue all the consulting remote jobs you can for a jar I wish somebody would have told me that so here's my entire piece of advice yeah best decision I ever did oh we got one from all right yeah sure from Joe Joe email phone address take a dress off yeah no a dress ever no no Oh 4.0 GPA I mean cool but that's gonna be nice but we need to see what you can do so that's so good it takes up an entire line of space on your resume tape put that next to your manger put it next to something else you don't need that much information or that much space taken up for your your degree needs to be university name manger that's it you don't also don't put when you graduated take that class of 2021 off because then we can infer your age by that you don't want to be discriminated against all right now y'all have anything on there that will infer your age they couldn't actually see it the whole time I was reassessed all right yeah so take this off right yeah I know that you're 18 when you start college yeah four years later I know they're 29 yeah you can graduate next year you're gonna be 21 never put anything on there that can make it also and you never have to tell them how old you are either if they ask you when you graduated you don't have to put that you could put this here mm-hmm right you don't need a separate line for that takes up space honors this only matters if companies care yeah honors is a lot better than your GPA all the coursework you're gonna prove what you learned in school with your education if or with your experience if you haven't okay you don't have any experience you can put that for code but you're gonna prove your education if you pass a code test or not yeah this is nice that's great they're gonna give you a code test just like they would with someone without a 4.0 find a way to incorporate that down in your experience take it out it doesn't matter if you got a degree in something we know what you did like you don't need it listed their skills make those two things two lines only you don't need a bullet point than a sub bullet put no that takes up so much space it makes it really hard to read put all those languages next to that languages bullet point that's good a 50% increase test results good establish project requirements yeah that's good maintain enhanced web applications kid you could you talk about which web applications like is it client-side can we see it cuz that'd be cool if you could link that and talk about like what you worked on like show the company what you actually work on I can't this is actually a picture hold on let me go back yeah fall 2019 Falls when I don't list things like that that shows your age too that sounds like you're talking in semesters put month year to month year even if it makes you feel like it doesn't use web scraping all right we need a link for this my man we need a link and we need for the code and then we need a live demo developer spot it garbage uh yeah that's good but we need links otherwise this never happened this does not exist don't make them go to your github by the way don't make them hunt around on your github to find like is right now you don't have a link to it so they're gonna have to go to your github they're gonna have to look for spot at garbage which means maybe you've named it that maybe you named it something else because you are memeing when you first made your repo right like that happens and then people can't find your developer spot of garbage or maybe you renamed it later to make it sound more professional don't make them hunt through github to find stuff we're looking at so many and even the hiring manager we're looking at so many of these don't make us click around don't make it hard we're gonna go oh that's hard next you want it to be right there ones okay to show your age yeah don't show your age dude ever never you never have to tell us your age and let until you're doing your background check and that information and that's all private within HR never tell your age that's for you thanks JP about let her answer her questions read it out loud how would you respond to someone trying to skip you like Josh does on streams what do you mean alright so sometimes I call and I ask directly for the hiring managers email so I skip HR oh I mean that's fine but almost all of them are directed to bring it back to us in some way they're gonna it's not true it depends on how good you do it depends on how how much you can finesse yeah but in the end they're gonna come back to HR and say when you get to the job for the interview right like hiring manager though will remember your name is nothing else that's good I mean you want them to remember your name you're gonna have to go through HR at some point for sure like cuz you're gonna have to fill out benefit paperwork that's HR Payroll stuff probably HR if it's not the accountant dude you're gonna have to come to HR at some point but the whole point of calling and skipping HR is so that at first you don't have to wait on HR to to filter your resume the filter dude that's the hiring manager remembers your name that's number one yeah exactly you go in oh hey remember me I called you the other day you can't do that if you just wait for HR to give manager a piece of paper but my point is don't think that they're not gonna go to HR cuz every one of them has to bring it back to HR and say hey talk to this person so don't think you can hide anything from us doing it that way yeah alright what'd I miss here oh you got are you only reviewing tech resumes I have biology chemistry resume me son dude thank you for the five yeah we're doing all of them I'll pull that one up why are all UX designers women that is inaccurate she's trying to show how important a chars are they're useless and so they're there to actually protect the company from crazy employees pretty much yeah they have a job it's not a it's not but alright listen here's it morally I think it's kind of a bi job but it is they have a reason for existing we exist so y'all don't have to do this stuff if you wanted to deal with the employment law and know all of these things so that your company doesn't get sued and then shut down like you probably want to get shy that's the point like we might be overhead absolutely but all reasons why I am no longer an actual HR lady because we more fun and interesting I feel like I have a real purpose yeah this is fine all right let's move on next one hiring process such BS yep yeah HR saves loads of money in lawsuits there you go let me see are we gonna do a different one that's not tech hey if you enjoy the stream maybe a thumbs up I appreciate is that most people ever had on a stream so thanks for giving me a little bit of your sunday hopefully this is helpful Misun what we might be overhead Josh left I mean just call their cell phone how to find it what do you what you name it in the Sun I don't see it in here PDF version here oh no all right yep all right we got big issues big issues here sir yeah big issues I really enjoy the other side HR turn techie that's the only way to keep up in HR you got a go at tech cuz we're getting automated HR can be easily automated if you don't get on the tech side of HR it's not good how explain if you got fired from the last job you don't have to never tell them you got fired nobody we're not allowed to say if you got fired from a job when they call and ask us we can only tell them dates of and your last job title we cannot tell them if you got fired I will tell everybody that remember never say if you got fired or not hear what you're left for another reason figure one out think of it what about me if these and take any comments on that they might think that you're overqualified I mean pH just fine it shows you pursued something but I mean as long as you have an education or some kind of education and that can be an education like a degree or it can be you taught yourself something all right how do I effectively include some college yes so just put the college on there and then and the date that you last were there that's it don't you don't got to put that when they ask explain it yeah that's true don't even say that say you don't say you have a degree and then but you can say it the University Nate the college name that's it you don't have oh look graduation date take that off hold on we're not there yet sorry hold on all right so we're gonna go to the resume now this is from just from Gabriel so here we go it's all good so here's here's the first thing that stood out young enthusiastic program no no no don't talk about your age no no don't say that mm-hmm dedicated enthusiastic use positive words young take that out you don't know who's getting that resume you get it an old person looking at are you getting a young person who doesn't want competition what are you getting you don't know don't put I'm mainly interested in this because that means if you apply to something that's not this they're gonna think that you're just doing it as like a backfill like this was if you don't get this job right here they're gonna think that it's just a plan B for you and you don't actually want it that's what people are gonna infer from that and we want to know that you're flexible and that you will continually learn and that you're gonna be here and want to learn other things so that you can maximize your whatever you're doing you don't don't limit yourself never limit yourself yeah dude this is gonna look WAY take this entire I would take out this entire section I think enthusiastic program like run fry from right here to right here is fine everything else I'd take it out the ends because what happens if you can't find a job and things that you're not mainly interested in bro the company's gonna be like oh so you're just here because you couldn't cut it at the other places you know also that's a good if you left another position if you're looking for something else you're looking for you're always looking for other opportunities you're always looking for opportunities for growth that's why you left that's why you're looking you're always looking this is you'd be the only thing that gets you a job now GPA doesn't do anything to you does nothing unless it's a big corporate company that cares nope if you finished a degree you finished your degree who cares about your GPA you finished it you're done but take that off you don't need your GPA at all graduation they take that off horse boom thanks dude alright so here's another thing we there's a duplicate enthusiastic and enthusiastic there software engineering intern Google yep that's fine I think if you work at one of the the big fan companies you can leave in turn-off but it's like you're a nobody company you're an intern take off intern but yeah but like Google you put intern because people interns at Google make like what regular software engineers I make like somewhere else also if you started as an intern ended of something else put what you ended add don't put it code you I don't know much about that all right so here's the thing I'd be careful if you keep freelance as current because it's gonna look alright some companies care if you have a side hustle some companies don't care if you have a side hustle you don't want them to tell you to shut it down or to say hey we don't want to interview you because it might yeah it might interfere god take that conflict of interest and this also could indicate that you suck at freelancing and you need a job which also might show that you're not a good worker if you suck at freelancing right but you're not gonna get the time of day to explain that to them you're not gonna be like actually it just wasn't for me because blah blah blah is just gonna look like you suck or or you're gonna be using whatever this company is as your side hustle so that you can focus on freelancing which means again they're your plan B so I'd be careful with that alright let me go back but it's good experience to put on your resume don't take it off entirely just take off make an ende that tutor that's interesting hey as long as your resume doesn't go past a page you can keep your tutor on there that's kinda this is kind of odd hold on let me go back there's some weird some weirdness going on here so lists internship only one applying to Google i mean i'd only say i was an intern if I work at a fan company if I worked at mom-and-pop developer Co down the road I'm not gonna put that I was an intern I'm gonna put that I was a part-time software developer alright so I move on to this next piece right here all right um you need links for this smart mirror with machine learning the computer vision I mean that's pretty dope to be honest I saw some videos about that I don't need you don't have to put dates for your projects dude like it doesn't matter um and if you do like so this again this indicates that you're still currently working on a side hustle which again might take away from your ability are in your education that's fine to call them out this way otherwise take those projects and put them back into your work experience otherwise that junks Limpy resume it makes it way too big I disagree don't don't listen to her I disagree nah dude I disagree you definitely keep your projects down here but you need links 100% if you're maybe for like non devs yeah sure but I don't think that you're gonna pass off projects as work experience to most companies I'll make that great that's neither here nor there there was a question of there I want to do which one if you leave a job do you have to include that job on your resume you do not you can include it or not include it however you're gonna have to explain that gap in your job history so you don't have to put anything about it but I would at least put the name of the company and the Dancy were there just so that it's not a gap in your work experience cuz we'll ask about it can we put source code link project yes so you need you need hosted and you need code right now you have neither of these I code and hosted and if you don't have a hosted version because it's hardware or something make a video with timestamps alright so here's another thing don't indicate where you're at with a skill set let her explain about project alright go ahead go ahead explain your thoughts on why you should move your projects into work it's it up it makes it hard to read you can call them out if you want to otherwise it just makes you and it makes us wonder like we have to go okay here's the day it's who's the project and we have to match them up if you want to come out that's cool also like I told Josh before you can actually you can put you can submit your resume to HR one way and when you come to your interview bring your you should always bring a paper resume but you can bring a resume in a different format if you want for the hiring manager if you want them to see it like this that might help you that's neither here nor there that whatever you want to do yeah I think if you put projects with your experience area you are not you're not gonna be able to pass off projects as paid work experience but if you're like a new graduate or you don't have an education engage your projects otherwise I don't think that it's like when freelancers try to put free projects because they're not really a freelancer but they just say freelancer when they're really unemployed it's like you're trying to mix two things you know can you lie about your job background check your dates of employment come out but you don't have to put like if you started at the end of January and you left at the beginning of like June you can just say January to June you can give yourself that extra padding you don't have to say when don't put the actual date put the month in the year hold on accidentally close out the email all right we got Amy emailed you resume review under oh no not a coder probably far worse do you get them do you get to all of them no that'll come up on the application not ask you if you need it or not I would always negotiate your salary but keep in mind if you try to come in at the top end of your sliding scale you're gonna limit yourself number one for if they're gonna pick you and number two you're gonna limit yourself on future raises and I know raises are important to a lot of y'all which I always tell you if you want an actual raised like a substantial raise find a new job but if you really want to stay there and you want to raise don't try to come in at the very top of your pay grade because it's a sliding scale once you hit that top of your scale it's hard to get anywhere else oh it's a good one this is super European let me let me blur it out first it's not really a devastating resume so let me blur out this number real quick and this number real quick oh you put your date of birth dude don't nah nah fam yes I know strong this desk is tiny bruh should I merge the cover letter with the resume absolutely not she HR person or cardio a little bit both ha ha all right hold on make sure I'm not gonna dock I'll imagine laughing did the chat is symfon hard for HR be honest alright here we go you're killing me alright here we go why no date of birth cuz age dude yeah no don't put age fam don't do that that's bad alright there's a couple things right Oh your height why is your height that's another thing but that's kind of weird so date of birth ageism ageism is a real thing don't give them age all right take your social out of there LinkedIn is fine take your social media out you don't we won't touch that anyways ever made a mistake on social media in your life yeah you're gonna know well you don't want to know that don't give it to it also try not to friend like Josh say yeah be friends with your managers and that's fine but also if you want to take a day off and you say you're sick and then suddenly somebody knows you're not sick at work that's not gonna be a good look I would always recommend not so personally hey wait for me I know it's Europe right Austria but I I don't think that you should have to include what you look like a that none of that matters campus Oh - bro I was gonna study there actually no I had a teacher from campus Oh - actually from this same same place Wow this format okay I like you tried hard this is great but also your alignment man why are your headings so far in from the society page or everything else sighs I would fix that fix your alignment make it easier to read not harder business and IT management so how do you how many degrees do you have you I see a lot of education but how much of this is a degree like what what what matters here can you I know you're in the chat right how do these tips apply for European countries as well just for Americans so the only difference really from European to American countries is that they want a picture in American it doesn't matter really yeah CV is curriculum vitae as you can see here if you're wondering what a CV is March 2020 I don't think that you should have to put this it should just be up-to-date automatically also now that we're in April marketing with a focus on brand protection - boarding - Internet of Things and in the near field communications right so NFC devices and internet things devices um you need you need more of what you did you've been there for two years my man you've been there for two years we need to see what you did and so take some of these off take some of these off and expand on these bigger jobs like IT intern what does that mean what did you do what were the outcomes again here what did you do what were the outcomes like if you if you improved business processes what did you improve give me the metrics that I need to see that you need to expand on what you did and the outcomes big time and just take off these other ones that are unrelated in my opinion if you have a degree show it yeah how does this help oh you took the link it's just on this scene this view Moebius yeah just grind real at gmail this make sense it doesn't matter how much you're trying to break up text people are biased people are biased people profile isn't for being pretty it isn't for being like your resume is to showcase and sell yourself that's what it's for what words what are words that HR look out for when talking to employers or when when looking at resumes like don't call out your other employees don't share your thoughts like that you want to sell yourself if you're talking about other people or you're talking about negatives that's not good that's gonna be an indicator of how you are and how you'll be in the workplace be positive show positives at use positive words sell yourself okay body language alright relax we're helping some people out yeah all right let me what is profile like what if the profile is beneficial for you based on it shouldn't be dude it shouldn't be that's that's the problem no no and HR can't look at that anyways you don't want us to and we won't do it looks like they're trying to sit on the chain same chair so like we have I have an l-shaped desk okay all right let's go back oh no oh all right mmm so there's a skill section here but it's kind of down at the bottom let me pull this up one second eyes up Josh what you mean man I'm a man I see what you see get out of here family all right go ahead and give it a thanks that's a really you need mods dude the probably still asleep that's true well I'm here all right so extensive experience and that remains to be seen hard to prove what's the best weightings social distancing yes six six feet six inches same thing just don't hire them mainly on ghosts them ghosts them after after you bait them or take their code and build your startup with it LinkedIn assessments I don't think this is gonna matter I don't think LinkedIn assessments matter at all they're not accredited it's a humane thing it don't matter may or may not be depending on how you set it up but if it's not you can explain it class president what I would like to apply for HR lady's boyfriend position breath what's a good font type sans-serif anything that's sans-serif if you look at it like this is San serif yeah this is San serif yeah but other formatting and alignment that's hard I won't read that I think that this is fine and you could you could take these other ones off it kind of looks like you're split on interests like you do a lot of stuff I definitely see that but I almost too much stuff like how are you currently the member of all these things and hold a full-time job basically is what I'm saying you know that's not gonna yeah we want to know you're focused and listen drink the company kool-aid or not but don't let us think that you're never gonna drink it like sell yourself caffeine resume what do you do I know what I'll say but you answer to gaps in the resume find a good reason if you have a gap in your resume no big deal I have one I had a pretty big loss a big deal well yeah big it's a big deal if you can't explain it sit there for a minute and think of a reason why this happened to you they don't care they don't care why you have a gap and they don't give you the chance to explain it that's the problem they just don't interview you so what do you do you can put it in your cover letter you I mean honestly this happened to me okay and I had this happen and I sat there and thought about it and I'm I came up with which is also true but I was taking care of a sick parent near the end of their life and this usually takes care of it right what they don't not but the reason they can't verify your reason no the thing is they don't they don't they don't care because they don't ask about the reason they just don't interview you put a line for the in the job gap in your resume and say this is what I was doing during this time or put it in your your summary section or put it in your cover letter yeah otherwise there's no way to get around it but if you don't try here's how you get around you try this how you get around if you extend the date of your last job to be current boom die of course right but you don't do the background check until after you interview write an offer letter sure sure sure of course you can rescind the offer letter if it doesn't match up but what I'm saying is you extend the date of your last job to be current and then you get to the interview and you say I've actually had a job gap because then you're in the interview and you can explain it which you would have otherwise not gotten that opportunity to explain it if you do that do what I suggested before do it Josh's thing now bring a hard copy of your resume with that in there so that you can give them your resume while you're explaining the job gaps that way you've made it to your interview but then you have the resume on file for when you get your background check done there you go right that's the whole point is to get to the interview at all cost things that's what you do what if your time gap was because you were dealing in New Mexico they can't verify it it's not that they won't all right someone submitted the salsa do Josef's resume all right I got you dude hopefully this was helpful by the way Johannes if you're enjoying a stream all right we're trying to give some decent flow here it's a job yep confirmed once I accept so it costs money to run a background check that's why they do it after they give you an offer and start setting you up with stuff they don't do it before right so background check right it's gonna reveal all but that's why you you get to the interview to reveal all yourself because then you can have context and stuff you know later we can still resend it and it happens we can resend offer letters we can rescind offers I don't see I'm looking in here Josef's resume Joseph's resume I don't see I typed in Joseph and there's nothing in here I just see [Music] portfolio review it's made my resident yes also do can you send it again and put like some house why does some care about job gaps I didn't care why I helped on the hiring site yeah it's just because people don't think it through I mean we want to know that you thought through that you have everything if you took a year off to sit there and watch your cat cool that's awesome they may be a great cat but also have a reason think of a reason you can sit there and think of a good reason very easily and if you can't think through it that shows a lot too wonderful canta hate things dude are things like Coursera EDX valuable if they help you Hasek Oh test they are but not because they're on your resume what how can I let them know I graduated on time without saying dates that doesn't matter it doesn't matter when you graduate it as long as you did don't say your dates then know how old you are we might know when you come in and sit down in front of it don't say it what that's good what accounting resumes are dope great never seen one I got a so much dirty Butler this info real quick not trying to get this man dogs I'm working on it look I got a mouse and a tiny little marker give me one moment all right good companies hire you if you only have projects yeah I mean that's that's what they got what is the background check who does it so name some companies the background checkers but HR doesn't specifically outsource to a vendor like hi right and they're gonna do your background check and check all of those things again they can only check your last job title and your dates of employment they can't say if you were fired they can't say how well you were at your job we can't say anything else that's all we can say when you work there what you were called also if what your job title is on your resume differs a little bit from what we say it is several reason why some people are allowed to put whatever they want but they might just be business analysts this is just a good one how do you answer why you gotta let go from your last job how would they know that you got let go from your last job doing it for you wanted to take some time to re-educate yourself to learn some things you saved up enough money or whatever that you could sit at home and and improve on your skills while you are pursuing opportunities to better yourself in your career you don't have to say you were let go you don't have to say you quit cuz you hated it nothing they don't need to know any of that sell yourself alright we got we're gonna do with the counting one two check your browser history nah bro dude that's the like before I my last my final words are gonna be clear my browser history that's gonna be me on my deathbed please clear my browser history personal emails go into your work email please all right me let me share this they check social media yeah there's actually this thing called family oh it's an automated like AI that checks all social media it's basically I'm gonna make a video on it but it's trash it just has like a scraper it's his side GF it's his side-chick she's she's one of the side chicks sorry that you just found out but yeah alright so here we go we got skills Microsoft Excel I say P those are good tech cycle s AP first excel is fine you better know that it was good tax cycle I don't know if that's a skill that's just like yeah you can put that on there I guess I got so much white space though please take out this facing and all of this take off your GPA expected graduation is fine this is a good one right here cash flow scheduling system and sales forecast well how accurate were your sales forecast my man like we're they accurate were they inaccurate I think a lot of people would be interested in just how accurate your sales forecast work the description of the company you work for to if they want to know what what the company did they can google it start up selling ginseng ginseng take that off started by an old you may take oh yeah yeah that's started by an old roommate that's how important that makes it sound like a meaningless job to you take that yeah it sounds like you could work in a garage yeah don't even start up selling ginseng and ginseng products take that off just put just put that you don't have to put what that is it's kind of its kind of strange would you teach how to create resumes with examples now you don't need to make a resume HTML CSS just use Google Docs if you want my resumes down there in description you guys fortune comes with cover letters and stuff oh yeah that'd be dope completed and filed two tax returns like I mean I guess that's good how did you get into HR consulting I got HR experience and then I applied to everything that said remote cuz why not oh yeah she works for remote mm-hmm I work from the floor of my living room I work from other states I work from the airplanes thought of developing you don't get to put thought of maybe put invented thought of like dude a lot of people do that you can't put that as like a thing oh also a lot of HR consulting jobs are tech based now so if you start learning HR technology like that's where you're gonna look for and you can google the big four HR technology firm or technology consultant firms and apply to those non stuff never just apply once to a job to if you really want to work there apply every few months take this off expect to graduation I know how old you are now take that off also take this off because that doesn't take that off just bachelor's and commerce accounting there you go done like they don't know if you can run the numbers what does HR even do when there's no active hiring we don't just hire there's a section of HR the hires that's talent actors relevant skills thank you for recruiting but most of HR we do employment law we do a lot of different things we keep the company out of trouble basics yeah they don't care about you yeah if you want to be a recruiter in TMI man Josef's resume dude I can't find it what would you title it you want to get paid that's us portfolio review haven't been getting callbacks yeah I can't see any time to bash one more resident we've been here for our 15 minutes not bad not bad how can I ask HR for a copy at how would how would you ask HR out how would you ask them out so someone comes to your ask you out yeah how would you ask are the only answer is do not date if you see them out in the world and they're cool like all right but if you're gonna just walk into there up and say hey can I take you on a date you don't know what kind of answer you're gonna get you want to be fired that's a risk that's how you get [ __ ] I would shoot I would do want to risk that all right we got another one in here so if you want to befriend us and you get a similar vibe that might work out including Tim because I just made a new one Roma Ramazan how do I where is this where do I find this I got it HR do a lot other than coffee breaks and parties get like HR generalist HR generalists do all that stuff don't be a jar yeah baby search also we aren't usually the ones they plan parties anyways all right I'll do this one then hold on hold on looking that is not what I meant to highlight hey thanks for being here by the way guys what is your advice I don't see don't put them as a reference nothing in here all we can tell them is your dates of employment and your past job title that's it that's why you don't want to have a bad relationship with HR have a good relationship with HR why not they're gonna were the ones they're calling it's risky for us to give any other information but set yourself up for success what's advice if you leave on bad terms with your previous employer yeah bro so my advice is don't give them don't give them the direct line give him your friend just tell your friend hey you have your friend be a reference that's it don't tell me you left on bad terms they're not allowed they're not allowed to trash talk you but you're not going to be present for that conversation so I in my opinion don't take the risk take the other resins we're also not very likely to call your actual references peanuts done what are you gonna do give us a you're gonna give us your friends your friends gonna say good things you're not gonna give us somebody we have more issues here man more issues yeah we got big issues huh I gotta blurt this out before we show it see all right phone number take that off just in my technical game producer address and date subscribe but I will remove got it core core core bone type what do you think the reason bird lay off I mean I made a whole video about you asking me or her I think getting laid off by a zoom call is trash yes especially when you don't even know like for the people that found out they got laid off by reading a tech crunch article but they didn't even know cuz they didn't make it to the meeting all of a sudden they go to login can't even log in I mean any types on how to avoid being low-balled based on cost of living one reason for me go remote is to break out of that honestly I'm remote and mine went up so it it depends on what kind of job you're applying for somebody sent hey Josh hover your mouse over it and they thinks warble I did just that all right so let's jump into this we got issues make sure I'm not gonna docks this man all right how many candidates bet their salary two loafers candidates that their salary way too high it's a mix it's an even mix what I would do is get on the internet and find out what your pay scale is for that and hit somewhere in the middle or tell them what you were making before or I would have that a little too if you ask me and like you guys use young NOK and enthusiastic why is everybody put young in enthusiam resume out age no matter fans never put any reference to your age that you think it might help you it might not hmm chauffeured fish showed proficiency do that that sounds bad I showed proficiency like I had potential that don't say that just put used excel stool excel tools by streamlining large excel sheets reducing two weeks work to 1 hour see that's that's good right there but don't put show proficiency or let your hiring manager to turn we're not gonna determine that what's the best way to say your straw bail on your resume don't say your CS dropout just have lots of projects and then also just put the college that you went to and the degree that you studied in the last year that you were there that's it don't say you graduated don't say you didn't graduate don't say your GPA email ID ID there you go I tried presented key points of a research to an investment panel strengthen my public speaking skills when I don't know about that recording microphone do you have it's a Samsung G track Pro is like from Best Buy that's true Ruben olden disillusioned curmudgeon looking for new challenges okay boomer but you are you gonna discriminate but no one's ever gonna know Darius thanks dude data science with why would you ask for a lower pay in the beginning wouldn't it be better to be paid your cap at the beginning yeah if you don't like to get raises if you're just on yours cap and you want to raise you're not gonna get one if we can't get anywhere else on your pay scale so don't don't get it don't ask for raises didn't you Jeff yeah if you want to raise get a new job real raises are barely compete with lifestyle and like just inflation engine you may get a few bucks extra a paycheck what else do you want a real raised like a substantial raise get a new job I tell that to my family my friends everybody I do that myself you want to raise new job hi here's another one also if you ask for to higher pay you can't put soft skills man you just can't do this time management communication critical thinking these are expected of you they are not skills these are default things that you should have working in job technical skills final cut pro this doesn't apply to what you want to work in certification no these certifications don't matter nobody cares about your certifications the only thing that matters if you can pass the code test or not these might help you get a code test but they're not going to I don't know this doesn't really matter my opinion okay but also that takes up so much freaking space like convinced that you don't need so many bullet points for that you don't need so many like it's so cluttered like it's pretty but it's so cluttered it's hard to read I would not managing time and money this doesn't matter take that off unrelated yeah yeah anything inflated seulement there's so many I'm gonna try it I'm gonna do my best to get the room I'm here for an hour what's a mine under the new stuff of this really insightful hey thanks appreciate you Stratus what's your vice Prakash didn't want you to get going to the field of HR is specialized specialize in some kind of technology for HR certs do matter if you want to work in marketing for marketing but for code don't matter you get a coat test for anything else yeah put your certifications on there those are important but again you got to get their HR first and if we see something like that we're like oh cool fancy gets their hiring manager and they're like you would have yeah it is way too all over the place I agree it's too busy it's way too busy it's hard to read someone said we should get married you should both get kids we're not getting married I don't want to get married she doesn't want to get married you guys are assuming quite a lot all right let's go back we got we got two more to look at Joseph I try to find yours I typed in that email it's not coming up let me go back though Darius we got Darius next then we got another machine-learning one after that and then we got the other one after that so let me open these up and new tabs I'm open that up let me go back let me get this one would be a good one to specialize in but there's a lot of other ones too so you want to be diverse if you're going to look in it and take our technology you need to have a little bit of knowledge mm-hmm I don't know Stratos what's the name I'm looking for what rules do you think so too should I just become a corporate slave no don't drink the kool-aid pretend you might but don't please don't drink it I'm looking for your Stratis to open it all my cousins live in Georgia man live in Texas I can't see it what the heck michael says yo what's up dude dang I got skipped anything will it's not it's not look there's a lot I'm trying to cop by spam filter I don't think so soft skills don't matter on a resume don't list us everyone else come on in a resume you can talk about it at your interview dang it these are free reviews right now you don't have to pay for these reviews there no what's the price yeah there's not there's not one we're just doing it Josh why do you need headphones it's because I put music on I'm just monitoring the music so it's not just as ranting let me go back I dip my name I can resend it with my name on subject yeah Stratus put Stratus could you please have a look Ramazan I let me go back to ramazan how do you transition into a different industry I've done it three times now you just sell yourself as much as you can try to educate yourself in some way real education or oh that so many pages it's two pages now yeah all right yeah so Ramazan you addressed that you you address the changes let's go back what email it's at the bottom of the stream I did I never thought that it'd be this many people that show up honestly it's a Sunday nobody here who are you waving it was your friend if you want him to review your CV you got to email it oh I keep doing that over oh no don't be a weather man all this stuff on a distant other night I didn't actually use my communication direction so let's see anyway Master of Science we got a bachelor's ass good alright so I know how old you are don't put the date that you started college just put the date that you are last there no don't put any date for your college thank you all right yeah background check that will tell us when you've graduated we'll know how old you are you can tell us you went there you can tell us what you majored in don't put your deeds if we want to know your date's Laskey is another way collaborate directly with CTO to develop tested beta versions promoted agile practices in the company can you all right it'd be cool if you had like some sort of links that we could verify this gained first rate that's kind of subjective you can say that but it's kind of subjective it depends on if they think it's first rate wears so here's the thing education just goes down there you need your skillset and I'll get to that in a second but it's way at the bottom you have it you have it flip-flop it bothers me so bad and see a dude readability look how fun this is like way more over from here I don't even see it all I care about is the substance that's nice isn't that your job care about the substance yeah but if it's not readable this has to be it has be pretty before I care about the substance but not too pretty but not super see that's you it's gonna be readable all right hold on all right so positions of responsibility isn't that every position every job is that right how can we friends with a we're not like a three-headed monster where people do the saddest days of my HR in life we're walking into the break room and everybody gets real quiet and leaves like no just be nice to us you're going to talk like Willie some of us are cool AJ some of us are you don't need to put PowerPoint you don't need to put an expletive explanation of how good great understanding including graphics producing client ready where you don't have to you don't the foot better about me you went to college if you went to high school and you don't know PowerPoint or word like that's a problem that's should be implied you don't have to do it for Excel either that's expected yeah Python Java sequel unless you know something cool with Excel that might like be a cool thing these are yours these are your skills and if you're in the EU I guess you can leave that languages are cool you know where their language was put that in there for the EU not really especially depending on what kind of HR you're friending like regular age are cool tech age are cool that's good critters cool they try managers CHR oh maybe not it jars more female all right let's go back IRA got another one up here oh darius darius with this with the 678 georgia number what up dude i mom i blurt out real quick you should have done that though you guys sent me an email with your resume please take off stuff you don't want to stream to see be cautious because I lied on it what they'll matter as long as it looks good right have we done no what's your opinion I'm making a personal website that goes along with your resume to showcase projects hey Josh load the channel can you review mine the subject is hi Josh alright let me open some up then okay while you do that you go for it you go for it if you have a weird email please just make a regular email with your name and maybe a couple numbers don't use your date of birth like your birth year as the numbers in your email that's weird but also if you give us an email on your resume that's like sugar baby when - no don't put that but like Hayley rose three four whatever don't don't put your date of birth in there anywhere and don't make it a weird email we see that sometimes I have literally seen sugar baby like don't do that always how that should be rule number one they taught me that in college when she'll learn and go alright go back to Jerry this year these life students get posted yeah they do thank you for all the doughnuts guys you don't do that uh yes I'm really sorry I was I'm a consultant for HR technology now don't want nobody knows what that is nobody knows about HR technology like what technologies like just name some acronyms of software that you use I don't know how to do this without listing products I'll just tell you like do you want to send us an email and say hey what do i how do I submit a marriage change and then you have to email fifteen different places to change it or do you just want to pull up one site enter your change and it's done in like three seconds that's what we do we basically take everybody off of paper and put you own digital make it a lot easier oh here we go otherwise they live in a Stone Age and that sucks have you ever like seen an Excel spreadsheet with five hundred lines of detta in it and then it doesn't open like Bogdan no that's what we're changing Bogdan Microsoft Office Specialist is not worth it it's expected to be able to do everything in there always find a way to make it one page unless you have so much work is do but also ten years ago is not really gonna apply to write it now so make it a one-page as best as you can if you want to list how many jobs you have that's fine but that all those different things you did there you can talk about in your interview but they don't need to be on your resume just put the company and the dates at that point scripted a solution for domain analysis using Python associated active directive libraries so here's the thing with this what did is it what did this do what what was the solution what was the problem I guess Darius here like if you scripted a solution talk about the problem and what have you fixed right that'd be the outcome that's what I'd start with there I'm just serious like I'm just trying to like give good stuff I get into it she can verify I do laughs I make jokes yeah create a business logic documentation worked with the team to develop and design create manual tests I don't know what did what the outcome did you like prevent bugs we need outcomes I still think you put education down there at the bottom when I've kind of talked about this last time I felt like if you're so quiet if you want to do if you want to have a resume that's more than one page for applying in the very beginning and for HR give us one page when you come in for your interview you can bring a resume a hardcopy that's multiple pages for the actual hiring manager if that really is something you want to say but to get through HR we're not going to look at more than one page usually so try to keep it one page when you apply if you want to make additional pages that's cool but bring it for your actual interview and give it to the hiring manager chronological order Mushu 100% all right Jason we'll go to the bottom part here yeah this is not I wouldn't be doing this all right hold on doing what you'll see look you see the age yeah you see Adrian it's not that bad all right so here we go University of West Georgia Carrollton right but I can basically I can see when you started I know how old you are where your college is if it already says Georgia that's just like the actual name well no I know University of West Georgia Carrollton Georgia okay Carrollton Georgia there's more than one yeah but why you need to put that also why is there a period after West Georgia little formatting yeah um you have one bullet point with one word on your second line fix something in your text size your text font something to make that one line I know that's like really nitpicky but it's tough HR cares about all of your other bullet points are one line and tell you that it's a big do you got to get the formatting right you gotta get the formatting right or she's gonna know you can read the rest all of your dates on the right hand side those don't line up so if you're writing code for us and you're gonna or you're gonna design something for us and you're not paying attention to detail in your resume that says a lot put all of those do I have my resume looks similar to this structurally and all of my dates I make sure exactly lined up not even one space out of place yo what's what's HR ladies if she doesn't have an Instagram she has an only fans okay the only fan she has all its XX x HR only X X x1 that's our only fans that's look it's not proud of this it's only fans you might find you might find me on there just saying all right let's go back Darius I hope this helps dude y'all might see a little bit of that the feathered tattoo but that's that's about it can't put any faces in there for sure got a brand I mean what else did I miss also if you're gonna put I won't say that UT Dallas people in Texas are biased to which that you live in so if you don't want to represent that's cool but all right let's do it iliyan em all so that's the name of your universe it is UT Dallas or UT Austin you can put that but don't say UT Dallas Dallas Texas that's dumb it's a waste of time all this can be found on Google yeah but how many of y'all are actually googling it obviously yeah you can know Google thanks serious I hope all my friends do this cuz I don't want a good they just want somebody to tell them who's seen it in knowledgeable let me get Michael real quick thanks 45 by the way help got you I know the people who think they know it's gonna download it alright cool I got a couple all right we're gonna kill you and then I have another one at two more just in mine Stratus all right going back for a printer you reading person with the Masters and a bachelors from Ivy League university is it well I can't read it if you scroll away from it yeah my bad I gotta find this resume hold on family aid some job is fine doesn't nobody knows when you started what you could start working at 16 or you can start working at 22 you will age yourself way easier though with putting the dates of your education or your birth date okay so back to I really is it okay to have your education listed at the top verse at the bottom of the resume Josh they'll tell you to put it at the bottom I think that's an industry thing I have mine at the top because my industry is a little bit different if you went to an Ivy League school though I would put that at the top because that's notable that's interesting it only matters that the company cares yeah big corporations don't care no mana pop and your industry industry you're gonna do you're gonna be in like in code then put it at the bottom here's because what matters is the work you've done but if you're like me and you have some other kind of job here's the here's the thing it's like when you when you say that you went to an Ivy League school right it's like someone saying I took classes in leadership so I am a good leader which it doesn't mean anything right you're gonna take the code test that's gonna have to proof in the pudding right there it's not up to you what oh yeah this is a bunch of good ones Josh finally smiles Semite under Landon Roger that I'm just spending most of strung wait hold on I don't send mine under it's not coming up why doesn't this work Thank You max Gabriel thing all right we're gonna we're like at Ilyas here sure just tell me if you donate for the review what you don't have to do just put in the subject line what you want me to look at because I'm trying to look up emails and they're not coming up and typing in your name can't find all right so this is Ilias Here I am six years working as an admin executive assistant but want to transition into a charge they get a certificate you usually have to have a certain amount of education or experience to get those certificates just read up on HR that's actually a really good transition that's a good field to transition into HR those translate pretty well I would try it just apply to all of them apply to all levels see what you get all right organize these skills like you got all good skills here but they need to be organized I don't mind a ship or not there's no real order we're just trying Robert yeah tell him you were a toast your alumni just don't even put education just put a toaster employee alumni see like 400 IQ employee alumni 12,000 IQ promoted to employee alumni alumni for work is so dumb why it's just a job you guys you kiddin oh here's a huge all right here's one Elliot so use a design test cases in TFS right that's Team Foundation server that's a skill why do you not have TFS up here in your skills selenium-webdriver you can't put webdriver up it up there I'm not a doctor yo y'all too thirsty to actually give the real info this girl only Josh needs that get version control CIC d so that's continuous integration you don't have that up there as a skill but that agile methodology man it's fun yeah you don't have a personal portfolio link either but that let me let me scroll down some create execute test cases I know you can't see it I'm just reading to see there's anything big on here cuz it's fine otherwise education cuz we like people we like to talk and we want to help people and then we become a jar and we go oh man it's not about helping people it's about helping people care about the company and that is sad so you do what I do and you transition out of actually darn it it dried second you do the fund HR all the time alright so Ilya um here's my honest thoughts let me make sure this is blurred out all right here we go so what email do I send to is just Brian room her name is HR lady does their names at HR lady Haley Rose get it HR so here here's the thing you could you could save a lot of space here in my opinion and you could ask some projects like some side projects because if you went to Europe it's an intensive career development program blah blah blah I'm sure you got some side projects or some projects we should see them if you're linking and github I assume there's stuff on there so you should save the space make everything a little bit smaller and add a projects with some links that's my opinion you got a lift bruh the only reason you lift is you gotta look good you gotta be able to lift your girl girls like to be picked up it's true I don't go back it's a girl why does that matter cuz a weird question read me all right oh you just the fake resume all right if this is all fake like let's see this is all right do you have docks informational here how do I scroll up this is taking up so much space that doesn't need to happen this is like a mile long dijanna also you push your phone the wrong here so let me take that up and your address let me take that out take address off an email take that off by my parents a car please read mine it has toast in addition okay alright do you even lift bro that's funny wait don't you owe somebody an AB well I'm not gonna forget don't worry it will do it will do and when we're done with this is anything else alright we're good we're good alright mean that's pretty Wow those dates are really confusing them so why does this take so much space my man you need to have like three columns one here one here and one here and then put this you're trying to fill out the length of your resumes don't do that you want it to be one page don't you don't limit yourself to entry level position just say seeking a position in software development oh that reminds me of one day when I was starting out many moons ago my dad told me seeking an entry-level position is something good to put on there that was like so long ago and he started working so long ago like your dad's a boomer that's what that one was my dad that's cool dad but also don't put this on there you don't put that entry-level here's the thing - John you said software engineer right you said software engineer and you list a bunch of software skills and you admit that this resume is fake and you want to know how I know this is fake even though it looks fantastic you don't have a github link even if you don't have anything on it every developer is gonna have a github link grinder on the resume oh definitely put the grinder on resume grind real where'd you get hub they're not gonna read any further if you don't even have a github in your software developer it's not happen there's so much tension between them are totally doing it after the stream no did we took that before the stream I will do it again after the stream duh duh and then maybe later tonight I think that's it yeah for this only fans on a resume 100% 100% all right I can't it's not coming up you gotta give me all right we got this one Bachelor of education yeah it's not gonna matter you guys did great put your degree yeah but I know especially if your degree does not apply to mature the job you're trying to get put that at the bottom if you want to be a developer and you have a bachelor's and education put that at the bottom always take your GPA off wow that's a lot of bullet points just for education I'm just making sure I'm not gonna box anything okay oh wait they can't see it yet yeah okay all right here we go I miss anything all right so employee alumni yeah one percent so bachelor science expected right I know how old you are I know how old you are [Music] senior computer science team member Python program our ears don't mean anything dude years years on your resume with programming does not mean anything you could have you could have three years experience and you can have one year experience three times it doesn't mean anything there's lots of people that have been at their job for 20 years who still can't do their job you know just because you've been doing something for a while does not mean you're good at it that is not how it works it has to be intentional practice intentional years of experience take those off let them decide what years of experience mean how do I justify a change of profession in an interview is it always a bad thing no especially not now especially with Millennials and Gen Z that's what we do we jump around we like to learn a lot of different things we like a lot of jobs and when we're done doing when we might jump to another one so it's not a bad thing at all explain it think this doesn't matter this takes too much space the only the only one that matters is the one that you graduated from that's it yeah this is fine I guess if you want to keep this cuz your new grad sure but I put at the bottom other skills you're wrong I love doing this you talking about to do this like she's like how much we do this yeah my favorite thing I can do resumes all day every day dude what's for lunch okay I'm doing it for two hours Linux visual studio pizza good I think this is fine I think that you should organize these though and you should swap positions alright where are your projects at I don't want to see activities next I want to see projects I want to see what you can do thanks for the advice hey thanks man why is knowing age bad if you're still young yeah see exactly because you said that because of that sentence why is age bad if you're young acknowledging that young has an advantage is what's bad about that searching salsa dude didn't come up all right let me pull up salsa dude real quick if you trying to rely on your age as a crutch to not good like if you're older and you're like oh well they better hire me because that's not good either no no they don't put age whether you're old or young it doesn't matter you don't want that you don't want that to be an issue one way or another salsa dude doesn't come up also we're not able to make any kind of decisions or judgments based on age anyway so why would you start off with that that's like putting your ethnicity on your resident why would you do that that God isn't spam don't do that that shouldn't matter either and we can all agree on this so don't put it there you never know what somebody is like internal subconscious biases are don't set yourself up for failure I already a YouTube channel I'm gonna go back to Joseph here cuz he donated while back I got you I got you don't worry okay hold on put the music back there we go you want to take over stream over the bathroom yeah don't dock smear do anything what secrets you don't want to know all right I'm gonna meet them like I'll be back momentarily I'm not gonna let her say stuff someone meet the mike kay thanks [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now we're unmuted yes I don't know how it works you got so many things on this yeah I know I can't I need a bigger all right let me get back in how good of a kisser is driving open a terminal I don't know what what's the scale Wow girl it is not ten out of ten there's the door a hundred out ten there we go all right I go back to the lab to find it all right jobs didn't wash his hands yes he did what you talking about you nasty boy all right more HR lady Scylla by you hey thanks i watch the videos every day nope keep hustling we'll support you I make sure rude the dates personal info and provide the github link also provide the github link but organize your skills organize them it takes too much space alright you got everything up here you got the portfolio that looks good full sack web dev and teacher with a passion alright so and teacher you might get popped for side hustle there why cheerful yeah there's some allotted paragraph also you do have a paragraph experience with a host of object-oriented functional programming languages and frameworks we'll see about that I think there's just so much to read we're not gonna read that fall I want to see an organization with a strong mission and positive culture to I wouldn't put that I just put I'd literally just put this first sentence that would be enough oh dude your alignment it's on your answer windings overhears take deep breaths I promise it'll be okay oh no this is where our communication degree comes in handy I can help just take deep breaths formatting is not everything it is when you HR first it is okay if you're gonna design that Paris are you a designer are you trying to design something also take all your lines I know github that's good folio you don't have to put this here cuz it's up here all those underlings gotta go that's good outcome give us give us a metric with end points for users and put like ten in points maybe adds something there I think the mic is popping a little bit is having a side hustle bad thing on your resume yes because they'll think that yeah you'll you'll be the thing that we you'll be using their company as the side hustle so you can focus on your side hustle like basically you're telling the company that it's not going to be your priority if you have a yeah I would change the font of this that's a serif like see those a little feet on the letters and while you're at it make your font all the same don't you so many different the rest is fine technical knowledge alright let me go down to that one real quick you good tiny homes you'd like a refill or drink or some no you good you want a snack or something just making sure you you've been sitting for like two hours here's the McChicken eight thanks mr. Montagne thanks dude technical knowledge we got to talk about this I need to know more about this tiny hole thing thanks Josh you're welcome dude all right webdev work experience software engineer coach that's fine so here's the thing that you should organize technical knowledge should be further up in my opinion because eight all right tell me if I'm wrong tell me if I'm wrong but HR ladies they post something and when they check the resume if the formatting is good there's indent issues right like okay so let's say let's say everything is good yeah they are gonna check the application online and they're gonna compare those skillset buzzwords to what's on your resume right like you are checking if it's a react position you're gonna make sure they got react as a skill on the resume because the job descriptions were looking for aren't written by HR they're written by the hiring manager that's what they want that's not true I've had some pretty dumb things but ever written by people who didn't know what their right meeting it was I'll get there that can happen it's true but those things that they're looking for are usually given to HR so those are the buzzwords we're looking for if we're looking for a Java developer we're gonna look for a job why not put that at the top organize these yeah like these have a place you have front-end back-end right AWS ec2 s3 buckets and stuff right Rena board is way more readability and organization is way more important than how pretty your resume is everybody with all these colors that's cool that if we can't read it if it's too all over the place that's the most important thing for getting notice someone said company shouldn't have any say on your side hustles I agree with that but that doesn't change the reality of it they're still going to think that you are not fully dedicated to their company they're gonna say oh that's great we want people who are passionate outside of work but only really our work they don't want you trying to escape dude they want you fully in they want you know hey Josh Donnie's not working my region k-member your review my promise won't unsub after this talk that dude money you got to give me money can you tell me the subject line I think the rest is fine full-stack software engineering program that's fine everything else is fine design create an 8-piece website for local fence business i imagine you can't give the demo but everything else is fine joseph could have done it without you seen your front end resume Connor thanks man Congrats on the on the job let's see Josh's resume nah dude that's like you can buy it you can buy it if you well yeah it's just based off all the it's a lot it's real simple it's real simple it's one-page and everything that I say is pretty much on there's links here though a general tip for HR is to reject candidates please provide short feedback if we did that for everybody it would take forever we get hundreds of resumes sometimes but if you want feedback email and ask you can always reply and ask us hey do you have any suggestions and we might reply we might not but get her to ask Juliette you don't have to donate I saw yours hey uh thank you for that we'll get to it resume mr. Maundy all right so Joseph hopefully that was helpful by your resume yeah you could buy it if you want to sports the channel it's actually resume in three cover letters you dog look man somebody got to make money to do this cuz ain't nobody gonna hire me again des fax all right hold on I had another one open yeah alright so we got those you got Darius let me get all right I'm Julie yeah we got Juliet here I'll get I'll get the other ones mondo I'll get yours me thank you detectors will come through before they get to HR a lot of times like I'll run through and then we'll go through the ones that we get so keywords are important totally right basil I'm just taking some info off Juliet uh also if you didn't tailor your resume to the keywords for the job description like that's not gonna help you you should totally do that anything I'm missing all right yeah we're good this one is pretty new member what up dude thanks appreciate you so wait we're not sharing it I'm making sure that there's nothing that's gonna dock sir is pretty dope all right I just like the big splash me too but also okay so a lot of them that are pretty like this but I keep telling you that doesn't matter it takes away from the readability and like but this one really helps it's all one tone it's one color it's but it's still pretty like this will help you a design like this is good and everything is still pretty readable there's some other things in here you might want to change like your personal background this long your bullet point should be I think this is hard to prove with a proven track record and mastering new skills and delivering results how can I see the proof is my question it's good to write but how can I see how can I see that also to make your bullet like I know you went to a boot camp but the left side is really cool but make that this should be smaller it doesn't need to take up that much of the page and that will give you more space for your bullet points and help your readability so here's where I would stop at Julianne I would end that right there highly motivated full stack dev specializing in cern + q stack and then the next sentence i would i would i'd take this off because I feel like that's hard to that's hard to prove and then it would be passionate about technology programming and learning new things Chris hits with 25/8 thanks dude you'd have to do that yeah it would I like that a lot passionate about technology and learning new things right so if you want to say you're passionate about something or learning for the 25 if you want to learn new things you're open to learning new things you're excited to learning new things that's a big one for companies because we don't want you to always be stagnant go here's more and then start again there also don't put the whole URL here just say live and demo just have this be demo in life let implementation view monthly such as live chat onboarding that's good I got a skill set here I would indicate that this is a skill section just indent that over a little bit put skills we're dissing team seven one best overall project that's good that's good good okay yeah I'm gonna scroll down some where's my five push-ups you can do it now these are paid for you I didn't agree to this yeah you did this what you sign it for him you're part of the stream you're part of the rewards essa is the multi-level marketing money right if you're retired and rewired or whatever take make sure your links work yes your business helped me a lot hey thanks man just don't just don't get too comfy in the career that's all I'm saying just don't get too comfy play the game if that's what you want but recognize there is a gay big thing yeah that's it you're lying you're lying yep I'll do that so Juliet I think that you should you should organize these a little bit but you got front end you got back end back end skillset you got front end so I would organize these why what am i GeForce pop up right now yeah that's the right one toaster for a life psychology graduated ah yeah I guess you could leave that they're trying to make sure I can't indicate your age from anything I don't think that you need to put this if your entry-level and you have a two-page CV something's wrong your CV should be one page if at all possible especially for entry-level there is no reason it needs to be that long if you're just trying to take up space because you think it's giving you a lot No one page one page especially for entry-level what do you have Julia I would I would start your I started here development with a focused on react no GES along with data tricks and algorithms and I think that this is expected and that's indicated up here he will push up and he will Avril don't worry you should be more energetic dude I'm not PewDiePie That's not me I'm the energy in this situation excuse me I'm the blue eyes in the jawline Bret a little bit more Nick graduated sue in a business analyst me me alive alright what's the subject line all right we got another one we got another one scroll up oh we got mondo super Eric korban oh all right let's do carbon hopefully this helps do it oh it's technical game producers all right so this is supposed to be pretty gross korban got it Rudy a dress that's a good one what's the format preferable for a CV I son mine in PDF and Word PDF is what you always want to send but sometimes they open funny depending on how their settings are what they're opening it with or what kind of computer so son balls can't hurt me it doesn't look pretty nice I'm giving it it also depends on if you're going through a recruiter if you're hiring directly with a company because a lot of like recruitment Demetrios asking for a doc so they can put it in their own thanks for including experience regarding security related bug bounties that have strict confidentiality rules yeah so tell them that tell them that you have an NDA and you're you can't talk about basically in depth because you signed it in to you and they have to understand that it's in the description if you want to join the discord there's a link in the description I have one sky like 20,000 people there tells a channel go check it out thanks for stopping me from daxing myself you're welcome says some eyebrows nothing any of us are Corbin you got your email on there all right yeah so this is good I think your text is tiny bro lays eggs I pay 10,000 to see them smash I'm gonna you see the 10,000 first then I got a I got a see 200 I got a see 200 for k12 bit just for you my man all right all right so here we are I'm you guys probably can't see this I'm a technical game producer forgot to put a message my project section I forgot to put the message my project section right under activities or was it all good yeah so you flip-flop that activities towards the bottom education towards the bottom is skillset projects first everything else is down at the bottom prioritize ok skills dry rough scrum office agile methodologies all right so the real skill set here the real skill set is going to be unreal 4 and unity so does this mean you know see sharp here and do you know C++ because that's what those are built in and if not do you know unreal blueprints and unity I think has like a plug in and if you know any specific plugins for unity you might want to list those there you need to expand on this because these are huge unreal for especially is huge it's just cuz it's an image they're just sending you an image right game titles a still self-funded that's cool I lead cross-functional teams that's good the award-winning commercial game with two million dollar budget 15 plus developers cross-functional teams okay the way he pronounced this gyro zero Jireh China China JIRA gyro whatever you wanna call it don't matter it's like is it data or is it data is it V or is it the I'm looking at the rest education game design networks Awards that works cool side notes I think the only thing I think about this is that it's the Corbin is that the text is really small like you got a lot of space that you can I think you could up the phone a little bit wait what happened oh that one oh wait no this one is hilarious a girl dem eyebrows have been hitting the gym cuz they in shape that's a good one thank you that's it that's a good one what's the cutest thing about Josh no there's one thing you got to pick one thing alright that's enough of that okay okay we're done with that question thank you okay done with that question I'll sell y'all say it looks like Tom Cruise I'm telling you right now go look up pictures of Zac Efron where was the other one on it Demetrios go up Muhammad alright Shepherd wolf so now look finding yours Stratos it's probably in spam let me let me go get to actually hold on two seconds your skills should be relevant and they should be organized shave your head I'm not shaving my head I don't see its shadows what's the title how do I send it that emailed a could we got toothbrushes here yeah don't get baby trap you know watching your count go down yeah it's all good it's all good you can't like you get too enamored with the view count you can't get good content anymore yeah I can't find it alright uh I'm gonna you put your phone number on here Chad I don't think you're getting it Chad you know you don't know what a Chad joke is Oh No explain later all right so don't do this on your resume Muhammad don't do this no one's gonna read this this is a resume not a cover letter how - Josh me a Charlie at the gym I am highly skilled I mean you gotta prove that dude you can't just say that I'm a diligent manager who leads by example all right hold on where's the work experience you okay how many pages is this my man you got to get this on one page Chrissy would I be able to do it yeah what's the title Chris all right so let me let me go back to screen share cuz I'm not I'm not gonna pull up a little drawing actually yeah okay here's the thing with this is that you don't need this just say I'm like this sentence right here this thought that's the only one you got no one's gonna read it no I naturally possess you can't prove that why is it on there you have a unique nobody's perspective is unique in the workplace not really yeah naturally process positive yes so basically take all this out take this all out and just have that this one sentence right there core abilities project management operation science bachelor's degree that's not a that's not an ability science bachelor's degree is first of all that's backwards great work ethics and experience that's at dependable ethics are flexible depending on where you work Chris subject resume review Chris you got to type into subject again I have five million in my in my resend it with Chris C 101 why does that make you sound desperate yeah good also it's irrelevant if you're applying for the job like you're gonna start in two weeks or sooner no big deal report writing and presenting this is not a core ability this is a this is expected of you yep marketing leadership skills that doesn't what does that mean great where's thanks that's debatable like can you prove that no see it out yeah all right let's lose doesn't need to be a section anyway Christie subjects resume review thanks Jess Christy change it rescinded as Chris C 101 all right let me go back I'm gonna scroll down look like let me make sure that your phone numbers stuff on here but I'm gonna show you guys the rest of it and I'm not gonna I'm not gonna pull out a little pencil but look look at this see professional history and we go on to another one and then the bullet point drops off to this page here and what's key achievement fix network server independently this bartender have anything to do with what you're applying for probably not laborer on there but take out your description take all these from here and then I think we have a third page wait and if you're trying to keep your page count down put your dates of employment on the same line as your job title where you works like don't you don't need a separate this up I know it feels like you have more to offer if you have more pages but that's not doing anything but making it really really annoying for a charter eat when you're not getting past your first page all right so here's a question I have it you have skills acquired here right research advanced mathematics experimental investigation I don't that means data collection I don't know that means like did you click the little thing and like Costco to do is a little click thing what is that data collection mean why are your skills acquired why are your different different well you got core abilities and skills acquired and why are they not together please make them all the same like especially in the same line your years the same feel like I'm really being really hard on you I'm sorry this comes with all the love in my heart but you need it goes on down to like have even more take your references off of there unless they ask for it do not include your references and less they're asking for it what's the reference gonna do mmm yeah just put references upon a quest that's the actual words you're looking when we request them like duh if you don't have real money or one page because you have experience you want to fill it all right here's something here's another thing that I'm noticing you have those are the words though okay you have you have skillsets here right project management software what what software that's probably you need to talk about that but you also have core abilities a skill set here and then at the bottom you have to have you have another skill set area so like there it's just all over the place what how do i phrase what i would do is go back in the stream and look at some of the other examples and kind of replicate that also be really careful when reviewing your well when editing your own resume report writing and presenting you have an underscore just hanging out there on the end yeah also none of these are aligned at all whatsoever this is yeah it's kind of we would throw out this resume and not give you a second chance just based on how it put together yeah it doesn't seem like you care about it so why would we think you care about applying to the job let's go to the next one kind of thing Chris we just want to see you care and you took the time that's what matters to HR Christie guy I've got Christie shadows send yours under Stratus Stratus one-on-one if you're still here by the way you do me a solid go grab one of those drinks like the little like the grape and cherry limeade stuff no time out all right Chris you put your phone number stuff on there m'lady I'm gonna remove your phone number Social collectors and thanks for sending it in we're not trying to roast a little bit well we're not trying to roast like too much but we're just trying to like you get a charge perspective on it you know look the views just go down HR gets up views go down is that the last one you all right so I took all that out let me go back here we're good all right here we go so rebuild scheduling app so they'll groove actions that's good you have links to all these things are you are you fighting me on this space here JavaScript go Ruby lisp web pack graph I feel like you're missing stuff like agile right that's a skill that you can have agile a cool name what about what about git and github you got anything with accessibility here space that are slowness could we all right Chris so could you could you give like a metric like reduced page stutter slowness by what percentage Steph calm down with the spam fan maybe acting like these sneaky put it back in Josh that's a good one what do they have to the stream is it jump look all right look we'll give will give the stream what they want here go go for it see look good now the check and freaked out well you could be one of them no you can be one of the side chicks maybe the main chick if you're cool but you give me one alright beyal I was stuttering scrolling not sure how to give a metric all right well just try it like put a metric put 10% 20% put put something there like give metrics if you're gonna give results give a metric took you long enough m'lady bless you with a kiss immediately demonetised excuse me alright let me go back first admission many drugs they use increased by a million sorry rip your ears so for the publication's instead what I would do for the publication's Chris is that I would link I would link to the code and then I would link to the live demo but then I would also link to the publication rather than just indicating these are publication because what's more valuable to the people that you're applying to you is not the publication because they're not going to read it they just want to see that you made it they want to see that it's hosted all that so you have to report that to HR just report that to myself Wednesday still here represent with Stratus 101 all right got it Josh is always happy education I can tell how old you are here yeah I can tell that you're you you were 18 when you started college in 2015 you're 21 four years later nobody cares how long it took you to finish college if you're gonna put a date never put the date you started at the very least yeah don't do it take your GPA off that doesn't matter either you want to put Dean's scholar that's cool to keep that but nobody cares about your GPA take it off if we care we'll verify it in your background check mmm full stack look lacroix project all right well I would link to it here link to like a demo then at least and I hope you got free drinks I think that's it nobody my recommendation so like make this three links put tutorial host demo or whatever and then publication that's probably how I'd do it the sith lady josh came to the dead excited school wait excuse me where's the wedding ceremony I'm not getting married I don't really care if she wants to get married I don't think she wants to get married did GPA matter to employers no only some did oh the chat yeah yeah does that help the paper fan alright Strauss got it really think about that like you're only the man's perspective home and for yourself wait think about it well I mean that's just saying like if if you wanted half my stuff or half my my stuff or have my money fantastic I don't need it alright alright Stratus you left your phone number and your address and a bunch of stuff so let me take that off real quick and then let me put the music back if you guys are enjoying the stream maybe hit thumbs up we've been two and a half hours holy moly Jame time I think a veces your pin thing comes up stop selling out Hey look man should i min give their gaming chairs to the females it's all about room I think she just likes that she wears it wider all right gentlemen let's say that I'm just not all right hold on strattice I'm gonna I'm gonna take out some your stuff here I know how old you are first thing 1% help Chris all right sweetie all right so here we go take off your high school education that's that's not gonna matter and then GPA high school GPA especially doesn't matter because every high school is different and they're not known for anything and that's not gonna matter class of 2014 yeah high school GPA is that they're not all on the same scale but your high school should be out here anyways if you went to college just assumed do you finished high school in some way take it up but I know that you were 18 and 2014 right so I know how old you are I don't need to know how old you are don't do that they're gonna take art so here's the thing if you're all didn't want to hire you if you're young they want to take advantage of you they're gonna overworked and underpaid what they're gonna do if you're too young we all have babies relevant coursework to what like college basic fluency in French what does basic fluency mean does that mean fluency or just basic French I'm sure I read that there should not be a soft skill section on here anyways but if you want to say that you know other languages for the languages section that's fine soft skills you can prove your soft skills in the interview and happier soft skills is can you write a resume I would probably organize these a little bit yo Josh this is helpful I sent mine with subject liPuma Roger that's helpful and you guys like this dream y'all what do we send I was just it's in the email down there we've been live for two and a half hours there's a long stream I was not anticipating this I'm getting hungry alright so I'm gonna scroll down some more I want to see projects availability don't put availability don't put availability it don't work with you on that so you have let me just make sure my contacts all right so take this off availability for full time starting December 2020 that's kind of expected they'll ask you hey when are you graduating and that's when you would say I'm graduating in May next month or something what what are you reading I'm just reading stuff okay design several web api's can you link this team anywhere I don't know if I saw github on there well you have your phone number Monty yeah you don't have a github on here at all dude so Sebastian you have to add your github and you need projects I need to see what you can do and they need to see what you can do where should get help where's your projects that's the main thing that's missing and yeah yep take a Vale ability off and put your education where that is move this goes up I want to watch the stream but I'm in the middle of Ozark yeah the new season I wonder if the new season is any good what up Mike the entire ladies are people table only when they're not at work I don't go to regular HR work anymore I know but I'm just saying you are not regular people when they're at work they are the worst I was cool a jar back then do that's why they kept me behind the scenes this college you go to matter to own it only match the company doesn't matter I don't think so new seasons dope okay I think that's it judge me please I think I missed some uh okay oh and you can't quit until you do you're a pro don't make a liar out of me [Music] mm okay so you took everything off Awards nobody cares about that I mean that sounds mean but like honestly nobody really does let me see you can put your words very short in your work experience at the place that you got him otherwise what is the Pico word I got a PG create eight point six out of ten that doesn't if you want to work in the u.s. that doesn't matter this is helpful for anyone that needs a resume thanks Carl hey Charlie did you know who Josh was before meeting him no no and when he told me to look at his stuff I was like do you want me to do that before after you meet wrote one of the dates that we went on write one of the dates that we went on there was this dude that was like yo what's up are you Josh are you Josh and I was like Eddie I'm just like on a date right now bro are you are you Josh and I was like yeah dude I'm on a date right now and then she started like walking up and I was like looking at her I was like I promise I didn't pay this dude you set it up you know it I'm a guest that gave me some points the cloud points alright let's look at this key prioritized through donations not really but I'm kind of yeah that's kind of yeah max thank you for the twenty right look what happened we went to go like make food the other night somebody was like you're Josh oh my god it's happened a few times we're just walking around I guess this is so this isn't like programming right I would like I want to see videos of this or something like these are just specs but I'd want to see more proof so I guess the awards in this case do matter oh my god it's true I was the guy are you jobless if you were the actual guy where do we go well it's if you were the guy cuz I member you got a tattoo you had a tattoo on your arm where do we go like had a job at all kind of question is that why do these people think that I'm not like super cool on my own I don't make you a task list Oh mondo yeah get your new side hustle cloud booster yeah I don't think take high school off that doesn't matter GPA so nobody understands what eight point seven out of ten Josh the drip fluke I think you missed Dan shake above that's Carl [Music] I think again for interests only we've interests if it matches up with the company that you're applying to like photography enthusiasts if you're applying like Canon maybe I should have done a background check on him can you please give feedback okay Dan okay where is it this is difficult currently developing in solution can you can you like talk about this can you link it can you link what you're building like give people visuals here because that's all they're gonna have they're gonna need more proof that's really good yeah formats good except for your bullet points that one word on the second line fix that change your font dangers David holy moly all right I wonder if my cameras about today yeah we got one bar list oh no it's fine all right I'll do like a few more I mean let me get Dan and we'll do David and then the mando so I'm just gonna I'm gonna cut it off here this is a bit like three hours I'm gonna do it quicker than mondo I don't see you in here by the way well you can see two hours and 40 minutes gets well he is well I just don't look like it yeah you do you're crazy I think I'm taller than everyone thinks in person he's real tall I like informants I like tall he's like all right Dave we'll look at yours real quick Deanna look at your LinkedIn in a second oh no all right yeah sure yeah did you get my email yeah I got a lot I have a job coming you don't need a resume terview got a job coming you already did it uh okay I David I got you rip he's ending it's three hours I wasn't expecting to do another one they want us to do like 24s I'm getting hungry I wanna go outside nice supposed to rain it's nice alright let's go here David I got you so here's here's some that you can't do he's six - yeah I'm six - she's why you like five seven yeah so she's five seven I'm sixty cross team collaboration this is expected programming you can't put as a skill that's too big like what programming what frameworks agile dev you can leave agile there professional communication that's expected troubleshooting or network troubleshooting maybe that's that's vague what are you using to do Network please do mine I'm eight foot three that's like dr. disrespects like six seven or something he's like the tallest dude that I know get the hairdo critical thinking that's expected that's not a what it yeah the programming is too big dude you're not the program I'm five-eleven it feels short it's all good all right IRA get ServiceNow and Linux JIRA Jireh what everyone call it people say it different we got to expand on programming if you want to apply a Fang you're gonna have to expand on programming like big-time right what programming and how come there's no data structures and algorithms in here try being five seven I thought you were way shorter like me or even shorter than you said you're six six - I don't believe they don't believe Santa oh me Becca no they can't see anything yeah what you got yeah pretty tall we're talking it's Tom Oh add lots of the things I like about Josh all right create akivi articles some quality content hey thank you improve delivery service that's good you got results and metrics that's good I'm leaning forward because there's not enough room on this disk mr. Mundy all right I'll type Maundy we gotta do Dan and then money what if Josh was five seven which is yeah what five is five seven what do you think it wouldn't happen that's what you're saying wow rip short people elevate coursework data structures I don't know if that's coursework operating systems I don't know I know you guys can't see it I'm just making sure I'm on Docs you have a second page on this by the way David got a second page you need to fix the formatting because it created a second page I think that's it all right adieu Mon D and then Dan actual Duke will do dance first Kenny come on all right I'm not I'm not gonna do any more I can do any more after I get the last day I was done somebody was gonna do is push up I'm looking for the LinkedIn Dan can you resend it I don't see it no that's not that's not one we got to do hold on mine's a two pager okay chill stream take care a thanks I'm gonna get mr. Monty here thanks a ton you're welcome dude I feel like I looked at this earlier in the stream hopefully it's not actually mr. Monty they're like your actual name is there but I'll zoom out some so I think I think it's one page awesome whatever all right Monty you got a big problem here big big big big big big problem here social distancing not happening you're right alright so let's see um don't rate yourself dude Microsoft Office amber right here don't rate why would you give yourself a 6 out of 10 that's failing 60 percent is failed don't ever rate yourself then also that's your opinion you might say something that makes some things you're like Vives but so here's the software and tools you are rating yourself Microsoft Office suite 9 10 8 10 7 10 17 16 don't rate yourself what is 6 out of 10 Python me maybe maybe that's all you need to do their job which in that case would make you 10 out of 10 for that job right right here so don't set yourself up for anything other than success you don't rate yourself let them write you yeah please make your bullet points creative content can you can you link the pages that you create a content for or can you link the content so for website pages blog and social media link those let's see your kind of content you need the proof take out as a part of my role I take that out yeah you don't have to put as part of my role yeah remove that worked with educational arm of company I active yeah you company name title dates you can put location if you want I guess bullet points of what you did the end they want to know what the company does it can google it everything else is explainable the interview also the more you put in your resume what how are you I wouldn't put recently started working at a company we know that March 2020 we can see that take all of that out I'm settling I'm still settling into my role so let me explain why I'm still settling into my role that might make you sound like a slow learner that might make it sound like you're unqualified for the job it really depends take all of that out you're talking away too much so I am go there marketing professionals over two years experience I think a marketing experience and take that out I would say marketing professional and a creative geek with a flair for understanding how technology can help bridge gaps within a business and that's it yep that's all I would say right there so just make this make that that's a big a but and now all of that yeah that's too much no one page if you want to know my thoughts on more than one page they can't hear you you're way too far if you enjoyed the stream maybe hit thumbs up I appreciate you thanks this whole episode is pure gold he appreciates you reflect that in my thumbs up please just use a framework working on portfolio website dude Alex you can make a portfolio website with with WordPress or Wix it doesn't matter what matters are the projects that you're linking to don't spend a whole lot of time on them on the portfolio as a project like don't try do that should I start mastering HTML and CSS now don't don't master it just to learn enough to build websites that's it just build a static page that's all you need they can hear me everything else is fine yeah but you talk like quieter like if they have to be paying attention she's trying to make it a good experience for the viewers okay yeah I think that's it for this software laughs where's yeah that's true stuff software's plural already mando mando yeah all right Dan I'm looking for use I don't think he's here though push-up time oh no I don't even know how many I have like I think only a few people asked so I got at least two members so that's 10 and I'm will and some AB wheels I got like at least five of those I'm looking at Lou's right now a student pursuing a bachelor's degree in computer science that's fine oddly that's fine this is fine bachelors yeah education bring that down we need to see projects bro so Lou Lou s is the ey lu s yeah Lou s Suzy I don't know how to say it but Oh your name is Lucas all right okay yeah so move move your education mortars at the bottom and then you have academic projects but they're not hosted anywhere I need to see them I'll just I'll quickly show you guys because his phone number is not on here but look home is Herman so education is here right at the top this is the proof in the pudding if you're applying for a job like this all right [Laughter] [Laughter] there we go lift up the shirt now yeah what alright we're done we're done pay-per-view that's the only fans version shirtless version well I hope you enjoyed the stream hope you enjoyed the stream I have fun ah someone donate over 50 now those were pesos my man just came in to see push-ups yeah I get it I guess that's it thanks for being here appreciate you maybe leave a thumbs up before you head out and I'll see you guys what Tuesday I could film a skit now I don't know what I'm gonna do but alright I guess that's it I'll see you guys later they want to see the dogs what a Charlie do it that's a good question alright we'll see you later bye [Music] we'll give the street will give the stream proper ending hey guys hey hey go now that wait alright okay there you go there's what the stream once bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Joshua Fluke
Views: 72,885
Rating: 4.8996096 out of 5
Id: dBZX5FC-Hgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 32sec (10652 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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