DISOWNED BY MY FAMILY - they called me yesterday...#grindreel

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i never really thought this would happen if you haven't been following this story my family disowned me about eight months ago they told me to never talk to them again because i didn't want to pay for my parents rent after supporting them financially for years and years being lied to um loans taken out in my name credit card fraud stealing pawning personal items from me lots of stuff and when i didn't want to support that anymore they said fine don't don't ever talk to me ever again so i'm gonna tell you exactly what he told me and uh i can just say that you guys were right in what you thought and i was wrong you guys were right all along and i was dumb about 10 a.m my phone started ringing and i looked at it and it said family phone two the first thing i thought to myself was how are they calling me right now everyone is blocked and then i thought to myself well maybe somebody died and i answered it and it was my dad and you guys are right about everything almost nothing has changed he called to tell me the truth i don't think it was the truth it's probably half truths and uh everything that happened to me was much worse actually behind the scenes than i ever thought i thought to myself 40 000 times how this conversation would go in my head and it always started off with son i'm sorry or i apologize or some something like that you know i didn't start off like that at all the first words out of my dad's mouth were how you doing boy and that exact tone in that exact phrase and i couldn't say anything to that i was pretty taken back after not talking to him for months and months and months and and and mentally closing my eyes and writing these people off for my life mentally going to their funerals crying for them mourning over it and then letting them go and for him to call me back and talk to me like nothing happened and nothing was wrong and that they didn't steal from me or lie to me upon my items or run up my credit cards or use me for money oh it it went exactly as you guys think it would go and so after he said how you doing boy i said what he said you should just be glad i'm calling because you were never going to call me gaslighting starts immediately and i'd say what he's like so do you want to talk or not because i have other stuff to do like like i came to him you know uh and i said what i i said you can't just pretend like you haven't done anything these past eight months didn't mean anything you haven't affected me i said do you understand how much mental distress how distraught i've been and he just said well you don't even know what i've been through welcome to life son um and he was pretty aggressive about it you know it's crazy the first thing he said to me wasn't sorry wasn't how are you it wasn't we miss you we love you it was just so i just said again you ruined everything between us i have no family anymore i don't want it to anything to do with you and and he said that was then and this is now and i said yeah but that doesn't that doesn't dismiss everything that you've done and the fact that no one's ever apologized to me and he just kept saying that was then and this is now after we got over this uh little initial phase of just fu no fu um i said all right so answer some questions for me and i just pulled myself back purely from like a analytical point of view scientific point of view just because i wanted to know what was really going on and the first thing is he told me that he's never watched any of the videos that i've ever made about this situation he told me that my grandparents told him not to watch them because i just trash him and i talk about how they stole from me and lied to me and ran my credit cards up and crashed my car and hit and run and got in an accident and raised my insurance and you know just lied to everyone and and that's true i do talk about that um he said he's never seen him because he doesn't want to have any hard feelings against me um and that's what he said he's like yeah i don't hold any grudges against you josh i just want you to know i don't hold any at all and to and to me it's like hold grudges against me for what for supporting you for five years financially after you take and take and take from me you're not gonna hold a grudge because i tried to help you okay okay boomer you know and that's what i'm thinking in my head as he's saying this and hr lady was there hr ladies parents were there in the background and i've explained this situation to them and how everything went down and how my parents are and how my family acts towards people and i think i i think they believed me when i told him everything but for them to hear how he actually is on the phone was like wtf for them and it was pretty embarrassing for me to have my dad talk like a teenager to me in front of hr ladies parents but anyways he told me that he's never seen any of the videos because he didn't want to be mad or end up holding a grudge against me he also told me that my grandparents that told me to never talk to them again and you've crossed your last bridge with me never actually told him that they said that to me i said hey dad you know what your parents said to me you know why all this happened and he said well i've been told not to watch the videos i said but yeah but do you know what they said to me do you know why i made that video it's because your parents told me to never talk to them again and to have a nice life and i hope you can enjoy living the rest of your life without your family and he didn't believe me at first he said my my dad said that to you yeah yeah he did well what did you say to him to make him mad josh uh i just said i don't want to pay your rent so i don't know what's going to happen he said really well i'm sure i'm sure you said something to make him mad before that nope never talked to my grandpa that way before there's always some semblance of respect there but they lost it all when they wrote me off and so that's why i made these videos so essentially my dad has never watched any of them not any of the videos about the cult church camp that they sent me to not any of the videos about the time he tried to predict the rapture and gave everyone uh pamphlets about the lord coming down to to take everyone away except my family like he's never seen any of the videos that i've ever made and i think it's because my grandparents want to frame me to make it look like i hate him specifically when the majority of these videos are directed at you grandparents yes my parents have done a lot of wrong and i've talked about that but you framing this to make it look like all i do is talk trash about my dad is messed up because in every single video that i've made i defended my dad everyone said he's on drugs josh i said no he's not said he's a gambler josh no he's not everyone said yo he's he's he's doing this and that and i said no he's not he's a good guy in plenty of my live streams and plenty of my videos and for you to frame it to look like i'm the bad guy he's so messed up now we're not dismissing what my dad has done but that is messed up so let's let's get into let's get into how what was really happening behind the scenes my dad told me that uh [ __ ] my dad told me that my mom and my sister were all on drugs bad drugs heroin meth cocaine and uh he wasn't he was just enabling them uh he he told me that my sister introduced heroin to my mom and uh my mom got caught up in it and that they needed money to support their habit so i asked my dad why did you enable this why did you knowingly lie to me saying that you need money for rent or for the doctor or for this or that and he said it was to protect them he said otherwise if we didn't get the money they would go steal and sell stuff on facebook marketplace and he told me that he enabled that too he told me that he would drive them to stores wait for them to go inside and steal and then come back just to know if they got arrested or not and i said why would you enable that why would you use my car for that and still not an apology he told me that they did get caught my sister did get caught and she went to jail from nine months on and off and i again i i asked i said why would you do that unless you are partaking in it you know are they giving you a cut of the money after they sell stuff on facebook or let go or whatever it is are they giving you a portion of the drugs why would you do it otherwise you know this is wrong and you you should send them to jail or kick them out and you just kept saying i can't do that to my wife i can't do that to my my daughter whatever and i couldn't tell you because i know that you would have done it i said yeah you're right but you continue to lie to me for money still no apology and i had to stop him midway through his bs explanation and say you realize you haven't apologized to me for anything that you've done at all and he said word for word well i didn't lie to you josh i just didn't tell you and i had to i had to sit there and say so dad you telling me you need money for groceries but really taking that money and going to give it to my mom and my sister for drugs isn't lying and he said well well yeah i'd have to say that's a lie but i did buy groceries with whatever was left after that i said how does that make you feel knowing that you lied to your son and he's like well i did feel guilty about it you know and i felt guilty about it every day i was like that doesn't change anything especially when you don't apologize and i said how how could you just you know i i asked my dad what were they doing how are they getting it they said well they drive all over the place to get it or i'd have to drive them so in the video where i say how did 40 000 miles get on my car since the time i've given it to you and you don't even have a job well now we know it's because they drove all over the state of utah to get drugs i guess i have indirectly financed the drug habit for my family and that feels bad to be clear they're not in utah anymore they're all in georgia but while they were here they were lying to everyone asking everyone for money they'd ask my my grandma for money my other grandma for money and me for money and then they'd get money from all three of us and not tell any of us that they got money from us and they'd spend it all on drugs my dad said they were spending like 200 a day i was doing my taxes yesterday and uh i looked at the money i gave them in just three months it was ten thousand two hundred and forty three dollars before i cut them off and um yeah i i asked i asked how did my mom get into this i would never in a million years picture my mom as a crackhead as an addict and my dad said well i think she just did it out of boredom and i just lost my [ __ ] i said dad out of boredom why didn't she just work and get a job no i don't know son um he said that my sister introduced my mom to it and and and to me thinking i knew my sister smoked pot i i know my mom would occasionally do that but i didn't ever think that they would leap to that sort of level and um that's what they were doing i asked how they do it so there's just needles everywhere in that house and he said um no they would smoke it oh okay that's so he got a bunch of crack pipes in there instead and then he was like no no they use a tinfoil and a straw and then a lighter and i was like how do you walk into your bedroom and see my mom doing this and not want to slap her you know how do you walk into that and just ignore that and pretend like she's not doing that and just and then continue to call and ask me for money you know i said i i i told him you looked me in the eyes man-to-man many many different times and you said josh i i swear on my life i swear to you that this money is going to groceries and the doctor bill and he lied and he admits yeah i did that yeah i lied so i said dad what's what's to get me to believe you that you're telling me the truth what's to get me to believe that you weren't partaking in those drugs and you're just throwing them under the bus so that you can look like the good guy he's like well that's up to you josh you can believe it or not take it or leave it like that's like i went to him my dad also told me when he was telling me this stuff do not make a youtube video about this okay i'm just talking to you man to man okay honest to honest and i'm just thinking to myself i'm definitely going to put this in a video you lost the right to tell me to not talk about something long ago and if what you say is true you don't watch these videos anyways so you won't see this video and if you do see this video i imagine you'll call me up and you'll say something like josh i can't talk to you anymore because i can't trust you joke's on you dad now you know what it's like when someone lies blatantly to your face he said that my sister and my mom also did other drugs like meth and cocaine and that i was indirectly supporting that as well when i took the car back i found a bunch of ash in there guess what heroin ash all kinds of illegal substances when i was cleaning out the car that i took back he told me that he tried to put my sister into rehab here in utah but she kept running away i never knew anything about that he told me that he tried to put my mom into rehab here and she kept running away i was never told anything about that when i eventually bought a plane ticket for my mom to go back to georgia to be a caretaker for her dying father she went and did that and then after he passed away my mom started using and stealing his pain pills he was gone he didn't need them anymore my mom's popping my dead grandpa's pain pills and my grandma found out about it and they came back to utah see now i've been under the oppression that it was just me and my dad in utah since i sent my mom to georgia to go be a caretaker my mom would constantly tell me oh i'm taking care of of your grandma now that he's gone i'm helping her cope with things but she wasn't she got sent back to utah and she was here and so in this video where i go and take my car back all three of them are in that apartment and if i had gone to knock on that apartment door to ask for the keys to my car back my mom my sister and my dad were all three in the basement of that apartment smoking heroin meth crack cocaine whatever they were all in there doing it and i never knew that i never knew that they were all still here and my mom would tell me please help support your dad josh he's really struggling i'm here in georgia i'm trying to help your grandma but she wasn't she lied to me and she was in utah telling me to help support my dad which really meant help support me support my drug habit and that was [ __ ] insane to hear my mom chose drugs over me i asked my dad well is she clean now my dad said that she went to a rehab for a couple months but now she's working full time my dad said that he's working full-time my dad said that if she ever does anything like that again he'll leave her i asked my dad does my mom ever ask about me i kept referring to her as her name and he kept saying stop you can't refer to her she's your mom i said no she's not my mom she's your wife she's just some lady to me you can't say that about your mother and i said no i can say whatever i want about her my sister your parents whoever i want he's like you can't you can't talk about your family like that and i said damn it dad i am a 30 year old man you cannot tell me what to say i will say whatever the [ __ ] i want [ __ ] off if you think any differently and he paused and kind of took a step back because i think he realized that if he doesn't calm down try to tell me what to do you know i'll just hang up and i should have done that anyways because this conversation wasn't going very well um but you know i basically had it it's i've gone through this conversation a bazillion million times in my head and never in a million years did i think it would go this direction never in a million years that i think my mom would pick drugs over her son the same son that she held like this when i was eight years old kissing me on the forehead saying i will always love you you'll always be my first first burn first born son like i can't even talk but like you're [ __ ] dead to me dude even if you get clean you know i don't care have a nice life without me my dad told me that my mom would get sick after her withdrawals or whatever and and tell my dad to just call josh see what he can see what he can give us he has money we're really sick please help us and he would give in and do it why why would he enable this instead of just sending them to the police and getting them out of this house i don't know do i think that he was partaking probably i think that probably he was on drugs too and he doesn't want to admit it because why else would you do that to your son what really got to me was when i would message my grandma the same grandma that told me don't worry josh one day you'll have no friends or family just like you want for asking my grandma to ask my mom to get a job but my grandma knew that my mom wasn't there with her my grandma knew that my mom was back here in utah and when i would say grandma why don't you just make her get a job well i don't know what she's doing but you know that she's not there she's here and when you say well please help support your parents please honor your mother and father you know i'm directly supporting their drug habit and no one has ever told me sounds like you don't want to deal with them and you just put it on to me my dad also admitted that when he came over to hang out he admitted that it was a lot easier to manipulate me in person for money than it was over the phone or text because i would just ignore those i have some screenshots from a year or so ago me messaging my dad asking him to take this post down because i saw a post of my sister selling apple stuff on facebook marketplace and i said dad where did you get this because it was posted from his account and i said where did you get this apple phone these apple ipod this apple airpods whatever like i know you can't afford that where did you get the money for this and how are you selling it on facebook marketplace that's because they stole in this message here my dad says anyways don't be mad at me i know nothing again he knows he's lying directly to my face here he knows my family is stealing to sell for drugs like i would do that anyhow just reading this now like after he admitted to everything that actually happened um so much lies and you can see it i told him dad you got to delete this post from your facebook account or you're going to go to jail for fencing stolen goods dude he says anyways i'll figure it out and delete what's needed being that i don't know what all's been changed or et cetera but don't be mad at me i'm an innocent bystander that's what you said i'm an innocent bystander when you full well knew that you were lying to me to get drug money i can never trust anyone in my family ever again i can never trust my dad again i can never trust my mom again i don't even know why i picked up the phone at this point you know does it show some good intent to him telling me the truth sort of but i don't think he's telling you the complete truth do you guys do you think there's more to the story i do my dad heavily heavily implied to me yesterday that my mom and sister stole from drug dealers and that he had to protect them my dad told me even when i wanted to tell you josh i couldn't tell you and i said why why couldn't you tell me what was going on behind the scenes he said because i needed to protect them they were going they were going to get killed they pissed off the wrong people he said they met up with a bunch of bad people he said they spent days and days just uh hunting down different dealers wherever they could find them uh i mean if you re if you look at this text right here like it's almost incoherent it looks like he's on something himself my dad told me after i took the car and cut them off he did he did say that's probably the best thing that you could have done for us i'm sorry that i had to turn out this way but it's probably the best thing now that's one thing he said that kind of seemed genuine but most of this conversation was like i don't feel like i'm believing what you're saying is the full truth you're just deflecting any responsibility and making up reasons but anyways after i took the car and cut my family off they got a car and drove back to georgia all three of them and stayed at my grandparents house the ones that told me to have a nice life and uh he told me that he tried to put my sister into a rehab there but she kept running away from rehabs there he told me that the night before she was scheduled to go to rehab she ordered a taxi took the taxi all the way across georgia to go get some drugs dipped on the taxi got out ran away gave you know gave a false address got out ran ran away to the drug dealer's house close by and then got a bunch of drugs ordered another taxi and did the same thing on the way back showed up like 4 a.m in the morning and then when she went to go to rehab that day she had to take the drug test and she flagged for 5 out of 10 of the drugs meth heroin cocaine marijuana something else like and so then she went to the rehab she was there for like a day and just walked walked out my mom walked out of one the next day apparently she went to another one and stayed for like two months but it was a church-based rehab and you know the churches that i went to right so she didn't make it for the full three months she quit after two months is she clean i have no idea but my dad said that he never did any of it so he didn't go to rehab i don't know if i believed that so right now he said that my sister is homeless but occasionally she'll pop in i don't know why he would allow that again she knows that she's still doing drugs he said that everyone thought that he was on drugs but he kept denying it and he feels really resentful at the family for them thinking that but what's really interesting in all of this is the time that i went to go to his house after the ex-girlfriend cheated i went over there same day i just wanted someone to hug just someone to talk to couldn't call my best friend because he's the one who cheated with the ex-girlfriend so i went over there knocked on his door and he wouldn't let me inside the house right he wouldn't i've talked about this a few times he wouldn't let me in and it was because my mom and sister were in there with their little tinfoil and their straw and their lighter doing heroin and he came outside all kind of fidgety too he says that's stress do you believe it but that was interesting i asked him about that i said so is that why you wouldn't let me in when i came to visit you and he said yeah because they were in there i didn't want you to see that he also told me that when he when he came over to get money he couldn't stay very long because he just came over to get the money for them because they were getting sick and having withdrawals and he had to be back so he could take him to go get more you know resupply and re-up my sister's never talked to me i don't care if she does or not she's trash my mom i guess she just never never asked about me anymore um i don't know dude it's weird it's really really weird to think that your mom chose drugs over you and i'd probably be like people that are people that are watching this like well they'll do anything they can to feed their habit it wasn't personal you know i regret like i don't care if she regrets it later in life [ __ ] her i'm done i don't care if any uh you know i'm just done dude and the fact that my dad tried to get me to not say any of this on a video is is a joke when he said that i almost had to laugh to myself and i'll put this in a video you don't get to decide that anymore dude you can't just call me up and pretend like nothing happens and if you you didn't even say sorry you just say well i just wanted to tell you what happened and hopefully you know things are good they're not they're not good it's even worse than i thought it was and there were even more lies behind the scenes than i ever even knew i never in a million years thought my mom was doing drugs you know my sister would maybe do some dumb stuff like that but i think he's trying to frame it as they're worse than he is it was like a four-hour long conversation i i just took down notes of everything that was like oh so that was a lie oh so that was a lie and he just kept saying yep that was a lie yep that was a lie and i said so how can i believe anything you're saying and he just kept saying it's up to you take it or leave it it destroys me to know that when i went to go get that car back my mom and my sister were inside and i would have found that out what's interesting to know is that my family knew that my mom and my sister were here at my dad's house and they knew that i thought that she was with them and no one ever told me so again big middle fingers to the family for not being transparent and telling me what is going on when i am the only one in the family trying to be an honorable son and help people get back on their feet and you demonize me and you tell me don't ever talk to me again and you tell my dad that all i do is talk trash about him when you guys are the one that started this you still have yet to apologize to me you have still never apologized for saying i hope you can live the rest of your life without your family yet you continue to support my dad and my mom and whatever but she won't apologize to me it feels really weird to know that i've united my family at the cost of myself i just remember telling my dad do you you've never watched the videos right he said nah i never watched the videos i said so you never saw the video or i went to come get the car and he said oh you have a video where you're taking video of you taking the car back and i said yeah but if you had watched it you would have known how much it destroyed me inside to do that to my dad and it wasn't a video of me just insulting you and trashing you it was just a video of me showing everyone how hard it is to cut your parents off when you're their son and you want to help them succeed in life but you've never seen the video so you can think whatever you want yeah you've done some really messed up stuff to me but that video was not me trashing you it was me defending you saying that you don't do drugs saying that i don't think you're a gambler saying this and that i saw the best in you and if you had watched them you would have known but my grandparents framed it so that all i do is just talk trash and i've defended them to the t in the comments mom i hope that you enjoy the rest of your [ __ ] life without me you [ __ ] crack head because that's what you are once an addict always a [ __ ] addict you chose drugs over your son unforgivable you knew that you were lying and manipulating same thing to my sister same thing to my dad honestly in my head of course i've imagined a few scenarios where everything is good and jolly again but we all know that's never going to happen and as much as i wanted in some way to have contact with them to hope that they were doing well in life when i got this call and they told me everything that was happening i didn't want anything to do with it i was firm in the decision i had made you know if i never talked to my dad again after yesterday i don't actually care i really don't care this isn't some story that goes oh things are headed back in a good direction it was more like things haven't changed you guys would say these people never change these people are the same you know they might try to come back again later and you were right they don't change same situation different day and what's funny is that my dad told me that if my mom ever does drugs again while they're married he'll leave her this time is different and i said dad you understand what you're saying about her it's like how i was treating you i said every month is the last month for you and he says yeah i know and i said so how's that different he's like well i'll know if she's doing drugs or not i said how are you gonna know you guys work different days you're never home at the same time he says well i have the car and i said well people come deliver then they'll drop off he's like well i get the money and i was like what about her tips she works at a job that gets cash tips how you know she's not keeping a ten in the pocket and giving you the rest he says well i'll know if she goes anywhere because i have a i have a phone tracker i don't know exactly where she's at talking to my dad was the literal definition of the narcissist prayer which goes like this that didn't happen and if it did it wasn't that bad and if it was that's not a big deal and if it is that's not my fault and if it was i didn't mean it and if i did you deserved it that is how my family has treated me um how i came out so differently i don't know apparently my grandparents have told my dad that h.r lady's dad and i are like best friends and he's been replaced and i said dad look at what you did he's like oh really so you're just going to forget about me an hr lady's dad is sitting right on the couch next to me he says this stuff and he just looks over at me and i look at him and hr lady's grandma is terminally ill with brain cancer and lung cancer right now hr ladies dad he reached over to me and he put his hand you know tapped me on the leg put his hand on my leg and he said your new dad's got to go take care of his family josh he said i love you man and then he got up to go support his family and that basically drove it home hr ladies family is good people i'm very lucky to be here and to know them actually let me show you the messages a little i just i won't show the screenshot or anything but it's just on my facebook uh a little after yesterday hr ladies dad was like you're more of a man and a father without even having kids he said you have not only become my friend but i also consider you my family my son-in-law so to speak and i'll take that over being a son to my biological person anyways that's the update it's kind of a rant go watch the other videos if you want some insight into how everything is gone and how my perception has shifted to try to help people in life and don't get taken advantage of and don't be too nice that's all i gotta say
Channel: Joshua Fluke
Views: 352,319
Rating: 4.9224281 out of 5
Keywords: joshua fluke, code bootcamp, javascript, how to code, web development, brand, developer interview, developer jobs, corporate cringe, divorce, story i dont talk about, entrepreneurship, digital brand, disowned by my family, disowned
Id: JgLqA4HsiIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 1sec (2161 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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