David Dobrik Busted Again & We Went To Britney Spears Conservatorship Trial & - After Dark #58

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Love how innovative they were by getting AB and Olivia to film on a calculator!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 271 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/anon_aynawn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I cannot with all the people in the chat screaming ethan was going into anaphylaxis.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 196 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Whatthedarknessdoes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Cam wins the award for best roommate story πŸ†πŸ’¦πŸ‘

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 140 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/peace_among_worlds πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

It’s so chaotic and off the rails and pixely and itchy. I love it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 121 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pm_nudesladies πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

the story about Arabs is so spot on for how Arabs are, down to the accent (at least in my family) i couldn’t stop laughing at β€œBokemon” - and explosive loud drama only to be shoved aside over some tea

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 119 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/toonamagoopy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sleep well in your Benadryl coma, fuppa king πŸ™ŒπŸ»

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 94 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Meowryse πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Loved AB and Olivia on the street, great segment idea. I hope they keep doing events like this in the future. (and I also hope at&t has better service next time)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 206 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SuperCrateBox πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was such a banger episode, me and my boyfriend were in tears laughing

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 57 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Unhealing πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I hope Ethan is no longer itchy 🀞🏻

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 56 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Wintertime13 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
there's tomatoes in the chat and the dislike button is being smashed well guys i have to first of all thank you for being here happy friday i have to warn you guys we learned that if you hit the dislike button you may not see our videos why yeah exactly really we were watching the video about um them getting rid of the dislike button and the guy said you can still use the dislike button and we'll take that you know signal to affect your recommendations no signals so guys put that heard that dislike button really hurts me no signals you may not see our podcast in fact i'm going to urge you guys maybe to even like the video at this point which i've never done in my career as a youtuber because apparently liking the videos you probably have done it well hey guys welcome to the podcast please like and subscribe so i'm going to have to start doing that now please like [Music] uh god i don't know what happened to be my i'm like blotchy um i've got like a crazy blotch here you got like a rash all over your beard under my beard it's so itchy i'm itchy all over my body i don't know what happened to me i'm melding and blotching we found out that he used some kind of face wash last night that i think was too old i think we've had it for like a couple two or three years i didn't think that stuff went bad i don't know but maybe just face wash well it did mess me up look how blotchy i am i'm a freak you guys don't look at me has anyone got a paper heart has anyone got a paper bag i can wear over my head [Music] it's not that bad though yeah you're being nice and so it's all under your beard you can't even no but this part bothers me this blotchy spot here i gotta see a dermatologist or something freak anyway today's episode is sponsored by expressvpn and raycon thank you we got a really fun episode today check in with a b by the way today is the judge is going to be deciding [Applause] if the conservatorship is being cancelled i didn't know that really yeah well a b if you can if you can go over to a b um he's there live on the scene waiting for the announcement a b we've got a on live we got a live recording live action h3 action news that's the same testing coming in loud buddy how's it going are you just on your phone man i am on my phone but i have a good microphone good mic the sound is great the audio is pretty crap but the audio is great yeah you in the video the video what did you say listen you guys you gotta read between the lines everyone knew what i meant wow there's lots of excitement there's a lot of people tell us about the uh yeah tell us what's going on there so me and olivia just got here can i have you excuse me if i cut myself off good good maybe olivia should hold the phone eh hi olivia like why why is she there if not to help no she was holding the phone we were having problems switching it around yeah evie's like thank you i'm just gonna hold this and it's gonna look anyway that's that's much better yeah a lot of people out here for brittany a lot of people dressed as brittany oh stations how's the energy down there people feeling optimistic it seems optimistic you want to interview hopefully the tides don't change let's get some let's get some interviews going yeah i'm trying to find some interesting characters well find the go talk to the dude with the big ass sign all right that's probably your best bet you're honest [Laughter] olivia said i'm nervous i'm not nervous but i can't maybe you can do this man i believe in you cutting cutting edge stuff here guys he is running around i'm surprised how come the video is so poor i mean that would be t-mobile oh you think you think the 4g network is getting sapped yeah that's why you need to uh get uh mobile okay thank you good plug yeah find someone with the sign ab okay all right we have some britney impersonators one second that worked okay but i'm not going to hear you guys okay go ahead let's get yes going to the furthest possible person in the crowd maybe maybe let him go find somebody set it up no this is interesting i like this okay so how's it going would you guys be interested in doing a quick interview of course okay so my name is a.b i'm here from the h3 podcast no how are you guys good how are you good so what's going on here today so i am zach zilla and these are the lovely britney spears that we love so much um yeah so i have a song called hashtag free britney and i just want to be a part of the movement um it's about human rights and you know messages whatever you love to do is your superpower whether that be artist dancing i think britney spears can we get an example it's your power that's being a sale is all about and uh yeah we just want to join the movement this is really fun and lively yeah can he be can he say he can't hear me he can't hear us why is that he can oh so the host of the show wants to know if you give a sample real quick yeah your song yeah okay uh acapella yeah you can perform it yeah that guy's not wearing he's wearing do you wanna all right here we go what are we doing uh we'll actually like just dance you guys do want to do the breakdown yeah yeah yeah we're gonna do that we're gonna dance okay then give us a breakdown there we go all right it's exciting free brittany okay they're preparing for this breakdown baby seven eight bam [ __ ] hit it hit it they're saying one more time they're in sync this is beautiful i'm loving what i'm seeing damn does anyone else think that dude looks like onion that was awesome i wish they could have got some of the audio on that beautiful britney queen and pop we stand our dream is stay free again show your love for brittany it's a pop emergency 9-1-1 yeah we can save the girl who made us dance all around the world like that maybe tell them what's your name one more time my name is zach zilla zach exactly thank you so much thank you so much ladies thank you tell them tell them there's 27 000 people watching i want them to know that there's 27 people 27 000 people watching right now he's not impressed let you guys know that 27 000 live viewers just saw you guys perform oh my god thank you so much thank you so much all right guys thank you we just gave him he said he loves how shady we are so maybe he doesn't know who we are um here's what i want to do but uh olivia is going to give me your messages oh sh you can oh so olivia here's what i want to do guys when you find someone interesting or something to show you you you okay she's not in your head all right let's just yeah when he's nodding so keep your chat when you find something interesting tell dan and we'll bring you guys back on okay okay good thank you guys thanks for the reporting you guys are doing great we got a time that's pretty exciting we got a live report up there very exciting what a thrill i love it little dancing a little singing to start us off on friday that's exciting i'm sure there's gonna be other exciting things so the conservatorship is going bye bye this britney is free to be hopefully right oh speaking of uh a free legend gabe what's gabe what's going on this friday i just got new tires okay that's pretty good nice michelin charge the best yep the best tires there is how big is the ride when i get michelin tires what's the size it's big yes it's the premier l xto do you know what the tire do you know what the air pressure is inside there [Music] dude i don't know why but no no connections aren't working today yeah today's the day of bad connections it's one of those days all right gabe well thanks for calling in we love you we we know i don't have to wish you a happy friday i know you're gonna have a great friday all right all right gabe you take care buddy thanks for checking in okay you keep crushing out there you have a great weekend all right love you buddy gabe white clock gave everybody on cameo and everywhere you can find him something in the air blocking the uh yeah the signals today i think it's the uh vaccine oh you think the 5g vaccine is yep we're all too vaccinated in here yep bro give me i i want that 5g as whatever makes the internet work for them i'll take yeah so a little bit of a plug here at the top of the show tomorrow's our teddy fresh pop-up as we kind of discussed we're not going to be there we had to cancel because we don't want pregnant hila to get covered and i know with the meet and greet there's going to be lots of hugging and shaking hands which i love i would love to do we i just feel like that's what it's about like otherwise why would you do a meet and greet if you have to like stand behind a flat plexiglass and you just it's prison hi so but i i am really sad that we can't do that but i hope that everybody still goes because the event is going to be really cool really awesome the event is going to be amazing it's tomorrow from 12 to 8. the address is here on the flyer on all of our social medias 4441 sunset boulevard and you're going to get the looney tunes 4441 sunset boulevard yeah i mean it's possible i read it wrong though so not to get defensive yeah um you're going to get the looney tunes collection a week early there's going to be free food with purchases from uh monty's monty vegan burger it's beloved here in l.a yeah and then this is also called this activation the spray paint we've posted the gentle thrills is going to be doing free spray painting [Applause] or heat transfers we got both she's so cool i love her oh she's so cool yeah she is so cool she really is and that's like really cool yeah um and there's gonna be nails i did it on myself to show are you gonna post that on the social me the teddy fresh social media because i want to but yeah um i was supposed to take pictures with abe oh [ __ ] okay i got it um so these are like teddy fresh little decals that you can get on your nails so it's gonna be a fun event i hope you guys make it i'm sorry we won't be there though um anyway by the way also you want to show off the one of the pieces yes because this is kind of the first might be my favorite one except for the jacket but it's taz a different pattern sick so airplane go down a little bit yeah right there there you go how sick is that nice beautiful well anyway teddy fresh yadda yadda this jacket is live today by the way if you like the one i'm wearing this is already on the website okay thank you that's enough vlogging well actually now we have these articles about you it's too much plugging let's wait until the end okay i uh i'm being informed that we have a uh old man ready for interview bring them all for god's sake all right stand by here i'm gonna ask about you right now so we are going back to our live reporter abe who's on the streets of the freedom hey guys i'm here today with mr great donovan hello kids would you like to tell us a little about who you are and why you're here today yeah i was the former goodwill ambassador for beverly hills i used to see several celebrities including brittany shopping and so on and i it just touches home um now today's historical day and she's i believe this is the day they're going to end the conservatorship so and it's not just for britney it's for the whole world because people that are taking advantage of now it's kind of opened their eyes right so i had to be here i took the day off have you been a british fan for a long time well i i i i i always admire the music i got i'm not a big big fan super fan but i'm i am a fan what's the significance of his house and i had to come here just to support some of the organizers right it's more about the convert conservatorships in general exactly outfit anything you like to say yeah outfit free britney this is the day and it asks about that outfit it's the end of conservatory ship abuse oh yeah these were designed for me many uh brooks brothers briony uh battalia several because when i was in beverly hills and i i own the image uh if i look familiar i've been doing this over 22 years from beverly hills now i'm in hollywood and um and yeah so it's yeah this is uh yeah it's uh oh wow very nice he seems kind of like a fake fan though i'm just curious let's read the sign for christ's sake expose corrupt los angeles county probate court remove the free britney what's under there yeah somebody gave that to me i don't know the whole details i want to read it anyway i want to read it he's covering something i was a big fan very sweet if you guys are wondering why i'm holding my hands like this it's because my hands get shaky so just so you know but nothing let's get back to brittany don't worry there's not enough resolution to see your handshake thank you all right take care interesting characters down there today a b being one of them i can't believe that guy exposed himself that quickly thank you not a fan of brittany oh lovebots going april over there he's more about the movement like you said he seems to have a specific issue with the probation whatever happened to her should not happen to anyone it's estimated jesus christ well dan can't move i know that i'm logged all in yeah sorry about that [Laughter] all right let's try to actually so by the way regarding um yesterday's thumbnail we had a nice little click bait and i kind of want to reveal the backstory behind that because there's always really interesting stories here behind our clickbait guys we don't just click bait indiscriminately right it's actually very sophisticated so this one is i had to get emergency surgery and you guys are going to love this so here's the inspiration from the ace family check this out look at this same isn't that awesome revealing my new body ma'am mommy makeover nailed it mommy makeover in reality you guys got scammed four weeks ago she's wait is she really just doing arm lipo that's awesome you think they have better things to spend their money on like i know this is an elective this is not a urgent surgery i need that clout it's mommy makeover day today guys i am lipoing out of my arms it's my beautiful new makeover [Laughter] so that's fun yeah just a little explanation there but um we're gonna continue the surgery saga next week i'm really excited about what we're working on big plans the surgery saga you say or clickbait saga oh well we clickbaited that i was getting surgery oh okay but we're continuing that story yeah and i don't want to spoil it i i shouldn't even brought it up but i'm really excited okay god my beard is so itchy ela what the [ __ ] what's happening to me there's something we can get you to put on there but why am i like why am i why am i just happening some serious asmr going on with the rubbing the beard under the mic yeah it's kind of nice well i'm in pain glad it's enjoying you are you glad you're liking it i'm dying olivia says they have somebody else on standby already okay i think i need a way to communicate with abe for this to really work yeah we should um without revealing the sauce too much um that that was happening just prior to going live so i'm not uh exactly sure why we're having if we can get a phone up to abey's ear with me talking i think what happened he gave the phone to olivia and the headphones are connected to that no it's well it's wireless is it um yeah so well let's get them to work on that before they bring out the next person okay i'll do it to master whatever plan you guys uh all right mastermind right sounds good in the meantime dude check this out i got this hey you need beard oil beard oil yeah otherwise your skin gets all [ __ ] up if you don't get beard oil i gotta lube my beard dan you have a baby i think it's in it's whatever this old product you used last night i think it just irritated your skin do you what's your beard regiment dan and ian uh i i do have some beard oil that was gifted to me at one point um and i do have to say that it you know i like once a week or something i'll kind of like after i shave spread it through a little bit but i i believe it's to moisturize the beard itself not the skin underneath i use normal moisturizer for for the skin how do you get under the beard the moisturizer what i don't really i mean yeah you don't yeah yeah a couple people are just saying you need benadryl aloe vera i think i'm having an allergic reaction yeah [ __ ] can i get can i make an admission too and i don't want you to read too far into this but my dick really itches too and i don't see that different issue but obviously i don't have any like grab venereal diseases wait did you use the same product maybe your body i don't no no nothing happened but it's like it's all my whole body is reacting you know you get that crotch rot stop it are you having a crush [Laughter] it's okay to come forward if you got cross ready the last time this happened is when i got poison ivy on my junk it's not that bad but it reminds me of that could it be crouched i don't know where i would have got crabs from one of you guys didn't hear about crabs and crawled over to me crab is just like lice right so like why would i have a pubic life dan the one with the [ __ ] itchy ass beard and [ __ ] pubes i don't know what to say i'm here and i go home i got sexually interested one of you guys we don't have that kind of concept look at your little uh bird nest on your face this one's got a little mushroom and it's you know my [ __ ] ain't hit you it's either i should have long hair are these two long beard so uh we gotta make the distinction you got any crabs in not that i'm aware of my beard's smooth man yeah we're smooth sailing over here this this side of the room maybe it's part of the uh bug infestation we've been having maybe crap all right i am hearing that the audio issues have been released okay exciting by the way it is 136 the hearing is at 1 30 so we could be hearing big news at any moment what a thrill what a thrill we've got our audio issues resolved okay let's talk to some of the interesting characters out there a b live on the scene yes can you hear me yes i'm with you now okay i'm here with alexandra who's a fellow foot soldier hello let's go what brittany what's going on [Applause] so why are you here today i am here to support free brittany this is the end of the conservatory can i ask i'm a huge brainy spears fan huge can you hear me now i can hear you yeah okay great yeah if brittany is not free can we expect riots flipping cars fires what can we expect here bernie is not afraid do you expect riots moving cars uh i don't expect riots a does not get terminated today people will be pissed off i will be pissed off can we flip some police cars for pledge to me to flip some police cars ethan wants to know if you could put some police cars can i flip oh boy don't test me [Laughter] well we appreciate her enthusiasm and we love oh i her you thanks for making me laugh absolutely thank you anytime what let me see her shirt there let me okay let's just move on it's hard okay all right well thank you guys all right cool lots of excitement out there for brittany um i just got this ad on to oh but i want i want to say something else go for it oh the bts a b made another bts right that's life for members and it's really good he's been taking little videos throughout the week and uh it's really fun so for members we have an extra perk live for you guys right now weekly bts thank you boom so thank you to our members i was just surfing tick tock right before the show and i got this joe rogan on it ad and i was like holy [ __ ] man this is awesome joe loves it get the edge that you need swipe left before it sells out again really these [ __ ] trying to tell me that alpha brain's selling out isn't it just like sawdust putting a little capsule how does that sell out i think there's some catnip in there right catnip i mean that's all readily available belly button lint it's 100 legit if i go to a ufc and i don't have alpha brain i panic i take it before every podcast i even oftentimes take it on the air just to let people know i really take this one of the immediate things that i noticed was that i had a better recall of words it's 100 legit if if i go to a uf there you have it that makes no sense i just love that he's hawking this [ __ ] i mean this is the guy who's who's encouraging people not to get vaccinated and at the same time he wants you to take an un regulated not approved brain supplement that as far as i know has uh you know asbestos pcp dust and [ __ ] uh they won the nobel prize oh really the the active ingredient is actually wrap poop and uh uh toenail clippings ground up into a fine powder and you can definitely trust his unbiased recommendation considering he's only the co-founder of the company is he the co-founder i know he's like invest he's not the co-founder that's what google says well clearly he's like a chemist he's a co-founder of on it and probably its most famous spokesperson this is on on its way he's the co-founder wow that is on on it.com so oh that's that's weird this gives me like t martin promoting csgo gambling vibes [Laughter] [Music] he's like as you know i am well i have my phd in uh bro ology what kind of drug enhances your performance like right immediately like your mental capacity yeah nothing that doesn't exist like literally nothing if it did we'd all be taking it i guarantee that you know [ __ ] fraudulent well we actually made you know i remember we made dan our guinea pig for a while because i tried it for a month uh i could not notice any difference at all but my brain is so [ __ ] finely tuned already like it's just like a perfectly operating oiled machine right that i don't it it may have more effect on on people dumb asses like me yeah i didn't want to say it but yeah morons you know and there are a lot of those in joe rogan's audience so i get it oh yeah wait hold on you know what i look like after i take alphabet once i take out for brain this is what happens to me oh all capsules of alpha brain are oh your brain enters the matrix i don't think ascension meme oh i can recall no rogan podcast yeah you got any joe rogan soundbites to improve this go go go back to dan experience [Music] alpha brain eat eat elk made only yes so obviously again he he's well qualified to formulate supplements to improve your brain so that's cool yeah i didn't know he's the co-founder it's a little sassy a little sassy bacca oh and then there's a new you know we keep talking about how disney does these goofy edits where it's like it's the first time for me yeah they've done like five of them and they just dropped a new one they're just doing it intentionally now yeah to get like us to talk about yeah did you hear that one the aquafina i did i think what they're doing is they're just running tight little spots for ads yeah or social clips so they they cut them down so they're longer [Music] still think they would specifically shoot a short one for the short one yes you would think that well here's the new one there's a hunger for this character to come down there is a hunger for this character there's character but there's not really a need to remove the quarter second of space there dude this is because this is an hour or a minute 40 video there's a hunger to remove that hunger for this car this guy [Music] there's a hunger for this character to come back [Music] the fans have been waiting long enough from this wait i thought they canceled the obi-wan series well well there's out there for the audience i'm sure uh ian's a way better person to answer this though because he's the prequel stan uh here in the office so i i mean are you hyped to see ob back uh i mean he's cool i saw one of the concept arts is him fighting darth vader which seems kind of weird because how does that happen that's not canon is it well if they're gonna just shoehorn that in i don't know that does seem kind of weird because they only follow marching they thought and the original and darth he let darth kill him there there's a there's a time frame where that could happen what's your hunger levels ian um appetite's not that way that big on this one hunger for the for the character i was like wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold the phone we're eating kenobi's kenobi's yeah cannolis yeah hunger for this character come back it doesn't even sound like him it's so [ __ ] cut up yeah i'm not like really bad youtube editing it's like [ __ ] perry mason or some [ __ ] you know it's like an intern just cut chopped it up real fast this how does this make sense this doesn't make sense they didn't fight like this did they well i mean there's a huge gap between the prequels and the and the original trilogy right so again they'll just find a way to make it happen from like 30 years i think between so when they meet again in the future it's kind of like i think it's less that's a name i haven't heard a long time it seems like obi was consistently beating his ass though in the movies and the only reason darth ever beat him was because he let him kill him uh right well and he's really old by then not this one though he should beat his [ __ ] ass in this one cam saying it's only 19 years from yeah i was about to say it's got to be less because luke is born at the end of the prequels and then he's like a teenager in the original movies or like 20 or something right so no fighting in that [Music] yeah but like ob is old as [ __ ] like well he he ages a lot it's 20 years but he's jedi so like isn't that like a different aging process that's true all right nerd i'm so out on this conversation let's move on i just wanted to show the goofy sound thoughts hunger [Laughter] um believe it or not we are how no we didn't even talk about it we don't have anything yeah it's 30 33 minutes all right it's gonna be a long episode guys also just right before you do that an update is that everyone is expecting the verdict at 2 45 so we're actually a ways out from now we have an hour that's good to look forward to okay well let's thank our sponsors today expressvpn um every time you connect to an encrypted network cafe hotel or airport any hacker on the same network can gain access to your personal data i'm talking about passwords financial details uh you know pictures of your deck just saying just saying saying it doesn't take much technical knowledge to hack someone either just some cheap hardware is all you need a smart 12 year old could do it and your data is really valuable hackers can make up to a thousand dollars per person selling your personal info on the dark web spooky so why so you know why use expressvpn it's like an encrypted tunnel you create a secure encrypted tunnel between your device and the internet hackers can't steal your sensitive data it's super secure it takes a hacker with a super computer over a billion years to get past expressvpn's encryption and that's easy to use fire up the app click one button and you're protected it works on all devices phones laptops tablets and more so you can stay 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today you can save big on a gift they'll use every day it's the raycon wireless earbuds [Music] you know what use it for working from home taking your workouts outdoors going for walks listening without you know being disturbed you know why people use earbuds yeah you can use it for all those reasons well either with a seamless bluetooth pairing and a comfortable noise isolating fit you can start listening right away and keep listening for hours the audio quality is amazing compared to what you get from other premium brands you know except raycon starts at just half the price and the new everyday earbuds come with three new sound profiles to make sure everything you're listening to sounds is best with just the right amount of bass you got pure mode for podcast blues instrumental you got balanced mode for rock heavy you know heavy metal bass mode for hip hop edm reggae raycon offers eight hours of play time and 32 hour battery life there's also a built-in mic so you can take calls on 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like he just knows she's like yeah my best friend that's not an option yeah death is inevitable so i uh i had a scooter i was probably about 12 years old that went at least 25 to 30 miles an hour and i went out one time no pads no helmet no nothing and was just booging and then just fell and ate the worst [ __ ] of my life they'll have the scars on my knees to prove it on your face no my knees oh yeah one of the worst times i've ever eaten [ __ ] and like scrape myself up was also on one of those i didn't have it but a friend of mine did and they are very dangerous yeah when you fall you [ __ ] fall on those things right there's no protection yeah hard metal just rolling around on a ball of yeah it was brutal death well it's probably not as bad as this this is when you know your friends suck dude watch this [ __ ] you look watch closely now oh my god yeah i don't know why people still do this okay wait what is this yeah i've seen this prank before they take an air bag and put it in someone's seat and i don't think they understand how powerful things are because every time i i mean that has got to be not a safe activity right that's some crazy force someone said his soul is still sitting on the couch it looks like one of those edits you know oh my god they do a cut and then they put a rag doll in yeah um but no that's that's real in fact what sets it off i think someone just push a button so crazy yo you guys should try to find other airbag pranks because they're all just so so so bad roger that i mean but this seems lethal like could be you hit your head hard enough i mean yeah well also just the whiplash exploding like that that's a bad prank dude he's like yeah anyway i just got off this flight had a rough day and you know just really nice to see you guys [Laughter] holy [ __ ] dude friends like these huh it's just a prank bro yeah totally just a break energy from that you guys want to see the david dubrick thing that we're got in the title that's pretty good sure if you guys find more airbags i'd [ __ ] love to see more okay yeah the david dubrick thing was pretty wild it's it's a tick tock he posted to his own i first saw someone reacting to it on tick tock it's so weird that he posted it yeah and we're all like wow what a psycho and then i realized wait he posted it to his own tick tock um i know i know maybe it'll seem like i'm overreacting but i don't think i am i think he is actually like a total psycho if i make this you can't see the new spider-man movie the day it comes out oh [Laughter] what was the goal i don't know i think that i think what happened he was trying to knock the marker out of her hand i guess but he hit her like way too [ __ ] hard really hard and right in her face is you're not seeing that [ __ ] movie if i make this you guys what's interesting to me is how he'd instead of concern for her yeah he just immediately laughs i work for free for a week i make this you can't see the new spider-man movie the day it comes out so he's like [ __ ] i'm seeing that spider-man movie or you're gonna die but he slams her in the face i mean enough to make her bleed with a marker so that's yeah of course and then and then like a normal person will be like oh my god i'm so sorry are you okay yeah but his response is like he doesn't even look at her watch this he doesn't even look at her it's not that serious you're [ __ ] sick he's such a weirdo well also considering that he has a history of like injuring uh his friends yeah for videos it's especially especially interesting i don't know am i overreacting it's just so weird i don't know when i first saw it i was like what why why would you do that and it's so strong and yes why would he post it too it seems like he was trying to make another one of his friends blind in one eye right oh my god he's trying to rack he's trying to rack up those eyes there's a hunger for this character to come back there it is and people are looking for people want the david dobrik who kills his friends back yeah the good old days yeah somebody said natalie puts up with a lot and has a good attitude i would have been crying i mean i guess that's why he keeps her around is this natalie yeah that's natalie he's always hurting someone i just how is this funny out but but on the reel i mean it has 1.3 million likes i don't know what's funny about this like what is what are you watching here and then being like sick tick tock bro for free for a week you know if i make this also can i just say that i don't like that he did that i don't like that he did that i think we need to discuss that in greater detail i'm just baffled by to make like if somebody's holding a pen like this right and you want to just like you know [ __ ] around you would hit it down you'd hit it down or like to the side it's just like boom you would hit it down it just looks like he's just hitting her in the face and not that strong like really hard if i would hit it down like this yeah but he did like this he did like this he did like this [Laughter] well if there's one thing trisha left us with it is a dislike for david dobrik all right so we still haven't deviated on that i'm happy to say okay i don't know what that sound is you look right it's just a funny just a funny goofy sound let's watch this again frame by frame here oh yeah here ow like real genuine pain and then she's like no play it off come on show your list let's do a play but look at him he's like angry too it's not like a playful you [ __ ] tick-tock not trying to do animals right now i don't like that okay so here first of all look how angry he gets if i if i make this you the newness i can't see the new spider-man nothing spider-man movie the day it comes out oh i remember the day it comes out comes out anger he hit it right in her face grand movie the day it comes out whatever i don't know right let's watch this cute dog video what a mommy baby you're my baby yes [ __ ] kids i'm [ __ ] kidding right so he's a psycho um that's it look in discord oh what is this we got more schwartz oh is this another airbag one could be oh [ __ ] just got home from work had a rough day chilling with the homies who i trust in love that is so insane that is so or uh better than smacking your assistant in the face that's that's worse do you think this works yeah put it in perspective here he does hit the wall that is worse yeah for sure i mean it destroyed his bed by the way too there's one in like turkey or russia where the guy literally just rag dolls and like deborah gets up i mean no it's not i'm exaggerating it's not that bad i think i may see it here yeah let's see that one but die i'm gonna preview it first before i send it to you i've seen that one like a billion times so um here's some choice comments here millionaire beats up assistant natalie puts up with a lot obviously he didn't learn his lesson after jeff went blind i woke up chris breezy i don't get that one you like that comment but i don't understand it isn't that chris brown what does that mean go because he beats women correct i woke up chris why is it in quotes it's probably a reference to something that we're not familiar with because we're not cool we're about rumors man's laughing nathan yep so all right chad okay jeff how's that funny man's laughing when he legit smacked her in the face so there's some sanity here i'm not gonna read all of them though a bonus meme in a recent interview david threw natalie under the bus when he was accused of not tipping oh you think that's what happened watch this the other day the other day um i saw a tick tock and it was like um someone went to somebody's house like a celebrity's house and they didn't tip so i went through the comments and one of the top comments was this gives me david dobrik energy because like they like apparently postmated to my house oh wait i i saw that and i have never in my life not tip explain to him that tik tok and people listening it was like a it was like a tic tac where um where it was like i post mated for blah blah blah and i went to his house and he left me no tip like for postmates and then all the comments were like this gives me kesha vibes but they just kept like listing celebrities but people i think people were commenting saying oh i posted it for this person and you gave me no tip but you didn't know what was it so it was my name was there and i was just and i honestly top comment i could honestly say i've i've never ever not tipped like from when i heard you're mister hold on the accusation is not that you didn't tip is that he's a bad tipper he's avoiding hmm right that's why it's so like that's why it like those comments hurt me extra more because it seems like i'm just being like faking it on camera i think it stems from there was uh a tick tock damn if if accusations of not being a good tipper hurts him that must imagine how much he must feel to try to kill like three of his friends in separate incidents let's feel horrible about that imagine how the girl feels who uh was a victim of doms that must have really hurt his feelings a long time ago that i saw bro it was like this girl who like worked at a restaurant that said david came in with like our entire group we were all like terrible to be around awful it wasn't the no tip that bothered me about that tic tac it was the girl the girl writes on it she she uh not right now she wrote like a note on it right she says he didn't tip first of all he they said i paid for the thing which i never pay for any lunch no he doesn't i never have he doesn't have a credit card i don't have a credit card so it's not possible for me to pay don't buy your home you don't buy your homies lunch well well then how does it there's like the assistant has a card you know right i'm sure it pays for it hi yeah dick tip we always have to he's a dick [Laughter] and they said that i put my card down i left no tip and instead wrote my name with a smiley face i just graced you with my presence on this thing and like and obviously like i don't respond to any tick tocks about myself ever because it's just like it just fuels attention to the thing but the the the tick tock recently about the doordash and not tipping the driver i went to natalie because i was just so pissed i was like why the [ __ ] do people think i never tip and natalie goes natalie goes honestly i think that was about me there you go what do you think throwing her under the bus again i don't know how i feel about that yeah they're just joking around maybe this one's reaching but what do you think am i reaching a little bit the story that he as he described it of that tick tock it did sound like [ __ ] that he that he wrote a smiley face with his name yeah no but the door there was a door dasher who says he didn't tip and then he's then natalie he basically yeah i mean his story has a giant hole in it where he's like i always tip i always tip and then like 30 seconds later he's like i don't have a card i never pay it's like exactly yeah it was definitely a little sus little you know a little see and and also you really don't have a card you're a grown ass man you've been here for how long you're a business owner you need a credit card you need credit you need credit to buy a house he bought a house the [ __ ] david liar yeah it's odd i'm sure his business has cards yeah but he doesn't carry one if you buy a house yeah what he means is i don't carry one because i don't like to buy people [ __ ] that's what he means he likes to be like i don't have dude that's exactly he's a cheapo he uh this all adds up i just unlocked the whole pandora's box he doesn't hold the only people that don't carry cards with them are cheapos who don't want to buy [ __ ] he's rich everyone expects him to pay for everything he doesn't want to pay so he doesn't bring a car doesn't have cashes i have no way to pay i don't know about that i'm telling you what adds up um i think he just thinks it's cute to be the you can never pay anyone back no to be like the the child that um he just shows up and then everybody does everything right that's interesting too that's interesting [Laughter] oh here's the one i was looking for uh yeah this is oh wait no this is a different one god people keep doing this oh my gosh look at it oh okay i like that we got the slow-mo watch his neck on the slow-mo boom see you later and it's not like you ever saw one of these and said hey this is a good idea because they all look horrible yeah look at this look at his [ __ ] neck dude oh my god just that's that's gotta hurt your testicles so bad oh interesting i didn't even think about that level of impact i mean pushing them up out of your mouth type [ __ ] like that's gotta [ __ ] hurt dude damn it's maybe you know if you're this is instead of getting a uh vasectomy right you just sit on the airbags you can smash your plastic your nuts into oblivion oh yeah you ain't have a kid i got medicine yeah no way they are just probably medicine that's all right guys all right it's really screaming okay so how does this work you want to look me up um now that you brought it i'm getting so much itchier okay okay guys here we go drink cream up kind of cream up drug the facts tell me about the drug facts rectal bleeding occurs i'm not even kidding why does it say rectal bleeding occurs it just says wait you got to show that it just says rectal bleeding occurs it just says that what does it say directly it's a guarantee oh okay well that's the price you pay no it says continue there's gotta be more info yeah where's the rest it just says drunk facts rectal bleeding occurs it's the blood of god hold on where is this continued from before i start lubing this all over my face it says what the [ __ ] is that that's some [ __ ] to put it like that wait we gotta show a close-up of that then can you guys do a close-up somehow it's really small of the the box yeah i don't think with this camera we'll have to do another it's gonna be yeah oh i just received a message from olivia that that cheers have started to uh all right let's go populate through i'll send you guys a picture and then you can show the picture oh yeah that's good breaking news we have cheers in the audience i'm getting them uh i'm getting them reconnected it'll be a minute all right well i'm busy so it looks disgusting yeah i know i feel like a freak somehow just strong that makes you look like you're you have like uh mutton shops right now oh it's right here you look like a civil war general right i really do what the [ __ ] it's actually not itchy here and here it's just on the this part it's on the cheeks yeah just on the juice plot those cheeks can you guys send this in discord yeah you yeah pull that up yeah this is what's going to be happening a little bit later you're going to be with theodore tonight because i'm going to have what is guaranteed to be rectal bleeding wait it looks like that well i guess maybe i don't want to ruin the joke i think i have an explanation i want the explanation look at the bottom left oh this is a continuation of this i know but it's so funny just show the picture god damn it all right i got you jesus yeah i get what you're saying it says on the other side stop use and ask doctor if and then i guess this is one of the points how would that happen for me putting it on my face i guess my rectum starts bleeding from face cream that's a problem that would be a huge problem i feel like don't even make it if that's a possible outcome don't even sell this to me because there's only two points one is suicidal thoughts you see a doctor one is condition worsens symptoms persist for more than seven days and then the other one is erectile bleeding on cbs are you gonna sell me this [ __ ] all right i think um i think we have mr ayad with us out on the field all right can you hear us yes can you hear me your camera's flipped bro your shit's flipped you guys are crushing my [ __ ] olivia can you flip it hey there you go what's going on okay guys uh it seems britney is free britney really [Music] and we were there let's get a pulse tell me about the the mood there tell me about the excitement what's happening up there there's a lot of movement in front of our camera we're trying to record that's okay but uh yeah everyone's super excited wow what looks like today is signing something this gentleman is very excited okay that's great good for him how's it going i am so excited i'm so happy yeah behind my glasses i've never been this excited about anything my boyfriend he's a huge part of this too but i'm so excited for her i've been waiting for 13 years for this conservative ship to end i lost my first tooth in 1999 at the baby one more time tour and now here i am i feel like i've got bolstered whipping me seeing her grow as a person she helped me grow as a gay man she's obviously the icon i just cannot be happier for her [Applause] but please do not forget about everyone else stealing their contributorship they still need our help and advocacy right thank you thank you thank you bro wow wow wow wow wow what an exciting exciting time what a thrill and and i must say as a uh jamie spears fan a disappointing day for me a sad day for very saturday trisha being one of them i remember she was sipping for jamie right so she's got to be better yeah keep restoring you still hear me restore the conservatorship look look at these mainstream do me a favor a b ask the reporter what her thoughts are [Laughter] he's waiting patiently uh he's a go in there can i ask you what your thoughts are [Laughter] olivia trade with olivia will do it there you go olivia ask the cameraman what his thoughts are how do you feel there's a pink sign behind you what are you doing what it what are they doing she can't hear me anymore do you want to be interviewed how do you feel how you doing about ready to be free absolutely so much corruption has gone on especially in ventura county they need to be held accountable criminal criminal accountable would be paid that victims need to be paid reparations for the damage they've done rooting families for their own great ill-gotten gain with uh sociopathic people who are just taking money for their own good just like that done with brittany i totally agree we're not really talking about breaking i think he's talking about a different situation can you ask him olivia um can you ask that man has he been wronged by someone in his own family and that's why he relates he's on the go sorry i have a follow-up question yes yes the host of the show is asking have you been wrong by someone in your family yes oh not by my family no by the professional conservator angelique's friend who was robbed in our family my mother just recently passed ashley friend did not did not notify us for over three days when he got accidentally found out by some other source that as she's robbed our family david escapist her attorney has taken advantage of us hundreds of thousands of dollars and put us in bankruptcy it's devastating it's wrong and it needs to be ended maybe yeah famous university as in to who's with them need to be held accountable for their wrongdoing i think is there if there's any way we can get the free brittany guys the whole crowd there maybe we could get them all to go over to ventura to petition on his behalf would you like that so the host of the show is asking is there any way we can get all the bricks to form some kind of uh yes yes right here right here right here right here what does that mean oh he's he's got um servicemen mine in korean laces in world war ii they were in ventura county they were not allowed to be home with us for registered nurses and they died my dad died alone in february i was notified by email that he was dead and he was not allowed to play with me plus they took all of his assets it is disgusting what the courts and conservators are doing in this state it needs to stop now so this a w for britney is a w for everyone okay thank you guys so much thank you thank you thank you wow there's a lot of seriousness a lot of serious uh stuff going on there yeah abs being held aside by this gentleman amy amy okay olivia can you give us a panorama view i want to kind of just see what's going on around there god this video is really something yeah if there's any other reporters i'd like to talk to them i enjoyed that maybe you guys can find some other reporters uh we'll look for around all right check back in thank you so much oh what's this what does he want uh he said he's gonna sue you next ethan okay come on okay got it i'm unsc i'm unafraid where we're reporting from um ask this guy in the shirt i want to ask the people who don't care at all basically who have no opinion would you be interested in an interview okay go ahead so are you here for brittany yes we're here for britney spears and uh that's what they can use the megaphone please and how how they're run trafficking the violation of due process constitutional rights trial by jury no oversight accountable to nobody just to continue what he was saying with the megaphone [Laughter] agendas um [Laughter] thank you [Laughter] thanksgiving plans what's the answer with the megaphone can i just olivia can you show them that he has not stopped now he's the whole rest of the crowd well go back to him i want to talk to him but everybody has to answer on the megaphone okay we have follow-up questions we're on our live broadcast sir do you have any thanksgiving plans what's the megaphone with the megaphone we do it all online whatever he said can you use the megaphone thanksgiving plans is to to to remember the children that cannot be with family they're being trafficked oh no turkey there that was slick no turkey then right back we have an estimated 000 missing foster kids that nobody's looking for and 99 of them are not on their mission exploited children doubt about wait is this real what are you talking about because this is concerning me nobody is accountable to kybash on this the website is mylocator.com as well as cts newsnetwork.com we'll cover it all we're on cps news network on facebook okay we got it and then is he gonna be having turkey or no thanksgiving plans man is he gonna have turkey if there's no crime you cannot take children yeah so turkey or so uh turkey or cranberry sauce what's going on yeah it's gonna be uh uh mashed potatoes and corn yeah oh yeah all right all right thank you so much let's actually pull up that website you said my locator.com wait maybe chad chad did you guys uh did i miss here that url mylocator.com did anyone get the address of that website there's a lot of people who are very mad at us for uh laughing at this by the way just just a heads up what did i do i didn't do anything i'm gonna go to i'm not mad i'm bringing i'm bringing attention what are they mad about oh who knows what are we like they're always mad about the missing kids or about brittany for laughing at this i think that there's there's these are serious issues and when we're laughing we're just laughing here on a comedy show could you imagine oh what's this this is interesting i cannot hear what the hell is saying wow [Music] this is awesome we can't get the audio but it's great this man's here for brittany [Music] he's actually not he's here to bring uh awareness to the issue of the homeless encampments at macarthur park by the way santa barbara county first of all if you're angry at me i can't hear first of all and i don't know if there's like conspiracy theories going on about like you know pizzagate stuff or if this is real issues i'm investigating it now i'm trying to give it its due attention but i don't know what's going on down there i know you guys are gonna like this it's just chaos and so i'm not out of breath he's out of breath turn off the mic on this one amy give him the phone i hope you guys like give them the phone tell them there's fifty thousand people tell them there's forty thousand people watching go up on stage dude there's forty thousand people watching okay you wanna hand it to him we have fifty thousand live viewers 50 000 live viewers nobody's come on dude oh [ __ ] they're about to go oh [ __ ] let's go right now brittany's free baby let's go i want to see a b i need the camera to tilt down i need to see a b right now okay you're grooving out all right we can't play this music actually oh yeah all right thank you amy did we get us the website though so we can look into it so people don't get mad at me we can actually bring attention to these very serious issues with peace and love thank you yeah because mylocator.com is about a group of entrepreneurs with extensive experience in name branding and digital real estate exactly he's just trying to promote his real estate project maybe i love the guy from venezuela we're from ventura the dude from santa barbara um here's the story britney spears conservatorship terminated brittany is hey go queen she's a free woman the judge has swiftly ended her conservatorship effective immediately get [ __ ] jamie spears and all those other pieces of [ __ ] the judge terminated the conservatorship without requiring any further mental evaluation something brittany was adamant about the hearing started with britney's lawyer matt uh rosengart quoting britney's june testimony in which she said i just want my life back amen yeah this is crap this is wild that this went on for so long yeah and it's nice to know that this one judge was like this is [ __ ] we're just gonna end this now you know she was able to hire her own attorney and then things just started happening from there it's such a travesty it's just such a disgusting corrupt freak show what happened to her rosengart her lawyer believes there has been misappropriation of assets by various people on the conservatorship at the expense of brittany as we reported her state is worth an estimated 60 million i know that's a lot of money but i feel like she should be worth way more than definitely britney spears she should definitely be women like hundreds you would guess i forgot as rosengart believes it should be much larger uh but would be for lawyers jamie lao taylor and others taking cuts and salaries from the estate yeah exactly bro you could have just asked her for money you didn't have to do all this brittany wants to get back in the studio and record music interesting uh this is me as a uh uh is that grant or something ulysses some sort of union general i'm not sure it's it's general ethan klein fighting for freedom looks good the year was 1979 1879 [Music] all was quiet because the war had ended 15 years prior [Music] 1860 1859. wait someone said it's hemorrhoid cream i put on my face no well why would everybody else want to talk about her anal why ladies rectal why would it prevent that dude has been spamming that all right let me read it says maximum strength itch bro i swear to god this is [ __ ] hemorrhoid cream i just slathered on my face okay let me read the directions for itching or skin irritation inflammation or rashes vitamin e and aloe no it's not it's not a hemorrhoid cream and this is for external use adults and children two years of age apply to affected area for external oh [ __ ] for external anal and genital itching wait really cancer no i swear to god it says that well it says that 1.48 it says here for itching or skin inflammation and then it also says for external anal and genital itching wait are there commas between those things yes okay then you're good that means it's it's okay to put it it's yes gentlemen for external comments it's for it says it's for irritation even from jewelry so yeah cosmetics soaps there you go okay sorry for doubting you elena do you see the flame coming out of td jake's butt it's still issue guys it's not we'll put more i put like half slather it on i feel like a stick of chapstick [Music] do you have to be directly applying put it in your hand like a big blob and then no i rubbed it in see what a mess wait guys we can't find the website he was plugging so people like likely i think let's give attention i'm curious listen he's saying there's ten thousand missing orphans i mean this is urgent foster children um okay dan split hairs missing kids listen people keep sending me the urls that they thought it was none of them work it probably got the hug of death from everybody going to it so there you go you see we're bringing awareness when you guys are giving me [ __ ] i'm saving the orphans i'm a [ __ ] saint how dare you you guys got to admit that chaotic it's just chaos it was funny oh here we go who's this this is just olivia ask olivia's thoughts ab he's missing a lens on his glasses what happened oh they're muted can't hear you guys all right fantastic yeah yeah go ahead yeah uh look at this point baby we can't hear anything no baby you may also hear a little bit when we hear olivia it's connected to her ear buds or whatever it's connected to my yeah for sure look at me i look cute what i was saying was i had no idea that i was missing the and olivia just told me i don't know how long i've been walking with things it was like that the whole time i had no clue and these are very expensive bombers apparently not that expensive falling out yeah yeah so we're taking a lunch break all right enjoy good job guys take care out there enjoy your lunch you guys are crushing crushing it wow well she's free my friends what's up okay so streaming in public was a mistake hands are just covered in chapstick and anal cream attention in the back this is for you bald white man bald white man bald white man bald white man would have people donate and it would make they could choose what to say so it's like base people into donating you to embarrass you gotcha but they used to do what happened was there was like super racist [ __ ] and i don't know hold on here's a b's glasses earlier in the episode this [ __ ] was cruising with one lens the whole time no they look intact here yeah they're intact there oh interesting what happened he lost a lens in the chaos evie did that everyone saw that all right i gotta go like clean up because i'm feeling not great [Music] um just roll with it is it not helping the itching it's hard to say i just feel like a disgusting freak though right now it's benadryl ointment right or what does it say on the bottom here it says here the active ingredients hydrocortisine yeah yeah that's good yeah that's the good [ __ ] i'd leave it on good [ __ ] dude that's good [ __ ] bro i huff that [ __ ] [ __ ] me up is that good um oh we have some good cav cab updates hilo um they're really good i know you don't necessarily care about this stuff but i'm telling you they're really good so cav cav has recently maybe can you link me to his instagram and check for myself but he's started to pay bots to leave comments about me under his page now allegedly right allegedly i mean who else yeah so someone said bro that's funny you're the biggest bully of them all he's still responding to people in the comments this is the guy who's suing me by the way uh erroneously trying to bankrupt me out of spite he is a terrible dude a disgusting freak and he is using the law as a tool for revenge and uh i'm fighting back that's right cavanaugh ceo of triller you may ask what is trailer well nobody knows nobody uses it bro that's funny you're one of the biggest bullies uh why do you have zero followers and zero people you're following ethan klein maybe yeah he always thinks that anytime you get to meet common it's me yeah such matt hossbot it's so weird why is ik so so here he starts getting these comments why is ek so fixated on you it's so desperate even his own fans are turning on him i mean he gave the he gave the game away this is what he's doing his own fans are turning on him and he has i think he has ethan klein blocked oh whoa [Applause] no way so he's hiring people to allegedly to circumvent his own block on my name look at your dm's i sent you info on ek and his shady stuff why is he watching stuff wait here's the exact same comment how is this possible ryan that this account left the same exact comment as this different account why is ek so fixated on you it's desperate even his own fans are turning on him that's uh familiar huh that's weird ek desperation coming through and you keep taking the high road yeah like he's got all these fans it's wrong the ek thing is so weird like no one ever refers to you like that hunger the foreign the this i never encountered anything like this this man is hiring bots allegedly to defend him and then say that you are doing that but also to circumvent the block he has on my name that's amazing let's see how many of ek purchase account comment here should be obvious on this one oh and then he started misspelling my name dm i have stuff on ethan that can bury him yeah i'm sure what the [ __ ] dude this is so crazy this is like so freaky and then this guy's saying can't wait to see ethan get buried like they're all using the same language and also misspelling my name in the same way like literally nobody ever spell it that way even in the worst misspellings nobody spelled that way ek sports in the game e-e here it is again ethan has so much baggage he's about to go down he should learn this words is he trying to actually scare me yeah i don't know is he trying to make me think that there's actually like people in ryan's comments trying to take me down probably well they say they have the dirt on you so maybe you should be able to again ryan continues to underestimate me he doesn't know the forces i've been against i mean i've been at war with keemstar for like five years right exactly and what i mean oh no he's gonna he's gonna tell him about the jimmy lee did you hear that he was the dick to jimmy lee i'm a good boy ryan gonna be buried i'm gonna bury you wait hey if you think what i've done is bad you should see what ryan's done actually i have a website that outlines it does ryan oh [ __ ] by the way how's that one raiding so far does ryan kavanagh look like harvey weinstein oh it's at the top that can't be real here let's go incognito guys and feel free to everyone type this because this is important love you want to explain yeah well you search after the sky if you search the whole thing of course you can beat that does ryan kavanagh look um it's hard on the look like harvey weinstein so you want to explain the significance of typing it like this yeah yeah you know every time someone searches anything in google that is going to give google signals for that website to come higher up in the search oh wait type rank have it on not not yeah that's my i was a bit confused yeah there so i think paul yes so you want to type ryan cavanaugh in and then you want to scroll down and find the website yeah that way that way um you don't looks like we've slipped on a bit oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] he pays for like seo manipulation we found that out the other week well allegedly yeah so he's led by somebody that did it for him you know be crazy if we paid people to do that that would be crazy [Laughter] yeah so if you guys think that being addicted it's number three on duckduckgo interesting oh so that so that would imply that he is or let's not say he but there is some manipulation of somebody out there is manipulating his seo where what they could just be an interested third party who's just a big ryan cavanaugh fan doing it for him yeah everything we're high up one of these oh on bing we're high up too eh oh yeah boy i just i just uh duck duck goat it and it's uh the number two for me no way [Laughter] his personal website we're above his personal website here okay so if you go to bing this is this is [ __ ] yeah so duck.go is basically like the true their whole thing is like no manipulation right this is all true theoretically yeah yeah so so this is basically without people paying them to spend time on the website to make it more relevant this is what it looks like on being obviously there's less manipulation going on we type ryan cavanaugh he's gonna be let's see here number four yeah would you look at that yeah that's pretty good okay i'm impressed guys definitely something fishy with going on google absolutely fishy yeah if you go ahead and scroll uh at the bottom of the website we've added something new very new and very exclusive at the bottom there test yourself test yourself with the ryan cavanaugh game oh yes sir oh so oh this is officially up guys the ryan cavanaugh game your skills so guys we've added a ryan cavanaugh game as you know the public is confused and we've made this as a public service honestly to benefit ryan kavanagh because he wants to be mistaken for harvey weinstein even a guy as shitty as ryan he's worse than ryan so calling out all musicians top left if you want okay i'm ready i mean it's part of the experience yeah okay here we go maybe you guys can help me at home is that ryan or harvey somewhere there between i'm gonna say that that's ryan ah it's so hard harvey harvey harvey harvey [ __ ] that was right no yeah so the longer you take the less the more points you lose so the faster so is that ryan or harvey i'm going to say harvey yes oh okay we are learning we're getting better [ __ ] i think that's right okay good yeah look at you i'm getting better at this down the street yeah we've got all of our favorite tunes oh this is a tough one this challenge that's for sure ryan i don't know it's coming there's like a hand here oh yeah that's right that's right that's ryan what yeah well anyway it is it's really hot hard so it's fun i guess if you like heart difficult games it's like dark souls in that way yeah you know i do want to give a shout out to or this is my personal shout out because i know ethan doesn't do shadows anymore so blue pin studio is the guy he's the guy has he made any anti-semitic comments about me possibly love that no i don't believe so but you know anyways he's linked right below that game there's nothing on love is ryan responsible for this no i think so what what is their name i'll get i do want to shout them out they help make this game yeah so the link is below the thing it's uh they're called blue pin studio i just think it's one guy really lupin is super cool and he has a steam game coming out and he's doing all kind of fun stuff indie gamer indie game developer very cool lupin studio we love you we appreciate you yeah and i'm sorry that ryan is going to be adding you to the next complaint but you know what you're getting yourself into ryan's like looped in studio yeah yeah so guys head on over to does ryan cavanaugh look like harvey weinstein remember to type in ryan cavin on the search and go ahead and try your your skills at the game on the bottom there oh blue pin studio i'm sorry blue pin studio i need to take more quizzes because i just i suck at this data yeah go home and spend some time on the website that's the whole idea right i'm definitely gonna do that like the more times people people spend on the website you know the more google is gonna like it right right it's a bit broken on mobile but we'll fix that at some point and i was really i was enjoying reading these hate comments to continue can't wait to see ethan get k get buried ethan has so much baggage he's about to go down he should learn this words with the guy with the uh was that the the anon uh oh and also guys by the way just so you know it's real love triller thriller can you imagine a more pathetic human being that would actually like pay for this to happen this is some sad sad [ __ ] bizarre what a sad dude this guy really thinks he's he's doing something let's go to some here metallica's going live oh man i'm not logged in or maybe this is it maybe just don't show for now okay i'm gonna login so i can read the comments how's your face it feels better does it still look super gross it seems to be getting redder and more swollen since you put the cream on are you serious a little bit do you see that is my face getting red and more swollen do you feel any moisture in your [ __ ] i feel good my i think my [ __ ] is bleeding like doesn't it look what is happening you know you're supposed to spot to check stuff that you put on your face like it's not exactly yeah like put on a small spot oh really yeah well i didn't do that i just squirted it all over that's what the chat is saying they're saying you look puffy no way i'm puffier is it not just my hair what you're saying right next to me it looks maybe the same but i'm not sure i know that they're saying it lift your head up like tilt your head up to see under okay see how like red it is like right where i think you need benadryl pills yeah i need a shot yeah you need more stuff more ass bleeding baby here can you put this on my ass crack it doesn't itch i just want to get ahead of it you probably should go wash your face okay yeah yeah can you log into instagram while i do that uh yeah log into instagram i can oh and there um oh man oh okay one second the dan and elo podcast all right we got a donation towards a new love bot so what's happening is it actually broken like i think well the charger has this issue where this little uh cable inside got snipped and so i did surgery on it and i spliced the cable but sometimes when he violently starts rocking like he was earlier in the episode it knocks it loose again and that appears to have happened now so it's no longer charging if you did that everyone saw that yeah it all it all started going downhill once baby kicked him i got us yeah he [ __ ] that that was the beginning of the end it's fine i forget forgiven maybe yeah oh for the record that's sweet that's very sweet of you you don't have to say that you shouldn't say that you shouldn't forgive i did that's what i believe okay ela how is your day going so far um good thank you and yeah all good just getting we're both kind of starting to get a little anxious because it's um three months still till the baby yeah oh my gosh excited we're gonna be here before we know it and we're a little scared but everybody says second time should be a little easier because you kind of know better what you're doing right how is house theodore is he excited theodore has actually been doing really good this week he's been pooping on the potty hey yeah let's go so that's been awesome okay instagram is logged in the first thing that popped up is i guess big ed is uh engaged oh no way he is yeah it's official okay so shout out big man everybody really turns out that guy seems like everybody [ __ ] hates him now honestly it was hard to watch i guess he had there's a new season of some show coming out or something something i don't know oh so it might not even be real no no i i think he's actually engaged okay yeah all right i think we're good um yeah so good week with theodore finally i'm good yeah i thought it would never happen um what else the teddy fresh pop-up tomorrow that's that's super exciting yeah um i'm i think i've been not sleeping well all week just because i'm hoping everything goes okay [Music] but i'm excited yeah just just don't know what to expect like what kind of uh last minute somebody donated five bucks and said eli needs a runway to show her fit at the top of the show you should build like a little fashion corner somewhere so we can kick off the show like that um a nurse said uh dan hydrocortisone is a strong steroid wash it off light layer only oral antihistamine seed doctor if system if symptoms persist from a nurse thank you mackenzie yeah yeah i was definitely noticing some there's some reaction going on there swelling up all right you okay then apparently apparently you kind of [ __ ] up putting a bunch of that all over your face is uh well a nurse sent a uh a super chat and said um yeah um that it's like cortisone is a strong steroid you should really only use a light amount so well what the [ __ ] what does it have a warning about using it yeah look at my i've got a [ __ ] i got a brush on my do you see a rash forming on my forehead a little maybe ethan can i yeah i just want to see we'll come up a little bit yeah you can't see it from there no wait oh you go to him yeah yeah you can't hear i mean it's fun for the show it's kind of exciting um you see a rash on my forehead like right here there's bubbles for me well yeah there's like a rash huh yeah you don't see it yeah what's going on with you i'm my face is coming up i wonder if i should shave the beard off live so we can see what's going on underneath there do we have wait every time i still have that uh that trimmer that we got the really nice one i think it's here yeah bring it over huh okay so i [ __ ] up i i rubbed steroids all over my face what are you talking about oh wait leftovers hasn't come out yet there's a long conversation about steroids in leftovers this weekend um so i thought maybe you were uh this isn't yeah misunderstanding steroids that's right uh ouch apparently people are spamming james charles dating profile i don't know what that means that sounds like something i would love to see yeah it hurts it itches it's inflamed it's horrible oh my god and my eye now my eyelids are itching oh no don't touch it's not poison ivy just i don't know so yeah something's going on i think you need to take benadryl pill like in all seriousness who's got a benadryl pill i tried to what yes you know someone is saying uh that shaving it would only irritate it more and i kind of agree like isn't shaving irritating for the skin well not with a razor with a yeah i can i okay i just figure if i remove it i can actually treat the skin are you in a lot of pain i wouldn't say a lot it's very discomforting though ben and jerusi well i got benadrucy well here i got i got aloe and i got vaseline vaseline couldn't hurt right blue about my whole [ __ ] face i i don't i don't know maybe just don't touch it i would it's irritated i don't know vaseline helps everything right did you check your sphincter when you were in the bathroom i haven't i didn't i didn't check my ass okay just checking yeah and we're going into the weekend like you won't be able to see a doctor probably well i could go to urgent care if i need to i don't think i'll need to i don't care about my face always happen on the weekend i just every time i try to grow a beard i says you know what i'm going to grow a beard i'm going to make this happen i'm going to commit i've been doing good i've been trying to maintain it i've been brushing it and stuff yeah and now my face is melting off under my [ __ ] beard no i just don't understand why is god do this to me well just be thankful for being the hairline king right i'll always have the hairline king you can't beat the beard king and they're liking trust me i'm not the beer king i just want to grow a beard my beard is a nightmare i think it's fine the way you keep it like shorter i like it like that you do you don't like this no you didn't like the way i cut it like this either because it makes me look i mean it just looks a little cut too short or something yeah it'll all be good man my face is starting to get more itchy what are you trying to call in first aid 9-1-1 oh [ __ ] probably for the best i don't think you should do this all right let's just move let's just carry on what is the james charles dating thing everyone spamming let me try and find out but me in the meantime let's look at ryan having those comments because that that really does amuse me it's got to be dude is not stripping yeah he's he's not a stable human being just drop the lawsuit then what do you want well i'm happy to fight the lawsuit but he didn't have to get fake comments about me on his [ __ ] instagram allegedly i'm just saying he's he's acting like we are the ones doing it to him it's like drop the lawsuit he's doing a spite lawsuit trying to ruin our lives and god forbid i actually fight back against a [ __ ] total fraudulent copyright lawsuit well [ __ ] you bro and let's not forget the dm he sent me saying i don't know you're playing with seriously settled too yeah i made him a reasonable settlement offer i offered him like 25 000. i said look i don't want to do another lawsuit there's 25 000 for you to [ __ ] off and by the way so much more than yeah i made good faith attempt more than i ever gave matt haas to just say you know what just [ __ ] off and leave me alone he said no i need a hundred thousand dollars first he was like a million a million i was like yeah he's and then his lawyer was like listen what he really wants is a hundred thousand i said just you know what are you sure didn't they want more than that i remember well his lawyer was like i think if you offer a hundred thousand he'll take it i said i'm not giving that [ __ ] a hundred thousand dollars no [ __ ] way i'm giving him even 25 000 makes me want to slam my head against the concrete but okay i'm not more than happy to bring back up the mantle of copyright i mean take this l my friend because i earned you so much goodwill the first time yeah exactly that's a really good point dan people are getting stressed from watching you they're saying my face is getting bigger it's exciting oh my god my face looks so blocky and [ __ ] up yeah if you i don't know if you can see but on the edges here there's a yeah violet you're turning violet violet yeah exactly oh somebody suggested since we can't um shave it because the clipper's not here maybe we could wax it like that guy the other day oh my god absolutely never they're saying stress hives it's not stress it's gotta be an allergy an allergic response oh it is back oh you're back i didn't even think about it yeah you want let's do a little debris for uh ab here he just walked back in um i'm just trying to find does anything look weird to you maybe come get a close look at me you have no con you have no context of what's going on just get a close look at my what's happening did you get sunburned anything he said did you get sunburned do you see anything else take a closer look he hasn't left the house and be brutally honest no i just see redness right here that's it that's it why what am i missing his redness he may have rubbed a bunch of steroid cream all over his face earlier and now he's having a reaction do you feel stronger no no i don't all right saying wash your face you did i just did i just rinsed it all off yeah all right whatever [ __ ] you ryan wait maybe this isn't a bad one because he was telling people to comment it takes grace to remain kind and cruel situations shut up freak it takes grace to add a bunch of lawsuits every week to sue me twice once for defamation for saying you look like harvey weinstein what great cruel situations that you are the person initiating and can end at any time oh my god here's this is the classic fake comment the best of the best best of the best two flames baby how much you want to bet it's private oh it's not private wait whoa wait hold on maybe this is it is this a real person saying best of the best maybe they're just improving their uh some profiles a little bit and then he's got a link to another one because we it's strange there's do you think there's a real person saying the best of the best the best of the best is one of those phrases that we kept seeing come on that's what i'm saying but i clicked it this time and it took me to this homie huh best of the best maybe he really is the best of the best he's the best like no it has no relation to anything just best of the best with 10 likes maybe he's trying to get a trailer deal or some [ __ ] yo triller truly the best of the best oh maybe it's because maybe these are our fans goofing on him oh that makes it because you guys already talked about it oh of course because this one says uh truly best of the best cabbie boy yeah yeah that's totally our fans when is the next queef contest being held someone asked yeah yeah i love this man he is the biggest piece of [ __ ] in the game what the [ __ ] is this post weirdo the icl nerf family uh okay this is like a holocaust meme or he's talking about i think that's his family oh it is as real as it gets my great my grandparents great grandparents great uncles and aunts and uncles and aunts we'll never forget they fought to live so that we could have a future okay shout out to the eichner family do you think ryan's related to billy eichner who's that the comedian billy on the street yeah that guy oh no no relation for sure anyway shout out shout outs did you find any intel on that james charles thing uh it seems to be a story from like a month ago is all that was really popping up about i think we even talked about on the show maybe i don't see that many people bringing it up dating dating profile where he was on straight tinder oh yeah that happens all the time yeah like every few months can you believe he's still doing that though he has a tinder profile a as a woman yeah i think we talked about it such a psycho dude is so [ __ ] in the head let's get glam also there's an astroworld update apparently yeah that well so a tragically horribly a ninth person did they perish or they were pronounced like brain dead which basically you know they were uh they were brain dead yeah welcome back by the way guys thank you how was the experience i was really nice very kind people i'd agree yeah good vibes besides breaking my glasses but besides that did you find out what happened to your glasses yeah so i found the pieces it must have fell at some point and huh i just didn't notice the end i don't know how yo who drew that picture of love that's really good uh that would be cam grant's oh that makes sense wow yeah i was like damn someone really did that together yeah cam's a talent okay well welcome back guys good work thank you yes so um apparently they were instructed at the staff at astro world if people died i don't know why they were planning for that but to call them smurfs and not to what kind of refer to them as dead but smurfs what kind of sicko is that like normal event planning to prevent canceling or like uh panic yeah that's what i was going to suggest it's just like a code name smartphone we got smurfs everywhere can you imagine a little weird there is everywhere we got nine smurfs maybe you should just say it because apparently nobody figured it out a little panic would have been nice maybe in that situation more than what was i'm itching my arms are itchy and my legs are itchy and uh drill ben adrian give me benadryl what can i do who just has benadryl well we need to get some uh well we might this is right now you might need to lean thank you this backfired wait what did i miss what happened we are not sure it looks like he has some kind of an allergy reaction maybe dying eyelid cheek beard we need a bus and also genitals crotch rocks i'm sorry this is so weird i'm sorry soap or something yeah it might have been a soap thing either thing but quartering sends his regards um oh i this was a great video i saw so this is um once again [ __ ] the police i'm sorry i'm just gonna come out and say it like straight wow i know bravery hey by the way just like that on a friday on live on air yo pull up that picture of the bit the pig with giant balls okay that i sent in the what's that it really cracked me up we're really jumping around here for one thing no [Laughter] this is me when i say [ __ ] the police this is how i feel go ahead dan hold on did you see anyone [Laughter] i was very confused what were you confused about i mean it's funny but why why not i dropped this in the podcast chat at 4am last night i was having lunch when you sent things yes this is how i feel saying [ __ ] the police that's the point those those are like bigger than his stomach like look at the comparisons oh an amazing companion to my favorite image of all time yeah yo pigs are jealous god is not okay disgusting bro it's not okay what about these balls they're like swollen or something just because i don't think there's i don't think your balls are supposed to catch your [ __ ] you can if you could get that off the screen i'd appreciate it okay i don't think needs something no please i i what's the difference why this one is way easier to look at yeah this one's way easier to look guys you don't want to see a giant piece of [ __ ] sitting on his this one's just nature baby but this guy if he takes a dump it's just maybe it will nick his balls but it's not gonna rest there it's gonna slide over it yeah so anyway this is the i was trying to think of like a pure bravery caption so me how me ordering a salad instead of a burger i'm not a grape anyway here's thank you dan you can remove that hold on hold on i lost my damn no i lost my mouse hold on i did it you [ __ ] i'm serious i'm working on it sorry dude get the balls off okay hold on oh no this one is so ugh anyway here's from astroworld back to astroworld yes back to pigs other kinds of pigs with small balls not big bulbs we're really going there right now the cops yeah they're [ __ ] pieces of [ __ ] why are we talking about the cops well i'm much about to show you the video okay so this is 15 minutes after the mash casualty event has been claimed here's the police cbs news obtained a video from a source [Music] mother of god and all that is holy leave me alone [Laughter] you know what they do which is really [ __ ] up tick tock has their scroll buttons up and down which makes no sense why not because i'm trying to go up and down on this like usually it's left and right it's not up there well i guess up and down it's always been up and down here all i do is zoom out and i'm watching a guy eat maggots like why i didn't do i didn't deserve this i didn't do anything to deserve this all right bring me this down let's listen to this close to the astroworld music festival appearing to show police near the stage during scott's performance this video was shot at around 10 p.m with police seemingly unaware of the severity of the situation in the crowd some 20 minutes after the mass casualty event was declared the source says that means it would be difficult for the performers to know as well more and more as more and more time comes out it's becoming clear that it's the police faults for being fuck-ups as usual [ __ ] the police thank you pigs [ __ ] on their own balls [Applause] eight people are dead and here's the cops just on their phone dude they have radios they have [ __ ] walkie-talkies they got earpieces they're there to protect the public oh what are they doing what are they doing so there's eight people today 20 minutes i don't understand that they declare mass casualties so do they not tell everybody they didn't tell anyone anything that's just so weird or what i read was that the police chief decided to keep the show going because he didn't want to cause a riot by stopping it which makes no [ __ ] sense at all god my face like it's just a disorganized mess whole thing yeah so it's like dude i mean this does take the heat off of travis scott a little bit in my opinion because if there's police here not knowing what's going on then how can you expect travis to right am i right or am i wrong well he could see stuff from up there i think everyone's [ __ ] up the video yeah it seems like there was a lot of point of failures here and i mean i hope it gets thoroughly investigated yeah because i mean it's just i think the fbi's even involved i can't wait to find out what happened but if the police [ __ ] up i mean they did [ __ ] up i don't know how much of the responsibility falls on them but they'll get covered up they won't be held responsible yeah the police really think it's a combination because he still has responsibility you're right he was on the stage he could see everything yeah and also considering his reputation and his background everything together i don't know this person said the police were taking selfies how were they unaware of what was happening that's their job they had their phones totally agree but if these guys are unaware it's not their fault it's whoever is above them that's not doing their job yeah i mean it wasn't being communicated to them yeah i mean not that i want to give them a pass by any means but it just it seems like again there were several stages here where things the the brakes could have been pumped and it didn't happen yeah this is just such a [ __ ] up all around everything has to come from the top you know i mean those guys are just doing their job too yeah you're right i shouldn't blame those those specific officers it's more what was wasn't communicated to them over the while travis is at the top because it's his show it's his show he's a professional artist he knows what he's getting involved in this is on his first show okay first rodeo you're right queen oh here's a segment we've been wanting to do for a while the bizarre roommates stories bizarre bad weird roommate stories we've been meaning to do this on off the rails for so long and uh let's just do it today are you gonna last i can go last no i mean like are you going to lie are you going to laugh i'll be like sure can i put out yeah i'll be fine can i put aloe vera in my that's not going to happen is good i think yeah right it's all natural this is first aid oh ice cream maybe ice it's antiseptic pain relief with aloe that should be fine right yeah everyone's saying yeah yeah i'll be fine you guys just go ahead oh you say aloe vera hello i'm just okay should be fine why are you not using your fingers i don't like the feeling that my fingers get all icky but i'm gonna okay one from what for one cream to another my friends so who wants to go first i know everyone had pretty good stories are you too distracted by my freak show a little distracting um i'll go first what's your weird story it doesn't involve you did you get that antihistamine did you like the benefit you know i don't have many because all every time i've lived with roommates that's been with you and others that's interesting well maybe you have one of one of our roommates but mine is from before we lived together isn't that cute by the way you also live with yeah i when i met ethan i was at the army and i was still living with my parents 19. any any army roommates that were weirdos um no not really it's not like that but um so during my time at the army we met and we kind of became close closer and closer until it became official and then i just went from living with my parents to moving in with it and it's awesome like there was no there was no dating in between yeah it was crazy empty and like we went from zero to 100 yeah first we had to live together from the first day and then ela we had to share bank accounts too yeah because she was there for a while oh wow i got ice this is i got a whole trios station here thank you olivia and so we went basically yeah from living together and sharing a bank account from day one and it hasn't changed since we basically got married from the first day you showed up yeah but let's see do we let's see do we have weird stories oh well i remember one of our roommates left her like cat [ __ ] all over the house yeah you want to tell that one yeah our housemate i mean pete and we love her she was great though she was really good but she did have a cat and i guess she wasn't very clean with the cat so at one point there was literally a [ __ ] right next to her bed that just stayed there for like we could see because we would walk by her room oh and the door would be open sometimes and it was like a [ __ ] there that would not be cleaned for i don't know a couple days all day like the shit's still there yep it's still there oh my god she was asleep she was going in there and sleeping and stuff how could she not notice but it wasn't just that it was like there was a glitter box in the bathroom yeah and there was just cat [ __ ] like all over the [ __ ] it sounds like she just didn't clean the litter box it didn't yeah no the litter box always had poop in it so the cat would [ __ ] on the floor next to the litter for some reason it didn't phase me like that's how [ __ ] phrases for some reason that was just the life we lived back then yeah i mean it was like a [ __ ] show yeah you know so everything goes there's [ __ ] all over the floor i mean there was little cat [ __ ] everywhere in the house so yeah that's a pretty good one she was nice though but she was nice and i'll never forget she would do like grocery shopping and sometimes she would get like this huge packages of stuff so she had one huge package of like granola bars or something and she would just not touch it and then we kept like slowly we were digging at it well she wasn't eating it yeah no we shared a lot she was we we were all in good terms we yeah it was good she's she's great if she's watching this please don't i do like you we always liked you we always thought you were great just to catch it pretty epic we never complained or anything you know yeah well my uh i have a story that uh has a similar energy although uh not as bad as cat [ __ ] but in the sense of um i don't i've been lucky i i've had a lot of roommates i don't i never had like a nightmare one that i've heard lots of stories of people having a roommate that it's just you know practically come to blows with them or or do um but i i've been i've had a lot of roommates over the years and they've all been great i'm still friends with the majority of them and the one that i have a story about is actually one of my best friends um so he's listening he knows he actually does occasionally listen to the show so and and i actually i asked him about the story because i i asked him if he had any pictures of what i'm about to explain and he knows you're sharing the story yes he does and he's okay with it he was okay with it he seemed to he seemed a little tentative at first i i made the mistake of presenting it as a bad like we're sharing bad roommate stories and i should i was like it's not necessarily bad it's just like weird or something like that anyways so he he's a really funny dude very eccentric and at the time um he was he was a smoker as i was there was everything i think everybody that lived in that house was a smoker and he got it in his head that he wanted to [Music] not just want to he actually did save all of his cigarette packs um and turn them into like art by like making like mosaics out of them so we'd like change what brand all the time so we had like a variety of like different ones and then we make these cigarette like mosaics now i was like okay i mean that's like a little weird but that's a kind of an interesting creative thing to do whatever um so i think he made like one or two of them but then i don't know if it was just laziness or distraction or whatever but he wasn't really making them anymore and just saving the packs and eventually he wound up in his room with i'm not kidding like the giant oversized garbage bags like three or four of them full of empty cigarette packs and it was just like all over his [ __ ] room and people that asked like you gotta get rid of these cigarette packs he's like no no i'm gonna i'm gonna make more of these or whatever it it never happened like it just was just like one of those forgotten projects so it's just mounds of empty cigarette packs like spilling out into the hallway from his room just kind of like stacked on top of each other uh and yeah stink to it um i don't know that house was pretty messy anyways so it probably just you know the uh the overall it's the overall musk of the house of a bunch of uh 20 year old guys living together yeah it's amazing how we some of us live in college i mean it was pure [ __ ] degeneracy like i lived at one point with like uh five people well i lived in a house where there was one two three four four guys upstairs and then downstairs was five girls we didn't know each other we just moved in it was like a wasn't that i mean it was kind of a big house i guess but we had like our upstairs space they had their downstairs space and we kind of kept to ourselves but that upstairs situation there was like a little living room between the rooms there was two big rooms and we there was two guys and two guys i i don't think you could find a more disgusting vile situation than what was going on there like there's a picture i saw recently of it there was like a little table we used to play smash there all day basically that's it and drink and smoke and it was like cup of noodles leftovers take out trays empty bottles ash just smoke [ __ ] filled just just so unforgivably disgusting just horrid i mean horrid [Laughter] yeah it's hard to believe that man we used to live like that but it didn't even faze me at the time you literally just sit and brush the trash aside so you can just say it sounds pretty similar to the house that i was living in that i just described i think that that's like when you when you move out you don't know how to take care of yourself yeah it was the first place that i lived after moving out and and we were it was actually that guy with the cigarette packs was the reason we had this hookup it it was a way nicer house than we had any business having access to it was like a three or four bedroom house with like a backyard like it was really nice uh way nicer than any place i've lived in since to be frank uh but you know a house like that needs maintenance you you have to mow the lawn you have to like take care of it nobody uh like literally we lived there for a year and a half maybe two years never mowed the lawn never did anything it was like the the lawn was was almost as tall as us yeah so that reminds me yeah we rented a house too me and my friends a separate place this was with uh k and i and um yeah you don't think well i'm renting this i'm not mowing the [ __ ] lawn right well the fire marshal came to our house and told us our house was a fire hazard because our yard was so unkempt oh my god that we had to we had to do something or be condemned essentially right i'm surprised that didn't happen to us we had a neighbor who [ __ ] hated us this guy greg and we were such an [ __ ] stan like because he would come around and like kind of be like anybody taking care of that law and be like [ __ ] off [ __ ] you brick [ __ ] who most won he's just trying to be like nice and polite no he he was always very passive aggressive but like i mean in retrospect understandably so like he had all of these college age guys that were just letting the house next to his completely fall party it looks so bad it's tough you're like you're struggling to have enough money to buy food you know it's like you're not thinking about life college kids for the most part are very busy ones that are responsible anyway especially if you have to work i didn't do anything let's be honest ah so anyone else want to go i'll uh i'll go go ahead zach so i mean as most people know i always lived with my parents until i moved out recently and i live with my girlfriend now so this involves my best friend in the whole world his freshman roommate in college and i went there all the time i crashed in his dorm a bunch of times so call him kind of my roommate too and this guy he he he's a he listens to the show so uh if you know who you are i love you man um he uh he he's very nice he's a very nice guy he's from baltimore and he would just do some very interesting quirky one-off things um like put his boots in the freezer that's a thing guys isn't it i i guess so it was the first time i ever i've heard it is i've heard people put their jeans in the freezer to clean it because they don't want to wash it so that lasts longer i did hear that yeah was that was that why he did it i i don't know it could have been um he uh would leave his jerk off lube on my friend's bed that side okay yeah um sorry guys you're talking about like a bottle of moisturizer or something yeah the glue so why was it next to us his oh we got some more medicine hang on zach no you did fine you didn't do it yeah so what is this so here's a banana drill i got a drink let's go let's od i should just get every form of benadryl they have a tablet how does my face look leena it's all happening it's nice she says all right so um let's take the banana drill here let's do a little first aid um let's see take every to six hours adults 12 and over take one let's take two tablets right it says one to two have another allergic reaction to this like i don't think i've ever taken this stuff so yeah one two two let's take two let's take three two that shit's gonna make you tired oh no it's mixing all this [ __ ] yeah it's dry it's trying let's party i just thought we have some alcohol in the fridge what's up farm party people are saying that the liquid works quicker than the tablets yeah okay so i'm doing both i'm definitely doing them both you shouldn't makes oh no not both we need to love something to happen my face is like on fire right now i put the aloe and the vaseline i don't know if you guys could see what i was rubbing vaseline into my dome i'm with love i don't think you should mix man it's just alex it's just your americans are crazy with this stuff yeah yeah they are crazy i mean the swedes are like you're not even allowed to do anything over there no you guys are very conservative with drugs we don't give a [ __ ] i'll smoke crack right now okay smoke that benadryl dude love when you come out here we're going to smoke crack together bro i'm done for sure we're going to get crazy by the way yeah i can't open this thing like it's this child-proofed against me right so here's what we're gonna do guys we're gonna we're not mixing we're gonna chug this with this no dude you're gonna be on the [ __ ] floor that [ __ ] makes you so drowsy really yeah okay sounds fun so how much of this am i supposed to drink is there such thing as benadryl tripping oh yeah where you like take a bunch and then you try your best to stay awake can you guys just give me stuff to make my beard stop itching white take the pill you'll benefit and then you'll feel not itchy also drill trip that's what it's called the benadryl tripping that's what the kids are calling that's what the kids call it you hear that love come on over to america baby we're having a farm party yo let's we could share one of these together when you get here you'll be sick i'm done it also looks like a little still like bring it over to the party and then i have to pay for the health care afterwards that's the other thing nobody has health care that's what makes it fun it's kind of risky it's like you're throwing the dice it's called the robot just asking me to stop you yeah then you got to be the one yeah we don't do that oh don't overdo it just take two all right or no i did it was it too late yeah he full scent i did two with the i thought you were kidding no i wasn't kidding i didn't oh i'm sorry you guys think he's kidding okay well i didn't drink a lot it was just it didn't drink a lot it was just enough to put the pills down how many pills did you think everyone's saying you can overdose i can overdose what how many pills did you get everybody's but he took the liquid form also but not a lot just a little bit give it a little extra you guys are fine you got dude you guys know i [ __ ] like this can't be the most dangerous thing i've put in my body trust me let me let me just know about that warning do not it says i stepped away i went to the bathroom just so everybody knows and i came back and ethan's slamming pills wait hold on this says that it could cause rectal before it holds up in court oh no i have double rectal bleeding wait hold on this says that's the bonus it says it can make me drowsy usually you read these before you suggest lena hands me i take you bought it from ralph's how dangerous can it be [Music] i don't i don't know if that logic holds up necessarily yeah so um i don't know what's going to happen but hopefully it keeps me from itching i don't see any warnings like you'll die yeah i don't see any like it's right there [Laughter] [Music] it says for adults and children over 12 the maximum is 300 milligrams bro i'm not even close to that that's 25 25 and like a little taste in fact give me that bottle i want to hit that again no more please because i'm like well i'm not even at a hundred let alone 300. see you guys are tripping over enough 100 is good i think all right let's continue on oh my tv doesn't work i think the the i just need to log in i think oh i think the allergies is making me lose my mind having a rash on my brain right now okay so where were we zach you were telling your story yeah yeah so he he would just do interesting things boots in the freezer uh leave his jerk off uh lube on my friend's bed so hold on but i want to ask so he left his jerk off lube on the bedside what does that imply to you yeah no it was on his his side i meant to say his side of the room on his bed so what does that mean he's jerking off on his bed it could be but here's the the better part of this situation was there was one time there was a jizz filled condom no and he would always talk about how he would masturbate into condoms because he said it felt better okay i don't it's cleaner so he he was very he was he was very interesting he would almost dress like an ss officer with like suspenders and he was super tall and super nice but just just out there and you said you're still friends with him yeah he's a great i mean once you're not in the realm he's a nice person yeah what's the relevance of him being tall zach you just look like an essay i'm giving you a description so any to tie this all in his dad came to visit one time and his dad was the coolest [ __ ] guy and we're like oh why can't we have you as a roommate and so he's like i found a picture of his dad actually i feel like he's gonna look like ivan drago yeah close enough is that who is that an ss officer oh okay just a random access officer so his dad comes into town and he is like all right you guys wait here i'm gonna go get you something he buys us a bottle of jack daniels and a carton of cigarettes and he's like here you kids go have fun he sounds like a [ __ ] psychopath his dad was cool we were in college we're like oh [ __ ] this is what we want you know it's really did that's like pure degeneracy sounds like he'd raise a kid that would jack off into a [ __ ] condo that that's that's like pathetic level parenting where he just wants to be liked by you guys kind of whatever that's a great paul move right there that's such a great ball move it was because they're under the age wait were you guys under age yeah we were oh my goodness we were uh 19 19 now wow yeah so anyways good guy though well hold on i'm more con i'm more worried about this though your dude you're friends with was potentially jerking off he could have been someone else's bad he could have been he very well could have been that's gross oh it was someone else's bed yeah it was my it was my friend's bed because it was just saying that he had a bottle of lube next to his bed no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no he's tall yeah yeah no but like this dude's like insanely tall oh that's so handsome yeah yeah is he muscular yeah so wait did you guys ever question him about the lube nearest homie's bed we never questioned him about it we were just you want to call him now i i can hit him up yeah call him [Music] i'll wait when i moved into school one year there was a crusty sock underneath my mattress before i put all the bedding on hold on you say that again about the krusty sock when i moved in one year you i like flipped mine or the mattress with the like the door yeah in a dorm room oh no there's an ancient crusty sock under your mattress yeah better than it was filmed i mean if i had an if i thought that my roommate was jerking off of my bed i would need to investigate that we just rolled with the changes dude so was it one time you found the lube there or was it like many times it was multiple times we found the lube one time founding ages filled condom not in your friend's bed the condom was on friend's bed not in the garbage it was on your friend's bed a jizz failed condom yes the whole story is different how and how did you never confront him on this i just don't understand i don't think we could i mean it's not the easiest conversation to bring up are you [ __ ] kidding me bro my story is condom on the bed that needs that that needs to be addressed we were like oh his dad bought us the [ __ ] all right it's cool whatever oh that gave him a pass yeah jerk off in your bed yeah that's almost like a conscious effort too to leave that there he could have been [ __ ] with us i mean that's not that's beyonce that's a prank bro yeah he probably tells the story from his point of view like you guys are a bunch of [ __ ] weirdos for not saying anything he's like i'm going to prank these guys and then you guys just never said anything he's like it's pretty [ __ ] weird i'm going to pretend that's awesome they just accepted it were you intimidated by himself no we were just focused on other [ __ ] okay interesting well for example i had a roommate once one of my best friends you know sometimes you have to have uncomfortable conversations he kept jerking off in the shower and he would he wouldn't [ __ ] clean the drain out and i don't i don't know if the ladies know about like when you know jerk off hits water it congeals it turns to like this disgusting especially if there's air at the drain which there was it would just congeal at the drain and stay there and it's just rancid um and i would go in the shower after him and there'd just be [ __ ] jizz and hair sitting there and you know and the water's sitting too because it can't it can't address that so so i have to go into a tub full of jit of another dude's jizz that's like up to my ankles and i said i said look dude i this isn't comfortable for me but if you're gonna jerk off in the shower you have to clean the jizz out end the story okay of this dude who uh was cleaning a pool and he was cleaning a jacuzzi filter and he's like you guys need to stop [ __ ] in the jacuzzi because it's all just [ __ ] jigs i can totally see that just destroying the pool hardware yeah olivia said she had a similar story for hers somewhat similar oh similar in that like something just didn't go addressed because we didn't know how to and then it was way too long okay let me i'll explain so we moved in to an apartment there were three of us and on the first night i really hope no one sees it they won um on the first night uh when i went to take a shower the toilet was not flushed and i was like what was in it it was like i think then it was just pee and like toilet paper okay and i was like that's kind of gross but whatever it's one off i'll flush it myself and then the next morning i went in and it was full again oh p again of p with toilet paper okay and so i talked to one of my friends because i was like is that you and she was like no but i did see that and then we didn't address it because we thought that it was a mistake or something and then we just kept not addressing it because it had been too long at that point so we went the entire semester having to take care of her flushing for her and like even when this is kind of gross but like when she was on her period she would leave her tampons right there for us oh boy setting wait are you not supposed to flush tampons right you're not a lot of people do a lot of people but also because it's so great most people if they do flush and they flush them themselves you know yeah that's not something you want to leave in the toilet no or if you toss it you just wrap it up you don't just drop it in the toilet i mean in the trash you don't need that sometimes there would be some loose tampons in the trash too just right on the top so she never had poop in the toilet no i think what it was was she was trying to save water yeah about are we gonna be saving water we met people like that in santa cruz too well there's don't flash to save water but i don't know how i feel what city were you living in ohio is that a water do you guys have water issues with water yeah because i mean some cities have water issues santa cruz does not have water because there's plenty of water in northern california you can flush the toilet right yeah yeah she also had like i hope she doesn't see this she had she's still one of my best friends love her so much we just shouldn't live together anymore um she had this like routine at night that obviously my friend and i weren't aware of like how are we supposed to know and so one of the i think it was like the first week we were there she had showered and then it was my turn it was like the last shower of the night and i went in and i turned on the shower i had like washed my face and then all of a sudden i heard like a super fast knock on the door and i was like yes and she was like can i please come in like i have to be i have to pee like and i was like oh like can you wait like i literally just want a shower it'll take five minutes and she's like no no i have to and then she explained to me that she has a routine that she has to follow where it's like she takes a shower she goes upstairs she pees she goes upstairs she comes back down has to like wash her hands or something and then she goes to bed and i was like okay for sure you can absolutely do that like do your routine that you have to but like maybe don't be super adamant about having to be the first one to shower like if all of us have to do it if you have like a three-hour ritual right that has to take place afterwards i mean that sounds like ocd behavior yeah no it totally does i have absolutely i have ocd tendencies i just don't know what it was where i was like i need to stop your shower from happening yeah good thing dan said that before i said what i was about to say no yeah yeah yeah i mean that is what it sounds like yeah no no i'm glad i think i got lotion in my mouth i have the worst taste in my mouth it's so bad it's so bitter yeah why is this happening do you feel drowsy why no no i don't wonder why is this happening why is there a terrible taste in my mouth is that from the medicine i took because i don't think i got anything in my mouth benadryl is pretty bitter yeah you but didn't you take a swig no but now it's coming up like my mouth feels numb you swallowed a lot of benadryl yeah that kid they can numb your tongue really yeah but it's so bitter it's like it tastes so bad oh i gotta wash my hands legends legend show must go on i yeah i have one let's hear yours bud so um i may have talked about my cousin tim before on the show i'm not sure if you follow me like on instagram you've probably seen him i do not endorse him in any way if you're from my hometown you've probably heard of uh crazymo who's hangs out at donutville at 4 am that's my cousin he's always been a weird dude he comes from a really like good family his father was very uh well known well respected but he's like the apple that was thrown from the tree he's yeah he's a little different but um me and his younger brother and him split rent three ways for about four years five years in college and he paid a third of utilities a third of rent a third of everything and he never slept there once and he would he would sometimes come there and like we'd hear like something rustling he'd grab like some clothes and then run out and a lot of people are probably assuming drugs but he never has drinking anything in his life he's never smoked nothing he's just where was he staying we think he was staying with his mother who was living at my grandmother's house in like the middle of the hood for some reason we had a really nice place but he preferred the hood we don't know why you can't explain cousin tim so whatever pre-notions you have of him you just have to get over him but anyways the story is he's always doing weird [ __ ] and mean his younger brother's normal and we kind of just we we don't hang out with him or anything he just does his own thing but thank you uh one time we got a phone call from his mom and saying hey have you talked to tim he got in a fight with uh let's just say ahmed's dad i'll just the fake name is ahmed ahmed being one of our best friends since we were a kid and his dad was like very close with us we went to like family get-togethers with him he would bring out like the cake it was it was a really weird phone call to hear that he beat up one of our childhood best friend's father because we were so close with that family and we're like oh what happened and she didn't know what happened she's like just so you know i was like okay we'll ask him when he comes over later and i told his brother you know what don't say anything to him i'm curious if he's going to tell us that he got in this fight with ahmed's dad so tim came over and didn't mention it whatsoever and he's just like oh yeah we're going to eat and we're like are you going to tell us that you got a fight with you know one of our best childhood friends dads and he's like uh oh yeah yeah he was i don't know he was just he was talking [ __ ] about our family so we got a fight at the bakery i'm like aren't you gonna acknowledge that are you gonna tell us that what what do you mean that's the weirdest thing we've ever heard anyways long story short the dad came to our house and he was like super drunk and then like there was this huge fight in the middle of our front lawn and the dad is like you know he came from overseas he has a really strong accent and he was screaming out some of the most wild [ __ ] i've ever heard and like the phrases stuck with me for whatever reason he kept saying you and ahmed were best friends you came over to my house you play pokemon you play the pikachu you play with um as a pokemon he kept saying pokemon with a b because arabs we don't have a p sound in language in our language so in english that just goes to be pokemon every year for his birthday he say tim my best friend give him extra twenty dollars you want and for some reason he could perfectly announce dragon ball z technician he's like you want to play dragon ball z i buy it for you because you're rahman's best friend and you fight me it was just wait why did he get in a fight he i guess that he was talking [ __ ] about our family because like my our friend's dad was going through divorce and i think he was drunk and he was just talking about a lot of random [ __ ] about our family i think it was me or my other cousins were just being like all right whatever you know left him alone but unfortunately he got cousin tim in the bakery so they got like a fist fight and mail the bakery and the odd part about all this is after they're fighting in our front lawn screaming about takanichi and [ __ ] pokemon they started to make up through this this argument and tim's like yeah that was that was my favorite game i loved playing that game i'll never forget you brought it out with this cake and i it was just the weirdest by the end of the day they made up and we all went to go eat together which is worse because i kind of hope they would have kept fighting because how [ __ ] awkward that that dinner was but um yeah i don't know if i did a good job describing that but that's my cousin tim and this was a roommate of yours i missed you yeah he was he was a roommate who never uh slept at the house he played the third he paid a third of everything but never showed up to have screening matches on the front yard yeah exactly so your cousin tim got in a fight with your zelda's best friend did they like hit each other just screaming well when we were there they were just screaming at each other but at the bakery they threw blows at each other interesting yeah it was a very emotional thing i'm starting to get a headache is that normal probably not getting a headache got a metallic freak taste in my mouth my face is swelling to the size of a [ __ ] pumpkin you might need to go to the doctor i'm not not gonna lie lena said i look nice that's very sweet of her to say well i don't know you're sitting from there people who sit right next to me say i just look a little red right it's it's misleading though i feel like with the lights i don't know kind of hard to tell zach's coming in for a second come get in come get in close come get in close you're swollen right here you're small i'm swallowing on the jaw yeah and this is all blotchy and [ __ ] it's blotchy you need to go to urgent care dude no come on it's not that bad i'm not going to urgent care [ __ ] that when did the itching start huh when did the itching start like basically yeah it was itchy this morning but it got really bad when i put the [ __ ] itch cream on it is when everything lit off oh was it cortisone cream yeah yeah cortisone cream makes everything worse in my opinion makes everything worse you wouldn't even say what it was you just started sliding all right slathering it on you starting to look like vito corleone dude no i'm not going to use it i'm just saying i thought we read it and everybody said it was fine i said it's hydrocortisone yeah be some good clickbait you know you're gonna you're gonna actually end up in the hospital we can use the people you can write not click bait emotion that that'll that'll do it well i have one i haven't shared it's pretty simple okay so right before ela came i needed a place to stay i was living with a friend and he was moving out of town so i was like all right [ __ ] i got to find my own place on my own which was the first time you know and i found this place these two girls it was a really nice house in a good part of town remember the house by the diner it was a great house beautiful house they had an extra room and i took it and you know it was nice the girls were nice the house was nice it was awesome the room was nice well one of their friends they're like hey so we have a fourth friend there was all the rooms were full there was only three rooms we have a friend who is looking for a place and he's willing to live in the um the living room in exchange he'll pay all of our bills and utilities and he'll just live in the living room which is fine and we never use the living room you walk right into the house there's like a living room there none of us used it we just walked up to our own rooms so i was like that's fine i mean they all wanted them to move in and great save me some money every month so we all lived there for about a year no problem everything was great and when the year's up he was a nice guy you know i had a good rapport with him i'd say hi whatever when the year was up and it was time to move out this [ __ ] never paid a single bill and there was like ten thousand dollars with the utilities not only because there was like late fees on late fees on late fees um we owed electric water internet and was just so stacked up this [ __ ] never paid anything and i was broke you know sure and so the you remember this because it happened right after we moved out i remember when i when you found out about bill's being still yeah the girls hit me up and she's like yo just like i was already moved out i was done and then the girl messaged me and she's like yo just so you know we each owe like three thousand dollars because the homie never paid the bills and i was like [ __ ] yeah i mean i was like what the [ __ ] i didn't have the money first of all you know i don't know just turn into this whole thing where i was like i don't i don't know about this i don't know what to do about this situation yeah um he's your friend this was your idea so did did you ever give them any money i think i gave some money but not as much as they wanted sure i just couldn't afford it frankly so that that's it that's it's not that interesting oh he used to have sex like super loud too and there was no there was just i mean he's just out in the open what in the living room yeah like it was late at night so people weren't walking around or anything but you but it was like he was shaking the whole damn house it was like oh like crazy i was like dude was it him or that was a girl it was a girl it didn't bother me i just thought it was funny holy [ __ ] bro he was like you had a good time last night or somebody had a good time i don't know if you did i didn't hear from you i heard from her that's it not that crazy but i was just like you know i thought everything was great and then all of a sudden this [ __ ] never paid a single damn bill and i and i had flashbacks too throughout the year there the internet would go out and i was like hey dude um what's up with the internet it's not working because it was his responsibility and and then it would come back like a few days he's like i don't know what's up something wrong with it so i'm assuming he we were you know defaulting on the bill and he had to pay off a little bit to get it back just to get it reactivated yeah just enough that's my story it's a nightmare thank you so much saying your voice sounds weird because your mouth is all swollen oh stop my voice isn't somewhere chat is really upset that you're not at the hospital my voice doesn't sound weird that's that's i don't think your voice is normal to me but yeah good time to do the godfather lina you come to me you bring me this poison oh no everything i've done look at my face it's blotchy it's swollen what the what is this i'm gonna take my my own self out to the leg and put myself out of my own misery i can't continue to live like this i've got a headache my balls they itch my my dick itches my dick looks like a shrimp like with the redness not the size and i say to you and i say to you my rectum is starting to bleed what am i to do with this on this beautiful friday no school no work and here i am [Music] and here i am with an itchy ass and an itchy face [Music] crotch rod crash front as our good friend jeremy likes to sing i'm hungry too my mouth feels like a [ __ ] crotch rod my mouth feels like a sheet of sandpaper thank you that's that's it any other stores cam you got a good one eh yeah i hope so i think it's pretty good but uh hi everybody i got a story and there's some people so sorry i coughed in the mic but back in 2018 i had just gotten my uh second internship at adult swim right out of college and i just graduated so i was excited and uh the first time around i uh had a bit of trouble like finding a roommate on craigslist and everything and then i found out that through airbnb much like what i'm doing now you can book an extended stay airbnb so i found this great beautiful place uh like not too far from work and i found this the guy was nice it was beautiful interior decoration uh the dude was 59 years old that's no big deal to me you know whatever he looks like a mix of iggy pop and mr clean uh he was like he was like old man buff and he had like those leathery muscles to him but he had like a shaved head all he had in his fridge were like apples protein shakes and those egg white cartons that you pour out onto the uh onto like a pan yup there's iggy pop for for visual age just picture him bald and a little more uh buff too uh some grass yeah he was a nice guy he was a nice guy and everything we hung out a few times we watched movies and like uh he took me out to dinner a few times and then so one monday i uh received this text from him if you want to pull that up there you have it yep this is an unforgettable moment for me he texts me he goes yeah i'll read it in his voice too he kind of had a bit of a southern drawl to him yeah so he said uh hold on can you pull that back on screen uh let's eat it at six or six thirty i request that you do not shower clean booty but nothing else i want to smell you and so i responded was that text for me and it took a bit for him to respond so i sent the three question marks and then you say hit me with this the the awesome that is a pre-written from the iphone that's what i thought [Applause] uh embarrassing please excuse my mistake and i said that's fine as long as you're willing for me and he goes cool so here's the thing i suspect that that was for me because i went back that night and there was no other clean booties at the condo there was no other dinners being had that night and he like you know there's just little things that i put two and two together like he would at one point before all this he said oh you got you got such nice legs and stuff like that and and i you know i was innocent and i was like oh thanks man like i appreciate it thanks bro yeah and like you would you know there's a lot of things that in hindsight i put two and two together like the time that he has to suck your dick yeah exactly i thought you were like wait yeah yeah i just thought he was a good airbnb host you know yeah that's that's how that went so he he was the airbnb host did he live there or he was just like the yeah he owned the condo and like it was like an extended space or you could like sublease for a bit um cam you have an interesting life i feel like stuff like this happened to you stuff does just happen to me and i'm all here for it i feel like he's he's one of these guys that one day there'll be a documentary about how he was watching everyone from like oh [ __ ] he had a whole way to watch everyone was your landlord buffalo bill i swear to god that's what i said when cam first told me this story could someone scroll up on the text i want to read that part again how much longer i request that you do not shower clean booty but nothing else i want the smell yeah so i mean i lived with him for another like he was ready to eat your ass bro yeah i mean i i didn't have the option not to wash my ass so you know i just had to deal with it the awesome one is so interesting so yeah that's the real mystery if you go down all the way to that cam what the [ __ ] there it is it's kind of a question for you oh you have a couple of your sugar cookies you want to know the real kicker of it is after all this i still gave him like four stars as a review it's so hard to give him a battery yeah exactly you know yeah like the place was great he asked me he wanted to smell me and for me to not shower but other than that sometimes it takes time to process what happened you know i was very scared in the moment and he told me that it wasn't for me up and down and like i don't know i don't know yeah the real question is what he rated your sugar cookies do you did you have sugar what's sugar cookie well i do remember those sugar cookies very distinctly they're from trader joe's and i did in fact give him some sugar not in any not in any innuendo sense yeah wait so trader joe's this was out of nowhere dude it was on a monday like i don't know what time it was and i saw it and my eyes went oh my god what are those on these texts that's awesome is it is the time stamps on there yeah it's on there yeah wait so you know like was that meant for me yeah wait what time was it was it at 10 a.m before the show oh yeah and there was definitely a different change of pace pre and post texting with him did you ever address it like in person i talked to him in person and he's like no that wasn't for you i swear it's okay so were you guys planning to eat together at six we've we had gotten dinners in the past together with each other so i kind of thought nothing of it when i first saw that i can't believe he sent this at 10 30 in the morning yeah that's so funny well it was fantasizing about you dude yeah well that was actually that was around dinner or that was after lunch time because that was atlanta time uh so it was like three hours ahead of time that's a great one cam yeah oh my god he waited oh my gosh you should read some of those other texts he's a weird guy he waited like three minutes in between not for you and embarrassing and then he waited 10 minutes in between embarrassing and please excuse my mistake and like i was just an intern at the time i didn't have anybody to talk to or anyone to like about it i was very scared people are calling it your air being busty exactly and you know if you look at the date too um i've joked that 911 came a little early that year because it was like the sugar cookie question was actually 9 11. yeah the sugar cookie was your personal 911 yeah yeah well you know when it comes to airbnbs we had that one girl who we went there it was the first place we stayed when we got back from israel and we got this airbnb it wasn't cheap it was like 200 a night so we expected it to be decent but it was mold there was mold all over the bathroom there was like hell of people there too and it like stunk of cigarettes the sheets were it was just such a nightmare that's why i think i hate airbnb to this day yeah we've been traumatized because we were like people even offered to come and get us and we were like no we got it we're adults yeah we booked the place and it but it was like 3am when we got there um well anyway yeah walking into the house it looked so creepy there was just like beds everywhere i don't know it just looked it was a freak show there was beds everywhere there was and then we went in the bathroom it was stinky there was mold everywhere and so we left immediately we got there at 2 a.m we're like we can't sleep here we left at 3 a.m and the lady argued with us that we couldn't get our money back so we had to but my point is i didn't give i didn't even give her one star i was too i was too afraid of her i didn't rate her is my point oh man the anxiety do you have a clean booty though um i always keep my booty clean for elo [Applause] what king i think there is i feel like i've seen an actual documentary yeah i've seen that too what is it called voyage built the whole motel uh and put cameras in all the rooms yeah and he was spying on everyone yeah it's like a famous story super it's on netflix it's called voyer voyager i don't know if i saw that or something else right that's i'm not sure but there is something like that the one i saw the guy was in like the air vents looking down and his wife was in on it where did we i think this one might be it well anyway anyone else i think that's it we got we got a whole show here how long we've been going three hours all right thank god guys i am a swollen headache mess yep i'm gonna go take a shower vacancy was the dock you were talking about oh vacancy according to chat that might not that makes does that sound right that sounds familiar yeah it was really few people saying vacancy or boyer or voyeur yeah i wanted that i don't think it was boyer doesn't vacancy sounds yeah more like it he wasn't like a violent person he just wanted to see but he was a creep yeah no he was a creep for sure wait no that's a horror thriller it's not that it was a documentary regardless guys i'm going to go to the hospital not click bait if i die some of my spirit at 3 a.m with a ouija board definitely what the freak what the freak oh you know what i think the drowsiness is hitting me now you definitely need elo to drive home yeah that's fine i think the title should be chat forces me to go to the hospital thank god they did chad forces me to go to the hospital midway through the show almost died all right thank you everybody have a great weekend we have a leftovers this sunday yeah get stoked we have the pop-up tomorrow papa love i hope you guys go and have a lot of fun we got the numer new members bts members bts bts army for members there's a new video there it's a great i've watched a great job baby thank you thank you love that content great job anything else britain is free free brittany [ __ ] teddyfrench.com black friday sales happening now [Applause] thank you everyone we'll do the real raw ritual with more and e.t sharing life with the ringer see how low jimmy lee they said we wouldn't come back but you we always do embrace from the ashes like the phoenix on the flex back to two you're watching h2333 you're watching h2333 you're watching h233 you're watching h
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,642,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, after dark
Id: ADjcxhKgfp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 40sec (10540 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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