I Had To Get Emergency Surgery - Off The Rails #18

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Reddit Comments

Ian overlaying the NFT Glowworm while AB's talking at 53:25 is so good, he doesn't even need to speak to create humour.

The random visual effects he pulls out always crack me up, like this iconic moment with Ethan eating the burrito.

👍︎︎ 193 👤︎︎ u/BeExcellentPartyOn 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Can’t wait for I Love You Vishnu

👍︎︎ 77 👤︎︎ u/Altruistic-Paint4646 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Cam is enabling Ethan with these thumbnails. The same way Zack enables Ethan with The Godfather and Country Music.

👍︎︎ 205 👤︎︎ u/Celesteven 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Why’s Ethan so fired up this episode? 😂😂😂

👍︎︎ 67 👤︎︎ u/zaulik 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

The thumbnail should have been Cams photoshoped Image 💀

👍︎︎ 61 👤︎︎ u/maylingstudio 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Zach’s laugh is so infectious. Him laughing at Trisha’s live stream was the cherry on top.

👍︎︎ 213 👤︎︎ u/skyhitsheaven 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

alternative title: The day Ethan Klein got pissed during all the episode

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/pira3_1000 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

i propose that from now on, pressing the dislike button throws a tomato. and everyone watching the video at that timestamp can see it

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/bobsjobisfob 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

Btw gary vee's tokens were also an admission to his con for three years. Also interesting was that some of those token prices were inflated by people that had similar usernames. Both would have been interesting things to discuss on the pod.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/theidbeywuwj 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
two here we are baby it is wednesday today might be thursday when you're watching it but it's the midweek show and we are here to tear it up off the rails he takes that five percent wait what's that what was the home do you uh do you not know oh it's a uh friend of the show formerly wait is that a nutrition drop it very well might be yeah very well might be yes interesting oh here it is wait what is this is this a real thing here what okay by the way welcome to off the rails we're getting right into it today's today's episode is sponsored by uh stamps.com thank you thank you uh what is this gold what's happening why are people throwing tomatoes at here what's happening right what is this you guys guys what what did i miss uh i believe she's into uh eastern mysticism and meditation why are there being why are there tomatoes being thrown at her you know why wait okay so as i can best gather is that she's live streaming on tick tock 30 000 people watching that's that's pretty significant pulling numbers yeah um she seems to be meditating of some sort and the people are paying money to throw tomatoes at her how much should it cost to throw a tomato do you guys know i believe it's 99 cents let me double check okay so okay that's a pretty good that's a pretty good deal i think uh i might have found my new song favorite new sound bite yeah um this is this is good [ __ ] right here my friends yeah the good thing is that i just what so what she's like her i heard something like she's hari krishna now or something uh sure she is well you say that was skepticism she was hara krishna this week what's today today is wednesday okay nevermind i think kari krishna's on tuesdays yeah jew for jesus is on thursday joel austin disciple that's every day let's be honest right there's no contradictions there okay let's watch this one more time because what the [ __ ] but she's obviously trolling right like i don't think she would mind i don't think she would mind us watching this she's obviously trolling yeah i like i think i agree there's no way she thought this would go over any other way live streaming her doing this the tomatoes just i'm surprised tick-tock even programmed in the ability to throw tomatoes at somebody that's true yeah i mean they have to know the context of that the connotation there's no other use of throwing a tomato it's just non-stop tomatoes by the way non-stop tomatoes man maximum velocity tomato throwing one two did she probably she could have made a thousand bucks for people chucking tomatoes at her how about way to make a make a buck i mean that's kind of her whole career in one short one image of just her cleaning making money people throwing tomatoes at her yeah true oh this is wild you guys wait i'm confused is is okay wait is this all people paying like it says this girl sent a rose is that yeah the roses these are all tick-tock stickers i'm looking for oh so this is all people paying a dollar yeah those ones at top yeah where it has any of the like big emojis yo while i would way rather throw the flour doesn't do anything throw a tomato i think it just kind of sprinkles uh some petals oh oh okay it's it's weird how they do it you you pay in coins but you pay for the coins with actual money so i'm not sure if it's a dollar for each one but microtransactions baby so she's actually cleaning up here she got flowers she got tomatoes she got the whole thing is just wow a flower is like a couple pennies is there oh okay so the tomato is a bigger investment i'm guessing i'm not seeing the tomato on here maybe that was a one time it's just a few cents people are sending her yeah she's literally a beggar on the street corner and people are just talking flicking pennies at her because one rose is one coin but you could buy 65 coins for a dollar yeah gotcha wait was that love on the um monitor i mean was that trisha on the monitor oh right oh wait no that's love i feel like she's ascended that was sunday sunday's chicken chicken nuggets i feel like she's ascended from that the nuggie identity she's in she's the whole tender now she's remember this wait what is this love jesus that's disturbing there you go i don't like how the legs jiggle go back to love actually i actually do like how the legs jiggle it's disturbing keep jiggling them how much does it cost to throw a tomato how many coins i'm not seeing the tomato everywhere i'm now i'm googling it because i couldn't find it in tik tok yeah this is important for me it's specially programmed for her for her account yeah the account manager added it just for her for this live stream i i've i've never seen that on tick tock i've never seen people chucking tomatoes dude this is the best thing this is this is amazing i mean look it's non-stop tomatoes just non-stop all right i mean she's obviously trolling why would you live stream yourself meditating like that if you wanted to meditate you just do it in the privacy that's the whole point of meditation right is like aloneness oneness i don't know anything about meditation certainly some people certainly streaming live streaming your um your meditation is not encouraged in most traditions she's got a great vibrato man i'll tell you anyway that was exciting um just a gentle reminder at the top of the show that over on teddyfresh.com we have our black friday sale running through november you can get still the color block is on sale the three panel hoodie is 50 off spongebob 50 off all these beautiful hoodies let me showcase today the paisley petty i love this hoodie it's so nice the fabric the material used on it is beautiful so this is on sale right now teddyfresh.com the only time of the year thank you also teddy fresh uh looney tunes uh pop-up is happening on this saturday is that right correct me and ela will not be attending unfortunately we figured that it's a bad time to do a fan meetup and i'm very sorry i feel horrible i really wanted to be there it sucks but i hope you guys still go and have fun um the address is on our social media to refresh instagram all right anyway um here we are we've got a lot of really really fun stuff to talk about here today uh starting with soflo antonio which is a name we've not heard and many a moon a long time a long time soflo antonio for i guess there's a lot of new people here who may not know who soflow is but man he was one of the og youtube pranksters who was doing like super racist like pranks in the hood he was basically running a bunch of scams on facebook he uh did a bunch of fake pranks stealing content from people and just like the cringiest dude you could imagine um super successful on facebook obviously where people like that go to have extraordinary success oh that's what's up where was this just follow me on instagram where was this posted on his youtube channel the first video he's not oh [ __ ] look at the channel no this is a straight up he premiered it too look it's a premiere whoa no way wait can you get back while i watch this he says i know this vid will get a bunch of hate because i haven't posted in a very long time but i'll making a full video explain where i have been i'll be coming back to youtube don't worry dude nobody [ __ ] one like yeah nobody's nobody's waiting dude well after this i mean wait until they see this banger content that he's posting can one of you guys while i watch this see if it's on his instagram or facebook if it got he's not on his instagram i uh i have his instagram linked um in the doc right after this uh it could be on tick tock or something i need to know if this kind of stuff goes viral oh yeah on tick tock or or um facebook anyway here he is this is bella porch followed me on instagram gone wild yeah he used to put that in the title of all his videos was gone wild so here we go without further ado yo that's what's up teleports just follow me on instagram i'ma slide into dms real quick let's see what's up damn she just saw us what's up she's typing she's typing damn she just stopped typing she's already playing games with me man ah she back she back oh what's up girl you know why is it blurry i know it went down to like 20 240 p okay there it is let me go back a little bit this we need to follow all the action carefully games with me man ah she back she back oh what's up girl you know what's up so tell me the truth why you follow me you like me or something oh [ __ ] i think we need to shoot our shot real quick we can shoot a shot let's go let's try to get her on a date let's see if we can do it of course we should girl come on i get you 5 million likes and a tickety top damn you want wait so soflo offered to get her 5 million likes on tick tock i mean isn't she the tick tock like the third biggest isn't he saying if he gets 5 million likes she'll go on a date with him i don't think so he says i guess i don't know it's that's exactly what it says how how about i get five million likes on tick tock a date ticket of course we should girl come on i get you 5 million likes and a kitty talk i guess he does say 4 to you yeah ok how about i get 5 million likes on a tick tock for you how about 10 million likes and one million shares okay so yeah he's trying to beg people for likes and shares yeah that is my understanding but the the message is very poorly delivered and by the way if she followed you and she says you're cute i think you're already in bro i don't think you need people to like have you found this on his tick though kb i can't find a sig talk i'm looking for it i also can't find his tick tock yeah i've seen a bunch of fakes but i will say this is a trend on tick tock i see a lot of people i've been seeing people do this should i post this for my account and see what happens just as your own video i'll be like this is good content so flow if you're not gonna post it i will okay what does this you it'll probably get removed which is ironic because that's what he used to do with people right it's content yep i followed i found it it is on a tick tock it has 1.8 million views no no god no no sorry that's a part two part one has 6.2 million views that sucks bella has to go on a date with him now i hate that this [ __ ] always works he it always works he's so [ __ ] dumb and bad and makes the worst content and it always works and i don't know why send me a link i sent it tic tac has a lot for these guys to have a rebirth they're doing all the same tricks now five years later right this is not okay yeah didn't we find out the other they're all that's what they're all back the other prank hold on the [ __ ] phone i gotta read these comments this is not okay that well we never actually finished this let's finish watching just follow me on instagram i'm just like this please smash that like button and share this with all your friends yo bro i [ __ ] hate this man stop so here's the comments i mean nobody believes this yet yet here we are i mean he's just harvesting 12 year olds i guess i mean who else would participate in such a nightmare oh my god i can't tell you this is uh so here this is part two which has 1.8 million so last week bellapoor's followed me on instagram by the way she not that it needs to be said but she doesn't follow him wait i know i know it's crazy it's hard to believe yeah yeah she doesn't follow him you know she does follow me but but he he got the likes she's contractual wait did he i don't think he got the likes no oh he said he needs he needed like 10 million he's not he's not there bro he needed a million likes yo that's what's up he's not he's only halfway there oh not even halfway okay well hopefully bella comes through when he does hit that milly so last week bellaport's followed me on instagram so i decided to slide into her dm see if she would go on a date with you by the way pretty ballsy so last week followed me on instagram didn't even follow her back damn cold-blooded wow what a pimp i decided to slide into her dm see if she would go on a date with you talk for a little bit she told me i was cute i knew it was my chance so i went in for it that i had to get 10 million likes on a tick tock video so i decided to give it a shot but unfortunately it didn't go as viral as i thought it would [ __ ] it got six million views you [ __ ] for nothing with 5 000 views and everyone [ __ ] on him and i find a video was like [ __ ] 6 million views you [ __ ] as long as you have no shame you can make it on tick tock that's so [ __ ] crazy it's so dumb it's not even no [ __ ] like clearly he has no shame you're right but it's so dumb it's so a week i decided to tell her the truth we didn't make it to 10 million likes but then she responded with if you get 1 million you can go on a coffee date which i thought was great and i know for a fact we can do she's like if you got 10 i would have i would have [ __ ] you but 1 million i'll get you some coffee because we're a family and we're a team so everyone drop a like and we'll catch how about you go [ __ ] yourself and get off the internet and stop this madness i hate him what else are you really feel here's a video with abe what is this wait jeffrey jeffrey he's not even in this video he forgot his signature filter the i won't lie this is definitely right so by the way what he used to do is he would rip people's content off youtube and put his watermark on it and post it on facebook so he's like straight up a criminal it would look like this well let's not forget the last time we talked about soflo was talking about his selling of fake um masks for kovid at the start of the pantemic yeah right i forgot he was selling fake masks dude when masks were all sold out yeah he oh yeah we're like he's gonna get arrested but i yeah he was advertising them as n95 masks uh when when there was like a total shortage of them like basically shortly after that or right around there where he [ __ ] off to south korea where he apparently still is and i this is not a joke think that he is he's a wanted man he's probably on the run from the fbi yeah right he had this massive drop shipping fraud i or i don't think he ever even shipped it people out it was just straightforward thunder labs is what it was called thunder labs oh is that website still up um there was like a ton of facebook reviews just i was like i never got my mask this is fake does south korea have extradition laws with you uh treaties i wonder with the us or they just uh almost certainly do i mean they're close allies so yeah there's probably better places to hide so maybe he's uh not wanted he's flying under maybe he's planning an escape to north korea he'll be off the grid there well certainly certainly kim jong-un and him will be good friends they're gonna making tick-tocks together uh thunder labs has not posted on their social media since january of 2020 so it appears that's a shame it has disappeared yeah he's actually a straight-up criminal well being unfunny is not even the worst thing he's done it's close though it's close smart not to put himself in this video oh my god go ahead i have a play the no such thing as a coincidence music right now get it going zach no [ __ ] you ready uh-oh thunder labs website right let me scroll down network who have they worked with relativity media that can't be real though they've been bankrupt since before he existed i don't know cav cav bought accounts i think he has some explaining to do who do you think are behind those bot accounts allegedly i mean sofia does have the know-how to be buying almost certainly fashion nova style hall there's no such thing as a coincidence i just open their website and scrolled down and that just caught my eye that's pretty amazing there is no such thing as a coincidence really i mean cathcav and soflow would get on great absolutely our facebook pages were the first to hit 1 billion views and did over 240 mil i was i was actually reading that oh um and we did over 240 million views in a single day that's one percent of all worldwide viewership on facebook at the time okay what are you doing for me now what do they say they do due to high demand we only have the bandwidth work with a set number of clients at any given time they're saying that they're like some sort of media growth company but remember scroll down when we looked at this they were it was a online shop before so somehow thunder labs has changed from thunder labs manages content that averages over a billion views per month thunder labs is home to some of the most powerful consumer video video brands we are an engagement powerhouse oh yeah actualized by our close-knit ties to the influencers this is this is a nightmare you guys let's dig into his tik-tok more because you know on tick tock he has 9 million followers um i hate that here's one with him in it this has 9 million views the one to the right of that shows that he's still the comedian he's always been still has that class a humor i'll play that after this billion is that for real check out this magic trick um dude can you [ __ ] not what wait do you think that's copyrighted music yes okay the among us trap remix the among us trap remakes dude what the [ __ ] bro he's just typing in this is the worst thing i don't even know what that was but i hate it i'm out you said there's some sofa humor here the girl in the green yep okay all you gotta do is apply some force i'll show you what's up check it out now now there there's no reason that anybody anywhere of any age should be watching and enjoying this content period that's that's just a problem with humanity like i'm sorry but this is not okay i'm in pain okay that one was rough it's time to stop here look he was kind of a heavy just stealing content i mean on tick tock you could just do duets but he was the first one he's an innovator yeah so here is a ticked well i'm curious what's happening here because he's oh okay so he's still still in content this is a tick tock from this guy my whatever it shows the tag it's not so flow he just ripped it and re-uploaded it that's amazing no relevance to him or his page just straight up ripped it off that's the soflo uh classic right there wow man wow man that's a so flawless end wow uh this again it says my kale d forgotten it's his tick tock account and he's just downloaded it and uploaded it to his tick tock he has nothing to add what yeah he didn't add anything he just uploaded their video that's crazy man i can't [ __ ] believe this guy i hate him he's he's a piece of [ __ ] what'd you send me i'm getting all worked up i gotta chill this is a duet that he legit just he's in this one though at least but he copies the joke of the guy who do edit it okay whatever just upload someone else's wait i'm starting to i'm starting to register something kind of crazy here okay that that other account that you were just saying he stole it from i mean scroll further back on soflo's page i think he might have bought this tick tock page because i noticed earlier in the comments when you pulled it up people were like where's michael what happened to michael or whatever and then i think he bought it and changed the name yeah oh because how else could he get 9 million that makes way more sense right than him somehow acquiring people are saying where's michael where's michael yeah when one of the videos you pulled up there was multiple comments about michael and then just now when you pulled that up and it that tag on that video said michael i was like wait that that isn't that who people were asking about and yeah it scrolled down on his page it's like it's the same it's some other dude's tick tock account oh he he commented on this by the way and no means making fun of her having a fake eye okay thanks bro thanks for clarifying welcome woke can we have michael back there was a comment on that one wait okay we need michael who is michael where did he bury the body i think he took michael out bro i'm trying to find more where's michael comments here where is it i don't know i i've seen like three or four at this point though but if you just scroll way down on the account it's weird you'll know that my map no where's michael guys michael is missing so that bella tick tock is actually his his first tick tock yeah seemingly so whoa what the [ __ ] although that one slapped so maybe he knows what he that one was off the rails well because this account was already had a ton of followers dude 9 million dude don't under don't let's see what this is this is the one he posted after he uh his first original one i mean yeah he's still just ripping it off this is just a rip of someone's tick tock i don't know what's happening but i hate it i'm out thank you may you be arrested and sent to the google you know what i hope soflo sent to um where's that prison where they like make you get naked and torture you uh abu ghraib is that what you're talking about vladimir putin guantanamo bay guantanamo bay okay i hope i hope they send them to guantanamo bay for this gotcha vladimir putin okay we've spent like that's enough about soul flow that is enough um we watch that we've got um guys uh this is pretty interesting youtube is removing dislikes sorted let's see uh to reduce targeted dislike attacks and their impact on creators you'll no longer see a public dislike count on youtube starting today the dislike button is staying hold on let's read let's hear it hey folks you may have seen a while back that youtube announced that youtube announced it was experimenting with well take note of that let's give a fun farewell to the dislike exactly just by everyone's disliking making dislike counts private you know what happened they made this creator studio account and they've got a shitload of dislikes and they're like we don't like that this kind of sucks this sucks she's only the creator of the video why am i if you're like me you were surprised by that i mean in i've always thought seeing the number of dislikes on a video helps us know as viewers if it's a good video or not if it's a helpful tutorial or not or if what a creator is is saying in their video is generally agreed with well what do you make about this bro 8.2 000 districts what do we think i mean i feel like if you have a sense of humor at all you you have to dislike this yeah you have to yeah so whether or not you you're happy with this change that's the warning but unfortunately research teams that youtube have found there's this whole other use for disliking a video that you don't need to figure that out people use a dislike a button to tell people to [ __ ] off or to troll we had a 10 year long research team we employed 500 researchers from over the world in the world and invested a billion dollars and we've concluded that some people use the dislike button to troll what is trolling experienced as a creator and you may not have either apparently groups of viewers are targeting a video dislike button to drive up the count turning it into something like a a game with a visible score and that who would do that on the internet it's awesome that they're like talking about they just discovered and it's usually just because they don't like the creator or what they stand for that's a big problem when half of youtube's mission is to give everyone a voice so earlier and what about the voice of people that hate your guts and want to dislike you they don't get a voice anymore 2021 youtube experimented with making the public dislike count private to see if it would help reduce these coordinated dislike attacks across the platform it won't and after analysis they did see a reduction so the update from youtube is that the dislike button is staying but the dislike counts will now be private now only you can still yeah i know i thought that was funny this just means more hate comments right and that you i mean that's an interesting theory no i mean like yeah you'll look people at the top comments to see how everybody else feels right people are going to want to express their frustration or anger or dissatisfaction they can still do it there'll be a comment at the top and we'll say this is you just like use me as a dislike button that's going to be on every video on every video murder the thing is at least the creators are gonna be able to control that i think that's what they yeah you can remove that i guess it's true and this is all leading back to tick tock they're just same thing with the shorts just to keep up with tick-tock what does this do with tick-tock likes dislikes because the dislikes aren't on tick-tock right it's just hearts yeah it's like videos and that action will be used to tune your own recommendations but you won't be able to see the display and after analysis they did see a reduction so the update from youtube is that the dislike button is staying but the dislike counts will now be private you can still dislike videos and that action will be used to tune your own recommendations but what the dislike button tunes recommendations i had that is huge that is huge i had that is [ __ ] huge that is huge thing that they just disclosed yeah because if i dislike someone's like apology video i don't want to miss the rest of it yeah never see their videos again right or if you like it dislike an episode of the podcast you dislike it and then they're like oh he doesn't ever want to see their videos again well i was under the impression and this is from talking to people at youtube too is that the dislike like have no effect on anything at all but this [ __ ] is telling me here today that that affects your discovery that is insane people i think people need to know that because they throw the dislike button around like nothing doesn't mean you never want to see their videos again am i alone and feel like i've always known that i agree yeah i feel like i've known that too well uh oh i've talked to people i i i think there's been like a rumor people have i think people are going to study that right but youtube's never confirmed itself i always figured it was like a myth that the that the more engagement does and i've talked to youtube i mean i've i've literally talked with them and they say that it does nothing they're lying to you bro sketch who's on the phone but i don't think they'll like the like doesn't do anything it doesn't increase engagement um it doesn't everything you say is us now i i don't know if i believe you ethan it doesn't bro it doesn't private you can still dislike videos and that action will be used to tune your own recommendations i cannot believe what i'm hearing right now this is shocking but you won't be able to see the dislike count only the creator can find it on the back end also like generally i don't dislike videos because i feel like a douche doing it so i'm not gonna go like dislike someone's video because i don't want to see it anymore i mean you're already watching the video i don't get it huh now a few common questions we saw from the initial experiment first without a public dislike count how can viewers tell if a video is worth watching again i kind of have this question too but it turns out that while viewers might use the dislike count to give them a sense of a video's worth when the teams looked at the data across millions of viewers and videos in the experiment they didn't see a noticeable difference in viewership regardless of whether they could see the dislike count or not in other words it didn't really matter i mean i would say when i'm looking for like a tutorial that's the only time where it matters but right any other time the time that it matters though yeah it definitely matters if you're like looking for a premiere or after effects thing and you see it as 80 dislike you're like okay yeah or making fun of keem exactly you know this just occurred to me keemstar complains that nobody sees his the videos on his under recommendations like yeah everybody just like your videos obviously that's why [ __ ] holy [ __ ] or if a video had a lot of dislikes everybody liked this video apparently you got to start saying it i know you don't like to but you got to start saying i've never said it my whole career my whole career i have never instructed anybody to like my videos smash that like button we'll just use the soundbite of your dad each of us all right guys well apparently it's important smash that like button because otherwise youtube i don't ever show you my videos what the [ __ ] turn all notifications on and and if you hit the dislike button you're never going to see my videos again stupid [ __ ] so don't do it even if you disagree with me it's the worst thing you could ever do to me is dislike my video or not they still watched next common question if creators can still see the dislike count on the back end how's that any different they can see it if they look for it inside studio analytics under the engagement tab but overall it's much less likely to cause stress and embarrassment if the count isn't visible to the public are you embarrassed how [ __ ] embarrassed are you right now i'm pathetic [ __ ] i hate the way this guy's explaining this i hate that dislikes actually affect recommendation [ __ ] one question is this because youtube rewind got lots of dislikes no yes it is [ __ ] you brought it up i wasn't even wondering that nobody was wondering you brought that [ __ ] up susan was pissed for tonight it's all from fortnite bro they're still mad they're still mad all these years on golly there are some teams internally who have learned the hard way what it feels like to get a lot he's saying it is now this again is about protecting all of these like i just said it's about they got butthurt about the dislike although there are some teams internally who have learned the hard way what it feels like to get lots of dislikes now this again is about protecting all creators and making sure they have a chance to succeed and feel safe in doing so all right so that's the update i hope it doesn't cause too much frustration honestly i think you're going to get used to it pretty quickly and keep in mind other platforms don't even have a dislike button well shut up you want to be like all other platform now you pick me ass platform so consider that thank you and i hope you're welcome so my my take on this was that i don't really care that they're removing the dislike button it doesn't bother me until now i just real this is very upsetting me that the like buttons actually affect recommendations this is upsetting me a lot you guys it doesn't really make sense for it to affect recommendation because people do it emotionally it doesn't mean i want to see more or less you know what i'm saying it's a horrible metric to use can i report this video report harmful indeed uh promotes terrorism is that is that an option yeah promotes terrorism animals die um this is on my account you just terrorized all right is my mind with the revelation that like dislike effects recommendation i disliked the video and i hope you always remember that remember that even after it's disabled shame on you just because you got butt hurt that rewind got blasted with dislikes doesn't mean you have to turn it off for everyone that's it i think it's great send they'll read that for sure yep well put eloquently put what a douche i thought he was actually quite a good presenter in the video outside of like the content of what he was saying he felt like he was much more natural than these are usually so kudos to him if you're watching i'm not i'm not co-signing what you're saying this is my opinion nobody asked in this case for your opinion okay putting it forward if i want your opinion i'll ask i'll ask you sure this i'll ask for a dislike or i'm sure i would like to be glad to hear from me okay you put a lot of work in you know what bro here's what we're gonna do we're gonna put a like dislike button on your [ __ ] desk i want to hear from you i'll come do a digital like button and then you can speak that logistically sounds very difficult i'm gonna i'm disliking you right now i don't care dislike [ __ ] disabled just remove recommendations from dan just like to disable ah i don't know what do you guys think about the removing of dislikes hey b you seem to have an opinion i don't want to upset the youtube guys i think it's great i'm not up there what a [ __ ] push why do you think it's great i mean i again i'm neutral i think it's fine i don't know thank you dan that share really changed you no i think what it is is i they got to do something because recently tick tock beat youtube and watch time and total watch time so they got to do something you think it's the like dislike button how the [ __ ] was that well they're trying everything i had someone from youtube i have a small channel reach out to me and want to do a phone call asking what they could do to improve shorts so they're really taking initiative i've never seen them do that on youtube like this and it's because of tick tock and maybe they just associate tic toc with a better time because there's no dislikes doesn't mean comments but you could delete them i don't think that's why i think tick tock is just insane i think it's just insanely popular it's just people like scrolling that [ __ ] the baby has a point but i think they're just trying everything yeah exactly it's motivating them to to finally try and innovate a little bit they i mean yeah youtube's been resting on their laurels a little bit well maybe they should start promoting my videos more and paying me more yeah well that's one option like how about that they also just announced there's a huge amount of features they're basically just lifting wholesale from twitch for live streaming that's coming to youtube soon so they're not bringing to us because we don't play video games exactly that's why youtube's in the [ __ ] we can just buy and say we're gaming and have those features turned on probably i need to write my guy write your guy [ __ ] i'm going to write him right now no not right now call susan just call susan just let her know yeah no because i'll forget hold on gordon wait not gordon um don't say his name let's let's include this but we have to go to break so throw it to break and you can uh call your person who is not named gordon time to take a short break the season of giving is finally here and so is the holiday rush so if you're selling anything online you don't have to face the holiday hustle alone stamps.com takes all the hustle and guesswork out of holiday shipping and saves you money easily compare prices and delivery dates across major carriers and get huge discounts up to 40 off usps and 76 off ups rates are you serious whether you whether your sales come from amazon etsy shopify or ebay stamps.com streamlines your shipping and keeps you on your customers nice list yeah so like um your girlfriend uses stamps.com right dan she does 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seems like a pseudo guru a b and love love him he's the guy who famously said this we did actually well here this is garyvee my family once a day genuinely sit there for five minutes and make pretend one of them got shot in the face so i need to imagine a family oh this is a duet it was a stitch because he deleted his original video you guys couldn't find the original oh oh well well i wrote that on the dock interesting because i found a lot of weird re-uploads like this too but what i said was let's find the original and you were like i found in two seconds on tick tock i actually had everybody called me a [ __ ] boomer i have the sound bite if you want to play that i i have the video just like it's 12 minutes long except to find a time stamp if play the sound bite uh you just need to hear it once a day genuinely sit there for five minutes and make pretend one of them got shot in the face well we just heard that awesome that's exactly what we just heard there's more isn't there that's the that's the crux of it let's be real yeah anyway we had love go home and do it we said love let's see well he said that's my secret to happiness right that second part is important okay he said that's my secret to happiness i genuinely sit down every day and imagine my whole family being murdered and it makes me feel happy because i appreciate them more that's his theory right i says any guy who's telling me to go home and imagine my precious two-year-old being shot in the [ __ ] face every day and died is not my friend is not a good person i hate this man this is bad advice love you went home and you took his advice how did how was your mental state after that week it's still not good never recovered no but genuinely we did an experiment where love volunteered to do that and it was very unpleasant for you i mean yeah it's not a good idea i mean i understand the principle like imagine something if you were in a worse position or something but your family murdered i think it's a bit far it's a little extreme yes you can say that every day and look how he says it was so much gusto it's almost like he likes imagining it watch this do you love the most of the world nice also with the like inspiring music it's like dude get a grip family once a day genuinely sit there for five minutes and make pretend one of them got shot in the face yeah he's psychotic i don't like him and that's it nobody will convince me that he's cool well he put out um oh wait we have another moment we uncovered sorry before we get to the story is that cam shared this with us this is new never before seen gary v dirt this is compelling [ __ ] cameron how did you find this yeah come over you gotta explain this because this is good [ __ ] he said he's been sitting on this for years yeah give me the lore on this clip because this is this is fantastic stuff uh yeah so my buddy my buddy at my old uh office really liked garyvee and he was watching that podcast on his own accord and he just said hey check this out what the [ __ ] dude all right well here it is thank you cam all right guys so so here's here there that's his dad this is his dad okay now that's a big old open lip kiss there's might have been some tongue involved there dad i asked you to move yeah you can what i sold right yeah yeah and that's uh yeah right listen all right let's go in wait now if you don't believe me let's go my dad i asked you to let's go slowly framework right some people kiss their parents on the on the lips i mean that's not the craziest thing but tom brady tom brady for example here we go guys now there's a play-by-play you can see the lips open look at that maybe he's feeding him he's kind of like a baby bird he's spitting in his mouth aggressive [ __ ] kiss dude that's pa i don't kiss hilo like that damn it's like a i mean that's an x-rated kiss dude yeah there was some tongue exchange yeah he loves his dad what could you say he loves his dad oh yeah he does i mean here there's some stills that are really good too so this is by the way yeah they've got the wine they've got the cheese they're having a romantic moment totally and you know well listen he he lips are open guys he's spent the last several years imagining this guy getting shot violently point-blank in the face so he's gotta hold on he's gotta hold on to that yeah you're alive look at that that's open lit bye and then if you go down this is the pucker right i mean look at that that's all there my dude so that's our boy garyvee dude that's sexual it was just a mystery sexual well you know there's like it's not just a peck it's there's passion there there's an exchange of of saliva for sure neither of them look surprised it was definitely their two heads when they come together it forms a [ __ ] heart like it it's it could have been so like it could have been an accident but that ain't no [ __ ] accident look at he loves his father i get that but maybe a little too much all right let's go ahead it's just a full sentence anyway this is all goofs and stuff but seriously if you guys want to watch it's on episode 11 gary's dad joins the show at seven minutes and 30 seconds guys uh we need an explanation yeah i got a question for gary what the [ __ ] is this askgaryvee yeah i sold it right yeah yeah and that's uh yeah all right all right let's daddy makeout day anyway just jokes but he put out the nft as all scammers and cons have been doing lately you know and uh people are buying this [ __ ] of course because they love gary vee but you guys got to see some of the nfts he's putting out here i mean this is just this is just upsetting okay this worm glow a worm sold for it said here on the last page thirty four thousand dollars like i'm sorry but this is just [ __ ] so i just hate it it's just nonsense it's so stupid it's nonsense this will not be worth anything ever people are being scammed what are you guys you guys are fans of his am i crazy i think that's the intention is showing that it could be something so shitty in the thank you what the [ __ ] is that yeah go ahead um the value yeah i can't think looking at my own face don't look at your face talk to me talk to ethan yeah you could have you could have [ __ ] and sell it the values and the ownership and it's coming from garyvee the nft dude who kisses his pups i'm so distracted why you got to look at yourself bro just talk to me i'm talking to you bro i can i can draw this on a napkin nobody's going to pay me 20 000 for it i mean uh isn't that literally what he did you want to put that to the theory yeah yes i'll draw a dumb [ __ ] worm and i'm sorry what's the what is this here what is it's a dumb [ __ ] worm like bro you're gonna put a little more thought into your [ __ ] yeah but what's your complaint because if he knows he can make money why wouldn't he do it thank you it's dumb but he can make money off it so he does it just because you can't do something you should do it yeah if you're shameless enough sure okay so you admit if you do your drawing i can put that off up on openc and sell it probably put it up on ethan's feet what did you say brilliant barracuda i don't know i find the whole thing a little disingenuous though because it's not that's not what he sells he goes on and on about how nfts are changing the world that this is important that people need to own this art you know he doesn't sell like oh he's not saying that he's saying there's opportunity i agree i agree with that it's an investment i believe in nfts separately but uh someone like him promoting it maybe it's a bit but that's all that's immediately and predictably i might add what it is turning into i mean mcdonald's is selling an nft of the [ __ ] mcrib now like 80 000 idealistic dream of it you know somehow supporting small artists and allowing them to make money it was that's that's gone that's completely [ __ ] gone 80 000 for this dan how do we know you're not an nft you look like an nft right now um we could sell that yeah i'd buy there would you pay 80 000 for it you could pay me yeah i'll pay you you can give me 80 000 you can sit in this chair no it's your it's yours one day you know i don't know permanently oh [ __ ] yeah 80 grand well i'm following garyvee's plan if i get up to 80k up oh fantastic never mind the fact that you just buy your own i mean this is one that sold for 20 eth do you know how much that is that's [ __ ] 70 000 i will also add i am highly skeptical of those sales well you can look at the look at the block jane yeah and i can see all of joshua 24's transactions no but the the truth is people who have this much etherium to waste on gary vee [ __ ] are usually scammers they're dudes who own online crypto casinos who have so much ethereum and bitcoin they don't know what to do with it and they think it's like a good store of value or a good way to hide their money um and this is the people that are paying gary vee are like there's honestly a lot of criminals buying this [ __ ] because no [ __ ] buddy is gonna go spend 20 eth on this that isn't just drowning in it from having an illegal casino i just don't believe that any sane person any otherwise normal person who's looking to invest is buying any of this dog [ __ ] this is so [ __ ] dumb and i and i i just don't care what you think you don't want an authentic anaconda like in the real world i don't care who drew it nobody is buying this nobody nobody compared to normal art like like the normal art world is kind of weird too sure i mean yeah you want to talk about like this complaint listen great point love it's not a i mean i would complain about like people selling art pieces for 100 million dollars too and the same thing applies it's not normal people buying it it's like weird [ __ ] sketchy underworld [ __ ] to dodge taxes right there's cheaper ones too there's nothing so yeah and there are anything over a million dollars but bro at least that that stuff has prestige it has prominence it's famous historical importance this is garyvee doodling on a napkin bro it's just like merch merch that costs a hundred grand yeah well everything doesn't cost time i bet he didn't sell it for a hundred grand like originally but don't you think he sold it for let's see it's all on here right don't you think it's kind of like spitting in your [ __ ] face to create merch this dumb i mean maybe if the sea lion wasn't swaggy but the fact that he's swaggy hmm that could add something to you this one has never been sold actually uh it was listed this is just a random one that i clicked on and it looks like it was listed at just under four grand yeah nice merch bro that's some that's a big flip on some merch i hate it i just i hate it because he he gets all of his audience hyped up on this idea that nft is like this amazing once in a lifetime opportunity and he sells them fool's gold literally fool's gold at [ __ ] ten thousand dollars a piece nah i'm not in i'm out look at this [ __ ] he couldn't even be [ __ ] to take a better photo of himself looks like he's on a football field or something idiot yeah he likes the jets he wants to buy the jets dude i just i don't know what to tell you guys this is not okay that's what this all is this is fundraising for him buying a football team you get a doodle that he made on a napkin actually you don't even get that you get a digital certificate uh buy one of the shittiest teams in football you know i'd be surprised if he even made these himself like there's no way i took the time to sit down and do all these well okay look at this one has some text look january 21st your poor relationship with time is your biggest vulnerability gary vee uh that's wise he should make one that says imagine the person you love the most and then make believe that you shoot them figure with just like blood violently gushing out yeah now there's an nft there's 86 pages of these yeah there's no way he's creating all these epic 1023 results they're not even like actually even like unique i could have made these they're so it takes like five seconds to draw this [ __ ] yeah perhaps you know i kind of agree with this these are all like pretty ugly but i just just generalizedly what's called generous general putting everything yeah yeah like putting everything under one umbrella is not very genuine i think what am i doing there's some cool stuff there's my point not that he's made you're saying that he's made or right right he he's not a good example he's my point okay there are some great digital artist okay right you know he's not one of them i agree i think that's clear yeah well isn't art in the eye of the beholder nobody's beholding no dude it's literally defined by how much ethereum it sells for these days you also get access to a three-year subscription to something called uh v friends which is like a community about nfts oh [ __ ] where you get the hot tips on what nfts to buy and once you know it he tells you to buy his it's a great investment there's a hundred pages of this [ __ ] jesus overload what do you think of this nft i would buy that can you buy this one now that's a deal let's commemorate this beautiful moment oh here he is talking about it this is interesting dude i feel like his stands are going to be pissed a lot of people like him but i just think he's a douche i'm so sorry pulled this clip of him he's talking with this guy and he goes uh who do you think works harder and he goes oh i work harder definitely there's no [ __ ] way you work hard on me i just know that can you try to find that maybe here he is creating one guys the master at work no way we should have to pay to see this seriously i mean every frame of this video is potentially worth at least ten thousand dollars true this is 30 seconds long you're looking at like how much free content i'm basically a millionaire just watching this a mental millionaire i'm sorry but you should be embarrassed to sell that you should be well like love said shameless shameless is not a good quality for uh in my opinion not someone to idolize anyways shame is good we need shame we need more [ __ ] more i agree i think maybe you sent the video you were asking about shame oh wait there's a video of him creating each one does that what i saw oh that's [ __ ] interesting here this could be some interesting content wait hold on let's click the uh this legendary glowing worm oh my god this is the worm this is the worst one he's creating it holy [ __ ] it's the way i drew inside the lines dude this is amazing whoa it's incredible to see the art just you know a master at work right like and watch that again just the the brush strokes like i said he stays in the lines yeah staying on the lines is super high level [ __ ] i mean usually people could beyond like third or blame maybe first grade even right so that excludes like you know five percent of the population how much is it worth right now this one is uh currently s five percent less sold for so love just said two thousand dollars was what it was originally uh minted for that's so much though that's the starting point no no no but it the mint doesn't mean it was sold does it mint was the uh the value that he sold it for right okay so he sold it for 2400 and then some [ __ ] bought it four months later for 41 000 and then another [ __ ] bought it for hence his points proven what point is that that you can that you can fleece your audience we all know that no his audience member made a great amount of money well but you're making a little bit of an assumption there yo if the if the assumption is that you can fleece your audience and shove whatever dumb [ __ ] get-rich [ __ ] down their throat that you can then that's great he proved his point you know by the same um by the same logic then you know i can just promote whatever i want just as evidence that i can make money doing anything right no i kind of agree with it i i think it's unfortunate that we're talking about or well we're talking about this because it's fun but if we were talking about something else i would say what i said before but this is kind of garbage honestly so ugly look at his face he knows he's ripping you off look at that he can't even muster a genuine smile this one on the right is really now this one is actually could be worth something definitely be friends with benefits and what's interesting about this one is not only do you get him making out with his dad but you also get the worm the rabbit the barracuda and the cool rabbit with the bling chain so that's got to be worth at least a million [ __ ] yeah you know what i love i'll concede i'll concede for you that that that concept of nft is cool and it's good but it's being misused by a lot of people and i think okay then we're completely on the same page yeah yeah yeah that the concept's good and it's cool and there are a lot of great digital artists that use it in a way that benefits them and it's awesome okay i want to see him create some other sick art um let's see the shoes let's see [ __ ] this is so epic that we get to watch him create it yo this is insane the master the master at work whoa look you're right he stays in the line dan yeah he's really good i like the style to just color the feet you know and not the legs you probably spent at least like 30 seconds it's an interesting use of negative space honestly it's a it's a it's a it's a masterpiece here he is guys he knows he knows this guy [ __ ] knows what he's doing um how much was that one for defeat 110 000 so you know no big deal 110 000 it seems reasonable what are you asking love how much stuff sells per day how do i figure that out no i linked a page where you can see all the activity oh great that's awesome yeah so here we can see all the activity on his uh v friends collection let's see 5 000 owners trade volume thousand thirty thousand ethereum holy [ __ ] no thirty thousand dollars no that's thirty thousand ethereum bro oh oh that's the total volume trade i just yeah i see what's thirty thousand ethereum in usd right now uh-huh quite a bit 138 million and so if he's if he's getting a commission on all those which he probably has on right love usually five percent yeah wow man wow man see so he doesn't have to stay in the lines he's not worried about it five percent difference is astronomical yeah so here you can see somebody i agree there are a lot of people doing shady [ __ ] nfts i'm just saying that i guarantee you there's a video out there which i'm looking for where he is self-aware and explaining it to his audience that it's that easy to sell something nft space yeah if you're a [ __ ] self-help guru that people listen to everything your you think that some [ __ ] can just draw a shitty stick figure worm and sell it yeah what is the message there it's because he's pitching this as a way for people to make money to invest in his dumb ass art he's the only one making money here dude and he gets five percent commission on all this [ __ ] five percent five percent let's see just today oh my god this is all just today 21 hours ago 38 000 20 hours ago 36 000 19 hours ago 28 000 9 hours ago 60 000 8 hours ago 36 000 7 hours ago 60 000 an hour ago seventy thousand twenty six minutes ago thirty two thousand holy [ __ ] bro so he's the one that takes that five percent oh yeah and five percent ain't what it used to be he takes that five percent wow that's what you were talking about but anyway you're obviously you're entitled to your opinion here baby i know you like the guy i'm not trying to beef with you here that's all good peace but this [ __ ] makes nfts look dumb as hell i mean i'm sorry it just does like you know how i know it's dumb if he did an auction if garyvee did an auction and he put this up he came he said yo i have this art collection i want to present it people would not pay 27 000 for this real the physical real copy it wouldn't happen would not happen so why is it that people want to own a jpeg all of a sudden not a jpeg a digital signature right okay you know what i'm just yeah a jpeg but that's the thing is you don't even own the art that's the beauty of it right right so it's just the whole market literally makes no sense you can't tell me that even in the most optimistic outlook of nft that owning a digital signature is better than owning the original art which i guarantee you would be worth less that doesn't make sense right unless your house kind of fired that's one scenario is your house caught on fire maybe well there are some like banksy destroyed a piece of art and then the only real version was the nft that's interesting uh way to approach it but oh no dude anyway whatever talks about enough about this [ __ ] i just don't like how much people like put this guy on a pedestal as some genius i think he's a douche did you find that video maybe oh thank you olivia yeah here he is i don't know why this one rubbed me wrong too it's another like pseudo inspirational one he posted who works hard at me are you me how do you know that you just can't be working 18 hours a day every day the way i am i just don't think you are i just believe it in my heart you don't really know anything about me you're right okay i worked every hour of my 20s all of them yeah i did too you guys see how hard i'm working now think about what i was doing when i didn't have douche chills i don't like it i don't like the like your life is your work thing either like especially in this day and age you know most people are just wage slaves to [ __ ] applebees and you need to have time off like life is not work i don't think we're gonna do it i don't think working 18 hours a day is good i don't think that's inspirational i think that's sick that's mental illness you guys men they're doing impossible things you know sort of near you me where would we be without gary vee he's working 18 hours a day he's drawing stick figure worms and selling them for a hundred thousand dollars where would we be without men do you think a woman could draw a stick figure worm no work themselves to death women can't do what men do women can't scam you with nfts where would we be without men like garyvee he works 18 19 hours a day he sleeps for three hours he showers well he drinks his coffee he takes a tub he takes a tupperware of water and gives himself a sponge bath in the morning he doesn't have enough time to shower garyvee sleeps in his trunk there's not enough time he takes a power nap for 10 minutes at a time and forces himself to wake up where would we be without him where would we be without people like a.b he's a man would you like a b would you like for your bonus for the year i'll buy you one of his uh nfts absolutely really absolutely you don't want the cash you want a gary vee nft absolutely without a doubt you want a question actually that shit's way too expensive [ __ ] that [ __ ] that it's like a hundred thousand dollars i'm gonna come in here in a pimp suit after after break after please drop that [ __ ] i bought it with the uh when i flipped maybe where would we be so anyway that's your boy garyvee making out with his dad selling nfts working 18 hours a day speaking of where would we be without men this one comes to you from alpha official how to pick up chicks from a alpha king let's go we've actually watched this guy's videos a few times before here yeah he was the one who was saying men you need to man spread more right because it's alpha beta here he is with the news how are you doing my name is aaron what's your name janice janice pleasure today question janice all right so who around here makes the best pizza boom everybody loves pizza everybody oh my god dude shut the [ __ ] up i mean i hate him okay also has an opinion on who makes the best pizza dominoes no way i got okay so here's the deal i'm gonna anyway is that true i don't really i'm not like and i'm a guy that loves pizza but i'm not like that [ __ ] passionate about who makes the best pizza he has no pizza experience yeah this guy's a frog take you out this weekend for pizza saturday what's your number smooth gentlemen it's time for you to make it real how you doing my name is yeah that's not a real conversation bro i don't know how smooth what was that what is it about makes me so uncomfy about this video what's your name janice janice pleasure today question janice all right so who around here makes the best pizza boom everybody loves people you know what the problem is it's like he's trying to sell her an nft or something the way he's approaching her all right janice listen up here we go i got this nft i got this pizza nft i'm trying to sell you what do you think it's like the guys you all try to shine my shoes they don't lay off your shine box yeah my man my man my name is aaron what's your name janice janice pleasure today question hey i would be like stop yelling at me please chill bro is his is his pitch really that you should go for to asking someone out in the course of 20 seconds i mean that doesn't seem natural he needs me how are you doing my name is aaron what's your name janice janice pleasure to be hey question jeff all right so who around here makes the best pizza boom everybody loves pizza everybody also has an opinion on who makes the best who around here so it's about something that everyone has opinion on okay so hey janice listen uh do you wipe from the front or back uh everybody wipes from the everybody wipes their ass i love pizza and i love janice did you know that some people wipe from the front and some people wipe from the back boom it's a great conversation starter janice listen uh what's something everyone cares about oh no how you doing anyway whatever i guess no not hidden jeff bezos got his girl taken from leo and that was pretty awesome yo i gotta say i this kind of puts in the context why jeff bezos is on a quest to [ __ ] the world because he it got look how his girl just she is ready to leave him she doesn't care how rich how powerful this man is she is ready to never see him again in the face of leonardo watch this look at the way she's looking at him he's like peace out girl you're giving me the creeps yeah she's definitely way too old that goes without being said i mean how old is she is his age limit is like she's 51. 51. she's like double his age she's not even permitted to speak to him yeah yeah but she's pushed she's she's putting it on pretty heavy don't you think it's like a comic book uh pining on him and little cocky bezos over here um leonardo capital refuses to date women over the age of 25 i guess nobody explained this to her yeah sorry bezos looks really short in that video i think leo's on a step or something okay but i do think bezos is probably a short king okay he just he looked yeah he looked pretty sure you think he's short five seven yeah he's a short king and now it's like five seven yeah leo's gotta be silver six foot right i don't think leonard i think he's short too no i think leo is six foot yeah okay yeah well fair enough who cares you don't care that polly is yeah um she does i don't know if i watched a video of me standing next to ila to her talking to someone like this i would feel i would feel pretty bad i'll be honest she wants she's ready to leave him am i wrong you know i think it's funny to dunk on jeff bezos because [ __ ] him but to be honest i i don't know if i really find this that bad dude she is ready to [ __ ] she would eat his dirty [ __ ] she's she presented it she's got the [ __ ] me there's no this is like i'm sorry but she would literally just [ __ ] take his nuts in her ass right now okay i mean with peace and love olivia what do you think i think she's being flirty she's like from below looking up all like daddy verb form to cornhole yeah i don't know it's it's pretty embarrassing where she's like mm-hmm exactly anal sex excuse me i think i've told this story but i had a girlfriend who wanted me to put my balls in her butt before you have told that story it bears repeating are you guys laughing because i've said it so many times or just no you i don't that was a hell of a transition there i mean why am i not recalling this oh my god yeah i had a girlfriend in college who really wanted me to put my balls in her butt and i was like i don't see it happening i didn't really attempt it either because i knew it was just gonna be pain fascinating crazy oh no what's in her butthole she want me to put it in her vagina i good misremembered it's still pretty much the same story yeah yeah it didn't make that much of a difference well it's more i could see that more possible than the other yeah it's more possible you might correct you're not going the other way the the butthole would be a harder i think a heart a more challenging feat i've already taken my pants off okay chill jeremy it's just not happening it's not happening jeremy yeah and then jeff daddy bezos tweeted out this photo which i hate okay like i guess i get it's funny but i don't like the whole relatable bezos [ __ ] i'm i'm not into it he gives me the creeps leah come over here i want to show you something danger steep cliff i want you to throw me off this cliff i don't like relatable bezos he's just a down-to-earth guy when he's not in space he actually could kill someone and get away with it like easily oh yeah absolutely i mean jeff bezos has murdered multiple people are you you're saying that like unironically dan yes you're well like epstein because like he would i mean he he would definitely i think it's safe to assume that he's probably had somebody killed this what that's huge i'm just it's not an accusation it's speculation but but i'm just gonna go out i'm gonna go out on a limb and say that jeff bezos has probably had somebody i'm gonna go out on a limb and say he's a murderer for sure yeah but you know what like i get it though he could make you disappear right let's see what happens well within his his uh ability to and he seems ruthless enough that he you know at some point it was probably beneficial to you know get the permits moving along in some third world country where he's got some activity going on and oh there's no world yeah just just off the guy just just get it done you know what you don't get to be worth 200 billion without dropping a few uh world heads i'm not i'm not making anything i haven't heard any rumors i i don't know of any specific instance but it it's just you know if we were betting on it has jess bezos killed a man i i would definitely bet on yes that's a good point i i would too if if there was odds in vegas like has jeff bezos killed been responsible for someone right and somehow you know just some omnipotent god could just know for sure and give you a definitive answer and and i'm betting on that i would bet yes what would you guys vote as jeff bezos killed someone i i agree with dan i can't argue with his transcended form anyone else i feel like i don't know i would like to believe in humanity enough to where someone doesn't call a hit out i think definitely indirectly like when he was making his workers work through the pandemic oh i think i mean that that i will make a specific accusation on that one is definitely true but i'm talking about ordering the death of another human i hate that uh he's the accidental count do you think phil gay don't count known like cheney in the woods i know the guy survived but wait you think bill gates has killed someone jeffrey epstein um jeff definitely that's not even important yeah i mean yeah warren buffett warren buffett i really don't know much about one buffalo man i i don't know i defend daddy buff it garyvee garyvee maybe maybe i don't i don't i mean he imagines it he's got he's got a little bit of idea yeah with the idea of people of murder no i don't i don't know no i don't i don't think garyvee's killed anyone but i'd say bezos yes and and yeah bill gates bill gates yeah he's he's ordered the death elon musk um probably dan's just imaginable every billionaire is just a mass murderer i said not every i feel like but but i mean those big three those are like the three richest men in the world right yeah bill gates and jeff bezos all three of them yeah i would bet on i feel like i mean actually out of all three i would say bill gates the most mm-hmm you think gates killed ase is a [ __ ] psycho dude that dude has for sure had somebody off do you think bill gates has had sex with kids it's within the realm of possibility well yeah he was buddies with them records yeah i don't think he well billy boy at least he didn't fly on epson's plane oh right right we looked into that yeah oh he never did no but he did have a long association with him and and the thing is is like when people always trout out as like oh they're not on the flight records it's like bill gates has his own plane you know what i mean around he does he doesn't he doesn't need a ride to the island he can find his own way you okay so we have updates about asteroids segwaying here uh well a little bit unfortunately jesus because we're talking about yeah people died there oh my god it's not a good segment inappropriate but it's the story that's on our list and um i have to talk about it yeah so i want to talk about astro world i want to follow this story the new thread on this astro world is that after the show we talked about how it was declared a mass casualty event the show went on for another 40 minutes after the show ended travis scott and drake went to dave and busters and and by the way of all the places to go dave and buster when i saw that when i saw reporting about this i gotta admit i was skeptical because it just seemed so absurd that that's where they would have an after party like not at like a club or something it's not like 16 year olds have birthday parties oh well it was drake's thing wasn't it drake is definitely the type of dude to have an after party at dave and busters i mean dave and buster's it's fun i like dave and buster's but it's basically just an arcade place let's play some skee-ball yeah kind of like going to chuck e cheese after committing a mess yeah it's like chuck e cheese for grown-ups no ball it's chucky's minus the ball pit unfortunately it's the best part yeah and um i just find it odd like of all the places to go is this 100 is this story yeah it's confirmed it's confirmed yeah it's not [ __ ] it is according to team because it's just so over there i'm pretty sure like i was really really skeptical that this was real just and also like dave and busters are usually like this like in shopping malls you know sometimes i mean so there's some standalone dave and buster's looking but it looks like this i mean it looks like a chucky cheese you got a great deal on a pitcher here this is chucky this is dave and busters oh they what they do sports there okay epic yeah i mean yeah it's definitely for adults there's a bar there drinking's encouraged and everything but yeah i mean it definitely has kind of like a is it is chuck e cheese for adults it's b dubs and chuck e cheese heaven a baby i wonder okay sure speed that's what the kids say that is what we said what the [ __ ] is b-dubs b-dubs buffalo wild b-dubs yeah i live you know what i was talking about i've never even heard of that because i go to school in ohio like our restaurant that makes sense michigan ohio well anyway i wonder how was the crowd controlled that night uh were they packed in there were there any crowd surges at dave and busters i mean not that i recall these are pretty popular yeah super weird i mean there's no way he couldn't know if something happened by the end of that show 40 minutes and then he gets off stage he leaves he talks to the the director the producer everybody there's so much staff all aware all the place and nobody tells him and they go to dave and busters and play arcade games playing [ __ ] deer hunter and [ __ ] you know i don't believe that i don't believe it do you think he was like super [ __ ] up or something like maybe he was so blasted but he was just unaware i mean i don't unders no there's no way that like in the time from like concert ends you step off the stage no like it was already a story but i have an idea hold on i have an idea where was the um concert and i know i was in texas where was it houston no but okay so what was the venue i don't know that someone someone figured that out world venue nrg park play play the the no such thing as a com uh coincidence okay so it's called ng park nrg park nrg park houston okay so so hang on guys we're gonna figure this out this is gonna be really illuminating nrg park here it is on the map now what we need to do is find out where's the closest busters okay okay i got this yeah yeah directions dave director can you put on astroworld oh okay now hold on my result is it's kind of far okay this is compelling it's a 25 minute drive from the venue to the closest dave and busters assuming now is assuming he went to the closest one it seems like there's another one here another one there he could have gone to one of the ones that's further away so he had not only the time off of the stage but to drive for 25 minutes as the story broke as people at the venue as his work associates his agents his managers everybody his touring manager find out it seems like a little bit of a stretch 25 minutes somehow was not informed of anything going wrong he got get park his car get into dave and buster's order to drink play a few games of ski ball skeet ball i imagine a tour bus but yeah so it's even slower right i i don't know if he was on a tour bus yeah he went it was just a one-shot thing it wasn't a tour yeah probably had his own personal vehicle do you think it was like an escalade or like a like an extended escalade extended escalator maybe suburban do you think it was maybe like one of those like like a mercedes suv of some kind like a sprinter van no that's right guys guys guys that that's not important let's find out pictures of the dave and busters he was at here it is he was oh they have bowling alleys at dave and busters some of them that's sick you want to go i kind of do want to go to david buster's and i i'm not even responsible for anyone dying without a party after the first year we should we should totally do a party at dave and buster what's up what's up let's rage david buster's yo that's kind of like buying i'm just doing an ad for dave and busters now that's like pretty good looking food hey i got a great steak i tell you man are you [ __ ] kidding me no what yeah so this is drake right here apr sorry that's travis scott eight people died yo give me some more tokens give me some tokens b he's winning tickets he's eating sundays this is a little bit much nobody does that blue cheese take a look at the other screen real quick yeah which which one of these do you think he traveled there in the right brown one matches his batman well he was probably traveling with like um kylie right so probably a two seater and a baby and his baby oh yeah for the car seat you're gonna need an suv so he probably got in the car he's like that was a rager bro that was a good ass show all of his cars are uh brown huh yeah just like his shoes that he really loved it's not like the worst car color but it's not very flattering yeah legit let's go to dave and buster's though like on the real like right now short of people don't like wrap this [ __ ] up where is there dave and buster's nearby probably yes don't look it up i already did i'm doing no but i mean like not on the screen well well we're not going to be there when they're there they'll never find us we're not going to be there when drake and travis scott are there they're still at dave and buster's he actually still doesn't know he's trying to beat uh he's trying to beat that x-men game from 1990 he's the side scroller beat him up yeah yeah absolutely it's a tough one yeah so that's i find that pretty interesting like their people are just there's no [ __ ] way that he didn't know by that who do you think travis mained oh probably probably wolverine because in that game wolverine he's kind of got the same brown colored suit as uh his cars right there's no such thing as a coincidence you seen that you're not looking at the screen either i'm looking at i don't know what you want me to say about it i would guess colossal about the wolverine i was just noting yeah yeah he would he would main wolverine yeah okay thank you thank you you can close it thank you okay your beanie has grown like four sizes since we started the show cam said something and i was looking at your beanie yeah oh you want to do the beanie yeah you skipped a pretty big topic here oh here's actually here's a shot of him after the show at dave and buster's with a bunch of 12 year olds in his batman oh that was nice of him to to do that he did a quick make-a-wish yeah exactly actually you know what's interesting the last time that but there was um two make-a-wish kids who wanted to meet me oh and you went to david we met him at dave and buster that's right great kids by the way great dudes shout they're awesome dudes all right what do you want to do you want to you want to look at the weird beanie hair fake hairline king i mean sure let's open it i mean we need an answer this was all over reddit there was a bunch of posts about this yeah 24 points i see it's really uh talk of the town look how many awards though this specific one how many awards it has zero oh wait i was looking at the video with it literally all right so here what the [ __ ] was that really i mean it's obviously just my hair like here okay you see my hair hairline k what do you want you want to get come get the close-up i could probably replicate it i mean it it i agree it was of kind of a weird fluke where my hair bunched up in a weird way let me see because there's kind of like you see or was it maybe it was on this side i think it was being pulled i mean up to the left your left i honestly have no idea what was going on it looks really bizarre for sure it really does but do a close-up of me okay so i think i've done it hold on if the beanie pulls the other part back i mean that's pretty close right yeah i mean it's a little close yeah just at one side we legit cannot see no hair yeah that's the thing is it's still air hang on yeah it's just they had that perfect line yeah i mean it's close but you can hopefully you can believe me a little bit that that this is all that happened i believe you okay thank you believe your hair is real well here let me see if i'm wearing a toupee hold on come close up on me so i want to try to pull my hair oh my god okay all right we believe you we believe you no i want to prove it cam sent a bunch of the threads there's like five or six here a lot of conversation about my hairline exposed um here let's take a look we have one two three four five uh that's five these are all older so five threads let's see uh the one with the most has five comments let's see what the conversation is six up votes well this is just with the keyword hairline true i think you're trying to cover this up how am i covering up i'm expo i'm i'm confronting it in the most direct way possible what am i covering up ask me any question go ahead a b what the [ __ ] was going on in that phone i mean there is a weird way as fun as it would have been to expose you i i think you've i think you've debunked the uh raging rumors it would be kind of amazing if i had an actual hair like hair system toupee yeah it was so crazy i'm just totally involved in quite a revelation all right you should shave your head and then get one and see if anybody notices interesting we need to talk about the main story because they're probably almost out of time eh uh yeah wait we talked about astroworld we talked about oh [ __ ] we didn't do the bizarre roommate stories we don't have time for that do we um know how much time we have left about 15 minutes bit redemption auction was cancelled this is real interesting we've been following this story with carlos speaking of nfts yeah okay wait we have an offer of 230 what happened here let's see oh did they remint it two days ago what happened here uh love you've been following this it keeps going now so oh i see yeah bid cancelled oh so they never sold it for the 200 yeah so they bailed yeah they bought bed last second yeah so they had that one up for auction for and the highest bid was about you know i mean 200 bucks there's nothing to scoff at no the highest bid back then was 80 bucks or 60 okay 80 bucks sure i mean that's more than i thought it would go for yeah that bid came in after after the castle um so is there no more auction is this just dead and like this whole thing it's just done seems like it yeah oh man no now's your chance carlos this was your big redemption bro i think i'm putting it on the crypto bros i i think carlos would have followed through you think they asked a lawyer and then he's like do not sell that they're like oh [ __ ] this is so crazy to me i guess now it's just having a big joke out of it well didn't you say they spent three thousand bucks minting this and then now it's all off or not yeah more than 3k are you sure that they cancelled it all together yeah you can see well nothing's for auction right now right they i think they've just bailed on this project i see so you can make an offer but you can't but that doesn't necessarily mean it's well they have to accept it this one has the highest offer point three which is one thousand four hundred dollars i don't know why i feel like you should be taking it take that offer well the problem is is that it's probably his friend who's making the offer uh i kind of look through that their stuff uh on the beach shade or yeah i didn't find any connections anyways so you think that's a legit offer yeah this is that's probably the best one you know what would have been genius if they got carlos to draw what basically the most rudimentary version of a worm right that would have sold for a hundred thousand they [ __ ] up yeah i would have bought it why did the same person offer the same amount three times what does that mean maybe because they wouldn't accept it they rejected it you think or they're struggling to use this website because it's awful and accidentally put three bids in this seems like an experience to eat user okay whatever well shout out to carlos hope you make it buddy we're all rooting for you to become a millionaire at least break even on all the minting i hope you know barbara ripping off someone's beard i've been seeing a lot of this on tick tock on instagram what i just can't say that i see the value the the advantage to waxing facial hair off as opposed to just shaving this really blew me away you can see the whole thing just shifting it's all just attached this is not going to be [ __ ] terrific just shave i mean guys the razor is great it's been around for a long time now he looks like he's about to cry this is such a bad idea this is straight guantanamo bay torture might as well waterboard him oh my god oh my god what did he do what did this guy do to you to put him through this guys you're a barber use a [ __ ] razor look how his skin is all tore out and by the way it's lots of hair and wax remaining and they've got two guys pulling this wax off his face he's bleeding he still has hair on his face this may be the worst barber of all time and now we're watching boss baby for some reason oh my god [ __ ] off this is just pain oh my god you guys and now it's just stuck on his goatee which you know is gonna be bad bad bad look at his lip the poor man yeah no man this is the best oh [ __ ] he still has hair on his face he looked great dude he looks [ __ ] great what a fresh new cut look at this final clip before and after what a novel technique they've got there i think they're really onto something sign me up let's get this thing off so he's still got hair all over his face he's bleeding he still has hair there too man oh that is brutal i want to hear let's do it before and after okay you know what tick tock i swear to god he looks kind of good with the black ones just leave it on yeah it's a look it's a vibe that was a really good one shout out to that barber i'm sure they're gonna have lots of business coming in for that well could i convince one of you guys to do that [ __ ] no jesus ian would do anything for money apparently right ian the beard that's next level yeah that whole beard wax that beard up let's go waxing hurts but it's not like that crazy mm-hmm it's like it's painful but have you had your face have you had your face waxed like that have with like a huge amount of like you don't have a beard yeah i i don't know it's a whole different level i will say i think waxing like lady hair on the leg and arm or even matt man hair is different than like be long beard hair right it would be like waxing the hair off the top of your head essentially like that would that would be horrific right but like what about when girls waxed their bikini line well i'm sure that it hurts a lot i bet it does i i'm sure it does i don't know the skit well i mean the bikini line sure that's very sensitive too but like the skin on your lip and stuff with like a huge amount of hair being ripped out i think yeah maybe it all just really hurts yeah maybe it just all hurts how about that well ab said you do it you volunteer to do that let me see your facial hair let me see a close-up would you would you do it with your hair like that long because i think that's what they did if i could cover my face for like a week yeah bro i don't know you don't have a lot but that that would still hurt i had a horror story once i don't know if this is just like a middle eastern type of wax but have you ever heard like a ball wax olivia like girls like they like sugar so it's called you're talking about oh i don't know it's called right i had an x that was using it and she thought it was funny to just throw the ball the wad on my ass and it was the most pain i think i've ever been in it's like this uh sort of but yeah yeah it looks like that but it's like like you can roll in a complete ball yeah that's sugaring gotcha well i don't think i would do that to you ab i think that would be really really horrible not funny just horrible pain yeah and the other crazy thing that we learned that i wanted to talk about was this height lengthening surgery super interesting and i don't know um apparently you can increase your height okay um yeah i've heard of this this girl increased her height three inches i just don't think that three inches is worth it because what they do is so traumatic on the body and you cannot walk for a year jesus did you know you can permanently get 12. okay chill dude if you're going to be doing height increasing surgery you've got to make better videos everybody's dr mabubian i wanted to explain to you guys a little bit about what the height lengthening procedure is i make small little tiny incisions around your legs and on your hips and then we put this nail which is called the precise nail now this is a self-lengthening nail however it is controlled with a magnet once it's inserted inside the leg and a small tear your bones apart this nail slowly lengthens over time separating out the bone and neutral bone is actually stronger than your regular bone and over time this bone will harden and become a permanent part of your body so that's the high lengthening procedure in the nutshell hope you guys enjoyed it that has got to feel horrible wow yeah well here i have some interesting before and afters this is this guy's whole niche yeah it turns out we looked into him and he's actually not even an md i'm just kidding i'm just kidding he would be though someone like this he's like the doctor from the simpsons hey everybody i'm dr nick i heard you want it to be three inches taller um here this is the one yeah so this guy here he increased his height from five three to five six i don't know i mean i guess i i don't know what it's like to have that kind of insecurity but it's just it's only three inches like he's still short i mean he's still a short king i hope he doesn't see this i mean five six is still short and he just couldn't walk for a year oh he does look more confident though on the second pick uh sure look how the doctor towers over him he looks even he [ __ ] him dude the doctor looks even taller in the second picture the doctor also had the procedure like seriously it's an arms race he looks taller than him all these uh short guys that are insecure about it they're gonna get this procedure but then all the tall guys are also gonna get it and so proportionally they'll still be as short as they were before it's very sad apparently you can do a double one where you can grow six inches which is actually pretty insane six inches yeah that cannot be healthy it takes about three to four months of assistive walking which means that you use a walker when you're getting how his legs his legs are not walking they're like opening from the side it takes about six months before you're walking normal without any assistance about eight months before you're running and about a year before you're back to sports did you know and then it takes about a year and six months before your leg fractures completely in half and you'll be immobilized for life but at least you'll be able to tell people you're 5'6 although you'll be about 4 2 in the wheelchair you can permanently get taller 11. god there was a south park episode where they did this and kyle wanted to play basketball and he goes and plays basketball and he blows his knees out like he loses his legs so i wonder if something like that would happen i think so for sure i think this was wide enough don surgery uh people's would just be busting apart for sure here's another short king he went from five three to five eight so this guy got dude that's crazy he got five inches that's pretty significant you know yeah very much so here's a transformation of a young man in his third everything yeah he was 5'3 he was a tiny little dwarf he hated himself and i spit on him when he came in the office i feel that's crazy he wrote that he said he put that in his caption that's [ __ ] he says there's nothing worse than being short i literally kicked him in the balls and called him a tiny [ __ ] yeah i was like whoa chill dude he underwent the height lengthening procedure on his femur and his tibias yeah so he did both in a staged fashion using the uh stride nail he gained a grand total of 5.8 inches almost six and his height he nan stands at five nine he's still a short piece of [ __ ] but he's not as bad as he used to be that's so weird the demeanor is yeah why does he talk that way why am i still getting hate yeah i don't know man i think there's a reason people don't do this procedure that much they do look more confident though you know but a year recovery for that [ __ ] i don't know oh let's see what i mean i'm sure it is safe like it does seem to be a i'm not sure sanctioned uh accepted prod well i mean all of surgeries have an inherent risk but like as far as like an elective service you think it's sanctioned do you have any uh literature on that i'm pretty sure this is pretty strange business this man underwent the height lengthening procedure on his femur a few months ago he was five six now he's five nine wanted to show you what his scars look like yeah not bad honestly actually really not bad at all that's amazing they just straight up add this much but wouldn't it wouldn't that mean like his legs are disproportionately like freakishly long compared to the rest of his body don't people like that anyway long long legs daddy long legs maybe i mean it doesn't look that weird to me looking at him here did you know you can permanently get taller six if you have bell legs knock knees we can correct your lower limb deformity during the height lengthening procedure insurance might cover some of the cost oh my insurance ain't covering that yeah i'm not going to do that hey kaiser i need a million dollar height uh i need a million dollar height increasement surgery you guys do that did you know it's super expensive too how much is the cost it said on this website seen eighty thousand hundred thousand and up whoo at least it's expensive you know that at least he's probably knows what he's doing if it was like five thousand i'd be worried yeah permanently oh wait i wanna see these deformities they fix yeah those [ __ ] why are you laughing at somebody's deformity because i feel like he causes this you don't fix it i saw the dude come out of there his knees were hella far apart uh knees or a limb length discrepancy we can't correct your lower i like the music too it's like yeah the music and the [ __ ] obnoxious tick-tock voice it's like this doesn't seem very you can invest a little more in your marketing i've known someone with knockouts and they've described it as very painful and as they got older it was a lot worse oh i'm so sorry we well this guy can fix him and make him taller all at once yeah i'll get this guy's number was he tall or was he king like five ten he could be over six feet with this man's help i don't think they're supposed to do it on people that are already yeah of average height or taller from what i'm from what i'm uh that means if i'm if that means if i'm five eleven i can add six inches bro i would be six four i would tower over you you get a giga ethan dude i would i could be six four with this zach isn't he no i would be six five six three i would be six five i'll tower over you zack well zach do it too and then [ __ ] dunk on your ass zach you could be like seven feet tall dude you you'd be hassan size yeah yeah yeah that would be so cool it makes zach look short yeah i've never seen zach look short around anyone my brother makes me look short well hassan's just a unit all together it's just a moving all right um we have to end the show we are out of time i was just getting started with the leg [ __ ] one week ago this man underwent cosmetic limb lengthening to get three inches taller we have one of my co-starving lengthening patients he did his femurs about a week ago he said that he's doing really can you not use that music oh yeah yeah he's being very careful not to put too much weight on his legs and using a walker when he's walking around so these are his incisions everything's very small tiny incisions this is where we're really from and these two incisions are where we cut the bone and there's another uh incision up at the top we insert the nail so can you straighten out your legs for us that's great and bend it as far as it goes it's scary this [ __ ] just scares you we're gonna breathe be careful not to you have to use a walker you could literally snap both of your legs in half that's horrible face out of that shot he's probably in tears oh yeah definitely and start getting them taller one week wow yeah like an interesting shit's coming up i'm still i'm still waiting for the penis heightening surgery thank you well they have that they have that no way yeah their penile reduction and reduction yeah that's the thing penis reduction surgery you have penile reduction nobody's ever gotten that jason nash had uh penile enlargement jason nash got his penis enlarged what you want to whisper like had him do that no no don't you yeah that's [ __ ] good no it's true trisha had jason get it i think it's still it's still totally online he willingly did it he had like multiple sessions yeah imagine that your girl's like your dick is too small i need you to enlarge it wait didn't she tell me what she likes small penises i think it was more that she wanted i don't know if we're allowed to talk about this say it say i think it's more that she wanted to have sex like multiple times a day and that was helpful with that as well as making it he couldn't perform it makes it even hotter i know i think she just i rem never mind what i want everything no keep talking no i'm sorry my screen popped oh yes what the [ __ ] are you looking at penile enlargement i think she talked about how like she wanted to have sex like five times a day and he was like i just can't do that was that a stamina thing yeah how's that a penis enlargement thing i think the because the way it worked it was like a huge suction thing yeah so the way that i've heard is that you pump you have to pump it up and that is not the penis enlargement surgery i'm looking for oh you want like the bone to be split in half with the rod just like i want a nail that self grows no but like you have to literally pump your [ __ ] up and that's pretty narrow you want it to use a walker for six days a penis walker dude some of these pictures i'm saying it looks like you'll need a walker but something's like a transplant it's not what you think right you have to pump it up i'm looking for it's not like a natural penis situation yeah they make mechanical [ __ ] but you know i think there's one procedure that tell me about the penis uh uh when you make it smaller every site that has any information about this is just it's just porn it's just like a massive amount of porn popping up so okay cam sent me something interesting here oh my god yo this is gonna be me but after my after my six inch enlargement surgery dude this could be me you guys it looks so natural and hot [ __ ] you're not as [ __ ] i'm gonna look so hot all tall oh that's awesome that's so awesome all right we are out of time we've been all right we'll come back next week with more intel on the penis uh reduction surgery absolutely he has a massive penis thank you yeah all right well thanks for watching everybody this has been off the rails it's been a little bit of definitely been off the rails today i don't know what the [ __ ] the show was just probably hopefully we got a good clickbait title though just to rope you guys in right yeah sure thank you everyone we'll see you on friday you
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Views: 1,148,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila
Id: EkXUAzDP7kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 0sec (7380 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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