DauT's Castles

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hey what's going on YouTube then welcome doubts gonna build some castles or he's gonna try to build some castles in this game this is a 1v1 continental game which you have to see I doubts here in the red playing us in Spanish we have MBL he's playing as the Mongols now continental is a new map that came in with the map pool recently in 1v1 not a map that players well I guess there's mixed opinions on the map and we'll leave it at that but man is this a treat now you're probably wondering t90 where's your fancy-schmancy overlay that shows all the resources at the top left and the top right and populations yeah I miss it too just the way with with 8 Age of Empires 2 de works every time there's an update sometimes the formatting of that mod and how it operates just breaks so that's being dealt with right now it might take a few days and then you guys should have that that mod for all my 1v1 casts now granted this is YouTube's only cast so tomorrow's upload might have been something on my stream from when it was working so kind of all over the place with that but just so you guys are aware we'll have to deal with what the game actually gives us so doubts playing as the Spanish and this is kind of a Yolo civilization if the civilization where normally and one be once anyways you're trying to get to conquistadors and then Mongols are similar at least in the sense that they always try and get to their unique unit the mega die so you know you have doubt who's the master of castles and we're failing castles and then you have MBL who's Mongols will also want to build some castles it makes for a pretty entertaining game so this map there's been a few changes since the last time I uploaded a 1v1 with it which is think back in November or December is in the map pool I don't know I think the last one I uploaded I actually played and I kind of talked through how you guys might want to play it strategies etc etc and maybe that would be recommended at the end but you have water all around the sides of the map so it's very important to dock for fishing and and maybe even go aggressive on water and then you have normally there's three ways to get the opponents so there's the middle area where there's gonna be wood lines and Hill and then there's the sides too now sometimes this isn't connected you see how this is close to not be are not being connected but in general you're gonna have three avenues of attack so if you're gonna wall and play defensive it's not so easy to do because well the map gens a little bit awkward and finding those little choke points is not so easy I suppose you could go for a dock here if your doubt of course he doesn't know what we know but if he were to know about it it might not be a bad idea to dock here so his fishing would be safe as normally players docking the outer edge I can be all right here he's already docking in that corner probably the best dock spot is the corner on most maps because that's where a lot of fish congregate and find a piece of land that juts out like that you're gonna find more deep fish instead of kind of a Whittle shoot like like an area where like if this was a cookie and you took a bite out of the cookie you don't want to dock where you bit that's awful that's awful there's a word for this and you guys are probably thinking of it and you're thinking how on earth does this guy speak for a living I'm sorry but like don't try and avoid docking in these types of areas all right sorry I'm hungry my my girlfriend made some cookies recently and I'm not allowed to have them yet so all right fine you got to take him somewhere fine I'm a bit upset about not gonna lie how was down ahead by villagers at this point to pillage our lead okay so MBL had to research loom because I guess he solved his wolf so that I told his TCE and then Dow ah okay well Spanish villagers do build faster so doubt already got that dock up nice and early and he already has two fishing ships out so that kind of explains it not getting loom and then having an extra fishing ship I really like this touch now I'm not sure what you guys think about the update but was last month they made it so villagers can drop off food at docks I was actually dumbing off once cuz I forgot about it to build a mill next to some deer which is right next to the dock I was really upset about it but um this is quite cool the villagers can stay there like some sure fish you don't need to send them the whole way back there is some risk in that of course but anyways enough about the fish okay doubt he just researched loom he's starting to wall great start to the strategy if he wants to go for a castle right he doesn't want to get any receive any pressure early because he needs to play defensive to get to that castle now MBL he's on the way to feudal age and this is very much a product of the Mongol hunt he hunts forty percent faster so he could bring in food a lot faster than doubt can add outs eco might be better long-term right because he has more eco working for him right now but the idea behind the strat is probably to dock you could do a variety of different things but what's common is to see a second dock and then some fire galleys to clear out the opponent's fish then from there who knows but MBO does have a scout down here and if you wants to we could kill this villager yeah doubt doubt you should just build two Palisades this is the thing I loved out and it's just a rated game but I feel like most people would notice that realize the risk cuz you're up against Mongols they normally in futile age fast and just build to Palisades to protect the Ville all right well he didn't notice now he's reacted and he Depp he tried you know he tried to do the whole click wall thing I think MBL commented something along the lines of it's always funny when doubt tries to be viper and doubt loses the bill however you know losing a veil even losing two or three villagers doesn't matter if you can get some castles up if you can get to those conquistadors and this isn't gonna be your typical Spanish upload where they build a castle on the front of their base and go for conquistadors no doubt is something else in mind so MBL at this point he's feeling like he's in a good spot he's gonna clear out doubts fishing ships he's gonna maintain a lead on the water he's probably gonna add more fishing ships he's not transitioning into any lands army just yet it's still a lot about eco but doubt being fully walled tells him all right well that's not gonna go aggressive against me so I'm good for now but still will take a long time for doubt to make a castle and BL thinks he'll be able to see where that castle is he could wall himself right and if you look at MDL scouting the only thing he hasn't found as the main Gold's and when he finds the main gold he's gonna see the stone so he should know even without scouting it because it's just the meta that castles coming but no he doesn't know where he doesn't know when now this is actually pretty common thing to dock in Dark Age ad fishing ships collect like five to seven hundred food and then just give up the water it's it's a pretty common strategy MBL sees the market he will then assume that blacksmiths going to be coming up - excuse me I promise it will have Corona and oh oh wait is that actually walled in now who's not paying attention oh that's Karma right there that is that is some av2 Karma if I've ever seen it now that's funny at all because MBL scout his traps and MBO talked a little smack about doubt not being able to quit koala and now that just did it but it's huge if doubt wants to go for a forward sneaky castle isn't it and out he has a full HP scale the east running forward to see what MPL is up to he's on the way to castle eight she's been on stone you notice now NBL starts to wallet he knows conquistadors will come so MBL he's starting to wall but as I mentioned earlier it's kind of hard to know where to wall on this map you don't really know how to get through and if you don't know like the little passage ways that they can arrive to you you don't know where to wall and also you need to prioritize where and how much you invest MBL is going to have the better long-term eco now because he's adding fishing ships even adding fishing ships in the north plenty of them working and he will have the resources and buildings to go to Castle age in a moment he's going to stone he figures I'm fine however MBL scalp is stuck here MBL can't respond to what's about to happen and doubt is going for a balls a ballsy move even sending weak villagers I think this is this is the product of this is the product of the meta almost right they MBL understands the meta to the point where he just assumes that castles going to be built at home and Dale understands the meta he understands that MBL probably not gonna be able to wall everything MBL's gonna have better eco but he could be sneaky now and look at this look at this castle spot from doubt look at it look at it now MBL he didn't notice he could build a tower he didn't notice yet he also doesn't have the doubt castle mod on isn't that a beautiful sight of the Lord now guys here's the deal about Spanish they build 30% faster so MBL I believe notice around now there's no way that he could get a tower up in time and kill all of these villagers and MBL could lose this villager so MBL he sees the castles up he reacts but he was never expecting that he was looking at everything else his Scouts now been taken out and now he can't take his gold and what we haven't talked about as gold spots in this map because we've talked about everything else so there's the main goal for MBL that is now doubts main gold he says thank you very much there's a secondary goal for MBL and here's the third MBL can take stone but he he needs to get his own castle up so he can secure some resources because the conquistadors are already on the way now MBL has a 10 eco lead that's mainly deficient ships so while he doesn't have his berries well he might lose a villager or two here doesn't have the farm it's it's actually still better for him with food numbers but I always have to take that with a grain of salt right because MB also has like 21 villagers building a castle he's not collecting resources that out kills a few he actually loses a conquistador but he has another one in the castle and another one on the way MBL will now have to use the market a bit to get some manga dayal ok so this is what MBL can you see you can see his golds but what you do in this situations so he's really tough to judge it's hard to know what to do whereas doubt doesn't have the craziest economy but you know it's starting to add some farms of course untouched what a crazy castle spot from doubt it's actually gonna use his conquistadors against a fishing ship now you might as well MBL maybe wants to build another castle here 20 on stone right now what's his doubt no what's his scouting been like he's actually scouted really well he's added a conquistador to this stock i sending three to this stock that's one way to take out fishing ships actually that's that's probably the smartest thing that doubt is done with this like the castle itself is really cool but to realize that MBL's lead is because of the water and send a few conquistadors they're so smart pick now look at this now this is getting closer and NBL invested into extra docks a lot of wood into the fish I like it I'm BL well place his own castle here he's gonna get that castle up that means that doubt needs to leave the goal it doesn't mean MBL can take the gold unfortunately I like that I like that castle a lot because now MBL can take wood too otherwise he wouldn't be able to MBL does have fletching if he gets wooden gold then maybe he can make manga die a magnet I are quite a good unit against conquistadors so just to give you a doubt eco update he's on to TCS does not really have the food eco to produce out of two TCS just yet we'll see a lot of market abuse in this game he'll probably start buying a bit of food you need about six farms per town center to keep them producing so notice how this one has the food to produce there it just bought food yeah now he's producing and he'll sort that out with a few farms but out sends these to this gold and he has these conquistadors on this gold here so MBL he knows he needs gold he suffocated at this point but it doesn't know what's out here he doesn't know about that mining Kanaka alright he sees the bills he has enough for TCE a doubt has just sent his conquistadors were they not here a moment ago I guess he was Luke I don't know why he didn't stay here but he's probably like oh no I can't let him get a TC up so he's desperate like he knows he needs to deny all these Gold's MBL sent enough villagers he committed to the TC just like down said earlier with the castle he might lose a villa or two but that castle is going or excuse me TC is going up a doubt we'll need to leave that gold now what I'd like to see from Dallas maybe a tower here real quick just to deny that a doubt also has sit horse at a few conquistadors I guess technically stood behind this wood line so MBL will have to reposition and death knell over here - it's a sick strategy doubt is reading the maps so well knows where the gold SAR knows where the woods are and for MBL I I call him the cockroach of AoE most other players would resign at this point but you definitely don't have an eco lead anymore you don't even have you don't even have your main TC both these lumber camps are denied this is just this is just horrible but he's MBL and when I calm the cocker to say in the most endearing way possible because it's its mentality that is in him that I think you're just kind of born with like especially the more you know about a game the more you're gonna be able to realize the chances you have and I think the more you're gonna be able to think whatever I can't win you know I don't know maybe maybe you can rewire your brain but it's it makes MBL games so interesting because of his cockroach enos well he has five manga died he has bodkin arrow and now you're looking at six range for six range and if MBL micro is properly maybe free up some of these wood lines some of these goal you can see the power of magnet I with the fast firing speed and guys it's 56 population for both a doubt does have the better food economy I mean he can do whatever he wants he didn't lose many villagers in this game of course lost the fishing ships still has a conquistador up here and I guess those are the only fishing ships an MBO has remaining but that it's just a matter of time until those fishing ships go down unless MBL goes to deal with them of course yeah and I think he's about to with those two manga died whoa MBL has a counter was there a hole there I think there was a hole or maybe he broke through and out has to send eight conquistadors back to deal with this MBL somehow building the university I I don't know why exactly maybe he wants the ballistics upgrade I guess that would make sense he will deal with this this is such a high level game I know that it's kind of me me with the forward castles but this is so sick and then we have the micro over here an impressive micro from MBL look really impressive also he sees which ones are weak here so he's focused on the weak once and he's even out the numbers a little bit I do think though conquistadors and low numbers should be better a doubt is building another castle so now MBL who never really was able to take this gold definitely can't take it and he is to make a run for it again we're kind of back to marquee abuse territory for him a little bit of gold but doesn't have the food count that he would want just a panic cockroach tease he to stay alive here it can't take much of his golds at all can't take the stones who would want to take life is tough here he comes he knows that that was probably coming over this direction and he quickly takes care of these conquistadors doubt arrives to the new TC from MBL and he's aware that MPL is in a rough position just by looking at how the villagers were standing there but it's 28 kills verse 26 it's very close to out does have a 54 Vil lead versus 50 now here's the deal when you're an MBL's position you need to somehow take these castles out you can't wait for him because you you can't get to em right so you have two choices you have Rams which can work really well however since doubt has villagers here it's possible he could build the siege workshop and maghen ELLs behind you could attack with the villagers I don't know also Kong's aren't that bad against Rams or you could go for the pitar top ssin all right doubt really needs to get some units back here and I guess he's on his way MBL is like today's tide up the Ville count again he's sending villes or excuse me manga died over here to chase down these bills it's a really sick game a doubt of course to kill everything MBL has in an instant and here he goes I wonder if it's worth it for doubt to add a doc at this point maybe not but just a sneaky doc over here to add fishing ships I feel like MBL's not gonna patrol these fires anywhere else the nor they're already patrolling gets to invest hundreds of wooden to that when you're already going into farm eco is a bit difficult but I doubt really wants to deny everything with castles right now he's yet to to build a famed doubt castle where it fails and MBL seized the villagers so he's well aware he does have ballistics now he's probably thinking how can I take out the castles but also he knows he needs to micro here he is Mike doing really well but it's not gonna be easy and that mod gets me every time doubts placing a castle behind this wood light now so this will be Castle number four from doubt at this point he's gonna run out of freaking stone will it go up though or will this be a doubt Castle MBL still making more magnet I doubt we'll send more conks over I think that castles going up so MB Hale will run again again it players in the top 20 top 50 or top 100 so many would resign in this situation not MBL not mble he continues to migrate he's played nomads once or twice he knows how he knows the drill there he goes so he lost his main TC lost his second TC now this third T sees useless and he's gonna go build another one still very close game a doubt has the position it's just that doubt is struggling to kill the manga died okay but doubt he's done this all before he knows that there's only so much space for MBL he knows MB I'll just ran this direction so he's gonna chase that down MBL still making manga died to protect himself there I think it's this gold that's crucial right he's gonna run out of that gold eventually the only reason MBL's been able to compete here is because his units cost wooden gold if he was Spanish he would actually be dead because he wouldn't have food to make conquistadors so doubt needs to either deny the gold or wait till that gold runs out have to say it's really pleasing to the eye to watch the manga die and who eats the doors fight each other but the manga die they don't miss now that ballistics is in so you know that with the firing speed yes they might not have the HP yes they might have now have the armor of a conquistador even the attack but ends up being pretty good for them all right this is doubts point of view he's getting armor which is needed on the comps watch the armor on these bad boys it's gonna go up to 4 pierce armor he's actually watching MBL send new villagers to that woodland and he can look and see that those trees are being chopped he should know something's over there [Music] okay now MBL he's been shooting this castle the entire time with his own castle and his bodkin doubt then get that upgrade and also he is now he has manga died in there and he's making petard now this is very very rare that you see this it's also very very expensive but I think it's great for site from MBL to realize that he's gonna need that gold that's a lot of gold there and he could only continue to make manga die for so long so here comes doubt with with he's just sniping villagers probably realizes and the Eco leads the most important thing for him right now but as far as doubts aware MBL is just making magnet I in that castle so you need five petard 's to pitar down a 2400 HP town center for a 4800 HP town center or excuse me castle you need 10 however doubts castle was not full HP so you're looking at about he's constantly repairing it but right now it's about 3500 so I think 8 is probably the magic number like 8 is the safe number with that amount of HP MBL sees doubts building another castle and it's just the Spanish build speed like this flight is not good for doubt but it's just the Spanish build speed he doesn't care about loosing conks because he can afford to make more of them and he's just castling the entire freaking map also that protects his gold so actually I was kind of needed defensively but you know he wants to build another castle here next MBL currently has three petard inside that castle and okay it's about that now it's for now it's about to be five and these things cost a lot of food they take forever to produce too so that's kind of unfortunate for him because now as manga died numbers are gonna well they're not gonna be as high probably a good time to go for the petard switch though because he has believed military as it stands as opposed to doing it earlier where he didn't have the military lead KN MBL take out this castle tau is not necessarily known for losing castles he's known for failing castle drops and so far this game he's ahead because he hasn't failed with castle drops MBL's gonna go for a slick little play that magnetized is to distract the castle fire MBL has six the castles at 3,500 HP all six are gonna hit the castle it takes it down to 400 HP remember I said eight eight would definitely have done it seven would have done it I think it's desperation time for MBL because he only has one tile of gold remaining and don't notice that least I think he did the castles down to 250 HP now all it's so close MBL's my crowing here doubts defending the castles so close it's so close look at it 150 HP ok MBO just assumes he just assumes now I'm gonna take it out I've got this let's fight here let's defend our wood line cuz doubts killed a bunch of bills here this huge bill lead now for Dell NDL has way better military both numbers and the unit itself the oh did you see that did you see that it was a 2 HP castle 2 HP not even not even an arrow it was a breeze from the arrow just a little bit of a little bit of wafting would have killed that castle so unlucky for MBL doubt is the Lord so you could argue it was all part of his plan but all my goodness I like that that the chances of that so I'm real and now if that castle stands like MBL's kind of out of steam now like he can make more petard but doubt knows to repair it they'll take forever to create these like obviously MBL should have made one more guitar it's easy for us to say but when he is doing 10 different things at once I can see why maybe didn't think about it like a caster wood or like a YouTube comments or wood and he just he just went for it it was a desperation move and now doubt is sending how many bills are here 25 villagers to build this castle we've seen this all before and MBL now is gotta be thinking well I think he's got me down beat me with Castle drops imagine that a doubt can take golds is actually more stone down here too I think that's extra so that was just a gift oh and he has all that stone man oh no where he got the stone from actually he was taking MBL stone wasn't he yep he took all that so in a MBL egg his moment has passed Mike Mike goodness that was so crazy to HP actually thought it was 12 HP when I went in to watch this like I didn't see the entirety of the game but I kind of knew that that castle stayed up - HP is unreal like you think about it and like that comes down to units Garris and it comes down to so many different small little things I think things like that is what makes hmm parts - so amazing at the end of this I'm gonna recommend the greatest migration game ever which is the greatest migration game ever between tatto and Argentinean player and the Masters of migration cup from I think two years ago as before de and there's a moment in that which changes the game and it came down to a small little thing that's what Age of Empires is known for man every small little thing matters and made a difference for doubt you know what else made a difference for doubt the fact that he Walden MBL scout MBL couldn't see it coming also maybe MBL could have reacted a bit faster you just don't expect to see a sneak castle on your gold and though he could have spotted that on the mini-map he would have had to react really quickly to build a tower there it was a risky move from doubt but it paid off and he got the win I loved that game I looked everything about that I loved doubts aggression I loved his map awareness to know where MBL is gonna be taking resources next I loved his aggression but then I also loved the defense from MBL and he almost came back - now he had lost a bunch of villagers so had he taken this castle out he would have he would have gained gold but still been down by 2030 bills I think doubt would have had the lead but I think at that time MBL had 27 manga died and out maybe had 12 conquistadors so we never know if MBL is able to get gold make more manga die what that turns into maybe then he can justify making some siege to take up this castle and breathe a little bit more yeah actually you had a siege workshop here so you imagine if he takes that ramzes castle down and starts to expand maybe fish is a bit more I don't know there were possibilities crazy ninety nine units killed for MBL ninety two units lost there's the largest army difference I think that was the moment there when the castle almost went down I think that was the count you guys can look back and see of course I doubt had weighed more food MBL had sixty nine hundred nice he had way more stony at some of em BL stone and he had way more gold so he just denied golden stone spots even wood spots to despite the fact MBL had more wood I think MBL was struggling for would more than doubt was a ninety percent of that map was explored which is impressive on a map like that you have to consider a lot of that water you don't see most the time so that means that most of the land NB a-- was aware of as was dealt this is just great age of empires to right here good clash of styles with the fast feudal age pressure from MBL you can see that led to a pretty solid castle each time but things got pretty hairy from there a to relics collected for doubt did not touch on that at all didn't matter that much would have if the game continued and there's the crazy timeline alright so again youtube i would have been doing at the end of my videos as i've been recommending another video and I've been doing this because at this point actually just looked because i thought hmm i should make a video celebrating five years on youtube and I realized my YouTube channel has been out for five and a half years so I'm still working on something for two hundred fifty thousand seven but my channel has been around a long time and there's a lot of games that you guys might not have seen and while it might not be the fancy updated graphics of de there's some quality content out there so I normally recommend something at the very end and that's gonna be at the top right ish or the top left dish one or the other if you want to binge watch more thanks for watching and just one more thing thanks to all the individuals who are showing up to my twitch streams and saying they appreciate the extra work into YouTube content commenting so at YouTube videos posting it on like social medias I do appreciate that that feedback lets me know that the extra time have been putting into YouTube content and YouTube moment cast is worth it there was a time where I didn't enjoy the fact that I was just cast to nobody that's kind of what it feels like when I'm recording a YouTube video versus a stream where I can see and interact with people in a chat but now that the communities grown the streams are great however I really like to just sit back and diagnose a game you know talk through strategy spend 100 percent of the time talking about the game so a big supporter on Twitch atomic sausage recently said something to me and I figured I'd just thank everyone else collectively for her I guess recognizing the effort and enjoying the content guys thank you I will stop blabbing your ear off and check out that migration game and I'll see you soon thanks you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 113,914
Rating: 4.9422932 out of 5
Keywords: Daut's, Castles, Funny, All In, Aggressive, Spanish, Mongols, Islands Strategy, 1v1, T90, T90Official, Fun
Id: J3ougRqeGK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 51sec (1911 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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