Hidden Cup 4 | Warwolf vs Jacqueline of Hainaut (Best of 5)

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we're gonna hop in here game number one between warwolf and jacqueline there's a lot of questions we don't know who these players are but we'll find out in four days and for viewers out there i just want to say a big thank you to everyone who's been a part of this and i hope you enjoy this is going to be a crazy event an interesting color choice nilly uh in the blue we've got warwolf and jacqueline it just wants to make it awkward for viewers and it's gone for teal which is player five which is normally associated with someone like the max who's actually not in this hidden cup so what i'm going to do viewers because i know that these colors might be like really hard to uh and really clashing what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to switch the colors with capture age and check this out i'm going to switch deck lean to red but you know that is player 5. i won't do this throughout every series but with these two colors in particular is on my list of things to switch for eyesight nearly vikings against mayans give me your thoughts um it is untypical to see vikings on rayban nowadays obviously great economy and if we saw the draft of warwolf it felt like he was more taking the economy approach but also early cal pick that surprises me you know when i saw vikings on arabia i couldn't help but think about how doubt and tattoo played hidden cup three they picked vikings a lot on arabia game one and then they picked celts on cup um and cup is one of the maps out there so i'm just i'm getting you know just on the draft uh some memories of hidden cup three yeah feels a bit like it uh also let's think island's was ben cross early pick yeah i can't really rule that one out let's maybe talk a bit about the matchup vikings against mayans on arabia yeah well big thing that mayans have is they've got that eagle and eagle always win the fight against the scout and in hidden cup laming is allowed now we have boars on the back side so it's a lot more difficult to steal boars and wolf has actually done a really good job to scout the front of his base first though he does have some sheep out there which reddit just missed so i'd say that is is one of the like since age of empires is all about snowballing small advantages into big advantages that is one thing that needs to be touched on but i think that this goes into archers in the mid game it's pretty competitive nearly uh mayan's having the cheap archers vikings having the great economy with their archers but i'd say the concern for vikings if is if they're able to deal with that eagle switch because mayan elite eagles are really tough to deal with yeah that's a long way across the road though we potentially could think about champions maybe even berserk is a very good counter while we see well still some looping around there with the eagle some people hoping to see some laming maybe get some mbl ideas but boars are spawning more towards the back on the hidden capability yeah my my apologies to the viewers by the way this is the best of five not a best of seven it's right just the start of the day real smooth right had to do that in front of everybody um yeah i'm i'm thinking that this player is is very wise at least to have sent the eagle forward nearly but he hasn't taken any extreme risks with the eagle he seems to have good scouting and i'm curious now what what the opening is going to be is it going to be drushed into archers is it going to be archer opening there okay we've we've got our questions answered a little bit with jacqueline making a barracks mm-hmm gold's not collected yet though so it doesn't feel like at least a three minute arm drush maybe two minute um something we don't see or two militia something we don't see too often okay you can see the blue scouted that sees the berries now also sees there's no mill there so we'll have an idea of what's coming can we talk briefly about how the meta has changed over the last year because hidden cup 3 there was a lot more walling what really has changed as far as strategies that are possible now well we lost the armor on gates and palisades or i think that might have been along the way but also palisades got weaker in dark edge so the safe i'm going to build some militia and then trying to skip feudal age go into castle age doesn't really work because it's so easy to break you so i'm expecting to see a bit more aggressive game compared to hidden cup three okay yeah um still have not seen jacqueline collect gold yet and jacqueline just made the barracks but hasn't made any militia yet unless a mistake in here captured just saying there's one out there is there one maybe one produced and cancelled very likely because still 50 gold in the bank there still no gold collected it was a debate jacqueline playing some mind games yes so so warwolf scouted the barracks or wolf walled in at home and then jacqueline probably queued up the militia and thought better of it and that's funny we're gonna have to capture age teams like dammit they found a bug already there is not one militia on the field that's what the number at the top means um or sorry there's not one in queue excuse me so that that's kind of funny but werewolves got to be thinking did i miss this now like i swear i've been sitting here this whole time and now he's going to attack the house or was thinking about it just to let jacqueline know that uh he's there but okay three to gold this looks like an archer build for the mayan player meanwhile it will be men at arms for war wolf as he's advancing to feudal age interesting matcha without the militia meanwhile looking at the base of warwolf warning on the resources in quite preemptively and quite small i'm getting some dough feelings here yeah dogal is there's a couple things that the brazilian pros have about them when it comes to to how they play house walling at some point but then also these tiny little palisades this is not easy to do and you can see a huge difference between the styles right jacqueline has gone for almost a full wall off on one side already nearly interesting could have been a bit better with the other woodline at the top but most pressures come into the gold now some more palisade walls there wants to funnel those militia towards the tc but well they just go the big loop around wonder what the pressure's like you know because you you go into a normal tournament you're gonna feel some nerves but here you could be up against anyone you just don't know and historically in hidden cups i know the competition is a lot closer going into hidden cut four but there's always been that feeling of am i gonna be the one against the viper you know um so maybe a bit of uh needed hesitancy here for both in some ways but werewolf getting men at arms now and is is all over red at the moment this is the problem with opening with archers isn't it nilly yeah and we really see that jacqueline is a confident player because what are we are we saying he or she by the way well it's confusing with princess yoda i think we said he last year and all the quick wall's here nilly there's some confidence and will the scout go down there you're kidding me viper confirmed in game one could have been a hera move as well yeah and the thing i wanted to say with confidence look at that going for straight archers with that open gold that's a ballsy move and also you mentioned hera we're talking about big names he loves his mayans egg he picked game mayans game one in every single set in hidden cup three drafted it pretty early here and and known for his quick walls too so you know demanded arm upgrade came in but i don't see against the high level player regardless of who it is i just don't see the man arms really contributing much here and jacqueline looking pretty good mm-hmm well manadam's giving some control you always know where the army of your opponent is you can wall behind so yeah you don't necessarily get direct damage but just the gameplay is so much easier if you open with metadops yup yeah exactly and we're seeing that now now you see the walls start to come down the archer's going forward here comes jacqueline jacqueline curious as to what's going on here and sees it now uh however i think the eagle will have to get out of there this is good overall play to start off the series right i'm not saying seeing any big mistakes except for maybe werewolf having 40 seconds of tci idle time to take a look at the blacksmith next to the gold i if i look at that one that that's doubt feelings for me that is so what in the that is such a dull thing you're right man i remember interviewing viper after one of the hidden cups and i i was like are you sure because no one no one was guessing doubt for this one player and viper's like that's so doubt he's like look the way he walls look at the way he does this that's so doubt so we did mention at the start vikings he loved his vikings game one and and there's no reason to not really love vikings present day it's not like many things changed a good micro from jacqueline i think jacqueline will be very happy that uh he or i she i guess depending how you look at it has weathered this decide now decide now tristan it's a he it's gotta be because it's it's a we should have talked about this we we had like 20 minutes 21 tristan i i know but it's if we know it's we're going to go we're going to go with we're going to go with whatever people want to go with how's that nearly be very inclusive okay let's do a vote thank you chad fine we'll do okay you know what all right fine it's jacqueline it's a she all right it's a she that was princess yoda he ended up having a princess emote after that we're gonna we're gonna make sure that whoever uh is jacqueline and hidden cup for uh oh tristan i see some problems do you see wobble walling the bottom there i think there is a hole between the two houses there is a hole there is a hole yeah that well does not block yep that there is a hole now i wonder like at this stage jacqueline is probably going to just assume that it's fully walled here but let's see i would i wouldn't i guess he doesn't know the hole is there but the skirmisher going this direction does take jacqueline a little bit closer to that hole 10 military to 5 could be tricky for wolf to hold lots of idols there now fixed at the mill armor is coming in maybe the scrum defense is an option two eagles oh she finds it all right so she finds the hole so you just have to click past here right and that's something you should do with the walling villager too and the problem for warwolf is he didn't really prep for this to happen but nice gate and nice house there considering that was not something that was expected that was good reaction time and let's see if and limit the damage here i mean the eagles are rather weak nearly so i could see the skirmishers actually doing a decent job and good job for more wolf i think werewolf will with good micro end up being okay here ah feels like it right reinforcement's so much shorter the eagles are falling and jaclyn aye licking her wounds and has to retreat yeah it's funny because you get excited when there's a hole yes i'm gonna do damage they didn't expect it and then you leave you're like oh man i shouldn't have gone in there it's almost worse worse for jacqueline but you mentioned control earlier right the control's nice having the archer behind the wood lines nice we also have an eagle looping through it really it seems like werewolf is a little bit stressed out at the moment and you even have the villager on deer outside the walls i mean it's scrappy stuff at war wolf's base ah and now the transition look at that jacqueline dropping a second barracks that's going to be eagles wow this is this is some sick eco here man this is disgusting eco you get the archers forward you might not kill anything use the market a bit and click up and meanwhile i mean look look at the confidence here you have the weak eagle attacking the villager on the farm okay well now it's dead but the point is there's just a lot of small things even the archer behind the gold it's probably getting in more wolf's brain a little bit here and more army around maybe send those range units around to the gold trying to loop around wall the front a bit more and then the big eagle transition could potentially catch wolf of god but he is moving out now and it's still not bought at the front oh oh man i'm i'm really i'm a little taken back here by just how good and how clean this has been for jacqueline game one not one at the front indeed nearly i'm just wondering if in 50 seconds when the eagles get that extra attack when arriving in castle that'll be enough you're right he doesn't have a lot there it's a little weird to leave that open oh we need a tower we need some quick walls the eager at least scouts it one house two houses okay pulls for villagers might not be enough though that's a lot of ranged units great reaction time there from jacqueline has to be said there's a few archers in there so definitely enough to kill villagers i think this is something that could have been avoided a bit more but the house foundations might hold on and then warwolf might end up losing that force now the problem for werewolf is this is a really really poor transition to castleage i think with vikings especially anything past like 22 minutes is seen as i don't know if garbage is the right word that might be too extreme but i think garbage garbage would describe it nearly this is so late for war wolf yeah some people try to even skip the second data range go a bit more heavy on the skerm count there and werewolf certainly with some problems needs to save their own units still pressure on gold has to go for the beckhold all right so going to the back gold's probably the right reaction here also running away with this force before it died to eagles because werewolf did see the barracks also the right reaction we see supplies and i told my mods we can remove the supplies emote because we're not going to see supplies that frequently but game number one we have supplies ladies and gents it's not low evil legends and i think it makes sense nilly uh if you're trying to counter these eagles with with infantry i guess nah the mobility is a big problem we did see it in previous king of the deserts where metal ships were so dominant and then people tried to defend with nothing it's between the houses nearly this has been a disaster start for war wolf and look at the confidence from jacqueline another crossbow behind the wood line jacqueline is just everywhere and this pressure i mean it's definitely going to lead if it doesn't end the game it's definitely going to lead to a massive advantage which might win the game this is crazy man and the villagers are fighting back and i just i just i guess you're vikings right you think i'm viking so i could maybe hold on not the start you'd want if you're war wolf you're not vikings you're dead yeah more villagers here still exposed just look at the eco idle time over 20 minutes here collectively villagers on wood in the front looking pretty bad and and nearly he doesn't even have the resources to get long swordsman and like you said eagles can just outrun it which is why in early castle age at least it doesn't feel like that is always the go-to unless you can force the fights there's just no way to do that right here okay long sword's in but he's got two of them feels bad man yeah not the numbers well of half oh and there is there a third hole eagles and at the top to the house of the archer ranges it looks like it's swiss cheese there's so many holes twisted i don't think i've ever seen anyone have this many holes in their walls okay someone look up the definition of wall does it even count as a wall when there's three holes i don't think so it's just a bunch of building foundations placed randomly at this point scum surressing the gold as well oh yeah yeah so many fires to put out for warwolf the archer behind the woodline at the bottom as well just beautiful awareness by the queen yeah it's sick jacqueline's got that armies in three or four different spots and i don't want to um no we have a lot of games to see and so i don't want to freak out too much but it does really feel like we might be looking at a top five player top six player here with jacqueline to start off the day and war wolf this is this is one of the biggest tournaments age of empires has seen in in 20 years so you got to continue to play here you got to continue to try if nothing else just to get your fingers warm but one would expect at least that as more villagers go down that this might lead to the gg shortly oh man so many ballsy moves by jack lean but the arch and scum harassment at the gold was nice three holds so many more raids long shots will be fine with the hold but economy damage is done but behind this jacqueline actually plays 1tc yeah i was a little surprised to notice that i was paying attention to the stone count just just one tc all in which which actually is a little unlike some of the the top five that you might come to mind right i feel like they would have switched into the second tc a bit earlier but um could be wrong on that of course probably realize that they were way ahead and continued to push the initiative and here we go 16 eco kills maybe 16 eco kills zero deaths this has been incredible in almost an hour of villager idol time for war wolf a name that we didn't mention yet but what do you think about mr yo here estrella you know it's very much like yo to to pick mezzo and go early with the eagle and it's very much like yo to go a bit more all in yeah and we know how good yo can be and has been over the years so i mean there's just so many names to think of it's so funny looking back actually it's horrible if i actually make any real specific guesses because i look like an idiot when i'm wrong but um as the forward siege workshop is here for declan it's so funny to go back and i'm sorry chat but like people get so sure of themselves even in the first set and i just go back and everyone's just like hair a piper yo confirmed you everyone go crazy and then it ends up being something like back you know so well yeah but i think even if you predict something incorrectly tristan i think chad would never ever mock you for that that's true it's not it's really not like my audience to make jokes about my game play or or anything so uh magnel here now accm did this thing in the qualifier where he went ram magnel and it he did it like twice when hair and i were casting in the decider and a lot of players just skipped the ram it's not like this isn't a spot for a ram but just something to think of as the eagles engage and the eagles still doing fine there crossbowman numbers are in there too nilly warwolf is playing on but at this point 17 villagers killed in this game see the total kds is crazy and then the archery ranges are going to go down it's looking really tough for wolf yeah 17 villagers died on both side not a single one on the clean side rt ranges are going down and the big problem wobbles yeah he's somehow worked towards the counter with long swords but now crossbows are mixed in for the cleaner as well and counter to the counter yeah and it's it's it's so cheap for mayans as well so it pretty much comes back to the all the momentum jacqueline was able to get it would be similar i suppose if the viking player was ahead right they could have archers if eagles came in they'd switch the long swords because they have the lead but don't have the lead right now the superior siege weapon uh is losing to a queen that has zero attack in game however fun fact but the army's closed oh all right big mag and l shout there and another decent magno shot honestly i mean the ville count it feels like there's a five percent chance maybe a little lower you'd probably give more specific uh prediction here nearly but with 57 villagers with vikings and long swords and manganese it feels like with a few good hits maybe there's a slight chance for war wolf ah the problem is with vikings normally a winning condition is early imperial age where you will have the better economy you can switch to berserks champion maybe some range units but he is so far away from first of all freeing himself then getting to the other side then using the timing so it just feels like the winning condition isn't really there simply because jaclyn is putting on so much pressure and has so much web control i think it would have to be there'd have to be a few slip ups for jacqueline on top of warwolf playing well uh big thing would be map control but you know if you look at how much control jacqueline has behind this the golds are in safe positions it's not like if there was a big push back right now that would be denied so this is this is rough but again you know for many of the players they're they're playing for well actually technically for all the players this is the biggest 1v1 prize pool they've ever competed for except for well no doubt didn't i don't think dale competed back in 2001 right so no no he didn't yeah exactly so it's a massive event and i think a big thing for me having played in a few events and and realizing just how it goes as a player as they're still annoying armies behind wood lines nilly is just getting warmed up and getting the jitters out of your system you probably know you're dead here but just just play on and that way you'll feel a bit more comfortable going into game two yeah get a feel also it's it's information right you sometimes see okay this guy is moving with his crossbows that way maybe he sees okay oh that's the splits that only hera does and then you get a better idea for the upcoming games it was funny hidden cup three semi-finals uh players throughout hidden cup three and it'll do the same for hidden cup four after they play a series have to guess who they're playing against and three out of the four players guessed that they were up against hera in the semi-finals and the only person who didn't guess they were facing hera was hera himself okay so that might be you mentioned him like maybe anytime someone sees a nerdy move they they go towards him uh but again it's just perfect from jacqueline you've got the crossbows in perfect position here saganel's eagles it's just there's so much confidence and so much control for jacqueline his jaclyn's now on the way to imperial age a reasonable amount of eco upgrades so i'm not getting any kneecap feelings here on clean side while she's on the way to him yeah there's just so it's so tough because especially going into hidden cut four the level's so close there's so many players who can dish out damage like this it's just the small things we've got to look for and you know in warwolf's case i don't think there's not really a player who fails and has three holes in their wall on a regular basis so i think it's just a rough start to a series for or war wolf here as the long swords are taking engagement snilly it feels like maybe the long swords have dealt with the eagles but jacqueline figures i don't need eagles anymore i'll just go our blessed and with that should be enough to probably get war wolf to tap out i imagine maybe tell me something about bald that's probably the player that i know least about what what could indicate that it might be balls here okay i have a really weird one and i wasn't expecting to bring this up but guys barrels i don't know if it's intentional or if it's a miss click but commonly hughes farms in his mill common okay so nowadays we have auto farm and people either use auto farm which auto reseeds your farm or not but back in the day you could you could pre-click the farms and so i went through his wrecks and i'll have some videos on this and i'll show the viewers here you'll see a few farms queued up in the mill on occasion with borrows he's the only player who will do something like that and borrows is extremely wally early so that's another thing i saw larry doing it on stream like two months ago what i'm not sure if he's still doing it but he sometimes does that yeah what so it's either borrows or leery okay i we might be able to narrow that down i i can't believe that nilly i was looking through so many wrecks to look for player styles is the long starts hey i mean at this point you've got six villager kills at least that looks better on the stat sheet but um what is this rogue magnel doing he's like oh there's a hole in the wall let's go oh it seems like some attack at some point but yeah only passing not shooting yeah good shot there from jacqueline we just got the tail end of and uh you know this one has just been all about jacqueline a second uh second straight hidden cup where our female here has really had a strong start to things and what do you think about this small side base here you know the max isn't in hidden cup four but one villager a few houses outpost buildings like that is very much a max thing back in hidden cup mm-hmm yeah i'm just thinking about it we don't see enough outposts to get some like doubt or mbl feelings some edit there but i think the main idea behind the space is to just take a close look at those two extra goals or main goals yeah yep yeah there's resources there we got some stonewalls there i think jacqueline probably realizes the game is over at this stage so this is where some players might even try and do different things to try and psych people out on who they are um and werewolf is on the way to imperial age adding a tc on this neutral gold here still trying neely um and as we've said should continue to try but i just don't see okay here's a long sword counter attack and a quick wall from jacqueline i just don't see orwolf being able to bring this back very clean very solid play here by jaclyn for sure next raid at the stone and well my big question still is like who is the player that i could imagine having three different holes in their walls and it's it's so tough to come up with some one yeah yeah and i don't think it's not like the the opening for war wolf was passive here it was it was man at arm opening and it was just really good defensive play from jacqueline which snowballed so i mean the whole certainly didn't help as we now see elite eagle with arboles so expect villagers to die um it's it's probably one we're gonna just have to remember nearly as we move on to the rest of this series i'm really curious what werewolf's preparation is gonna be and we have three g's ggg in caps in caps [Music] vivi what do you pick vikings he's not a viking speaker he's not invite no listen as speaking to daniel daniel goes listen this is all you need to know about vivi if there's spanish magyars and frank's in the same draft vivi confirmed uh i don't think i don't think uh the fat dragon would ever pick like warwolf has but yeah what a game here now a good time to show you guys our new and improved statistics with capture age take a look at this so you guys might be familiar with some of this from in-game where you actually have important technologies on your screens when it happened on the timeline and various things to sum up these games more accurately so salutes and chat please for the capture age team and there's more things i'll show you throughout the four days but nothing really stands out too much here big thing you want to look at here is the kd which we were talking about entire game the army high was extremely in favor of jacqueline um and then you have the uh the up times which were important here the exploration was actually pretty consistent but then the the villagers um you know jacqueline had so many villagers werewolf actually created more villagers just lost so many nearly you can see that they're 131 in total uh but 105 current anyways and we we thought especially with the quick wall stitcher clean could be hera but i think hera is a guy who never does wheelbarrow before clicking up to castrate if he goes archers i think he's the guy who delays it so i actually i don't want to say it but i'm rather ruling out hera here clean all right well uh we'll we'll remember that when it's revealed to be hera later on uh man but but that's a good point in fact a lot of people tend to skip wheelbarrow with mayans that spot and as i mentioned i think maybe some people would go into uh the second town center a little bit faster all right nilly so let's let's speculate a little bit not so much in the players but what we're going to see next jacqueline gets the first win on arabia and you can see on your screens there is when the sieves were used and you can see that pretty clearly mayans was the winning sieve for jacqueline i hope that helps for viewers at home orwolf picked cross and gold rush as home maps maps that were used in the qualifier uh and it's drafted in a way that uh indicates that there's some there's some prep for that right you've got maybe japanese for cross for gold rush you've got something like celts possibly which is a little peculiar that early what's coming to mind is probably cup then we have mongols probably for slopes and then it gets wild koreans japanese and persians for cross and gold rush i don't really see korean there are some crazy korean strategies that i actually played against and some people are getting really good at it vivi running other players played like korean orleans on gold rush that could be a crazy strategy and then you kind of have a coin flip between japanese and persians on cross okay well let's find out game number two i'm looking forward to it i have noticed already that the colors the same so players have gone with the same color here nearly and uh there we go we are five uh here we go here we are um i'm having issues here hold on a second this is fine can we get some fines in chat here we go 10 seconds into game number two let's do this i'm going to switch the colors again but just remember that jacqueline continues to pick teal color i would not associate with any player in the main event but in the blue again we have war wolf playing persians probably needs to get a win here to move on in hidden cup for the red we have jacqueline uh it is persians versus hans nilly and does this any surprise to us hunts not at all hunts are considered to be top two at least on cross it's just so easy to play them you don't have to build houses you save so much wood can go for a contest on all the pawns and then ca just feels like such a strong unit all right well um we'll see how this plays out i'd say the big differences here persians they do a little bit better on the ponds themselves nearly you've got more hp on your docks and that can lead to to staying in a pond for a lot longer so there's an approach that i've seen with persians which is actually play defensive you'd think you'd use that offensively but just play defensive and and make sure if they try and land you that you're going to defend in the i guess in this case the south and the west for war wolf the big problem though is what army are you really building like even if you contest all the pawns and it somehow gets two to two or two two or one two three if your opponent goes like three four r2 ranges ca what are the options for persians that's tough yeah big thing with cav archers that i've seen is the cav archer player tends to struggle if they're later to castle h so have a really strong feudal history answer nearly uh whether that's eco transition on the land which is something you do need to think about because the fish will eventually run out whatever it may be get a lead that way huns can't snowball on you i'd be very surprised if the hun player does not win this game if they have a say like a 60 second faster castle h oh yeah yeah that's so nice one if you get like 8ca out and don't get any damage on those you just snowball so so quickly and that is the main goal and honestly if we look at jacqueline's map it's not a tough wall yeah there's some wall potential here now i think the berries are a little awkward if the walls don't go up the golds and that like this hill in front is a little awkward if military's not there you see a villager now heading to the north i've noticed that both players have wasted no time pushing in deer to get a food boost which is cool to see um but yeah dachshund the north and the south respectively nilly you thinking maybe we see a scout opening from both um i think people even switched away and are mainly going for either men at arm tower and just try to really punish someone for going onto too many pawns or just contest all four pawns first and then switch into army because if you lose like three four villagers but get an extra point or an extra two pawns over your opponent you actually take that okay nilly great points there i wasn't planning on bringing this up in the first set but i think i have to so i have a video i'm playing oh as the scout's gonna go down to the tc no it doesn't but it's still weak bad move there for war wolf so i have a video that i'm gonna play midway through the day today it's called the art of boar and it breaks down which players use the tc to weaken their bore which players do not and how they do it specifically and there is one player so so there's 12 players who do it and i have specifics on how frequently they do it and then there's one player who weakens board the tc on a consistent basis and watch this he uses four in the tc and shoots it three times let's see if it happens again watch it not happen now jacqueline help me out exactly okay never mind the point is in my research harold was the only one who would use four in the tc and shoot it three times the other players would do five in the tc or six in the tc so just something to think about okay sadly like should i be let i think i won't comment on it nealy's like nilly's like i have information that says that your data is wrong you know um i'm excited to show viewers that but i also recognize in the video that it's probably just going to confuse people more than anything so if anything that makes it a little more fun they're both on the way to feudal age at lightning fast time the thing is on cross you only have five villagers in the tc so you can't shoot with six because you send one villager away to build the dock so on cross you have to shoot it three times with four villagers or you could do twice with five and then two volleys but yeah there's there's reasons that you're gonna have like certain strategies preferred it's very complicated but something we'll keep an eye on uh and we will probably see at barracks here i mean there's two strategies either you can sneak a villager to a pond or you can add a barracks and follow that up with a stable or an archery range and there's the barracks for war wolf hmm interesting approach so as you said needs to do something against the hunt if it gets into very stable games hunts feel a bit unstoppable so wolf tries to make it a bit more messy sees that the right hand side point is not contested yet yeah notices that but that scalping week is such a big deal now if you use that scout to attack a villager as it goes out the dock the scout's going to die in that fight whereas for jacqueline not only is are the early engagements going to be stronger against enemy scouts but you can always pick off villagers so i'd say definite advantage for jacqueline here just because that scout is weak for war wolf okay stable opening from warwolf kind of expected was not on gold same should go for jaclyn indeed built it slightly in front of the berries and map fields really easy to wall from here on and then the big question is who's expanding expanding faster to the west and east oh good micro there from jacqueline sees the spear and runs away i'm noticing again jacqueline kind of a passive start with lots of walls do you think that this is a player maybe who prefers to wall up a lot in normal games or it's just a tournament version of whoever we're looking at here as they want to play save we saw how she played open for a very long time at the main gold early on so i think this is a bit playing the civilization let's take a look now got the only open spot scouts have to go away and jacqueline has to love her life everything going to plan all right yeah even fishing on the left side of the pond to make sure there's no villagers over there sneaking up the dock that's smart thinking you see a villager being protected by a spearman for warwolf heading over to the right side um so i expect the scouts are just going to be used to patrol the ponds than nearly i guess in jacqueline's case though jacqueline can find some ville picks as warwolf is pretty open but look at how wolf is contesting all the pawns yeah right-hand side villagers out left-hand side already building the dock bottom obviously secures yeah this would be a way better economy for our persian player yeah it feels like jacqueline just hoping not to lose villagers but is the fish focused there and for now i'm just focused on the villagers at warwolves base now if orwolf loses the villager or two but has additional fishing ships i don't think werewolf is gonna complain too much and uh hopefully not because one villager will go down now see if there's a quick wall attempt nothing nope hmm i'm a little confused too that we have one player happy with one pond you know nearly normally you're at least contesting for the second one and speaking of second one we'll see a second villager go down orwolf is really out of position with the spearman what's going on here that indeed feels weird now the third one is getting focused down scout dies in exchange oh the village actually gets away no doesn't yeah that that to me that's a little sloppy you know especially after game one because the spearmen were there the scout numbers are out now you're sending six scouts back to deal with two i think jacqueline will be pretty happy with that and jacqueline will also be happy with 500 food in the bank even getting a horse collar now so switching into farms really early well only one point what surprises me is how quickly werewolf went on to farms and berries honestly seven villages on food at this point when you have three pawns that that is that is really early all right oh man look at this now warwolf thinking two scouts were enough for the two from jacqueline but jacqueline sent in to spear wolf doesn't react and warwolf just really does seem to be a little nervous here as we we know the level is very high right you're we're looking at the top 16 they've had to earn their spots in many cases poor wolf a little shaky at least in our view nilly but uh i i do notice that on the left side orwell click wall to save the villager but one thing warwolf did not scout is that jacqueline's making a dock tricky one four fishing ships and that one pretty soon and even a fifth one queued up that could be some damage on the economy meanwhile well on the way to carsolate is to clean 700 food for wolf i feel like and i think we'll see warwolf click up here soon after i feel like maybe the player maybe jacqueline is a player who did not play in the qualifier nearly because i can't think of a player in the qualifier who who played this map quite like this you know to just take with one pond have the late pond contest now forward market lots of walls it's it's not necessarily bad but it might just be you know a different style that they've chosen to go for after practicing games behind the scenes what you're telling me no one the qualifier played the forward market strategy oh my god werewolves in with two scouts what have you done here oh and jack lead oh you're kidding me you're kidding me jacqueline how does that work out for you that happens to anyone watching nilly and those scouts run around jacqueline's base for the next couple minutes and kill villagers but jacqueline with the quick gate highlighter of the day takes care of the scouts crazy crazy move indeed and well again we have to say that feels like a top five player uh so quick there and now triple r two range i wouldn't be surprised if we even had a fourth one yeah look at the resources too i mean there's definitely the resources there to get bob can arrow to get bloodlines all the upgrades you want for cav archers pond in the north is is working fine there's say there's still plenty of food there and apart from that jacqueline doesn't really seem to care here's jacqueline with two scouts as we see warwolf going forward this is weird jacqueline instantly scouts that it feels like wolves wanted to play siege workshop aggression with double stable capillary production yeah it's a reasonable counter to ca you're kind of trying to stop the mass from getting out of hand and well mass manganal scorpion maybe even some rams mixing can potentially deal with that okay yeah now in the uh on the west side it does seem like warwolf has at least noticed what's going on here important though to maintain the eco lead that those fishing ships are protected and here come the cav archers they won't stop the siege workshop but that's an important thing but i think jacqueline will also be content to make a few nights for any scorpions it's probably your best move to go knight scorpion i think nearly but it's also more awkward than controlling cav archers tonight yeah it's it's like you always have to basically babysit your scorpions because once they're out of position without any knights potentially jaclyn's knights could jump on them now a monastery being added interesting choice by jaclyn maybe wants to heal up maybe wants to deal with the knights but not a lot of siege out yet yeah not a lot of siege out and also i think we're starting to see the power of the fishing ships the amount of food that war wolf has currently means that warwolf can boom on a second town center persian tc's work faster i'm not sure why these two villagers are here it must have been tasked to build the tc but in any event 500 food in the bank is is not bad 21 minutes in and it is 56 eco versus 46. so whoever jacqueline is as they the scouts run into the base here i don't think that jacqueline's approach is necessarily all that good for this map hmm something i have to ask you since you redesigned this map and really took care that we don't have too much fish fish on those pawns when is the fish running out normally with eight fishing ships it takes about like 10 to 15. so if i were to like give a general time and look at these scouts look at the villagers going down the scouts yeah clean so focused elsewhere finally these scouts will be dealt with but yeah i mean you look at the south nilly right now the fish is running out for war wolf that's an excellent point so that's maybe the line of thinking for jacqueline is don't over invest into the ponds because there might not be any fish after a certain period of time also bubbles invested into war gallery upgrades so only for two fire galleys to be upgraded that's a big big investment but we see more gates at the top more gates and this is this is well timed as long as that gate does not open those knights they're going down regardless i think and yeah here come the cav archers and maybe werewolves should have realized not to run in there hard to say of course because werewolf will see the need to do damage still has a 15 eco lead and great block here oh my goodness that was beautiful from jacqueline he says well never mind they're getting out anyways i suppose really well but heavily hurt two friends lost there and each workshop still only two scorpions that's not what we need floating gold floating wood finally two more scorpions in the queue but i i think we needed way more pressure jaclyn's numbers already at 19 ca also the transition into the farming eco doesn't seem too strong no horse scholar so you i think that's something you've got to click before you start investing into this many farms because that will catch up with you too seems like a lot of short-term food eco for war wolf that's going to expire whereas jacqueline's thinking the long term here and jacqueline shows up with this group of cav archers and is over on the other side at the same time jades of game number one ah nothing going on at the left-hand side though werewolf will save all of them right inside scorpions oh man they got some good hits in there nilly uh the knight does show up though it seems like jacqueline expected that though i don't think that jacqueline can kill the scorpions with just one night does not feel enough indeed defensive siege workshop now for water clean here is on 2tc meanwhile the army at the left-hand side still annoying did find another two villager picks yeah two villager picks i'm wondering if jacqueline's gonna have the confidence to go in here because jacqueline's probably expecting the army to be looping around behind and this could be really annoying if you're war wolf because you're expecting them to never run in but if they actually run in there's a lot of damage to be found there uh so let's see it almost looks like jacqueline has left the cavalry there to see if the army runs by that way nearly that's really smart thinking and jacqueline is in okay let's take a look villagers pulled in time do we see some quick vaults there militias are running in trying to block it oh man and you're kidding me can you just get the house foundation down that's worth it to lose two villagers if you can trap this army and now the cav archers which you want to ball are stuck in here against knights and camels but the knights are wisely taking down the house foundation and jacqueline's just gonna run away that was really smart play from jacqueline oh slipping out there nice escape indeed it felt like the whole army was trapped by jaclyn found a way out of it yeah also nearly the scorpions there's so many scorpions in the middle for werewolf i feel like jacqueline just got to get a few mcnells out or something but uh you know interesting moments here i really feel like these fights could go either way with the forces that they have well army value is better for wobbles now oh fights the ca in the center and oh oh that wasn't the prettiest one wow a lot of the cav archers are weak in there right now like if scorpions do come in that would be sick here come the knights for jacqueline it feels as though if warwolf can just get the siege forward that this could be good for him but it's currently separated and the cavalry's getting a lot of kills also there no conversion for jacqueline that's unfortunate i hated this one for wobble regardless of the hmong snipe there which was nice for him but we need to see the army combines oh mangano ca look at the who cares if you miss horse collar like that's ridiculous man but shouldn't it be a lot of idol fishing ships there all those should be counted right look at the bottom pond yup soon 18 fishing ships on the field also a lot of villagers could go down on the left easy just goes up for war wolf and uh i guess jacqueline sees the villagers are there and uses to kill a few runs away not bad we're better now on the side of to clean finally adding some more farms herself on food at the moment 36 versus 19 and another misstep there with the ca oh man that was a that was a misclick there it was almost like jacqueline tried to click a knight in that group and then miss clicked past them and ran into them really um which is rather it's a frustrating thing but it's rather uncommon i'd say for most of the top 16 but then again they are human cav archers running away and i also see we have camels and knights meeting more cav archers in the middle world's looking good the thing is most of the time you go for stop micro in those scenarios maybe clicking the knights while we see maybe some ground tanks oh my god meghan else if they can get it intact ground and they do huge shot and the rest of the cav archers are trying to meet up with them here nilly but pretty soon the siege is going to have the hill this is brutal for jacqueline what i wanted to say is that maybe by right clicking that could be an indicator that the pin isn't that great okay all right so they might be playing on a more like they're far apart from each other right mm-hmm maybe something like a 100 plus ping here they have to work with maybe then again there's been some light and fast quick walls so true the lightning fast quick walls so it does depend on the situation i suppose i like how werewolf has just realized at this point i don't need to over invest into the attack let's just start whittling down these buildings stable is a really worrying thing for me because if he makes nights my siege won't work and it's booming like a madman behind this almost has the resources to go imperial age jack lean needs to fight this back somehow as imperial h really the thing you need maybe you can do someone castle aged gate still holding strong though that's a good point yeah maybe just produce 20 more nights and go up to him safely but werewolf may be feeling comfortable here i think these knights are doing more than enough nearly the cav archers are not holding and jacqueline taps out and calls the gg we have ourselves a 1-1 oh man and that was against hans which we consider to be so so incredibly strong but to clean not really contesting the pawns as much as we wanted to see yeah i mean as much as we saw in the qualifier there's this established meta which we're used to i i don't know man i'm still really torn on who both these players are but i'll tell you what werewolf looked shaky in game number one mentally whoever he is he needed this because he showed what he's capable of to tie up the series and um i'm curious now what jacqueline's preparation is going to be like because jacqueline didn't seem super prepared for this map at least based on what we think is the correct way to play will jacqueline have something prepped for that home map and in particular cup is what i'm thinking of it's weird to not be prepared on cross right i know map has been around in the tournament calendar for years now maybe since cross changed the player prioritized other maps like the new ones and then said well i i don't think investing into fishing ships are as important blah blah and then ended up in that spot it did seem like the fishing ship that that game was more even would have run out which would have been a slight problem for woolwolf but werewolf destroyed there and you can see it with the kd you can see it with the all the statistics we have on our screens and economically more wood food gold and stone was not behind in a single category impressive response from war wolf absolutely maybe you could ask to clean to keep the ca a bit more together because there was this one rating group at the left hand side while trying to make something happen at the right hand side obviously it's half to macro and also not really how you want to have those ca right you want to have them in one big group to one-shot the knights and camels good point all right well let's go back and let's speculate a little bit we have a 1-1 to all the viewers out there hey thank you thank you for being here for just day one we do have channel points activated you earn them when you just watch and before each game you can do a little prediction there if you're you know rooting for one here or the other just for fun um thank you to everyone again for the support as that prize pool this might be ambitious but i think it'd be really sick to have that prize pool at 80 000 uh before the end of tomorrow and that that all comes down to the subs so appreciate everyone nilly let's talk cup let's just assume that the first home map pick for jacqueline is cup and civilizations well i have a very good idea because i already sneak peeked technically it feel felt like in the previous hidden cups that vikings and celts were the two dominating civilizations so i see celts there very likely then we have to think about slopes and gold rush the task feels good for gold rush and what are we playing on slopes that's really tricky for me so i wouldn't really know what jaclyn's plan is there because it's one of the late pigs sifs on their own home maps yeah i i don't know but cup has delivered in so many levels over the years right when it comes to preparation my hope as we're about to hop into game number three is that jacqueline or warwolf have something prepared game three here we go nilly i'd love to see the kelt strategy still work too because it's more figured out now people understand it it's been seen um we'll find out soon excuse me i'm having a capture age bug behind the scenes i've got to reopen things nearly so uh bear with me here but i have seen the sieves and i almost can't believe it um i won't spoil it just yet for viewers but get hyped for this man we've got some fun things coming our way i like it so much this civilization that jacqueline picked will invite a lot of aggression will have a lot of uniqueness to it will not often be seen could maybe give us some info on who that is because we have seen that civilization from time to time picked by very famous players in tournaments nilly's like how long can i tease this before t90s in the game it's all right nealy we're in the game 11 out of 10 we're we're in the game you don't have to do this any longer we're actually 35 seconds since my apologies everyone and welcome to cup just like before jacqueline's picked teal we're gonna stick with red just so we can see things but you can see at the bottom right which color jacqueline has chosen and we have jacqueline playing as the bulgarians a sieve we would have never imagined picked last year yeah there were very few going for it bulgarians the big change is simply that now your upgrades in the blacksmith only cost 50 of the food cost therefore you can go for heavy heavy feudal or castle age pressure and can have your army extremely well upgraded exactly now on cup you've got two bodies of water and it all has amphibious terrain so this is very complicated the right side as you can see there's fish here we've actually seen players make mills out here to collect the food with villagers that's an option but if you dock on the right side you cannot cross your navy over to the left side but you can do so with land units and that's the same if you dock the left side and try and cross over to the right side so the left side has more food but then if you're controlling the left you're not controlling the area between you and the enemy so it's really complicated and i i feel like of all the maps maybe this is the one where we don't really have we don't know what's good and what's bad nearly because there are so many options yeah and it completely plays out differently depending on the civilizations right if it's vikings the fight for water is just so much bigger because you never want to face a mass amount of long boats against you if we see celts it's kind of a lot of map control because distance isn't long and if your opponent can get a siege workshop up in between your both disease you really have to fear for your tc yeah it's true well jacqueline scout on the base right now a lot of your resources are on the back side so that's something you can expect you shouldn't see sheep spawning or bore spawning forward that would be a nightmare and it doesn't seem like either player is taking a heavy scout or lame approach early here nilly the possibility is still there to run forward and try and steal something but just now orwolf is coming forward okay well let's take a look obviously should never run into the tc it's so easy to spot and the big question is where we will see the darks four on wood for warwolf now fallen would for jacqueline as well doc at the right hand side projectly yeah jacqueline trying to place the dock werewolf arriving at the proper time the wolf has an idea i saw the villager was running out there so i think knows the dock will go up there still scouting the board is there now i think it'd be a ballsy approach to ever try and steal that boar but certain players might try that and werewolf just passing and update on war wolf werewolf has not docked yet at all nearly just choosing to wall up surprising to me that has to be a melodram play then because why would you have four on wood and not go for it but if you open metadama know that your opponent is going for a dog why are you walling that uh oh my god okay just a late dog i'm sorry no i just got excited because this changed since the last hidden cup you can drop off food at the docks now so it actually makes sense to build your dock as close as possible to this salmon you look at war wolf werewolf could do a similar thing but werewolf is not docked directly to the one where that crossing is so that's an interesting approach declan clearly showing that this as a home map has been practiced quite a bit yeah nice movement typically this is risky against celts because well celts tend to drush quite a bit and then your villagers have to run the fish won't really work but celts change with them as well you lose your speed bonus in dark age for your militia so what wolf did up for the metadata at least that's what i'm expecting it is funny how uh a player who who plays kelp so well um probably was the one who was it was kind of forced the devs into making some changes to them after after they hadn't been changed in 20 years but that player had absolutely very little success in the qualifier for this tournament but yeah it really did change a lot and and now i'm curious nearly because like you said there's the barracks werewolf could think about using who are you talking about who were you talking about tristan i was talking about this guy named nilly right he he didn't have success in the qualifier i am i mean i'm sorry that was that was too mean it's right you can make jokes with me i i allow you to but uh i don't think you you tried to pick health so that would not describe you yeah i didn't the thoughts on also what we're about to see here because we're talking bulgarians right can you go men at arms with bulgarians can you go scouts can go archers what do you think the transition's going to be for the sieve that we don't see too frequently in these settings the problem is if you if you go archers you don't transition to crossbow simply because bulgarians don't have crossbow if you go mad at arms you have the beautiful bonus that the civilization automatically upgrades minute arms for you so your timing hits just so much faster and oh he's pulling he's pulling the villagers what in the world is this the demos could come out here there's so much danger right now and i don't think werewolf ever expected this and that's actually a huge moment for jacqueline because metadama upgrade will be instant and the villagers are there and the scouts now want full hp what are those up to is it the front tower feels with one militia out of position are we seeing demos i mean i mean werewolf was made a fishing ship by accident there i noticed and canceled that um but yeah i guess this is going to be a tower again shades of of how dalton tattoo played this except they played it with celts in hidden cup 3. they'd love to go for man at arm tower to take map control and to make matters even more interesting nearly that is a very uncommon strategy in our meta right now oh wolf decides to go for the counter tower instantaneous here i'm a bit surprised by that one because that's how it didn't seem that scary but just wants to stop the push as early as he can fishing ship still working in the middle for both players werewolf going for a counter attack there's definitely potential there but i feel like warwolf just doesn't seem to be too confident right now has lost the militia tried to go for double layer palisade which is really risky and that's not working out either archer range being dropped by warwolf wants to get some archers out it's tricky though the hp palisade one more house another house needs to see stonewall investment now by walwolf as well all right so stonewall there where's that archery range at archery range there no economically this is gonna be pretty rough for both of them they do not have a lot on food and especially in jacqueline's case because jacqueline is going to lose a fishing ship plus the fish in general is just going to run out soon but we'll see if this push is able to progress because right now werewolf is not on stone to make any additional towers jacqueline will continue to push in here werewolf doing a tiny mistake if you have a tower war for four villagers are actually doing the same amount as five villagers if you don't do fletching and i think someone like villas would know that so i'm crossing out the less on my list for wolf wait you think valez would know that but no one else would know that well some others would know okay but it can't be less i think okay because he he would only send four villagers i'm so sure of it okay so confirmed to not be blessed according to nilly all right i like that i i could see that i think you've got a good chance that it isn't fullest let's put it that way uh but what do you think about the fact that werewolf has not gone to stone is that a bad move or is werewolf just gonna rely on archers well which stone could he have gone for tristan of the tc feels really exposed for now the second tower was not needed right but down to 35 stone yeah the moment you get like two three archers out especially if you get fletching you should be fine with dealing with that aggression okay yeah i was just you know the transition of course with kells might be good to get world raiders out eventually just curious in your thoughts on that and let's see if demanded arms can get more value and if these villagers can build more towers before the archers come in and they're certainly getting value two villagers down and if it's however to go up behind the berries that would be huge for jacqueline oh autumn micro not the best one losing two villagers there just hurts so much i'm a bit surprised by that yeah small advantage so when it comes to economy obviously map control is great as well archers should not go down oh but if the villagers get trapped in here that could be four dead for jacqueline and the man at arms are not very useful right now villager does go down for werewolf or should yeah don't uh in the process but i think world's got to get the archers over here right now like get to those villagers oh stonewall down to 400 hp the other one would be at 100 could maybe go for it scout will die and i think this could be for that villagers oh man and and in the end werewolf will prefer his position then and the tower is oh wait this is awkward a house from the other side won't do anything house to re-block it nice move and jaclyn actually saves it wow dude that's crazy and the tower's actually killing some of the archers what a ridiculous moment i like how werewolf just deleted all the palisade walls like get out of here and i'm wondering now if the villagers will actually survive because that could that could really swing the game if those villagers stay alive then jacqueline will have the better economy but no military here in support and so many weak villagers there they go i think world should kill at least one more after this yeah jacqueline needs something more nearly questionable choice gleam did send two artists and one minute arm to the top i think it could have really helped in the tower wall right yeah i think two archers alone could have changed the outcome of that battle that was such a good play for more wolf though because warwolf recognized that those villagers could have been trapped and now the fire ship's going to take out the bill impressive but jacqueline realized that the villagers were gonna be trapped and immediately doubled back but warwolf was just that much faster so i was really good overall age of empires there i still feel like that clean when i look at the uh the ville count is in a fine position werewolf has had two minutes of tc idol time so while warwolf has killed villagers werewolves vilcount is not really all that high behind this also since both players heavily invested into early army right we saw three or four minute arms from to clean two from werewolf all the upgrades we actually didn't have any eco upgrades till like 30 seconds ago second eco upgrade only now coming in look at that we barrel before the wood or the farm upgrade for walwolf now wow yeah i guess they invested so much early and that's the dangerous thing is werewolf loops around and will clear up this force and not the most useful counter attack here nilly but um i feel as though at this point you sometimes assume oh never mind there come the upgrades they must have heard us but i i would assume at times that i would have researched those and then i don't look until i'm in castle yeah yeah very typical thing i know yeah you just go castle age one to click the second x and then like whoopsie okay so i'm looking at the resources they have it seems like it should be pretty similar long term here uh but the army comps i think war wolf has the more deadly army composition right now also has control of the water in the middle has benefited from having the fishing ships orwolf will like his position absolutely celts well with the pawns that's what i said earlier right forward siege workshop just so easy distance so short and how do you really defend your tc's technically jaclyn if you maybe remember what was it i think it was spain against norway where the west bank tried to make a big manganal play happen against the viper who ended up being bulgarians and got the nice crappos defense could see a repeat of that i think it was what's the crep post it was you're right it was those those two teams in the 2 world cup valley or something like that it was yeah it was valley this is interesting uh because jacqueline chose to go for a counter-attack which might work here behind the wood line but in doing so left the gold exposed and the tower has been denied so uh it's a bit of a see who does the most damage type of a thing i think i prefer warwolf's position faster to castleage is also breaking through here a little bit might choose to run away after seeing skirmishers and jacqueline with heavy market abuse also on the way to castle h i think i would love to see a galley being added here by warwolf would be really good against the skirmishes could block the gold could deny the tower and jacqueline i think needs to make something happen if the archers aren't doing much do you think contesting the top points should be on the menu well right now at least in jack lean's case i think investing into the pond in the north is it's not your priority you know priority is staying alive if these become crossbowmen and then else go forward with siege but in war wolf's shoes i think it's a great way to get ahead there nearly is get a few fires out get some fishing ships look at this still the archers haven't been dealt with still the archers are getting bill kills yeah i'd like to see war wolf extend his lead by doing that to answer your question again nice nice move there indeed by werewolf and well that tower is it really the tower that will save him well not really for a long time right you at the bottom you can be raided the gold will be somewhat exposed i'm just asking the question how aggressive would wobble play because castle age with mangonels could be brilliant for celts i feel like with this foodico and we do see a stable but a lot of knights would be sick i know that celts don't get bloodlines but going knight siege is pretty common and i could see that maybe being an option where is jacqueline going with these villagers is jacqueline going to drop a crep post here look at the stone this could be a doubt krepo so nilly i mean if warwolf notices this and sends a few knights and crossbows out this could so easily be denied but i don't know if it'll ever be expected or if we'll ever be spotted i can't believe we're seeing this very late archers and scums now shown oh man being in classics for quite some time now i would have loved to see the crap was being built right now while the villagers still running and honestly like what are you really doing there there there are no villagers there are no crucial resources okay well the crossbows are going forward to jacqueline's base there's the crep post originally it was going to be up against the wall now warwolf can see it denies the stone and the woodline which might end up being a good position there's no demo or fire or anything out of the dock from jacqueline but i think werewolves got to get out of there as warwolf's now going to loot behind the wood line this this game is about to get real messy real quick defensive siege workshop by our cal player siege not the greatest thing against conics though crossbow trying to break in at the top mortises for the or no no tc's for the defensive attack lead might be in some trouble we need a reaction to those crossbow yeah and the reaction's really late there's got to be a few people out there that are like what are you talking about that was really fast man that's impressive that's a good day for me let's go uh and that ends up being enough if the skirmish come over here nearly but then then again the knights are there and this is good move for a good move from more wolf but then again there's fire galleys here too this map is so complicated i love it yeah this is this is the map where you play with like eight control groups and still feel like you want to add some more yeah like what do you want to control fire girly skirm then the forward villagers now some aggression scorpions will be added this is so hectic and and i would say shortly we could see defensive prep for jacqueline if he really were to need it or she really were to need it right so um it feels like the households are gonna hold for now the skirmishers should take out the crossbows and the knight because the knight's very weak and the pressure is is kind of on on both players right now they're both exposed in some ways their economies are pretty close i just love this map so much i'm so glad though nilly that we didn't have this in the qualifier because this would have been a strategy that we understood picking bulgarians because it's coming to the main event um as the conics go in uh players have been practicing in different ways and showing us different strategies yeah not sure how much the conics were the original plan maybe they are for sure but yeah the metadam opening surely was part of the plan getting all the map control and werewolf well was under some pressure obviously losing those four villagers and them getting trapped wasn't part of the plan you know i said all this this great stuff and exciting stuff about the strategy but i don't think making comics was part of the plan i don't think losing three comics to scorpions and tc fires that's really part of the plan either they're not that cheap and kel economy is stronger and you can already see 60 villagers versus 50 now warwolf with the lead i'm wondering though what does war wolf do is werewolf gets cleaned up does he make more knights does he go for rams nearly can you even have woad raiders in the back of your mind with celts seven on stone so defensive castle could be an option obviously it deals with the crappost rush quite nicely more defensive scorpions and 3tc boom i think warwolf is planning for the long game yeah warwolf doing that also sending a villager down towards the south that could have been for a sneaky siege workshop but that's been spotted and now we see another conic or not another conic sorry castle krepo's conic it all got confused but um we see a crep host for jacqueline and a stable so i think we might see more and more conics as the stable might be for husbandry and bloodlines and all the upgrades you'd get for them the question is what can comics really do against the tc mong scorpion defense well we will find out for comics moving forward first conversion starting yeah let's see here monk kind of backing away here by the way if you zoom in on that monastery you'll see a friendly face and the conversion dealie does come in a second conversion will not feels like jacqueline just doesn't really have the eco to necessarily back up a push but does have the stone that's for sure conversion's still going oh get a second and another one too oh this would be huge nope does not get it nearly but there's also knights in jacqueline space shackling has to react to that it's 95 population for 76. now this is i've been all over the place in this series you know game one there were moments where we're thinking top five player and and then there's moments where it's a bit shaky i don't know what to think but i can tell you that both players have the stone for castle right now and werewolf is going to try and drop one right by this grappos i like the spot there quite a bit we'll deal with the crapos we'll say or protect the gold there lovely lovely place and you have to feel that jack lean isn't putting enough stone on the map what do you think like what's just floating like 900 stone and no real aggression coming jaclyn continues to sell it i think i think jacqueline has sold about 500 stone in this game which really tells you that the food and the wood eco has not been there not to mention even the gold economy hasn't been that high but i wonder if jacqueline can be happy with what he's accomplished or she's accomplished with this bush obviously you're gonna lose that krepos now to the castle maybe pull the villagers away and creppose the middle area and then just try and focus on your economy over the next five to ten minutes an interesting choice you see your opponent monk scorpion castle defense and jaclyn still decided to invest longer into castle age yeah just the bloodlines forward crapos and she's trying to break war wolf and cartilage here yeah and here she comes with another crepos drop you know it's so funny to me though because at this point werewolf could actually buy another castle so yeah krepo's are cheaper but castles are stronger and if you have the better economy here it is werewolf would just continue to do this and let's see if werewolf can get conversions no way three conversions the kreppos could be denied before the castle goes up oh and only pulling five villagers might not be in the best choice here oh man well it does seem like warwolf will not be able to get to the villagers nilly but it doesn't matter if the castle's gonna shoot that down anyways oh wait a second there's a tower okay there's also a demo and a galley here and monks oh um even if it goes up i think that's not the biggest difference difference anyways right 2k hp or something on it villagers are dying and jaclyn just wanted to go for the castle age all in aggression and well that's not going to happen anymore no i just love how in the midst of that the demo hit the foundation it was like raw take this you know as if it was needed and nilly of war wolf has just shown the power of celts but the power of is just insane here and you know i thought that maybe jacqueline could have shifted back more economic approach but maybe it would have been too little too late as we see comics go after the monks or wolf not paying attention here and those were weirdly positioned that's some nice pick off yeah seriously now this is awkward because you're now fighting comics with conics uh not something that i would say is ideal but if we get to elite crep hosts or what is wrong with me sorry if we get to elite conic i could see elite conic and even bulgarian two-handed swordsman being very strong against woad raider and halberdier which is what celts will go for so i do think that there's potential for jacqueline if jacqueline does not die over the next 10 minutes oh let's see if that's even an option barracks are being added i think a swarm of power dealers are coming over the thing is harvard yes not the craziest unit yeah again the mounted conics but dismounted comics will deal with them quite okay yeah and something to remember very important to focus on that middle area look what jaclyn's doing placing some an outpost there placing a mining camp there's a lot of gold out there also you even see a monastery in the north villager building around the stone it's like jack lean might not have the economy but really does recognize the situation as far as extending the game but another krepos could be denied here oh don't tell me this is going to be a doubt crappos uh i wonder it's at the top trying to make something happen okay goes up in the end but loses more villagers in fact you can see the total kd now looks pretty even but the eco kd not so even i'm with you nidalee just going for help with a few rams should be enough or it would feel strong for werewolf and then he could he could just adapt from there getting quite some equal upgrades in as well handcart still lacking the second x that's a bit surprising to me of our cal player but i think this push through the center could be lethal i wouldn't even mind wall wolf adding some more wall get this in the center yeah it's still so interesting to me how jacqueline is playing this with map control i almost feel like for for entertainment's sake i kind of want to see jacqueline be able to hold but three minutes until imperial age now we'll probably see how with ram soon i don't see conics that that said we don't see them too frequently i don't see castle h comics being able to hold all that well against mass albedier four ramps now at the bottom do we have the work huh do we no i don't really see the upgrade coming in and maybe now the push at the bottom but i think those could be enough conics to hold well a lot of them are weak nilly but that's a thousand hp's of conics there i think it's important for jacqueline that he doesn't start to bleed at home and jacqueline just calls the gg anyways jacqueline didn't even fight it do you think that you should fight before calling the gg there or exactly just realize you see the numbers you see that your crapos is going down yeah you get some control but you also know that the push is going into the direction where you have two of your gold spots right so bulgarians not working out and i just wondering if maybe this stems back to that excellent trap for more wolf you know that moment in the game where the villagers were having success going forward or wolf trapped them and was able to kill a few and then just had great archer numbers throughout the mid game and great economy nearly yeah i'm impressed by how calmly wobble defended that one very clever tower to defend the berries then more stone walls buying more time getting to the archers and then that beautiful trap and from there on he was just so far ahead in the economy nice play yeah celts uh the better economic sieve of the two but also prioritizing eco upgrades pretty early too uh tcs were a little faster even the relic gold was higher there more wood more food more gold and less stone which i suppose makes sense but remember jacqueline also sold a lot of that stone um things to think back on right now is that war wolf lost the first game and honestly got destroyed by jacqueline on arabia so i'm really really curious who would be amazing on arabia but maybe not so amazing on some of the other maps nilly or maybe a very very strong player but having nerves hmm nerves yeah so maybe some speak of kind of trouble i see every time i see nikov i'm like this is a top five player man he's so good but he lacks an eco upgrade or two i'm not i'm not on the nikov train yet but i i honestly don't know if i had to pick right now and by the way viewers you will be able to submit at the end of this series who you think each player is going to put your money where your mouth is this year um i just don't know who i would guess okay well um you know there's one more chance for jacqueline to stay alive in the first best of five of hidden cup and we know now it will be slopes the second home map we mentioned mongols as the probably go-to civilization for werewolf on slopes it makes sense um and then i i don't know i suppose it's japanese or koreans for gold rush which is really unique uh and then what are you thinking as far as jacqueline's sieve choice goes for this next map i think an artist i probably want to see malians for gold rush then although ah you're facing koreans most likely right what's best against koreans that you already kind of have to ask yourself and against koreans i'd probably rather play britons so i'm going with shita somalians here so funny side note someone in twitch chat just said it's weird watching my my old neighbor casting games on the internet in front of this many people and i looked at the username it is 100 one of my childhood friends who grew up next to me hello um salutes and chat please to my old neighbor who inspired me to be the nerd i am uh neily i say we just find out and hop into game number four how's that my buddy's ready all right oh man that's wild all right so uh we'll hop into the next game and next game we have and let's get this party started yet again and yet again jacqueline has continued to stay consistent with the color choice you know some people will use that when factoring in the guesses uh but yeah in the blue we've got war wolf and in the red we've got jacqueline and it is tatars against mongols okay mongols strong choice big change when it comes to slopes in this edition guys you remember hidden cup three one side had all the shellfish the other side had all the deer this time it is mixed but that also means there's always a great mill for mongols yeah now mongols possibly you could justify making the mill before the lumber camp here some people use their wood to make the lumber camp and low elo legends i'm i'm always instructing that people make the lumber camp first right but here it honestly makes sense with that much food and that being your main eco bonus to maybe make a mill before the lumber camp so i'm curious to see if werewolf does that um and werewolf has actually come forward real early uh to try and steal some resources and has done so with the mongol bonus this is huge oh interesting approach obviously you don't need to scout so much right you always have very similar walls at home the extra food at the site is always at the same place so i think taking a good look at the opponent's map early on it's absolutely justifiable here yeah will we see many boar lanes in this tournament nearly because the boars are almost always on the back side you think we'll see a lot of them uh probably not um i think i would say under three borrowers full hidden cup okay capture rate just lagged for me sorry about that under three throughout the entire hidden cup okay so what um at least at minimum mbl would play three games so i think that would that would make sense you know one per game i would say mbl zero ball names whole tournament i think i think that's true as well of course the persona there's a couple things we know him for but i think he has even been out outspoken about how he feels in tournaments it's it's not necessarily the play i'm happy with the changes we made because lehman was very strong in previous tournaments and we still wanted to maintain that aspect warwolf basically just made use of one of his civ bonuses and that's that's the scouting bonus and so went forward found some sheep said thank you i guess geese and here come villagers to the side now nearly now it's just funny because you assume there's something out there there is always something out there but werewolf didn't scout it yet so a little late to finding the hunt um yeah should know it's at the same height so yeah maybe 10 seconds of walking time too much there goes for the show fish first didn't really have enough wood for the middle it should be dropped down pretty soon the big question do we go for the shorefish or the deer first i would say go for the deer first because it's a little bit easier to to protect your villagers if you're on the shore fish now you can't make just one or two palisade walls to protect your villes anymore because the way we made the terrain there you almost have to make a box but the deer are gonna run away from that so i don't know it kind of depends i guess in your perspective on it the bigger thing here i think is just what the scouting is going to be like if you look at jack lean's point of view jacqueline has scouted the right side and can't see anything there so jacqueline would either assume the villagers would be on the left or just assume that warwolf hasn't taken the risk to take the sides at all yep well confirming the mill at home kind of means not moving out to the side is very very likely and well i think wolf will dictate this game quite heavily as the tars your power spike is kind of early castle age mid castle age so i might see how jaclyn is trying to still trying to survive till then yeah jacqueline not taking any risks to take the sides that clean walling up which is an approach we've seen work that's the thing about this map we've seen max aggression work with no walls we've seen full walls work as well brought all the qualifying games and here comes jacqueline to the left side nilly who is on the way to futile age now and is just looking to see is the enemy over here what are they up to i imagine we'll find it soon but werewolf scout has been swarming it's been all over jacqueline's face he sees everything yeah but doesn't really get the information you're tatars i'm monitoring you're still not on gold what is your plan do you really want to play scouts with scouts yeah maybe war wolf might be a little confused you're right i didn't even see the second lumber camp just saw some walling and is now has not checked the sides yet so i'm curious but it does look like it'll be a scout choice for and just like on other maps in this tournament transitioning is huge and that's something that i want viewers to keep in the back of their mind yes this is fast food income but it's not like a farm which is going to last you for a long time so it's really hard to adjust for that sometimes certainly for now that's around a thousand food in total on that side big big lead for warwolf i don't like how jaclyn is playing this she's completely ignoring the map bonuses i don't really see why we picked guitars here maybe a misdraft i i'm i'm not sure i i i hope we we soon see a big plan here from her it's almost as if jacqueline has not played these maps too frequently you know what i mean like cross we didn't see a lot of fishing ships which is a certainly big aspect of that and then the scouting was maybe a little slow here tatars doesn't make a whole lot of sense jacqueline feeling the pressure now down 2-1 okay saves the villager and it's gonna chase that scout down but yeah let's see nealy i'm really curious what develops here with jacqueline because scout with tatars is a little weird and the eco is so bad jaclyn can't even afford the farm upgrade yeah so not taking advantage of the food on the sides and can't invest into farms like werewolf will be able to do because werewolf has the food to get that upgrade yeah you're right i you know what's it's not just that that's surprising to me it's how good jacqueline looked in game number one and now how shaky jacqueline has been in the other maps that's surprising to me because based on what jacqueline did on arabia i expected so much more could you get mbl vipes i i there was the name that came to mind because i'm not sure what his preparation was like for this hidden cup but i i just didn't see a lot of mbl i i just i just would be very shocked if it's mbl um not due to the lack of preparation but just you know like the previous game and not being able like resigning when he did things like that i think maybe it's someone else hmm well seventy percent of my mbl casts are like oh god what is he thinking this would never work and oops suddenly he is one of the best players in the world it works and i'm kind of getting the same vibes in this one as well okay yeah i mean the truth is every player has different things going on some people are able to commit full-time hours right now some people are not um so there's a lot of aspects that we can't really break down but i can tell you right now neily despite how weird this opening has been uh there's still potential here for jacqueline possibly because there's villagers on the left side so say what you want about how the opening was awkward but if you have four villagers taking that risk on the left side and you don't save them you could easily see jacqueline find some reward but it does seem like with the spear going down that werewolf might fight and then just bring his own scouts over and yeah in the end werewolf okay for now nicely going for the low hp scout there as well spearman of track clean but i think the villagers just attacking the spearmen and the scouts the scouts should hold this one probably producing some must be a man to help out yeah um maybe jacqueline's a little desperate now to get a veil pick you know fully welded home so maybe it's worth it to go for villager kills and gets one and the micro certainly wasn't the worst here it's not like werewolf scouts are that strong so it's actually possible for jacqueline to get another ville pick look at this why is this happening i'm a bit surprised here why isn't wolf just fighting really it's all because you you judged jacqueline it's all because of that you know seconds after you say oh i just really feel like this is really bad suddenly jacqueline's finding some reward but i i again think that werewolf maybe could have done a better job there maybe jacqueline could have dove in for that last villager there's one on six hp oh i knew why look at the barracks of warwolf hey oh no i hate that the spearmint oh he tried to send the spearmen to the left the spearman went to the left but he's trapped in there oh and that's why the defense fell short hmm that makes sense nilly and i'd like to see jacqueline maybe go over to the left side find those weak villagers should know they're rather weak but for the most part it seems to be fighting for control in the middle and that's unfortunate for war wolf but let's look at the economies the farm eco looks pretty strong for war wolf completing wheelbarrow now saving the villagers on the left barmiko also looks pretty strong for jacqueline and as we near castle age i want to talk about how the sieves break down because i feel as though tatars are arguably the better castle have here yeah early castle age they get thumb bring for free and that's a nice power spike that's why we also see the transition into archery ranges here gold relatively exposed warwolf and the big thing is you get extra sheep once you drop down some tc's so the economy development just so smooth for tatars by the way there is a hole between the stable and that tree for war wolf oh no so i mean there's not the scouts that are out are rather weak and jacqueline is assuming the full walls are down and is scouting the sides just like werewolf is doing on the other side but uh just something to consider here i do like how the scouting is developing now werewolf sending another scout to the south just keeping an eye on things realizing how you should play this map and now the scouts are in oh these are two full hp scouts too nice quick waltz though and the villagers at the top not really interested in that one another spearman being at it and i think that the gold you shouldn't really find too much so as far as names go i'm actually getting i feel like backed is very good with mezzo on arabia he went he's very good with aggression which he did in game one when he got the win and backed at least historically in hidden cups has not been the most prepared and i could see jacqueline being being backed personally i'm not getting vivi vibes i think if i were to guess right now and you know put money down i would say that maybe jacqueline is back from vietnam but uh no he did have to work his way through the qualifier which is what's kind of weird right you'd expect a player who worked his way through the qualifier to be a little bit more solid on that cross map i'm still having mbl wipes okay all right you know it's tough to say game one we've got to see all the round the problem is guys you've never watched a hidden cup before you go into a certain set and you think oh it's this person and then two sets later you think wait no i got that wrong um well this will be archer v archer and they will be in castle age soon a tatars will have thumb ring for free and it looks like the archer numbers will be pretty similar a gold position for warwolf though could be a real nightmare yeah 140 stone and only in the bank for to clean because she decides to stonewall the sides that feels like a lot of carcinogen aggression which is untypical because then you're neglecting the sheep boners for your disease yeah i like the scouting for more wolf to just sit in front of the ranges and jacqueline adds another scout just to push that away stone walls again i'm thinking like i don't know if nba would stone wall in this position but you know what we mentioned nerves someone with nerves might stonewall in that position you're down to one big tournament you don't know who you're up against maybe you want to play it too safe at times and i see the scout get the kill there which is good for jacqueline and upgrades will be in for wolf a little bit faster here university instantly being dropped down typically an indicator of winchester and now some archer dancing of running away tries to save that village in the center as well yeah villager running away here i guess the university you're talking about is probably for war wolf and it is so we have second tc university so the goal is two town center economy and also ballistics a little bit ambitious but doable with proper eco and it almost looks like the eco is perfect for that nearly so werewolf wow in a good spot if the crossbowman can be taken care of here well it is six against eight so looks good and ballistics is coming in we'll make a reasonable defense happen and to cleanse aggression will be stopped oh okay honestly the micro by jack lean was decent considering the spot but yeah good job from warwolf and nilly i heard you i heard you say whoa when we mentioned the eco how sick is this to have the eco for the second tc and have ballistics in instantly it seems like it's almost perfect and there's no eco bonus for quite some time for mongols as well yep we are not hunting anymore since like minute 14 in this game yeah it's pretty sick and the siege workshop i'm a little bit surprised to see the siege workshop but i think maybe the worry is cavaliers might come out maybe a few scorpions or something i'm not sure but uh you know jacqueline heading towards the north right now jacqueline also is getting a town center up on the right side where there's gold and wood line and farm space so important thing to keep an eye on you can push the middle to take gold and stone or you can push the sides to take wood and golden stone away from the opposition it's really tough to play ah and well unfortunately with the scouting scout there at the right hand side kind of wants to track if there are extra villagers going up if they're extra tc's but not in range how does that even happen honestly how does that scout not see it maybe it was patrolling there on no attack stance or something but warwolf did see that the crossbowmen were heading this way and ballistics is already in and numbers are also higher for werewolf and with this huge workshop forward as well you'd think that this is going to be pretty good for werewolf in a couple moments checklist tries to microwave now micros towards it i'm a bit surprised by that one we'll lose everything wow it almost looks like jack lean was trying to go for a few crossbow and forward to snipe villagers as opposed to controlling the game and fighting for the middle and that's a stylistic thing too some players again fact is known for just sneaking one army in to try and go for a push interesting nearly do you remember when i mentioned the ram and the magnel with accm and the qualifier werewolf going for a ram and a magnel and it's actually a perfect play you have the magnet to take out enemy military if it's needed and then you have the ram to ram down the buildings jacqueline could be in a really tough spot i'm going for the stable for the archer range first archer enters what your opponent is producing but the mangle is doing dealing with crossbow anyways i think because the amount of crossbowmen you have with ballistics you probably are not worried about a knight to come out okay so i i would say go for the ranges here especially against tatars because that's where there are big bonuses with thumb ring and oh man disaster for jacqueline the crossbowmen weren't even set to go back towards the town center to save what was left like at this point surely you run with what you have in that range right i think if you want to save them you have to yeah there we go they're running away and you see crossbowman going down magnels here in defense but even though the villager counts even werewolf with excellent control now i did notice there's some crossbowmen from jacqueline behind the wood line orwell's going to clear that up though yeah quite easily one crossbow he just sends three and is dealing with that one quite nicely manual fight in the center yeah not not bad for jacqueline needs another one here if you get this one you start to believe that life could be okay and honestly nilly at this stage you're so far behind in crossbow numbers get these crossbows out of here and try and sneak them to hit uh the eco again because i don't see how trying to use them in the fights as we get a really good engagement there gonna help you too much try and hit a woodline probably your best bet i wouldn't mind that but then again six crossbows so easy to clear up by for your opponent again you really have to find some maybe expanding villagers going for extra tcs to really make something happen but yeah you have to take some risks to make a comeback happen oh interesting and okay now this is an important moment that magdalene is very weak i think werewolf will know that well in the end jacqueline says thanks i can at least get some value from it but yeah you just can't push out with the crossbowmen here 68 voters for 66 but it's 28 military against two two yeah oh what are our plans here we are trying to cheer for jacqueline i don't really see it happening now expanding to the bottom and the task bonuses not really happening here i don't really see any health to be used as well yeah it's tough it's it's it's all about that army momentum early and werewolf has been able to out execute and now the fact that jacqueline has thumb ring means nothing and now you have a cav archer switch nearly and you and i both know how rough it is to try and switch into cav archers which is more expensive unit that you need to mask when you're behind in numbers he's just going to lose more ground and werewolf is just freely booming and also on stone which is important with mongols how many ca do you even need to engage in manganal and 19 crossbow there like 20 ca or something yeah takes so long to mess those again i think because your magnels can handle everything that's at the front of your base you use the cav archers to raid with good magnet micro you can clear out the crossbows and the enemy magnets but your cav archers don't help you too much okay so there's a one for one but i say loop around with the cav archers that's your best bet uh tc just noticed by werewolf on the left side but great awareness for more wolf to at least check there and even shot the sheep underneath the tc which is kind of funny actually those are missing arrows he is patrolling in there missing arrows hit the sheep and hit the sheep yeah it wasn't intentional i don't think i've ever seen that before you know what's funny is so viewers you'll see this throughout the four days as we see a crossbow on this tc um but anyways so i actually have a feature where i can highlight certain things and go back to them and i haven't been using it for this set so far and nearly that was my first instinct was to use it right there over the sheep well cav archers they did have the hill there for jacqueline and now they're on the move uh the tc is up already for warwolf though and i'm wondering if four wolf is going to drop that castle soon it feels like with the economic similarities here it is doable for jacqueline if jacqueline is able to snowball before mongols get to their sweet spot which is the manga die and that's not so easy to get to well with that little map control the sweet spot might already be brazer and obelisk because what are you really doing against those if you're still deep in castle age yeah nightmares won't do it the a mass won't do it mangles you have to hope that your opponent is doing any major mistakes will be tricky before that even it'll be tricky and maybe jacqueline realizes that nilly and here come the cav archers going in and well you have a tc on either side and now the crossbowmen are chasing you he spent so much time to try and mask these so many resources to try and mask these and i guess you just try and run where you can and werewolf pretty close to clicking up nearly also there's a castle going up in the middle some people in the chat have been saying that this could be doubt playing in the blue we know that doubt is known for his suspect castles oh my goodness you're kidding me ah let's see how many villages he's actually losing right it will be an apple shot if the mangrove even shoots and yeah not too many losses i think he might not even lose the single villager all right well then it's not doubt confirmed i suppose yep yep confirmed and actually the cavalry's got to get stuck in here so they're going to die and castle will go up uh imp is probably going to be on the way in a moment i think the resources disappeared on our screen so that means imp is queued somewhere for warwolf let's see no imp is not cute actually it's just more villagers are producing and you have hand cart coming in okay lots of resources there as well so longer castle age and to clean um the lower side when it comes to gold but now you're heavily using the market yeah yeah i think that's that's probably not a bad move um and now this knight's even getting value killing villagers this knight is killing more villagers than that entire cav archer counter attack did for jacqueline that's pretty telling yeah now not too pretty for sure and the big problem now will be how exposed jaclyn is right yeah still trying to make something happen but there will be so much raid potential all over the map okay so i'm thinking about a game i played now obviously you know a game i played it's not comparable to these two but it was when tatars first received all the the buffs why are you attacking a house here jacqueline what the okay that's been realized but it was when tatars received thumb ring for free yada yada and actually with hussar heavy cav archer guitars do fairly well against the manga die surprisingly but um you know it's just something to keep in mind if this game stalls out it's not necessarily a situation where mongols are definitely the stronger sieve of the two until let's say mongols mix in their siege well even then right if you can get enough hustlers and get all your upgrades on them they will deal with that reasonably well yep so we have to say jaclyn is in a better spot than we thought like 10 15 minutes ago seriously look at warwolf's tc idol time on your screens everyone 12 minutes of tc idol time so he was microing that's been a consistent issue for him his tc's have not been producing i'm gonna go to the overall value of the military now the overall kd and the relics as we see a castle in the middle for both both will be an imp but it will be jacqueline it's in him faster and jaclyn's military count seems reasonable nearly farm count really low on her side though look at that only 20 farmers that well some of those are i don't disease right now but hasa switch will be later than we would have loved to see from her and it seems like jacqueline is planning on the hustle switch but maybe he doesn't have the eco fort just yet because you actually see light cav already in the north even stables on the left side which werewolf is patrolling into okay do we see arbolest from war wolf does it make sense to get arba left here even though mongols wants to switch out of them long term 24 crossbow still on the field lots of hp on those i think makes lots of sense just look at the resources he can afford it yeah all right and maybe elite manga die right after it oh the cav archers are gonna have bracer they do have bracer now villagers are finally gonna start going down here the kd is about to be 79 to 79. what a close game we have and i think werewolf's got to be careful with the manga die here don't fight with these before you get your upgrades i was hoping to take some shots with the crossbow but nice move better clean focusing the right units yeah and these are not our blessed mongols do yet are blessed but i think this is more wolf's mind a good situation for value you don't want to make this unit long term just fight with them actually i was wrong our blessed is in warwolf does get the better of the engagement nilly it's now nine military for declan that was pretty much all jacqueline had jacqueline wants to switch away from that though mainly goes on to lead skirmishers now wants to go for herself this will be a trash spam so not unlikely that jacqueline actually will be floating quite some gold here because i don't see her queuing up too much still some ca defensive traps to take out the enemy trap that's interesting we'll keep an eye on that it's weird to go to try and go hust our skirm when you have 25 on gold and over a thousand gold this doesn't feel like the eco has been there and i think this all does come back to the fact that even though werewolf had idol tc's werewolf was pressuring and jacqueline has been reacting uh nice little raid here from jacqueline though and warwolf has to react and werewolf now building a castle which is really weird at the bottom of the hill just to protect an area that has five trees hmm that i i think we could have had different spots as well that feels more like a wall area than a castle area but well three other beautiful castles are already set up so maybe it's just for production yeah and if the hustler raids come in maybe it protects that farming eco we'll see for now big moment and i think if if jacqueline wants to win this game it does need to hold in the middle will these defensive trebuchets do enough now they're tatar trebuchets there's some bonuses there that are not coming into play but also on a hill and has taken out one trip already nearly now you have a manga die dying to the skirms so i think this is going to go very late well let's see there's a lot of annoying rates at least there's potential here against shaqlin center will be held for now we still have two castles but it feels like more wolf might have the better setup here yeah farm clowns are just so low just imagine like hera leery i think they would be sitting at like 50 60 farms yeah but you know what you use all you need is elite mangudai and wooden gold at this point if you're war wolf and wooden gold also gives you the trebs so i think with the castle set up that this could work for werewolf to push the middle let's see well three traps against two traps so many resources invested for to clean to hold there i know and ah the big question is like who is switching into hostas earlier just look at the upgrades not a single one for war wolves yet out of the blacksmith do you give up on this tread push if you're war wolf because you've lost like three now four i think you give up on this or do you continue to fire i think it makes sense to continue just move in with your army like you can kill villagers there and it's you you idle like 25 villagers of your opponent right now yeah and another treb goes down tatar trebuchets are are incredible and another one goes down are you kidding me this is with before the unique upgrades and now we have trips on the other side i don't think that jacqueline will be able to push that castle but look at the score switch somehow jacqueline has stayed alive in this game nilly or maybe rams might have been the better option maybe mobile van i were both misjudging mangudai numbers simply weren't there just move in kill some traps move away again yeah they're also not elite yet nilly and it is so ironic that warwolf a hero trebuchet is losing the trebuchet war oh my god well certainly i'd say the game of the series jacqueline fighting for uh her tournament life and has held on after falling way behind and werewolf hoping to close it out um i'm with you the farm count look five on food right now for war wolf it might be because there's some villagers idle but that doesn't seem too strong yeah well now elite mangudai is coming in at least another defensive castle there to protect the farmers but oh man so much idol time just look at the stats tristan like what are these castles yeah there's the idol time at the bottom left of your screen i guess it's just to protect from hustle raids but i really don't think that should be needed nearly i think you just have to have military to control the map imagine that right and i'm curious now if jacqueline can get that farm count even higher to get more hustlers out there get the upgrades in on them and the the hustlers with silk armor with tatars are insanely tough to kill oh yeah oh yeah and then some scouse mixed in to deal with the mangudai this could still be to clean this game and actually well scores looking a tiny bit better and the moment those skirms are getting cleared up which should be really easy at the bottom jaclyn can start raiding and pushing at angles as well exactly like that you look at the military count and you think oh well the war wolf is ahead but the skirms go down to a few hustles and we're seeing that now so i expect those to go down orwolf trying to get the first armor upgrade for cav probably thinking of a hussar switch it's possible that some momentum will be lost here but there's still mangudai on the field the 160 population for warwolf it is 150 population for jacqueline like we said the closest game of the series so far could still swing either way and this is the moment where you probably want to re-watch some hidden cup three games we saw a lot of mongols there can you recognize the micro we saw some beautiful dance the tattle versus herrera said for example was crazy there and well thus far mango dies nothing too suspicious from them i think jacqueline's about to go for a really interesting move so jacqueline was raiding for a while orwolf gave up on the push in the middle and then said you know what rating is a good idea i'm gonna do that myself so as the manga die are out of position yeah clean's going to go forward here and try and push that castle the downside though is that mangudai shred trebuchets so you have to make sure if you're going in after castles that you're going to make it out after killing one jacqueline shifting to the left now with the castle and actually that's a perfect spot nealy put the trebuchets there mass amount of idle villagers and oh yeah oh yeah that's completely uncontested that casa will fall instantly lots of exposed eco behind this and still full control oh boy this game could go even longer than we initially thought yeah and again skirms on the left side for more wolf that's good manga die on the right that's good there's just so much to deal with right now and now you've got trivia shades from werewolf and it looks like warwolf says it's my turn to use shreds effectively and jacqueline doesn't have protection here but was thinking about it with her own trebuchet so this is insanely 40 military now for both closing on them 50 for war wolf and almost 200 pop silk armor coming in so more armor for those ca and the hustlers there could be lovely against those mangudai something i really hate that we don't see it is masonry such a cheap upgrade could help you out in the trip or so much more more armor and more hp on your castles um jacqueline sorry warwolf zero on gold right now a lot of that gold's in the middle and uh exhausted a lot of the gold in the sides or all the gold in the side so zero on gold us ours will probably be the go-to unit and it's important for werewolf to keep what little mangudai he has alive and the problem is 360 gold on the bank he still needs way more gold to fully upgrade to hasa yeah true even the blacksmith upgrades so it's not just the hustler upgrades the blacksmith upgrades or the hussars that will cost gold and now you see we see no way he's getting the trap upgrade timrid siegecraft allows you to make flaming camels and it gives you additional range on your trips and it honestly makes sense here against mongols you want to stay as far away from the manga as possible when taking out those castles ah taking out castles look at the centers gums are moving forward trying to deal with the attack castle there and oh what are those traps of jacqueline doing too far in the center i think i think they're going after the castle as opposed to the trip so not going for trev defense you're here comes the light cap for war wolf like captain oh jaclyn's falling apart what a play from werewolf what a hold nilly and now like half could do so on the left as well big moment for war wolf like five six traps within like 10 seconds or something finding so many villager kills behind this numbers are still looking strong over 20 population elite yeah now will that castle stay up for jacqueline in the middle i think it's a big one for the position the light cav are going to raid eco even more if that castle goes down it does look like the castle might oh it's one more hit i think it's one more hit and it goes down there or it's very close because of the hill 91 hp another shot oh and yeah the trap gets another shot off that one will fall and then the defense looks so much tougher down to only one castle yeah and that one is falling pretty soon yeah and mongols have their castles which they need i know that werewolf doesn't have the gold but at this stage if you keep the mangady working for you you're probably going to end up getting some gold there's some gold in the middle almost an hour now jacqueline started off this series with an incredible dominant display on arabia but werewolf has just seemed more prepared for the other maps that said jacqueline will know that it's the best of five jacqueline will know i've got to give it my all here and i expect that and does take out that trebuchet there nearly however jacqueline just lost control on the left and all of that farm eco could be raided by i like half that'd be insane ah the setup there towards imperial age felt a bit like my games i'm like like okay imp i want to go for hustles and then i'm seeing like okay 17 farmers working right now both they're struggling a bit to get to the transition jaclyn not the big answer against the mango die and full control warwolf is pushing through the center again yeah and another situation where that's a treb that probably falls i'm actually rather surprised by how little gold players have i guess it has been an hour but i normally feel like players can afford to make a few more gold units but jacqueline cannot say that the castle stay up and if there's castles in the middle there's more stone to mine there's more gold to mine i think this is done and dusted jacqueline is out jacqueline loses to werewolf what a response from this war wolf player great great stuff and well we did question the task there and where where was the stuff going right for her ah the early raid there but only one villager was found then the crossbow defense war wolf with the instant tc drop ballistics and got all the right answers then the push through the center and great castle placement after this look at that six cassettes where do you even try to rate yeah yeah i mean we questioned it initially nilly but you can't argue with these results there's castles everywhere uh one two three across the middle and the back side one two three across the middle and the front side it's perfect and uh warwolf moves on to round number two and i'm really curious what viewers think as far as who these players are because if you would have asked in game one who we thought jacqueline was i think her answer would have been very different than what we would say now nilly uh let's sum up this game though i think it was unfair to go into a trap war against war wolf that's true jacqueline should have known better jack lee needed to do the hero research come on you can't go into a trebwer against werewolf what are you doing ah as i sit my coffee here this is interesting so if you look at the total villagers decline had 199 total villagers throughout that game but currently has 106. so jacqueline was was investing so much into continuing to create villagers because of the losses i'd say um you go through the military too you can see that kd in favor of war wolf buildings everything really higher for werewolf and stronger there and you can see total and current that's crazy what in the so 283 total military units in that game or war wolf ended the game with 64. that gleaned 233 military units throughout the game ended the game with 12 nilly well most of the time when you resign numbers aren't looking too hard for you only make sense but lovely stats provided by kev trades they're happy to see more and now it's time for highlights tristan is it time for a highlight didn't you didn't you say you bookmarked something i i didn't do it in this series no we will we will have moments i'm i'm still not used to we'll have moments with a few highlights thank you that was excellent prep though oh no it was excellent i'm so proud of myself you did a great job you did a great job but for the next series everything's gonna look great and viewers are now excited so viewers just say wow in all caps right now now you can thank nilly for that so um we're going to have a short break ladies and gentlemen and i'm actually going to play the art of boar video since i touched on it in this first series now take it with a massive grain of salt because i was able to i was able to look through a lot of games but there's situations where it depends but just something to think about perhaps as you're trying to figure out who was who even in the dark age
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 134,710
Rating: 4.9420061 out of 5
Keywords: Warwolf, Jacqueline of Hainaut, Hidden Cup 4, HC4, Age of Empires II DE, Age of Empires, aoe2, aoe2de, t90, t90official, hidden, cup, four, hc3, age, of, empires, two, definitive, edition, warwolf, war, wolf, jacqueline, round of 16, day 1
Id: Of6l86TJPvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 20sec (7280 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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