dango milk and novels (Genshin Impact)

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hey thomas what's going on uh hello you two we were just talking about what an impact you've made in inazuma uh what a coincidence oh wait i just got the joke for the impact very funny the try commission's work used to consist of gathering information for the shogun and carrying out any duties she assigned but recently she announced that she wishes to spend some time in solitude and self-reflection since she is refusing to receive any visitors there is no one to tell us what to do the only problem is in the meantime that thunderstorm out at sea has been getting wilder oh so her wheels changed and she wants to destroy inazuma now or is this her way of trying to get revenge on us ah dude we just saved iana zuma from her do we have to go beat her up again the reason we're concerned is that we've never known the almighty shogun's will to falter before considering liu as god left not too long ago it's hard not to take it as a bad sign so before rumors start spreading miss kamisato got me to come here and discuss countermeasures with the ten rio commission unfortunately the reality is that the ten rio commission is facing huge internal instability at the moment the cujo clan has lost control over the other clans my lack of ability is to blame i failed to uncover the truth in time and i failed to stop my father and now as acting out of the clan i'm failing to quell the unrest dang it sucks buddy if you think about it both the thunderstorm situation and the issue with the ten rail commission have been caused by the shogun's decision to take some time off right if things carry on like this people will start to panic maybe we could invite her out huh you can actually do that yeah wait one season there's only one person who might have the chance to see the shogun while she's isolating right uh yay mikko let's take a trip to the grand narrow kami shrine yeah i wasn't expecting to receive vip shrine visitors during downtime so i suppose you're here just to visit me uh why yes of course my queen i have returned what a smooth talker though your eyes do not lie as convincingly as your tongue [Music] you came because you need my help didn't you my eyes they literally look the same as they always have still your answer has put me in a good mood since the battle the shogun has been greatly troubled and her temperament has changed drastically her power was already on the decline then you dealt her that fateful strike oh is that the reason it's because i beat her the defeat was a heavy blow to her it also didn't help that i forgot to bring her some tri-colored dongo and light novels when i went to see her oh my oh the poor thing without desserts and books to console herself with she was so angry she quite simply lost it crying and ranting and raving oh i could hardly bear to see her that way you expect us to believe that a god would throw a temper tantrum over something like that before you get too indignant consider the fact that your concerns sound every bit as nonsensical to me as that blatant lie did to you it was a blatant lie okay you're saying she's fine right i don't know the details she said she wanted to rest and i have nothing pressing that requires her attention so there is no reason to disturb her i have heard about the thunderstorm though as to the cause it is not inconceivable that as you suggest her will has wavered somewhat maybe she's going stir crazy i am the only one in all of inazuma who can visit her while she is resting but tell me why should this concern me why should i do this for you when i already have everything one could ever want and have seen everything one could ever wish to see uh good for a i like that answer here is the pass permit show it to the okusumeshu at the gate and he will let you in look how she's pacing back and forth don't you think she looks a little anxious hey bestie you want some snacks this body has no need of rest but i am an assistant to the one within if she wishes to rest i must follow her will aha hi mom gets it so this is all a's doing but why surely you going about your business doesn't interfere with the plane of euthymia i do as she wishes i can say no more than this everyone's worried i cannot in my current state even if i went out i could do nothing why i am currently unwilling to deal with any business i am also incapable of it yes uh what do you mean by that it has been forbidden please refrain from making me talk any further huh it's you too it's been a while oh hi the shogun can't do much at the moment come straight in and see me oh i guess we could teleport to the plane of you thumb you know hello why are you still here so is the show broken are you gonna get it fixed or don't worry the shogun's not broken i've just temporarily disabled many of her functions why currently the shogun is unable to handle any business and cannot appear as me so the easiest solution was to announce that i am resting as i said i need to think about inazuma's eternity and thinking takes time but the shogun is still running based on her old rules i can't allow her to make any mistakes while i am working things out that's true have you tried turning it off and on again for now while i figure out the form that eternity should take it's more effective for me to temporarily disable some of the puppet's functions rather than attempt to modify her rules well there's a storm coming and it's about to destroy inazuma and the ten rio commission is uh and shambles right now so can you help just a tiny bit gets it now the thunderstorms getting out of control because some of the shogun's functions have been disabled the thunderstorm is getting out of control this is the first i've heard of it well because you've been in here this entire time it's just a minor error this kind of thing was bound to happen a small modification to the shogun should fix it don't look at me like that i've never had to tinker with the shogun before and she's very complicated it's practically inevitable for something to go wrong when you start tweaking things yes that's it i'm not making excuses it's the truth uh-huh that's fine just as long as you can fix it is all any progress on eternity though not much as before i can see the way forward yet there are still contradictions but there is no urgency to reach an ill-conceived verdict in haste just for the sake of having reached one would be a confusion of priorities how about we go for a walk then you mean leave the plane of euthymia it's unnecessary as far as i'm concerned but since you're inviting me a change of pace might well be nice yes please touch some grass for once all right then i'll come out for a while oh my god when this place gets so busy what the is this the marketplace it's a far cry from how i remember it oh the stores have changed and so have the vendors well that's to be expected yeah you haven't i'm pretty sure all the vendors you knew are dead people still use mora in commercial transactions i assume yes do you have any yep same as ever just as shiny and just as hypnotic wait a second hey are you saying you don't have any more either no don't say it of course i don't oh there is no need for commerce in the plane of euthymia if i ever need something i can simply have one of the commissions bring it to me what do you mean either oh my god every single art con is broke i've got all kinds of snacks here takoyaki dango and uh milk and so on huh milk sounds kind of like the odd one out it might sound odd but it is in fact my specialty do you have a cow on the back that you just straight up milk for example my latest concoction is this dungo milk when the dongo are worked into a viscous form they mix very nicely with the milk the focus is not just the taste but also the unique texture hmm interesting may i try this drink the almighty shogun wants to try well well certainly and you two should try it too okay nice it's sweet the sensation is not so different from eating a dessert a unique beverage indeed she likes it yay yeah it's definitely a drink but it also feels like eating food it's a little bit like porridge wait but the resemblance is only superficial okay wait thinking about that just makes me kind of gag i imagine that an item as delicious as this tango milk must sell exceptionally well no about that well i won't lie to you sales are very average huh so it's selling slowly why is that uh because most people aren't willing to give it a try they think it's an unusual combination even though everyone's tried it before rates it highly well that would be me honestly what i don't think i would want to like drink oatmeal well that can be fixed i'll just have the yashiro commission order a few hundred cups and go door-to-door delivering them oh no no almighty sugan that's too much is it i just want them to try it it would be a shame for them to miss out on dango milk i uh all right you do you want another cup oh i would no no need are you sure the almighty shogun wishes to read light novels yes any recommendations um the i publishing houses novels are mostly targeted at the general public and the content is all kinds of strange i'm not sure we have anything quite to the almighty shogun's taste give her a romance novel or something i'm just here to try something new there's no fun in reading the same kind of thing over and over again relax it's just words on a page isn't it what could i misunderstand really how can this be did i underestimate the caliber of this material i know every individual word in these books titles so why is it that they make no sense to me in these particular combinations what do you mean take this one for example the good thing about being reincarnated as a hilly churro is that i only need to eat sunsetia's to become stronger that thing reads like a modern manga title it's so long is it true that hilly trolls grow stronger from eating sensations surely it should be some sort of meat at least it's just a narrative device narrative device it's whatever the author wants it to be so it's made up what's the point of that without being grounded in reality how can the story be believable well because people want to escape reality reality is pain uh how about we choose for you we can pick out some novels that are easier to understand and give you the scoop dude is this the reincarnation as a slime let's try the romance it was about the love stories between a very mediocre man and seven beautiful woman of course of course the writing is solid prose is elegant and the author brilliantly brings out the unique charm of each character in the story the story stops at a crucial moment when the main character's childhood sweetheart is just about to confess their love to him can tell this girl has loved the main character with all her heart since childhood i hope the writer gives her a happy ending oh no no no no no but please let the author have a heart please oh no no no no no why are there seven people all striving to have a relationship with a single male protagonist is this some sort of narrative device too not really it's a pretty normal story you know where the guy can only choose one girl in the end i see yes this is an important relationship so he must choose wisely but the decision-making process is a source of agony and conflict uh-huh so could the author not simply add a narrative device whereby the main character could accept the feelings of all seven admirers at once oh my that would solve it oh my god back when i decided to isolate myself in the plane of euthymia there was no yay publishing house and certainly no stories of this kind in accordance with my wishes the shogun did her best to create an eternal nation a nation that in theory should remain entirely unchanged over time but the fact is that both the food and the stories have changed with time yeah it's human nature to seek change i disagree with your point of view that's what i would say if we were still in the plane of euthymia but the truth is right here in front of my eyes and i can't deny it and that's exactly why we brought you out to take a look around and get some fresh ideas sure it's not the same as you remember but one way or another people are loving life in the present that's gonna be a good thing right yeah yes you're right i'm wary of any and all change but i do not wish for my pursuit of eternity to stop human lives from changing for the better that's good thank you for inviting me out this trip has been quite eye-opening for me i've seen a lot and it's made me think a lot i really can't praise it highly enough i hope i will remember it for a long time to come uh let's take a photo then take a photo oh my once again i'm faced with a combination of words that makes absolutely no sense to me she's the actual true boomer of all boomers it's okay come with us we'll find a scenic spot and show you what we mean so uh what are we supposed to be doing we're taking a photo of you just leave the hard work to us all you need to do is stand over there and strike a pose yeah do a pose okay so what exactly is striking a post oh my god ah i see so in other words i need to do some sort of visually agreeable action in front of you right yeah ah the more i think about it the more embarrassing it seems how should i pose help me out here it should look good but not too over the top this isn't coming naturally to me at all let's try relaxed casual how about this this feels quite natural uh that works okay let's get started [Music] it's a wrap take a look here's the photo we took of you wow yeah this is astonishing is it some kind of magic it seems to be another copy of me oh oh boy but she doesn't seem to be able to move or talk i thought it would turn out poorly because i felt rather rigid but it actually looks more natural than i imagined the pose is exactly the same and so is the scenery in the background i can't imagine how it's achieved neither can i honestly so the one in this photo are you sure it isn't me i mean it is technically you but it's not real well no it is real i mean it's just you know what if it's not me then why does she look exactly like me and if she is me then who am i oh god oh god uh it's a little bit like you and the shogun hey that's right do you think the shogun counts as you of course i do it was never my intention to place control of inazuma into anybody else's hands so then who does that make you here and now well i'm still me there is no doubt about that so you don't have one single existence i am me there is only one of me but i can exist in many different forms it's not important what form i exist in i yeah the shogun for example is one of my forms of existence the question of whether or not she is me is not determined by any of her components in that case this picture is one of your forms of existence too hmm so even i who seeks eternity am constantly changing my form of existence yeah you contradicted yourself from the very start based on what i have seen today i am forced to accept that inazuma is a completely different place from the one i remember yeah but it would be incorrect to conclude from this that the inazuma of today is no longer in a zuma right both the vision hunt decree and the statue of the omnipresent god were conceived as a means of bringing about eternity but if i were really getting closer to eternity none of this ever would have happened perhaps perhaps i've been holding on to everything too tightly right oh my god finally master comment he still hasn't returned from the negotiations and i'm starting to get worried master kamaji decided to enter negotiations with the takatsukasa clan with a view of having them take over surely they would be discussing something like that at their headquarters right why are you looking for them here actually they decided to hold this one elsewhere the meeting place is in the mountains near the grand narrow kami shrine i believe the takatsu casa clan have some kind of base there they're doing it over here what a random place what is this the writing shogun is actually cool with their gameplay let's get down to business burst is so sick dude i actually think it might be the coolest burst in the game descendant of the takatsu casa clan you wish to become the new tenrio commissioner do i understand this correctly uh well yes of course it's the eternal pursuit of everyone in the ten rio commission to offer our lives in service of the almighty shogun then the situation is not as complicated as you seem to have made it after all i am the one who appoints the tenrio commissioner the process is quite simple oh anyone who can beat me in a duel becomes the new commissioner good luck with that the first tenrio commissioner demonstrated his will with the blade in his hand that is why the title has been passed down within the cujo clan ever since if you want me to appoint a new clan then naturally there must first be a new duel i uh what about one of you then anyone who can defeat me takatsukasa or not will be appointed the new tanrio commissioner does not a single person dare to face me does this mean i can become the tamriel commissioner i will challenge you almighty shogun there we go what descendant of the cujo clan regrettably even if you win against me it cannot atone for the wrongs committed under the cujo name i realize that i don't stand a chance of winning against you anyway i know full well that the mistakes my father made ought to spell the end of the cujo clan's legacy in the tenryl commission i understood the situation perfectly well but i took no action and i didn't save a single person i accept the cucho clan's decline as punishment for my teats i can't even say that i failed to prevent it because in order to fail you have to have at least tried at least he's atoning for his sins i'm too weak my father ignores me my elder brother can't help me and i even need pay to set me straight at times it's the way it's always been but if nothing else then right here right now in the cucho clan's final hours it is i who represent the clan like my father before me his duties are now mine to perform just as the shogun said a forefather of mine once showed his will with his sword then please let me kujo kamachi end the story of the cujo clan in the same way that it began this is patently meaningless but i accept come forward oh this dude is about to get senora'd the cujo clan's honor was forged with courage tempered with integrity and shines beyond life and death show me whether your blade can bear the weight of your name man she doesn't have to be that cool ready to learn almighty's choking he's got something [Music] oh damn he's got a marking on his face they haven't shown people with markings on their face before i don't think oh no his classes oh oh this might be where he dies uh [Music] he's gonna do it don't give up buddy keep going never mind he's gone another anomaly in eternity nevertheless it appears that the cujo honor still courses through your veins i had heard that the cujo clan is no longer fit to shoulder the work of the tenrio commission the search for a successor to the role of tenrio commissioner is indeed a matter of great urgency however following this duel i have decided to postpone the cujo clan's punishment for the time being oh in the meantime i expect the takatsu casa clan to continue supporting the cujo clan as before finally if you still think you can copy the fatoui strategy of providing me with deceptive information to produce flaws in my judgment you will see me appear once again as i have done today only next time my blade will show no mercy okay understood thank you almighty shogun for your wisdom and mercy that boy shaking in his sandals right now oh when it's time to deal with the situation you're just like the shogun so strict oh you think so i thought i was rather accommodating if it had been the shogun she would have decapitated kujo kamiji without a second thought yeah we've seen it before and we're also traumatized by it the cujo clan has undergone a dramatic change from its glory days to its present decline kamenji is hardly a great heir to the cujo name but he has shown me how some things remain the same even as the world around them changes i also have you to think the things we experienced out on the streets and the photo you took of me they helped me come to this realization oh look at my mom's smile well they get to carry on being in charge of the ten rail commission not a chance oh even if their heir was someone who showed promise their past mistakes cannot be erased still i will give them a little more time after all they are not the only ones who have made mistakes the shogun does not make mistakes she is incapable of doing so but i as a would like to offer my apologies i have much to contemplate in the days to come but at least i can now see the way ahead so does this mean that she's going to apologize to everyone that she took the visions away from i think i'll leave that to the shogun the greatest threat to eternity is still the erosion that comes with time as i said the shogun has a robust system to protect her against modification this is because i anticipated that i myself would change over time but i've made up my mind so i will do what needs to be done no matter how difficult it is this has certainly been a memorable series of events if you enjoyed your trip we should get you out again sometime we'll bring you some souvenirs no need there's no place for such things in my life huh also please stop making it sound as if i somehow need the company how amusing the almighty shogun goes downtown and suddenly she's like a wide-eyed country girl trying to find her bearings in the big city yeah what a shame i didn't get to see it for myself only you would dare to say that it's fine she wouldn't mind really she wouldn't what was that wink to put it nicely even deities indulge in wishful thinking to put it more bluntly there are things that even the seven can't do when faced with something even more powerful than themselves [Music] take a guess i don't know next time you wish to see her you can come and take the pass permit from me again she would never admit to it but she does in fact get quite lonely no so she was lying back then huh what but she said she doesn't need company because she is a god it's not that gods don't need the company of others just that the idea of a god having company seems indulgent to her but you don't belong to this world perhaps you are just the company she needs well that's that
Channel: bwaap
Views: 810,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact raiden shogun, genshin raiden shogun, genshin impact 2.1, genshin 2.1, raiden shogun, genshin impact raiden shogun story quest, raiden shogun story quest, genshin impact bwap, genshin impact bwapp, genshin impact bwaap, bwap, bwapp, bwaap
Id: t2LfSPyyF74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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