Klee destroys and Jean breaks (Genshin Impact)

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ah shame i only get to listen in from the other side of the window and don't get to join in the debate i'd love to give my two cents say what what's up what's up pylon wants in shut up recently all the customers at the tavern have been debating the exact same topic who is the strongest fighter in monstat the strongest fighter me obviously mainstream opinion is polarized with most people supporting one of two candidates one is the dandelion knight the other is the dark knight hero anyone vote for me pawn who are you voting for oh oh my votes for you oh thank you firemen oh i do envy your life of leisure but don't mind me of course i guess i'll just get back to work get back to work buddy you got time to lean you got time to clean huh the most macho in monstat she's a little girly who wears red a little girly you mean amber i witness the most powerful destructive force i have ever seen in my life i'm telling you it completely changed the whole landscape in that part of the mountains it's cle dude i saw this little girly in red clothing running into the distance leaving a trail of destruction in her wake oh it's for sure clee only clay would be able to do [ __ ] like that you want to know who i think the toughest fighter is in my opinion that would be the finest adventure of them all stanley who's stanley guildmaster cyrus is up there with the toughest too but only stanley can take on the bloodthirsty beasts of the mayor javari do you think you'd be scared if you were faced with one of those i'd beat it to a pulp yeah hi are you here to try monster's famous wine too no i'm underage grandmaster gene is so strong she can take out a ruin guard with just a few slashes of her sword and she could wipe out the three hilly trill tribes at donna upper gorge all by her self if everyone's got their own opinion and can't be persuaded how are we ever gonna find out who monsta's strongest fighter is eureka pylon's got it let's go see what gene says hey jade who's your strongest fighter monsta oh master gene sorry to bother you we're collecting intel on the strongest fighter in monstat strongest fighter in monstat huh i am sorry but i cannot help i do not have any relevant documentation on that topic oh well that sucks recently one of the abyss orders mages has been active near the city although he is keeping a low profile if you are staying around monstat please be on the lookout for danger given your well high-ranking fighting strength i trust you will be able to help keep the area safe oh she called me strong awesome we're legitimately just like two children running around asking random adults questions please sorry for bumping into you you dropped something hey look explosion inside city wall grounded the ground to be other whoa explosions can hurt people gene can be dreadful monster would be bombed with clay be doomed what the monster be bond creepy doomed yikes i'm dealing with a big emergency i grabbed my map and ran as fast as i could all the way here what's wrong the treasure i buried in the whispering woods it's gone did you say buried treasure lost treasure is a big deal let us help you find it hey thanks you guys disappear sorry i just needed food sorry timmy we're here this is the place look this is where my huge treasure was buried and where there's now a huge empty hole in the ground wait who's that over it's an abyss mage it's an abyss mage hey maybe he's the one gene was warning us about hey you if you think you're so tough get back here and fight after him let's keep up the chase oh he's clea tired clay do you need a rest no i'm coming with you it's my treasure that mr fluffball stole and it's up to me to get it back she gave the abyssa magen name get him you know hold it down oh okay you can see why that dude calls clay the strongest don't mind me i'm literally dodging every single trap because i'm short this is how short people win you followed me i must say i'm impressed but this is as far as you will get oh yeah what are you gonna do he's gonna laugh now your precious treasure shall be your undoing now what have we here a flame symbol he [ __ ] exploded i broke the survival rules explosions can hurt people gene can be dreadful this is it it's time i'm done for wait so clee's treasure is a bomb that was i need you to answer me you said someone was injured where are they wait hold on hold on what is that clee blew up an abyss beach so it's fine it should be fine but mr fluffball was only a thief he didn't deserve to blow up she's too innocent already told you that the abyss mages are the bad guys and actually they're the worst kind of bad guys you can imagine they don't just hate the good guys they hate all people mr fluffball was a bad guy on purpose mr fluffball is the enemy of humanity they were tracking down poor clay because they heard rumors about her treasure just like the way piemon's first reaction was to try and get her hands on uh no to try and get the facts on the treasure yeah sure lie more lie more pyman in light of your contribution on this matter i will allow you to take part in the next ludi harpastum what is that passed him whoa oh look at her dance look clay dance clee where did you hide the treasure to begin with uh i um were you trying to blow up the fish in starfell lake again i wasn't i swear i wasn't uh she's giving us that look that means play along clee i'll see myself to solitary confinement help us now oh yes please wait no i i can't cree needs to be a good girl and think about what she did stop tempting me anyway while i'm grounded i'm making an extra special new treasure the looty harpastum version uh um when you say treasure uh she's making bombs in there i made it into the shape of a half past him and everything it looks so cute you disguised a bum as a hard past wait for looty half past them oh yeah they're gonna love it oh goodness she's gonna blow up everything yes chef jean was listening to this i do want to say that i might have accidentally started the mission before sarah ended up talking to me and i thought it was just going to be like a random quest event for sarah i went through some of the dialogue options and i ended up figuring out oh wait [ __ ] i accidentally started the story quest so that's that's my bad i did see the personal slave option and yes i did find it funny i didn't get it on recording though after all the wine industry is monstat's main source of income gene takes great pains to make sure no detail is overlooked there is a dog next to me just trying to sniff my feet while i'm talking to this man hey [ __ ] hey he's a good boy who's a good boy good boy my cat's gone missing have you seen it uh diona i don't know no i haven't this is a bit worrying what if prince can't find his way home oh good thing i didn't say diona you're on the way to see gene what a coincidence thought you were looking for a cat yes i wanted to see if gene could help look for my cat seriously you want gene to help look for your cat what's wrong with that ah unbelievable guess the case of prince the missing cat is now added to the agenda for our meeting with gene getting sick oh no uh acting grandmaster no she's feeling sick hey gene genie jean jean oh it's our honorary night sorry i must have been daydreaming are you okay how can i assist actually it's not us who need your help it's a bunch of other people i see well thank you for your service to the people of monsta i have made a note of these commissions in my files and i will make arrangements accordingly great she's about to pass out she's passing out seems that's everything we'll be on our way then gene ayo she just passed out what the [ __ ] gene are you okay how's jean holding up is it serious it's just burnout from work stress she'll be fine after a good old rest she's always been one to push herself too hard while overlooking her own needs this isn't the first time something like this has happened seems like you really care about gene oh uh you think so i i i mean she's the acting grandmaster and all we can't have her collapsing all the time now can we so so you know it's not like this is a personal thing it's just out of love for concern for the greater good yes that's it all right well this is a job for us i have been informed about gene falling ill on behalf of all of the knights of fivonius allow me to express my sincere gratitude for your assistance no problem we have a job it's like you read my mind we have quite a connection don't you think yes yes i love that connection i will feel much more at ease knowing that the honorary night is personally overseeing these cases why don't you do it yeah why don't you do it oh i have far more important matters to attend to there are so many things to to prepare um like what drinking wine fenty venti have you come to help me here to help you why on the contrary it is i who needs the helping why would a god need help but pymon just saw you talking to margaret about prince aha so prince is the name of the feline fiend who thieved my spare astral iron strings oh prince should be somewhere around the marketplace it's a black cat you're looking for you're a kitty kitty here kitty kitty oh here he is come back here hey look over there prince has very keen senses it didn't take much to scare him off wait i i was about to catch him and you stopped me what the [ __ ] ah wait no no no no no his senses are cleaner than we thought tried creeping up from behind quietly of course oh or if you're feeling patient use some fish's bait and catch him off guard bro we don't have this mechanic ever wait i can throw the fish wait oh wait hey what's up stanley good you just uh good stanley no okay i might not be far enough yeah no i'm gonna try and use the fish's bait no really wait he just went back to margaret oh good boy that's my prince i knew you'd come home to me after all that searching cheer up even if you didn't catch him he's back here thanks to you oh and he still has the astral iron strings with him i dare say that a private performance played using these very same strings would not be an excessive way to show my gratitude this is a very rare moment rare venti sneeze rare venti sneeze alert alert apologies at this distance my cat allergy seems to be rearing its head imagine being a god and having cat allergies anyway thanks for the help i'll be going now oh hello darling you're quite right after i heard about poor jean i thought i might lend a hand with some of her more literary duties i just took a rather important order but unfortunately we've run completely dry and the delivery from the winery is behind schedule what's so urgent about this order ah it came in at the last minute literally just a few seconds ago exactly hence the urgency okay no don't hit the balloon no no stop stop stop no they're beating it up wait did i finish wait really okay amber are you here to help out with gene's commission another bizarre order came in just now it's like they're hosting a banquet or something i can help well why don't you take this order start by getting the ingredients are you sure he can be trusted it might end up tasting a bit funky all right pieman shut up you eat slimes order number seven is for one sweet madame and so begins the story of us becoming basic kitten hands what are you talking about i can cook chicken perfectly piemon this smells absolutely divine this is nothing less than what i would expect from a head chef never mind a sous chef hyman did nothing hmm since you cooked so well you might as well take this sticky honey roast next this is wow did you really cook this this is quite simply astonishing you were born to be a head chef mm-hmm in your face pimen [ __ ] you welcome back you must be exhausted how is she doing gene has regained consciousness and should be back to her normal self soon enough that huge tree at wind rise that place is dedicated to monstat's hero vanessa oh gene goes there whenever she feels lost and confused deep down inside oh barbara that's some pretty personal stuff how do you know so much about jean's inner most thoughts gene uh mentioned it to me you know before she left are you sure about that hi gene are you feeling better now much better i was not expecting you to come here thank you for your concern are you sure we saw you beneath the tree just now leaning on your sword it looked like you were struggling are you sure you aren't pushing yourself too hard you can always rely on the other knives oh thank you that means a lot to me hearing that boosts my spirits but i must find a way to cope with minor setbacks like this on my own otherwise how can i be the protector that monstat needs me to be the protector that vanessa was huh gene what who's there an abyss mage why the hell is in a basement over here finally an opportunity comes to get rid of the master in a moment of weakness and then you to show up and ruin everything since this opportunity has slipped away i shall now be seen no what what okay get him off the cliff get him off the cliff get him off the cliff get him off the cliff thanks to barbara's help my condition is better than i thought the main thing is that you're safe now isn't it time to get back to monstat and rest acting grandmaster yes i should at least go and thank barbara again i hope she's not upset with me master you finally returned the animal archon protects you swan were you waiting for me has something happened yes at the angel's share don't worry it's nothing big but we'll go um okay i know i said it's nothing big but all right how can i put this they just really need the acting grandmaster ah it is oh what's all this it's a thank you party for you thank you party gene when we heard the news about your illness we were all so worried about you we can only imagine how much pressure you must be under as acting grand master and you do so much work all over monsta we thought that since you so rarely take any time off we take this chance to throw you a party uh gene i uh huh is this gene when she's shy i've never seen her like this thank you everyone this really means so much to me but there are so many things i still need to do i spend so much time doing library admin speaking of work it must have been hard work to put all this together where did you find the time actually our friend here was the key organizer behind all of this me of course we also have master d luke to thank you for the venue otherwise we would be looking at quite an alarming bill right about now despite my initial reluctance to sponsor a knights of vivonius event in any way i like any other citizen of monstat owe jean my gratitude for her hard work oh master d luke i now let the party begin hey having a good time why did you say i was the organizer it is gene knows all of us so well now when someone organizes a surprise party for you the closer you are to them the more bashful you tend to feel about the whole thing so instead we just gave you all the credit so you gave me the credit to hide your own shyness of course this party was clearly kai's idea shy kaya this is gold oh wow two things one this sweet madame two this sticky honey roast jesus did you make them yes i refuse to believe it where did you suddenly learn to cook so well i'm going to finish eating this and then you're going to teach me everything you know don't you dare try and run off my word the taun winery's wine is every bit as delectable as they say i would never be able to afford this normally so in the spirit of enjoying the moment while it lasts another glass for the bird please oh hello i didn't see you there oh what is this floating sensation i feel have i discovered the true meaning of animal hereby declare that every son and daughter of the city of the wind must be compelled to taste this finest of wines here's the good wine oh boy he's so drunk right now can we get a rare venti hiccup too that'd be great that would make my day 10 times better this is quite a lot of excitement considering the idea was to relax and take it easy would a drink help you relax is there anything without alcohol what do you normally drink oh you know i normally mix a few things together but i always add some bright red red let me guess tomatoes no watermelon cherry chili what i add chili peppers what leaving the hustle and bustle of the banquet behind them the two of them stood there together in the quiet of the night while the rest of the world melted away around them sounds like the sort of thing you'd find in a romantic novel no yes i'm just saying gene went upstairs to the balcony alone now's your chance it is good to be here together with everyone it has lifted my spirits and it has taught me something what's that i am definitely more of a dandelion night than a lion tooth night the lion tooth night represents vanessa's past a past in which she fought hard for monstat but it was the dandelion night that represented her hopes for the future a future belonging to the newly formed knights of fivonius i do believe that vanessa watches over us whether from high up above or from the wind all around us let the wind lead let the wind lead the winds of freedom will guide us along the path that lies ahead i hope you will continue to join us on that path yes
Channel: bwaap
Views: 2,532,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact klee, genshin impact jean, genshin impact bwap, genshin impact bwapp, genshin impact bwaap, emergency food
Id: nvPkm2rX55U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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