Venti teaches you love poems (Genshin Impact)

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whoa this is pretty this is very very pretty [Music] we're so carefree lately let's find something to do hi can we help with anything sorry it's the wind bloom festival there's nothing i can hand off to you oh nothing oh let's go ask someone else then no more there's no more quest to do majori you got something for us is there anything here you need help with [Music] that's a good one you two helping me during the wendbloom festival what what okay why was she laughing at us dude what catherine you got any commissions for us my apologies during the wind bloom festival there are far fewer commissions available there's nothing i can give to you at this moment huh the adventure is killed too what do we do now have we been fired who would have thought no pyroman's not giving up that easily we gotta try again imagine firing the most helpful person in town do you have anything you need help with nope is that because of the wind bloom festival huh what is that exactly you two haven't heard of the wind bloom festival no i just got here like three months ago the wind bloom festival is a monstat tradition a festival of love and freedom it's a time of celebration and partying in the city at this time of year we offer wind blooms to the great animal arkhan barbados as a sign of reverence and love we also give flowers to our beloved a very important tradition okay my shop is bursting with customers every wind bloom i guess it's a nice problem to have i'm sure you're rolling in that money today the wind bloom is the symbol of this festival a flower that represents freedom and the spirit of the wind so what does a wind bloom look like my grandma said that even she hadn't been born when the wind bloom first appeared it must have been hundreds of years ago oh we'll have to ask venti what the wind bloom is like then i don't know why exactly but everyone seems to choose dandelions when they want to give a gift of wind blooms so in other words for the people of monster wind bloom means dandelion something like that anyway at least that's what we believe in my family incorrect what i heard everything you were saying and couldn't help but you were talking about wind blooms yes yeah it's quinn from the fruit stall wanna join us no no i'm just here to set the record straight wind bloom doesn't mean the dandelion but the wind wheel aster i knew it greetings to you too quinn uh flora surely there must have been plenty of customers buying wind wheel asters from your shop recently uh-huh you see we loyal wind wheel aster advocates are upholding our economic duty i think we found the first windwheel aster stand the windwheel aster is both a symbol of monstat and an embodiment of the windmill representing both wind and freedom that's what makes it the one true wind bloom who's with me wind wheel aster the true wind bloom oh are you sure about that uh-oh you're here too what is she gonna stand the wind bloom isn't that the cecilia huh really oh my god this is literally just like two fandoms colliding with each other on twitter don't be ridiculous listen yes there may be some controversy over the definition of wind bloom but it is the widely held belief among the people of monstat that the wind bloom is the windwheel aster not the dandelion history to both flowers you'd know if you asked around and as for the cecilia give me a break oh man what just dropping the facts over here no need to look at me like that you oh whatever i'm not talking to you huh b b bam is she your girlfriend dude what happened weird what's up with her bro you made her mad you gotta apologize to her now did i say something wrong wind bloom is as wind bloom does what can i say oh my goodness what stop arguing already maybe i should go and apologize to her after closing i don't understand why she's upset but what i do know is that i will have to apologize regardless ah that's life i guess seeing them together like that really gives me that wind bloom feeling freedom the animal arkhan sweethearts yeah yeah that sounds great nah but none of you can even agree over what a wim bloom is yeah you're right but isn't that typical of us monstat folk i guess well between the delicious food exquisite drink and fresh flowers traveler i hope you get to enjoy yourself during the festival too sounds like such a happy festival even if the whole wind bloom thing is still a total mystery let's look around and see what this is all about there's only one person we can go to to find out what the actual wind bloom is and that's our favorite local drunk bard god hey it's the tone what are you up to what's with all the people aha you're right on time take a look at my students what do you think not bad eh students oh no uh you mean the people anxiously scratching their heads oh you've got bennett here too anxiously why these people are deep in concentration diligently searching for heartfelt rhetoric to convey their romantic affection uh-huh seems a bit suspicious to piemon so i guess you've already found out about the wind bloom festival then yeah how are you finding monsted in such a festive mood do you like it certainly buzzing with excitement and happiness time on what about you my mom could be persuaded with some delicious food-related bribery of course speaking of which i'll bet you two don't have a lot on your plate right now loafing around all day no commissions to take or people to help yeah if you've noticed that then congratulations you've taken your first step toward understanding the wind bloom festival oh yeah hey why do you sound so pleased with yourself the wind bloom festival doesn't just belong to the animal archon but to all monstat citizens looking for love anyone who wants to find love must do everything for themselves over the festive period in addition many people take this period as an opportunity to resolve other matters of the heart it's not surprising that you two haven't been able to find any commissions that's just the wind bloom festival tradition oh okay on that note i think it's about time you two got a deeper understanding of monstat's culture and customs i need a couple of assistants what do you say sure assistance what kind of assistance see these anxious looking folks here oh no they're looking to learn the secrets of love so they came to me to learn how to compose love poems i accepted of course because i was only too happy to charge a tuition soon they'll come to me and turn and pour their hearts out telling me about their romantic trials and tribulations then i'll give them suggestions based on their individual circumstances okay at least that's what i was going to do but having seen you two suffering with nothing to do what i think i'll let you handle it oh my god why are we the love masters in this game man you've traveled far and wide and seen so much it would be a waste not to put those experiences to good use they could use your help i've been around fighting treasure hoarders the fatoui and gods what do you think i know about love poems ugh save us the nonsense you just want to speed up your sales that desperate for more can't pay for that alcohol by himself there are limited edition wines for sale during the win i need every last maura to make sure i get my film i knew it spoken like a true drunk alcoholic all right then let's get started i'll be joining you of course i'll give you a few prompts and you can make suggestions based on them not as taxing as you thought right i don't know you really love the sound of your own voice don't you come on now you're monstat's honorary knight the people trust you it's only natural for you to have this opportunity to showcase yourself sure now listen up if you see me make this gesture it means i think they should forge ahead and seize the opportunity but if you see me make this gesture it means i think they should play it safe and avoid being hasty okay and if i make this gesture it means i think they should give up while they're ahead and avoid any emotional over investment oh god why is bennett here dude when's it gonna be my turn ah i'm getting nervous just thinking about writing a love poem oh hyman heard that you were seeking help from the bard over there where is assistant why not talk to us huh i i barely plucked up the courage to talk to the bard oh is he not available don't be shy it doesn't matter who you talk to at the end of the day you still gotta talk to your perspective sweetheart right yeah be brave let's hear it marla she's cute and hard-working always helping her family out with the farm work and sometimes she gets so tired she takes a nap on a bench by the side of the road is she from the city no she lives in springvale quite a way for me and because of my family my father objects to us being oh dang that sucks marla and i have found a way to work around it whenever we want to meet we go stargazing at star snatch cliff well sounds like you two are getting along just fine we are so what i came to discuss today doesn't so much concern marla as my father my father is quite conservative and very strict still it's my fault that i've never told him how i really feel if i use this opportunity to offer a wind bloom to my father and formally ask for his approval at the same time maybe he'll support us this seems like a good idea i want to tell him that even though marla doesn't come from a wealthy family her kind heart and hard-working nature are things that maura can't buy does that sound too childish no i hope he doesn't yell at me no it doesn't sound childish at all that sounds that sounds like a good idea ah yes you should tell him yeah tell him what's in your heart use the love between you and marla to move him i i i see understood thank you another thing didn't you say you were going to give flowers to your father what about marla don't you want to give her something ah now that you mention it i wanted the bard to teach me how to compose a love poem and i'll give her some flowers too yeah i'll pick some later thank you for your help all right who is this this is ellen all right i want to offer some flowers to the acting grand master of the knights of fevonius gene okay i guess you must be quite close to master gene she's an incredibly upright and diligent woman talented and always gets the job done honest kind gentle not to mention all right we get it great that was a lot of compliments this time tomorrow i'll finish composing my poem pick a fresh dandelion bouquet head over to the office and hand the flowers to the guard it's just the bouquet and the poem i don't know hmm let's not sign them after all knowing master gene's conscientious nature i'm afraid she'll send a gift in return if she sees my name what's so bad about that she's so busy i wouldn't want my gift to create more work for her if i can get this bouquet on her desk that's enough for me but then won't an untraceable bouquet create suspicion oh what should i do uh you should probably sign your name on it for sure a random anonymous gift will definitely get thrown away well i guess i better include my name huh that's taken care of then a thousand thanks for your advice i'll remember it you're welcome chin up i wonder what happens when you give them the wrong answer i don't want to give them the wrong answer because i'm afraid of uh ruining their entire festival but i i wonder i just wonder are you looking for oh no it's this guy assistance why don't you tell us what's on your mind oh uh really well okay then here goes it's gonna be for barbara isn't it i'm just such a huge fan of monsted's idol yeah barbara sama you must have heard of her she's the super key one at the church of fivonius not to mention gentle and she always lifts the people of monstat spirits with her smile and songs i'm such a big fan i even got a few like-minded friends together and well what i mean to say is you guessed it i'm the head of the barber fan club yeah huh pretty pleased about it too by the sound of things this guy really runs a fan what she just dragged us away like yeah this guy is weird you guys can come with me i carry the hopes and expectations of every member of the fan club on my shoulders at this special time of year i pledge to send our blessings to barbara osama herself we're just gone he's not even talking to anybody of course as a level-headed adult i would never want to cause her any disturbance i'm just waiting for my time slot with the bart so i can explain the plan take all the flowers picked by our members and turn them into a huge giant flower statue then to give her a huge surprise place it outside the rear entrance of the church oh my god that's for the love poem we don't need any help we're planning to do it on our own and hang it on the statue itself this giant statue where are you at we'll be about two stories high what but it's all in good faith don't you see when barbara sama catches sight of it she'll feel the burning flames of our everlasting love no this is too much dog oh my god venti please say no yep what if i say yes i know i can't because i know how barbara feels about her fans a level-headed adult more like a dunder-headed inventor but gifts have to make a lasting impression uh yeah it's definitely gonna make a lasting impression all right if anything is gonna make her follow restraining order on you buddy oh it'll create a lasting impression all right the knights of evonius will have you escorted away exactly really but no okay okay thanks for your suggestions both of you i i gotta go he sure left in a hurry so who else needs some help around here hmm what are you three up to is that what mind if i get in on the action is that who i think it is i think it's our favorite eye patch boy hey are you also here for romantic guidance it's the greatest bard in town and now the greatest romantic advisor in town no doubt still don't you have other business to attend to oh you mean teaching people how to compose love poems exactly that i heard you were teaching classes in the plaza so i came right away hiya you want to learn how to compose love poems too yeah i didn't think kai would need any help on that i'm not too shabby nevertheless i'd like to register for the fast track classes how come you're smooth talker do you really need my guidance the real question is are you willing to take me on a student oh this is more of like a test for venti of course when the mora comes knocking who am i to keep the door closed well then i guess i'm enrolled and as your student may i make some reasonable demands more to it demands let's hear them as students aside from attending class we also need homework no come on no why would you do this surely a well-designed course would require us to put our knowledge into practice and then have our teacher correct the poems we compose you mean bendy has to correct the students homework precisely all in exchange for payment naturally these are my demands or to put it another way i'm actually gonna have to work for a living is that so bad i just think that with things like this you should see them all the way through more fun for everyone involved don't you think what do you say i'm not sure homework would be very fun as you said i feel like kaia's neck for mischief is at play here yeah still correcting homework oh this is indeed a vital step no and i am curious to see the fruits in my students labor congratulations your demands have been accepted no as i expected a reasonable and down-to-earth teacher hold your horses i have a demand for you too cool a coercion contest a showdown between the pros i will pay special attention to your homework and guarantee that you will see improvement in your studies but as for your tuition fee some win bloom festival exclusive applebloom cider should do the trick oh no what with you and master d luke being on such good terms and all that shouldn't be a problem should it um he definitely threw some shots at kaio there steady now let's not overestimate my abilities still one bottle of the good stuff in exchange for your guidance not an opportunity to pass up whoa one bottle make that three jeez give him an inch and i'll take a mile please please please deal marvelous grab some paper and make your way over professor venti's poetry master class is now in session now he's really excited what's the paper that tonga bard pulled out of his pocket and whose names are those albert ellen marvin temius kaia bennett oh a present wow bennett's really fired up for this so you're bennett excellent i like your enthusiasm make sure to channel that vigor into your poetry yes sir even adventurers want to learn how to write poetry i see this is going to be a popular class my dear students in a moment we will gather by the terrace in front of the cathedral where i will divulge to you my experiences and techniques in the art of poetic composition after class i would like every one of you to compose a love poem and hand it to me for uh constructive criticism no no as for your tuition fees by all means wait until the course is over before paying but don't even think about vanishing in addition to maura payment and alcohol is also warmly welcomed a quick question sir does our special arrangement still stand um but of course and when the time comes you can hand in your homework first traveler i'd like you and i to collect the homework submissions together do we get paid for this yeah are we getting paid am i doing this for free think of it as an initiation into monstat's traditional culture an opportunity to immerse yourselves in the wind bloom factory i'm going to great lengths here to make sure you're a part of the festivities yeah that's great and all but i think maura would also help very much not to mention it would entitle you to a share of the remuneration oh never mind oh sir yes sir good in that case when kaia's finished with his homework let's go and look for him at the knights of fivonius headquarters venti might be here already let's take a look inside halt citizens what noble aaron brings you i'm just here to uh uh uh we need him for something captain kaya he's on duty in gene's office huh why is he in gene's office the wind bloom festival celebrations have always been hosted by the knights of fevonius during the festivities master gene personally goes out on patrol captain kaia takes over her administrative duties during that period so kai is the acting acting grand master now what's up you're standing there a little bit traveler climb on you're here when did you get here vince i didn't see you when i walked in i was just thinking about you two and now here you are how fortuitous kaya did you do your homework i'm afraid i must disappoint you i haven't even started writing but it'd be like that this is exactly like school students that don't hand in their homework on time aren't exactly model students now are they you don't have to rub it in vinci and what excuse does kaia have for not handing in his homework well as you can see i'm helping master gene take care of various matter monstat is a hive of activity over the festive period accordingly there's a multitude of things that need sorting i've been at it for a good while now i have a drinking buddy that wants me to help him with something but i'm much too busy can i entrust this matter to you sure a drinking buddy a friend you met at the tavern that's right i often go to the tavern when not on duty somehow i seem to have made quite a few acquaintances that way his name is nimrod he's never far off no he should be free right now thanks for the help i'd better stay behind and get started on my homework i still can't think of the reason of why somebody would name their child with that looks like he's had a rough night i'm planning to give a gift to my wife for the wind bloom festival and i wanted my drinking buddy kaya to come up with a gift idea oh i i'm afraid i'm a bit of a drunkard a bit i'm nearly always in the tavern my wife hates me drinking so we're constantly arguing yeah i don't think you're a bit of a drunkard everybody in this town is an alcoholic for some reason i can empathize i don't mind a drinker to myself uh-huh then again and i'm not one to judge but by the looks of your drinking habits oh it's nothing compared to you i know she's right of course i feel like i have to make it up to her i want to make a gift for her myself all right i should have made preparations in advance but i've barely been sober these last few days i fell asleep and when i woke up the celebrations had already begun now i'll never have time to finish it by myself yeah bro i think you have a problem single folks in monstat would never dare get others to help them during the festive period it's lucky you're already married nimrod hold on i'm sorry here i am making a fool of myself in front of all of you i want to make her a little wooden house with glowing flowers and uh handmade furniture inside oh that's that's kind of cute actually oh such a thoughtful gift a token of my love back when i'd only just gotten to know her i used to make handmade gifts for her all the time she loved them she even used to say that i used to uh uh oh excuse me let's put the past aside for the moment thank you all for your help lucky you came across such kind-hearted assistants hmm i think this guy's drinking problem goes more than just a bit oh thank you thank you so much with these materials i can get to work straight away remember a gift can't solve everything you need to start being fair to your wife too yeah i will i will uh i do hope she likes my gift though she'll like it everyone likes a gift given with love don't worry akaya we're back why are you standing up on the table again do you have a habit or something time to hand in your homework welcome back i'm just finishing up wow that was quick go go go hand it in hand it in all right all right now then no hurting my feelings you get enough time def bart what grade did he get kaia may i read this out loud oh no he's going to read it to the class oh this is how you embarrass kids feel free from that's it that's it really that's all he wrote coherent and to the point plus the length seems about right what are you writing a hilly trillion phrase book ridiculous where's the romance a love poem has to convey the style of its author you know i'm not sure you took the exercise seriously wait so we're just gonna gloss over the fact that kaia can speak hilly trillian weird we kind of know how to speak kilo trillion too if we did the quest with a musk yeah don't underestimate the hidden knowledge of the knights of fivonius cavalry captain all right then time to collect the next student's homework huh what i just caught sight of a suspicious figure i must go and investigate traveler i have another small task for you how did you see that red the church has applied to us for a hunting license please take these official documents to the cathedral ah running errands again lisa we need to establish some ground rules if we do end up apprehending any drunken troublemakers no electrocutions okay oh gene you misunderstand me that intoxicated fellow you witnessed last time was practically begging me to be shocked it makes me wonder if some people don't actually quite enjoy getting lisa uh very well then if you insist oh oh god oh it's cutie and friends um did you see any suspicious people on the way here if you do see anything report straight to the knights since when do librarians go out on patrol that's true rarely but this is the wind bloom festival and they need all hands on deck even the humble clerical staff like me lisa humble clerical staff do not wield electro the way you do you use it to torture the people who literally just stole flowers please do not be alarmed i will keep my eyes on lisa especially since she seems to enjoy electrocuting people just to break up a scuffle not to mention shocking drunkards until they beg for murder why if you don't like it i can happily refrain oh my god is that a promise good otherwise i'm going to have to reconsider whether i want a librarian on patrol with me i never knew being on patrol could be so exciting exciting wait what you trying to tell me you want to see lisa electrocute drunkards how dare they what this is sheer intimidation how could somebody do this what happened what's happened did somebody steal the liar again i i received a letter it says it no don't tell me it's from the fan club let me i just came back from the wilderness as usual i came by the cathedral to ask the sisters to batch me up that's when i saw barbara running out white as a sheet she was holding a letter i've never received a letter like this before can i take a look dear barbara i've stolen the most precious to you and buried it could this be an attempted intimidation sounds like it it's awful is it a joke if so we don't need to worry but what if it's real there's a map on the back isn't that out in the wilderness that's near the arkhan statue the thing most precious to you um buried huh that location on the map is familiar i've definitely been there before so what is the most precious thing to you i can't think straight right now nothing makes sense it's coming to me it's coming to me wait could it be oh no where is she going i got it the thousand wins temple bennett hey oh my whoever did this to barbara is going to suffer a very bad fate can we bring lisa with us my sister slow down i'm sorry i just i calm down i ran into gene a moment ago lisa was with her she's fine oh really are you sure oh so it was gene that was most precious to her that letter give it to me sure if they're not talking about gene in the letter then what are they talking about did you really think they buried jane underground what a horrible thought jesus that would uh that would be very bad looking at the map the perpetrator seems to have marked out an area around dawn winery that's open land so hiding something there hmm what could it be is it the holy liar again nice work how'd you figure that out so quickly although don winery that's not the place we were thinking oh barbara rather than letting your imagination get the better of you stand up and face this head-on you're right it's just it's a little scary right that's why we're going with you what do you say oh that that's very kind and you sister will you be accompanying us no need i knew straight away there was nothing to worry about sorry that's right better to know the ways of the enemy than stand here scaring myself thank you all of you let's get to the location and see what we find yep yep go barbico go barbra go it's actually sweet that jean was the most precious thing to her that's that's really sweet there's no way this could be a love letter from the fan club can it there's no way they do this although they are pretty creepy what are the treasure orders here oh where's venti help me out vinci came all this way and i can't even fight with you quick let's open it i i interesting such an exquisite gift box what's it doing out here in the wilderness ah what what a beautiful windwheel asterisk and so many paper stars is this a prank hmm looks like our perpetrator is really just one of barbara's face oh my god it really is from the fan club oh there's a note what does it say let's see so sorry to get your attention this way please accept this wind bloom as a sign of my sincere admiration for your virtue and sweetness huh so it's fraudulent intimidation then be it for the gods or that special someone flowers should be offered in utmost sincerity it's the most important ceremony of the wind bloom festival well should we do it in this way flowers of love and blessings sent on such a special occasion no effort should be spared to make it spectacular really behind the questionable methodology here we have a meticulously thought out and heartfelt gift yeah but at the same time they also caused her a panic attack so i know that's probably not what they were going for but laying it on a little thick aren't we still seems like someone with a few screws loose to pie mine yeah maybe you're right i think i have a suspect in mind who fits that description it's the same guy we talked to before isn't it no telling now i'd like pymon to make a few guesses all right you're so annoying
Channel: bwaap
Views: 1,203,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, venti, genshin impact game, genshin, genshin impact windbloom festival, genshin windbloom festival, genshin impact windbloom, genshin impact venti, genshin impact windbloom festival quest, genshin impact bwap, genshin impact bwapp, genshin impact bwaap, bwap, bwapp, bwaap, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact 1.4
Id: 8F9AYMgs5tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 2sec (2102 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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