I finally met Ayaka... (Genshin Impact)

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according to the letter this should be the place sorry we don't serve the general public i'm afraid you'll have to leave do i look like the general public to you wait we're not the general public yeah well then you must be a couple of wandering outlanders that snuck into the nation judging by your attire [Music] here's our invitation letter take one look at us do we seem like a couple of regular people well now that we're here where's toma hyman doesn't see him anywhere do you think he forgot his promise to me who forgot their promise i was beginning to think you'd forgotten about me what what is that dog talking to us relax no need to look so surprised i take it this is the first time you've seen me in this form wait what no no he's playing a prank on us right huh so you didn't see anything like this when you were in leo harbor no now that you mention it this does suddenly seem less out of the ordinary what do you mean i know a dog when i see one buddy stop playing pranks all right all right i've had my fun yeah okay hey you're this close to getting an ugly nickname mister but in all seriousness i would like to apologize about that little test you went through earlier though it was quite necessary it helped us determine whether or not to bring you before miss camisato and whether you had the courage to face the lightning alongside us let me just say this you've often found yourself skirting the rules from the very beginning haven't you yeah naturally this is due to your unwavering and resolute determination a long time ago we had a friend who was much the same but when the lightning struck oh kazuo's friend ah so you've heard of his story hmm his light still burns all the more brightly i will bring you to the kami-sato residence where the yashiro commission is located but before that there is one other place i was hoping you both would accompany me to [Music] i love this dog huh are pilots eyes playing tricks or are there things embedded in the statue visions before i try to explain i should perhaps remind you first that monstat is the city of freedom and lia is the city of contracts as for inazuma it's known as the nation of eternity the eternity in question is her endless and unchanging will to rule over inazuma oh so she wants eternal rule the shogun wishes to keep inazuma in stasis allowing the stream of time to flow from one end to the other without disturbing it for all time as for the reason behind the recent vision hunt decree perhaps the shogun believes that visions grant people the power to change and that her eternity doesn't allow for such instability to exist whatever the case the fact is that the ryden shogun has dispatched the tenrio commission to scour the nation for visions embedding each one in this statue but if that's the case wouldn't you say that the raiden shogun is being oh i don't know selfish yeah i think that's the point oh god that hurt hey are you okay you look like your mind is elsewhere what even was that that actually kind of hurt to look at oh my i could hear the sounds of people's aspirations aspirations that would seem to confirm the saying have you heard it before that when a person's ambition reaches a certain strength the gods look upon them with favor uh-huh that is where visions come from in other words a person's vision represents their ambition makes sense so if what you just said is true then the ambitions of these people are stronger than i imagined all right time for the next stop on our tour of narukami island the kamisato residence finally yeah so this is the kind of place where the big shots of inazuma live huh hmm pimen kinda expected it to be snazzier well kind of hard to top the jade chamber the jade chamber is better than don winery i'm sorry you literally cannot beat a floating house at present in inazuma in the name of the vision hunt decree the people's aspirations are being senselessly trampled underfoot though the yoshiro commission serves the shogun it is the people with whom we share close bonds given the contact we are required to have with them in the performance of our duties a commission's power rises and falls with the trust of their people thus we cannot remain indifferent to this situation without also remaining indifferent to our own fate traveler lend us your power and we can ah we're denying it again why is this the only time we say no no side quests ah see milady it's just like i said this will take us nowhere i'm gonna leave ether is being stubborn i mean understandably but like geez no please wait please don't go i will introduce you to the ryden shogun on one condition you must fulfill three small wishes on my behalf they pertain to three whose visions were taken from them perhaps once you've met them you will understand okay please do all you can to help them i will await your return here what does you wish then you have my gratitude i'm sure you'll do great yeah tagima has protected this place ever since he arrived here 30 years ago 30. but now all of a sudden he says he plans to leave us we can't help but wonder was it something we did uh no i think he's just getting a little too old ever since they took my vision away it's like a slice of my memory is gone okay well in that case if we help you rediscover the reason you chose to stay you won't need to leave anymore right oh that reminds me last time i brought tajima some fruit i do believe i saw him writing in a diary let's see what we have here seems like your average diary of daily village life yeah wait there's more so the reason tajima came here was to wait for someone but he's been here for 30 years oh guess they didn't show up in the end huh oh that's kind of sad now that i think about it when my vision was taken from me it felt like i'd suddenly been hollowed out love regrets everything i felt for her it's all disappeared uh make you feel sadness too no not especially well we've got a foolproof way of forgetting about somebody's ex taking on seemingly endless debts to make others happy i guess that must have been my greatest ambition after all but what use of virtue and justice i purchased the provisions for those in need and look how things ended up the ten rio commission seized my vision and the very people i was so desperately trying to help refuse to understand me and the irony of all of it is i somehow still felt sorry when threatening them with my blade i'm incapable of being a good person yet i'm equally unable to be bad i i don't know what to do with myself yet another troubled soul losing a vision is no trifling matter yeah seems like losing all ambition is a terrible experience yeah fortunately for us you don't have a vision you haven't arrived at the best of times i'm afraid since they got possessed recently and he's still recovering he's not able to take on any new disciples for the time being sensei's name is domon a name i'm sure you've already heard that's like one letter away from demon no wonder he got possessed he says the strangest things over and over and he refuses to let us train junior and i have discussed it and and we both think that he's being possessed by an evil spirit so we've asked the shrine maidens from the grand narukami shrine to perform an exorcism the grand naru kami shrine what's that you haven't heard of it it's the largest shrine on narukami island the head shrine maiden is reputed to have very close ties with the almighty shogun herself another person we get to look for so losing your vision can cause possession i guess we should come back this evening and see for ourselves no i think he's just acting weird because most of his life is literally just dedicated to becoming a great swordmaster it looked like he was in great distress he was covering his ears and looking frantically around him with bloodshot eyes all the while we kept calling those names some of them we knew others we didn't recognize but they all seemed to be the names of swordmasters he had defeated in the past one of them was anzai he used to be a fellow disciple of senseis his senior in fact but since they defeated him in a duel many years ago and he has been a wanderer ever since the ritual has now begun all we can do is patiently await the result here's hoping sensei will be back to his normal self very soon please excuse me for a moment while i fetch some water if he wakes up he is sure to be thirsty yeah [Music] what how did you catch up with me so quickly you got outran by a short person i'll have you know i trained side by side with domon back in the day long before you ever showed up i don't care to talk about that time anymore but if you must know i am domonsine anzai yes that's me he was consumed by his singular desire to become the best in the world he sought nothing less than perfection in the art of the sword and nothing could deter him from this goal no matter what stood in his way basically that's why him losing his vision is practically the worst thing that could ever happen in his life so how come you don't want to ever see him again because until he arrived i was convinced that i would succeed our sensei as the master of make yoshi sweet art of all the disciples i was the most gifted i had trained the longest everyone had high expectations for me dolmon's arrival changed everything when we sparred i lost not just the match but my pride and my status too i fled the dojo that day and never looked back men deep down though i still respected his mastery of the blade and his commitment to the art of the sword so when i heard rumors that he had lost his mind my first reaction was to dismiss them as false how could he of all people have lost his mind i decided to quietly come and see if it were true then to my complete astonishment i heard him call my name i thought mine was a name he had long since forgotten so you see i came here not to cause him any harm i just wanted to see for myself i see maybe anzai is the key to helping him out or something i don't know what you're saying he isn't possessed yeah he's not possessed i'm sorry with what powers i have i can find no sign of any malignant spirit having possessed domon but spirits may take a myriad of forms in this world many of which i cannot claim to have witnessed myself thus i dare not rule out possession with complete certainty and all is certainly not lost for i received word not long ago that lady yai has taken an interest in your sensei's case lady yai lady yai is most knowledgeable indeed and has abundant experience in the exorcism of evil spirits and diversion of great calamities all that is required of you is your timely arrival at the grand narukami shrine lady yai does not like to be kept waiting pretty do you think that's lady yeah oh no wonder junior is so excited she has a really striking presence also oh did she look right at us just now oh god oh no not again she looks pretty though i gave up the art of the sword please let me go i beg you as you can see lady yai doman has persisted in this state for some time now he appears to see those who have lost to him in duel's past gathered all around him to persecute him lady i it must be a possession right no hmm i'm sorry it is clear to me that your sensei is not possessed by any evil spirit yeah but then did does that mean yes this is a change in the person himself unable to cope with the tremendous pressure he was under he suffered a spiritual collapse with his wits impaired he finally descended into madness as for what has triggered this change i believe it must be the loss of his vision for to be stripped of one's vision is to be stripped of one's ambition your school practice is makioshi sweet art does it not stillness of mind freedom from all agitation what a fine notion that would be if any in this world could ever hope to achieve it the path of the swordmaster is filled with twists and turns it is no small undertaking to pursue the position of greatest swordmaster in the world it requires one to take their sword firmly in both hands and cut down the hopes and dreams of others even those of one's closest companions yeah cause if you want to be the best in the world you're gonna have to step on some people just to get up there only a deep commitment to his ambition to become the best made it possible for him to rise above the pain of these encounters to focus on the way ahead when that ambition disappeared he began to doubt himself as he battled his growing anxiety he slowly descended into the state you see him in now dude a vision is like a blessing and a curse then again in most regions you probably wouldn't have to worry about losing your vision but like just in case it happens it seems like you'd be better off just not having one at all much like a certain fatally flawed friend of mine oh i'm sorry it's all my fault father sensei i'm sorry that's enough huh isn't that anzai where did he come from oh boy you're here for revenge aren't you i knew it would come i never should've you're right to assume that my feelings towards you are far from kindly but i didn't come here to settle a score it's been so long now that i made peace with it years ago you did nothing wrong that day i just i couldn't face the humiliation that's why i ran i don't think most of the people you beat along the way would hold it against you on the contrary when you cut our ambition short we entrusted them to you in the hopes that they might carry you further now i know that we can't place our hopes in you any longer oh since you've been stripped of your ambitions too damn oh man but that is no reason to strip them of theirs follow the way of the sword all the way to the highest peak you taught them that didn't you but what if one day the same thing happens to them if there's a chance they'll end up liking me one day i'd rather they stay where they are now than go any further down this path have you asked them what they think sensei after you rescued me from the hands of the pirates i told myself i would follow in your footsteps for the rest of my days i can't know whether i will suffer in my future as you do now all i know is that here and now in the present i wish to continue i want to keep going until the day that i can stand before everyone with my head held high and announce that i like my sensei domon before me oh i'm a master of makeo she oh that's really cute nanakul's far from the only one actually all of us think that way goodness well you see you can place the ambition you once had in their hands you were not in the same position that i was when i left i had nothing to my name but you have a great number of worthy disciples mm-hmm understand i'm sorry to have made you worry for me and for the state of mia kiyoshi art i no longer have the resolve to become the best in the world the emptiness and suffering inside of me will not abate so i cannot hope to still my mind and be free of agitation but as your sensei i shall commit to imparting unto you everything i have learned in my life so far good maybe this one is actually gonna have a decent ending this is my promise and i humbly ask gansai my senior to hold me to my word you can count on that i'd be checking in on you occasionally anyway just to make sure you hadn't lost your mind again traveler a moment please lady yai has some words for you oh god so my intuition was correct the wind that blows from afar carries fresh life to these shores for us to meet now is premature nevertheless you set foot on these islands at precisely the right moment hmm i have high hopes for you child don't disappoint me what do you mean by that [Music] huh she is there she is a woman herself traveler paimon it is a pleasure to finally meet you both face to face hello ayaka um ayaka how come this time you get to come out and meet us in person because now that you have done the three things i asked of you i consider you to be my friends [Applause] as you will observe i dispense with the screen for tomah also oh wait a second but isn't thoma your um servant pyman's happy to help and all but pylon sure as heck did not sign up to be a servant that's not what my face says oh paimon you are most entertaining tomah is first and foremost my friend and was so before he ever became my attendant oh okay then ayaka you seem pretty different out in the open compared to how you are behind the screen all right we can be friends run request accepted thanks thank you both kindly you have now witnessed the pain of those deprived of their visions what are your feelings on what you have seen i do hope that they can be free from their torment perhaps in the eyes of a deity such as the almighty shogun the lives of those who inhabit the world are inconsequential thunders roar lightnings flash the winds assault and the rains descent all these things take place with no regard for the feelings of the common people but i believe that surely you understand what they must endure it seems that perhaps now you can appreciate my feelings on all of this in which case perhaps you would be willing to reconsider your stance i'll help you that did not take much convincing to either him you will really but you must keep the promise you made me naturally all right bravo my lady you were right all along see i told you he wouldn't reject them i'd place my trust in the right person after all given that the remainder of our discussion pertains to matters of a more confidential nature perhaps we could move to the komori tea house we ought not to involve other members of the ashrae commission we get to go to see the doggo so what's the deal with this place anyway what makes it your favorite meeting spot this is a land that was gifted to the yoshio commission by the shogun the komisato clan has the exclusive right to plan build and repair any property on this land and even to allow or deny access nice did they also give you the dog too such privileges exist due to the astro commission's role in managing ceremonial affairs oftentimes it is not appropriate to discuss details in front of bystanders once the number of ceremonial affairs conducted in the city began to decline our forebearers built a tea house here only members of the yashio commission are permitted to come and go as they please i presume you have a few questions that you wish to ask me text this for the vast majority of people the vision hunt decree is something that has no implications whatsoever after all it is but a tiny minority of people who receive visions moreover it is not unknown for visions to spark jealousy in others oh that's true because of this the attitude of most people towards the vision hunt decree is one of indifference yeah that's true in addition to us there is also the resistance on watatsumi island resistance you mean like an army fighting against the decree yes many who have lost or fear losing their visions have rallied together under sangonomia on watasumi island to form a resistance group oh nice i bet we'll be able to meet them historically there has always been some conflict between them and the shogunate of norakami island due to their different belief systems but i do wonder whether there may be some other agenda behind their resistance movement beyond merely fighting the vision hunt decree hmm what kind of god is the route in shogun then she inspires awe commands respect and exudes a sense of absolute authority but as i recall there was something else about her that struck me even more deeply what was it it was her almost complete lack of any emotion in that sense she appeared to me to be less of a ruler and more of well an executive official i suppose focused exclusively on her single goal of implementing eternity acting accordingly without feeling what if she's collecting visions so she can like feel something have you raised a formal objection to the vision hunt decree yet of course we have tried on numerous occasions unfortunately each time our proposal to repeal the decree arrives at tenshukaku it is promptly vetoed by both the ten rio commission and the condo commission and subsequently scrapped yeah they invariably adopt a stance of unconditional support for the shogun's decisions they have no interest in discussing anything true well i'm sure that they probably don't even want to oppose the shogun anyway oh boy oh what would you like to know paimon have you got a plan yet to fight the vision hunt decree to be honest we do not oh well what yeah uh so you all have just been chilling around here and saying uh i hate the vision decree but i don't have a way to fight it please do not forget that challenging the vision hunt decree is tantamount to challenging a deity yeah coming to terms with that is already a difficult step to take yeah they're literally challenging a god so what are we gonna do well for the moment all we can do is try and reduce the harm that is being caused by this decree for example by providing vision bearers with safe refuge or manufacturing counterfeit visions for them as a contingency measure you're telling pymon that there are people out there who can make fake visions yeah yeah probably i would imagine so don't underestimate the talents of the craftspeople in hanamizaka to the naked eye their counterfeits are indistinguishable from the genuine article yeah that must have been where venti went yeah that's what i was thinking too the problem we are facing right now is that master masakatsu who is providing us with counterfeit visions has recently been arrested by the tenrio commission oh darn so they found out about it we knew it was not a long-term solution and that it was only a matter of time before it would be exposed but we cannot simply abandon master matsukatsu yeah it's only right that he should be saved too we gotta go bust him out but given mine and toma's identities as part of the yashiro commission breaking him out of prison would risk dragging down the reputation of the entire kami-sato clan should we be caught that would only serve to cast suspicion on any future activity we might seek to attempt so you're giving the job to me huh by no means do we intend to place the burden of such a task on your shoulders alone uh-huh sure when you are ready go to hanamizaka and look for a fireworks shop run by the naganohara family there you will find someone who can help you oh boy this is someone i'm gonna enjoy meeting
Channel: bwaap
Views: 591,613
Rating: 4.9854498 out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact ayaka, genshin impact 2.0, genshin impact inazuma, genshin, genshin impact bwap, genshin impact bwapp, genshin impact bwaap, genshin bwap, genshin bwapp, genshin bwaap, bwap, bwapp, bwaap
Id: joAdEoH8CK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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