the raiden shogun is scary (Genshin Impact)

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how strange it's never this quiet here oh his barks are so cute thomas playing his ventriloquist game again huh toma hey you can come out now i'm unseen you already got a peep so where the heck is he then uh paimon i think tara mara is trying to tell us something let's get taro maru so worked up today he's always such a good boy [Music] hello have either of you seen tomah uh-oh no we thought he'd be with you why has something happened then it says i feared on the way here i heard that tomah had been taken away by the tenrio commission wait are you for real the write-in shogun is holding a vision hunt ceremony at the statue of the omnipresent god today to mark the 100th vision ceased under the decree and the 100th vision bearer in question the one who will have their vision seized i fear his tomah the shogun and the tenrio commission see the ceremony as a milestone with the 100th vision they wish to mark the success of the vision hunt to create a date this cannot happen i must go and rescue him we should have seen this coming i'm sorry his park is just too cute okay just stay calm yeah like it or not you represent the whole yashiro commission so if you go and pull a stunt like that you're basically declaring you and the writing shogun are enemies now right and by doing it so publicly you might be implicating a lot of other people from the ashrae commission too yeah it's not the smartest idea there is no other option i must act with haste the ceremony is about to begin i will not abandon tomah like this he is my friend to think that not long ago we were all eating hot pot together don't worry i got this but don't worry i totally got this okay i'll wait here for your return get back safely don't worry ayaka a friend's life is on the line we ain't about to mess this up sorry i wanted to hear that one more time no tomah [Music] oh oh ayo let's go eat let's go [Music] hit their ass ether capable of using elemental energy without a vision oh oh god you are an exception it appears oh god exceptions the enemy of eternity hey yo we fighting oh here it is let's go this seat is so fire you will be inlaid upon this statue hey yo wait what what does he just do what what is this ayo did she just pull a domain expansion on us hey yo i ain't gonna lie i did not expect to fight here so i am completely unprepared for this damn she's fast hold on we just started damn oh god what is this i don't know what this is am i going to die oh god oh no i'm good i will mold you into the foundations of eternity attacks are so fast it kind of feels like i'm fighting face to child all over again this is not yeah i don't think i'm winning this with electro traveler and lisa no thank you i i'm pulling out the food for this one because you got me messed up if you think i'm gonna face this girl without any buffs [Music] instabilities will be removed what she's doing now what what she took away the visions oh my okay you know what fine i'm built different i can still do this how do i dodge this wait are you for real did we just lose nah hey yo tomo help me out i need a revive bro please [Music] oh see ya shogun who was that seize him under the decree next time i will strike twice oh great now we're actually wanted go to tatarasuna and find the resistance the shogun's army is almost certainly about to issue a warrant for our arrest there are very few parties that will be willing to shelter us but resistance is an exception the resistance was founded by sangonomia kokumi the divine priestess of watatsumi island currently it's her subordinate goro who leads them in their war against the shogun's army so that's how you pronounce his name however the yoshimura commission is not on especially close terms with the resistance so your dealings with us would normally be frowned upon but you're different so that shouldn't work against you as far as i can see the resistance shouldn't have any reason to turn you away you'll likely pass through territory occupied by the shogun's army at some point so be sure to stay on your guard at all times all right bro you be safe then don't worry about me i can remain hidden when i want to i won't make it easy for them oh hey you managed to escape too yeah where are you headed higgy village i've heard the rumors but it's still got to be a safer place than a war zone okay i don't know what it is but i feel like these voice lines were switched around somehow what about you ugh don't get me started i was recuperating on nozuchi beach it's complete chaos over there it's not just me right thank you so much for your help i'm tepe of the gobias platoon i'm with the resistance what's up tepe i like your name you aren't dressed like resistance fighters have you come here looking to sign up yep great just the other day i heard general goh complaining about how desperate we are for more people your support will make a big difference i'll escort you back to our camp but first let me bring you up to speed on our current situation oh boy the goal of the shogun's army is to uphold eternity to this end they have the support of the tenrio commission's general kujosara who commands an exceptionally strong force as for us vision bearers are few and far between as it is and because of the vision-hut decree they're rarer than ever sadly the fact we're even able to hold out is thanks to the brilliant strategic mind of her excellency sangonomia we're also indebted to the great courage shown by general guro and the resistance troops if only i had a vision myself not only would i be better placed to share her excellency in general guru's burden but i'd be able to hold my own on the battlefield too i couldn't help but notice that you used elemental energy when saving me just now you must have a vision yourself no i don't need a vision he doesn't have a vision but he can control the elements anyway are you serious that's incredible i guess that means you're immune to the vision hunt decree well unless she decides to cut off my head you have to let me introduce you to general goro he'll welcome you with open arms and here's goro look at him they can use the elements without a vision the resistance could really use people with that kind of skill we should bring them in hmm [Music] i presume you've heard that the goal of the resistance is to defeat the shogun's army and repeal the vision hunt decree i don't know what i expected from his voice but i certainly didn't expect that i'm sorry this dude looks and sounds like he came straight out of a sonic game [Laughter] this is no easy task each who sets foot on the battlefield must be ready to sacrifice their life tell me why do you wish to join us the resistance cannot accept any who don't possess a warrior's will you and i must be certain of your decision well i got a great story to tell you buddy you're referring to the ceremony to mark the 100th vision seized under the decree right yes we received some news of it here despite it taking place over in inazuma city there was a disturbance allegedly highly unusual considering that the ryden shogun appeared in person why do you wish to discuss this all of a sudden unless you have some information to share it was me the whole time what yep we had a fight with the writing shogun and everything then we grabbed the vision bearer and whisked him off to safety after that they added us to the army's wanted list that's why we came here hmm now that you mention it we did just recover a bounty notice from a shogunate samurai defeated in battle it read reward for the capture of a blonde-haired traveler and their mysterious flying pet so this refers to youtube and we're back to referring to pymod as a thing what who are they calling a mysterious flying pet my apologies i understand your situation well enough for now on behalf of the resistance welcome to our ranks her excellency is currently away from the camp we don't know where she went but she instructed us to take care of everything in her absence i will ask tepe here to show you around the camp first and then dispatch you straight to the front line tepe did you bring this one in how are things on the front line well the enemy are much stronger than we could have imagined but we're holding our own i've been right in the thick of it into the thick of it seeing fresh recruits join our ranks and hearing pepe's exploits i'm itching to get myself better as soon as possible so i can get back out on the front line huh that's a lukewarm epiphany if you ask me well you're lying there itching to get better i'm still out there training hard despite my injury oh even though i burst open again yesterday don't forget to visit the training grounds get some practicing before you hit the front line this dude wants to fight somebody so bad he's kind of starting to scare me now they got me out here shooting targets as if i haven't already flexed my amber enough incredible i think i understand what i was doing wrong now my posture was off and i didn't draw back with enough force i also need to focus on keeping my grip steady and monitoring the external environment if i can get those feet down i'll be hitting my mark in no time uh you got a long way to go buddy we've had a change of plans the general has been dispatched to the front line to lead our forces into battle oh boy here we go the shogun's army is attempting an advance on the main front reports have it that kujosara is personally leading the enemy forces oh here we go as for us it's been days since her excellency last made an appearance here we've executed almost all the directives she gave us but have received no further instruction the situation is becoming grim if we retreat any further i fear morale may falter for now we can only pray that general gore will be able to turn the tide however difficult that may seem we should go to the front line our forces need all the help they can get we're no use to them here we mustn't let to tara sooner fall to the enemy all right sure i'm ready for this [Music] what the hell is this so you are the only one here i thought i might get to meet your grand strategist she is the one that's been causing our forces so much trouble the fact the resistance has even held out for this long is thanks to her dang but soon the resistance will fall they are no match for the might of the shogun's army her schemes mean nothing now sure we have already rooted out those behind the resistance all who have dishonored the almighty shogun will be punished i have faith in her excellency and in the soldiers of the resistance yeah the vision hunt decree is a brutal injustice our resistance has only just begun let's go it is futile is one other thing i'm sure you've seen the recent arrest warrants i trust that the blonde traveler is somewhere among your forces now oh god we've been found out i will make you a deal hand him over to us and you'll buy yourself some time a respite from the bloodshed would be advantageous to both sides would it not hey yo bro chill so that's why you brought reinforcements just to get he is of great importance to the almighty shogun but the way i see it he is expendable to the resistance that's where you're wrong he means just as much to us as a member of the resistance he's a comrade i'll never surrender him to you the resistance never betrays its own her excellency made that clear to everyone from the very beginning general goro oh my goodness of course we arrived just now tepe and the traveler what are you doing here uh i'm i'm here to help it would appear our time to fight side by side has finally come well well we meet again this time i won't let you get away okay i thought that you would seek refuge with the resistance in the hope of receiving asylum that you choose to show up here proves that you have more bravery in you than i originally thought and now that you're here i have a proposal why not represent the resistance in a fight of honor a fight of honor before the battle begins each side chooses their finest warrior for a match of single combat oh that oh no that's gonna be a piece of cake oh to the superior force there is little significance in such a duel but to the weaker force victory could constitute an important boost to their morale her motives are clear she wants to use the match as an opportunity to capture you do not feel compelled to participate we could take the fight to them without such a ceremony well what do you think will you fight oh don't worry i got this this is gonna be so easy watch is here comes another one uh-oh we got another challenger approaching hold on powerful opponents oh my goodness oh no you didn't [Laughter] i'm just covering him in the corner this is too funny this is so funny oh oh we got to do with the sword now uh oh we got a big dude coming in there's more than one round oh man oh she really thought this was a good idea bro i can't believe it this is just a clown fiesta this is so dumb and there goes your strongest wider star stronger than i anticipated this contest has served its purpose soldiers attack okay and her everlasting reign prepare to engage oh wait other people are actually dying hold on they actually show people die on screen [Music] i'm all looking all confused hold the line huh wait what's happening oh it's raining oh there's bubbles what's up her excellency [Music] the wait is over my comrades now it's our moment [Music] hey yo what's up kazu huh i just hope you can afford all these two oh we got the whole squad coming in we meet again old friend [Music] ayo this is sick greetings this is the first time we've met please allow me to introduce myself i am sangonomia kokomi organizer of the resistance and also the divine priestess of watasumi island what's up kokomi her design is very pretty perhaps it's the first time you're hearing that title to put it simply i'm the person currently in charge on watsumi island which is also the home front of the resistance i've actually heard all about you from baidu and kazuha i hadn't expected to find you join the resistance though do you have a plan beyond this point uh no i'm just chilling in that case shall we continue our conversation at the shrine of sangonomia although the shogun's army has retreated for now the war is far from over the vision hunt decree has not been repealed and neither the tenbrio commission nor the right in shogun show any sign of stopping in short our problems have yet to be resolved i suggest we move to the shrine to discuss our counter plan what say you sure i know watatsumi island very well i can carry on being your guide if you'd like of course you can come coral thank you for all you have done our forces are weaker than the shogun's army and my absence can only have made the recent days all the more trying for you i'm afraid i must still ask you to stay a while longer to keep eyes on the shogun's army and also to see to the wounded but i will ask the mercenaries to remain stationed here and kazuha is here too hopefully this will serve to reduce the pressure you are under well receive your excellency i must return to sangonomia now i have a few things to attend to once you're ready please rendezvous with teppay he will escort you there why did it sound like she was trying really hard to pronounce tepe's name right thank you for all your efforts so far from this day on i fight alongside you fight for the future of inazuma [Music] cool
Channel: bwaap
Views: 1,337,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact 2.0, genshin impact baal, genshin impact raiden shogun, genshin impact raiden shogun fight, genshin impact baal cutscene, genshin 2.0, genshin impact bwap, genshin impact bwapp, genshin impact bwaap, bwap, bwapp, bwaap, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact game
Id: u0XhOSoXVd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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