the end of an eternity (Genshin Impact)

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we're gonna do it here and what's this mechanism for think of it as a catalyst that can reproduce the ryden shogun's combat moves oh i made it from my own memory which means it should be perfectly accurate unless of course her skills have declined it'll give you a chance to figure out her moves in advance and come up with a counter strategy that should be a big help don't you think so basically don't get hit i feel bad for the people who only used shields [Music] so how come you know so much about the writing shogun you mean me um perhaps it's because i'm the electro arkhan servant uh-huh what like the violinist of barbados huh never would have guessed by looking at you it sounds like you'd be more persuaded if you saw me in my fox form i'd like to see that in your dreams what you know a never said goodbye to me before she stepped into the plane of euthymia perhaps it's just my wishful thinking but i think she did this deliberately as her way of keeping our friendship eternal by neither saying goodbye nor seeing me again our relationship will remain forever how it was in her mind at least yeah it was kind of one-sided though since we've embarked on two very different paths to eternity i can either continue to maintain the status quo or do whatever it takes to bring her back on track regardless of the cost i have chosen the latter because if stubbornly isolating herself in the plane of euthymia is her idea of eternity then my duty as her eternal servant is to drag her back out of her own head and into the real world ah that's a good friend anyway that's enough chitchat time for anti-ride and shogun training phase two [Music] we're finally done how did we do you did quite admirably i could see your determination and your hard work so do you think we're ready to beat the ryden shogun now no how do i put this you're no match for her at all wow speaking of traveler what do you think of the resistance army's chances well they're no match for her either if i'm no match for her then what are they gonna do you're absolutely right perhaps they occasionally best the shogun's army in open battle but when they face the ride in shogun herself considering even their visions have been taken from them and embedded in the statue they're ultimately quite helpless it is precisely because of their helplessness because their visions have been taken from them that their will is all the more precious in short if everything goes according to plan they may yet prove to be helpful so what's the plan then before one makes a plan what is the most important thing one must do i don't know talk it over with other people you must understand the situation you are facing the vision hunt decree was obviously devised as a means of manipulating the shogun the ones behind it knowing full well her susceptibility as a puppet with a single-minded focus on eternity we also know that every aspect of the vision hunt decrees promulgation and execution has been enthusiastically spearheaded by the tenrio commission from the outset it's all too clear that both the tenrio and kanjo commissions are in some form of collusion with the fatoui foolish humans blinded by their greed it will be easier for us to start with someone from inazuma so my plan is to incite rebellion in the tenrio commission oh when i say rebellion i don't mean betraying the shogunate i mean inciting a certain someone to betray the tenrio commission yeah basically do it from the inside i'll give you a clue she's currently in charge of the shogun's army she visits the shrine at this time every month and she is our guest today oh it's oh boy it's sarah she also appears to be standing right behind you don't move a muscle you've got some nerve showing up here in the shrine when there's an active warrant for your arrest it seems that you're forgetting this is the grand narukami shrine use of force here is strictly forbidden before you proceed which of you would like to face criminal charges for dishonoring the shogun uh oh wait that guy is not even holding his spear correctly please tell me you are not sheltering a wanted criminal here we are just friends i don't see what sheltering has to do with it tell your subordinates to leave we have things to discuss yeah you're the same as ever kujosara no one can match you when it comes to loyalty to the shogun as a servant loyalty to the shogun is my duty and as a warrior i dedicate my life to following the way of the shogun even though she will one day seize your vision too oh uh-oh the vision hunt decree is the shogun's chosen course and i shall not question it the vision hunt decree is a trap part of a fatoui plot to bring inazuma to its knees and your masters the cujo clan of the tenryu commission they are the ones keeping the truth from reaching the shogun you're saying the cujo clan betrayed the shogunate there's no way she'd believe it gucci yai your allegation is not only dangerous but ridiculous the tri commission has served the shogun since ancient times and remains absolutely loyal to this day ever since i was adopted by the cujo clan i have seen and heard nothing but pure devotion toward the shogun at every level of the tenrio commission especially from the head of the clan cujo takayuki three days come back here in three days and i will show you the evidence for days jesus that was so scary wasn't expecting to run into kujasara here but miko you mentioned evidence of the tamriel commission's betrayal is that all in hand and good to go or why are you always asking so many questions even she got tired of all the questions by my axe if we want to get our evidence we're going to need some help now come with me we must awaken the professional a professional no way that toy tanooki just turned into a human what's going on hyman's never seen one of these before um [Music] so tired if i don't get enough sleep it'll stunt like rules um is this the professional you were talking about she is a member of the shumatsubon a genuine bonafide ninja it belongs to the yashiro commission a secret unit under kamisato ayato now kamisato ayato and the yashiro commission are neutral parties so i have no right to give orders to the shumatsuban however convincing their most chronically lazy member to help us is well within my abilities go into town and find evidence of the tenrio commission's betrayal for a complete outsider probing the inner workings of the tenrio commission is nigh on impossible but since the three commissions work together to serve the shogun they have a close relationship someone from one of the other commissions might have an easier job of figuring out what they're up to the yashiro commission the shogun's army haven't given up on their search for you yet but with the help of this shiu matsuba ninja i'm sure you'll be able to rendezvous with your friends okay so you wake up we need you to hear the plan the tenrio commission presides over domestic military affairs if they ever had any intention of concealing information in their reports we would have no way of knowing meanwhile the shogun would incorrectly conclude that the vision hunt decree poses no threat and would stick to her decision if we had access to their reports it would confirm everything but as i recall the only person authorized to access that kind of official documentation is kujo takayuki it's heavily guarded too even with sayu's help swiping a document from under their noses is no easy task if only there was a way we could distract the guards just for long enough i know just the person join me as fireworks exactly if someone set off fireworks near the statue they certainly wouldn't ignore it while they were preoccupied with that saiyu could infiltrate the tenriu commission and take the report as well as any other evidence she might find no great it feels like i'm getting closer and closer to being a free man again for my boy toma this tea house used to be my favorite hiding place but now i've honestly lost track of how long it's been since i last set foot outside of here oh man i want to go to the hot spring so badly poor toma this was a reunion of sorts but there's no time to catch up we'll celebrate properly when it's all over ooh let's play the hot pot game again oh boy you're still thinking about that you sure came to the right person as it happens i made this really souped-up one just a couple days ago don't forget move well away from it after you light the fuse and uh try to avoid burning your clothes also it's best that you cover your ears why does my mom feel so nervous all of a sudden don't worry it's just a firework come on what's the worst that could happen there are loads and loads of people if one of them spots me i'll get caught uh-huh after i get the document let's meet back at komari tea house okay also if i do get caught please come rescue me [Laughter] oh god blown off they're all coming oh oh this is bad this is bad that's bad did that even work like or did did say you get to get the thing i hope she's okay i know exercise helps you grow but this was a little too much exercise i feel so dizzy everyone is spinning no i can't sleep yet there was something important i was supposed to do first oh right yeah i got it nice i didn't know how to find a document you guys were talking about so i just swiped a whole bunch of stuff that looks the same here you go i'm going to sleep now this sealed envelope must be an official report that the tenrio commission is preparing to present to the shogun in addition we have correspondence with the fatoui it seems that gujiya was right they have been fomenting unrest behind the scenes this should be ample evidence please take them to gujiya i trust you will have a plan for the next step lady gucci here i am as promised rest assured i came here alone and told no one about this trip i knew you would keep your promise after all i'm sure you've barely been able to take your mind off it these past few days have you managed to get any sleep at all oh man she's in her head i i [Music] you're quite mistaken i would never doubt the leaders of my clan oh she's deep in her head damn i don't understand not a single word about the resistance sangonomia or the situation on the front line what about the soldiers who gave their lives on the front line or the hardship endured by the people do they deserve no mention no the high reps don't care so the tenrio commission they are deliberately deceiving the shogun yes now who else do you think might be benefiting from the vision hunt decree i have a very confidential letter here this is a letter from the tenrio commission to the fertility the head of the cujo clan kept this a secret from the shogun too yup well the things you wanted to see but also wish not to see are here before you surely you aren't planning to turn a blind eye to them so everything i've ever held on to it's all how could they no this betrayal is unforgivable takayuki you've got some explaining to do oh boy hold on traveler there's something else we need to discuss why last time you entered the plane of euthymia it was in front of the statue of the omnipresent god correct yeah you must find a way to recreate the circumstances of that day if you can get the ryden shogun to open her heart to you once more before the statue of the omnipresent god you will have the opportunity you need i i'll figure out a way take this with you as a farewell gift the omamori from the grand narukami shrine are very potent indeed i thought i'd put one aside for you thanks i'll treasure it if you find yourself at your wit's end take it out and see what happens maybe your prayers will be answered and all your problems will disappear in the blink of an eye ah or if you ever think about me during your journey take it out won't you who knows maybe i'll just end up appearing right in front of you free five star let's go apologies ma'am orders from the top oh no one is allowed to enter really what i'm out of my way i need to speak to him i won't tell you twice okay oh i get i guess i get to use sarah then so this is how my documents went missing from headquarters you stole them should i take your words to mean that these documents were not forgeries they were really penned by your own hand yes i have dealings with the fatoui and yes the report you saw was penned by my hand tragic he just came right out and admitted it for too long the cujo clan's position has been coveted by so many there is no shortage of clans who would tear us down at the first opportunity so when the chance arose to gain the backing of another powerful nation and crack down on our enemies at the same time it appeared to me to be an excellent deal i simply saw no need to inform you sarah but you worship the shogun how can you betray her after all this time and act like it's nothing betrayal how can you call this a betrayal the fatoui may think they are using me but the reverse could they possibly hope to achieve this man thinks he's out playing the fatoui that's funny when the lightning strikes in inazuma they shall fall to their knees and tremble paralyzed by fear and trepidation after all none can contend with the supreme power of the almighty writing shogun and the muso nohitotachi he's overconfident in her power you hypocrite preaching about virtue just to mask your own wretched selfishness selfishness i am but safeguarding the eternity of the cujo clan i'm quite sure the almighty show gonna be sympathetic to that as with the former head of our clan i hate to say it but his ego i've doubted the vision hunt decree in the past i asked myself is this truly the correct thing to do even though it goes against what i know in my heart to be right but i chose to obey the shogun for as long as she leads the way who among us is qualified to judge between right and wrong when we have not yet reached the end of the path but now i realize that the path of eternity is one without end while this path it has long since been defiled by your selfish ways so i'm going to tell the shogun the truth about all this uh-oh if nothing else my conscience will be clear report to the shogun if you so wish oh the cujo clan's position is now unshakable and nothing you can do will change this the shogun is at tenshukaku receiving a shnezhnayan diplomat a harbinger what's the name of senora senora i can't be surprised about it sorry i shorted off in the trailer a diplomat from snya well if she thinks she's leaving inazuma in one piece she's got another thing coming the way people charge in here as they please so uncivilized if i didn't know this was tenshukaku i might have mistaken it for some kind of street market have you learned your lesson now oh no oh damn well she i didn't expect her to do much don't go thinking i'm surprised to see you here i'm well aware that you hate me with the way you follow me around like a dark shadow so you're trying to seize control of inazuma ah so you came to expose my crimes in front of the shogun [Laughter] i'm just a shnayan diplomat i'm afraid i have no idea what you're talking about so that was all scaramucci is doing then she doesn't take her seriously at all stop talking about people and things that i care nothing about they were nobodies to begin with and their names will be forgotten but now at least they get to be building blocks in the grand revolution to realize eternity is that not the greatest honor they could hope for in their tiny little lives almighty shogun do correct me if i'm wrong so for venti's gnosis that's ancient history you certainly love to hold a grudge that tsaritsa's dream is the noblest and purest thing in all the world these other mundane details you insist on mentioning they're just necessary sacrifices that's all alrighty then you stop me what it's worth i've grown tired of seeing you around as well but i didn't have you down as someone quite so fool hardy oh before you go saying something you can't take back remember that you're inazuma's most wanted criminal i suggest you consider your circumstances very carefully she's right i still want to fight you though i'm not sure you realize quite how much distance there is between us both in status and in strength oh we'll see about that i challenge you to a duel before the throne oh here we go let's go he got more voice lines let's go zach proceed my you're full of surprises today so you've learned to make the law of the land work for you too hmm i'll admit that i never expected to be in a situation where the two of us were on equal footing you are aware that the loser must die hmm are you sure this is what you want yeah then i will deign to share this last dance with you till death do us part all right let's go a lesson on harbinger power and elegance as you wish lightning to the frozen boy ow her music fits her though i will say oh they're sure cold oh god that's not fun you've got some nerve laying your hands on me harbinger power has become burdensome i will manifest my destiny anew await my emergence and tremble traveler you have reason to be afraid all right here comes the second phase [Laughter] here she is look at the moth pale flame lay waste to frozen shell and witness my suffering in fires of sin and retribution your soul will be incinerated immolation a cherished agony do you feel it no who dares call me a witch bro they introduced the sheer cold into the game and they ran with it then again this boss would be incredibly easy without it and there she goes so strong but but how and you said i suck no you oh god i don't want to have to face her now you know what happens if you lay a finger on me swear if you strike me i will make sure the patui will make sure that your precious inosuma stop uh oh and you filthy rats [Applause] oh my god you are the enemy of eternity no way as the victor i acknowledge your honor therefore i shall allow you to leave tenshukaku alive oh well there goes our chances of having senora as a playable character [Music] isn't gonna let us off just like that right oh yeah no we're not getting out of this it must be the writing children's almightiness one strike from the shogun and nelson your is good she got what she deserved but pokemon still can't help but feel upset why are they doing it why are the harbingers collecting all the nosies huh traveler you got a headache bro what is happening am i good let's get out of this place my mom feels unsettled also when the shelter executed senora with the muso no hitotachi it was unbelievably powerful it seems impossible to defend against and if so we've got no hope whatsoever oh is the reality hitting me that i can't defeat her so to recap wants us to go back inside the plane of gothamia by the statue of the omnipresent god but we'll see like land for the slaughter [Music] are you okay you're so silent sounds like there's a lot of noise coming from outside tenshikaku has a fight broken out or something oh the guards seem really nervous let's go see what the situation is shall we [Music] oh holy [Music] oh it's the vision there will always be those who dare to break the lightning's glow go [Music] [Music] who's taking all the visions oh there we go and we're back [Music] so we meet again yep do you hope your full heartiness will shelter those people or was it simply a means of seeking an audience with me um so uh the uh oh surely you didn't rouse me from my state of eternal meditation only to tell me this if so then you underestimate me i am quite well informed about the vision hunt decree so you knew everything not so only everything that pertains to eternity the vision hut decree has my tacit approval the fatoui's actions thus far do not constitute a threat to eternity otherwise they would have been purged long ago but this damages the people though this hurts the people individual ambition is inherently incompatible with eternity what you might not realize is that all too often people have far more to lose by chasing their dreams consider this no one will lose their life on account of having their vision taken away rather those who have lost their lives are the ones who insisted on pursuing their own aspirations are they not tepe yes traveler your existence is unique in my eyes there seems to be limitless uncertainty in you to put it another way you are the furthest thing from eternity so i won't insist that you comprehend the meaning of my actions what matters is that i tread the path of eternity on my people's behalf you're looking for a chance to shake my will aren't you oh i'm not here to debate your idea okay so we're not we're not doing a talk no jutsu i'm here to demolish them so be it well then you who would defy eternity time for you to enlighten me i should have switched to geo if i knew i was going to end up fighting her right after i probably would have switched to g over frostbite attention these attacks are a little bit different from what you planned strike dead [Music] did i live this time dear me oh aren't you cutting it rather close hmm hi mikko what are you gonna do this was your doing now now don't forget who taught you how to place your consciousness in objects [Music] surely you don't think your ambition alone is enough to shake a's will do you though you alone are here they too have ambitions which they long since entrusted to you so wait now then close your eyes [Music] ah here we go decree [Music] [Applause] [Music] i like the music this is this is some kick-ass music i'm getting my ass beat to some really cool music right now oh wait nope third phase you've lost eh yes i have why can you not trust your people and in the power of their ambitions these ambitions have transcended space and time they are something that no one can snuff out when people move forward with all their might they can surpass the god's expectation is this the lesson you learned from your journey in leeway yeah there are nations where humans cast their god aside and stride forward so are we to just abandon the notion of progress for the sake of wishful thinking you and i have both witnessed the great loss that progress can bring eternity eternity is the only way [Music] when lightning flashes it casts a shadow my name means shadow so we're in our backstory now with my blade i purged all obstacles to progress [Music] in the end i even lost her the tales are still retold in the shade of every thunder sakura but the wounds left on our nation by that terrible loss still ache so yeah even if only for a brief flash of light if nothing else we have the present moment she said that once but i've seen a nation strike forward and lose everything to the heavenly principles conrier perhaps only if times stand still with elections ah the present moment is a fragile illusion only eternity can bring us closer to the heavenly principles i am no longer the shadow [Music] mine is the most supreme and noble form let power over the realm be vested within me in this form shall i honor my subject's dream for a land of eternity unchanging forevermore [Music] the heavenly principles irrelevant nonsense as far as i'm concerned when all said and done all you really want is to protect your beloved inazuma forever and ever but is this nation worth existing for eternity stripped of ambitions stripped of the potential for change it does nothing more than simply exists and exist yeah it is a hollow shell of a nation hmm i wonder what loss would it really be to anyone if such a nation were destroyed attract your words wow those are harsh words never changing eternity is the promise i made to my people but what your people need from you is not your promises they want your attention your divine gaze humans have a lifespan of barely a hundred years they cannot afford to bear any extra losses but i have experienced it all that is why i have chosen to guide them along the correct path toward eternity but eternity is far too cruel of fate for you eh for me not only have you stopped paying attention to the world but you have stopped paying attention to yourself it must have been terribly lonely here all alone for centuries on end tell me this why is the sky here that was once so dark glowing again why now this is your plane of euthymia it's your inner world hmm she's right it's because she's here so it can only mean that you are happy to see me again oh you have found the loneliness here unbearable for a long time now haven't you i have nothing to say to that it's true then but i have so much to say to you let me tell you all that has happened over the last few centuries how long will that take as a fox envoy i have an excellent memory i recall every detail of the last few centuries with perfect clarity do i have to be here for this oh it will probably take me another few centuries to relay it to you oh my god now that i have been defeated by you and your plan i will honor your wish to abolish the vision hunt decree nice but with regards to eternity and the question of whether this nation should move forward i need time to give it some thought oh okay then as promised the ryden shogun abolished the vision hunt decree finally her people's wishes penetrated her locked heart [Music] beyond the plane of euthymia she saw what eternity means in the eyes of the world [Music] when one's fervent ambition burns brightly the gods will cast their gaze upon you [Music] so i'm wondering [Music] some ambitions have the power to heal wounds to bring victory to inspire hope [Music] but some ambitions so it is possible to outlive their masters revive a vision long after the soul ascends they remain as they were in the beginning burning bright and true so it's very all eternity so it's completely possible to reawaken a vision then ah why hello if it isn't the triumphant traveler and why might you be visiting the shrine a sign of piety perhaps you literally told us to come meet you here i was just joking by the way i heard that you had a duel before the throne with a fetus harbinger no less courageous and astute i must say i am most impressed i don't know what came over me i was very angry at that time that wasn't me i am not the same person i was like i don't know 10 minutes ago ah sure feels good to finally thwart the fertility plan for once yeah and we got to see if fertility member die which is um i don't know how to feel about that not gonna lie they caused plenty of trouble along the way but at the very least they didn't get their hands on another gnosis are we sure about that wait a second did you say gnosis as in the little thing that looks something like a chess piece yep that's the one you see one too nosies belong to the seven there would keep them connected to celestia oh no don't tell me she's gonna say what i think she's about to say oh oh no no i handed that over what yeah you did what now well how else was i supposed to save your skin from the balladeer exactly oh my god that's how you saved me the balladeer is number six of the fatoui harbingers in terms of strength he's superior to senora i'm not the kind of person who risks life and limb for any old reason [Laughter] what [Music] but why did you have the gnosis after a created her puppet vessel she no longer had anywhere to put it as her erstwhile closest friend a handed it over to me and i've kept it in the grand narakami shrine ever since she no longer needs the power of the gnosis and in any case she tells me she has severed ties with celestia so we were fighting a god that didn't even have the full power of a god the whole time holy and we needed every single vision we needed the power of everybody's will to defeat her how are we going to defeat the other gods thus the gnosis became not only useless but also a potential source of conflict is that not a good bargain exchanging it for the one at the core of the plan what i guess um so anyway you still haven't told us why you called us here today [Laughter] it's to thank you oh really as a mark of my gratitude i will answer any questions you may have about the road ahead or the events of the past okay so what happened to the shogun's puppet then that puppet was built with technology that has been lost to time perhaps she is a god is the only one privy to the knowledge of its origins before a began modifying her own godly form she took it upon herself to create a prototype puppet its appearance and intellect were not based on a it was a test the original plan was for a to simply discard it but perhaps a thought this to be too cruel because in the end she chose only to seal the power within it later this puppet wandered inazuma as an ordinary human male with his own consciousness until the fatoui took an interest it's somebody else some eccentric geniuses in the ranks of the future made adjustments to the prototype not only unsealing his power but very likely rendering him even more formidable than his original specifications so you mean the object of divine creation is now the one who has taken possession of the gnosis and the prototype puppet is now known as the balladeer oh wow okay so about the former writer writing shogun then the truth of the matter is that there were two twin gods baal and bielzabal they won the arkhan war together and when baal established the shogunate bielsabol became her kagemusha or shadow warrior in other words she acted as ball's body double bielsabol is a with whom we are now both acquainted ball's name was makoto as far as the world was aware there were not two but one they complemented each other and they ruled inazuma jointly in fact the name ball and the title of ryden shogun was understood to refer to both of them right up until until what makoto died several hundred years ago in a war that i was not personally involved in wait since then a has assumed the shogunate so a did lose makoto in the khan real war that was when a began to change makuto was her greatest loss so what kind of god was makoto i didn't spend a great deal of time with her but my impression was she was a gentle god who in each moment cherished the beauty of what was before her wow you know what i think about my sister sorry i haven't a clue so about the next stop on my journey where do i go next after leaving inazuma hmm i think it would be easiest for you to go to sumaru we've run into loads of scholars from there on our journey so far yes well sumaru is the land of the god of wisdom where the quest for wisdom and knowledge is never ending but their obsession gives rise to some truly inexplicable things for example in sumeru knowledge is holistically managed as a resource knowledge is a resource i don't know whether it was the sages or lesser lord kusanali who came up with the idea lester lord kusanali that's a cute name cute wait what lesser lord kusanali is the deity in whom the people of sumeru place their faith it's their chosen term of endearment for her i'm sure you must have some things to discuss with her too i wish you all the best oh traveler do you still have the omomori i gave you of course i do i'll keep it safe keep it safe is that all you intend to do with it what do you want me to do there was me thinking that you might hang it around your neck to show off to the world telling everyone who inquired that it was given to you by none other than yaimiko the wise and beautiful well if i could i would but mojo would probably sell it to us for like thirty dollars as a cosmetic instead okay i'll stop now a question for you traveler what is your ambition to be reunited with my sister i guess i see but that is merely a small goal based on what preoccupies you here and now your ambition should be something that transcends the world below and the starry sky above something that shines in unison with fate itself perhaps the reason you do not possess a vision is that such an ambition has yet to be engendered within you it's a possibility continue on your journey and maybe that moment will come to pass okay you
Channel: bwaap
Views: 1,531,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact 2.1, genshin impact inazuma, genshin impact inazuma archon quest, genshin impact raiden shogun, genshin impact signora, genshin impact inazuma cutscene, bwap, bwapp, bwaap, genshin impact bwap, genshin impact bwapp, genshin impact bwaap, genshin impact inazuma last archon quest
Id: 7Hqzlq6zFN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 45sec (2805 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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