Reckless Pallad ruins EVERYTHING (Genshin Impact)

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albedo we're back oh hey does he have a guest over yes on a familiar one of that yes perhaps it is too soon to ask our greenhorns to come adventuring here but adventure is nothing if it is not about pushing our limits what is a journey without struggle without excitement this place may be infested with wicked helical bandits and knee deep snow but an adventurer must never stop placing forward cyrus to the point please come come the beauty of a chat lies in the journey not the destination just like an adventure even if you are robbed blind and must give up on your encampment you can start a fire and cook a meal in the frigid snow true this journey up the mountain will be an unforgettable one for all our newcomers hmm yes they may resent me or even hate me but in the future they will think back upon this moment with hearts full of gratitude for this was the day that the spirit of adventure was passed on to them so is he like setting up a field trip for these guys oh yes go on albedo's at it again he's always so cold when the topic doesn't catch his fancy he isn't interested in adventures in the slightest is he he sure is interested in you though ah still should we say that our newcomers are too green or that the mountain is too mighty we have taken great losses this time oh what what do you mean great losses oh you must be what's up cyrus ah yes the young adventurer and his companion it is my pleasure to see you here i trust these frigid essence have not given you too much trouble now we we're good it's just a little coals we can take anything it has to throw at us [Music] good good i love your confidence but you must be hearing some important duty braving the wind and snow like this i came here to gather the latest data on hilly charles and asked him to serve as my assistants quite reluctant to let people in on the matter of the sword isn't he ah i see a gathering of people chasing their dreams and ideals is it then i wish you all the best farewell for now i must go see to our new recruits okay looks like we've made a discovery alberto is keeping cyrus in the dark well it is a magical sword after all it's understandable that he doesn't want other people to know about it true i am listening you know should i not ask there is no should or shouldn't hear i can't answer your questions but not right now right now i have more pressing matters on hand pressing matters ah let piemon guess we've got a part to please he's gonna make us do chores again you're getting smarter pymon [Music] oh yeah sure i have discovered some new habitats nearby with different monster types i believe they will provide us with similarly varied data you sure love your research don't you perseverance is key to research and persistence is the basis of the alchemist's art so are you ready then let us go okay hmm it seems that no one is here are you looking for do monsters go out to run aaron's two well then would you like to take a look around before they return or shall we rest a while here great idea i have some questions all right what would you like to ask so we're having a chat now my mom wants in i know you must have questions whether it be about me or about this entire situation as i said before i will answer them but i will not deceive you there are some things i cannot go into detail on on these matters you'll have to permit me to summarize a bit okay guess albedo can be pretty straightforward when he wants to be more artists that i expected for sure what the uh [Music] what was that are you making those strange noises do you really think that's possible oh it's hilly trolls hello shows don't sound like that those are like robots he's on the real hilla trolls [Music] wait what's running off wait what what's happening do you see that that ellie trail ran off while holding on to something that looks like a book no i did not that's good that was my sketchbook perhaps it dreams of becoming a grand master artist someday thinks it's just your run-of-the-mill thief really to think that it dared to steal my sketchbook quite bold this one looks like albedo's got a frosty temper i'll lend you a hand he's gotta hurry up before it gets too far away yeah i'm going i'm going [Music] looks like it's a dead end you know except for this huge cavern entrance you're right in there touching from the tracks that seems to be the case then what are we waiting for we can't let it escape wait this mountain is incredibly large even if there was a path within its bowels such a road would not be easy to walk true can you feel it the wind carries the scent of ice and stone with it and the sound of echoes the space within must be massive mm-hmm really as such rash moves are of no benefit to us but but we've come all this way we can't just let it leave yeah isn't that sketchbook really important like you've had so many drawings in there it is but that doesn't mean that we should act recklessly okay there is another way it just requires some extra work if my guess is correct this cavern's exit is on the other side of the mountain you are quite the expert glider and i am a fair hand myself so prepare yourself and we'll glide across in one go oh boy destroy the animal amber hold on i've used the amber to destroy the amber they don't call me the gliding champion of monstat for nothing he had our sketchbook there's been some damage yeah no wonder i need to head back to see if there's anything i can salvage let's meet at the alchemy stall and monster later shall we how's the sketchbook situation that's all right a few pages were destroyed but most of it is intact no the temperature in the snowy mountain is sub-zero it can reach extremely low temperatures especially near that cavern what makes matters worse is that the hilly trolls have jeweled all over the world to leave wet paper in such low temperatures it's too dreadful to imagine oh frozen paper is so brittle it doesn't take much for it to fall apart huh fortunately you know how to piece it back together no wonder you're an alchemist such an ingenious mind if the sketchbook had been severely damaged you'd be furious wouldn't you what leads you to believe that you told us there's a lot of drawings and notes inside i must admit i bring the sketchbook everywhere i go however i wouldn't fly into a rage over such a thing had i not been able to salvage it i would just draw everything again then you must have a good memory then huh how pragmatic of you if that happened to me i get mad how's that so after all you've put a lot of effort into your drawings that's right i think of all the memories you've committed to the paper yep yep such mementos shouldn't be easily abandoned absolutely all well said you took the words out [Music] you're right redrawing everything would be a tedious endeavor especially since you're so talented right you've mastered so many skills and gathered so much knowledge that other people can only dream of but such talented people sometimes forget about that it's one of the downsides of being smart isn't it alberto's also praise your smarts pyman without a doubt paimon is an interesting creature pokemon forgets about the little things too when it comes to wisdom changing the subject cyrus told me that the hilly trolls from this mountain attack and rob adventurers oh really the place we visited should be one of their camps the hillatures in this area are strong yeah the hilly churros here are way stronger than the ones at the bottom of the mountain i can't disagree i assume this must be related to the dragon the corruptive power emanating from durham's remains is making the monsters stronger which in tandem with the frigid climate depopulated some mountain areas oh can you take out the sword traveler each time you fought in the mountains this sword was absorbing power and storing it within itself oh moreover thanks to your purification the corruptive power of the dragon's blood seems to be all gone now nice it's a very interesting phenomenon so now all we've got is just a super powerful sword this is gonna backfire in some way isn't it i always wondered what purification was capable of i knew you were capable of doing it but seeing it with my own eyes is a unique experience the power of absorbing stories must be quite dangerous indeed i can't say it's the safest of weapons lucky that it wasn't snatched away by those hilly trolls otherwise we'd be done for aren't the for two we're a bigger threat trolls are a threat too what if that power could turn them into super no ultra hilly turtles ultra hilly drills ultra demon snowman hilly girls snowman now you've ruined the game anyway about the sword if it's so powerful can't it absorb your energy as well albedo [Music] would you like to try it out oh such a cold case the apartment didn't mean anything bad she was just joking that's fine after all i still hope you'll continue to use this sword you still trust us even though this sword is so dangerous well that was unexpected albedo you say one thing but do another pymon can never tell what's really on your mind i have no idea what you're talking about but if you want to know why i trust you it might be because the unusual ones like us share a certain degree of understanding unusual ones lonely individuals those who aren't like ordinary people just like you and me he's implying something what is he implying he's lonely lonely man albedo we're back where is he is he out investigating something or maybe he went to make some mysterious drawings he didn't bring his painting though oh it's you oh it's sucrose what's up oh if it isn't sucrose what are you doing here i'm in the final stage of my research i have five hours and 26 minutes of leisure time today what so i came here looking for you to inquire about previously discussed matters you tell time very accurately are you a human clock no no it's nothing worth your praise you're too kind that wasn't a compliment can i ask you a question traveler i made a request regarding investigating mr albedo's secret have you made any progress uh correct me if i'm wrong but it's been over a week since we talked about it what oh over a week i clearly did she lose track of time i've been so absorbed in my research that matter of hours had completely slipped my mind how can your sense of time be so strong and so weak at the same time so do you know what it is yeah you could say that that's great could you tell me what do you think pieman um telling her shouldn't really matter she can take a look too just no touching wait what are you talking about what's this it's a super powerful sword don't touch it with your bare hands uh this is that this is i've never seen look all you want i'm not sure why but even pymon feels a strange sense of achievement after telling sucrose a story about the sword astounding it's the first time i've heard of such a mysterious weapon i can faintly feel the power coursing through the sword it's like a living creature is it such a distinct feeling i don't dare to say anything for sure but the flow of power is very noticeable although this description isn't the most precise normally i wouldn't define things like that please believe me i don't usually use such ambiguous terms okay okay we got it traveler could you use this sword in battle yes i'd like to learn more about it but i'm unable to use it myself i can only ask for your assistance let's keep a low profile let's look around for the right spot i bet you albedo is gonna end up finding us testing the sword out all right remarkable this weapon is like no other you're also extraordinary no matter if it's your fighting stance or the momentum of your swing it's perfect oh you flatter me this sword is special i didn't want to go too deep into the research and yet i couldn't take my eyes off of it well pymon thinks that's one of your own special qualities not the swords clearly this is a mysterious yet dangerous and enticing sword mr albedo must have great confidence in you to have entrusted you with such an important item i'm grateful for the faith he puts in me well you've earned his trust with your abilities i agree with pymon however the sword hadn't absorbed much energy before it was handed to you huh how did mr albedo recognize its uniqueness among a pile of other items in storage a flash of brilliance often doesn't make sense for example iman's appetite for sticky honey rose which reminds me i didn't eat much today i went looking for you right after completing my experiment then on the way i ran into an adventure trapped in the snow i spent quite some time saving him oh [Laughter] that was a pretty big rumble there no it's not like that don't be so shy just say what's on your mind um um let time on help you out pieman's hungry we should grab something to eat i'm hungry i'm i'm hungry i could really go first she's so cute i'm just a little embarrassed nothing to be ashamed of admitting that you're hungry makes the food taste better huh is that so of course let's get moving there must be some food back at the camp it'd be lovely to have some sticky honey roast to keep this warm in this icy weather oh man oh my god this guy is freezing mr pallet you still haven't gone back isn't that the hot-headed adventurer from monster did he come here with cyrus to explore the snowy mountain too i'm freezing i feel like i'm gonna end up having to save this guy for emergency quests in this region now too have you been here since i rescued you from the snow pit i wanted to leave but i i got lost i'm sorry it's so cold that i can't move mr pallid a trip to this mountain requires solid preparation you shouldn't have treated it so lightly we'll take them back down i'd appreciate the assistance i'm afraid that in his current state he won't be able to walk on his own even if we can't we won't just leave him here right you're right my apologies traveler i'm sure he feels bad about this situation he's the least of your concerns right now you should be worried about yourself oh are these treasure hoarders oh swatui what you must have already figured out why we're here we won't let you go unless you give us that sword oh boy no please don't give them the story don't even think about it that's the spirit let's knock them down mr pallet i'll take you to a safe place quickly so naive we won't let any witness escape this sword will make a fine gift for her excellency harbinger senora so senora wants the sword what reason i heard the ruckus and came over to check so it was you who made all this noise what happened did you get into a fight yep mr roberto i didn't mean to aren't you supposed to be organizing documents why did you come here all of a sudden and you got into a fight with such a dangerous opponent in this terrain hold on hold on hold on it wasn't her fault even my mom feels guilty uh i only i'm sorry i was just passing by huh i reckon you've been led astray by yet another thing that attracted your attention i told sucrose about the sword man you told her everything uh yeah we just told her about the sword's properties in origin we didn't let her touch it we know better than that never mind we couldn't have kept her in the dark for too long anyway sucrose is naturally drawn to obscure knowledge and mystery she is great alchemist material indeed uh i promise i won't be causing trouble anymore i swear on the quadruple size sweet flower seat i just propagated it's not trouble that worries me i'm only concerned with your safety you must be more careful next time [Music] anyway what's going on crouching over there i took it upon myself to protect mr pallett during the battle he should be all right i'm i'm freezing could somebody put this man next to a torch for god's sake he must have caught a cold during the fight uh i didn't consider that possibility it's my oversight my apologies mr albedo i'll check on him sure sucrose may seem a bit rigid but she's a good kid with a heart of gold i wouldn't call her a kid if i were your size can't disagree fat girl let her out of your sight and she winds up in the strangest places isn't that what young people do in general true sucrose didn't mean to cause trouble don't be too hard on her don't worry i'm not angry ah there seems to be a shiny thingy on the sword another change the sword's power is much stronger than before how did that happen we fought with the fatoui there were some ferocious characters among those fatoui soldiers we've never seen them before so it's the energy it's never encountered before that caused the sword to greatly grow in strength so so cold hold on just a little longer fire no no no no no no no no sucrose get him yes wait watch out oh my goodness is that a rate that's a rich fight it grew already is fine oh no this is why i have amber wait about to erupt wait what no no no no no oh too much damage the dragon's power the dragon's life force can revive withered plants and empower them to such a degree so this sword can basically give things life and make them more powerful and conceivable how could a dead tree stem turn out to be such a monster tymon almost got swallowed anyway why hasn't anything like that happened before most probably it's because the sword fell to the ground the impact must have caused its power to leak out it's my fault don't make me leave i beg you i promise i'll stay put uh mr pallade there's no need to go into a fetal position this crier cryo-registering having originally withered up and died here is it because it hadn't been able to absorb the ambient corruption after you purified the corruption the resulting pure elemental energy not only revived it but also enhanced it um pure life force will cause it to constantly regenerate itself together with its fighting spirit situation looks worse than expected i also haven't encountered any similar incidents yet i must admit that a phenomenon of this rarity although unexpected is a valuable discovery he's smiling sucrose uh yes keep an eye on that adventurer take him back to the camp yes sir as for the matters at hand i beg your pardon traveler but i must ask for your further assistance i'll do what i can such an unexpected mess and we're the only ones who can clean it up it must be because we keep outdoing [Music] ourselves
Channel: bwaap
Views: 1,150,251
Rating: 4.9823837 out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact sucrose, genshin impact festering desire, genshin impact dragonspine, genshin impact 1.2 update, genshin impact bwap, genshin impact bwapp, genshin impact bwaap
Id: iu4tBPm-7hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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