Kazuha tells us about a vision... (Genshin Impact)

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um are you okay i would never imagined your sister would have sided with the abyss oh i don't think i'm channeling too well based on the face i just made well keep your chin up i'm unbelieving both of you oh yeah and when the going gets tough the tests get going right she said we needed to reach the end of our journey i'm on bet she still has lots more to tell us probably and we won't find out what this journey is or where it will end unless we keep going i'm glad to have you as a guideline will be sure to keep up the good work although where should we go next if we want to continue with the journey hmm i still need to find that gob we need to go all the way to inazuma next oh you mean the god that took your sister away in the first place oh that one oh yeah i definitely want to go with her i want to beat her up after all everything that followed all this confusion it all started with her i need to teach her a lesson i need to square up with her well we've ruled out two gods so far the animal and geo archons so next we need to find the electro archon hyman doesn't think we can simply walk into inazuma zhang lee said it was a closed nation we'll have to find some other way in why don't we ask someone from innozuma had a game entrance oh hyman started someone already atsuko and leah harbour oh really let's see what she has to say [Music] hello oh i mean good fortune right i'm still learning to talk like a local you could just say good morning and why is that guy in the background so depressed we wanted to ask how do we get into innocena oh so that's why you're here well there is a way but the chance of success is incredibly small why huh incredibly small then how did you get out of venezuela in the first place all i had to rely on was a little wooden raft that i'd put together myself there was a storm raging ahead of me and my pursuers were close on my tail how did you survive this after i'd escaped their clutches i've loaded on the open ocean for i don't know how many days my rations and fresh water supply soon ran out and i remember getting to the point where i was sure i'd reach the end then i blacked out this sounds like a movie why don't you have a full feature-length film about you yet but to my surprise my journey didn't end there or to put it another way a new beginning found me did you get saved by someone from leeway ah that's right i escaped by the skin of my teeth the fact that i'm even alive to tell the tale must be a sign that the gods were watching over me and you set off knowing how dangerous it was why well because everything is just too restrictive over there the atmosphere is so stifling the kanji commission subjects everyone leaving or entering the nation to a protracted approval process and i felt like i didn't belong there kanji commission what's that along with the other two commissions they oversee everything in in izuma we usually collectively refer to them as the try commission i suppose they're equivalent to the eight trades under the leo achieving so the commissions are like the leeway chasing one of the obligations of the kanjo commission is to conduct rigorous identity checks on all individuals leaving or entering in azuma all non-nationals are processed centrally on rito upon arrival the ten rio commission is responsible for implementing the recently promulgated vision hunt decree they act like the executive arm of the ryden shogun's rule loyal yet unfeeling it doesn't feel good to speak ill of my home like this but after spending so long under that oppressive atmosphere i begin to lose all hope for the future that's understandable it doesn't sound like it's a very nice place to live in right now unless you have an extremely compelling reason to go to inazuma you should abandon your plans of trying to get there i have a very compelling reason you should know that the sea around inazuma is engulfed in a perpetual tempest of wind and rain supposing you survived that you would still need to get past the samurai guards that enforce the sakuku decree the closed nation policy of inazuma you say that like i can't summon tornadoes and even if you did manage to find a way you'd still have to produce the necessary documentation at the redo center for processing outlanders otherwise you'd be kicked out immediately but if you really are set on going there is one thing you could try what uh the rask idea sounds a little on the dangerous side plus pymar would definitely get seasick how do you get seasick you could literally float and stabilize yourself that's not what i meant you could ask someone from the crux fleet if they have some way of getting you to innozuma they're well known in leo voyaging far and wide has made them a well-traveled group with a wide range of experiences they may just know how to break through the storm oh basically just get a bigger boat if you're able to persuade their captain beto then the hardest part will be out of the way they do edo is finally gonna get some screen time the alcor is the flagship of the crux fleet i heard that is currently anchored by guyon stone forest on a supply run this might be your best chance all right and there's no time to lose let's go find captain vader hey guys just barging in on your ship don't worry about me hmm who have we got here wait i know you you're that traveler aren't you the one who fought against the fertilian asylum right my reputation precedes me ninguang told me about you a traveler of great insight and remarkable skill has saved liu she said she's a hard one to please so praise from her is high praise indeed i remember thinking at the time that it'd be good to meet you in person well here i am judging by the clothes on your back and this floating thing i guess that time has come everyone just calls her a thing nobody knows who paimon is hey the name's not floating thing on what a fascinating being you two give off not only the essence of wind and earth but also of yes the stars huh the fragrance of what now that's the weirdest compliment pylon's ever heard all right mon you literally have sparkles of like space and time floating around you you literally have a cape that resembles a galaxy pay it no heed i mean only to say i am certain that it is by fate not chance alone that we should meet and that gives our encounter meaning is this guy a bard you're not far off but they go by a different name in inazuma this young man is kaidahara kazuha a temporary addition to my crew for reasons i won't bore you with occasionally he opens his mouth and flowers come out instead of words with this fine ship and the soft sea breeze would it not be romantically irresponsible of me not to acknowledge it with a line or two of poetry man can you just speak normally no i can't argue with that okay then once the clash is underway i'll give you a chance to perform oh wait a minute what's the crash the crux clash is a martial arts tournament that i hold there'll be a whole bunch of folks taking part to showcase their talents oh are we going to be squaring up with our fists they're two important rules one competitors must be renowned fighters we want those with real martial arts ability not just people taking part for the fun of it so you've got nothing to worry about there i don't think there's anyone out there who hasn't heard of you two you can't take part if you've got a vision otherwise things get a little one-sided oh i don't have a vision you must be feeling confident but you might want to watch out there are a few crouching tigers and hidden dragons lurking around in leo what does that mean and with leeway savior taking part in the tournament now that's gonna turn a few heads i think we can expect a healthy turnout this time but we didn't come here to take part in a martial arts tournament well before you dismiss the idea completely you might be interested to hear that the prize this time round is particularly sought after is it a bunch of money if it's money i'll take it or it could be primal gems that's a reward i'm willing to take get this it's a masterless vision oh supplied by myself as a matter of fact if the tournament champion can reawaken that vision it belongs to them wait don't visions have to be given by the gods for them to be when a vision bearer dies the light in their vision will fade away but the shell that housed that light remains as for whether this shell has any practical application well this remains to be seen but my intuition tells me that while it remains in the world it may just be possible for someone else to inherit it so you don't have to be given a vision by a god just to get a vision is there a black market of masterless visions out there yep and the way i see it a vision is a badge of recognition from the gods so if anyone's able to rekindle it it's got to be an individual of exceptional strength and talent organizing the clash is my way of uncovering hidden talents and hopefully this time getting a vision to glow again so if you don't have a vision this is the perfect opportunity to get your hands on one of your very own i don't really need a vision if you can't tell i kind of can do stuff on my own without one yeah we're interested in getting to innozuma not fighting in some tournament in that case if you win the tournament i'll give you a choice masterless vision or a ticket to innozuma aboard the alcor up to you that's easy i'll take the inizuma trip free trip let's go you just want him to take part in your tournament screw it i'll fight what's wrong with that the more talent we have the better the tournament will be i couldn't let a competitor like you fall through the net looks like we pretty much have to do this tournament if we want to get to innosuma huh let's give it a shot let's do this it seems like it will only be a matter of time before the answer is revealed what was he saying before we sign up let's see who the other competitors are me only a former runner-up in the chuho rock freestyle combat summit oh yeah former and runner-up also that doesn't sound like the most official tournament out there what you nonsense have you been living under a rock it's been going on for years there were plenty of competitors when i took part not to mention i've helped the military catch treasure hoarders before there were two of them trying to escape i soon sorted them out okay and what an upstanding citizen they tried to sneak past me under the cover of darkness they didn't know what hit him i planted a left hook on the skinnier one's face and sent him flying then the big guy pulled out a knife i stood my ground of course a roundhouse kick sent the blade hurtling into a beam above us yeah okay uh impressive i guess i told you unarmed out number two but i still got the upper hand [Laughter] fire on is severely concerned i'm not saying i came out completely unscathed of course but the fact remains that i did manage to subdue the both of them and hand them over to the milith i received quite the commendation oh yeah and everybody clapped let's but for us even for our five treasure hoarders at a time is all in a day's work thanks for letting us know i'll see you in the arena but i don't plan on losing to a pair of children anytime soon i'm just short dude come on hey youngster are you here for the crux clash too if so seems i found myself another new adversary oh wait a minute so you're also here for the tournament you better believe it i wouldn't be here if i didn't think i could walk away as a champion for me obtaining a vision is the final and most important piece in the puzzle that is my life do you want to become an adventurer no no no it's not about what i want to do this is about who i want to be i am looking to become a perfect person oh so you're a narcissist i know how that sounds but let me explain i've lived a successful life so far without any setbacks oh and you're privileged i've passed every exam i've ever taken enjoyed numerous successful business ventures and seemed to get on with just about everyone socially oh you're you're privileged privileged in most people's eyes i am already the very embodiment of the perfect person though of course i'd never let the praise get to my head i know i haven't reached perfection yet because there's one thing i'm still missing a vision a vision yeah do you have any tournament experience that's not important i have a contact in the crux fleet who was happy to vouch for me so they very kindly made special arrangements on my behalf dude why did you enter a tournament without any experience i've also brought along a bit of an entourage for moral support it's such a blessing really to have so many good friends in my neighborhood dude you're gonna get your ass beat and you're gonna cry of course i also put in a few good days practice concentrating mostly on rare and esoteric styles of kung fu as a high achiever by nature i'm confident i've done enough to guarantee my victory in this tournament ah i'm sure you have i seem to have gained another fan don't let my aura overwhelm you though you'll need your wits about you today hi there are you here for the crux clash too that's right nothing beats real-life combat for honing your skills that's what our master taught us but this tournament is more than just a chance to put training into practice it's also a chance for us to obtain the masterless vision so everyone's here for the vision well obviously with a vision we'd quickly become our master's top students this master of yours must be pretty incredible huh are they someone famous famous he's the founder of the ling shan clan and his skills are unparalleled liang and i are both proud disciples of his you probably wouldn't have heard of it it was founded quite recently the clan is nowhere near as famous as the master himself anyway where's the master then he's got to be a grand master or something he's created many different styles of kung fu and countless other clans have borrowed extensively from him to the ling shan clan he teaches a special technique known as force dispersal force dispersal it's a type of breathing exercise where you can train yourself to harness the energy around you and neutralize attacks without moving an inch oh my goodness for example our master can use it to alter the path of an attacking fist or change the direction of an incoming stone all without breaking a sweat are you sure about that one time he sent a challenger flying into the air without lifting a finger is that even possible it sure is but it's extremely difficult to cultivate this ability we've been training for ages and we're still getting to grips with the very basics there's no way we could use it proficiently yet we're clearly not that naturally gifted or we would have at least gotten the gist by now if we don't start making progress soon we'll probably run out of money to pay the tuition fees and still have nothing to show for all their training there's tuition fees right this is a grand master we're talking about here he doesn't have time to waste if you want face-to-face training you've got to show you're sincere about it but here we are having trained under him directly all this time without even a hint of improvement master is getting increasingly impatient with us dude i think you're getting scammed recently though we heard that a vision bearer joined the goohua clan and made pretty much instant progress in their training so if we can get our hands on a vision too maybe we can finally make our master proud there might be other reasons why you can't master this technique dudes so to recap we're up against an inflated ego some gullible guys paying way too much for their kung fu classes and another guy who's just really average hmm seems like you've got a pretty good chance of winning this thing yeah next please what's your name i'm [ __ ] wait uh aren't you did i hear that right is it really them huh aren't they a vision bearer though why are they trying to enter the clash i don't have a vision uh i i have to ask aren't you the traveler that helped leela fight off that ancient god yeah ah it's really him the one that spoke with lady kutching at the rite of parting oh oh i wonder if i can get his autograph later okay we're really famous apparently i trust you were aware that uh only those without visions can enter the tournament i don't have a vision really but but from what i've heard the things you're capable of in combat are nothing short of extraordinary you walk into the most dangerous situations imaginable face off against all sorts of monsters even the fatoui and always come out on top no you all are just saying things yep he still doesn't have a vision though see for yourself my apologies i didn't mean to be rude i'm sure a great hero like yourself would have no reason to lie now could i ask you to provide a few claims to fame uh so far i've got defeated the ancient god of sile so that's one uh-huh do you have any others let's just say we defeated a two-year harbinger yeah and also a dragon too put down that is perfection i love that a great hero such as yourself can surely only be here for one thing to win the tournament and claim the grand prize namely a vision oh we're not here for that we're here because captain vado promised to take us to innozuma if we win the tournament there's another prize too oh first i've heard of it better must have upped the stakes this time to attract top talent oh god no i take it you discussed your terms with vado in advance then everyone's misunderstanding i shouldn't have primary should have opened your mouth anyway the qualifying rounds are about to begin i'll leave you to your preparation hey so hyman's thinking about that whole no vision bearers rule in this tournament even though you don't have a vision most people in tivat think that you can't manipulate the elements without one so pymon thinks you probably shouldn't use your elemental abilities during the tournament you know just to avoid any misunderstandings okay how am i gonna do that our next competitor is seen by many as the favorite to win this tournament his first bout begins now okay here we go is this you you're the hero they're talking about yeah how am i supposed to win now am i fist fighting i'm not i'm using a sword can i just like fist fight these dudes all right let's go [Music] what a strange guy why was he so confident to begin with [Laughter] i knew i wouldn't regret introducing you as the favorite so what do you think kazuha he totally dominated that guy and did it with style too i literally just swung my sword like four times and he died impressive but i also observed our favorite exercise some restraint as if to protect the opponent from serious harm well i thought my fair share of battles both big and small and i say after the show he put on just now he's more than convinced me of his ability so come on we all know you've got a wide vocabulary in there can't you spare a word or two to congratulate our up-and-coming champion all right let me think how to aptly phrase these words of praise you fought well okay thanks a lot of competitors came to me saying how surprised they were that liu's hero was entering the tournament and since you signed up we've had many others do the same with more than a few top tier fighters among them i'm sure lots of them are here to find out how they stack up against you oh i didn't know i was so popular well since everyone sees you as the one to beat i figure i should start treating you that way too for one thing we don't want you wasting all your energy in the early rounds fighting people who are well below your level not to mention you must be itching to fight someone in your league too oh yeah so i'm putting you straight through to the semifinals nice but we only just started the qualifiers seems like a crazy system if we just skip straight to the semifinals what do you want a whole tournament arc we're finally here folks the rails show is about to begin the captain seems to have high hopes for this tournament i have not seen her so excited in quite some time your opponent has fought many rounds to get to the semi-finals this makes him a seasoned warrior who shall be you may well be stronger than him but this should not give you cause to lower your guard i haven't forgotten why i'm here very well show me that you are ready to push through the storm that lies ahead your opponent in the semi-finals is new to the crux clash but he has quickly become the dark horse of the tournament i do not doubt your abilities but i would suggest that you make sure you are fully prepared before you begin relax my guy's at the top of his game he ain't gonna lose yeah i'm literally level 90. i can't go any higher so at last the moment we've all been waiting for the semifinals have begun who's it gonna be this time the hero or the dark horse all right you know what i don't care about the prize you're a strong opponent that's what i'm here for you're literally almost dead already and i hit you like a total of 10 times see you buddy i'm sweating all over it's a good feeling dude that fight was quicker than most youtuber fights congratulations i was beaten by the best i need to train harder uh i think you have the potential right for a moment there pineapple was a little white okay if you had a vision you'd definitely be one of the strongest around i wanted a vision once when i was a kid people said that if you're strong enough you'll have your chance to get one but mine never came man i lost interest eventually you can't depend on a vision like you can your own body sure i've fought and won against vision bearers before the power they have was given to them by the gods i don't envy it only in defeat can you understand your weaknesses and learn from them so i'm pleased with today's outcome i don't often have the pleasure of experiencing defeat what a nice guy maybe we should ask around see what we can find out about our opponent in the final round oh by the way do you happen to know who else advanced to the final round why yes he's the same one who defeated me he is a formidable opponent quick on his feet and swift to take advantage of his opponent's missteps still i'm sure he'll be no match for you hey there uh well where did the other guy go he tried to use force dispersal to deflect a punch but instead he took it straight to the nose there was blood yeah uh i think you guys got scammed you gave an outstanding performance truly commendable i could sense that you're not familiar with bots of this kind and it could have cost you the match but you were quick to adapt and manage to claim victory over your opponent that is the most invaluable skill dude i got hit three times and then i completely comboed him and he died in fact i discerned this not from what i saw but what i heard the ground beneath your feet and the pattern of your breathing but it is nothing remarkable for i discerned nothing more than captain beto did he's right but in my case i was purely relying on previous experience i guess not using your elemental powers must be quite new for you huh yeah yeah it sure is we wanted to ask about who our opponent will be in the final round do you think they'll be stronger than the one we faced in the semifinals not exactly contenders that reach the finals aren't necessarily stronger they tend to have something unique about their style as for the guy you'll be facing his skill lies in his speed and he has superior form it's also obvious that he's seen his fair share of battles what's the matter worried that you've bitten off more than you can chew this time if that is the case then i have a proposal for you let's go somewhere a little quieter shall we okay i haven't properly introduced myself yet in the land of inazuma i was a wandering samurai uh yeah we could tell that from your getup but at the same time when you talk you don't really sound like someone who's used to waving a sword around it is true that i am versed both in literary and martial traditions but on the struggling path of a wandering samurai is there harm in acquiring a surplus skill true i do not mean to flaunt my martial prowess but i myself have witnessed reputable fighters hailing from across the lands i do possess some knowledge regarding your opponent's particular skill set hang on don't you think you're bending the rules a bit there gathering intelligence is an essential part of any jewel you must know your enemy i mean he's not wrong they could have literally been watching us the entire time besides our favorite here has fought many battles on their journey from monstat such impressive feats require more than just bravery alone you betcha uh wait a second we never told you that we've been them on set wait does one not leave a trail when traveling through the wild in return nature also leaves its traces upon you what however there is only so much that can be discerned from these traces i sense that many things about you elude me still these are the things i'm curious to know about come with me some post-match entertainment is in order you are skilled in manipulating the elements and not just a single element but multiple yeah is that correct yeah he's right no what are you doing bring this up pima knew that you were hinting at something from the moment we met you've known all along that's right if the other contenders were to catch wind of your elemental abilities let's just say it would cause some unwanted misunderstandings how did you know when i talk about that which i see or hear in you this is not poetic symbolism at play i mean these things in the truest sense possible since a young age i have been attuned to the tidings of nature i hear the breath of the wind and the whispers of the leaves it is things of this nature that i also hear from within you nothing more okay to think a human could wield the elements without a vision and not to mention your incredibly complex scent like that of some mysterious being oh he's talking to pymon hey stop evaluating us based on our smell it's weird could you perchance enlighten me as to how you managed to obtain your combined elemental abilities uh i don't know extraordinary so then might i be so bold as to inquire how exactly it is that you learn to channel elemental energy and even wield it in combat it's all thanks to pymon's companionship ah it's nothing really hymon just told him whatever came to mind it's been a long journey and many things have happened along the way somehow he just naturally learned to use the elements through it all honestly even pymon doesn't understand how it all works perhaps such unfathomable things are the essence of the gods and the visions they grant however i still wish to have the honor of seeing how you wield the elements perhaps it may yet reveal something to me maybe i should just show him off my tornado [Music] it did no damage your skills in battle are truly beyond reproach even with your opponent's speed he shouldn't be able to overwhelm you your opponent is skilled at controlling his breathing and maintaining balance which enables him to execute moves that many would find impossible he relies entirely on the element of surprise to defeat his opponents in other words as long as you remain mindful of his ability to detect weak points then his attacks should pose no threat to you thanks so basically pay attention buddy please save your thanks if anything i should be thanking you for the opportunity to witness your command of the elements that defies all known principles you seem kind of obsessed with visions but don't you already have your own why are you so intent on exploring the connection between visions and the elements i desire to know what meaning visions have to the gods and what influences the god's decision to grant humans these visions my apologies you must be completely in the dark regarding such matters as you well know a vision hunt decree is currently underway in innozuma visions are a gift bestowed by the divine people that have accepted this gift are now having their visions confiscated inexplicably sometimes in circumstances that leave their original recipients dead so this is how you could come across a masterless vision supposing each of the seven archons had their criteria for granting visions to living beings then does the current electro archon now doubt these criteria or even the act in and of itself not to mention with no new electro visions having been granted for such a long time it would seem that we can infer something of the ryden shogun's feelings on the matter she is an archon that pursues eternity she will relentlessly carry out her will with no regard to what others may think or feel what does she think visions give her more youth liue's contracts are meant to benefit all who reside within liwe but what does inozuma's pursuit of eternity bring to its people it goes without saying that the people locked within inazuma do not fare well these days sounds a lot like something that god you encountered in the beginning would do oh have you encountered the electro archon before i'm not so sure but i don't think rocks have anything to do with electricity if you wish to find her she will forever be there there will come a day when i too shall wish to understand the answers to eternity from her ah the time for your match is approaching if you have no other matters to attend to then we can return together uh let's go together yeah very well let's go why isn't he here yet never mind we can start by making your entrance first everyone listen up your attention please we've reached the climax of the crux clash this is the final match we've seen many exciting battles today and now at long last the two finalists have emerged now i'd like to introduce our first combatant though few have seen him his reputation knows no bounds he strikes fear into the heart of osile and the mere mention of his name causes even the fatoui harbingers to turn pale in the face introducing leo's traveling hero i look so happy is this the guy that everyone's afraid of i'm sure everyone witnessed his thrilling match in the semi-finals but today's final round will surely take things up a notch as for our other combatant uh he still hasn't arrived come on what could be taking him so long you can't just forfeit for not showing up like in previous rounds this is the finals apologies everyone just sit tight did they get the match time mixed up they've got no other choice if he doesn't show up we'll just have to postpone the match wait a moment something doesn't seem right about this captain beto perhaps we should check on the prize traveler come with us oh god he stole the vision didn't he that's gone all right yep the vision is missing i never thought that someone here would have the guts to cross captain beto no need to worry even the craftiest sleight of hand does not escape nature's watchful gaze the vision was the prize that i had offered and it was my responsibility to look after it i will be certain to get it back well if you insist i'll leave the matter to you then come with me i can sense the winds are coming by the way what made you suddenly think of checking the price in the first place i heard it the moment it was stolen well then why didn't you stop him you'll see shortly the winds are guiding us forward the culprit is on the opposite shore now you can hear that too what does it sound like hubris follow me what does that even mean hubris apparently it means excessive pride or self-confidence i thought it was like a bone or something you caught up with me how is that possible i had even prepared a bow to ensure a quick getaway and still you caught up to me no boat could ever match the speed of the wind the wind what are you talking about oh i get it your vision ah so he was the one that was giving us the wind drat if i only had a vision or if i could activate this one then you'd never be able to catch me this has nothing to do with visions you may be skilled at vanishing from a crowd but it seems you know precious little about how to conceal yourself from nature's gaze additionally your chosen escape route was flawed for reasons that are too numerous to go into and on top of that i could hear your boasting and proud laughter in the wind as i was pursuing that he said your plan sucked buddy you failed to meet any of the basic criteria for a grand heist namely speed stealth and style yeah go back to the gta 5 heist training grounds but most disappointing of all is the state of the vision in your hand it appears that the vision doesn't respond to human desire indiscriminately fine fine i admit it i've had my eyes on this vision for quite some time now i decided to register after hearing that this fighting contest was full of a bunch of lousy fighters i'd intended to win the contester skill alone all along but then you showed up since there was no use in trying to face you in the match i decided to put my skills to good use while everyone's attention was on you and beto i was convinced i prepared thoroughly for my escape but somehow you still managed to catch up to me just hand over the vision dude after all i went through to get it i think not just do as we're saying and you won't get beaten up really fine but you'd better mean it it didn't activate once i took it anyway it's nothing but a useless shell to me you know according to the laws of the sea the penalty for stealing he's breaking the culprit's arms you're not serious are you not to mention that the item you stole was a prize you didn't show up for the final match and you damaged the reputation of the captain of the crux fleet it seems that it would be only fair to brand the word thief on your forehead with a hot iron whoa whoa we don't need to go that far do we uh if this is where talking gets me then forget it i'll risk a fight here's something special [Music] see ya no no do what you want but please don't brand my forehead please he has persevered to the bitter end and now death looms near yet still the gods do not bestow their favor upon him he's just not worthy put down the vision and leave i've changed my mind no further punishment for you huh what's wrong are you asking for more punishment it's up to you such willingness is commendable and fits the way of the samurai no no no need for that thank you for releasing me you truly are generous okay all right huh hyman doesn't get it were you just trying to scare him i take no pleasure in frightening others [Music] i was just testing all possibilities while the vision remained in his hands when people are forced into a corner that is when their greatest strength will appear i thought it may be an opportunity for him to awaken the vision but unfortunately nothing happened so you planned this yes i wanted to know whether it were possible for an extinguished vision to be reawakened from the moment he stole the vision i decided to use him for this experiment okay i've tried many other methods in the past huh the few tales tell of a masterless vision reawakening come why don't you give it a try let's see if you can give me the answer i'm hoping for i can try but i don't think anything's gonna happen the vision didn't seem to respond at all i see so you are also unable to rekindle the vision no matter this was expected i suppose this vision is still mine to take for now why are you so determined to rekindle the vision the story begins with an old friend oh no it's a tragic story isn't it he was once a good friend of mine one day he asked me about a sword art of which he had heard the muso no hitotachi i told him it can only be witnessed when divine punishment is administered it is the pinnacle of the ryden children's skill not the shogunate symbol of ultimate power but he replied there must be one who can withstand it there will always be those who dare to brave the lightning's glow [Music] then the vision hunt decree arrived people's aspirations were stripped away as the ryden shogun began to construct her ideal of eternity while i was fleeing from place to place i heard that my friend had challenged the vision hunters to a duel before the throne oh no he died didn't he a solemn yet brutal challenge the defeated face divine punishment while the victors gain a second chance perhaps he thought he of all people should make a stand coming face to face with the musuno hitotachi was all that he truly desired after all when i arrived at tenshukaku the duel is over i heard his sentence of divine punishment his severed blade hitting the ground perhaps that was the glory he had yearned to witness in his last moments what expression was on his face before i knew it i had stepped forward and snatched the dying vision and was running from the scene all i knew was that i mustn't let his hope which burned so brightly become buried among the ice-cold statue of a god so that's his vision perhaps one day i may come to find that all i have done is meaningless but as a wandering samurai i find meaning in traveling and the sprawling beauty of nature that lies along the way while still retaining the warrior way in my heart it's just another way of saying i do as i please all right then it's time we returned if you need to talk more i'm here to listen do not let my feelings trouble you but thank you huh did beta leave already maybe she went back to her ship if you're looking for the captain she was summoned by lady ninguang it seems that the crux clash got out of hand this time and has attracted her attention captain beto was muttering something about ninguang being a stick in the mud as she headed off to leo harbor it's not unusual for those two to be at odds with one another but still captain beto was disappointed she didn't get to witness the crowning of the new champion she had been looking forward to it for quite some time the one who stole the vision was originally to be this hero's opponent in the final round he knew he stood no chance of winning the match thus the wicked idea of stealing the prize took hold in his mind huh so that's what happened yeah we beat him anyways if that's the case then the rules stipulate that he is disqualified and our hero here is the champion hyman thought we'd win and all but not like this kind of disappointing not gonna lie so can i go to innozuma now yes i believe so though captain beto is no longer present here i'll be sure she receives word of it she is a woman of her word but the voyage to inazuma is a treacherous one you will be plagued by a perpetual tempest the entire trip yeah i'll be fine in fact the relentless rain and wind are also an embodiment of the ryden shogun's will to close the nation hold on a second you're saying she can change the weather just with the power of her mind i'm on she's a god do you not remember the stories of venti literally changing the landscapes by himself suffice it to say that if you wish to journey to innozuma the alcor will need some time you will be notified once all the preparations have been made all right give it another month in the meantime i intend to embark on a journey of my own i will travel all across the vast lands of liu in the hope of finding a way to reawaken the vision good luck with that hi mom you'll find a way for sure thank you may both our journeys prove meaningful one final word of warning the part of your journey that lies after the storm may well prove to be the most arduous and that's it
Channel: bwaap
Views: 846,594
Rating: 4.9833665 out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact kazuha, genshin impact kaedehara kazuha, genshin, genshin kazuha, genshin kaedehara kazuha, kazuha, kaedehara kazuha, genshin impact beidou, genshin beidou, beidou, bwap, bwapp, bwaap, genshin impact bwap, genshin impact bwapp, genshin impact bwaap, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact game, genshin impact 1.6
Id: wSiHc_8S9w8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 48sec (2688 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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