Klee's Golden Apple Archipelago Adventure (Genshin Impact)

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clee we haven't seen you in forever oh it's mr honorary night and pinewood luckily i was just about to go find you too i got a terrible terrible letter and need to go to a certain place a terrible letter yes from a person that won't acknowledge that cli endo the car family they even said they want to test cle and have clea go to the land but but there's no need to rush slow down who's this person you're talking about who sent this to clee a very bad bad bad guy he's called dodo king what who's dodo king paimon also hasn't heard of him no nope wait why did you say also because even clee has never heard of him [Laughter] wait let me read you the letter that dodo king wrote wicked girl aflame i am of the dodo clan uh clay can't read this part in the name of dodo king you are not qualified to become dodoko's new family unless you bring dodoco to the golden apple archipelago light for uh accept the i don't know some of these words that's so cute this word is overlord which means he's the most powerful guy around and what he says goes this part reads light for beacons and knock upon the trial escape hmm probably to accept some kind of challenge oh so they're challenging a child who literally can't read a letter the last word is arbitrate which uh which means he wants to judge you it sounds like he wants you to return dodoko how could this be dodoko is my bestest friend so i'll never give daughter go to him but he said he's the strongest of the dodo clan [Music] like a live creature or is it just like a stuffed animal from the names it seems like it but clee where is this golden apple archipelago i don't know what did this letter come with an envelope nope nope okay where was his letter sent from i don't know it suddenly appeared on my room's windowsill dodo king dodo clan if pyma remembers correctly dodoco is the toy hanging on clee's backpack wait no dodoco is my bestest friend not some toy my bad my bad oh right what a magical creature dodoco is but all of a sudden talk about family and whatnot is pretty strange it feels like it might be a prank if it's just a prank then we should ignore it no no way i'll never admit defeat i have to go there oh my but we've never even heard of such a place mr honorary knight you know what to do right clee believes in you even if we did know what to do i'm begging you please please help me how can we say no to this first of all she's too adorable to say no to second of all she'd probably blow us up in her sleep rather than letting clay go adventuring off by herself it'd be better if we accompany her yeah oh please please all right i'll help you you honestly can't say no to please face how do you say no to those big old eyes as the flying dutchman once said and stop staring at me with them big old cyrus we want to ask you about a place you'll know it won't you won't you oh the little adventurer looks troubled have you all encountered some sort of problem uh you could say that basically we want to find a certain archipelago but it seems no one's ever even heard of it [Laughter] if you seek unknown lands or adventuring knowledge then you've come to the right man uh will he know about it what kind of archipelago are you all looking for it's called the golden apple archipelago golden apple archipelago [Laughter] i saw that coming you're all amazing you've managed to find a place that even i the great cyrus haven't heard of who would have thought that even cyrus the branch master of the adventurer's guild wouldn't know anything could it be that these islands don't exist well he sounded kind of confident [Laughter] would there be anyone who'd write a letter to scare you who would who wouldn't dislike clay no i love everyone very much and everyone loves glee very much [Music] so too it's not a prank yet no one knows where these islands are oh this is getting more and more confusing is there anybody else more knowledgeable that we could ask we should ask lisa about this kind of thing she's at the library every day and has probably read every book in monster right all right guess how many times lisa is going to say the word cutie in her dialogue lisa oh well if it isn't cutie pottymon and clay what brings you to the library all of a sudden let me get this straight to determine if klee is worthy of becoming dodico's family the ruler of the dodo clan dodo king wrote a letter to klee summoning her to this golden apple archipelago to be judged that's a mouthful and you cuties sought me out to help cleve find the location of this golden apple archipelago correct yup you're one of the smartest people in the monsted too so how sweet of you to say then i have no choice but to assist you in earnest the letter contains faint elemental traces that seem more like a hint than anything else maybe try using your elemental site did you find anything something appeared on the back of the letter most of the content on the reverse page was applied via elemental power what an interesting approach here's a pen cutie can i trouble you to copy down what you see with your elemental site done oh a ton of small islands floating by themselves in the water without being anchored to any land it's almost like they popped up from the seabed i've read every single book within this library's walls similar islands have been mentioned in some of them a mysterious archipelago enveloped by storms and dense fog belonging to no nation that which is outside cannot enter nor can anything inside leave only those who are chosen may enter its territory do you really want to go to those islands it might be a very scary place uh i'm sure she would yes i want to go my how brave far be it for me to scare a child but clay you really should take someone with you just in case someone reliable like my cutie over here okay clee you're not scared i'm scared but not being able to be donako's family is even scarier i'll need to ask for some time off so i can go to the golden apple archipelago and find dodo king time off that's right i'm a knight of femonius master jean told me that if clean wants to go someplace far then she has to ask for time off what is this a child has to ask for vacation time does she have a limited amount of vacation days too you're gonna ask for time off now we still don't even know where these islands are cutie judging by the look on your face you have an idea don't you well i have some impressive friends in monstat hey jade where's the golden apple archipelago master gene i want to ask for some time off because i want to go somewhere clee oh and it's the honorary night in paimon as well it's been a while everyone how have you been i'm good baba's also here how rare did we interrupt a sisterly moment um oh uh of course not cle why are you requesting time off all of a sudden clee is going to the golden apple archipelago to meet the dodo king or else or else he'll take dodoko away dodo king take dodoco away he doesn't think that clee is worthy of being part of todoku's family i've never heard of the golden apple archipelago where is it i've also never heard of it me either but miss lisa said that someone must know so it's a place that even lisa doesn't know yeah but i've got a hunch i see from what you say it seems to be quite a mysterious place i sincerely apologize but i cannot approve knight clee's request for time off what but why i must go even if these mysterious islands do exist we cannot determine if they are safe or not i cannot allow you to journey into a potentially dangerous place moreover how do you intend to reach the islands without a safe and reliable plan drawn up i'm afraid i cannot give you my approval oh well yeah she's got a point there honorary knife is barbara winking at me outside okay can you think of a way to get to the islands uh venti might know [Music] how about this i'll try to persuade master gene you all know she's a serious person so i think it might take some time clee trust me okay i'll do everything i can to help you okay i can wait wonderful tomorrow afternoon let's all meet at the plaza outside the cathedral i'm sure i'll have some good news just leave it to me barbara and lisa have both spoken to me and there's something that i've realized regardless if i approve it or not clee will go where she wants to anyway this is how it has always been yeah she'll probably just run off by yourself nightclee your request for leave has been approved wow i'm so excited in exchange i will be accompanying everyone to this letter's golden apple archipelago as for the knights affairs i have entrusted them to kaya work has been busy and i shouldn't leave but i wouldn't be able to stop worrying about clee so please allow me to travel with you all right there won't be any problems if master dean comes with us big sis i mean master gene also suggested that i come along barbados forbid but i can assist if someone needs medical treatment during our journey uh-huh she'll just sing us back to better health it's barbara master gene you two are so nice i promise i'll be hey yeah you better clee you always say that i hope you will abide by your words this time lisa heard that i wanted to accompany everyone to the islands so she prepared this pouch supposedly opening it will reveal a new way really new way you mean a way to keep clea out of trouble she said not to open it until we've reached the islands i think it might be something to use in case of an emergency ah as expected of miss lisa she's been thinking of us this whole time bettay bente called the volley we're going on a vacation oh yes that place congratulations you found the right person wow wow you really do know so now they're called the golden apple archipelago huh they used to be known as the har islands they're located on a stretch of sea that's particularly difficult for the average person to reach not to mention the area has strong storms and thick fog year-round ships can hardly approach the island let alone dock no why do you guys wish to go there uh i'm going there to meet dodo king he said he wants to test clee to see if she's qualified to beat the little girl's family just realizing how ridiculous this reason is are you nervous a little but i will not give in master tone deaf bard you must help us you're a bad influence is this pymon's fault yes fear not since you wish it so master tone deaf bard will lend a helping hand [Music] what a beautiful sound huh is the wind picking up oh wait just a moment he'll be here soon oh oh wait he's actually calling for the ball [Music] [Laughter] this is a secret between us here so don't tell anyone else one of the four wins oh my dear poet you have my utmost gratitude for the aid you have provided us what wonderful expressions you all have i'll see you off here may the winds bless your travels this is as far as i go it would be cumbersome for me to proceed further um please exercise caution this is a place even devon doesn't want to go to [Music] oh we're here we finally made it that was my first time riding on a dragon's back my heart won't stop pounding master gene just who is that bart well uh uh he's a legendary bard of exceptional musical talent who can use his liar to call forth all manner of creatures yeah he's a disney character traveler what else does the letter say wicked girl aflame i am of the dodo clan as its overlord in the name of dodo king you are not qualified to become dodoko's new family unless unless you bring dodoco to the golden apple archipelago like the four beacons and knock upon the trial escape to accept your challenge there's already one lit device here it appears that we need to find the other three and light them up as well huh what's that oh no it looks like something's down there let's take a closer look echoing conch but the general's a good guy he protects us i've told you it's too dangerous hey where are you running off to uh a boat hmm it looks as if someone has been awaiting our arrival are we really supposed to sail in such terrible weather well we'll find out i'm afraid that appears to be the intention everyone everything about these islands is a mystery regardless of what lies ahead please proceed with utmost caution i [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] the fog's gone oh it's actually pretty scenic here the weather's so nice i know we can't afford to drop our guard oh but i can't help but enjoy the summer i want to catch fish clee this isn't monstat please be careful there's no limit here this may not sound fair to clee but my primary duty is to protect everyone finding this overlord is secondary also the sudden appearance of this letter these islands that are inaccessible by ordinary people it's too much of a coincidence why would this sort of invitation be sent to a child yeah it's truly unbelievable i also mustn't be careless well what are we all waiting for let's start exploring the area [Music] the weather is so nice still feels like pyron streaming [Music] oh good morning what's with everyone's clothes it's the summer outfits look so how do we look we changed into summer clothes although we didn't come here to have fun we don't want to miss out on a beautiful summer day by the sea this doesn't look weird does it you look great such light and summery clothing definitely doesn't suit me uh pardon me you look marvelous really thank you traveler it's surprising that master gene would specially pack summer clothes oh no my big sister would never pack these herself lisa and i picked them out for her blurting out big sister and not even realizing it barbara's drunk on summer already i thought lisa's pouch was to be used for an emergency i didn't expect it to contain a set of summer clothing everyone come over here see there's something weird floating on the water huh that narrow device it seems to be a buoy but we didn't see anything when we arrived here yesterday dodo king must have put them there oh boy well since he hasn't revealed himself to us does that mean he's changed his mind or maybe maybe these buoys are a clue and he's waiting for me to find him probably so could that be why these buoys have suddenly appeared let's take a closer look and find out uh uh summer clothes they're uh they were a surprise that lisa prepared for me my guess is that it was originally barbara's suggestion however i'm not used to this style of clothing huh i hope wearing this doesn't look too odd you look good how do i look not bad right i wanted to surprise everyone so i specifically chose an outfit complementing an island atmosphere oh but please don't worry even if i'm wearing summer clothes i'm still just as reliable in battle i need to bring jumpy dumpty's dodoco and myself about summer i like summer but not just summer i also like fall oh yes and i also like spring and winter even though winter is very cold i have jumpy dumpty whenever i feel cold i blow something up oh is the shaking getting stronger all right back to shore oh the sound [Music] how did we cause an earthquake with this [Music] oh it grew what's happening [Music] what's going on here this part of the ocean is way too mysterious we made everything grow this whole stretch of land just rose out of the water though the kingdom king i'm gonna catch you [Laughter] before the ground started shaking i heard the sound of machinery i believe there may be an immense mechanical structure under this region of the ocean it's incredible no matter how you think of it using a letter to draw us here and these challenges involving various mechanisms the so-called dodo king is no amateur i agree oh there goes the holiday mood i found him wait what he's over there on that island gotcha you wanted clee to come find you so here clee comes jumpy dumpties get ready let's go oh no everyone please be careful that's a giant mask dr king i see you you can uh uh arbitrate right you can arbitrate clean uh what is this kid saying she obviously doesn't understand what that word means hey dolo king why are you ignoring me is it because i took too long and made you angry then i'm sorry i'm not sure that's dodo king clay no response it must be damaged oh do you recognize it no i can only guess it looks completely out of place on this island look at its clothes huh it appears like it came from innozuma inazuma oh no toto king isn't moving anymore she thinks it's dead no clee maybe dodo king is tired right right the dodo king is probably asleep he was waiting so patiently for you and then let's go with clee to play elsewhere and come back once dodo king wakes up no i get it now this isn't toto king the real daughter king is somewhere else uh-huh huh is that right i won't give up donald king just wait we'll find you ah she's got a lot of spirit she's got that kid energy she can literally go for all day and then as soon as she hits the bed look at these stacked up stones and small flowers it feels like a memorial for someone could the memorial be for the machine perhaps it once performed some deed that merited a memorial i think so everything we've seen here indicates that there was once a human presence in these waters still there isn't enough for us to infer what kind of civilization it was and up to now we still have yet to see any people or gravestones yeah master gene can i go over there and have a look yes but be careful okay clee is too young to have a proper sense of danger traveler the rest of us must stay alert to the situation miss barbara do you think that dodo king doesn't want a secret why would the dodo king not want to see you clee dodoco loves me and and i love todoko so todo king can never separate us that's why dodo king doesn't want to see us queen doesn't want him to separate us [Music] hey clee do you know what this is oh it's a hard fast dome i heard my big s master gene say that clee always wanted to play our pastor right yeah clay was just thinking about ludi har passed down i made this harpastum especially for you now every day can be ludicrous yay oh that's cute so keep your chin up clee after we meet dodo king we can all help you convince him to let you and dodo cos stay together this is so sweet okay honorary night honorary night she changed back into her clothes good morning traveler oh everybody did well this is a complex and evolving situation so we should be ready for any eventuality for security reasons we changed back into more combat ready attire ah that makes sense we didn't want to wake you but i noticed some white smoke coming from one of the other islands i think it'd be best if we went and investigated it together was that a campfire well they used to why are the brothers here oh my goodness what the heck are they doing here it's kion the weird grown-up so it was dodo king that invited you to these islands what a coincidence what do you mean i'll get to that but first i want to enjoy some more of this island sunshine master d luke might actually get a tan you say you pale but as you know a boat wouldn't have made it over we had no choice but to use the same method of transport you did oh they rode on to vollen you mean divalent carried you here too you seem surprised dragon flights are a fairly conspicuous affair eye-catching one could say wait so everyone found out that i it would seem that people noticed a dragon but not necessarily the cargo still words spread quickly that a dragon was in town uh-oh oh thank goodness who knew that everyone's favorite bard had the power to summon dragons i i assume you two traveled here together you assume the acting grand masters jokes have improved of late do we seem like fitting travel companions to you there were actually two others that arrived with us on the island they wandered off for various reasons various reasons let's just say that big egos aren't conducive to team cohesion you mean they abandoned you an incisive observation so who were the two others albedo and razer of course wait kaya if you're here who is overseeing the knights of fevonius the mighty librarian lisa of course not to worry in some ways she's stricter than either of us any evil doers in monstat need to watch out for the next several days but what about the paperwork thankfully lisa's there we arrived by dragon but as soon as we entered the island's vicinity something caught razor's eye he jumped straight off of the dragon's back and vanished into the ocean we worried that he'd be in danger so we also leapt off the dragon and glided onto this island but as you can see this is but a deserted land based on previous experience i decided that it would be best to wait for contact well d luke believed that razer wouldn't return to find us during our little dispute albedo quietly disappeared on us yeah uh must have found something he's more interested in albedo is an alchemist and skilled at his craft if i could use those beautiful artificial flowers of his it would be a simple affair to traverse these islands what do you mean you have your ice powers he says this like we haven't been using him to bridge across the seas this entire time for some reason i remember that our initial landing zone was the island over there with the higher mountains only at your insistence did we change course and land here oh my but your footsteps melted the water that i took such effort to freeze who made cryo and pyro so incompatible i still can't tell if you guys are really close or hate each other's guts albedo why did you come here i received a letter on the way over the four of us shared what we knew a mysterious letter appeared outside each of our doors the dodo king is inviting literally everybody they were all signed dodo king yeah anyone else find it hard not to crack a smile when master d luke says dodo king you're right my letter was very simple i have clay if you wish to see her come to the golden apple archipelago oh my letter was similarly straightforward among the deserted islands you will find a sunken pirate ship within lies great treasure and long-lost antique vases of incredible rarity it would appear that someone came to learn of the circumstances surrounding the eye patch that my grandfather left me classic kaya does anyone have a clue what he's talking about no anyway so what's your story dee luke there is an abyss order stronghold among the deserted islands make haste so the dodo king knows everything about these people and knows exactly what to say to blackmail them didn't razer get a letter too he did though he couldn't read it a certain kind-hearted cat-eared gentleman that he encountered on the way over was able to relay the contents to him the red bernie girl has gone to the islands she needs help look over there razor everyone i am here razor are you okay are you hurt do you need healing no need okay no i smelled something this give to you clear smell same as letter razer did mention that his letter had a peculiar smell this thing put inside metal person same here you want me to do it yes i don't understand how traveler is clever razor trust oh okay well wait did did it move moving it's moving hey uh what's going on buddy uh he's not very friendly so it seems like he can block my geo attacks sometimes his face acts as a shield it's not that hard of a fight but then again usually after the story quest is when the bosses end up being hard and he's dead finally that dude dropped chaos emeralds how could such a massive piece of offensive weaponry have found its way here it seems the answer to that question disappeared with the people that used to inhabit this archipelago these deserted islands bear signs of human activity i would go so far as to infer that this archipelago once held a human population they were most likely visitors from elsewhere not indigenous to the islands they may have spent a long time here before finding a way to return home as for the crystals hmm they've been manufactured from a particularly rare type of war transparent transparent we found a pile of stones and small flowers nearby do you think there's any connection that sounds like someone wanted to commemorate the machine perhaps someone who was truly grateful only people that had benefited directly from the machine would leave a memorial like this what is this camera angle look another letter it must be dotto king what is camera angle again what mysterious dodo king mysterious dodo king he sleeps alone on the southwesterly isle the bad child made him wait too long the days grow dark the stars arising greedy spirit greedy spirit you made the moon run a ring keys of three colors guarded by a strange fish the secret lies here do you dare to proceed alright so i'm guessing the keys of three colors are the crystals more cryptic riddles what could it mean does it have anything to do with those crystals and also southwesterly isle now which island would that be i'd say it's about time we went and investigated instead of standing here making wild guesses we've looked all over these islands but there's nothing interesting here there is two the island over there is really weird ether can you get out the way clee did you go off by yourself without authorization again oh she snitched on herself oh sorry i just wanted to go for a walk plea next time you want to go anywhere please tell me first okay we'll go together how does that sound i thought master gene is always busy with other things you really mean it i mean there's nothing to do here of course yay okay oh where does she get the energy if pyman didn't know better prima would think that gene was clay's mother huh huh is this a shield hmm it doesn't look very solid though i'm gonna pop it big shield big shield clean nose you're in there she's definitely gonna try and touch it an energy shield needs an energy source if we can find the connected devices to the source we should be able to destroy it let's all look for any potential devices in the vicinity ready don't run this does look like it could have something to do with the shield three devices in total and look the light converges in one place albedo are we able to deactivate the shield from here these slide emitting devices each have a small frame in front of them looking at the shape here it seems like something is supposed to be fixed in place an oblong circle fan shaped i suppose hmm what could it be we're by the ocean this shape is a seashell perhaps but all the shells we've seen were either bigger or smaller than this shape if it's not a shell then it's got to be a fish scale a fish scale whatever it is we'd be placing it into the frames in front of the light emitting device which means it would have to be transparent right would you look at that the light being emitted is white but the installations themselves each have their own color red blue and yellow it looks like these three crystals might be the answer to this whole riddle give precious things to the greedy spirit in the sea huh is that what we have to do if my understanding is correct honorary knight i suggest that you place the crystals in the sea i i believe that this greedy spirit is most likely an ocean dwelling fish if the crystals do attract it to us then we're a step closer to obtaining our fish scales so that's the plan why don't we just yay the crystals at it that should do it right but where are the fish they died greedy spirit greedy spirit you made the moon run a ring the days grow dark the stars are rising so [Music] maybe this type of fish only comes out after dark or to put it another way we're going to be here all night get used to it d look catch fish eat yeah yeah let's go fish oh hey hold on clee just let her have this moment please will master gene come too jean said if clee wants to go anywhere she must tell gene and then we can go together right yes i did say that come on gene all right then time to go fish blasting with clee yeah this is a deserted island so explosions shouldn't trouble anyone it's just a bit of relaxation right yeah find some fish find some fish let's go there mini fish gonna get there first is it time for a break already fantastic i was just thinking about taking a stroll meaning you're off on another pirate treasure hunt who knows these are big islands they're bound to be more than a few secrets hidden away most likely luke aren't you interested in pirate treasure no i just want to get out off of this island and go home hardly i'm more interested in peace and quiet ah hi amuse yourselves however you see fit i'm taking my leaf at least salvatore's able to sit and enjoy the albedo albedo said that he wanted to spend some time alone painting geez what's up with everyone seems like we're all overdue for a vacation yeah well i'm pretty sure everyone here works like 24 7. so traveler make sure you take a little time to enjoy yourself too thank you gene no matter what is waiting for us down the line i will protect everyone especially clee this is my duty as the acting grand master of the knights of havonius that's gene for you always reliable you're a very hard-working person i hope you can get some proper rest here traveler thank you it is nice of you to say so anyway i hope we can all find moments of peace and happiness on this beach tell me about dodo king that big meanie must be a bad guy mr honorary knight must be careful even though i haven't seen him yet i will definitely protect dodoco i won't let dodoko be taken away even if he's thought of cause that goes uh grandpa brother or whatever you know i think i've come to realize that i'm lacking a certain fun side oh really traveler i want to ask you something sure do you think that i'm too serious uh uh how do i answer this i guess that's why everyone wants me to get more rest and relaxation apologies no that's what makes gene so sweet though huh i never thought that anyone would consider my personality as sweet thank you for your constant kind words and comfort traveler oh you've arrived at a most opportune time honorary night clee just invited me to catch lizards with her care to join why'd you come to the island let me guess you're thinking something along the lines of kaia seized an opportunity to shirk his duties no but not as you say it yeah now i think so too you see not only is the acting grand master here but the former fiery cavalry captain as well uh-huh naturally wait i had to see it for myself also it seems like i ought to appreciate the splendid scenery and enjoy every second of summer hmm i just thought of something wouldn't it be great if we could age and reverse to be a child again and free yourself from the strife of the adult world wow and that depends if your brain stays the same and you keep all your memories at the same time to be like clee unrestrained and free to do whatever you want why was he so angry do you not also yearn for such a thing i guess about what happened today what's the matter d luke's scowl still bothering you he's had that expression on his face for years now he internalizes a lot of his feelings so i'm afraid his face is stuck like that just treat him like a big kid in my opinion it would be a good thing if people could stay young forever what is that you ask would i do such a thing i wasn't jibeing him the scenery here is not bad walking on the shore at night almost makes you feel like you're on a vacation could this be a ploy to lower our guard me my affairs are hardly worth discussion rather i'm more concerned about your situation mine wait what how is it getting used to island life it's not bad if you need help come find me anytime and if you find any clues contact me at once okay speaking of which clee just asked me to help her catch fish come with me if you want to these too manly to do all that kitty stuff with clee and has for kaya he seems to be in high spirits even after all these years he still enjoys summer as much as he did as a kid scent is very strong in the sky can smell so i came down this place is salty there are also leaves grass fruit your scent smells nice thank you okay tell me about yourself oh me well i i actually i uh you want to know the truth sure i only came to the islands out of concern for everyone's safety although i admit that i didn't want to miss out on traveling together with all of you either you don't have to be embarrassed to say that i oh i hope you won't laugh at me well after all a deaconess shouldn't concern yourself with matters of fun and games uh i wouldn't dare then i'm glad today's events didn't feel that out of the ordinary sorry do you mean when i left by myself that was a personal choice don't stress over it sometimes i like to be alone communicating with others can be a taxing affair but if i were to choose someone to talk to i would pick you your intelligence and i like to talk to intelligent people monday night over here how are the fish as we suspected they were drawn to the crystal fish be like shiny catchy fish no no to keep clee from blowing up the fish to pieces perhaps it'd be better to let us catch the fish girl we're experts at collecting all manner of wildlife yeah i've got a ton of fish in my inventory totally not from buying them or anything mr honorary knight are you gonna place the fish scales yup too bad i can't reach that high then i'll help you out but actually i don't really understand this part oh it's okay neither do i don't worry i'm gonna finally see you though the king time to see what you really look like watch it literally just be nothing i must say clee's incredibly excited you can do it mr honorary knight i'm cheering for you clay is the most adorable character in this game by the way no competition yellow we finished placing the scales yay amazing it's my turn now right yep yep we'll leave that mechanism over there to you quee what's wrong i i'm worried what if dodo king really is in here and what if he doesn't allow me to become dodoko's family or if i lose to him oh it's okay it's okay and then doloco can't be with me and mom will be very sad too dodoko is my bestest friend that mom ever gave me i i'm too scared to press it mr honorary knight can you press the button for me clay i can't help you press it why because i have to hold my weapon this way i can protect you yes we're all here for you don't worry clee we've all got your back no matter who the enemy is as long as we're here you don't have to be afraid perfect i also want to see how strong the enemies on this island really are go i'm here yes guys don't say things like that what if dodo king just wants to invite clay to his house to chat or yes maybe he already approves of clay of course barbara's the pacifist here will he really approve of me why wouldn't he you've always tried your best and have done a good job really he will approve you i know it all right leave this to me press press press the button [Music] hmm huh this is wait i must be confused what is this it just looks like a beach resort this entire island is like a massive gift box hidden beneath the energy shield there seems to be something over there shall we take a look yes i want to look wicked girl of flame you have finally arrived i've waited far too long how very boring whose voice is that you dare face me the overlord of the dodo clan dodo king such glorious courage though such courage is admirable but it is now meaningless because because dodo king is me your mother alice okay so it was alice this whole time all right only she would do something like this huh mom alice the person who wrote the tibet travel guide clee and her fellow islanders hey there so how did you like it here was it fun summer skies and the ocean surf quite the vacation no yeah i'll agree there's no use looking for me i'm not actually near you the speaking device on the platform before you is none other than my personal creation the alice phonograph i'm using it to convey a mother's love so she created a phonograph you can't be serious hey i didn't scare you all off did i sorry mike lee loves playing with all sorts of small toys as her mother i naturally want to support her it's a bunch of dodoco's it's cute these toys aren't small at all what do you mean please mother it's a pity that i can't meet you but i'll be watching your every move from afar just as always uh that's a bit creepy that's probably how she was able to blackmail all of us you might find all of this a bit odd why would a mother so far from home expend so much effort to create such an aquatic wonderland ding ding that's correct i've personally been to those islands i absolutely adore the ancient ruins and unique landscape i prepared everything so you all could take part and enjoy the islands as well thanks but you could have really you could have just invited us regularly please mother also seems to have quite the free spirit are any of you saying bad things about me now don't tell her no is she listening to us no need to be so troubled glee's mother alice is an extremely enigmatic and near omnipotent sorceress don't be overly concerned this is just her character you must have been curious about what was behind those letters the boats the buoys the energy shields yeah actually i thought it was a lot of effort but this was the only way to invite everyone here am i right are we sure actually she might be right the islands are just full of stories the original inhabitants shipwrecks mystical machinery countless coincidences converge here it would have been such a waste if i didn't make these arrangements now let me guess everyone who received a letter should be present kaia d luke razor jean barbara and then there's the reliable and intelligent albedo and the mysterious traveler and his good companion paimon you were all invited by me to accompany clee thank you all for allowing my daughter to have a memorable summer everything on the islands is a gift for you all thanks for keeping my little company but when you hear this recording i'll already be traveling in other faraway lands damn so we don't get to see alice yet not yet it'll be another six months or maybe even more now everyone if you're trying to find some hidden meaning in all this i must tell you that the situation isn't as complicated as you may think oh really the reason why i like the city of monstat is that its freedom is exactly what my daughter and i could ever hope for oh my wish is simple i want clee to grow up with a curious yet kind heart as long as she so desires she can do anything and go anywhere well uh i think the only limit on that is not blowing up the fish in the lakes so that's it well i must admit that it certainly fits alice's style it must be nice to have a mom who's such a character yep mom is the bestest mom mom we caught fish santa boat went swimming and played a lot of things everyone's been super duper amazing and very kind to me yeah this will be a good memory for her next time you can come with us and we can all play here again it appears that mother and daughter are kindred spirits both wild and free ah summer speaking of summer when i went to those islands it also happened to be summer sitting on the beach listening to the waves roll against my feet i thought of you oh clee you are a child of summer a present to me from the sea and the wind mom is thankful for your birth and wanted to give you something this is so cute so mom dressed up these islands transformed the ancient ruins into a summer park and used the moniker of dodo king to invite you in another world there are tales of a wondrous island named after golden apples known by many names it embodies the majestic vistas conjured by human fantasy mom loves that story and wanted you to enjoy the wonderful things in it so mom gave you sapphire waters pearly sands a fantastical paradise for you and for those who love you so there were only three crystals light red like flower petals light blue like ocean waves light yellow like autumn leaves perhaps from alice's perspective this archipelago is the natural fourth crystal located in the middle of the sea and covered by plant life it truly is a lustrous and emerald summer crystal yeah clee just like mom you are of a race blessed with longevity for us time is like a gust of wind moments come and end oh oh yeah that's right isn't clay like an elf based on her ears i would guess that she's an elf so alice must be an elf too in such a long life parents are but a child's first connection even though we don't want to be separated there will come the day when you must walk your own path clee mom will always love you but there are also others by your side friends who accompany you teachers who educate you people who are willing to stay on an island for you despite knowing how unusual it is ah summer is for everyone no matter how life changes no matter how many things happen this year summer will never disappear just like the love between people true true she's speaking facts from now on regardless of wherever you go i hope you never forget how many people in this world love you this is very sweet oh yes be sure to listen to mr albedo at home mom will regularly return to see you too wait what actually whenever i have a moment to spare i sneak back to check on you and everyone else has no one noticed what and alice the same as ever you don't think albedo knew from the start do you he probably did honestly time's almost up so i'll stop here right right i spent a lot of effort on this place so you all must play your hearts out everyone my darling clee see you next time bye alice bye mom clay seems happy donut king was actually mom i don't know why but i'm very happy where'd the voice line go will you feel lonely without your mother nope mom is the most strongest mage so she can keep me company no matter where she is she never lets me feel lonely i love mom this much mr honorary knight do you love cli i like how there's no option to say no everybody should love clee nobody is allowed to dislike clay okay i also love you very much you have to play with me lots here or else mom will be disappointed yeah i still have a lot of jumpy dumpties and i brought donald here too i'll take you swimming and fish blasting yay it's always fun when we're with you clee hey come on let's not keep chloe waiting come on let's go so this was alice's handiwork all along the letter i received certainly makes a lot more sense now yeah she's quite a remarkable person you must meet her if you get the opportunity i'll try if i'm not in a whole nother country even if she does bring her fair share of trouble with her uh well then again i don't mind trouble when it's interesting huh did i ever guess what was going on you ask not a chance i'm much too naive i was in the dark the whole time i had no idea that any of this could have been alice's creation now that i know the truth there is a certain sweetness to the scenery all around us such a beautiful summer what could be a better gift honestly i don't know oh speaking of which i still have a promise to keep to clee those fish won't blast themselves traveler would you like to take part in a bit of innocent recreation hell yeah mommy is the bestest person in the whole wide world albedo knows she knows everyone i'm sure she knows mr honorary night yeah somehow she does even though she's never actually seen me before because mom can do anything when she comes back we have to go and find her she's a really good person mr honorary knight will definitely like her please don't look at me like that if we'd solve the riddle at the beginning then the game wouldn't have been much fun now what man i mean you're right but unless archipelago suits you and cle oh don't you think so summer islands ocean even if it is essentially just an ocean playground it's perfect for those on the move yeah you're right you could spend a wonderful summer here so it was her all along i might have known of course you did uh-huh i'm sure alice is the only one in all of monstat that could have pulled this off well her in that bard those letters were actually invitations i guess that makes us the guests to the party uh-huh very interesting invitations though which means that in her heart we're all a bunch of children i haven't been taken for a child in a long time i mean that babyface ain't helping you buddy i not understand but feels warm oh like like blanket soft warm oh this is mother feeling oh he also doesn't have a mom that's actually sad i forgot about that mother is also lupical oh very good oh it's amazing this whole island is actually a gift honorary night i i can't help but feel a little emotional of course it wasn't my gift but i just feel so moved by it all i mean it's a beautiful gift when people spend a long time together they become more important to each other a good reminder in fact many things have become clearer to me now such as what huh this is an extremely cute adventure i really like this from the music to being able to explore unknown lands again this place is just absolutely amazing it honestly makes me excited for what's in store with inazuma and i really do hope it's just as good if not better than this we'll see we will see [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: bwaap
Views: 1,508,077
Rating: 4.9805603 out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact 1.6, genshin 1.6, genshin impact 1.6 update, genshin impact golden apple archipelago, golden apple archipelago, genshin impact mysterious island, genshin impact klee, genshin impact jean, genshin impact barbara, bwaap, bwap, bwapp, genshin impact bwap, genshin impact bwapp, genshin impact bwaap, genshin bwaap, genshin impact game, genshin impact gameplay, klee, jean, barbara, genshin impact midsummer island adventure
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 57sec (3957 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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