Ayaka's quest made me feel emotional (Genshin Impact)

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can't you make an exception i just got this vision i won't even use it i promise what he's got a vision hold on so this is the vision hunt decree in action huh we can't just sit around and watch things unfold can we let's move out hey wait come on this way oh what's going on can't you see we need to go help shh quiet just sit tight and watch for a moment hey this isn't right you know just because you don't have a vision doesn't mean you can sit back and watch others in trouble huh hey wait you do have a vision yep if you don't keep your voice down i won't have one much longer all right all right here take it wise choice all right let's go that's just a random background character with the vision that's crazy this is your fault you're the one who stopped us from interfering hey paymon don't be mean many thanks miss yuemia if you hadn't swapped me a fake joke no i'm sure i would have lost it no worries you put on quite the convincing performance oh right allow me to introduce myself i'm joey mia the current owner of naganohara fireworks it ain't much but it's honest work great to meet you nice to meet you too your emilia thank you mohoyo for uemia thank you god bless mohoyo for showing me the way of the bow characters as for thanking me you'd be better off thinking master masukatsu he's the one that gave me the fake visions in the first place his handiwork allowed me to keep my own vision i can't even imagine trying to run the business without it huh i thought the ball wouldn't hide behind her was her earring huh do you guys know him too we're just on our way to rescue him you don't say then it sounds like the shirasaki himagini has a plan awesome i've been thinking about breaking him out too recently but if i just marched straight in there by myself i'd probably get miss kamisato in a whole heap of trouble [Music] so what about if i join you instead let's do it yes yes yes we gotta go bust the homie out don't worry we coming for [Music] a whole lot you than pymon imagined it looks kind of cool it looks like that one place from demon slayer we should split up i've got a little present to prepare for master masukatsu i'll be right back a little present i'm kind of scared oh by the way i know some people were concerned about me not using electro traveler do not worry i got you covered quick hide look over there that must be master masakatsu did you really think that little trick of yours could fool us locking you up was just the beginning dang they beating this man up hey you there what are you doing who is that wait a minute that's kujo sora what adopted daughter of the kuju clan of the tamriel commission she's also a general in the shogun's army what's she doing here at sarah why is she here i thought she was a good person remove all threats to eternity by order of the almighty shogun i'm sure you're well aware that torture is strictly against military regulations yes ma'am if you are unashamed of such disgraceful action then you are also unworthy of the tenrio commission itself do i make myself clear yes yes ma'am it won't happen again yeah hey this is our chance let's move while they aren't watching master masakatsu yumiya are you sure now's the right time who is that quick go and investigate sorry sorry i didn't mean to don't worry i've got us covered time for my little present oh god it's gonna be like a bomb [Music] what i knew it huh was that an explosion it sounded like fireworks quick let's hurry huh the fireworks were enough to distract them maybe more than enough i was particularly proud of this match i decided to oh my god this is turning into a bit of a fireworks display well fireworks are my craft after all every batch has to be spectacular [Laughter] my goodness they were messing you up is that you master masakatsu sorry we took so long oh those awful guards come on we've got no time to lose they could be back any minute oh god oh you were over there watching us the whole time weren't you yes leave before i let my judgment get the better of me oh she's letting us go he's in serious condition be sure he gets immediate medical attention but remember once he's recovered it won't be long until i bring him right back uh well you can bet we'll do all we can to keep that from happening so we're just not going to question her going against the vision hunt decree so kujo sara stayed her hand it would appear she still has some honor to her i wonder if we should try establishing contact with her perhaps we could coax out some information don't forget cujo sara is also carrying out the vision hunt decree she obeys the orders of the ryden shogun without question in her eyes master masakatsu was of no threat to the decree this is why she was so willing to allow his escape if our true motives were ever divulged she would act against us without a second thought yeah true though if you ask me master masakatsu's release is an unexpected blessing okay unrelated but if people are wondering why i don't turn on bloom it's because scenes like this literally burn my eyes when i look at it it's so bright we are now one step closer to victory and we couldn't have done it without yoy mia and the traveler you're turning out to be even more reliable than we expected thanks man don't mention it you didn't do anything fine on i'd say a celebratory feast is an order might i suggest an evening of hot pot together ooh nice funny enough i learned a new hot pot game recently i'm sure you'll find it quite amusing every person prepares an ingredient to add to the hot pot once the meal begins we add all the ingredients together then we take it in turns to close our eyes pick an ingredient out of the pot taste it and guess whose ingredient it was anyone who guesses correctly can go again and whoever finishes the meal with the most points is declared the winner tradition even has it that the winner receives blessings from the god of hot pot the god of hot pot they've got a god for everything i want to be team daredevil that sounds more fun we're gonna put everything spicy in there oh hyman proposes we gather raging demon level joy young chilis missed flower okay oh my stomach it feels like yo mia's fireworks are going off inside me salt crusted herring unripe lavender melon flash boiled dongo oh and whatever that thing was that nearly froze my tongue off i know we actually gave him the mist flower are you for real hold up my life is starting to flash before my eyes that's why i call it a night everyone you've only got yourself to blame toma all those strange things you ate were ingredients you added yourself but weren't you the one who added those little cakes ayaka i think the traveler ended up eating one oiling cakes and hot pot ew think of the texture ew oh oh i'm definitely not okay i need to lighten it oh god i feel like a new man you know thomas all you had to do was guess wrong on purpose and it would have been someone else's turn talk about being competitive i hereby declare that the winner of today's hot pot challenge is me i'll get you next time wait we still got a bunch of hot pot over there wait i just noticed let's all take some much-needed time off after a few days rest we'll reconvene at the komori tea house and discuss our next operation i'll tidy things up here and start thinking about our ingredients for next round [Laughter] what do you want to die next time have you met someone who smells like me uh wolf traveler paimon hold on something has come up and i would like to request your assistance okay but you ought not be nervous this is not coming from the yashiro commission or the kamesato clan it is my own individual request it concerns my mother oh no oh i didn't sign up to cry though a few days ago i was sorting through some old family belongings when i found a notebook that belonged to my mother she wrote about all kinds of things mostly of little consequence but what drew my attention was a name according to the notebook their name is tsubaki this seems to have been someone very important to my mother someone with a lot of personality who like to have fun her address is given in the notebook we can head straight there i wanted you to assist me with the preparation of greeting gifts oh okay please keep everything i have told you in strict confidence ogre textiles and kimonos is our first stop welcome i have all the latest styles please take a look i like your hair i have a design here for a garment would you be so kind as to take a look she came in with the customs i'm honored that you'd choose ogre textiles and kimonos for your tailoring needs however there is one rather difficult problem oh no based on the design this kind of kimono would require silk made from the silk flower the majority of inazuma's silk is imported from liu harbor but given the current climate don't worry about that i got plenty if even oh girl textiles and kimonos can't get a hold of high-grade fabric where would we buy it from you could try the international trade association they are a little better connected than we are after all the association brings together merchants from all over the world it looks like that will be our next stop in the meantime i have one other very small request could you the girl the girl talk is she gonna wear the kimono i'm gonna make sure this is the best made kimono of all time it's embarrassing to admit but some of the association's goods have been stolen by vagrants oh it was a batch of high grade silk how convenient the vagrants swiped the whole batch then disappeared into the woods and reported to the authorities but well as you know they don't think much of foreign merchants like us i am afraid i can't intervene in an official capacity but i can still help you get your lost goods back of course i would never wait what oh everyone please follow me to the scene of the crime the investigation starts there are we sure we want to go up against those dudes you think you can get your stuff back with this bunch you must be dreaming why you you better hope you have the courage of your convictions why wouldn't i old man answer me this you're one of those outlander merchants right you trade association types are worms coming over to our land leeching off our people who's gonna leap to your defense huh tell me who's gonna stick their neck out for the likes of you him [Laughter] look at that no response you know i'm right damn they coming for this man's neck pay up and you can take your fabric back sound good if you ask me it beats walking out of here with black eyes and a broken nose oh you're just a big bully what choice do i have mr kurisu please do not pay any money to this man but but i trust you remember our agreement if you keep your lips firmly sealed i too shall uphold my end of the deal uh-huh oh yes of course then please stand well back where it is now it is time for me to honor my word oh jesus that was cool well that's resolved then yeah they all kind of just uh froze and shattered to death thank you i i don't think i could ever repay you you have helped me greatly and i will never forget it i'm uh i'm afraid we must part ways i must get these goods back to the association very well and thank you for the silk mr kurisu see you then bye safe journey home don't go getting robbed again but how come those vagrants didn't seem to know who you were they must move in completely different circles maybe they've never seen anyone from the kamisato clan before perhaps either way i'm glad they didn't recognize me the fewer people who know what happened today the better oh i guarantee you they probably still recognized you i admit that it did feel strange for me to come to his aid but this should have nothing to do with identity or social class as far as i'm concerned it was one individual helping another in need i guess that deep down i don't see how a society can be considered just when people encounter such obstacles in their livelihoods live in a society excellent news so apart from the silk i think everything else i need i've got in store already uh i just need to go and take stock of our materials it won't take me a moment i'll be right back they better all be there traveler on the subject of garments i've been meaning to acquire a new outfit for you too for me it's just i wasn't sure how you'd feel about the idea of dressing in a zoom in attire it's a it's a kind thought but i'm fine with my current outfit uh-uh no i want to see ether in a very nice kimono or whatever outfit she has planned for us oh are you sure these clothes are special to me impressive so travelers of your stature hold themselves to a dress code as well as a code of conduct hmm more like when you're away from home you've gotta live by certain rules to survive whether you like it or not i guess but taima would still love to check out some inna zuma outfits do they have piemon sizes here also known as kid sizes just what is that supposed to mean they make them in whatever size the customer asks for how do people in other nations dress uh they dress very stylishly if you look at every single character against an impact and don't tell me that they all look very stylish you're kind of capping when clothing becomes part of the expression of one's personality even an extension of one's body that is quite a wonderful thing piemon you're so adorable that you could wear anything and it would look lovely on you oh wow i just got a compliment well luckily we don't have any other urgents at the moment so i can begin work right away it will still take me some time though so please come and collect it later until then i'm sure you'll find somewhere nearby to pass the time let's go out for dinner or something for our next stop i'd like to take a full meal i knew it oh miss county sato perfect timing your booking was for well right now we'll be sticking to the order i placed in advance as for the other matter we discussed thank you for your help excellent no problem and everything you asked for is ready and waiting traveler tiny customer please wait here for a moment while i prepare your food tiny customer there is something i need to take care of but i'll be back momentarily is it a fight you need some backup it's nothing of that sort okay so you two are miss kami satya's friends yeah her table booking surprised me not least because it was a group reservation this is the first time i've ever heard of miss kamisato going out for dinner with friends really wait don't tell me she's got no friends oh guess that makes us pretty important people huh i guess sure does and i'm probably crossing the line here but i'm just telling you what others have told me apparently miss comisato doesn't have a lot of friends oh that actually kind of surprises me nobody in the neighborhood has a bad word to say about her they all say she's beautiful elegant graceful not to mention that she belongs to one of the most illustrious clans in the land in short they see her as a model young lady but that's just it people look at her and they see a model of perfection and they don't feel like that's something they can relate to so the majority of kids from our ordinary families don't even try to talk to her men so you see on paper she sounds like a girl everyone would want to get to know but in practice she finds it difficult to make friends no we don't speak all that much but we do go quite a way back i've always admired her for taking on so many responsibilities at such a young age so it makes me really happy to see her here with friends today man that kind of action makes me sad anyway relax enjoy your meal and please talk to her as much as possible i know she'll appreciate it i'll try consider it a favor for the whole neighborhood look after her for us what was that sound what huh that sounded like ayaka are you good i'm so sorry traveler what's going on could you join me over there for a minute uh um i need your help with something okay i'm sorry i didn't want to drag you away all of a sudden i um just had a cooking catastrophe oh my god don't tell me oh so that loud noise we heard came from the cooking pot oh god she sucks at cooking doesn't she actually i wanted to cook something as a gift for tsubaki uh-huh my mother mentioned in her notebook that tsubaki enjoys food from all over the world so i thought if i'm going to meet tsubaki perhaps a dish from overseas would make a fitting gift this looks like a job for me can i leave you to finish this task then just as a personal favor is that okay i'll be indebted to you it's my time to shine call me mr worldwide but what kind of overseas dish would make a suitable gift it needs to survive a journey from the kitchen to the recipient's doorstep oh hi my nose there's one dish out there that was practically created for this purpose pizza pizza she's never heard of pizza no way hey yo the pizza here it smells delicious you're an excellent cook traveler thank you i would love to be able to master dishes from all over the world oh it smells good i bet it tastes amazing oh now i really want to put something like this on our menu want us to teach you how to make it really that's great i've always wanted to learn how to cook some international dishes if you can write down a recipe for me i'll add it to our menu and put a promotion where everyone will see it you could have sold that recipe for a high price but you selflessly gave it away for free yeah why not it's just pizza you're a wonderful person oh i mean it i admire you a lot and i'm so proud to be friends with someone of such fine character thank you um when i was attempting to cook earlier on did you chat with the owner at all and did she uh say anything about me no she did but don't worry she's just happy for you as all oh that oh no that yeah never mind yet she did she's happy for me oh then she must have told you did she um ah what does it matter i know just as well as anybody else that i've got no friends hey it's not you most people just haven't had the chance to talk to you one-on-one before yeah thank you for your comforting words paimon it's all true though i just don't have very many friends most of the time i'm either accompanied by family or staff so everyone must have found it quite a surprise to see me taking you out for a meal don't be silly come on now exactly you've got at least two friends right here oh thank you that makes me so happy um excuse me i'm forgetting myself hey now expressing your feelings is the right thing to do yeah keeping them locked away inside isn't gonna do you any good now is it speaking facts i agree so i just want to say how happy i feel that you both see me as a true friend um while we're on the topic though who is this tsubaki person anyway i think that tsubaki might be a fox envoy a question mark even i my mother's own daughter had never even heard of this friend before it just seems so mysterious so i think it must be someone with transcendent abilities who doesn't show themselves very often sorry they like the adept eye and fox envoys are nothing new stories have been told about them in inazuma since ancient times you must have met kooji yaya before well she's a fox envoy oh lady yai so inazuma also has supernatural beings when you say also oh they don't know well before inazuma we spent some time in leela they have lots of supernatural beings there like the adept guy so li lives up to its reputation its culture has a long history and gives rise to the most beautiful legends quite captivating you should come visit leo with us sometime the best part is they have loads and loads of delicious delicacies if you can handle the spice though really i would love that if you're not weak let's collect the kimono then we can pay a visit to my mother's mysterious and transcendent friend your garment is ready miss camisato i folded and packaged it for you oh and the other item we discussed that's ready too traveler i have a gift for you oh really is that what you ordered it's a hairpin in the style of a white heron as well as a hair accessory you can also use it as an ornament oh can we wear it can we actually put it on ourselves i couldn't ask for your help enough for nothing at all in return so this is my gift to you it's a beautiful gift thank you very much i'm glad you like it all right well now we've got what we came for we can set off time to go meet tsubaki one four it seems to be another notebook let's step back outside now the atmosphere here is different than i'd imagined somehow it makes me a little reluctant to open the notebook hyman knows what you mean reading in low lighting is really bad for your eyes public psa by pymon oh no that's not a that is not a happy expression traveler paimon sorry to keep you waiting so long i think i have to share the truth of this notebook with you both even though the contents are completely different than what i was expecting you mean it wasn't a fox envoy who wrote this not a fox envoy no it turns out that tsubaki's real identity is my mother herself what wait tsubaki and i are the same person and yet we are different when i become tsubaki i stop being kami sato kayo and become the most ordinary woman in the world this notebook is for the most part a collection of my mother's musings both private and trivial all of the things we thought were about tsubaki where in fact about my mother herself so that means that the kimono design and the international dishes are things that my mother wished to try yes that makes this way more sad i was at a loss for words when i started reading the contents of the notebook it almost felt like like someone had looked inside my mind examined my thoughts and then written them all down on paper from the moment my mother married my father she became the mother of the kamisato household and with that came all sorts of duties at the same time the prestige of the yoshiro commission brought its own share of responsibility on top of that every action she ever took was seen as representing the kamisato clan people were always watching her [Music] under such circumstances she never had much time to do the things she really wanted to do bro this is heavy after my father passed away ayato and i took over responsibility for the affairs of the clan we ran into all sorts of difficulties during that time i'm not sure if people outside the clan could ever imagine what it was like every time i found myself up against a difficult issue i'd ask myself did my mother go through this too what would she have done in this situation all that was left of her in my mind was the sight of her that inspired awe and commanded respect but my image of her was incorrect when i read this notebook i realized she was just like me she liked pretty kimonos she wanted to try food from different places she yearned to see sights she'd never seen before maybe this all sounds immature to you but i feel just the same way i want to live life not as kami sato ayaka but as an ordinary woman oh mother wrote that she'd always wanted to go to a localina zuma festival she said that sometimes on a clear night if you looked out from our house you could see lights off in the distance i've seen those lights too it looks so lively with so many people and it's so brightly lit it makes the whole sky glow of course sometimes it does make me a bit anxious from a public order perspective oh then we need to bring her with us come with us but for someone of my position to just show up at a festival with no warning it could be considered improper etiquette screw the etiquette even if no one stopped us the idea of the yashro commission going out into the crowd it'd certainly draw some strange looks people would probably start thinking there was trouble afoot but screw it mother said that she didn't want to put people on edge she wanted everyone to enjoy the fun and freedom of the festival she didn't want to disturb them and didn't have much free time anyway so she never went so the kimono design that must have been the outfit she planned on wearing if she ever did go to a festival right come on you have to come with us without knowing it i've ended up fulfilling several of my mother's wishes already but going to a festival is the one thing that i cannot do for her wrong you're gonna do it anyways perhaps this is one thing that can simply never be well you've already achieved so many things thank you i think i realized something now mother and i are so similar in so many ways the things she faced are things that i too will go on to face she chose to place her unfulfilled wishes onto the identity of tsubaki as for me i've already decided oh so you decided on an alter ego too i don't plan to do anything like that i think i think i will set myself a new goal to live each day without regrets okay that's a good goal so um traveler i tell me you want to come with us to the festival please deep breath sayaka deep breaths would you be at all interested in checking out an inazuman festival yes been dying to go ever since we saw that poster pima would love to go with you ayaka you've never been to a festival let's go i'm going to be true to myself and fulfill the wish that my mother and i shared i know that you of all people can understand me going my own way on this so let's do this you and me let's go to a festival together absolutely i'd love to join you great thanks you guys if we head over now we should still make it in time but this is the first time i've seen anyone from your family at a festival there must be some official business i take it oh there isn't actually today i'm taking my traveler friend here around to see the sights oh a traveler huh now that you mention it you do look like you've come a long way to get here ah excuse me one second hey everyone listen up don't close up yet miss kami sato has come to join the festival oh boy please there's no need to make a fuss we're just here too thank you yeah thanks a lot mister if you hadn't let them know they'd start closing down about now right yep you got it but on account of this being the first time miss camisato has ever come to the festival it seems only fair to keep things open a little longer oh here's a couple of masks for you on the house oh yes can we wear one no no no no no you've been far too accommodating to us already we couldn't possibly take it ah don't give me all that here you go it's not often that we regular folks get some attention from the yashiro commission so i've got to mark the occasion somehow yeah besides it'll make me look bad if you refuse sir do you have anything for me do we have any piemon-sized masks oh hello there kiddo i'm sorry but we don't have any masks in your sigh my mom be the now one at the festival without a mess oh piemon don't worry wearing a mask is optional but but my mom doesn't want to feel left out oh she's like a big baby how about a tree leaf that should be enough to cover up that little face of yours in that case i'm afraid there's nothing i can do right now but don't you worry kiddo i'll have a mini mask made especially for you when i get back nice i cannot thank you enough oh wait um just one thing i need to explain myself i got a little nervous back there and i just made up any old excuse but don't think of this as me taking you sightseeing please i brought you here because because i genuinely wanted to spend time with you don't worry no misunderstandings okay great oh she is worried about oh i'm ready to max too oh this is cool traveler look this doll is doing fortune slips how much is it per draw [Music] i wouldn't expect you to know this but the yashiro commission was very good to my uncle and my father's side at one point in time thinking about it it was when your father was around i think he dealt with it personally so you see how could i possibly take your money okay it's free yeah okay we'll take you up on your kind offer sir let's each do a draw which one did you get pie mine got rising fortune no way we got the same one nice traveler what did you get mine says great fortune from the world ah congratulations are in order here's what great fortune from the world means wealth shall come to you you shall reap a bountiful harvest and all shall transpire in line with your wishes in other words your good luck isn't about to run out anytime soon let's go now is mojo actually going to give me good artifacts this food stall sells all kinds of inazuman specialties anything you want to eat it's my treat wow it all looks so good um is it okay if pyman has one of everything you gonna pay for that yummy this sakura mochi is just delicious i don't know if it's rude of me to ask but how is this kind of snack actually made [Music] you want to try your hand at making it yourself no problem just give me a second and i'll write out the recipe for you oh a new recipe are you sure about this if you share the recipe isn't that tantamount to giving away your trade secrets or something well it was you who gave kimi nami restaurant that recipe for an overseas dish wasn't it she and i are good friends we drink culinary tips all the time here you go just treat it as me returning a favor on behalf of my friend you there you want the recipe too go on i can see that you enjoyed it thanks boss man well we may have arrived near the end of the festival but it's still been super fun pyramid approves yes i agree to spend the festival together with you today has been a truly wonderful experience this is so sweet this doll sells prayer plaques it's an inazuman tradition you draw your wish onto a pentagonal piece of wood called a prayer plaque and pray that it will come true it looks fun shall we give it a try let's do it oh wait there's writing and drawing involved ugh kill hyman out then what pieman's head's feeling kind of fuzzy after eating so much just wow not the best time for an intense burst of mental activity brah how is drawing and writing letters is that intense for you by mod that will do for mine may i see yours you got it this is you and your sister isn't it oh that's so cute i actually just had my heart melted it's lovely come on bro please don't make me cry today you'll be back together one day my mom believes it and you should too i believe it too your wish will surely come true and i will keep you in my prayers ayaka what did you draw is that tenchukaku that's right i wish for peace and happiness for everyone in inazuma and good health for my family and friends oh i do hope that wish could come true i'm sure it will thank you that gives me hope [Music] i think that might be all we have time for today time flies when you're having fun it seems to flow away from you like a rushing river as precious and short-lived as a cherry blossom dancing in the wind hmm fancy words can i keep the mask today was the first time in my life that i've ever been to a festival knowing me i just know that today could not have been such a happy day without you so thank you today really meant a lot to me and the memories will always have a special place in my heart if i ever get the chance i want to go again i'd like to go again too you know we're kind of similar me with my brother you with your sister sometimes i feel like i can relate to the determination you must have to get your sister back finding her is the whole reason for my journey i understand family bonds are inseparable no one can break them they are the most important routes we have in this world true dominic you will find her come what may you must never give up i will always be here for you as your as your friend i will always support you today made me very happy too as long as you're happy i'm happy [Music] oh traveler huh there's something that i'd like to do if [Music] she walking in water with socks on please keep your eyes on me [Music] okay hmm to dance [Music] [Applause] [Applause] ugh [Music] i love it i love it so much what do you think of my dance did you like it i loved it it was so pretty beautiful elegant and and something else piemon can't put into words heyman doesn't really know what it was but it is art it was delightful i'm not very good at this kind of dance so as long as i didn't embarrass myself that's all that matters it was beautiful you good i just had a sudden urge and i ran with it in a way that sort of sums up today for me dancing like nobody's watching your pleasure to be around that goes for you too when i'm with you time seems to slow down and speed up at the same time anyway it looks like this is goodbye for today i can see myself the rest of the way back all right then good night ayaka good night traveler [Music] dude that is so sweet i loved this quest
Channel: bwaap
Views: 415,958
Rating: 4.9881363 out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact game, genshin impact ayaka, genshin ayaka, ayaka, kamisato ayaka, genshin impact ayaka story quest, genshin impact bwap, genshin impact bwapp, genshin impact bwaap, bwap, bwapp, bwaap, genshin bwap, genshin bwapp, genshin bwaap, genshin impact inazuma
Id: Mmc1EG1wOtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 8sec (2588 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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