imagine being as short as sayu (Genshin Impact)

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huh wait was that my thoughts what bro hurry it up my god this thing is so long hurry uh so you know i'm in the shumatsuban right well it's our job to take care of matters that are inconvenient to the higher-ups [Music] she's on her way to assassinate somebody which sometimes includes eliminating unwanting i knew it oh god am i am i the target uh actually according to my orders what you are though i have no intention of really attacking you what bro who put this out for me what i was worried about how you'd react i mean who knows what you'd do if you knew that i was out to kill you i would stomp on you i would crush you what the hell was putting out an assassination order from me i don't understand not because it's like oh i saved the island and everything but also because like you really expect somebody as normal as say you to kill me you haven't happened to see her anywhere have you she's wearing a mojina costume pretty hard to miss uh really why are you sussing me up okay what's the plan just pretend you've already finished the job huh but but i can't do that i mean i can't even squish an oni kabuto oh i don't recall you ever taking any assassination missions before how were you able to eliminate the renowned traveler so swiftly uh well you see i i caught them off guard yeah that's it they didn't have time to react very convincing all it took was one thump then bam and it was over you see last night my little daughter suddenly disappeared from home i was starting to get worried when a kairagi appeared at my door and told me they had kidnapped her oh jesus they told me to be the end of my kid if i didn't do exactly as they said oh their terms were for me to forge orders from the yashero commission and dispatch a ninja to kill the traveler oh okay well why would the kairagi want to kill the traveler and why the shumatsuban i'd be fighting the kairagi on a daily basis so i killed dozens of kairagi every single hour all right [Laughter] seems legit how could i forget this gaudy hair color what whoa buddy hold on now well then i've held up my end of the deal now you must hold up yours where's my child oh you really don't get it of course it's all is coming from a mile away i only said that it was over for her unless you do as i say i never said anything about returning the little brat to you daddy all right can we just beat this dude's ass already just let's just beat his ass hey you really think we just let you off the hook like that huh who are you ninja and you aren't you supposed to be i'm the outlander traveler of countless worlds okay that's so cheesy you certainly live up to your reputation there's no doubt about that but remember the little girl is still in my hands let's not do anything too hasty we wouldn't want anything to happen to her would we now wait do it buddy let's see you try how did this happen when did you you've heard how skilled the ninja at the chumatsuban are haven't you too easy so easy that i'm not sleepy is this the suspect behind the kidnapping you reported yes that's right the hostage is already safe quick you must apprehend him immediately got him come now you should thank these two without them we would have never been able to rescue you thank you mr traveler you and miss ninja saved me miss ninja don't mention it it's nothing for a ninja oh this isn't the first time the kairaki have done something like this with a little further investigation i think we could track down the bigger fish don't you feel sleepy though well to be honest i couldn't care less at first kidnapping stuff was just getting in the way of my nap i'm getting sleepy let's take a rest then shall we no need let's head back first if i fall asleep now i'm worried that i might forget some of the things that happened today so don't worry about me i'll be just fine [Music] i was quick oh that's cute but from now on you should better attend to your duties there's no need to keep kano nana worrying all the time but i don't want to work there's loads of way more qualified ninja to handle every task the shumatsuban would be the same with or without me but you performed admirably the first time you assisted the traveler did you not everyone believes that there are some missions that only you can accomplish this truth remains whether you choose to believe it or not your sensei taught you ninjutsu so that you may step in when a mission needs you yes i understand but sorry i don't know what to say oh i should go bye oh sensei told me that all i need to do is grow big and tall i remember that i had no idea how difficult such a simple thing could turn out to be welcome to genetics sayu i'm not complaining you know i understand everyone has hopes for me miss kamisato sensei the shrine maiden but i haven't done anything right and whenever i try to do my best i can't help but feel more pressure bearing down on me if only i grew a little taller maybe then i could handle it um i get it that's why i admire those who still try even if they don't want to anyway thank you i don't know what else to say even talking is starting to feel difficult now this is why i don't like coming here she she forgot to disguise her tail again aha say you i can see you come out from there [Music] i love sayu's face here she just looks done with life she's just like i hate everything i'm dead inside i shall take these orders back to the yashiro commission for further clarification good well if there's nothing left for me to do then i'll be ahem saw you oh yes all right i will go to the yashro commission now to inquire about saeu's mission orders in the meantime please keep an eye on her you're asking the wrong person here as soon as she picks up on my tracks it's nearly impossible for me to shake her but you're also super skilled so maybe you can help me i don't think i should be doing this kind of thing why not huh you mean you won't rescue someone in a moment of dire need all that goes on here is cruel and involuntary whisper maybe you can help me even though i've been getting more sleep recently i haven't gained any height at all any ideas somebody please tell say you about genetics i'll have rice cake soup a tuna sushi oh my gosh oh oh and one try flavored skewer please that's a lot i didn't expect her to eat that much a number nine large time waits for no one it's time for me to take things into my own hands if i can't grow more by eating more then we'll still have time to try something else eating food like this will help me grow right away won't it maybe i'll gain a whole six inches oh my god six inches that's a lot of height [Music] instead of going up the y-axis she went on the x-axis why does growing have to be so difficult same let's keep at it no pain no gain this is gonna explode she's just gonna pop it could be hard to be a ninja with a full stomach you know yeah i'm a little worried about that too ninja must be quick on their feet it'd be embarrassing to get stuck in a tight passageway but my body will feel my desire to grow and direct all the nutrients to the right place good luck with that buddy let me think on second thought no try to eat more she's just gonna throw up everything there's no way otherwise i'll feel like i didn't give it my best shot i should at least eat one more you know what there are some things in life you just need to give up on this is one of those things all right here it goes saw you oh where are you science oh no come out this instant oh we gotta do the dash there's only one option now a leader away from here and try to shake her off my trail we'll meet back here later okay i'll just slip away and oh no my tummy it's too full yeah she's getting caught for sure oh there she goes the part in my eavesdropping but did you say that you're going to the adventurers guild to take a commission yeah recently we've been running into a group of rowdy treasure hoarders whenever we go into the wild to gather ingredients it seems as if they're intentionally targeting our restaurant staff i hope you can understand how dire the situation has become okay well bad guys are the best practice targets for ninjutsu last one watch this wait what what'd you do also what's happening with that seaweed in the back it's all that big brute's fault just as i was taking care of the last of them he charged straight at me i moved back to dodge him but he was too tall as he reached out to grab me his hand landed right on my head it's over it's all over all that hard work for nothing he crossed the line everyone knows that if you're trying to grow taller you can't be touched on the head wait what i never let anyone touch my head who knows how much i'll have to eat and sleep or how much training i'll have to do to make up for it i don't think it works like that it's not fun to be patted on the head but what's done is done there's nothing i can do about it now the weebs are molding right now i should probably just go back now the shine maiden's going to give me a real earful might as well get it over with i'll just take it just takes time and look maybe my stunted growth is tied to my bad attitude more than anything else getting you involved any further will just be a waste of your time you can still experience the feeling of growing huh the feeling of growing what do you mean yeah i don't know what that means either whoa we're going up there is there anything in particular you'd like to do after you grow uh no nothing particularly special i'd simply like to go to the forest and pick some fruit from the trees without having to jump or find something to step on oh just that would be enough to make me happy i'd also like to go swimming in water that's too deep for me now oh and no one will tease me anymore for my toes not being able to touch the bottom i know that feeling say from now on i'll visit high places more often they really do work miracles this isn't the height you can achieve you know huh what do you mean you can still reach even higher and see farther but you can't do it just by standing here oh i see so what should i do huh that's so cute i was able to determine that the yashro commission had no intent of carrying out such a mission they are now investigating the origins of these orders dude that guy's kid is dead by this point i'll show you my favorite skill to practice basically it's an escape technique i use it to make a quick getaway whenever the shrine meet is after me i'm right here you know during our training we often set up obstacles on both sides of this stream and have sayo make her way up the course i often slip when i was little and either found myself falling face first into the mud or getting battered as i tumbled down uh when you were little uh now please carefully observe sciu skills in combat i'll do my best to make my ninja two a little easier to understand so basically i walk around and then i i think sensei was a ninja actually sensei never really mentioned it okay how tall were they sensei's height hmm they were taller than me as for other qualities i guess that's kind of a given why don't we go practice a little more ninjutsu after a break is up today is one of those rare days when i feel super motivated but never mind that for now we've got lots of fruit to eat come on take whichever you like oh is this where you usually come to nap yeah it's not ideal for hiding but it certainly has a nice view and tons of fresh air napping here makes your dreams just that much sweeter those look kind of pretty though i'm not gonna lie seems like the coast is clear huh wait what what's that who put these there are you kidding me how could the ninja leave their training equipment just sitting out here like this don't they know that it's dangerous the next time i'm at the shumatsuban i'll be sure to give them a piece of my mind you who give them a piece of your mind yeah that's right we can't just let something like this slide uh i mean i can't promise anything but i'll try ah do your best say you so if we're going to avoid the shrine maiden i guess to see if this place would be the grand narakami shrine really back to the one place where you're most likely to get caught actually i've always wanted to come here for a nap it's spacious and oh super comfy thanks for sticking with me if you ever need a ninja my skills are at your disposal saw you oh where are you siu [Laughter] the shine maiden how did she find me here she hasn't found us yet what should i do oh not good not good i'll stall her what's he oh thanks just see if you can lure her away from here is she here with you ah she left a while ago strange i found all sorts of traces along the road they all pointed me towards this shrine well never mind if you haven't seen her here then perhaps she ran off to another one of her hiding spots she she's pretty good at finding traces huh does say you suck at covering her trail or is this shrine mating like incredibly good at investigating trails although i can't prove it my intuition tells me that she is nearby oh man strange i don't think i've ever seen this keeps me around the shrine before don't you dare don't you dare it seems to be concerned about the tree here oh no i wonder if there's something in the branches [Music] you'll never catch me [Music]
Channel: bwaap
Views: 640,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, sayu, genshin impact sayu, genshin impact sayu hangout, genshin impact bwap, genshin impact bwapp, genshin impact bwaap, bwap, bwapp, bwaap, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact hangout
Id: qQsWcKQ1Vfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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