Eula wants vengeance against you (Genshin Impact)

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[Music] thank you for coming on such short notice honorary night i know you must be busy and not really i have recently received multiple reports from the knights of someone within the lawrence clan having close dealings with the fatoui again oh boy but who are the lawrence clan there was a dark period in monstat's history when the aristocracy ruled over the city the hard-won freedom that followed with the fall of decarabian was lost once again as slavery spread throughout the land the first dandelion knight vanessa spearheaded the revolution that overthrew the old aristocratic system and established the knights of fevonius leading monstat to become the city that you see today interesting the aristocrats that had oppressed the people of monstat were none other than the lawrence clan oh so the clan's descendants are now scheming with the bad guys to carry out more dubious deeds oh boy we suspect as much though we have yet to obtain any solid evidence the reason i summoned you here today is to ask you to help us further investigate this matter bruh i forgot to turn off roll join requests but why us unfortunately the knights of fevonius and the aristocracy have been at odds with one another for as long as i can remember no matter what stance we take when dealing with them the outcome is always the same our efforts only result in adding more fuel to the flames we could come knocking on their door on the grounds of a search warrant but if the investigation were to come up empty i'm afraid tensions and distrust would only increase yeah all of our past efforts would have been wasted but as the honorary knight i would technically also belong to the knights but you need not emphasize your role as the honorary knight you're a traveler from a distant land and you can approach the aristocrats in this way are they really going to want to talk to some random dude that they don't even know once you come to friendly terms with the lawrence clan you should be in a good position to learn more of their possible connections with the fatoui do i really want to be on good terms with the clan that used to do slavery the name of the lawrence clan member in question is schubert lately he can often be found strolling near the northern city walls schubert okay it is said that he is difficult to get along with due to his temperamental disposition but if we approach him calmly then things should go off without a hitch i hope things will go smoothly thanks again for your help if you run into any snags along the way i'll do anything in my power to support you all right [Music] who are you hello we're here too hello uh yeah hello did i hear you correctly hello hello yeah and i suppose you think that you can simply strut up here and greet me in such an ignoble and vulgar manner what do you mean that is literally the most basic form of greeting of all time given that i don't recognize you i can only assume that you are a traveler of some variety i'll have you know that you are speaking with the shubert lawrence a blood descendant of the magnanimous nobility oh man this guy's got a big ego if you wish to address me you'd best consider your words more carefully such nonchalant manners are inadmissible and will never do now if you're somehow capable of understanding anything i've said then you will get down on your knees apologize for your negligent actions and give me a proper introduction that is the appropriate etiquette do i have to huh in former times when people knew their place and respected traditions such conduct was only basic courtesy when greeting a nobleman oh you mean back when slavery existed yeah no thank you and neglecting your manners would result in a swift whipping oh wow look at that it seems like old habits die hard look at the world now rules have been thrown to the wayside and manners forgotten ah i cannot bear to see such degradation good it's not one of the aristocracy fell what did you say you dare question the dignity of the nobility i'll have you know that though the lawrence clan is in decline myself and others of noble blood are looking for a chance to restore our rightful honor just look around the people are unruly and undisciplined i however strive to retain the elegance and etiquette of the nobility after all we are of a completely different breed by birth bro this guy is oh my god save your words i find your manners and bearing repulsive i have nothing to discuss with the likes of you besides i am in no way obligated to instruct commoners on basic courtesies now i have more pressing matters to attend to i'll take my leave yeah i don't want to talk to this guy anymore well if it isn't the honorary night i'm just on my way out to gather some intel i didn't expect to run into you here i am what's up huh judging by your expression you must have run into some trouble uh i look pretty happy apparently but if you could see my face irl i want to smack somebody right now master gene test us with a special assignment but things seem to have run aground for the moment no need to get down on yourself sometimes things just don't turn out as planned even i can't guarantee useful intel every time i'm dispatched you just have to keep at it and never give up thank you that's amber hey why don't you let me try to help what's the problem master gene asked us to build a connection with someone named schubert lawrence but it turns out that he's a peculiar character that doesn't listen to anyone especially pimon aha schubert i know him let me guess he said you didn't have any manners yeah you sound like you're no stranger to this i've been on the receiving end of his lectures many a time the lawrence clan can be very particular about such things as aristocrats they believe there should be a certain distance between themselves and common folk i understand they're thinking but that's just not how things are anymore however there is one exception among the lawrence clan my good buddy eula eula ugh buddy hold on you're friends with the classist that's right not only is she from the lawrence clan but she's also captain of the knights of evonia's fourth company how could a member of the lawrence clan join the knights eula is special she's not quite like the other members of her clan she has her own beliefs and its shows oh really in other words she doesn't really adhere to the strict rules and conventions of her family however she's still quite knowledgeable about dealing with the lawrence's i'm sure you'll see what i mean if you meet her if you is a member of the lawrence clan then why would master gene choose us for the task couldn't she just ask eula uh well it's a little complicated basically the lauren's clan is frowned upon the fact that eula joined the knights her family members don't particularly care for her uh-huh i see in their eyes eula is nothing but a traitor to the family she's very easy to get along with just explain the situation and i'm sure she'll help you come up with a way to get along with schubert i don't want to be friends with that guy dude what are they doing here is that why you lose sent on patrol here let's fight first and talk later uh-oh ether watch out i got a whole cutscene for her you don't think twice before reaching for your sword do you do you have any idea how long i've been tracking these targets it attacked me first it's not my fault that mohuyo coded them to literally attack you even if you're walking by and now you get to stake a claim you think you're stronger because you got to them first mark my words vengeance will be mine okay uh what sorry vengeance that's right i heard the commotion and came as swiftly as i could only to find you two already fighting the fatoui not only that you are making quick work of them too if i didn't make my move you would have been able to take all the credit still i'm glad you're unscathed confronting that number of fetu at once can be dangerous all i have to say is get good uh sorry pilot doesn't understand what you mean but thanks for your concern concern why would i be concerned for the safety of my arch enemies arch enemies wait a minute you were saying how glad you were that we were unscathed a second ago by which i meant if you were injured i'd have to escort two strangers guilty of stealing my targets all the way back to monsta which would mean you'd cause me even more trouble my vengeance would be swifter still so that's how you see all this so you must be eula yes that's me hyman thinks she's pretty strange although at least we can communicate with her you dare to call someone you've just met strange forget the aristocracy that's rude even by normal standards well that's just paimon standards she literally gives everybody a strange nickname all right you just gotta get used to it speaking of which how do you know my name this is the honorary knight of the knights of vivonius and speaking of rude we're trying to investigate an aristocrat named shubert lawrence [Laughter] i understand now that's my uncle all right but why do you mean to investigate him he may be secretly involved with the vatui i see you have some nerve to faming a family member right in front of me i will have vengeance for this too what do you mean defaming no no no this is an assignment from master gene it's just an investigation that's all aren't you worried to the everyday citizens of monstat everyone in the lawrence clan is scum it's natural for rumors and unwarranted gossip to lead to such suspicion hard to avoid such a reputation when you're known as the ruthless rulers of old nonstat oh so that's what you think of me yet another transgression to avenge [Laughter] curious we've only just met and you've already given me three causes for vengeance it's been a while since i've encountered anyone as interesting as you i assume you need me to teach you the conduct of the lawrence clan only then will you finally be able to communicate with my uncle correct okay that's right amber told us to come and talk to you well then let's begin your training immediately it'll be easier to train when we're back in monstat will require other people you're not planning to take revenge at an opportune moment on me are you we can put that aside for now besides if it's the acting grandmaster's assignment and amber's the one who recommended me i should comply okay uh hyman's confused this girl's all vengeance this and revenge that but she doesn't seem the least bit angry hmm still hyman has met bigger weirdos before there's no time to spare so we'll begin with our first lesson wait hold on there's something we need to clear up first otherwise it'll keep bugging us about all that vengeance stuff so that's still on your mind huh maybe you're the ones who can't let things go don't worry there's a time and place for exacting vengeance besides i'm not in the mood for any right now just save it for later bro she's definitely going to try and kill us one day you need to be in the right mood for vengeance i already have a long list of vengeance to exact even if i wanted to begin now i'd have to start in the right order who knows how long it will be before i get to you oh we'll be fine then well if you have so much to take care of wouldn't it just be easier to give us a clean slate absolutely not stealing my targets calling me a ruthless ruler and suspecting my uncle all worthy of vengeance in my eyes she's definitely keeping count but you needn't worry at least not whilst we're investigating this matter i'm sure you're familiar with the phrase a man of moral integrity fears no slanderous attack yeah if uncle schubert didn't commit any wrongdoing then any such investigation will prove fruitless but if he did commit a wrongful act then he should bear the full punishment i'm sure you understand now there are two key points that aristocrats attach great importance to your manner of speech and your bearing let's begin with your manner of speech aristocrats have a very unique way of carrying conversation even with mundane daily topics oh hyman's already learned some unique conversation mark my words vengeance will be mine not even close and besides it sounds strange hey i haven't learned it from you and didn't you say not to call others strange seems you don't respect the rules of your own clan she's a hypocrite no i've no need to trouble myself with such frivolous formalities here allow me to demonstrate for example when greeting a friend you could say as the morning dew greets the coming dawn so do i greet you my dear friend bro i'm not gonna remember all that first thing in the morning when i'm waking up however such a phrase may only be used during the morning hours also the party with whom you're speaking must be of approximately the same status as you morning do is not uncommon so it expresses that friendship should not be measured by value yet also suggests that friendship between aristocrats is pure like water seems like a lot of work just to greet a good friend oh no no no you must be prudent with your words calling someone a good friend could easily offend them oh my god uh but didn't you just say my dear friend in your example hayman's confused yes i did but you must know in the lawrence family dear friend is a set phrase that can only be used towards certain friends with whom one is acquainted but not particularly close it sounds much more pleasant to call an acquaintance a dear friend so another thing to remember aristocrats are concerned with face and being polite however if you were to use dear friend to address an intimate friend the recipient would think that you were deliberately trying to estrange them ah this is only the first step in making a greeting after addressing one another you then exchange courtesies um perhaps it would be better if you gave some real life demonstrations ah do you not remember it yourself very well come with me we'll choose some bystanders to converse with you're you love the lawrence clan right this can't be good you there lowly laborer you stand in the presence of a member of the illustrious lawrence clan i have words for you acknowledge the glory bestowed upon thee by the nobility uh what comes next right by solemnly kneeling to the ground with utmost sincerity oh she doesn't even remember it herself come on i can't make heads or tails of anything you're saying hold on what did they always teach me whenever a dispute arises protection of your family's prestige and dignity always takes precedence got it as a lowly commoner you shall maintain absolute reverence when speaking with those under which you so graciously toil how dare you speak in such a manner oh my god ugh is everyone from the lawrence clan so strange uh-oh the days of the lawrence clan's tyranny have long passed i don't care what you're trying to do just beat it i have nothing to say to any member of the lawrence clan and here's a word of advice i wouldn't be caught dead walking too closely with any one of their like in monstat uh-huh if that's all i'll be going i'm afraid i won't be able to control myself if we talk any longer uh-huh hey hey don't leave halt mark my words vengeance will be mine wow the lawrence name really does carry a terrible reputation that man pulled a uno reverse card on her you there lowly toiler oh my god you stand in the presence of a member of the illustrious lawrence clan i have words for you please acknowledge the glory bestowed upon thee by the nobility and solemnly kneel to the ground with utmost sincerity this is literally exactly why nobody likes a lawrence clan why don't you respond according to the custom i must wait until you kneel completely before i can say the next words ah right i mustn't look at you too long or i'll be drawing more attention to our difference in status oh dear i've already stared at you for quite a while fine you may spare yourself the formality of kneeling as it may be a little inconvenient i shall continue oh wait i think there's a line for people with rude attitudes in this situation hey stop bothering me or else i might say something you wouldn't like to hear and again i've got no words for anyone from the lawrence clan again what's with this attitude uh maybe we should just stop yes i don't think his attitude will change if i keep grandstanding like this the outcome won't be good let's try to find someone else to talk to i'll remember your unwillingness to comply mark my words vengeance will be mine i'm starting to think she kind of says that as a force of habit you there lowly worker yeah i've already heard it all before just spare me the time our answer's always the same we've got nothing to say to the likes of you i mean seriously can't you just take a hint please calm down we don't want to cause any trouble ah i know she's a knight of favonius and that the knights wouldn't misplace their trust but the name lawrence carries too much weight with it even to this very day the descendants of the lawrence clan are still scheming to reclaim monstat and reinstate their aristocratic rule and if that wasn't enough here you are purposefully using their awkward way of speaking just to put on an act don't you care for the feelings of us ordinary folk yeah he's not wrong you have a point but mark my words this transgression will not go unnoticed huh you want to fight listen here i may be no match for you but i'll be sure to lodge a complaint with the knights of evonius listen here if you don't want things to get more unpleasant then you'd better just stop forget it there's no point in quarreling any further let's go yeah it's all right this happens quite often let's find someone else to talk to uh hyman thinks we've seen enough now let's just stop she's persistent actually bayma thinks we should apologize for asking you to demonstrate for us we had no idea the feelings between the lawrence clan and the people of monstat were so bitter can we do the lauren's name is already a dirty word among every household in monstat even three-year-olds know the story i see this kind of attitude all the time and you still somehow managed to brush it off don't worry what with me being a knight of fevonius they're usually willing to speak a few words with me so this is the way things are normally for you there's no need for them to direct their anger at you personally that's the way things are perhaps it's just fate for those who have made mistakes accepting punishment is only fair right but when your family has committed atrocities i'm afraid there's no easy path to reconciliation oh that reminds me that last person will not escape my vengeance either what let's leave it at that just think of it as something i like to do but unfortunately you probably didn't learn much from those conversations it seems we have no other choice but to find more people to talk to need besides the traveler's pretty sharp and nothing gets in our way on an adventure pylon thinks we got the gist of it now yeah please no more right right yeah i'm not sure we can do this we'll just have to roll with it for now oh god well then i'm glad you learned something you're already halfway toward mastering aristocratic conduct a proper manner of speech is more aesthetic than anything else it stems from their taste for refinement but we must also practice your bearing i have a very effective way of training for this come with me to dragon spine it's so cold does aristocrat training really need to be done here if you wish to truly achieve the dignified conduct of an aristocrat you must learn to remain composed and elegant even amidst harsh conditions for example you can see that part of the path up ahead is quite difficult to traverse but a well-trained aristocrat would not only effortlessly proceed forward but do so without a stain on their garment and their elegance fully intact how is that even possible compared to what we've already seen this should be a piece of cake you look pretty confident this time all right let's get started remember you must be graceful and elegant don't get knocked or launched into the air that would be most unsightly so i have to be elegant uh you've exposed your shortcomings bruh can i just go around i can just go around them screw it whatever i almost didn't make it through oh good thing we didn't get stuck um so are we a christopher now christocrats don't flatter yourselves we've only just begun there's a leyline monolith just up ahead that will attract nearby monsters true elegance is the ability to calmly yet swiftly make decisions in the heat of battle is this how you normally train my family set only the highest expectations for me even as a child that's probably not healthy for your mental health it's a good thing i have amber here to help me out so technically the traveler isn't getting hit at all well done your performance was most impressive and you managed to remain calm even in these grueling dragon spine surroundings i'm starting to wonder if even i could have done the same like one said adventuring is our specialty oh you mean my specialty you didn't do anything paimon so that's it for our training right then let's get out of dragon spine before pymon turns into a popsicle hold on i was commending the traveler's performance just now you on the other hand seem to have made no progress at all right what you mean was also part of the training yes of course you are frantically flying and dashing about throughout the entire thing not an elegant sight at all did you even listen to anything i was trying to teach you maybe that's just poem on style oh hey that's not true i was just focusing on you the whole time uh-huh i'm sure whatever the reason not heeding my instructions a cause for vengeance perhaps now drink this huh what is it oh are you trying to poison pineapple certainly not it's warm milk didn't you just say that you were freezing drink it and it'll help warm you up oh thank you um are you still planning on the whole vengeance thing if i wasn't then why would i care about you being cold if you turned into a pie mon popsicle that would ruin my plans for vengeance now wouldn't it so dear friend don't die on me out here okay something was off now then given that your training is complete it's time we return to monstat our last step will be preparing a cordial gift to present to my uncle when you meet him a gift bruh what i have to give this man a gift i'm really gonna have to spend money to make a gift so i can become fake friends with a classist oh hey eula i see you've met the honorary knight we meet again amber since we're just banned to run into you these days yeah it's like the only times we'll ever run into her now well i just got back and was thinking about grabbing a bite at good hunter but now that you're here why don't we all eat together oh very well it's been some time since we've last shared a meal together come take a seat we can discuss my uncle's gift while we eat yes is there something else you'd like to order could you please prepare a serving of my uncle's favorite the broteness fleischmitt sauerkraut we'll take it as a gift to him later coming right up it'll take some time to prepare i'll have it here at the counter once it's ready hold on a moment is this satisfying salad also something that amber ordered no she didn't order it but because she didn't order any vegetables i thought i'd throw in a salad on the house you know to contrast all the meat dishes okay so we clearly didn't order this yet you prepared it without authorization mark my words this transgression will not go unnoticed oh my god you're gonna take revenge on her for giving us a free salad you should know me by now that's the kind of villainous character i am i'm starting to think that when she uses revenge it doesn't actually mean like revenge delicious unauthorized delicacies sarah will pay for this why would you choose get brought to this fly schmidt sauerkraut as a gift for your uncle hyman's never even heard that dish before this dish isn't actually on good hunter's menu only long-standing patrons such as my uncle would know about the dish the old aristocrats seem to take a liking to it because of the sour flavor of the sauerkraut not too many people are fond of it these days i guess it's become less popular over time but i like sauerkraut yola treated me to the dish once and i couldn't even finish a bite i've nicknamed it gabratunus schmidt vengeance ever since weak i never expected us to have such completely different tastes and food if i weren't in such a good mood i'd say that constitutes grounds for transgression so even amber can't escape your vengeance of course not it's hard to find someone in monsta that attracts contempt as much as she does it's fine when you're just joking between us but i'm afraid our honorary knight might misunderstand you eula's always talking about vengeance but that's just how she is it's nothing you should take too seriously are you sure about that there's no need to be so awkward when you want to say something nice huh listen you've never been labeled as a social pariah have you what well no so that's why you wouldn't understand how hard it is for a bad person to try to be good it's impossible for me and i have no intention of acting like a good person all right no need to look so sullen i'm just kidding come on let's eat the food is getting cold oh i'm stuffed i'll see sarah about the bill no need i've left the maura under the plate if you try to settle it with her in person she won't accept payment for the salad don't underestimate my ability to exact revenge sarah won't get the upper hand this ah i knew it revenge doesn't exactly mean revenge all right next you should pay my uncle a visit he has a small camp at the top of the mountain near springvale he usually whiles his time away there when there's nothing else to do uh aren't you coming with us i'm afraid that wouldn't be very convenient for me it'd be better if you two went alone i still have more recon to do in the wilderness well until next time all right amber see you in the next five updates let's meet again what an interesting bunch you are here the gabrietness fly schmidt sauerkraut is ready to go be sure to eat it while it's hot otherwise the flavor will be spoiled and by the way don't worry too much when euless says strange things she's actually a very good person the people of monstat don't take kindly to anyone bearing the lawrence name yeah we've seen they are unable to see past her family therefore they don't actually see eula for herself so no matter what eula tries to do it's seen as a wrongdoing it essentially strips the meaning of anything she tries to accomplish how come you're able to see you look differently then well when she joined the knights of fifonus it caused quite an uproar many people signed a petition demanding that the knights reverse their decision at the same time numerous members of the lawrence clan crowded the entrance of the knights of bevonia's headquarters clamoring for eula to give an explanation whoa so both sides were unhappy damn so you can imagine how determined eula must have been under such circumstances but thanks to grandmaster varka and the unwavering attitudes of others in the knights of favonias they were able to quell the unrest in the eyes of the people she's a stain on the knights of evonius and in the eyes of the lawrence clan she's a disgrace to her family so she's just unwanted by all sides that's a harsh life to live but she simply fulfills her duty as a knight silently helping one person after another myself included people like eula should be approached with care and understanding she could stand to be treated a little more fairly it's good that you understand her once everything settled we should go talk to europa again thinks we know how to communicate with her now i'm glad i think that would make her very happy though she might not ever admit it the tent seems to be pretty tattered but there's a really fancy chair could this be another aristocratic custom ah it's you again i thought i had rid myself of you too uh please if i may be so bold as to say a few humble words few humble words huh yes that sounds appropriate enough very well i'm certainly not one to be narrow-minded i'll overlook your previous misconduct for now and listen to what you have to say wow this guy thinks of himself it is an honor to stand before you here immersed in your supreme brilliance nah that's too that i don't want to kiss this guy's boots bruh hmm it appears i have misjudged you supreme brilliance the glory of the nobility that continues to this day a true loyalist it's only an act it's only an act impressive my intentions were to test your humility it appears you have become well-versed in our etiquette if i may ask from whence did you learn such a civilized manner of speech ah good very good you are bright and compared with the common folk of monstar you certainly have potential by the way we brought a gift um means we would like to present you with a small token of our goodwill this bee gebratness flash meets sauerkraut oh my god he's so excited it's been so long since i dug into a big tasty i beg your pardon what i mean to say is since it's nearly meal time i shall partake ah yes this aroma just as i remember it and this exquisite sour flavor a delicacy that only us noblemen and women could appreciate i will agree that sauerkraut is pretty good but that is the only thing i will ever agree with this man on i acknowledge your genuine goodwill such sincerity must certainly imply that you come bearing a request it seems there is word that the lawrence family has a grand scheme of sorts well considering your meticulous etiquette you must be a talent of unusual fortitude i'm willing to place my full trust in you please come with me we happen to be in need of competent fellows like yourself where are we going to see some friends from a distant land they have offered their assistance in restoring the lawrence clan to its former glory oh my god do you think his friends are the fertility things will get sticky if the fatoui happened to recognize you what should we do are we gonna have to disguise ourselves again that would be cool huh yes we brought back the mask let's go ether putting on a mask to conceal his identity is basically the same as superman putting on glasses to become clark kent where have i seen this person before i knew it somebody would recognize us at some point our plans are strictly confidential it's not wise to bring in an outsider at this time furthermore there's been word that an outlander who joined the knights of favonius has been very active in monstat recently uh who not me don't be ridiculous besides my guest is well versed in the etiquette of the nobility i must treat them with the proper mutual respect the knights of favonias pay no regard to such details they could never understand the intricacies of our etiquette and what about this thing you mean timing enough you dare question my word need i remind you who it is who has made your activity in monstat possible without the support of the lawrence clan you would have all been driven out by the knights of favonius like dogs you must immediately offer your sincerest apologies to my friend you've offended their honor fine i'll take your word and make no further inquiries now to the matter at hand did you bring the diagram of monstat's defenses as promised ah why is it so poorly drawn everything's so squiggly and crooked and what is this shape supposed to be excuse me i'll have you know that i went to great lengths to carefully draw this map by hand myself looks like someone forgot to take art classes that shape is the symbol of the knights of the voneus ah i see crude but i can make do don't forget what we agreed upon the flag of the lawrence clan will fly above the knights of evonius headquarters okay the rights to that building as well as the whole of monstat belong to the lawrence clan we will make good use of the intel you provided also be certain not to divulge our identity there would be diplomatic consequences you know don't worry this matter is only between you and i and my new friend here no one else will know of it yeah yeah yeah totally once this is over i shall stand atop the favonius headquarters and rebuke their pathetic rule over monstat then the city and all its people will once again be under the rightful and unwavering rule of the lawrence clan ah this guy's ego is so big just give it up dude let it go huh what are you doing the jig is up buddy that's right it's so this was all just a ploy to deceive me yeah after so much planning this is how it ends huh we'll see about that just as i expected i knew i should have never trusted these foolish aristocrats no matter we already have the intel we need get them don't touch me get out of my way i'll leave on my own it seems we finally caught up with you this place is crawling with fatoui oh it's you it seems your investigation went well it was all worth it aha i see now so you're the one that taught them our etiquette and i thought you despised such pleasantries furthermore there is a rule in our family such traditions are never to be taught to outsiders ah yes rings a bell so what i had no reason not to teach them you have brought shame to our family and ruined my plans it's all for naught now as if she hasn't already ruined your family i know that you poured great efforts into these plans uncle but you were well aware that it was not the right thing to do as a knight of favonius i could not overlook your actions night of vavonius let's get one thing straight i am your uncle and you are a member of the lawrence clan you should strive to restore your family's glory you still have a chance defeat every night of evonius here and leave with me then i shall plea with the family to spare you and give you a new beginning so just to be clear you want a knight of favonius to attack the knights of fevonius i shall say this one last time you are not a knight of favonius you are a descendant of the lawrence clan what should be like nah the blood of the lawrence clan flows in your veins you must comply with the will of the family his hand was shaking so violently since when have i ever complied with the will of the family why you you unruly maid made if anyone should be angry it should be me as a member of the lawrence clan you knowingly plotted against the city of monstat and threatened its safety had you ever stopped to consider the trouble it would bring to so many people had you considered how many enemies you would make trying to keep the plans under wraps you dare lecture me that's right in the name of the family that you so dearly revere uncle schubert i've never experienced the age of glory you always speak of and i've never understood our family's incessant pursuit of it but i am capable of discerning right from wrong and i deeply understand what freedom means to the people of monstat get him eula the lawrence clan should never and will never become what you've dreamed it to be get him eula oh the disgrace of it all how could such a rebellious monster emerge from our own family things are starting to get pretty hysterical here the lightness and elegance seem to have gone out the window true you too take them away the honorary knight and i have other matters to attend to given that you've already taken action i assume you've come across some conclusive evidence the fertility aren't possession of a diagram of monstaz defenses hyman took a peek at their diagram your uncle had mapped out all of the night's patrol routes and marked out key information about monstat and there was me thinking that he was just another elder of the family and a lazy one at that i never suspected he could stoop this low so stubborn mark my words vengeance will be mine yeah actual vengeance let's discuss this later our first priority is recovering that diagram they're here stop them for twos is that the word you use for a multiple future members for twos that's where they put the diagram you've tracked us here huh i guess there's no other option but to fight this is easy this guy's getting destroyed this must be it they may very well have already made a copy of it but without my uncle as their puppet there'd be no use in them attacking the city the fatigue wouldn't have relied only on your uncle yeah true but if their plan had hinged purely on taking monstat by force as opposed to with the help of a puppet they could have spared themselves the trouble the fatoui are dishonest but they wouldn't go as far as to start an open war their opposition wouldn't just be monstat alone well unless your name is child anyway i'll inform the acting grandmaster she'll know how to handle things from here by the way why did you follow us oh yeah you suddenly appeared at just the right moment because you stole my targets by attacking the vatui i'd been tracking earlier i came to exact my vengeance you tried to do my job for me and i'm here to return the favor i guess we're even now in reality you sense that something might happen to us during our investigation you were worried about us and your uncle so you brought a team to take a look my purpose was vengeance don't twist the story uh-huh you don't look too bright but it turns out you have a knack for scheming and mark my words i'll remember that hey what do you mean doesn't look too bright you have seated a deep enmity between us just you wait even if you were to be completely destroyed i would never forget you so does that make us your arch enemies bring it on [Laughter] i like your fighting spirit i'll take this diagram back to the knights of evonius and take it from here sure well see you around that you will and make sure not to steal my targets next time i'll try not to [Music]
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Views: 1,385,686
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Keywords: genshin impact, eula genshin impact, genshin impact eula, genshin, genshin impact bwap, genshin impact bwapp, genshin impact bwaap, bwap, bwapp, bwaap, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact game
Id: E7_h0r5AVV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 30sec (2610 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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