Dammit Arin! Game Grumps compilation part 2 [All about Arin and his mad gamer skillz]

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I forgot how to play first of all second of all I really forgot yeah it's okay good job no I use the bombs and broke things that's cool all right I gonna use the bombs again [ __ ] sorry it's hard you you say it like it's so easy yeah what I'm trying to get [ __ ] done yeah like a goddamn skillful was thinking more along the lines of Larry the Cable Guy oh yeah yeah if you die in Gradius you die for real everyone lives to the age of two days what's this I got a surefire strategy to avoid these orange juice that's working really well [Laughter] now that they're not firing anymore okay okay take them out oh that's great wait I can't I can't advance after that is that the end of the game [ __ ] man oh this thing is open already cuz I already talked to the pink person I can just do I can just do it dude I can just [ __ ] do I'm gonna [ __ ] check this [ __ ] out [Music] come on yep there it is there it is there it is next time I get grubs oh my god yeah maybe that'd be prudent get your chops up when you're finally ready for level 1 - damn those bullet bills are pretty adorable sure Dan like compared to how they've been before oh damn you punched the [ __ ] out of that they didn't punch it hit me oh and then it just flew away my face yeah well good job hey next time on game grumps huh really I think so yeah sure yeah yeah okay okay oh you suck oh my god I'm so [ __ ] bad at this it's it's really impressive oh you know what I think I can do this is so cool it's so cool all right you really have to get better at that did I die yeah you killed yourself Oh again and well it'll spawn me like right there I guess yep I was gonna make a joke about Mario sleeping but then the [ __ ] motion controls [ __ ] everything up as usual in every game ever yeah man you Wow even when you just [ __ ] hang it out you're like I think I'll blame this on the controller here's what happened in the last episode mm-hmm golbat [ __ ] fainted right and we're back here we are oh [ __ ] yeah 36 yes oh my god you have no idea no [ __ ] idea what's in store for you I don't back to the fainting pile lights out not what you didn't crack jokes about how you just [ __ ] loss yeah oh my god oh my god boy will he still have a goofy head will he still have a stumpy like a stumpy horn head oh oh [ __ ] he's legit dragony yeah he is 100% dragon oh come on 39.95 wing attack yeah umm yes a [ __ ] lunatic it's awesome did you [ __ ] oh did you really [ __ ] it up what is wrong with you how do you [ __ ] up a menu I was trying to quickly go to scratch I was so confident about the movements of the cursor did you just like [ __ ] us over for like the next three weeks oh you look very disheartened I don't know if you're messing with me or not or like you're really sad you look really sad hold on I can do that I can do that can you just okay good you don't have to like release it into the air and then catch it yes I know you do Oh God now come on dumbest [ __ ] I've ever seen you do I get I'm sorry man Barry you know what you have to do no you don't know no you don't Barry doesn't know what he has to do Oh hit that fast-forward but there's no fast-forward button we have 30 seconds left in the [ __ ] Asad wait do you think people just want to see me talk [ __ ] I'm Mel Gibson and you fail and just call that an episode yes I don't know maybe if they really loved us but I think you should try to beat these guys Aaron tell me yes my friend what's the score no it is curious blindness what is new high score I mean what is new no I don't want Oh get away from me oh I don't like you I can't get up here [Laughter] [Music] okay saved it legs going going going go go up there's the leg up there was the part where the other part it's a shadow the crosses this is very Shadow of the Colossus yeah it's pretty [ __ ] awesome oops I messed up oh [ __ ] I might be falling oops my bad that looks bad I [ __ ] up sorry mom please forgive me Moret calls from Lake Florida and she's like oh Aaron I might like the my telepathic disappointment receptors are going off the charts right now are you blowing it yeah your game doo-doo-doo-doo running up the leg dude you falling off the leg mother's not proud sorry for watching this mom do you do - I'm embarrassed this isn't what it looks like do-do-do-do-do got a new son oh [ __ ] no don't take a selfie right now I got him there's no time gotta make sure I get this one this is gonna be great we're such an ass this is gonna be great on the mantle losing [ __ ] precious life at UConn back its Ganondorf when am I ever gonna see Ganondorf again what are you a Japanese tourist it's [ __ ] alright that's hilarious it's like a dude on a boat smiling is like a great white shark jaws open flies up behind him sweet man wait maybe I can get the triple shot hold on come on come on [Laughter] enraging me right now just wasted half your life on this [ __ ] ever it was worth it was it yes okay absolutely here we go oh [ __ ] hey welcome back Kevin that's up to you what if you don't it's not gonna make any sense yeah yeah so we are in the middle of this ice boss battle fight it's pretty intense I can't express the intensity because as I said in the Sonic playthrough I [ __ ] did a crazy music performance with Steel Panther last night you did it yay and my voice is all [ __ ] so like for the last couple episodes of Mario and the next couple episodes of Mario I'm gonna be nice and low energy it's fine nobody's gonna notice and now that you pointed it out people gonna be like dude I think if you say it and people understand it makes them more understanding I get you because they understand all right can I say that word one more time in the sentence yeah go ahead do you understand yeah all right well then I'll try it then okay man so for the next lifetime obviously I'm gonna be [ __ ] at video games and be like really an insufferable prick about all of everyone's favorite games and really just be like a total downer Wow you know everyone's gonna be like oh man this is intense yeah I might just have to kill him with arrows just do it man or maybe it's the [ __ ] z-targeting just lock right onto his eye it sure does oh boy you're gonna be hearing about that one oh yeah what is this minute 16 look man remember what I was saying in the shovelknight episode about the self-imposed challenges yeah well I'm [ __ ] almost did it but just did that so [ __ ] it salvage a self-imposed challenges or even better I thought it was fun so misinformed I thought it was super funds dying left and right I didn't wonder this guy was easy the first time you bought him yeah always a little seahorse guy oh man this totally takes me back dude you missed the one up man you also missed the tunnel that you could go down but I don't like going down it cuz you missed the one up it's dude it's been way too long I remember it's nothing the whole point of getting coins is to get a 1-up right you get a hundred coins get one one up right so why not just get an instant one up a sign or understood that no I would have if I'd remembered Aaron thank you yeah no problem you missed the start [Music] it's just a flower up there you don't you already have one Oh 1,000 points are you gonna do with that Shh competition you are ruining this trip down memory lane I'm sorry I'm actually having a really good time I know I'm be putting up with tough guy for me I don't want anybody to think that I'm a [ __ ] boy because I'm like giddy that I'm playing Mario with my friend yeah it really is nice okay oh I started singing it because I wanted to sing it yeah and then it got ahead of me and then I forgot what I was yeah making a joke about you keep not going for the one up I don't care hold that one up repeatedly is the entire reason oh [ __ ] dude it's up to you man but I am look once I finished reading drawing on the right side of the brain uh-huh I'll probably be able to teach you some cool stuff really yeah like being able to hit the same five times in a row okay whoa Aaron that is not a sexy voice you're not gonna convince any girls that are on the fence with that kind of voice [Music] what are we doing last time we stopped we're not spaghetti what what are we doing that time I remember we were [ __ ] up somehow but that really doesn't Wow you've done a lot of stuff dude I'm trying to get all the stairs what would haven't we gotten yet a lot but I haven't even gone to the haunted place yet cuz I don't even know how to get in there there's a haunted place I gotta look up how to get in cuz I remember you gotta do some dumb [ __ ] that I don't whatever so funny how I mean that really is your view on video games in a nutshell [ __ ] just like in a heartbeat dude the games gotta prove itself if I'm if I'm gonna devote my precious time to playing a useless piece of [ __ ] it better be the best useless piece of [ __ ] I've ever played right you say as you go ass first into lava four times no I'm just imagining like lasagna on fire and you're just like okay take this [ __ ] star sorry it honestly didn't mean to gank so it's cool my bad sorry too bossy boy you're way over to that tree in fact early gank don't hurry gank absolutely it's uncool not a thing a friend would do really is that I don't much care for it anymore yes oh you got it you got it no no oh and I'll have five need I might be sleeping dude that would have been incredible Oh am i sleeping no you now I'm a wide awake wide awake like a little bear god dude that would have been one of your crowning moments I have rarely have I seen you go from like such elation why would you do that why would you steal from me why would you steal from you're good for an errand what who would do all I've given you like like a smelly room to sit in and I don't know a couple half-hearted hi all right well wait continues put you on blast sweet do I get points for shooting you I am getting points for shooting you that's all right all right you didn't put on the suit wait would you would you stabilize this for me oh my god I'm wearing [ __ ] this is really hard I know it is okay okay come over just just I mean you have the [ __ ] you can do it you just have to you have to jump a little bit all right this is not working clearly oops whoops not my best brought up a little chunk of Earth with that one that's okay man you can eat it you can suck on it forever fair way that's not fair oh I can [ __ ] taught you whoa no I'm glad you only discovered that now such a tool oh you're shooting so I can't do it anymore Oh drop the bass dog can use your own words yeah don't use the [ __ ] [ __ ] that's been said a thousand to them all you have to say is dude I'm sorry that Rosalina aaron you greedy [ __ ] bastard oh you I mean all right if there's three things I can't stand just I've been through this before I've been I don't like it doesn't feel good but I got it you know me man whenever I say I got it I mean it I really mean it yeah yeah when I say I got it man I [ __ ] mean it do you hear yeah he got it oh I totally got what about meaning it have you are you covered on that front oh my god dude sincerely from the bottom of my heart dude cross my heart and hope to die stick a needle in my eyes whoa I don't remember that you and I okay together at last all right okay jeez you were just lamenting just get the dog out of my way okay get the dingle donk all right so you got it right okay yes you just gotta fall into the red that you put there okay and we'll give it a sec okay cool tell me when go yeah that's my bad you are you are like crazy super dead to me all right here we go toad out the sympathy is like oh I feel so bad oh dang it I slammed on reverse [Laughter] Oh Edie I already got four what do you got zero that's cool yeah that is pretty cool Oh nail them nail them oh my god you are rhetorical I want I want my life to be over my life back I just want to play I want his face which is weirdly it is it ironic no it's not ironic its coincidental [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] it I can't get up this [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] Platt for some sick of this garbage how do you grab this so tired inside we're gonna do Oh Mario Oh Mario Monti balls they're just they're just balls throwing rocks at you dude at some point today I'm gonna try to drift off to sleep and right at that moment in the twilight between waking and sleeping over to hear your voice go I did it then I held onto the vines doing the same thing I was doing before oh just pressing and holding the a button I wish I didn't exist anymore to experience the emotions this game is eliciting in me you did it you've completed one third of the course oh good job what's this over here I make fun of me dude try my best oh I mmm we're at the end of our lives whoa hey yeah pretty snazzy right yeah check this out watch this watch this by just falling down not foul and Shefali yeah no this map is ridiculous this is a rough one England boys got it where the [ __ ] is he oh this [ __ ] this [ __ ] is going dead going limp when I [ __ ] shoot my best [ __ ] right here my seed Adam I'm gonna shoot my [ __ ] face he just he gets hit and he just picks it right up again uh-huh it's [ __ ] yes oh my god what a [ __ ] clutch shot dude that was awesome Marin could you get off your own dick it was amazing I'm so proud I can't find you and it's driving me crazy you're gonna win this yes [ __ ] polish you like the dirty war you [ __ ] it oh wow oh I hit so I hit it oh I hit a few habits I've got the shot I'm proud of you were teammates remember not bad let me just let me just find you so I can protect you son of a [ __ ] it's hard alright [ __ ] christ I'm just impatient and I want it to get done and it's just that making it worse boy you really you really got defensive when I said nothing oh yeah I'm just like I'm just sitting there like what if I rinse right here okay tell me when you're ready yeah go for it all right cool whoa good job so you can just walk to it up not it felt like the mercy of how it bounces all right hard I don't know if this is the best way to do it no I don't know dude dude I can't get there in time use that first one stayed there a while wait hold on maybe you can like catch it down there right so like shoot your own portal like I'm gonna try one more time well you okay sorry you're like shoot your own portal look right there like here here I got my little guy on it right there and then [ __ ] never mind damn it oh actually that could oh wait no yeah yeah shoot your red one go back on the original one on the original bridge yeah okay just go through the door and then shoot where mine is with a red one the purple one she's the purple one with the red one got it nice alright so now I can no I can so now we have a little cushion yes okay tell me when you're ready for that [ __ ] to drop ready for it to drop go ahead okay yeah oh yeah now it's staying perfect there it goes it goes the other side great okay great I could caught that yeah [ __ ] ready yeah drop it down and there goes the other colleague all right here come goddamn it she's gonna keep dropping balls why don't you just [ __ ] stand there yeah I don't know wandering looking stupid okay it's fine okay we did it I haven't even [ __ ] done anything yet okay wander around like an idiot alright well yeah let's do that let's finish it I mean it's easy to get there now that I know what to do with the wrong painting damn it god damn it it's it it's easy to get there now that I know what I'm doing I can't get there I can't it's too hard we'll take way too much time no my god you got this I'm just rushing I'm just rushing that's all I'm just I'm from Moscow so I'm Russian [Laughter] stop it just stop it oh wow during the camera work you killed him no no he's throwing [ __ ] at me well you're in charge of the camera now looking down in the court [Laughter] I'm sorry oh my god the screen just goes black I have to throw bombs into that skeleton to dongho's face mmm but I don't have bombs up there what about can you put them in your bag I don't have a bomb bag yet what do you mean you got a bomb bag Aaron did you seriously like forget that that happened I don't know how I [ __ ] zoned out we were making bone bag jokes oh she said the nutsack yeah that's because I was [ __ ] concentrating on the joke and not the it's your fault yeah I'll take the blame I'll take the hit on this it's your fault not mine I'm glad we [ __ ] talked about that out loud because otherwise I'd be like what the [ __ ] it what are you doing right now I'm trying to one wait for the platform to come down Oh God sir Oh God [ __ ] Jesus well thank you for no problem attention more than I was cuz holy [ __ ] man I'm worried about you holy [ __ ] man jeez big cat that's like a [ __ ] that's like some 75 year old man [ __ ] I just I really wasn't okay cuz it was like the start of the episode and I was like thinking about the intro oh yeah I know how it is whoops well that's good oh that's what you wanted okay next time when game grumps did I is the Lionel just gone and I killed him and I can never take a photo of them ah this is embarrassing now he's around probably no he's gone dude oh you it's the one you killed yeah nice [ __ ] job dude but I just like break the game this is why I can't bring you on to great adventure Six Flags Safari so I'll just kill all the Lionel's and I had it like an empty cocaine that gives you like half off of admission yeah this lion country safari did the same thing yeah well now you can't go because you murdered the animals I hope you're happy [ __ ] next time a game oh man that looks like I can't finish that mission then says Lionel's gone oh man I thought he'd come back well I've messed with the ecosystem life will never be the same well I killed the apex predator and now this place is overrun by those birds let him go they call me Terry tree head [ __ ] that your grand plan it was carefully positioning the camera all right thanks tiger grabs mmm actually let's leave in this [ __ ] sorry I got like a spike of actual rage from Perez [ __ ] hard dude this game is hard it's difficult I may be the piper again he's my favorite is it yeah he helped me channel my um but whatever do it bell power apparently I have a bell power the ad is stronger Brodie is here give me a [ __ ] break yo it's true I playing the game right it's a [ __ ] game played on tree want it's not a movie man Jesus not following a [ __ ] script like with all these items you have oh you're gonna use these ones I think well then why'd they give me all the other ones Jesus let me choose my own [ __ ] destiny for [ __ ] sake God go watch some [ __ ] speedrun if you want like the perfect Mario playthrough Jesus Christ cool I took a similar stance maybe you should bro clip the quick hammer I'm going to select one upgrade which one should you do should we consult everybody on the planet I just can't choose for myself I can't have my own experience the efficient way to do it right yeah sure I mean apparently you're horrible at picking badges so that way why would you even go for that when it's a fruitless endeavor Oh God okay so like I promised last episode I went into my reddit AMA that I did on the plane while I was bored yeah and found this super helpful thing so thanks to going greener on on reddit yeah okay and thanks to thanks to everybody who emails me I know I'm salty they're just trying to help me I appreciate the feedback in total it is it's it's it's very kind okay so all right I'm just gonna read through these real quick because and it'll help us learn so quake hammer this is what he says this badge is necessary for pretty much most of the game it flips over enemies who have hard shells to make them attackable and also attacks enemies attached to the ceiling like bats mm-hmm Plus as you probably know it's better to be able to tackle enemies for a couple F P rather than having used their earth tremor every every single battle yes I did learn that okay so the next one who's excuse me he said was power bounce this is one of the strongest badges in the game it lets you continually bounce on a single enemy for as long as you can keep landing the button press so instead of whacking a single enemy for for damage at a time over multiple turns you can power bounce them for ten plus in a single turn Wow okay do you want me to just equip them and no no let's go this is helpful here the rigmarole okay where's flour savor this shaves off 1fp from all special moves right now you have a badge equipped that gives you five plus FP but that's useless now because now that every special move costs one less FP you can use twice as many special moves very true cool that's basic math yo that is basic we didn't figure it out but it is basic as [ __ ] oh sure because apparently we're basic [ __ ] power smash this is the same thing as power bounce but it's necessary for any any enemy you can't bounce on spiked enemies high defense enemies is literally just a giant hammer attack but you'll meet at any time you can't jump attack so power bouncing power Smasher literally all you need for most of the game close call it easy alright this one's a little bit long recently you spent a lot of BP for a one plus one defense badge but taking one less damage from an attack isn't as good as the attack never landing at all close call and lucky safer both dodge chance badges so they make it so the of a percent chance for a move to completely miss you this is awesome so now if a big hit is coming your way defend defense just makes you take seven damage instead of eight wave your dodge bad triggers and you don't take any damage at all so close call if you can't rely on that and pretty lucky okay well no we can't but we still have eight left so let's see it increase I mean I don't wanna I don't want to weigh in on this cuz what if I'm wrong what if it's the wrong badge I like okay restoring HP that's good so is it though maybe mega rush P gives you exponentially more health over time because when you attack it does one less and that person was very helpful and their tone was lovely oh sure okay well restore points to ourselves that's great and anymore hey Dan also when you move around you should go right in a perfect straight line instead of going up and down because that wastes time and also when you fight you should go to the right instead of the left to get to the menu item because that shaves off another two seconds and and also you should just not play this game because if you play it then that's hours of your life that you spend playing this game when if you want to increase efficiency you should just not play it because then you have all that time yeah so just just helping you out here you I'm just trying to I'm just trying to make your experience more enjoyable okay to BP left man do whatever you want camera that's a bad choice because if you throw the hammer then you won't have it anymore and then you can't use it that feels pretty good wow man okay feels good let's let's bring back Vivian because she's pretty rad yeah no you shouldn't use Vivian you should use loopy do P because loopy do P is 1% has a better chance of attacking if struck when this isn't the way I wanted to strike them in in exponential math you see when two is multiplied by five it's actually more than when five is multiplied by one plus one because the order is actually if the multiply first so it would be 5 times 1 and then plus one as opposed to 5 times 2 it's just it's just how the order of mathematics works oh man he spit green [ __ ] all over me also in the fun game where you play as the the red plumber you press the a button to make him jump thank you and that's a real fun thing you can do oh sweet oh god what are those poison tokens we just died yeah 9 I guess you get hurt after every round yeesh hit him with a quake hammer you better believe I am yeah boy it was nice Oh God that sceneries coming down yeah got him and you got him oh dude shit's falling on you like crazy I noticed your poison you're dizzy to your get you got [ __ ] falling on you Mario's bucks maybe you shouldn't change those badges dude you're a really shitty position let it go oh my god such a [ __ ] started [Laughter] trapped okay yeah this is good we're good I'm right I'm right here with you man I'm just gonna pick whatever this is I'm gonna do it I've never done acid so no extra weird Oh next time I came where I'm not I'm [ __ ] a kid yeah [ __ ] yeah how does this thing fight here we go [ __ ] [ __ ] no no no come back come back come back come back ah damn it Oh son of a [ __ ] man did you get one hit on it yeah I got one hit I just want to do this because it's like I want to do it you know like is this off like a secret way to beat it kind of it's just kind of like a cheesy way cool bring the cheese there we go [Music] damn son yeah it's [ __ ] awesome and that's that Wow that's the water temple for all you plebs out there cheesy bastard it really hangers on Hagar's huh not into it I'm going down what why don't stop because I gotta go down to the foot she's probably looking at me now I know damn it [ __ ] stop hanging on the edge you stupid [ __ ] dingus shoot her turn around alright I can't a lot of bullets arrow bullets a lot of Barros it's not a hollow points dog but I can't I can't catch any deer anymore you eat and feed my family Cowboys really started struggling with the Native Americans when they started using bullets in their bows in their in their gun bow okay kid just pull the bow back it's like son of a [ __ ] who the [ __ ] is calling me Wow every Aaron hello you're gonna get some hate on this episode good job now you have to start the level over and you blew that phone call oh my god no you cannot end this episode are you get anywhere I'll go in here okay easy check it I already did it done I don't need the arrow is to get past these troopers I just need to keep track of them oh man oh man they here we go check it out yo set his thing okay one guy it's not the other guy that's fine just you just have to release another one all right hey watch how it's to make it past all the guards it's where do they all have the same script yeah it is it's where it's like they all got together and they were like listen if we ever get freed this is what we have to tell that guy whoa watch out [Music] is this the time Navi yeah eat my [ __ ] blade you stupid stupid Giroud oh you so rude Oh what Jillian she wants you funny go dad's [ __ ] [ __ ] this game [ __ ] arunas fortress [ __ ] ocarina of slime oh that's inviting commentary right there [ __ ] sucks [ __ ] sucks dude grave are increasing it's so stupid hey let him sell the ocarina time it's the worst game ever made stop nobody should ever play this game masterpiece small come on am i right am i right you don't even really mean that you don't even really need to comment down below just hate ocarina please everyone else it's afraid to [ __ ] everyone else in the world you [ __ ] here I really like it actually no you don't I dunno I don't wonder you told me after the episode that you're like I hate this and that is actually these are the words that you use that is not at all true you were in fact Kevin can verify because he puts up the end of the episode you're not that good at this Wow oh man oh man oh man [Music] even with purple Hammer pants we're not ending this until you save another dude I got man not doing it hard to say no and you got to save three more still where can you get more arrows of my [ __ ] go ahead and reach inside then please please yeah I swear they're there you're gonna love them I burped into the microphone okay do please focus and do some of your best playing ever says you and no I'm asking I'm even gonna go super quiet and spin attack you [ __ ] spin attack you doing really well nope not doing it I'm not doing it to me not to me not this time not this time fool it's only if she does her stupid spin attack yeah cheated on oh she's like where to go I went here you stupid [ __ ] you stupid [ __ ] Gerudo piece of [ __ ] with your [ __ ] block toenails Wow look she's looks like she got toenails clippings as weapons [ __ ] times you have to hit her a lot it's [ __ ] it's getting [ __ ] sucks nobody likes this game everyone does this shit's [ __ ] [ __ ] what you sure this is garbage I can't I here I can't I just eat rice dude this is too much for me when did I do you have to kill her in a special way no way just got a [ __ ] attacker till she dies really yeah she [ __ ] gets past my defenses which is a stupid [ __ ] dumbass spin attack [ __ ] it's [ __ ] lame why did the first one died after like three hits because she was the easier one this is the harder one okay I think you're supposed to do this one last I think so Sam but whatever [ __ ] it okay whatever [ __ ] order I want because my game I knew that I made it I'm Shigeru Malmo I'm sure you're a mom I'm sugar mama sugar mama shake him on with a third sugar mama was made she's already laid one hit on you that's not good don't matter really yeah it's their [ __ ] spin attack that matters so [ __ ] off I'll bring you up the [ __ ] ramp see how you like that you like that you like how you're up the ramp just got the higher ground Anakin you can't it's not a real thing is the dumbest line in any movie it's not a real thing what is the higher ground and they literally force jumps over him here it's like she did right there she's a cheater no no you [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] got you I love this game yeah I [ __ ] love it you did it this is the best game I've ever played I [ __ ] love it Dickie have you found a key of getting keys from you fender King find a key key I set him free I set him free hey um get through what over here okay I guess but she said something but it clicked away too fast I think I have to get up here hmm makes so much sense now at the triple jump yeah yeah guys you guys were trying to communicate something to me and I just wasn't listening and I I apologize you know I'm dead I hit the rock way too early why did you do that I just accidentally hit it with my thumb so come on come on yeah freaky dick you freaky dick I [ __ ] it I [ __ ] it you win you win again again Dan Avidan master of kirby's dream course number one [ __ ] best guy number one friend oh [ __ ] I have a chance oh man you can suck right on my guts right on it Oh Burgie your Cloris is off to her god I get droopy nuts doing right now it's warm in here and I've got droopy ass nuts they're not clingy like when it's [ __ ] cold did you jump into a cold pool I'm sorry hey okay I got spooky bat some there take a got flashy glowy rings down here well I think they're directly related okay well that solved everything yeah so here I go okay so supposedly related Li there are three floating candles in this hallway oh yeah I saw one of them really yeah maybe light that [ __ ] right I think of that when it didn't even cross my mind it's okay you didn't have firepower there you go there's one that's ready didn't have firepower I wouldn't have known hey I'm cool with anyone's opinion as long as it's like well thought out and not presented in the dickish way I also don't think I can mentally handle much more of this level what sort why because the the sound of it is nightmarish I don't really care is that honestly I didn't even consider that you might say that oh no oh no all right five more tries and then for your own mental health because five is at four five is a good number because it really lets you do you want it you want to extend it to ten you might need ten nine now all right let's do that we'll do the we'll do the full countdown yes yes doing well doing well now seven he would freakin go down the road he would go oh do you want me to do it hold on I'll do it Peter prefers personal pan pizzas partly new sentence okay five I don't know maybe words dude Patera dactyls P word silent [ __ ] absolutely don't you [ __ ] dare do that [ __ ] to me I'll [ __ ] kill you okay stab you in the [ __ ] heart [Laughter] [Music] all right let's say for left nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing this is nothing nothing don't believe me look at my resume okay last one Jimmy's got back Taco Bell too much it late at night and they wake up in the middle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Oh welcome back to infuriation grumps here we go I think I've reached my my limit maybe she's born with it maybe it's mabeline oh my god you're doing [Music] [Laughter] my mom mommy mommy bring that sweet white but one clear needle this level has a one [ __ ] clear come on man I mean we're gonna try it for the rest of this episode and we will fail but here's what I'll say oh I got it now do I know how to do it do you have to hold it all the way until the next note oh you got it I'm gonna [ __ ] create some new curse words [ __ ] mahogany table Macchio carrot cake squirrel convertible moss okay Streetcar Named just flick Ella my gosh dang doodles huh freak and a half no [ __ ] cannonball Brigid bracken betamax dill pickle [Music] no fingers really fish it'sit's that was farther though la [ __ ] your life no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no never never never I want to see film of the one person beating this don't freakin do that you can't just do that you can't just decide you can't just you here we go don't [ __ ] know don't [ __ ] don't [ __ ] [ __ ] gone dark she's gonna yell like d-list Marvel cat hey munites getting a resurgence I love moon night and I love dark hawk sleepwalker rainbow man speedball do you remember speedball no he was a ridiculous Supergirl oh I'm assuming he turned into a ball and went fast no he just bounced around he bounced off [ __ ] really fast oh why is the bass beat like really behind the notes I don't know it's it's pretty critically important in this type of thing oh why give it three more tries okay that's it [ __ ] and they gonna do it like a little bit for [Music] damnit [Laughter] [Laughter] my mom hates dance laughs I just want to dedicate this next laughing fit to that dude's mom [Music] this is broken us completely man you [ __ ] those credits really took me on a ride like this game was a [ __ ] journey yeah but now it's over final thoughts Aaron yes it was me who made it [Laughter]
Channel: Bman64
Views: 882,499
Rating: 4.8926339 out of 5
Keywords: Mario, Zelda, game grumps, compilation, Kirby, Arin, Egoraptor, Super Mario
Id: zn90QWX9_wY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 44sec (3824 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 30 2018
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