Comedy Bits Game Grumps compilation part 2 [Improv skills to pay the bills]

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oh that was unlike a side island I'm not gonna do that [ __ ] man and I say unless I find it and I'm interested in it then I'm cool there's an orgy gonna blow chicks back it's late it's late this is the last we are clearly tired and stupid oh no not me yo you up here he down here yo he ain't up on your level girl no Geeta him you you don't listen to his ass is a broke-ass can't he do magic he can't do man she can't wake the winds girl he doubt he you up cuz the [ __ ] camera I can't ah ah-oh black blogger sner big spew BAM stroke hi don't think I don't think we're gonna hit it man I don't think we're ever gonna be on the same him Oh like trying to guess which one yeah oh yeah so like I just yelling [ __ ] out sorry that's Bob's blam oh you know we can do we haven't done one of our improv things in a little bit okay okay so when you look down my shirt I have great large boobs way to take it home I got a pencil and I wrote something on paper let's see one more okay living oh wait what was it living every day to the fullest sounds like stupid dumb [ __ ] weird hippie dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] idea [Laughter] all right improv exercise where you go sometimes every buddy goes to Italy and sucks a big huge that one was great yeah you thought we were gonna get 30 but it's just a little thing about Italian lollipops nothing wrong they're the best kind in gourmet yeah hey just like a mama used to make yeah mommy used to make lollipops for me in sunshine yeah she saw when I was playing Mario Sunshine my mom my mom were used to like comment subscribe yeah she's dead now yeah so you better do it for me hey you want to do an improv sentence all right okay startup ja George went to the frame yeah sometimes I like to touch my nuts because they weren't blown to smithereens in that's a nice reason why a good one what was that door over there I don't worry about it just go just go something I dig okay my [ __ ] big [ __ ] dick one more time my name is Frank good job again okay Jesus my [ __ ] Bill Nighy my dad Barry get Bill Nye on the hor molasses melts quickly brutal burrow rose gold Arthur I was wondering do you have a sec I told you never to call me here again all right hey this molasses go fast so to summer Sunday I've got a qualification how could you you're already on the phone with me looks like you're the Science Guy yourself a worthy successor [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] that was way harder than I should have been maybe you're friendly there is my chance pincers and stinger yeah you know yeah it is good you're full of refried beans today [Laughter] it's beautiful I love it oh my god thought oh my god I have to call it when I'm in my [ __ ] boat or some I didn't realize that he said going down it was talking about like oh my god first second I thought you were gonna say like fellatio but then you went with the culling it's right and I got really impressed it there because he's living it up and he's going laughter how could we do an improv sense donation well who is the master of my dick the answer is within your heart I'm back here you gotta give me you gotta give me here's another one yep Rocky is the best person in the Philadelphia area because I need to learn the wind arias song yes so I got to go to this [ __ ] island so I can [ __ ] learn the wind arias song and go and play it for a [ __ ] tree person do it man beat that [ __ ] I'm like Tyson I'll beat it with a song from my favorite singer brandy yell yell vez [Laughter] oh my god oh he took America by storm this storm coming out of his mouth yeah he really took command of the entire culture wow I really hope that's a character it's up right now all right here we go this was my best game ever you know what let's try together don't ever talk to me when I'm angry at you or not you it's gonna say that [ __ ] guy up there don't ever talk to me what I'm angry at you or not you let's keep it going all right who's next toots for me today flash man or crash man do you think they hang out more cuz they rhyme and they get all pissed on like somebody mumbles yeah what do you think they have a third friend named cash man who never shows up because he's so [ __ ] rich you guys [ __ ] fight in your blue world I'll just I'll just stay here in my money pile I was I was rich enough to have more than 16 colors on screen he's been through a lot yeah well until he's like that's why I tried to follow up with a vastly inferior together you know when they go [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] yeah Dixon I'm gonna smack my dick against yours love in your tummy cuz that's where I did sir I'd rather this didn't ya watches or not the up hate ha I wanna turn I would have I wish you had turned him in you've been like cuz you're not ruin this one that's really [ __ ] up song to say yeah could you not [ __ ] it please in the production meetings for this game they were like the Guru Marxist we need a guru you know what Kiku racks we need to make [Music] so a new character I recreated does he have a name yet I don't know we'll think of one but it's a guy who Han the Japanese guy who gets so excited and charged up that he [ __ ] breaks into song you know he breaks into a music video oh yeah [Laughter] [Music] [Music] just flying and there's sparkles and rainbows good to be over here oh you got it yes that's so much better okay killer so you can [ __ ] up those dude now father why have you brought the hammer that [ __ ] I I cannot stop doing that that character Tonto Thomas the 18th century boy who doesn't realize he's about to be killed by his dad I told you about him right yeah we certainly are sailing far out into the ocean will we be going swimming today but I haven't brought my bathers they all they bathers you'll be needing our cement shoes I mean wouldn't that make me sing father yeah the dad never talks oh it's just like context clues from Thomas I love him so much father we sure are up high and there are no parachutes to speak well there's one parachute and yet those two of us will be splitting the parachute in Twain father and that is quite an adult-sized parachute but do you think it would fit my tiny arms I'll appeal to the crowd [Laughter] [Music] what the [ __ ] you're saying right now Matt Ryan can you put up the box of call of duty call of duty shooter man thank you thank you so much all right it's more like call of duty comma shoot of man we're just all one giant word or I want to play call of duty semicolon shooters man there you go all right oh [ __ ] the black and white gang it's a weird combo I've never seen a piranha plant talk [ __ ] before we're gonna be weird in this whole Mario lore like they just they talk come out of the pipes and they're just like Mario what's up and you're like oh don't change part I'm going to stand the neared the pipe so you're scared to come out okay please please stop standing so near to my Play please stop please I want to come out I'm suffocating in here please here comes the tram ER I need you to talk okay all right at least let me try let me try Murr you ready to talk you ready to tell a story oh yeah here we go once upon a time a guy named George George Wilson came up to another man named Franklin Roosevelt and said Wow your name is strikingly similar to one of our former presidents Franklin Roosevelt said I am a former president I'm Dwight is now yes got it good story Aaron thanks six damage oh man for sure yeah just just crazy energy [ __ ] looks like you're absolutely [ __ ] look at that oh yeah that's right here we're talking about touring though there's someone who brought it up uh oh we were jacking off in our bunks no we were not yeah that doesn't that doesn't happen you're just too close to other people yeah any any slightly would be absolutely heard by the far too many yes there's no way I have to wait so we can have without Jay no I need a quick story from you okay so I can press a with PO okay one day my wife Sandra this is a made-up story told me that she wasn't satisfied with my sexual endeavors so I told her well then maybe you should be invited to them rakesh oh yeah six six six six oh that's six six six oh you're right yeah sleep I'm asleep not good I mean you're like a shadow you're by default asleep oh this would be a good time for the tremor hectic [Music] that's fine to say the story Aaron one day Minerva to the hair salon and said to the lady just surprised the lady was like oh you don't want me to do that and then eventually she came out bald the end and she had one more hair - okay they missed one she got really upset and and didn't tip boy I am getting much better at that yeah it's because my sweet stories show tremors here it comes here goes oh okay Saturday is the day when everyone gets together and decides they are going to all buy ice cream but a problem arise because as it got more popularized there ran out of ice cream for the whole world so now they saw and that was pretty good though I don't really get to the conclusion I'm sorry I mean there wasn't one but some was gonna figure something out this isn't good this is good you sort of like you sort of bailed me out of that one hello hello hello friend Aaron welcome back to game grump Aaron created a new character I guess I guess the idea is that Aaron has been replaced by a cybernetic replacement Aaron but like that's almost super convincing but not quite all there so it's like hey Aaron what's going on hello I am friend I have missed you I am friend Aaron as I have always been I will always be yes do you remember that time that we was not that fun gee Danny Darryl Danny Danny correct Danny G Danny how are you today I'm good thank you as you always are in fact you were yesterday were you not remember remember the time that we give examples you serve a [ __ ] where's the game audio we have hung out exactly seven times Aaron what where's the game audio no I can't hear it okay when we don't know what we're doing and I can't spoil it oh right gotcha of course my edge you into the right direction or straight out tell you what to do but or use a walker could do that hey go baby yeah my mother sold peas she was a very successful pea saleswoman but one day a wall a pea more it opened up a cross all right it was a it was a huge chain team are and they outsold my mother's peas 3 2 1 oh we're not doing that anymore Jesus it didn't even [ __ ] knock him upside down this is brutal horrible entrepreneur driver I fought for arrival focus I mean I'd hoped you'd get here 45 episodes ago but whatever so which partner would you like with a powerup oh gotta be Vivian right yes circle it's gonna the best fiery drink static all foes with fire yes mini egg to make your enemies tiny lip-lock to hurt foes shell shield does it cost one shine to upgrade your dude jeez I don't know let's see what happens took three shizume forever [Music] [Laughter] I'm tripping balls all of a sudden power up more okay I'm are streaming penises let's do circles hey bud throw up our birth partner yeah forever oh no not again it hurts for an eternity yes this will not wear off I assure you how come he gets this particles and I get the horrifying care to power up more no please don't you start barfing but it only like goes out in all directions in space No oops you just described how I feel whenever you take me on a roller coaster it's just like no please no more like in the vein of toxic in that it was an extremely popular song yes okay well [ __ ] return to innocence was an extremely popular song yeah do you think the guy who sang return to innocence every time someone was like hi he'd be like every [ __ ] time Craig penderson I don't have time for this [ __ ] damn it with your with your Native American chanting yeah if that even is what that is I thought it's cuz there's a lot of footage of Native Americans in it oh that's true that's what I always imagined like a guy like around the campfire or whatever anything oh not his friends do you need to borrow four bucks or five [Music] Craig say five god damn it do you want to know why I got these braces on [Music] alright I'll just see you later get back to me when you've cooled off like later tonight froze the game wow really [ __ ] scooped you that's the real time waster yeah like where he's slow I like to imagine Craig slowly drifts away as he sings it like like takes three steps back just [ __ ] lower your voice or not sing that yeah or just like just admit that it's not a hit song anymore I can't imagine that like more than half of the people that are watching this right now I've heard that song what return to innocence yeah oh gosh I don't even know I mean it was popular then but like super posture my audience I don't think it's like super cognizant back then you might be right yeah I guess if it's a fifteen year old song and if you were twenty you were only like five when he came home gosh that's crazy there you go Craig don't be upset it's just not a popular song anymore and Craig shut up fine sorry I just do that sometimes Craig where did you put down for gender anyway yes he like [ __ ] up surprise parties because like turn on the lights yet sex sorry I gotta get a head start that's so great did you get me a cake too oh [Applause] [Laughter] goodness all right earth tremor perfect its Chronicles of Riddick dude mobilize all enemies that's pretty good too yeah as long as I don't [ __ ] it up alright alright do the thing once upon a time George was a good man but he encountered something in his life that made him a bad man he made cheese for a living and one day he decided I'm going to use the cheese to get better rape charge oh I don't really have it today I my game is off I'm over thanking it pretty good I think it might have been better if I immobilized well that was your fault I didn't influence you at all on that decision so I refuse to take responsibility for it cool fair enough yep yeah yeah I'm gonna kill him little [ __ ] okay I can kill him you think if I do it if I do it right yes I did I'm a little okay Martha had a friend named Gillian Gillian was a good friend because she always made soup on Wednesdays but this Wednesday came along and there was no seat Gillian asked Martha asked Gillian what the [ __ ] is up with the soups fashion I used to be so good at that oh it did not even it's not even doing anything jakers dude it's like Yonkers welcome back hello okay you know it's the grumpy gamers show yeah yeah you you know it all right so it's time to fight mister smorg again that would be like this shitty branded version like like the if gamegrumps feels like a show that was invented as a part of like some bigger website that's been around for 10 years like we need to make a show that's like all the other let's play shows let's make the grumpy gamers show and it just has like a bad high dam it is a bad logo and like the personality is like who are they they're like a video editor and right like some guy named Chaz and they think it's funny couldn't agree more so I just gotta bring it hard this time yeah from the jam of the life okay thanks I'm Chaz yeah and I'm and I'm Bennett I'll be editing this video later so right now we're playing Paper Mario yeah yeah and pipa Mario when I was a kid I played this game like like like a lot I mean a lot and I really loved it yeah yeah me too it was a great game it was it was one of the most fantastic either groundbreaking game yeah I agree too meanwhile the website that they publicly gave it like a [ __ ] six I don't even remember it was like [ __ ] 10 years ago or something I did what I think is really cool about this game is the paper aesthetic III agree Chazz the paper aesthetic really gives it that that unique feel and I think really sets it apart from the other Mario games in particular other are there RPGs as well really getting stroked by my own hand while I play it yes that's that's a good point that's pretty neat I'm watching it happen right now and I gotta say it's it's quite tantalizing quite sexually exciting for me if I do say so myself okay and wow that's pretty good [Music] hello and welcome back to game grumps okay there's babies in here there's a hundred I counted you talking about now there's ninety nine okay full disclosure hey baby I silently ate a baby I was talking it's one of the talents I have and we're down to 96 only babies there's a DJ no 8020 we're back up - I'm sorry I gave birth bottles off to me got a little sick and they came back out and I don't chew very well alright I gotta see if I can work this showstopper a little bit more down there's the babies okay alright comes the earth tremor get ready to speak Aaron OH natural disasters caused mayhem throughout the world but we can't control it or can we the government has over the weather so they can create any natural disaster they want in the world inflating or deflating economies as they see fit just like that Russian guy who made a billion dollars because he bet on some glitch in the currency exchange no man oh you wanted me to tell a story yeah it's cool boss fight to equip that like don't get poisoned badge before yes it does too bad I didn't know about this that's okay um I'll try some tactics or some special poison lasts for nine turn yeah it's not good it's a bad scene that's out of control briefly increases your party's attack and defense power that's good let's try to earth tremor your [ __ ] ass [Music] [Music] drinking stock you'll never know the end of that story I didn't do much didn't do as much as I needed to refresh special here comes the tremor there you go it hit me with that oh [ __ ] hit me with that story um Dylan was skateboarding on halfpipe and his friend George Stanton said hey man isn't that halfpipe too high for you your leg is broken and you shouldn't be skating to begin with and Dylan said my leg ain't broken your face is broken yeah I did it I yeah it was funny though I told it wasn't funny I can earth tremor good go for it I can earth tremor this [ __ ] okay get ready to tell a story Saddles more a sound investment to make it your best for you and me selling them on eBay is a is a 4x increase in profit this is not good life insurance forget about 401ks saddles the [ __ ] that was a terrible story invest in saddles today I was not able to do my best work yeah because you kept we're criticizing my story in your head you're probably right it's like [ __ ] just roll with the punches dude I think some of they're not all gonna be [ __ ] winners giving Mario know until sure in fact most of them aren't gonna be winners the whole point is just to kill time while you [ __ ] save yourself but I was thinking about how dumb the story and I did all right well I'll come up with a [ __ ] Triple A story next time you [ __ ] do well thank you so do that picture No here just do some [ __ ] while I while I earth tremor okay this is gonna be the best story I already promised okay please okay hey you good so I can zone out and do this Joe Stenson had a shop in Milwaukee my god so cheese he sold bread and he sold the dead [ __ ] oh my god hard it's harder telling it to you oh my god losing my mind over here you know what might be a nice change of pace yeah you wanna count how many hardships I had this Joffe they just see the centipede and just like swoops down in the house he just keeps trying to like impress upon you that he's not a chicken you want me to print as that oh [ __ ] actually whoa is it did you get all that yes yeah you did all right because I'm an owl I'll be right back we all have a Hylian Shield in one way or not me so check it out let's see why oh look at that yeah but it's too big I can't hold it like a shield so I go like so I go like this like a turtle that's freaking adorable or it could be that I'm like listening to some like sick rock music so I'm like [Music] you know when they like get really into it you know or they like bend down into the mic yes it's just like next time on game grumps yeah well we'll get a heart between now and then so the beeping stops I promise okay see you then everybody I'm just gonna get hurt more well that's a good move right after I [ __ ] indian-style five or six more times better [ __ ] Indians yeah have you ever sat on the floor and then like [ __ ] it out and it just becomes like a [ __ ] pancake under your butt what no yeah don't yeah me like yeah I've been there and then tell me a story you want i sat down on the floor and I've had to [ __ ] how old are you can't honestly remember I remember the last time you [ __ ] your pants yeah no you are not we just got these crabs I gotta give them to you guys so we eat them and then we gamble and then you know I start to go back to my own serve and all of a sudden I just I just feel it's some weird and then I take one step and I just whoa right down my leg Wow can't believe you're good for that twice a year I've known you for seven years now I mean you [ __ ] your pants 14 times yeah but then so I go back to my I go I go back to my room and you know I just take off all my my my shoes my clothes right there in the stall right there in the towels right and I you know wipe my one my body with the towels and then you know I go to and I wake up and I take the most perfect double taper [ __ ] I've ever had what a beautiful tale it's not my story what are you serious baseball player yeah you told me about this I was like this sounds weirdly familiar but I didn't want I didn't want to say anything how many people are like wait a second I'm good twice a year four oh that's right that's right one of these days we should just upload the intro like hey grab a browser grab our the game grabs on at the end of April Fool's episode that no one would appreciate what is that it's what sight oh come on it's awesome no that's what I wanted a side up full like you ready to [ __ ] [ __ ] up I love them more he's like are you ready man one day in the dark of night boo he looks like he's constantly in like he has kind of a bindi dot though yeah so I wonder if his voice would be like yeah probably channels his psychic energy go on that didn't look good on the capture at all sorry barrier Kevin I don't get Golduck though I never got his name hey barrier Kevin whoever is didn't erupt you whoever is whoever is uh editing this just say hello but do it in your color text so I know who it is okay hi eleven where the L come from Larry new at heart new editor Larry hey Larry the neighbor from Three's Company I love your read comics and it'd be awesome if we had like I don't know like our editors had like a fake third persona named Larry with red text and he was just like he could like they could live out all their like dick fantasies not their dick fantasies but like they're being a dick fantasies like towards us like nice [ __ ] joke [ __ ] and like we can't do anything because we won't know who was responsible for Larry Larry the red Comic Sans and green drop shadow [Laughter] text your choice Larry it's really pleasing to the eye of beautiful dude yeah well [ __ ] you too it's just whatever you said [ __ ] you he actually only said like I like cheese do you have to get them all down there just what just to okay then I can do that see hello it's game grumps yeah game rips is you know it's like a Kickstarter video it starts out and it's like game grumps is ding to get a getting ding dinging Ingram's is dan and Erin playing games clinic couch but what do people want out of game grumps and moreover what are people missing ding dinging we raised over $100 in the last 8 years that's insane zero bars no he has like a really deep voice it does the problem oh dude we should get Chris in here - do you mind okay yeah cuz robot voice don't worry I'll comment over these weird chow [ __ ] whatever the hell's going on oh boy oh god I'm frightened [Music] oh stop stop it stop ah thank god you're here Dan this shit's going crazy okay so our buddy oneis here he does the most Amit Jesus Christ oh my god make yourself comfortable yeah okay so we just need you to do your awesome robot voice what do I say I just read what he says I don't know if you remember the cheese pizza from a long time ago but you must not would you say it's Trey's epic robot Chris can you say [Laughter] a cool guy my name is Chris I have a big dick I am the COO okay my name is Chris I have a big big problem that's the most amazing voice I've ever witnessed anyone make yeah no all right this battle is for real yeah I have a good feeling about this one I'm bringing it downtown you know right I'm playing music on the streets I'm getting a noise complaint but you know what I don't even care because this is my art enough [ __ ] this is like watching slack Judd and all of you late improvising a crazy monologue it seemed like it was okay okay one day I was walking down the street I met a guy named Carl Carl was nice because all right we go okay here's the one mark mistakenly ordered nine pizzas I wasn't sure if I should keep them or not because I really enjoy pizza [Applause] you saw how close I got though it's so good taste he's talking about pizza oh my god Nintendo would have never allowed this game to exist rocket the Hedgehog was a lonely young hedgehog in the Sun damn it I can't talk about Sonic fan fiction that's too much where you gonna cross rocket racoon with Sonic of a maybe cool here we go okay I knew a guy named Jesus I asked him hey isn't your name pronounced a Seuss and he said no my mom is very religious and I said wouldn't that have prevented you from having the name Jesus [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] okay JZ graphite a very glittery to the third episode of this Radical Republicans really wreck my rectal rap don't go for alliteration I'm sorry that'll make it way too hard for you okay okay I need the not pinky story I need them not pinky stories all right purple plants make me feel uncomfortable when I walk towards them they say hey how's it going and I say it's going okay but it's not really going okay I just didn't want to share my emotions with the purple plant [ __ ] I don't know him I think I injured myself I think you're gonna do it I mean injure yourself not succeed check out battle kids face when the door closes and like he's just saying Jerry wrestled bears for a living but he wasn't happy with it so instead he change his profession to golfing he wasn't happy with that either he just realized he wasn't unhappy dude in general so he saw a psychiatrist and the psychiatrist [ __ ] this is as hard as fight a good actual 20-foot plant monster Wow okay yup oh that's actually more like a 60-foot plant monster Jennifer dumped me [Laughter] that was you sure to set a story yes through words on takes to get the tears flowing I'd say that recklessly I touched the car that didn't belong to me it was a very nice car 1978 Bugatti [Music] nothing will make me feel better even the victory will be bittersweet oh my god oh wow register now at your local supermarket Lauren it's card it will save you 10% I'm [ __ ] goddamn [ __ ] Oh God in heaven huh my mom's a nice lady but sometimes you know you'll never know the end of that story I'm movin on your improv skills are through the roof right I was caught murdering some man named Steve I talked to the police and I refuted that I had anything to do with the murder the police said wait wait then why are you standing above the dead body okay I think you got like three more chances holy [ __ ] my dad really likes that I'm doing music right now but he's kind of disappointed that I'm not good at writing music someone's gotta give me okay okay for this one total silence total silence go no no I don't even do that well that time it's the improv skill last try it's a magical [ __ ] Golden Monkey dude this is it this is that for everything good luck as a child I always wanted to be on who's got all right fine yeah who's got a nice show legends of the Hidden Temple was one of my favorite shows of all time I always wanted to be on it kind of a consider this continuation of the last story however I have to say I'm very close to beating the goddamn monster but he's not dying we're not stopping so close damn no the green needles will not be the death of me I will continue onward they've been exclusively the death of you okay that's not true the bottom green needle has gotten me sometimes that didn't count oh that one didn't don't add it to the counter take the counter down from the screen it's no counter okay okay why is there a plant here what is he doing what's his purpose why did you have to open up when I showed up here you could have just been hanging on I could've shot him in the [ __ ] bud it would have been fun nip it in the bud they say that's the term I'm getting close why do I have to point that out it always makes me worse so goddamn close possibly did you see that there's also the possibility that occurs through like 12 more iterable sure that's what they want you to think oh my god I think so ha gerrymandering politicians always get their way unless you veto their vote in a voting booth you have the power as a citizen of the United States registered to vote at your local DMV so that you can control the fate of your country at least somewhat I mean there's the Electoral College and everything [Laughter]
Channel: Bman64
Views: 301,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, funny, bit, bits, joke, jokes, zelda, mario, mega man, dark souls, bloodborne, paper mario, earth tremor, improv, skill
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 30sec (3810 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2018
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