Dammit Arin! Game Grumps compilation part 1 [All about Arin]

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hello welcome back this is the final episode that we're filming this evening and boy I'm tired Aaron are you tired no I'm just getting started really I'm just getting farted Newton [Music] [Laughter] professional comedian we are enhancing it's that's Adele - yeah totally watch out for those fireballs they'll hand you right - hell yeah there you go uh did she do any other songs is that her EP just two songs she I know she's had a bunch of hits yeah she's very talented and she must be a boxer then dude because I'm trying to think of the song please yo welcome welcome please push the button push the button no you have the controller you have the controller Wow what a [ __ ] awesome bit and really really good stuff the only thing that would make it worse is if I do it Aaron hey how's it going oh my god that's like a friendship ender [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] yeah okay oh I just need to see if there's anything over here yeah yeah are you yeah and when I say never let I'm like let as an le t let you we know it's getting yeah and anyway say you I'm talking about why are you not ey e as he stops oh I'm sorry burying me well I mean [ __ ] everyone heard it don't change the subject you can't [ __ ] you can't spell I I can't I just wasn't I saw it in my head is e wi problems with that alright sometimes I have problems with it like the only way it could've been worse is if I was trying to spill I face a long time ago years ago hundred years Jen I love the idea of me actually being in this world with you and like you're in a like an incredibly tense and stressful battle with a water blight and I'm like just sitting in the rafters [ __ ] on your grammar and spelling whatever bro not a problem you know me and [ __ ] wigglin yeah Shh I'm a [ __ ] wiggling fool I would really love to be in a band called the [ __ ] wiggling fools and the women the female backup singers like it's when you it's when you're taking a when you're taking it particularly I don't like where this is going on it's what you're taking a particularly difficult [ __ ] right and then you get that little dangler and like pinching it you can't get it far enough that is dissipation I did you have so many bathroom tales that I just do not relate to and really come on you guys at home have to relate to that you guys at home when you're trying to when you're trying to pinch it and then it's just it's not enough so you have to like wiggle your ass but you don't want it to like flap back up into your cheeks you are disgusting as good it's gross I know but it's its life it is life we get real here on game grumps yeah if nobody's gonna talk about that stuff then who will nobody by my math my point that's exactly my point nobody's gonna talk about poopy if I don't I really like sports no I'd be just like licking it like a not cool way oh wait the goombas are back squish oh yeah [Laughter] [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] regular that's the fart noise I haven't heard like since childhood we are the kings yeah we're the [ __ ] Kings of Comedy dudes Christ in the metal upon our chests all right [ __ ] presence if she says no that has to be it okay I can't take any more we've been playing this for hours oh okay come on Helen oh my god come on this has to be a dude oh she's happy she's in a good mood yeah let's see oh my god you saw she is John she said not that into a bracelet take that hand bro I love with you let it go I want to put my face between your boobs well I mean yeah obviously goes with that thing yeah no I hear come on man Rayna Brandon Brandon bring it in come on bring it on come on yeah there you go Biggers my special go okay okay big cat okay okay let's go to drop the bass Island [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right let's play some rygar vigor okay come on buddy all right Ross is gonna come come over and we're all gonna hang out and we're gonna have a good time okay ice cream you want some ice cream I can scratch it into shape boobs it sucks because like this is the thing about game grumps right uh-huh it's like we stop and then it's like oh we gotta take a bite of a thing or take a sip right or go pee or whatever right and then when you start it's just like 10 minutes can become devoted right right me I'm like I'm a shotgun pooper it's just [ __ ] it's like boom it just shows up right so like I'll start an episode and then it'll just be like hey you got a poop and I'm like oh so I'm gonna have to poop this whole episode are you serious you know right now yeah we're only 55 seconds in no it's okay I can I can [ __ ] deal are you sure I can deal are you super sure yeah I'm just gonna be farting a lot so are you okay with that I'm not sure great here we go could be yeah at least in the in the in the top five of all time gamegrumps episodes for least progress don't okay cool thank you for the support so happy I'm doing my [ __ ] best oh this is probably like the best I've ever done in any game is that right because just the level of hardness like garbage you sent [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] this episode I don't know what number this is go down in history as the game quintessential game grumps episode where you got so grumpy [Laughter] [Music] what what the H oh there it is glasses boom is it now I can see the secret thing and get my foot thank you oh wow thank you so much is that dude what are you talking about I don't know what up dog is well aren't you proud of you Lord oh yeah like that's that's an option if you've been moving hard I was like wow what I cup I spill I cup ICP are you [ __ ] serious Aaron is that what we've got to that we're at in our friendship I see you pee that's the second time we've got you is like a [ __ ] elementary school you got me yeah oh you got me I see you see me pee in a non-specific Oh God alright so funny so much comedy there's so much comedy in the world there's so much good comedy and why aren't I any of it dude of the car with your bungling that son of a [ __ ] you're right yeah that's like the bunk with everything that's the savefile at your bed and that's the door at to bed geppu geppu sound my turds make when they hit the water we shove my we shook it real good sugar they did a live [ __ ] hiccups dude it was the song of time and you wasted 30 seconds of your time so there you go appreciated thanks cool really appreciate that whole thing about you making fun of me and making me look like an ass Wow what no I totally appreciate it I'm laughing with you no that's like the coolest thing no it's great man Wow really one of the better friends in my life we can that chained to anything I don't [ __ ] know that's what I'm trying to figure out you big douche okay sorry no it's like the edge of my rope I can tell man out of nowhere you're fine like a man I'm getting a little sassy right now okay oh my god oh my god oh my god [ __ ] oh so close [Applause] everything's great Mazel baby you did actually win this whole course you won this whole course no yeah that's shut oh I can't shut up that's what happened I'm not asking to do any favors for me yeah [ __ ] you Brian too much could you see [ __ ] like that I don't know man messed up what you do realize that I have voice messages from you saying like it's and let's say it's on my old phone but I'm sure I kept it made me laugh every time it's just it's just hilarious that like how quickly we forget I would totally still do that yeah of course oh nice you did it oh it's just because you sound it sounded like you just woken up like all your words were slurred [ __ ] like come on is the best good times yeah got a big old case of the [ __ ] yous okay [ __ ] you that's what I'm i order a sandwich at Subway what do you mean just like it's if there's somebody but like everything about Subway's is like infuriating really yeah it's like the people in front of you take too long and like there's no drive-through and like it's it's just all I don't know I'm over-exaggerating obviously but Subway's like the land of inconveniences yeah it's I mean because then it's like I have to be okay and they're like what do you want and I'm like sweet onion chicken teriyaki footlong on flatbread and then there what bread and bread and they're like okay and then they [ __ ] take and they're like did you say footlong yes I said footlong yeah and like you want cheese you already have so many like bad experiences with that like it becomes self-fulfilling prophecy second you walk in there like hi how can I help you you're like Swiss cheese and they're like what kind it's like [ __ ] you yeah you know the kind I just said they're like toasted and it's like of course toad you can't have the flat bread and not toast it it's it's like spongy gross starchy ass [ __ ] bread it's made to be toasted Wow of course I want it toasted and then they [ __ ] toasted then they start helping the people behind you and sits in the toaster for like it's like another person just [ __ ] destroy things you can't just fill it up with smidge and think that's all it's gonna be onion okay and they put like two onions on it it's like more onion please when you like get some weird combination like wicked can I get mayonnaise and also sweet onion sauce they finally like throw up their eyeball a bribe brows a little bit like don't [ __ ] judge me I can make my own sandwich Wow next time I'm gay bro you just went [ __ ] off on subway all you had to say was their food is gross that's what I said so sweet now I gotta [ __ ] find her goddamn Thunder helmet or whatever looks that way yeah I got a [ __ ] I'll be here back tried to hold it hey you know what you did your best and I'm proud of you do you think [Music] no please do you think Ben Stiller was was a fidgety child and somebody asked him to someone sits tailor yeah yeah I do probably done you probably also asked him where you've been Ben Stiller kick that treasure chest open baby I don't want him okay but I did it anyway Wow I did not expect like 30 burbs in one yeah it looked really satisfying it was like a Snickers packed with peanuts dude thanks for the [ __ ] with three hearts and no fairy it's a little thing called skill van I may not have heard of it or ever experienced it in your life a loser would say that Lou says what loses what using like I'm sorry this is what loser says what mmm things are well this guy ever [ __ ] die oh don't have to kill the darknet I think that's what the problem is the iron knuckle aware of [ __ ] there's a higher knuckle yeah that's they call mine ocarina yeah sounds good yeah great job just sounds like a really bad sex move you're ready for the iron knuckle well place your penis inside an area that the girl is unfamiliar with the penis being step 1 step 2 we know your penis in a back and forth motion and making sure the back and forth motion stimulates her prostates congratulations you're now single that was what you wanted right okay step 3 allow tears to run down your cheeks as you remember how humilities you were as your father beat your naked butt o ciock you know kill gee that's really good dude what that's a really good like [ __ ] crazy anime impression oh no you gotta be like that's a real word sometimes I'd like cream with my french fries oh I ran out of [ __ ] vocal steam there Oh God you're the voice of an angel Thank You Man God in heaven next time on game grumps Oh Oh muhfucka money done up Oh our foreign radar starts Friday it's the monster truck rally thing ticket pays for the whole seat but you'll only need the edge it's always better when you [ __ ] like to bid for the whole seat that's like [ __ ] poetry no it's genius Wow I was that for a real commercial oh yeah of course there is used to say that [ __ ] just breaks the air [Laughter] like Charlie Charlie like falls over blue [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] you know I used to have a lot of fun doing when I was younger what's that I used to like to take like quotes from something and then speed them up and slow them down in repetition okay so like gigabase for the air ticket place for the Aged take a piece for the edge to good pitch for the year that's a really cool exacting [Music] oh sweet I can take these hammer brothers out with my fire with my flames flames but I just yak back you [Laughter] I wish the good folks at home could see your face [Laughter] Wow do you ever all right I'll let this resolve I guess it's actually super impressive damn dude you okay oh my god [Music] I'd imagine so I'm jealous of the people at home who got to like watch how many seconds that actually was I'm dying to know we have a counter in front of my face they're coming for me I think we're in good shape there okay oh you know what if I do this then oh oh because they follow my path exactly ah so if I just leave an opening for myself like right here I'll climb up right here there we go you crack the damn code no I'm a Code Breaker dog oh [ __ ] I died yeah I do I do the teleport and then I die oh [ __ ] oh there's distraught the teleport strobe okay let me try again okay not that time again yeah here we go teleport teleport yes nice dude Oh teleport teleport don't need this throb no you got it right no get the peace teleport teleport teleport then I get the thing then I do that then I've fought to [ __ ] you [Music] yeah wha-wha teleport oh [ __ ] hey you watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force right have you ever yeah like not recently I guess did you remember Carl oh of course yeah do you remember his laughs I don't I've been working on it I finally got it okay [Music] god damn it Aaron I'm so if you remembered that would be exactly the point at which you would have been like oh [ __ ] yeah that was amazing yeah i okay do it again oh my god that's [ __ ] awesome right how did you even Wow I know how long did it take you I'm good that didn't answer my question how long did it take you real good yes I have a gift I guess I got to go over there and push it yeah man oh wow [ __ ] I don't care whatever I want this or a spear give it that I gotta get rid of this [ __ ] boomerang man this thing's worthless yeah it it's it's it's not your daddy Zelda boomerang did [ __ ] you mom Jill did boomerang it's not the little little toenail that goes you know that one in the original Zelda oh I know like throat blobs and it was just like I played original Zelda a thousand times hey give it impossible you know what it's definitely not not all the way through counting is one time a thousand times yeah he's a ridiculous amount of times I was seven when that game thousand times I had the [ __ ] free time my god my life was dog [ __ ] when I was seven a thousand that's a lot of time yes it's every for like four years I don't think you really understand I do okay so how long would you play this a game for when you played it like thirty minutes at least yeah thirty minutes times a thousand yeah at thirty thousand minutes yeah do you know how much time that is yeah it's a lot of time dude there's no way you played Zelda for a thousand times you don't think so no wow you get angry about the weirdest [ __ ] we are unifight Scatman Crothers there maybe later what oh and wait no Scatman Crothers mr. Fuji food no it's Mount Fuji okay they call anybody in Japan when you say Mount Fuji you say Fuji song which is like mr. Fuji is that right yeah oh that's funny [Laughter] [Music] well mr. know-it-all step away from like you could see all the facial features on his human face it's weird that his name is Fuji when the mountain is also called Fuji he's standing on top of Mount Fuji [Laughter] that is funny [Laughter] [Music] after the Fuji thing after it says that the robots are like alright so I'm out of there I [ __ ] up that boo I'm an [ __ ] idiot dumbass that's this is the part where you say don't be so hard on yourself Aaron oh yeah that thing the thing you said good to know I have friends when it counts I think I'm back where I started this is where Butler man was yes but now you can get through the fire door fire door yeah [ __ ] you talking about there should be a door that's on fire oh that's right I have that ability yep Jesus I'm a [ __ ] idiot don't you remember Jesus Christ like I sometimes I just understand when people are like god you're so dumb on the show I totally get it yeah but it's it's very hard cuz thank you you're concentrating on like five different things and it's it's not like just when you sit there and play a game yeah because then I'm just like yeah cuz then you wreck shot no matter what yeah [ __ ] is going on man dancing on the ceiling that's a sweet song no it's super good okay easing you into the concepts okay getting a little acclimated to the situation you lubed up before the thing that's gonna happen [Music] what I want to do here hey alright this is gonna be your favorite part I guarantee you it's gonna be absolutely your favorite part you gotta get that mushroom or you're gonna die oh boy you have to get that mushroom oh boy oh boy oh boy that is everyone's favorite part I bet it innit don't even tell me you think otherwise because you're already probably in love with it probably already like imagining like it's in your spank bank already that's the thing that you wanted and there you're going home and you're like oh man I can't you know right now you're like I'm fine it's like whatever but when you get home you're gonna [ __ ] immediately throw the pants off and just be late oh yeah yeah yeah one finger up the butt and the other one have you tried that it's awesome it's incredible I have not tried that what really yeah I've never wanted to either it doesn't it's gross right I don't know I've never tried well I mean conceptually it's I mean I would be embarrassed if I ever did that just sort of time I read the time to go around sticking paper but yeah I've got I've got a life man success requires a lot of Sanitation and it just seems like a process hold on the grape over here I'm just pulling there's a grape on the ground hold on another grape over here hold on this is a great grape on the floor both hold on I think there's a grape over here I'm gonna go ahead and try to get this grape over here I'm gonna I'm you you blocking me are you blocking I'm trying to get this grape on the ground over here hold on what are you doing the grape right here I can't can't quite get my dunk dunk it I can't quite get my fingers around here Aaron you are ruining the [ __ ] professional integrity hold on I just need to make my shot alright this is great oh there's the grape it's on your pants grape is on your pants shot time time oh my god I'm holy [ __ ] the rock and rock 25 points Wow I get this grape on your pants the grape right here dude I stand corrected dude how realest made of lard stuff please I give you a rating of 6 out of 10 you think really good but not that great I thought you were a soft mummy but it's actually like a paper mache thing you do you do want to well that's true can I share something with you from earlier today what is it then well I sent you a text early in the morning yeah because I have to go out of town for one weekend yeah this month and so I was like I won't give specific dates but I was like do you have any preference whether I go this weekend or the next weekend mm-hmm you'll response at 9:30 in the morning [ __ ] Jesse Eisenberg Jesus Christ [ __ ] dude [ __ ] face book movie [ __ ] Jesus can you [ __ ] believe this [ __ ] you know nope no punctuation random capitalization so I respond I have no idea what we're talking about right now 45 minutes pass I get a text from you goddamn created Facebook and [ __ ] lawyers and [ __ ] right [ __ ] Winklevoss twins goddamn rowing the boat [ __ ] your [ __ ] I can't even [ __ ] believe this [ __ ] him you see this [ __ ] I just watched this [ __ ] [ __ ] Jesse Eisenberg man I respond Aaron you're scaring me an hour passes respond mother [ __ ] you spider-man spider-man you put in the time [ __ ] putting the time mother [ __ ] build [ __ ] with his bare hands [ __ ] bestfriend [ __ ] Jesse Eisenberg I'm very tired [Laughter] I'm just like no problem man I'll I'll do most the talking at the grump session today immediate lick response I'm talking like five seconds later no man I'll just talking about the Facebook movie all day [ __ ] man you have to be so interested in the [ __ ] I have to say about the Facebook movie [ __ ] dude I just watched a year and a half ago [ __ ] Jesse Eisenberg man you [ __ ] over spider-man crazy Winklevoss twins growing treant resin or did the soundtrack [ __ ] this guy who invented Facebook I don't like died I can't think of who the [ __ ] invented Facebook all I could pick as the guy who played the guy who fed to Facebook who the [ __ ] invented Facebook and then in all capital letters two hours later Mark Zuckerberg [ __ ] I swear to God I had to wake up supremely early I was take I didn't like I didn't want to call you out and be like what are you talking about anymore cuz I was afraid you'd stop so it was just like I'll just calmly keep responding with my own agenda I had to wake up way earlier than I usually wake up right to take barre to the airport mm-hmm and then on the way [ __ ] it back all the way back I was just like so tired and I just I saw that you were texting that while driving that was all Siri that was insane but I was leaving the airport I saw this [ __ ] kid that looked just like Jesse Eisenberg the Facebook movie that was just like [ __ ] Jesse Eisenberg man and then I had my phone in my hand because I was I just started the GPS situation oh sure and then I was just like texts and I was really surprised it stayed on track with everything that I said is amazing can I tell you the voice I think you were talking to Syria now that I know that that's how it was exactly Wow all three of my buttholes yeah no Mario world [ __ ] it's great I don't even know what to Oh is the candles the shimmy candle oh yeah does that mean I want to keep him alive that doesn't even make sense because he doesn't make any light they'll shoot at you if you try to jump over them right but oh you're right around you they don't they're the only ones that are illuminated yeah it's like some weird backwards world where you're made of like boron just just chemically lighting the way that's the first thing I thought oh yeah its boron science class you don't even know phosphorus you're not gonna pass class you won't be prosperous I got chose the right element and you chose the right follow-up yeah you know what we're a team we've been doing this for a year no no we can really feel the wavelengths when they're going I'm like I'm like the titles and you're like the moon basically the just ignore pretty much see why oh look at that yeah but it's too big I can't hold it like a shield so I go like so I go like this I'm like a turtle that's freaking adorable or it could be that I'm like listening to some like sick rock music so I'm like you know and they like get really into it you know or they like bend down into the mic yes it's just like I was walking next time on game grumps yeah well we'll get a heart between now and then so the beeping stops I promise okay it's now it means I'm shooting a bull in the eye and I'm like I never thought of that whatever so my problem hey sounds like the Bulls problem [ __ ] him Wow here's some more target practice do it no at least I made a cute noise keep going oh yeah you can pace him you know what I gotta say that's a really nice that's a really nice polish right there yeah really nice polish Polish dude a few if you went to a place that in Poland polish plays a good polish Polish yeah if there was a place that pop dude if you were polish and you jacked off that would be a polish pole policy thank God one of us is at the top of his game I'm gonna [ __ ] tweet that out before this episode goes out man why does it always have to go there Aaron because that's what my life is I eat the poo poos and I eat the people I will have this sickness in my ganda vengeance on boo-boos and babies Oh eat the families great I'm gonna say not Cod you what you think Grape Ape is a kaiju a monster he's a monkey is King Kong a kaiju no yes he is is he really King Kong is absolutely a kaiju thought all kaijus were like kind of lizardy oh you mean just just means giant monster oh yeah perhaps Grape Ape is exactly Grape Ape is a kaiju I'm gonna look that up it's great baby I do you [ __ ] better believe it I bet you a million dollars you'll find that the answer is yes indeed he is a kaiju okay Grape Ape oh my god it came right up yeah because he's a [ __ ] kaiju probably because I already had this discussion with rock goddamn it it's Aaron Hanson on Twitter you can do it Rey jack is the one you reject yeah coming back to life return to Jack strong at the return of Jack what if his name was Ray , Jack Jack and back then he would the Jack Attack then it would be a command Jack ray yeah what if you could jack off with light then that would be a ray Jack I just brought something up because you you were showing me stuff that was making me laugh okay can I see that list real quick on your phone you know how like on iPhones for you who have them you can leave like you can create voice messages and like you get to title them and everything like little memos and so Erin handed me his phone so I could look up something and I couldn't help but notice that oh I don't know reading for these randomly off the list phaser titled big dick I love [ __ ] [ __ ] make teepees and fart chamber no contact so so I wanted to pull up something that made and there's also eat healthy note to self fart chamber I never met him no I drew a dick on his wall though really yeah how do you take that I think use pretty much [Music] [Laughter] like the YouTube this come from Watchmen comic backdrop wall uh-huh and they maker and it was in a room it wouldn't be funny if I drew dick on it edge or to like dr. manhattan's head another one was on like the comedian's chest but what it was really like you couldn't see it like the only thing you could see I wish I saved the episode too because I like I watched the episode that was filmed after I did it and it and like it was it was like you could see a very clear like there's a black mark there when there wasn't before but you couldn't see that it was a dick but uh yeah that was me I have a picture of me doing it and then we posing next to it great [ __ ] job thanks man well sorry reg wherever you are I mean [ __ ] Aaron what I just wanted to be important history okay Jesus I'm not gonna murder somebody so it's the next best thing the vandalize something super fat and this was like the top of his fame too if you should ever say something's the next best thing to murder I mean you know it's like I don't want to end somebody's life but right but I draw a dick on dr. Manhattan's forehead sort of killing someone I think it was no it was on his chest and it was on comedians forehead okay God thank God that's cleared I got to find those pictures whoa nice okay yeah it's almost like you're playing a video game and discovering things yeah but like just as I'm like leaving the place is when it's all starting to make sense fine that was your unique experience Thank You Aaron I agree and you brought the fun from it it was fun and I survived for the most part like you can so far say [ __ ] with somebody and be like oh man I didn't find out until that's why video games are beautiful then well no I'm just thinking like how different and experience it is like you can do it I believe in you really yeah how would I do it no okay [ __ ] it's just how different experience it is playing video games when there's many many people watching well yeah that's what I'm saying like with deep caring exactly that's what I'm saying man it's like we do it ten minutes at a time people see watch it ten minutes at a time so they watched like four episodes of you going or whatever three of two episodes of you getting hit by bullet bills and they're like tell them how to do it it's like I get that but for us it was only 30 minutes and then you figured it out yeah on your own we I mean we have really hard lives is what we're trying to see yo yeah just the word it's just it's a very unique experience to be in this situation yeah it is strange yeah you got a I'm gonna miss it when whenever we get to that point our lives when we're not doing game rooms anymore that'll never happen okay I want the views all the views right to the very end god damn it game grumps by that point it'll be game grants oh yeah so classic there any switches in here yep [Laughter] yeah man I feel like I've remixed everything I can make a whole [ __ ] cover album of songs that are just replaced it's like Weird Al but instead of being clever and funny it's like those people that do the like Snoop Dogg mole weed everyday' yeah smoke weed weed like the [ __ ] L of the mario one smoke weed everyday smoke weed every day today jammy-jam that's not how it goes no it's come on and slam and welcome to the gym right come on and slam yep you want a jam wham bam face BAM come on floor and jam you see me in microphone something something and work that body works fine you sure you don't hurt nobody that's something lose your mind get this [ __ ] in overtime hey DJ turn it up this is a I love it okay well that was your third but for this episode the best baby having up to your name of the best [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] rhythm if you don't touch my deck in a manner that I enjoy by George [Music] it's break up dammit
Channel: Bman64
Views: 1,159,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mario, Zelda, kirby, yoshi, game grumps, compilation, arin, egoraptor, super mario
Id: m_om4WdwTck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 23sec (3743 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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