Customer Wrapped Rolls From Bank Teller - Found Silver

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so i was going to one of my banks today to grab some ones to do a bill search and they said they had some dollar coins quarters and half dollars i haven't looked inside but this looks like it could possibly just be a coin roll hunting dump and if that's the case it'll be a quick hunt but i'm gonna go through these really quick and just see if we have anything obviously uh for the clad ones i will be checking for any of the clad varieties in the coins like the dollar coins the clyde varieties and the quarters and of course any ddos and things like that on the half dollars hopefully we have some finds if we do i'll bring you in but i just wanted to record this just in case we've got something great well it could be beginner's luck but dumped out the very first roll i opened it from the other side and ironically the entire roll looks to be clad but there was a 68 40 ender uh i don't know if that's a good sign for the rest of the rolls but it definitely is odd that we have a silver ender and again it wasn't on the end that i opened first so we do have 140 percenter now i'm a little more optimistic about these really odd let me go through these and see if there's any other goodies and then we'll keep opening the rolls and if i get into a couple of rolls that have silver maybe i'll set the tripod up and open them live let's get to looking i'm back again i'm sorry but i just put that aside and just taking a quick peek at the condition of these coins i don't think these have been circulated very much these coins look really uncirculated for the most part these don't look like they've been coin roll hunted they look fantastic so i'm thinking maybe we have a collection dump of some sort maybe somebody just collected larger denomination items because they didn't bring in any pennies dimes or nickels at least that's what the ladies told me and again these look really nice and i'm gonna check all of these for varieties but i don't think these are heavily circulated half dollars let me go through them again and i'll bring you guys back well roll number two has silver there is one right here looks like another 40 percenter and it's 1967 and i'm telling you guys these coins are very minimally circulated and judging by the condition of these definitely was in someone's collection one forty percent are in the first rule one forty percent are in the second roll if we go three for three we'll start opening these up with the tripod and then i'm excited about the quarters now if we keep finding silver two rolls two silvers no varieties yet we're on roll four the last two rolls didn't have silver ironically but i've got a 74 d under the scope and even though the coins are in great shape of course the ddo 74d ddo is not in great shape unbelievable i'll never be able to find a good one for my collection i find them sometimes on my hunts for others but another 74 ddo which i have a lot of but another one that's not in mint state condition we'll take it though two silvers and a ddo so far almost through four rolls we're on the seventh and final roll of the half dollars and i thought it was funny that the first two out of six had silver the next four did not other than a ddo and the last roll did produce a 2005 nifc but i just opened the top and i do see a 1967 40 percenter in the roll so i figured in case there's a brother or a sister point of it we will go ahead and try to do it one-handed now the first two rolls that had silver only had one so i'm assuming this is only going to have one as well oh and it doesn't the irony with the the last rule is going to be the best roll and i do see once over here once silver here and we do have a 90 or 64 and a 65 and a 65. so we got five silvers in the final roll that is very interesting but at the end of the day we're going to now have 6 40s and a 90 percenter and 70 dollars worth of halves purchased plus a couple of side finds and let me just quickly run through these other coins and see if we have any more varieties i was not expecting that we started off hot it got ice cold and the best roll was last and i don't know how that worked out but it worked out well for me let me go through these and i'll bring you back well nothing else was in that last roll and i'm telling you i'm surprised about this i did not think we'd get this much silver in those half dollars i just like to buy it from that bank whenever they offer for customer wraps because even though it is a dump bank for a lot of people i've seen people bring in coins that are coin collectors you still never know what you might get i was not expecting that much silver we'll take it because we did so well on those i figured i would open up the quarters live and i may save the dollar coins for a future hunt or i might include it in this hunt because i do have a handful of rolls that i've been saving to get a full box of dollar coins to do a coin roll hunt we'll have to see how the quarters go and if it's an elongated hunt for those let me see the tripod up in case we got some more goodies you guys know i stink at quarters but we definitely can find silver halves so forsake a time i would only do a edge search on these uh for the video and if i find varieties after i go back through them then of course i'll bring it back but let's go and start cracking some quarter rolls see if we have anything lucky or if this is just a little bit of luck on the halves and not on the quarters i don't see anything that looks silvery and i see a lot of beat up quarters but there might be some varieties in here i see a 65 there so let me run through these and i'll bring it back with each roll if i find nothing well the bad news is we found nothing as far as varieties or silver in the first rule the good news is and it took me about a third of the way of the role to realize it there were no state or territory quarters these are all george washington eagle reverse quarters nothing i think past 1993 was the newest that i saw or 94 so could be some silver in these rules if they're all gws i would imagine if they're all gws the law of averages would say we might find something silvery anyway i wanted to bring in for that first roll nothing doing but let's try roll number two and see if it stays with the older gws no that's going to be a statehood on top and some cat hair beautiful i don't see any silver edges but i do see a 2004 texas and it looks like we have some newer edges there and it looks like we might have some statehoods in this one all right well it could just be one of the roles that looks a little different maybe we got lucky on that first one as far as finding all gw uh eagle backs but i'll go through these and bring it back in if we find something exciting nothing exciting in roll two let's try roll three it looks like a bunch of brand new uh salt river bays that's odd so this might be a coin roll hunters dump but uh i will go through these and see if we have any w's if we do definitely not a coin roll hunter's dump all denver salt river bays in that roll no w's let's try the next rolls all right i don't see anything i'll bring it back in if i find something nothing in roll four moving on to quarter roll number five and these are looking like they have been searched and returned and you know what i never thought to ask if she got all of these from one customer but either way she said she got them all in today between the dollars the halfs and the quarters could be separate customers maybe i'm just striking out on quarters you never know i'll bring it back in if i find something in this roll the last quarter roll is here and unless there's a variety or w we'll be struck out on silver well quarters were a bust i guess since we struck out on quarters we'll go ahead and kick off into the dollar coins now as an fyi i will be hunting these off camera and i'll be checking for my dollar coin varieties mainly looking if there's any susan b anthony's for the 1979 p wide rim and if there's any 79 or 81 s proofs to see if there's any types one in types two obviously i'll be checking the sack of joanne dollars for the bolded tail feathers and any good anchor presentation finishes as well as the presidential dollars for any of the missing edge lettering shifting edge lettering overlapping inverted doubled repeated all kinds those are listed right there on my mat we'll be looking for those if i don't find anything i'll give you a dollar coin wrap up but if i do we'll bring you in as i find it hopefully i see you before the end of the rolls well the dollar coins were a bust we had a handful of susan b anthony's or sba dollars and no varieties there no proofs nothing fancy schmancy figured i'd show you how i check quickly for varieties and uh things of that nature on the dollar coins once i've emptied a roll into my hand i zoom in on it and the first thing i'm looking for is missing edge lettering and some of the dollar coins were minted without edge lettering so you have to know that but i pull out all the ones that don't have any edge lettering to start off with sometimes i miss it the first go-around but then we catch it when i look up close so we have two here and obviously i thought there was missing edge lettering on this one but if i zoom back in it does have edge lettering so no missing edge lettering on any of these and the one that is is a 2000 and it is either going to be a philadelphia or denver mint if it's philadelphia obviously i'll check for the bolded tail feathers wooded eagle things like that which i will check once i have all the ones with edge lettering there's this cat hair in these rolls the next thing i do is i take my loop and i look up close at all of the edge lettering to see if any are doubled inverted shifted you name it and i can quickly do that with the loop that way i don't have to check each one individually once i've done that the final step is i go through the presidential dollar coins to see if any of these are an nifc or proof and the nifc's were 2012 i believe and more recent so i'd be looking for the 21st president and newer if you will so i've done all that i've already checked all these so there's no reason to go back through them and i don't keep sbas unless their varieties are in great shape or proofs so these will go back to the bank i'll be back with a wrap up just wanted to show you how i hunt dollar coins to make it a little quicker so in wrap-up we struck out on quarters we struck out on dollar coins but we did get some silver and an nifc and a ddo i can't believe the good fortune i had on the half dollars i have not scored silver half dollars in about six months from any of my banks other than hunting the boxes and customer wrap rolls we've been pretty much blanked it's good to see a little silver and that will go in the 2020 silver jar hopefully you like this different kind of video for me just doing some customer wrap rolls because i got some from my bank today figured i'd hunt them just in case we found goodies and we did if you enjoyed this video i'd appreciate a thumbs up and as always everyone happy hunting and thanks for watching any silver found while roll hunting goes in the 2020 silver jar
Channel: RobFindsTreasure
Views: 21,747
Rating: 4.9426293 out of 5
Keywords: customer wrapped rolls, customer rolls, customer rolls half dollars, half dollar rolls, half dollar rolls from bank, coins, coin, roll, hunting, quarter, dime, nickel, penny, cent, half, dollar, silver, gold, metal, detecting, detect, silver found, rob finds treasure half dollar, rob finds treasure, half dollar coin roll hunting, coin roll hunting, coin hunting, searching for silver, coin roll hunting half dollars, bank teller, bank rolls, coin rolls from bank, getting coin rolls from banks
Id: Sofz0d3CLmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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