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holy crap what [Music] all right guys if you remember my last hunt was absolutely insane i got two more boxes from the bank this box here has no enders but this box right here let's just say five enders you heard me five vendors we have for pete's sake go ahead and focus we have a 64 64. silver reverse silver silver and yep nothing too crazy just uh just a franklin ender right here i think this is a sister box of that one crazy 64 silver box we're gonna start with this box first and do the box with the five vendors let's get started all right guys so box number one was a complete skunk but forget about box number one we're moving on to box number two with five silver enders let's go all right my bad we actually have um six silver enders i thought we had five but here they are let me show you quick we have the ben franklin we have this reverse one i'm pretty sure this is silver by the look of it pretty sure this one is for sure silver the denver mint mark another uh this is definitely silver though with this one i can tell but might be philadelphia this one here 64. and 64. so obviously i'm going to take these enders right here and put them aside like we did before we're going to do the ender's um let's get started on this box i'm just going to start with this roll and work our way down all right let's go all right so here we go we're like i said we're just going to go ahead and start on these random rolls let's get started and see what we can find right off the bat this was a roll that obviously was not an ender i'm guessing a 64. yup with 64. oh look at that toning denver 64. let's go make sure there's nothing else in the roll [Music] oh my word i almost missed the silver what i almost missed this i almost missed a 90 or that would have been oh look at that remember the last bo or the last video insane box this is a sister box for sure because those other 90 percenters had the paper on the back like this this is a sister box for sure i'm glad i do the sound test i almost missed 264 i'm gonna have to do that again just to make sure hold on i forgot to uh get a bag out to dump my hot dollars in so we are one roll in and we already have two 90s the first box that epic seven ender box had 64 silvers by now you've probably seen that video i'm planning on dropping this video after that video so by now you've probably seen that video 64 silvers i'm not sure if we're gonna beat that box number one but who knows we could who knows we could maybe this is a maybe nope it's just a dirty 71. i always do that sound uh sound test because i almost missed a 90 percenter there i can't believe that oh man we got two in this roll we've got two this was all from the same collection dump same crap on the back another 64. that's already 364's and yep same stuff on the back 64. at this rate i'm gonna have to i i went months um i went months without ordering any half dollars because i wasn't having any luck and i know this is very rare this is probably not going to happen again for a long time having a score like this but you never know i might have to order some more half dollars and nothing in this role i believe and let me know guys if you like the new layout i have my uh my logo up there and um my camera up here excuse me let me know if you like the new layout also i'm not sure if i've posted this video yet but out of two boxes of quarters out of two boxes of quarters i have found 29 salt river bay dub uh w quarters cw v75 these right here are all salt river bay west points and my bank has a lot more quarter boxes so i'm definitely going to try to find as many west point quarters as i can [Music] this might be a franklin this might be a franklin by the look of it oh that's exactly what it is [Music] a 52 denver oh wow and the fun begins the fun begins guys remember in the last video i said i really hope this box the insane box has a sister box and i found the sister box i guess i'm just lucky nothing in this role [Music] it must have just been a silver collection dump i'm not sure where uh the boxes i got i'm not sure where they came from you know i just order coins and they show up at my bank but there were no proofs i have not found any proofs yet just a lot of 90 silver which i will not [Music] complain i don't think we have anything here [Music] looks like another roll with nothing here [Music] so far we have found four 1964's and a ben franklin i don't are they technically called ben franklin half dollars or just we're just franklin half dollars i'm not sure if the correct term is ben franklin or just franklin uh half dollars [Music] all right nothing in that roll we have 25 we still have 35 rolls left in the box and six rolls six enders we are just getting this party started hey let's go let's go thinking 64. yep another 64. that golden glue crap on the back that's number five for the 64s [Music] don't think we have anything else i just love that site i love it oh let's go another ben franklin 63d another ben franklin [Music] i absolutely love boxes like this like i said in my last video this might not happen to me again for i might not get a box like this for the rest of my life but you won't find what you don't look for you just gotta keep that's one thing with uh hunting for about four or five years now and that's one thing you go ten boxes in a row no silver you get discouraged you just gotta keep grinding you gotta keep digging cause eventually the hard work will pay off [Music] oh there's three [Music] okay funny that was a perfect roll for my little speech hard work will pay off [Music] [Applause] 64. i think these are all 64. [Music] 64. that is 764's and make oh that's a franklin that's a franklin i know 63 is very common year but i don't care i'm in it for the silver if i found a silver that was like a rare or a key date that'd be cool but i'm just stacking up the ounces at this point that is the third franklin and seven 1964s [Music] we're not even halfway through this box oh man we got two silvers here what is that [Music] what is on these [Music] see this is my suspicion i think someone might have stolen these silver half dollars like they were in a book i don't know why someone would would glue these but maybe back in the 60s or 70s you know grandpa had a collection and he glued these into like a coin book why do they all have paper sticking to them oh look at the toning on that 64. that is number eight we got another one another franklin are you kidding me 63. that is franklin number four wow oh i said i don't think we'll beat the first box with 64 silvers but at this rate who knows [Music] i gotta double and triple check these rolls this much silver i don't want to accidentally miss anything we haven't found one 40 percenter yet all 64s and franklins [Music] nothing in this role [Music] we're almost to the halfway point of the box we're almost done with the first layer let's go thinking of 64. this never gets old this never gets old these 64s there's that crap on the back [Music] yeah someone had to have stolen these i hate to say or they were sitting in some weird coin book i don't know that was just clad guys don't worry and i got to be careful because sometimes the silvers are dark sometimes they're dark and you don't really see them [Music] but that's why i do the sound test because i know paul from half dollar make makes you holler he does the sound test a lot because his he says his eyes aren't the best from years of coin coin roll hunting i understand i might need glasses eventually if i do coins long enough [Music] boom guessing 64. oh we're finding a lot of franklins in here oh my gosh another 63 denver that is franklin number five [Music] that is franklin number five [Music] all right we have one more roll and then we have 25 rolls left in the box and then um the 26 ender so 31 rolls left see if we have anything in here doesn't look like it unless we have one at the end this looks like a flat roll [Music] here hold on let me zoom in a little bit [Music] there we go all right so we have 25 rolls left in the box plus the enders [Music] no there's another one there's an oh my i don't even know what to say anymore one okay that's i almost thought that might have been a silver but it is a 72 [Music] one two three four five 64. this one might not have been from the same collection dump because this one looks a little cleaner [Music] 64. a 58 d franklin oh man [Music] oh that's a that's a 40 percenter 67 this is insane another franklin 63. [Music] we are finding franklin after franklin another franklin oh my god a 62 denver guys we have eight ben franklin's we have eight franklin's right now or a 10 1964s and a 1967. we have 18 silvers already 19 including a 40 percenter here let me zoom back out just one click all right that looks good and that right there was a roll that was not an ender what was five silvers in it like what is going on nothing in this role it's funny how you can go from a five silver roll to a roll with nothing that is pretty funny [Music] oh man i'm gonna be sad because i know my bank doesn't have any more half dollar boxes i guess i just really got lucky with these two boxes but is this a maybe oh 72 72 [Music] who knows i know it's all luck when it comes to coin hunting either you're in the right place at the right time or it's just complete lock getting the right boxes get finding the right dump okay okay this here was almost an ender and it is a 64. 64. 64 denver nice looking coins really i mean nothing to complain about with these [Music] coins i just can't believe the amount of franklins we're finding crazy [Music] all right this looks like a clad roll [Music] [Music] all right we have 20 rolls left in the box with the six ender so we have 26 rolls left hey we might go a few rolls with no silver i'm not complaining but i want to find as much silver as i can [Music] there we go i'm thinking this is a 40 percenter yep had a little bit of a darker edge 68 denver and this is i think this is a warren 64. yep i love the toning on some of these with the paper on the back number 15. i'm gonna run out of room [Music] okay you know what i'm not gonna count them right now i'm just gonna put them in piles up here because i really don't want them uh blocking the camera [Music] i don't want them blocking the camera hopefully my camera's still recording that would really suck if i did this whole video and um [Music] it wasn't recording [Music] yeah like i said i'm gonna be posting some quarter videos soon if i haven't already like i said when i record videos i never know in what order i'm going to upload the videos so those videos might already be up i'm thinking we have a 40 percenter right here another 1968 denver boom i don't think we have anything else in the roll 15 rolls left in the box and we're gonna move on to the ender rolls uh nothing there that i can see [Music] oh come on silver don't slow down on us now don't slow down on us now [Music] keep the comments over keep coming and is this the third roll in a row no silver what is going on this is madness [Music] at least when you have to go dumb because we all know as fellow coin roll hunters the worst part of the hobby is having to go to the bank and dump coins because it just it works it's work it's no fun but at least when i go to dump coins after a box like this i have some profit it sucks when you get a skunk box and you still have to go dump a bunch of half dollars at the bank there's no profit you know that's what sucks but at least when you get some silver it was worth your time all right we finally got another one there i think we went like four rolls with no silver all right a 64. 64 denver all right after this roll here we'll have 10 rolls left in the box come on silver i don't think we have anything in this role but i'll do the sound uh i'll do the sound test [Music] nothing all right 10 rolls left and then we'll do the six enders come on give me a few more silvers out of the regular rolls come on box give me a 10 silver roll that's never happened to me gotten a six i think i got a six silver roll the other day but hey that's not 10 but i'll take that three a three silver roll let's go 64. 64. 64. three 90 silver 1964 half dollars in one roll about a what 25 profit they go for what seven eight dollars a piece now i don't even know and a roll back to nothing [Music] seven rolls left in the box then we're gonna do the enders guys we're gonna do the enders hey the silver train's coming i live by a train track is that the silver train let's see silver train the silver train did not bring me anything what the heck well not in this role the silver gods have definitely been looking down on me oh man i'm kind of sad to end this you guys ever feel that way like you love going through the rolls but you almost get sad at the end because you're like ah once the box is done i'm probably not gonna have a box like this again for a long time huh clap i don't think we're going to beat the first box with 64 but this is still an excellent box fan a stick i don't even know how many silvers we have now probably 20 something we got one of those gold ones but i don't think they're silver 19 i thought that almost said 1970 i was like what 1979 that's kind of cool four rolls left in the box then we're gonna do those enders oh come on box finish strong finish strong i mean those ender rolls might have two three four five silvers per roll who knows who knows [Music] man these last couple rolls have been a little rough [Music] not a silver isn't no 86 19 [Music] and these last couple rolls non-ender rolls might not have any silver in them all right guys we have one roll left in the box and then we're gonna do the six enders one two three yep six so let's open up this last roll i mean the non-ender rolls have treated us well except i think the last four didn't have anything which is kind of sucky but not complaining yeah the last four three or four didn't have anything but all right here we go we have 64 ender 64 64 64 i'm pretty sure this is a 64 as well and a franklin we'll open up the franklin roll last we'll start with the five well i'm pretty sure this is a silver ender if it's not that means we'll have five silver enders i want to see i'm pretty sure this is a silver ender i could be wrong but let's go ahead and check that was not a silver ender but we had two silvers in this roll [Music] the back looks silver to me well i guess we had five vendors which is still amazing but we still got two silvers in the roll the prize surprise 64. denver [Music] and another 64. denver i know these other roles though are silver enders for sure like this one here i'm positive there's not a denver it could be a philadelphia but i'm positive this is a silver [Music] if i'm wrong i'm gonna be very [Music] very surprised holy crap what one two three four five six oh this is complete insanity and this was an ender it was a 68 68 denver [Music] 1964. let's go ben franklin denver 64. denver 64. denver and another band that is insane another 63 denver oh this is complete insanity like i have never had a box like this in my life ever all right i know this is for sure and ender you can see the d right here d right there let's see how this roll produces [Music] wow one two three i don't think this is one nope 71. we have three silvers in this roll the ender of course 64. [Music] 64. this is 90 heaven and another 64. i've lost track i don't even know how many 64s we have at this point i don't know the first the last video i did that box had 41. [Music] all right we have two more 64 enders and then we have the reverse franklin ender but this is a 64. see how this roll is [Music] all right this has two silvers 64. denver and obviously another 64. i don't think we've had we haven't had an ender that has not had friends in the role with it tonight at least [Music] this is like a dream i'm wondering when i'm gonna wake up i'm probably gonna wake up the next time i order halves and go through four boxes not one silver right another 64-ender let's see [Music] whoa one two three just yeah i knew that was a dirty one look at the toning on that 64 with paper on the back [Music] we got a warren benji 57 57 [Music] denver and the 1964 denver guys we have one roll left excited for this last roll drum roll please i'm excited for this last roll here we go [Music] hold up hold up hold up [Music] one two three four five ending the box on a five silver roll see some of these have a dark edge you got to be careful and not miss them oh 67 i thought that was a 64.67 64. of course oh 63 denver another 64 with look at this seriously you guys might have already answered the question in the my last video but what is that paper on the coin i know it's a genuine silver oh whoa look at that rainbow toning oh 64. and the last silver of this amazing box [Music] a 1963 denver wow [Music] wow wow wow [Music] oh well all right guys let me do a wrap up really quick i'm going to count how many silvers i got total and i'll be right back but make sure and not go anywhere all right guys so here's the wrap up i'm using my phone as a camera here as you can see so if it's a little shaky i'm sorry look at this gotta love all this silver from the box we ended up getting 5 10 15 20 25 30 1964's 30 5 10 13 franklin half dollars and five 40 percenters so here we go 30 um 43 45 or 43 44 45 46 47 48 48 silvers first box i had 64. this box had 48. i'm thinking this box here was probably the sister box since my first box had a little bit more silver or there's multiple boxes that i missed that have more silver in them if it was a massive dump um collection dump i'm thinking i got the main of the collection dump i hope or i could just be getting the end of it who knows how much was dumped but regardless i'm happy um regardless i am happy but i just wanted to show you guys all the silver there [Music] but yeah guys thank you so much you're still watching this video make sure and like subscribe leave a comment down below um i really appreciate you watching i know this is a longer video probably what about 40 minutes but with all this silver it had to be a long video but like i said make sure and like subscribe leave a comment down below and i will see you guys next time until next time keep on digging [Music] you
Channel: Diggin Dave
Views: 212,246
Rating: 4.8170638 out of 5
Keywords: coin roll hunting half dollars, coin roll hunting, half dollar coin roll hunting, coin roll hunt, half dollars, silver half dollar, silver half dollar hunting, silver half dollars, half dollar roll hunting, searching rolls of half dollars for silver, crh, treasure hunt, coin hunting, coin collecting, half dollar hunting, roll hunting, coin roll hunting halves, coin roll hunting silver, coin roll hunting half dollars silver, collection dump, diggin dave
Id: 6VNHDjpa6BQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 41sec (2441 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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