1909 S VDB Cent Found Coin Roll Hunting

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we're due for another penny hunt and i've got another box from jim cantor hey everybody it's rob with rob finds treasure and that's right we've got another one of those mom and pop customer hand wrapped boxes given to me generously to hunt by jim cantor if you haven't watched the first second or third video of the series check them out i'll have the links to them down below this is box number four jim once again thank you brother i can't wait to get in here and check it out speaking of getting in here let me go ahead and unwrap this box pull the penny box out of here and let's take a look at it together so i got the top opened up we got a letter from jim for me and as an fy he sent me the mom and pop rules and he sent me a roll of 69 s that might be obw or original bank wrapped rolls and a few loose ones to take a look at i'm gonna look at those in a second but let me get this penny box out of here and get it opened up so we can see what the hand wrap rules look like all right i've got everything out of the box we've got 50 customer wrap rolls in the penny box that's exciting we'll get to that we've got 4 69 s pennies that jim had been hunting for some rolls and some bags wanted me to take a look at which i will save that as well as this 69 s rule that i'll take a look at it in a separate video i'm not gonna do that for this video the video is gonna be long enough doing these custard wraps if they're just like the other boxes so without further ado let's start cracking into rolls just cracking into rule number one of the hunt we've already got a couple of fantastic looking 1959 denver's not the rpms but we've got our first wheat cent found and it's gonna be a 1958 denver roll number two wheat cent number two 1935 philly not in that bad shape roll three wheat cent number three 1951 s same rule we're gonna have wheat cents four and five i believe we've got a 1946 d for number four and i think i see another 46 back here i do and that one's in pretty good shape and that might be actually a 1940. it is 40 philadelphia fifth wheat cent of the box for sake of time i'm gonna wrap up each roll unless i encounter something ridiculously nice like a blazer or a better date or a better condition one in just general throughout the hunt for roll four we had three more wheat cents a 53 d a 57 d and a 57 d three more makes eight through four rolls roll five has been a good roll so far we have found a 1918 s it is slick but it's still an s minted teens wheat cent and a 1945 philly i bring in though because we've got a blazer right here figured we'd unveil it together probably 56 or 58 and it is a 58 d what a beauty that makes three more that's 11 and we do have a 12th one back here as well 1948 philly just dumped roll number six in my hand and um we've got something foreign in here and this is that's not canadian that is a six pence 1967 six pence in great shape i don't remember the off years for silver six pence's but let me look it up and be right back all right i looked it up 1936 the king george the fifth was the last year they had 50 silver in the uk six pence's but either way i will take it for sure nice find it's in great condition not silver but it's a beauty nonetheless same role as that uk six pence we've already pulled a 53 dns out for wheat cents 13 and 14 but wheat cent 15 is gonna be another beautiful 1958 denver stunner rule number nine only one more wheat cent to add for number 16 but it is a 1938 philly and for those wondering we have four canadians already a whole bunch of 59s including some beauties and 369s none of the ddos roll 10 the ender was a blazer 57 denver this time they're getting older same rule and we found one more wheat cent it's a 1942 denver that'll be 17 for the box oh and we are finding a lot of 59s and 60s especially 1960 year and 1959 year in the first 10 rolls so far rolls 11 and 12 produced seven more wheat cents that'll make 25 for the box through 12 rolls 1919 p 1934 p 35p 46s 55d 57d and 58d rolls 13 14 and 15 seven more wheat cents for 32 and we also found a king george vi 1951 the wheat sense of note a 1926 d better date a 1936 39 52 s 53 s 56 d and 58 d roll 16's got another beauty and it's another 1958 but instead of denver it's a philly we're on roll 17 and i figured i'd bring in because i can see we've got a wheat cent there possible blazer there and that's got to be another wheat cent behind it first one we already saw it 1946 s second one it's another 1959 d now i am finding a ton of 1959's almost uncirculated and some in the 60s as well there's a ton of 1960s in here but none of them are the large date over small date d over d which is a bummer the final wheat cent of it that is a 1909 s that is a 1909 s it is worn but that is a 1909 s is there a bdb i think i see a vdb there is a vdb we have just found a 1909 s vdb albeit in terrible shape that's a no doubter unbelievable 1909 svdb the only scent i am missing from my album and i will take it let me get my stuff together and i'll be right back all right i just wanted to flip it up because i don't want to keep touching it again i know it's not in the best shape but it is a 1909 svdb no doubter and we have that for our collection now i have seen worse i have seen worse in my day as far as wheat cents not 1909 svdbs i've never found until now but you know what i would say it's at least g4 condition i would say it's at least g4 and if i'm lucky maybe even a g6 or a vg8 so as bad as it is i'll take it because i did not have one and now i do find in the box i don't think it'll get better than that holy cow getting back to the stats we've added two more wheat cents to the 33 we had 35 wheat cents 17 rolls in a few coins to go well rolls 18 and 19 are going to add 12 more wheat cents the reason i'm bringing in is though we have a another blazer of a back probably going to be another 58 or 57 like we've been finding and it is 58 denver what a stunner also again even more of these 60s through 63s that are just beautiful well actually 59 through 63's there's a lot of beauties in here in this box crazy the other wheat cents we found was a 50 51 s 56 p and 57 d and then a bunch of 44s we had a 40s and then several 44 s's and 44 ps four of them a 45 s and a 46 s now for those wondering i get a lot of san francisco minted wheat cents and coins in general because jim's boxes have been rolled up from seattle so we're on the west coast which is why we're seeing a lot of denver's and a lot of san francisco minted coins all right let's get back to the hunt we have 47 wheat cents one more roll and i'll do a 20 roll wrap up if we find anything else in that roll roll 20 it's gonna produce two more wheat cents a 1919 and a 1958 d that will now make 49 total through 20 rolls including the two fines of the box so far is that 26 d and of course a 1909 svdb unbelievable 30 more rolls we're not even halfway done yet all right we went through rolls 21 through 25 kind of a slower set of rolls only seven wheat cents in them but we did get a 52 d a 58 d a 42 p 45 s 46 s 48 s and a 28 philadelphia seven more wheat cents makes 56 now in total halfway through the box we are now 30 rolls into the box so 60 of the rolls have been hunted we will add another nine wheat cents from those five rolls going back from the oldest first a 16 p a 19 s in decent shape a 1944 246's 248 and a 49 denver we also got a 1955 p not the ddo nine more wheat cents that makes 65 through 30 rolls roll number 31 of the box bringing in because we've got another blazer right here probably another 58 57 57 d we'll take it wheat set number 66. we're on rule 33 and we have found a handful of wheat cents i'll give you the wrap up on those in a second but i bring in because we've got an indian headset in the roll what's it going to be 1887. there is a variety for the 1887. and at first glance i don't see an over date or a re-punch date but let me do a little homework on it it's been a little while since i've looked at indian headset varieties let me just make sure i'm looking for the right thing and then we'll come back and do a wheat cent wrap up and an idiot that wrap up after 33 rolls all right it wasn't an over date on the 87 it was a ddo on of america and even though it's worn you'd be able to see it it's pretty heavily doubled on am er america and there's no doubling on this one there's no detail really either to speak of but it's an indian headset and i'll take that all day outside of that we did like i said get eight more wheat cents we got a 50s 56 d and a 55 d a 44 s a 45 s a 46 drs i can't tell it's pretty beat up and a 49 d and then a 1919 s in pretty good shape once again i will tell you it is nice seeing nicer teens ones and this one has somewhere almost no you in trust pretty crazy look how weak the strike is on the top and that could be from where this coin is heavily worn but that is odd to say the least we'll add those eight to the board that makes 74 wheat cents after 33 rolls and an indian headset roll 34 of the box and i'm bringing you in because not only do we have a blazer there take a look at these next few coins a canadian and a couple of more wheat cents and another canadian so figure we'll just keep you here for this one see what we got 1957 d we got a canadian that's a 1951 s 55 d and a 47 s there's another canadian maybe some other wheat cents but i'll get you a wrap up after a few more rolls roll 35 another beauty coming up must be a 57 or 58 they've all been that no 1955 d this time oldest blazer of the box just finished our 36th roll and i didn't show it because it was at the very end of that roll but we had another nice 1957 d which i'll add to the top of the board up here and then we also found a 51 s a 55 d a 58 d a 36 p a 47 s a 1918 p and a 1919 p so eight more to add to the board that i was slightly updating with those other blazers and that makes now 84 through 36 rolls roll number 37 of the hunt and we have got another one i see an indian headset right here it's got decent detail 1909. it is a beauty it is brown probably in an au grade that'd have been nice to have an s on the back we don't but i'll take it anyway indian headset number two of the box well we're now done with 40 rolls i had a hard time making it there since i had so many wheat cents to show you we got 15 more to put us at 99 already with 10 rolls to go let's go and run through them really quick a 51p 51s 54s and 57d for the 50s 44d 44d 45p and 45 s for the 40s 35 and 37 both phillies for the 30s and 11 16 16 17 and 19 for the teens 99 wheat cents a ton of beauties and 10 rolls to go we have now completed 45 rolls and we are gonna add another seven from the 50s three from the 40s and 1 1920 denver in pretty toasty shape 11 more wheat cents that makes 110 with five rolls left roll 48 continuing to find wheat cents but i bring in because we've got another stunner here a 1958 d gorgeous we just finished roll 50. i didn't show it because uh it was the end of the hunt basically so i figured i'd wait till the end but we did find a nice 1956 denver we'll add that to where the stunners are and then we had 14 other wheat cents along with that for the 15th which makes 125. in those we had a bunch in the 50s and the 40s we did have a 36 not the ddo and then a couple in the teens a 1911 and a 1917. before i give you guys the wrap up i just want to give you an overview of all of what we grabbed out of here and again i will cover these for the most part in rapid fire order so you know what we had let me get these up here get it all situated and give you a full wrap up so quick wrap up 125 wheat cents two indian headsets 21 from canada two were king george the sixes six were young heads we had 18 1969 s's one six pence from the uk 11 blazers and loads of beauties we got the 50s all stacked up from 59 all the way down to 1950 every year was covered we got all the 40s covered all the way down in 1940 every year was covered except for no steelies i've got most of the 30s 39 38 37 36 35 and 34 nothing from 33 32 31 or 30. the teens are up here and a 20s we got a 1920 d and then we've got a bunch of 19s 18s 17s 16s and then 1911's two of those no 12 13 14 or 15s in the bunch there's all the canadians and there's the two kg sixes i think the oldest if i recall was 1940 yeah 1940 beautiful look at all of the 1959's we had i think all the 59 browns are the first three rows except for a few more shiny ones over here and then a ton of really nice lincoln memorial sense all copper and nothing past 1974 s i didn't see anything else that i really wanted to keep outside of that some of these are not as nice but they might be an estimate or they might be toned beautifully like that one even though it's got some damage i still like the toning on it didn't want to send it back same thing with this guy right here cool toning just wanted to keep it for the color or whatever all the 69 s's are down here we got a lot of them no ddos of course even though there was 18 just not that much to really say we could find a ddo the discard bin not one shield sent 2009 was the most recent date cup full of copper and when you add in all of this copper definitely would have been overfilled some of the side finds i had a really nice 1984 p that might upgrade my album so i'm going to keep it and probably the nicest 1993 d i think i've ever seen in circulation there is a scratch right there of course but it's nice enough that it just might be an upgrader in the album i did pull out three different varieties and i'll take some time to show them under the scope they're all 1960d the first one you can see it's an rpm with the d to the east the second one is another rpm and you can see the d has a split set from the top and the bottom not the best example because it's a circulated example but still a d over d rpm and then we had a ton of what our diet chips in either the six or the nine in the date i just wanted to show you one you can see the die chips right there a lot of these 1960 ds had filled in nines filled in sixes sometimes both i don't keep them because i have a ton of uncirculated ones that i got from rolls that have them so i don't need the ones that aren't as nice i just want to pull one out to show you here's the blazers 55d 5060 57d 70 50 70 50 70 58 d 58 d 58 d 58 d and 58 p crazy when we add those to our rolls there's that beautiful six pence wish it was silver but still a stunner happy to have found it in the box two indian headsets a slick 87 i'll take it and an au probably 55 1909 we do have almost all four diamonds showing in the ribbon can't see it from this distance probably and the word liberty is definitely detailed not quite enough to maybe receive a mint state probably an au 55 brown in my opinion still a nice find i don't think it'll upgrade but i'll hold on to it my two favorite finds other than the indian incense i guess is this really nice and it's in the plastic but it's a 1926 d it's not a key or semi key but it's close and it's a nice one and it'll probably upgrade my album and then the find of the hunt who would have thunk it 1909 s and it's hard to see through the plastic but it's got the vdb at the bottom barely can make it out but it's there there you go now you can see it clear as day 1909 s vdb unbelievable i will tell you i would have imagined that when i had found that 09 svdb i thought for sure we were gonna find maybe a 14d another 31s some of the other semi-key dates maybe even an 09s or any other 09s odd that we only found one key date and it's the keyest king of all key dates for the lincoln cent series anyway thank you once again jim listen i will keep on taking boxes like this and i'm happy you got a nice 09s vdb in your box because uh had i found mine and you didn't get yours i'd feel pretty guilty but knowing that mine is nowhere near as nice as yours and it completes my album that makes me happy i said it'd be a quick wrap-up and we're going to be about a five or six minute wrap-up so i apologize but there's just so many finds i think the last thing to do is to put a smiley face in my lincoln scent album because now i have the entire lee consent series hopefully you enjoyed this mom and pop customer wrap rolls hunt if you did i'd appreciate a thumbs up and as always everyone happy hunting and thanks for watching and this feels good
Channel: RobFindsTreasure
Views: 34,435
Rating: 4.8887653 out of 5
Keywords: 1909 s vdb penny found, 1909 s vdb penny, collection dump, coin shortage, coin roll hunting, pennies, penny, error penny, hunting, coin roll hunting pennies, coin, Penny key dates, lincoln penny key dates, coin hunting pennies, old coins found, penny (currency), coin hunting, customer coin rolls, customer wrapped rolls, customer rolls, penny rolls, coins, customer wrapped coins, customer wrapped coin rolls, robfindstreasure pennies, penny rolls from bank, indian head cents
Id: zKDT8xYu9Bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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