Collection Dump? Roll Hunting Customer Wrapped Pennies

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there's nothing like... a customer wrapped rolls... penny hunt hey everybody it's rob with rob finds treasure and that's right we are going to be doing a customer wrapped full box of pennies now i'll tell you before i get started opening this up that the package came with two penny boxes for a trade from jim cantor and so thank you jim but the bank wrapped rolls were totally damaged we had about four or five rolls completely destroyed and loose pennies in the box and then this one was also broken and we had several pennies spilled out of customer wrapped flat wrappers but i stuffed the flat wrappers back with 50 cents each and just put them back in the box and taped it so i didn't look at them i just put them in until i filled up the flat wrapper where the crease was and put them back in i don't know if we're missing any rolls yet because i didn't count all the rolls just took the loose flat wrappers filled them up stuck them in there but jim wrote me a nice note and i have not removed it from the top of the box yet it says these are mom and pop customer wrap rolls i think the newest pennies i saw in my box was 2012. very few shield sense i went through my box a second time and found some red or uncirculated memorial sense 59 to 71 that were red blazers so great luck and enjoy the hunt and hope you get something good jim jim i'm super excited to do this hunt i was gonna do this one separate from the bank wrapped ones and uh anyway kind of excited to get into them that being said i guess we'll go ahead and get this open we'll take his note off first and uh that's his tape so let's go ahead and pop this open and see what we got in here see if we still have 50 rolls since a lot of them were damaged let me just do a quick count on these and bring you back in so unfortunately i went ahead and organized the rolls and we are missing five out of this box i went ahead and checked the other box and we're missing three so somehow eight rolls got out of the boxes in transit and the box is pretty heavily damaged and i can see where they probably slid out so word to the wise if you're shipping with usps or any of those services you should always completely wrap up and tape any boxes you send so that it anything happens to the priority box at least the contents inside stay sealed either way we'll have a 45 roll hunt on this box and 45 46 rolls on the bank wrapped ones which i will save for another hunt unless this hunt proves fruitless now i'm not expecting a lot of oldies and wheat cents in customer wraps probably not even in the indian heads what i am looking for is kind of what jim pointed out in this note we're going to be checking for mostly red uncirculated beautiful scents as well as any possible varieties that may not have been found i would imagine if they saw wheat cents and indian headsets when they were rolling them they probably would have kept them boy was i wrong but we'll go through these anyway see what kind of copper amount we have see what kind of uncirculated sense we have and see if we get any varieties bummer that it's 45 rolls but what are you gonna do i still want to thank jim it's not his fault that this was mishandled trade's still a good trade for me and i'm happy to go through these sense regardless all right i'll bring you guys in if and when we find something we're talking about so we're on rule one of the box technically but i laid the box down this way so i can get all the rolls to stay where they're at since they're customer wrapped we're on roll six but roll one of the hunt since the first five were missing just thought i'd bring in and show you before i even look at them that yeah this is definitely going to be a copper dump so it's going to predominantly be copper sense and i will go through each and every one of them to see if we have anything that is a variety now this will probably take me longer than a normal hunt because i will be scrutinizing all of the variety dates as well as a few other dates that i always look for in my hunts anyway enough jibber jabber i'm super excited if we start finding a lot of my favorite years to look for maybe i will crack some with an overhead tripod look so you guys can see what i'm looking at but that's a lot of copper we're still on roll one and like i said it's gonna take some time but can you believe it look at this wheat cent 1956 d holy cow it is a blazer i bet you that came straight from an uncirculated roll and into a copper roll or maybe he found it in circulation a long time ago and rolled it up i'm not going to touch it too much more that my friend is a good sign and an early beautiful find and right behind it is a blazer of a 68 s as well wow we'll put that up here because that's not going in any rolls roll number eight of the box it is roll three but i'm going to refer to all the rolls from now on plus five so that it's roll number eight anyway we did find a 1950 something i don't know if i'm gonna get a date on that 51s 1951 s wheat cent in the box same roll and we have another wheat cent this one is a 1953 denver and just a few coins ago i didn't film it but we found a really nice 1969 s not the ddo of course but i'm putting that up there as another shiny same rule and the final few coins of the roll is a 1982 canadian scent and a blazing 1979 d i usually don't keep the 79s 80s or 81s but i will pull out the first ones that i see and see if they're ones i feel like rolling up roll number nine of the box and look at this another beautiful wheat cent 1958 let's just check for any reason it could be a ddo it is a very rare one it is not the ddo but we had to look when they looked this nice and may not have been looked at properly in a long time roll 10 canadian scent number two it's a 1972 same roll and a wheat cent towards the back 1952 s couple of early 50s with s mint marks on them and already two 69 s's plus an uncirculated 69 s could this be the box that gives us a lot of estimated wheaties roll number 11 and we have another canadian and i think what i'm gonna do is not film all of the canadians for you guys but we'll give you a periodic update on them that's number three same role and take a look at this one 1924 s i believe it is man had that been a 24 d that had been a semi-key date but a 24s is uh i think under 12 million minted so that's a nice find as well we are super excited about this box jim you may have gave me a gem of a box roll 12 wheat cent number seven already and this one i think that's a s minted 44 and it is holy cow we've got several s-minted wheat cents already in the hunt and an early one and some shinies roll 13 wheat cent number eight already 53d we're on roll 16 of this amazingly fun to hunt copper box we've got five canadians 459s six beauties already eight 69 s's and eight wheat cents but we just uncovered another wheat cent to make it nine and that's a 58 d we will have to slide these beauties up so that we don't touch them with other ones this is a crazy fun box there's a ton of 92 ds in here and a ton of 69 s's and so far a good amount of wheat cents but we don't have any amazing finds so fingers crossed it stays like this at least maybe even gets better roll 17 and i see a wheat cent right here and that's a 52 d and i thought i saw another one yes i did right here and that's a 34p common but always great scene one in the 30s that is 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 wheat cents already and since i have you here let's just do a quick look oh my goodness gracious another beautiful 56 d a beautiful 54 s that's a 60. i don't want to slide them i'll tell you what i'll go through it properly and bring it back but that's gonna be 13 wheat cents already in 17 rolls minus the five who are missing 12. wish i wasn't missing those five well while i'll slide them down i missed one because the second coin in is another wheat cent number 14. 57 denver roll 18 wheat cent number 15. holy cow is that a 29d no 29s another less than common but fairly common 20s wheat cent but with another s mint mark unbelievable two in the 20s already can't get mad at that and 15 for the box roll 19 another blazer holy cow probably another 56 d nope another 58 p so we've got two each of those and i just want to double check it for any doubling since it's such a nice example and i don't see any beautiful same rule another blazer 1956 p holy cow still the same roll wheat cent number 18. 1945 let me just look at that five a little bit yeah 1945 philadelphia roll 20. a beautiful 1958 denver wheat cent number 19 and we're running out of room for the beautiful ones roll 21 is going to yield our 20th wheat cent already a 1955 denver and just to kind of give you an idea what i'm seeing in these rolls we've got a canadian right here 1963 so it's a nice young head and then take a look at this another nice memorial scent 1960 d large date unbelievable you guys might be tired of hearing from me but it's just so much to film roll 23 we have a wheat cent here and a wheat cent there the first one a 1939 philadelphia the second one a 1941 philadelphia we are running out of room already 22 wheat cents roll 25 and wheat cent number 23 is gonna be another shiny one and is that a 1945 it is what a nice 1945 it does have a little environmental damage there but i don't care it is still a beauty in my opinion and uh we don't find them in the 40s like this too often wow rule 26 and i'm not showing all the shinies until the end but i had to show this one man that's a stunner a 1964 philadelphia beautiful roll 27 wheat cent number 24 and it's a 1920 philly i believe it is and not in absolutely terrible shape common but another 20 sweetie in the box which makes three oh and that's the oldest roll 30 and wheat cent number 25 is gonna be another beautiful 1956 denver holy cow i'll put that under the scope and check for the shadow deep otherwise i'll be back with another find same role wheat cent 26 a 1949 s rule 31 looks like it's gonna have at least one wheat cent and possibly two here's the first one a 1944 denver i believe so we'll check it for the d over s over mint mark which it is not and then i believe this one looks pretty old back here and it's another 41 philly so that's 28 wheat cents right now in our 31st roll roll 32 wheat cent number 29. a 1935 denver roll 33 wheat cent number 30 is a 1939 philly roll 35 wheat cent 31 another beauty maybe clean though 52 d and definitely cleaned same role wheat cent number 32 is gonna be another 34 philadelphia roll 36 wheat cent 33 a 1953 philly roll 37 wheat cent 34. 1934 philly again same roll and yet another beautiful uncirculated wheatie 58 denver wheat 10 35 roll 39 and wheat cent 36 is another stunner and that one is a 1954 with a little bit of toning and discoloration but we will take it and i think i see another oldie back here for number 37. another 1939 philly roll 40 wheat cent 38 51 d well i just dumped out roll 41 and it separated right at a wheat cent so i figured i'd grab it and show you what wheat cent number 39 looks like i think it's 39 could be 40. i'll double check here in a second but 53 denver roll 42 and wheat cent number 40 has been found it's another 1934 p and one of the edges i saw looked a little bit old man that had my heart going for a second i thought it said 1914 d for just a second but i think it is an 18 s and it is i'll take an 18 s wheat set all day but for one split second at that angle i thought it was 14 t and i almost had a heart attack by the way oldest of the box and 41 of the hunt make it 42 because a few coins behind that one is a beautiful 1952 denver wow roll 43 wheat cent number 43 1935 philly roll 45 is going to have two wheat cents first one another 1939 philly and number 45 of the hunt another 1934 philly roll 46 and of course wheat cent 46 1938 philly staying on pace roll 47 wheat cent 47 is a 55 denver roll 50 wheat cent 48 i think i could be wrong this is a 36 p first one we found of that year so i do want to double check the date for any doubling there's a nice 36 ddo but that's not going to be it i don't think the one looks very suspicious hold on one second man i don't see the rest of the doubling i want but that one looked a little bit like it's doubled the one's throwing me off because it does look like there's a notch right here it does look like there's something going on there but i don't know if it's too worn to see the rest of any doubling but i don't see it it's pretty heavily doubled on the inside of this six the top of the three and on the nine and i don't see it anywhere else i'm gonna say no but i'm gonna look at it off camera a little bit longer only because of the one it could just be some dings but it does look suspicious i'll be back if it pans out to be anything otherwise i'll bring you back either for a wrap-up or another find the 36 was not a ddo but i figured i'd bring you in on the last find of the box i believe and it's going to be a king george 1942 king george the sixth canadian cent unbelievable wow what a box let me organize the fines and i'll bring you back in all right we've hunted that box 48 wheat cents in total and you gotta wonder had usps not lost the other five rolls what would we end up with but 48 is a great number i ran out of room my copper cup so i had to get a backup copper dish that's all the zincs and honestly is probably probably 33 to 40 percent copper in between those two jars there and what's in there as far as canadians 12 canadians i believe we got three young heads yeah three young heads and a king george vi we got a total of 11 1959's i haven't checked any of the denver ones for the rpm i will do that off camera we got a ton of uncirculated scents i'll just show them really quick to you guys 59 60 60 ones 64s 68s of course the 69s and then a handful of ones from the 70s which definitely i will take because they are beautiful i also kept 174 s i found six in the box but the other ones were terrible and this one is a beauty so i will definitely take that up it's not going to be red it's more brown but the strike is beautiful and it's a keeper look at the number of 69 s's in the box 16. more than i usually find in any box even one from california that's crazy of course none where the ddo i've got the circulated 50s over here the circulated 40s over here and then for the fines of the box we got a 1918 s a 1920p a 24s a 29s we got five 1934's all philly a 35 philly and a 35 denver a 36 philly not the ddo a 38 philly and then quite a few 39 phillies four there the bright and shinies a 1945 philly a 50 denver a 54 s a 54 p a 50 60 matter of fact we got four of those and then four 58 ds up close they're not as mint state as you'd like but they're definitely ms 60 to 63 in my opinion and maybe some are slightly higher no graders in here but definitely up graders if you will i want to thank jim for sending me this box and i still have a bank wrapped box to hunt albeit a few rolls short as well jim you wrote in your note that you found quite a few uncirculated beauties i hope you got some uncirculated wheat cents in your rolls like i did mine man what a trade i appreciate you sending this to me even though you knew the roles you got were just as good if not better or at least close to being as good but man what a hunt these are the kind of boxes i enjoy i will tell you on final thoughts with as many 1992 d's as i saw i was praying we'd find a close i am we didn't and it's odd it seems like all the 84s were d no p's all the 83s were d's hardly any ps and the 98 99 2000's all seem to be denver as well so i don't know if this person did a lot of traveling there's a lot of s mints in here there was a lot of d's and it seemed like in certain years there was some philadelphia's mostly as well very odd anyway what a hunt i know i keep saying that but i'm on my high right now because it was such a fun box to hunt it took me several hours but it was well worth it and i'd love to do it again hopefully you enjoyed this customer rolls penny box lightly turned in because of the coin shortage and i'll take it and jim thank you as well if you did i'd appreciate a thumbs up and as always everyone happy hunting and thanks for watching
Channel: RobFindsTreasure
Views: 27,385
Rating: 4.9527249 out of 5
Keywords: collection dump, coin shortage, coin roll hunting, pennies, penny, error penny, wheat pennies, hunting, error coins, coin roll hunting pennies, coin, Penny key dates, lincoln penny key dates, coin hunting pennies, old coins found, penny (currency), coin hunting, customer coin rolls, customer wrapped rolls, customer rolls, penny rolls, old coin roll, found treasure, coins, customer wrapped coins, customer wrapped coin rolls, robfindstreasure pennies, penny rolls from bank, rft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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