Unsearched Wheat Penny Rolls From eBay!

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figured I would do a mystery package opening since I already took a peek and I can't believe what I was given hey everyone its Rob with Rob finds treasure and I checked my P o box today and I had this package that I had no idea what it was so I figured before I open it for my Sunday mail call and shout out I would take a peek inside open it up and I found a package inside of the package as you see here and I looked inside and there was a letter and lo and behold it's from us penny collection and if you recall I opened some rules by this eBay seller and after I found that 1931 s I left positive feedback on his or hers seller rating saying I can't believe oh my goodness I found a 31 s and I reached back out to him again and said yeah I'm actually a youtuber and I posted your finds on youtube if you remember I was letting you know that I wanted to do that and you okayed it so the point I'm trying to make is they have sent me a package that I didn't even ask for I did not pay for I didn't even know I was getting and I'll just read it to you dear Rob finds treasure I'm contacting you because I just put my hand a series of 20 penny rolls and would like to share this discovery with you I believe they are true unsearched penny rolls from the First National Bank of Creek Colorado some of the rules have beautiful and toning some have steel some appear bu some are ugly there's even an Indian Head Penny and a Lincoln Memorial the majority of endpoints show wheat pennies in the 40s to 50s range in better-than-average condition I didn't open any of the rules so I do not know their content I'm assuming the majority is wheat pennies I have absolutely no idea what is in these roles that could be anywhere from total trash - awesome roles I'm giving you two of these roles as well as the privilege to open them first maybe you can run a video on them and if they pan out then you can upload it on your channel u.s. penny collection guys so let me just preface this I did not reach back out to us penny collection when I purchased a few rolls the last time and I'll put a link to that crazy find up there to that unsearched wheat penny rules purchase I did all I did was let them know that I would like to film opening their roles and post it on my YouTube channel and if there is that was ok with them to let me know and they said that's fine then I post a positive feedback on their account and alerted their other people that buy roles that I did indeed get a 31's they thanked me for that I gave him the link to the video and they said thanks for the link to the video nothing has happened for two weeks and all of a sudden I get this package and I get this to open so that being said if you open this package up and we'll take a look at the editors on the rolls they gave us so I removed the first bit of packaging and now we've got another layer of pack indeed but I just wanted to bring it in I don't think I'm going to do this one handed and so it's pipe better if I cut it out and let me just get the rolls out and we'll take a look at the Ender's for sure so I've got the rules out guys and I'm telling you First National Bank of Creek we've got let's look at the crimping first that does not appear to be touched on this end and it looks really good on this end as well and as Enders and man this thing is tight we've got a 55 Philadelphia I hope you check out for the double dime for sure and a 40s weedy and then on this side we've got a steel cent in pretty rough shape again the crimping looks good it looks legit and the back of a wheat penny on this one so and the ends look good I mean that looks legit these could be rolled sometime in the 60s maybe judging by the wrapper I would say the 60s so we're probably gonna find a mix of Lincoln Memorial cents and Wheaties and who knows what else but I'm almost tempted not to hope of these I'm not gonna lie these look like I'd like to just keep them like this for my collection but Who am I kidding there's no way I can't open these let me set the tripod up so we can open these one at a time and go through them alright everyone we've got both rolls here like I said these look ridiculously nice I hate even opening them but like I said there's no way I can't so I guess the next step really is just to think I'm going to ease them open cuz they're kind of cool rolls and I'll start with this damaged steel sent back here and see if I can coax this and open a little bit and we'll get a better read of if it was resealed like I said it looked good but it doesn't necessarily mean someone wasn't really skilled at UNK ripping them and then sealing them good typically though they wax them or put a little heat on them to do that and these look unscathed they look unscathed one more little piece that's kind of folded in I wonder how hard it's gonna be to pull these guys out intact because this roll is so tight the steel sets kind of loose so that's good alright I don't want to use anything to damage the Ender here but let me see if I can push them through a little bit yeah there we go alright I'm not gonna take a peek I'm just gonna re stack them so that we can look at them together let me just get them all stacked up here we know this hope I already see an Indian holy cow I already saw an Indian I already saw an Indian Head Penny I saw one I don't know if there was a second one there we go let me change the camera angle a little bit see if I can get you guys a little closer in on the action I apologize if the lighting is not the best I'll read them off to you and I'll probably bring them up let me just get a tester right here so the first one we have is a steel cent and it might even be a 43 d maybe not pretty toasty though if they're not that great I'll just read them off to you there's a 57 there's a 40 there's a 58 D there's a 42 there's a 5150 644 D 52 D there's an Indian Head and it's 1900 and you know what it's not that bad a shape it does have some good detail a 1900 Indian Head Penny I'll take it that's a good find so if it's got an Indian edit in here if it's truly an unsearched like the seller or US penny indicated we should see other other earlier teens and 20s Wheaties in here for sure otherwise it's just been filled with the with an Indian head 51 d50 3d 57-47 here's a 1936 first one from the 30s 51 D of 46 and look at this we've got another Indian head and this one is a 1903 or no o2 1902 and again not bad detail so that is now two Indian heads that we've got in the box so that's now two Indian Head pennies that we've got in the role let's continue on in 1944 a 1950s of 51 D a 1945 of 52 D I think that's a 1924 let me just double check with the loop yeah we do have a 20s it's a 1924 so that's the earliest of them Indian heads guys check this out we've got a 1909 let's see if it has the V DB it is not the V DB and there is no MIT but we've got a 1909 Philadelphia Mint wheat penny in the roll holy cow 1916 no mint mark Philadelphia and like I said I'll give you guys better shots of these in the wrap-up for sure 1944 1949 D 1946 1953 D here's a 1955 let me check it for doubling no doubling on the 55 Philadelphia but I don't find these hardly ever so it's good to see one and I know we have an Ender on the other roll 45 P 45 P 1919 no mint mark so that's a teen sweetie 1914 no mint mark 1914 Philadelphia just wanted to triple-check that one for sure but 1914 another teen sweetie 58 a 44 D a 41 of 52d a 44 s of 44 d a 48 so the 40's are now starting to catch the 50s it's always a good thing a 53d another Indianhead 1899 and it's in pretty good shape as well 1899 that's a third Indian head of the rolls 44 d 51 58 d 44 d 1911 philadelphia still nice 1911 it's another teens and the final one is a 57 d so in that role we got a nice amount of 50s and 40s of course as you'd expect almost even we also got a steel set we got three Indian Head pennies one from the 30s a 1924 for teens and a 16 11 of 14 and a 19 no mint marks of course of course and then we also got a 1909 pretty toasty but it's still in 1909 and again we'll get close-ups of these when I'm done so now let's hope in the second roll up and we'll do the same thing we'll take our take some care doing it and since this one's a 40-something we'll start with opening this side trying to be careful not to even touch or Nick the we T of course and we'll just continue on this path and unravel this and I'm telling you these look legit unsearched alright and that enters a 40 for Philadelphia let's push them through again we'll have had it one more time these one they're tight I'm telling you there we go okay let me straighten them back out like before just so we can have fun doing it and let me reposition the camera and we'll go at it again and let me slide that over cuz that was rule number one I will put rule number two in front of it 45 da40 D 44 D a 56 55 D a 45 plain I believe that's a 42 s it is and it's got a little bit of luster to it so it's in pretty good shape for a 42 s a 44 I think that's a 1918 it is so in teens we T 1918 a 1940 a 51 look at the coloring on this one it's beautiful 51 d great Tony we've got an Indian Head it looks pretty tarnished on the back but look at that year holy cow that's old 1888 1888 Indian Head Wow alright 56 of 51 of 48 of 44d 44 of 40 another 40 of 49 of 50 to a 50 3d a 55 s don't see very many of those and it is 55 s I don't find very many 55 asses when I'm hunting so it's good to see and another 55 which has some kind of coating on it let me just take a look at it make sure there's no D do of course nope but it does have the poor man's 55 D do on that last five or machine W on that last five which makes it always fun to look at a 57 a 1934 no MIT mark but still nice to find a 30s we t in the role and we've got another Indian head with some rainbow Tony and look at this 1889 Wow a couple of oldies in this one a 55d and another indian head coming up 46 make sure you can see that they're getting older 1880 Wow 1880 that's an oldie 57 D 44 44 s 42 be nice to find a 43 copper 5846 with some damage 56 D I think this is a 1929 yep 1929 so that's our first 20 s of this roll 4846 fifty-five d54 44 46 D 50 2d 48 a 56 D 57 57 and a really nice 1955 with some toning and a pretty shiny back take a look at the detail on it real quick yeah it's got a little wear let me see it the front has any doubling just to make sure no doubling so a couple of oddities so let me get the camera off and give you a wrap up here so we finished hiding the rolls roll one had three Indian Head pennies in 1899 a 1902 and a 1900 and they're in pretty good shape we'll spend some time on those in a second kind of a lot of 40s and 50s as you would expect but we did pull as well in 1909 and I said it didn't have a VBB earlier but now under this lighting it does look a little suspicious let me just double check here I think that's a VDB guys let me get my microscope plugged in and we'll double-check that but I think there might be a BBB on that Psalm zoomed in quite a bit but it could be me but I think I see what appears to be a V a D and Abby especially the B looks like it's just coming through on the bottom there you can kind of see some raised elements but that's under a lot of magnification and it's hard to tell and this scratch here really is what drew my attention at first with the naked eye but I'm thinking it could have it could be wishful thinking maybe it doesn't but either way it's still in 1909 penny we also had a couple of nice teens let me put them all together here in nineteen eighteen sixteen eleven 14 and 19 so that's pretty cool we also had a 1924 a tenth role in a 1929 in the second rule and then a 36 and a 34 and then the three Indian heads once again in 1880 in 1888 and in 1889 and I'll have to do some research on any heirs of varieties in the Indian heads since I don't really have a lot of them and I don't really collect them as much but I'll definitely take a peek and see if we got anything with them but I'll take a look at these under the microscope so overall pretty good hunt especially when I don't even know expect that I was gonna get these and the only oddities I would say is and of course I know the 50s and 40s there was a lot more wheat pennies produced than the other decades of course so even if it was 1960 today and I walked into a bank and I asked for a box of pennies I'm gonna get very similar results when it comes to the ratio of 40s and 50s to earlier that's just how it works that being said I do find an odd that both rolls did have three Indian heads in them you would think one might have had one and one one had two I'm not complaining three and each roll is ridiculous I wasn't expecting that many to begin with I thought maybe one out of the two rows was lucky but it is odd that they both had three and it would be nice to see some more earlier ones if I was gonna be picky and greedy but for being able to open up some possibly truly unsearched rolls and finding a pretty good amount of good finds I'm stoked I don't know if US penny won up watching this video but if you do I want to thank you for entrusting me with a couple of your twenty rolls to go ahead and do a opening on them I appreciate that very much I also like the fact that I've got some more Indians for my collection and maybe a few will go on one of my books anyway I guess the moral of the story guys is were these truly unsearched or not we'll never ever know but the rolls look tight they look legit the finds are pretty good and at the end of the day this is probably as close to unsearched as you're truly gonna get and had I purchase rolls like this I probably would have been pretty happy depending on the price with the outcome hopefully you guys enjoyed this unsearched wheat penny roll surprise opening that we did for you today if you did I'd appreciate a thumbs up and as always everyone happy hunting and thanks for watching figured I'd let everyone know that I went ahead and checked this 1888 for the8 over seven air that is known and it is not a couple of factors is you would see the tail of the seven on that last eight and if you couldn't see that there's a die cut on the rim between the T and E and United and that's not there as well so it's not but still what a score
Channel: RobFindsTreasure
Views: 299,799
Rating: 4.8306923 out of 5
Keywords: unsearched wheat penny rolls, CRH wheat pennies, online wheat penny rolls, buying wheat penny rolls, unsearched coin rolls, online coin roll purchase, should I buy coin rolls online, coin roll hunting, penny, roll hunting, coin roll hunting pennies, wheat cent, coin collecting, treasure, treasure hunt, coin roll hunting results, where to buy coin rolls online, best ebay seller for coin rolls, 1909 S vdb penny, hunt, 1931 s penny, ebay, key date pennies, key date wheat pennies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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