Over 3,000 Mercury Dimes Searched - Junk Silver Purchase - 1916 D Dime?

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it's been tough for me to find silver lately but today my silver dealer called me and said Rob I've got a lot of silver if you want some how much do you want I want it all everybody its Rob with Rob finds treasure and I know this is an obscene obscene amount of silver but I have been running lower and lower and lower on silver for my streams and in my own stack and so finally my silver dealer said Rob I've got a lot and I couldn't help myself Jelani is gonna kill me but I had to buy all this silver there's half dollars quarters there's generic rounds there's 40% there's even a couple of ten ounce hand poured angle hearts I do love these things I had to mike elección and when he said he had two more I had to get him I don't know really what's in here and to be honest my silver dealer assured me that he hasn't even cherry picked any of this he said he basically got it in let me know he had it bagged it up and I bought it so in order to not have such a long episode of us just looking at a bunch of silver I thought the first thing I would do is pull out all the 40s all the half dollars all the angle hard stuff the generic rounds that I'll be using as well and we'll just get a bird's-eye view at that the biggest chunk of silver in this bag is Merck dimes there's like three thousand of them three thousand Merck dimes let me get this bag open they pull out the miscellaneous stuff we'll take a look at it we'll keep the Mercs bagged up for now until we can get to them so I went ahead and segregated all of the other silver I bought from the dimes and I'll tell you when I was going to the dimes I did notice this part a few Barbara dimes in there but I mean going through we got in addition to the dimes we got a couple of walking liberties pretty much your average circulation nope dates are better dates we did get a couple of Benji's I guess three of them and a stack of 64 Kennedy's which you know I'm gonna check for the video varieties now it's pretty decided to get a couple of packaged uncirculated Ben Franklin half dollars now they're both 1963 but still really cool and I even saw 64 Kennedy half-dollar from Denver uncirculated that's nice we got a couple stacks of quarters and if you add in the three that are in these uncirculated packages as well we have over $10 face there's two 64 and a 63 I checked all the dates there's nothing here to get excited about other than its 90% constitutional silver which I love now back here we have a little bit of 40% nurse how do you look at those don't need to and then we also have 20 generic rounds I'll be using these to make some more or tea bars that I'll show you here in a second the other things I purchased were two serial numbered Engelhard hand poured bars or I guess poured bars if you will and there's the serial numbers right there super excited to have these I do love stacking them I have two pristine sequential ones that I've always had in my stack I only had two of these before and now we just doubled it for for super excited to get those and I get to add it next to my rft bar number one that's over ten ounces which is basically in the same likeness a little bit bigger than these ones but cool nonetheless as far as miscellaneous fines I did find in 1899 oh barber half dollar in G poor condition it fetches twenty to twenty five dollars and I think this is probably being cleaned over the years it's got some dings and scuff marks and you name it but I've seen worse 1899 oh I'll take it paying junk price for it any day of the week I'll definitely take it we got a really slick 1900 oh you probably can't even see the oh there you go now you can see it barely hanging on there 1900 oh pretty trashy the find of the batch is this scratched up probably polished at one point but it is an 1858 Oh half-dollar with not that terrible of detail man it's a shame that's been polished or cleaned or whatever it's been but it's got decent detail probably VG detail on the reverse and g4 detail on the obverse I mean even in g4 condition it's a fifty dollar half-dollar either way I find him a lot slicker than this normally in my buys and I was pleasantly surprised that this one at least had a legible date and pretty good details on the back we'll take that all day that was a nice surprise now that we've done that the real purpose of this video is to go through I believe about three thousand dimes how I'm gonna attack this hunt is I'm gonna pull out all of the nicer dimes that are in here and I'll give you an example of one anything that's in a little bit better shape I'll put to the side anything that is a barber I'll set aside and of course I'll be checking for those twenty ones a 16 D or even some 26 is because there's some better dates in 1926 as well so to be a few different stacks I will be pulling out all of the 1942 s because I do want to check for the 42 or 40 ones we might have one in there I don't have one in my collection let me clearly the way and get those sorted figured I'd bring in I think we're getting close to halfway through the diet in this pin I've got my 20s in this cup and that's a lot of 20s my 30s in here not as many 30s and of course a lot of 40s up here I got my teens I've got my better coins for the 20s 30s and 40s as well and then a stack of barbers are getting up here but I've got that project two headed and yes these are some dirty dimes alright time to wash my hands do a back stretch and get back to the sort so we're still working on this stack of Dimes and I've got that much to go and I've got some good side file talk about once I'm finished doing this but I want to show you something and I need your guys's help this is a 1916 and it's a no-doubter 1916 you can clearly see that and of course like most 1916 when you buy them in the junk bins you will usually not see a midmark and if you do it's gonna be likely an S or of course the no mate mark so when I flip this around on these worn ones I always examine the rims now typically there is damage on these and you never really can tell if it is a mem work or your eyes are playing tricks but I do want to show it at another angle you can see some raised elements now that I've done that I want to put it under the scope and show you what I'm talking about is it me or is that possibly a D now could just be damaged with some pitting and it's conveniently placed where a diamond mark would be on this 1916 but stay with me for a second let me grab this 1926 and flip it over so you can see the demon mark right there 1926 d now let me grab my coin in question and try to line it up in the exact same way the bottom one is the 26 d and the top one is the one in question if you look at the placement of the demon mark in relation to the branch and the leaves and the e for one dime and you take a look at what I'm looking at here could it very well just be coincidence could it just be coincidence or could I possibly have found a 1916 D man I don't know it could just be some perfectly placed pitting or is it possibly a 1916 D we're somewhere all right let me get back to the hunt I'll definitely keep this aside don't want to toss it back and not pay attention to it but give me your thoughts down below my gut is saying it's not my heart is saying it could be let's get back to the massive sword well we have done it three hours and we've sorted all the dimes these are the teens here look at that jar of twenties Merck dimes holy cow I use this cup for my copper and it's almost full of just 20s mercs that's the 30s I expected more 30s even though the 30s they produce less due to the Depression years and some of the mints not striking dimes I still thought I would see more because of my typical junk silver purchases I get mostly 40s and 30s so that's a good sign that we didn't have that many of course you're going to get a lot of 40s and I inspected every single 42 in here it didn't matter whether it was PDRs I just checked for the two over one obviously the filly in the Denver the two you look for but to save time I just put every 42 under the scope hoping to catch a 42 over 41 we didn't catch him it happens still a fun time going through them all as far as on the board I kept the nicest 1916 Philadelphia that I found pretty good example the 1916 that we don't know for sure whether it's a denver or not you guys have seen it my heart wants it to be my mind saying it's not I won't give you any more close-ups you've seen it and then the nicest 1916 s which isn't that great with the nicest of the bunch I also pulled out the nicest PD and s from 1926 1920s is a better date there's a little remnant of a top of an s on this one that's about it just wanted to pull the nicest of those since they're a little bit better dates as far as the other coins are concerned I do need a better 23 so I pulled that one out and if I recall this one is a 23 P I do need a better 1928 s so I'll check it against the album it may not upgrade 1929 Philadelphia in decent shape it's a shame cuz it's 29 D was beautiful but it has a hole but is it 29 D and then this is a 29 s might upgrade maybe it won't as far as in the 30s that's the nicest 1930 that's the nicest 1931 s I believe I thought it was pretty nice I'll check it against my album and then a pretty nice 1934 39 and 36 down here I have all of the better shape coins now there was a lot more like this but I only kept the ones that I thought were more beautiful than what you'd normally find in a junk silver purchase there are nicer ones in here as you can see but we'll keep those for the string now on top of that I did find a couple of other goodies I have not looked at any of the Barbour dimes yet after I clear this away we'll check the dates but I did have to seated Liberty dimes we had an 1890 that slick as can be that's pretty much cool but this 1883 even though it's common is in pretty good shape let me zoom in on it so you guys can appreciate it along with me was not expecting that one to be in there that's not that bad overall probably right around fine 15 I'll take it we've got good detail and overall not a bad dime as a bonus let me put all these back away and we'll do live barber dime look together figured I'd save you guys some minutes here I went through these and filmed it on camera there's nothing but common dates in here and really nothing too spectacular they're all coal orgy for there were a couple in here that I didn't have there was in 1892 Philadelphia and a 1907 s that I added to my album but instead of leaving that clip in I'm recording this after the fact and just letting you know nothing really worth it getting excited about just a bunch of Commons and or coal Barbour dimes if you will still I'm happy that I have them I always like having Barbour dimes to give away during the stream and like I said I was able to upgrade to in my album at the end of the day I had a lot of fun hunting all of these Mercury dimes as well as the other silver I had unfortunately no key dates no semi key dates no varieties nothing spectacular was found but if you don't look you can't find them we didn't find anything this time I'm still reeling about this 1916 possible Denver likely not the man what if it is I'll be holding onto it just in case hopefully you enjoyed this junk silver purchased video with me if you did I'd appreciate a thumbs up and as always everyone happy hunting happy stacking and thanks for watching
Channel: RobFindsTreasure
Views: 34,087
Rating: 4.9572039 out of 5
Keywords: junk silver, coin collecting, silver coins, silver stacker, silver coin, buying silver, silver stacking, pawn shop, coin shop, local coin shop, local coin shops, lcs pickups, junk silver hunting, junk silver collection, junk silver stack, cherry picking coins, barber half dollar, mercury dimes, silver coin years, junk silver bag, 1916 d dime, 1916 D Dime value, silver quarters, silver, silver dimes, buying silver online, seated liberty half dollar, seated liberty dime
Id: QDb_6xrJYJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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