EPIC Silver Found! 90 Percent Collection Dump - Rolls of Silver!

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every once in a while you get a box that you've dreamed that you'd always find this video I found a couple it's kind of be a little bit long guys and I apologize in advance but hopefully you'll enjoy the filming and editing that I did to try to keep this video under 30 minutes with almost 100 Silver's let's go take a look I'm not sure I can hold off on opening these two boxes any longer hey everybody its Rob with Rob finds treasure and I've got literally 14 boxes of Hafs that I need to go through this week I'm gonna be doing a live stream on Friday and I picked up four boxes for my B of a bank because they had to from last week and two from this week since I didn't do a live stream last week wouldn't you know it we got a lucky box here and because this one came with it I figured I'd hunt them together and make it a two box hunt this one has a Benjamin Franklin under here and a Benjamin Franklin under here as well as a silver under here a 1964 Endor right here it also has another 1964 here another silver under here and another 1964 under there so basically three confirmed 1964 's and two confirmed Benjamin Franklin Enders as well as two could be 40% or again no Enders on this one but I'm curious to see how they do together it's probably gonna end up being a long video so I think what I'm gonna do to make it go quicker for you guys is just do an old-school style hunt or I'll show you what's in the rolls as I find him if it gets really crazy that I'm gonna have to go ahead and set up the tripod and they will start with possibly the dead box first I say dead box so there's no Enders but I want to save this for my second box so I can get juiced to see what's in it now being said let's kick it off well we're the fifth rule in just cracked it open and that looks really good 1964 denver we've got a 90% her first fine of the box fifth role in let's find some more holy smokes guys seventh role in I'm gonna get the tripod set up because we have three coins right here a 1964 Denver a 1964 Denver and another 64 Denver we have four 90 percent or in the first seven rules I'm getting the tripod I'll be right back rule number 13 we get the tripod out silver stops coming that's about par for the course for me but you never know you never know because I think I see two silvers 1964 Denver and another 1964 Denver 690 percenters in the first 13 rules rule number fourteen got six 90 percenter so far and we're gonna have a couple more 1964 1964 eight ninety percent or role 25 halfway point of the box still stuck on eight ninety percent sounds funny saying that but in kind of a slow box after the beginning hot streak but we just got another one and this one might only be 40% might only be 40% 1968 40% out of Denver silver number nine first 25 rolls started over there all guys and realize that I didn't hit record so you can see the rule just figured I'd show it to you just in case we got goodies in it and not only do we have goodies in it we've got one here and that looks worn let's get this one first a 1964 Denver we got a Walking Liberty 1945 Philadelphia and of course I forget to open the roll on the camera sorry but a walking liberty 990 percenters and a 40% 11 silvers roll number 31 no silver in the last couple of rolls and I think we have one right here in the middle maybe no just one and it's a Ben Franklin Denver Mint 1962 so now we have nine Kennedy 90 percent or a Ben Franklin and a Walking Liberty at forty percent her we're all 39 it's a bad tear job but I see silver and I see another one looks like two in this role a 1964 and another Ben Franklin it's a 1952 Denver thought it was an s for a second but that's a good year 1952 we'll take it so to Benjamin Franklin's now another 64 Wow and this is the dead box rule 41 I'm kind of flying through this box but when you're fine and silver it's exciting and I think we found two more right here and right here another Ben Franklin 1963 Denver and a 1964 as well two more silvers in that role --roll 43 oh my oh my goodness guys look at this I think we got a 40 an old edge and a 90 let's go with the 40% first 1965 old edge coming up oh it's a Walking Liberty 1943 Philadelphia and another 1964 90 percenter unbelievable roll number 47 Fox is almost done and I think we got a 40% her right there yep 1965 all right guys so the first box is done and I only hunted it because it was the pair for this box and I wanted to do it to box hunt I really didn't think I was gonna get much in that one but I wanted to put it with this as they came together we ended up with a worn pocket coin a hole in the coin coin three n IFC's but check out this silver 340 percenters 265 and a 68 d 12 1964 s love that sound to read Ben Franklin's and two walking liberties and this is the box with no Enders this box has seven no Enders 20 Silver's 17 of them are 90% unbelievable what's this box gonna have rolled number 204 one so far in this box but we know there's Endor so that's a C patient and holy cow we've got a 40 percent IRR and something that looks really worn 1965 again and it's just a worn 1964 I'll take it though another 90 percenter actually we're gonna put these down below so we know how we stack up compared to the other box rule number four we're gonna have something silvery 1964 third silver of the box we roll number five oh my goodness oh my goodness guys look at this one two three four one looks 43 look 90 and one looks very old 1964 1965 a Ben Franklin 1954 Denver and now the very old one it's another Ben Franklin it's got a Denver Mint 1960 just worn to Ben Franklin's a 90 and a 40% are in that roll roll number seven bad tear job but we exposed silver haha bad tear job didn't matter is there more I don't think so but we've got one right here in the middle probably a 64 judging by the edge and it is another 90 percenter roll number nine we've got silver and we've got a couple of Silver's here and here and that could be three that could be three first one 1964 again a Ben Franklin 1948 1948 Denver and a 1968 Denver 40% er three more Silver's in that roll roll number 11 I think we have a forty percent IRR in here 1965 roll number fourteen oh yeah that's gonna be good two more silvers and they look like 90s first ones in 1964 second one is also in 1964 we're scoring a 90 percent collection dump unbelievable roll number 15 holy cow three more Silver's I think two 40s and a 90 1965 1968 and it's damaged on the rim yeah I got chewed up still another 40% er and a 1964 90 percenter we're on rule 21 and it's a under I believe looks like one there's no oh there is there's a Denver Mint right there I didn't see it the first time I looked at it so we know it's a sixty four ninety percent ender and we're out in the part now where we have a lot more we have all the Enders I should say and it looks like that's gonna be the only silver of the role well take it though when it's a 90 percenter role 25 right at the midpoint of the box finally and if your box so far before the end of showed up and we've got a 90 percenter right there 1964 so 18 Silver's in the first 25 rolls and we've got six Enders still in the Box role 26 and we've got more silver looks like it's just a 40% or though 1965 again getting a lot of those and we like them roll 27 oh my goodness we've got some silver in this role looks like two 90s and a forty first 90s a Ben Franklin Denver Mint 1948 again the 40% er has a beautiful 1965 and the other 90s another Ben Franklin 1959 Denver hole number 28 or just now getting into the spot of the box with all the Enders and that is absolutely gorgeous a 40 and 390 stacked next to each other the 40 is a 1968 we've got a 1964 a 1964 and in 1964 for silvers in that role rule number 29 well we got a 40% for sure and I think we got an another silver at the end could be 90 let's take a look first one another 65 the dark one here let's take a look it's a 71 and another 1964 rule number 31 has a Ben Franklin tender on it so we know there's at least one 90 percent are in there and it'd be more can there be more look at this one two three unbelievable let's get that ender out a 1963 Denver Ben Franklin a 1964 Kennedy's and another 1964 Kennedy rule number 32 and yet more silver there's three right there and those have got to all be 90s again 1964 1964 1964 three more 90% in that role rule 33 and it has a ender let's take a look oh my goodness one two three four five Silver's and I think they're all 90 I think they're all 90 a 1964 a Ben Franklin 1963 Denver a 1964 a 1964 and a 1964 role number 35 more silver one two three I think one's a forty first ones a Ben Franklin again 1954 Denver second one's a 1965 40% er and one at the bottom here 1969 40% er roll number 40 and we've got some silver again back on it after a few rolls not having it first one 1964 second one 1964 roller 41 and it's the other Ben Franklin tender so hopefully he's got some friends with them let's see he does anymore at the end yeah one two three four Ben Franklin ender is another 1948 D second one in is another Ben Franklin 1952 D few coins in a sixty seven forty percent IRR and a Walking Liberty a 1943 Philadelphia first one of the Box third of the two boxes holy cow for old number 42 Wow whoa one two three four more Silver's in this role sync the top ones of 40 1965 a Ben Franklin 1963 D another Ben Franklin 1957 Denver and a 1964 role number 43 and it's a 64 Kennedy ender you have some friends riding along with them he has a couple here's the ender one inside of it and one deeper in 1964 1964 in a Ben Franklin to boot 1959 Denver roll number 44 you've got more silver and more silver I think we have to 40% er than this one which is odd because even got a lot of those a 68 and a 67 role 46 and more silver more silver I think we got three more guys a 1964 a 1964 and a 1964 three more in that role rule 47 and it's a 1964 90 percent ender Kennedy Wow one two three probably four five six six 1964 a 1960 Ben Franklin Denver a 1967 a 1964 a 1963 Ben Franklin out of Denver and I think we have one more we do a 58 Ben Franklin Denver three Ben Franklin's to 64 and a 40% er in that role --roll 49 and we're gonna have more silver three more a 1964 a 1967 and a 1964 final roll the two box hunt guys and as luck would have it it is a 64 90 percent ender see if it's got some friends that would be nice and there are two at the end and one right here three more silvers a sixty four ender a 59 Denver Ben Franklin and a 64 as well let me get you a box wrap up and a total hunt wrap up in just a minute this is ridiculous we did get to it IFC's got to point that out 18:40 percenters 37 1964 s 17 Ben Franklin's and a Walking Liberty so that's 18 and 37 is 55 and 18 is 73 beat my record silvers in a box was 70 not 73 but that box that 70 was 69 40% and 190 let me get these all together and show you what we got well that's some silver that was stacked a full roll of 40% ours and an extra one to four rolls of 64 and nine more a full rule of Ben Franklin's three walking liberties and then the other fines Wow 20 40 60 80 89 90 93 so coins in those two boxes this is why we hunt we hope for this kind of silver and it looks like the Christmas silver struck late but it's hitting now and I also hope that the pickups I could do this week or similar this is seriously an epic score for me my best ever I never thought I'd beat my last record let alone 90% is I don't find 90% there's in Dallas I only get 40% and this is amazing I know the video is long so I'll apologize now but you know their drill you find this kind of silver you got to show the fines hope you enjoyed finding this silver with me if you did I'd appreciate a thumbs up and as always everyone happy hunting keep looking they're still out there oh and thanks for watching you
Channel: RobFindsTreasure
Views: 276,861
Rating: 4.8921413 out of 5
Keywords: Coin Roll Hunting, jackpot, Silver, Old Coins, Treasure Hunt, Treasure Hunting, Jackpot, Half Dollars, collection dump, silver, best half dollar hunt, found silver, treasure, SILVER COIN SEARCHING, HALF DOLLAR HUNTING, SEARCHING FOR SILVER HALVES, COIN ROLL HUNTING HALF DOLLARS, coin hunting, coins, STACKING SILVER, SILVER SPOT PRICE, HiddenTreasure, epic, coin, roll, hunt, hunting, bank, bag, sealed, crazy, biggest, score, gold, major, huge, insane, half, dollar, cash, money, detecting, chest, error coins
Id: R93Tosse0kM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 7sec (1747 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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