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i just opened up this roll and this popped out oh it's been such a long time since i found an indian head penny coin roll hunting hey what's up guys digging dave here so i apologize in advance if this is a really long video but as you can see here i have one two three four five six seven boxes i have seven boxes of pennies it's been a long time since i've done a penny hunt this big that's 17 500 pennies we're going to look through um a couple boxes do have a few wheat penny enders but i can't remember which boxes have the enders but i think we're just going to start just grab a random box and we're gonna start here hopefully we have some wheat pennies i'm really hoping we can find maybe an indian head penny in here some errors and varieties let's get started guys and let's have fun all right first find of hopefully many on box number one of seven boxes and just got our first wheat penny it's a 1940 denver i'm not gonna talk too much with each find because i know it's uh probably gonna be a long video but a 1940 denver nice roll number nine just got another wheat penny looks like somebody almost painted this wheat penny but it is a 1957 d almost looks like spray paint or chalk or something that's weird alright wheat penny number two for box one few rolls later nothing too crazy but got the first dime of the penny hunt this does not happen very often but it's kind of cool not silver just a 76 d but hey i made nine cents all right guys so i went through a few rolls with no fines i'm on roll number 20 of stolen box number one obviously and just got another wheat penny here this one is a 1951 denver we also got two foreigns in the same role which is pretty cool a canadian 1986 and then i don't find a lot of these but we got a two cent euro from 2006. that's kind of cool kind of has a weird edge but two foreigns and another wheat penny all right let's keep on searching all right roll number 22 we just got a two wheat penny roll we got two wheaties in the same roll so that brings the wheat penny total to five wheaties the 1950 and a 1951 d two wheaties in one roll i'll take it all right i'm exactly halfway through the box and roll number 25 gave us another weak penny and this one is a 1953. all right let's do the other half of the box i'll keep you guys updated roll number 27 just a little bit past the halfway point of the box just got another wheatie 1958 denver all right just a few rolls later we just got wheat penny number eight i think we have like 16 or 17 rolls left in the box but this is a 1957 denver hopefully in all these boxes we can find some older wheat pennies but i'm happy that we're just finding some wheats all right so we have 14 rolls left in box number one and i just got this i did see the date but you can just tell this is an old wheat penny and it is a 1920 so that's pretty cool not in terrible condition but over 100 years old i know 1920 and 1919 very high mintage but i'm happy to find this that's wheat penny number nine 1920 i'll take it we have 10 rolls left in box number one and just got wheat penny number 10 this one is a 19 42 i thought it might have been a little older with how worn the back was but i mean i guess 1942 is fairly old but um i thought it might have been a 20s or a teen wheatie but 1942 i'll take it we have eight rolls left in box number one and we just got another two weedy roll which is pretty cool this wheat penny has seen better days it's pretty beat up but it is in 1940 by the look of it and we did get another wedi right here pretty nice condition okay 1936. i i don't think that's done there's a double die for the 36 but it's kind of hard to tell when they're a little more worn down i don't think there's any doubling there but um all right we got 12 wheat pennies and eight rolls to go for box number one all right guys look at this wheat penny we only have two rolls left in box number one and this just popped out of the roll not in perfect condition but this still has some luster on it which is pretty nice and it's a 1953 denver i'll take it that's a nice pretty wheat penny you gotta love these wheats that come out with some luster still on them so that's wheat penny number 13. we have two rolls to go for box one we got a lot of boxes to go guys so hopefully you stick around for the whole video but 53d all right let's look through the last two rolls for box one and we'll move on right guys box number one is finished we got 13 wheat pennies and a couple foreigns that two euro cent which is pretty cool let's move on to box number two see what else we can find roll number three of box number two and just got a canadian 1991 canadian and cut another dime in the roll a 1999 d dime all right let's keep on digging roll number five just got the first wheat penny of the box box number two it's really nice condition it's a 1952 denver all right let's keep on digging very next roll i just want to show you guys we got another dime here obviously i haven't looked through the roll yet i'll let you guys know what's in the roll but i've never had rolls or penny rolls with this many dimes in them i'm not complaining though but another dime all right let me look through the roll let you guys know if there's anything in the roll very next roll uh we got another wheat penny roll number six 58 denver just a baby all right i'm on roll number eight of box two just got wheat penny number three in 1949 denver that's a date i don't get a lot 1949. pretty cool 1949 denver right guys i'm still on box number two and just got wheat penny number four i say it's probably been like five or six rolls since i've had a find when a few rolls without anything but look at this it is beat to hell but it is a 1928 man this thing is just bent up and damaged and scratched but we have a clear date 1928 i wish it was in a little better condition but um i'll take it just giving you guys a little update just a couple rolls later we got an old canadian sent here 1960 which you call a young head which is pretty cool and we did get another wheat penny here here's the reverse let's go ahead and see the date 1952 denver wheat penny number five and i'd say we're about uh probably 13 14 rolls into the box number two all right guys let's keep on digging so all right guys just a little update on box number two here we have 15 rolls left in the box finally got another wheat penny this is wheat penny number six box number two here has been a little bit slower than box one um the first box we got 13 wheat pennies and right now we only have six wheat pennies and we only have 15 rolls left in the box so unless these last 15 rolls produce pretty good i think this box won't do as well as box one but we did get another wheatie 56 d right we have 12 rolls left in box number two and just got wheat penny number uh seven i believe oh we got an s mint mark nice 1946 s right another wheatie really hoping we can find some older wheaties maybe an indian head if we're lucky in this video we still have five boxes to go after this box so a lot of boxes to go all right man if i can hold the coin let's keep on digging all right guys we have eight rolls left in box number two and look at this slick wheat penny here look how slick and worn down that is let's go ahead and check the date together three two one okay she's pretty slick and worn down but i'm pretty sure we do have a mint mark a lot of scratches there but it looks like a 1919 s let me know if you guys think i'm wrong it'd be nice if that was the one was a zero 1909 s i'm pretty sure this is a slick worn down 1919 s over a hundred years old that is awesome all right like i said eight rolls left in box number two and we're going to move on to box three all right so roll number 50 for box number two just finished box number two and got a last roll wedi which means we got a total of nine wheaties for the box which isn't terrible and this is a 1940. so pretty cool i think we got uh let me look here [Music] now we got a 19 uh we got that 1919 s in this box too got a 1940 and we also got a 1928 i would say those are the fines for box number two but a total of nine wheaties let's move on to box number three all right i'm on box number three and just got the first two wheat pennies in the same roll i'm on roll number three of box three and let's go ahead and see the dates together all right a 1944 s all right let's see what this one is ooh 1925 all right i'll take that 1925 and a 44 s all right both wheat pennies in the same roll hopefully this is a good sign for the box all right very next roll just got another wheat penny 1951 denver two rolls later just got another two wheat penny roll let's go ahead and look at the dates 1940s that is a nice clean looking wheat penny 1940s nice clean details and we have one more that is the opposite of clean and nice pretty rough gross looking it's a 56 d looks like a zombie lincoln almost but all right we're only like six or i think we're six or seven rolls in and we already have um five wheat pennies this box is turning out to be pretty good all right very next roll we got another wheat penny so we're only like eight rolls in and we already have um six wheat pennies so maybe box number three is uh gonna be our best box of the hunt so far but in 1945 hopefully the box stays hot and it doesn't get cold let's keep on digging very next roll just got another wheatie another 19 45. on roll number 15 and just got wheat penny number uh let's see here one two three four five six seven wheat penny number eight and it is a 1957 denver i'll take it right guys just a little update i'm still on box number three i'm almost halfway through box number three um but i was just thinking since i have so many seven boxes of pennies i'm not going to stop from this point on i'm not gonna stop and film every find in every role i'm gonna do like i'll give you guys an update like every 10 rolls and just let you know what i find or if i find something really crazy i'll let you guys know and i'll show you the fine but if i stop and show you every wheat penny i find the video might get a little boring so um i'll probably do like every 10 or 15 rolls i'll update you guys so all right let's get back to the hunt all right guys we're almost halfway through box number three and just got wheat penny number nine one a few rolls there got cold there for a minute but we did just find another wheatie and this one is a 1946 philadelphia sorry guys on the last clip i recorded that wheat penny that i found i forgot that i said i'm just going to show the fines for every 10 rolls well i went through another 10 rolls and i just got one more wheat penny and the first foreign of the box 1983 uh canadian scent and then out of 10 rolls we got one more wheat penny a 1951 denver and we have 17 rolls left in the box so i will um come back after i go through another 10 rolls all right let's see what else we can find all right so i went through another 10 rolls and the last 10 rolls produced pretty well we got five wheat pennies uh 19 um let's see here a 1978 canadian one cent this is pretty cool though we got a 1951 canada one cent a king george the sixth with some crap on i don't know what that is that's pretty cool like i said we got five wheat pennies the first wheat penny here is let me zoom in a 1956 denver a 1941 a 1940 1950 d and a 1952 denver so five more wheaties and a king george the sixth sixth that's pretty awesome so that brings our total two um 15 wheat pennies we have seven rolls left left in box number three let me go through the last seven rolls and then i'll update you guys and let you know what else i found all right guys so i just finished the last seven rolls in box number three we got three more wheaties and we got a young head canadian 1961 right there pretty cool but let's go ahead and reveal the dates for the wheaties here we have a 1947 s right here we have a 1945 in really nice condition actually and the last wheatie for box number three was a 1944 d uh so all right guys that means we had a total of um 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 wheat pennies in box number three plus we had that uh really cool 1951 king george the sixth happy to have that so so far box number three had the most wheat pennies with 18 we still have four more boxes to go so let's move on to box number four see what else we can find all right guys so i'm on box number three now and like i said i'm gonna update you guys every 10 rolls the first 10 rolls of box number three produced seven wheat pennies which is pretty good let's go ahead and show them a 1958 denver and sorry they're doing some construction some some construction work right outside my house so if you hear something in the background i apologize uh 51d 55d 56d a 40-70 [Music] 1949 and a 1956 d all right this is a good start to box number three what did i say seven wheat pennies all right i'm gonna go through another 10 rolls and i'll let you all know what i find all right just went through another 10 rolls and only got two wheat pennies not quite as good as the first 10 rolls we got seven but hey i'll take two wheaties but the first one here is a 1956 d this one is a 1942 we also got a foreign a 1978 canada all right let me look through another 10 rolls just did another 10 rolls in box number three that means we have 20 rolls still left in the box and we got four more wheat pennies and two foreigns uh we got a 1977 canadian scent and right here we also got a 1982 now let's go ahead and reveal the wheat penny dates first one here we have a 1940. 1951 d pretty nice condition there uh right here we have a 1945 and a nicely toned 1956 denver all right let's do another 10 rolls like i said we have 20 rolls left in box number three we still have three boxes after this if you're still watching the video make sure and leave a like subscribe comment down below i know this is a longer video but thanks for sticking around guys just went through 10 more rolls we got three more wheat pennies and one more foreign this one is a 1982 canadian then we also got a 1953 d wheat penny um a 1940s and another 1953 denver all right we have 10 rolls left and box number um wait we're no we're in box number four my bad so let's move on and do the last 10 rolls hey guys so i apologize i i just realized the last few clips that i recorded i've been saying box number three um we're actually on box number four so just um we have 10 rolls left in box number four and then we have three boxes left we had a total of seven boxes so sorry if i'm for the confusion i just wanted to make that clear um we are on box number four not three so i don't know why i kept saying box number three but let's do the last ten rolls let's do the last ten rolls in box number four we'll move on to box number five so i just finished box number four and we got four more wheat penny so that gives a total of 20 wheat pennies for box number four which is pretty good 1950 denver all right here we have a 1952 denver a 1946 and a 1950 a lot of 1952 denver's for some reason uh but yeah guys box number four here was not too bad um like i said we got 20 wheat pennies all right here it's a pretty good box in my opinion i don't think we didn't have any older wheat pennies or indian head pennies obviously uh got a couple canadians nothing old though we did find that king george the sixth in box number three but this box just had a couple newer foreign canadians but pretty much just common 40s and 50s wheats here in box number four hey but 20 wheat pennies i'm happy with that let's go ahead and move on to box number five um one of these boxes does have i think two wheat penny enders in the box i think we're gonna save the box with the two wheat penny enders for last let's move on to box number five so i'm on box number five and i went through the first 10 rolls like i've told you guys i'm going through 10 rolls at a time just so i don't have to stop and film every find it would just be the video would even be longer but in the first 10 rolls we got three wheat pennies so not too bad a 1946 a 57 denver and a 1950 philadelphia all right let me look through another 10 rolls i'll let you guys know what i find did another 10 rolls in box number five we didn't find any wheat pennies we didn't find anything so let's do another 10 rolls hopefully we can find some more wheaties oh dang guys i went through another 10 rolls and still no more wheaties so that's 20 rolls with not one wheat penny um box number five here might be our worst box so far in this video but the other two boxes i have here um one box has two wheat penny enders and one box has one wheat penny ender so hopefully the other two boxes are a little better we have 20 rolls left in box number five here so hopefully the box picks up a little bit but i'll let you guys know just a little update huh so finally got some more wheat pennies i got two more wheat pennies out of the last 10 rolls that only brings this box number five total um wheat total to only five wheat pennies we do have uh 10 rolls left in box number five so we'll see what's in the last 10 rolls but a 1952 denver and a 1949 denver all right let me look through the last ten rolls in box number five like i said box six and seven do have some wheat penny enders hopefully those boxes will be a little better but um i'm just glad i'm finding some wheaties all right let's do the last 10 rolls in box number five all right guys so i just finished box number five and um really not a very good box we only got a total of six wheat pennies in the last 10 rolls i found one more wheat a 1946 yeah we got one two three four five six six wheat pennies a lot of the videos so far i think this was the worst box for wheat pennies got a couple foreign just fairly common in new canadians let me grab box number six and i'll show you guys we do have an ender all right so i just wanted to show you guys really quick this is box number six we have a wheat penny ender right here a reverse we'll go ahead and open that up first and we also have a 1970 canadian ender which is kind of cool right there and then there's the wheat penny ender so hopefully this box number six is a little better than box five we only got six wheats in box five but um all right let's get started here box number six see what we can find all right so i'm on box number six and we did have that wheat penny ender so i went through the first 10 rolls of box number six and um there was the ender and another wheat penny in the ender roll um the other rolls didn't have any fines unfortunately but we did find well i guess the other roles did have this in 1966 canada one cent but the ender the ender was a 1946 denver there was another wheat penny in the roll and this one's a little older which is pretty cool a 1928 so that's pretty cool we got a 1928 that was in the same role as the ender which was a 46 denver all right i'm gonna go through another 10 rolls i'll let you guys know what else i find another 10 rolls down in box number six and we got five more wheat pennies which is awesome let me go ahead and reveal the dates the 1947 denver a 1956 a 1951 denver a 1955 denver and guys i saw the date on this this was a shocker this is pretty awesome go ahead and guess the date of this wheat penny down below in the comments right now it's in pretty good good condition for the date 1910 full liberty full and god we trust and a full clear date 1910 obviously it's not in perfect condition i mean this is well over a hundred years old this is just an awesome find i know 1910 is a very high mintage it'd be cool if this was a 1910 s but i'm still pretty happy with this but you know it's fun finding old rare coins coin roll hunting but honestly part of the fun is the history just think about how many people held this penny in their hand over the years over the hundred plus years this penny was minted before the titanic sank before world war one before world war ii a lot of history in this penny right here so i'm really happy with this find 1910 all right i'm going to go through another 10 rolls hopefully we have some more cool finds right did another 10 rolls and only got one wheat penny and it's a 1952 denver we got 20 rolls left in box number six let me do another 10 rolls and see what else we can find right still in box number six obviously went through another 10 rolls and just got another just one more wheat penny but i did see the date this isn't older wheatie you can tell by the reverse it's a little more worn down it's a 1929 i'll take it so we found a 1910 in this box and in 1929 we have 10 rules left in box number six then we're gonna move on with the with box number seven the final box of this video if you're still watching thank you so much i know this is probably going to be a longer video but i know the last box has two wheat penny enders in the 40s so i'm pretty excited to start on box number seven but all right let's go through the last 10 rolls in box six and then we'll move on to the box number seven with two wheat enders all right guys so you see what i see it finally happened i have found indian head pennies in boxes before i've been coinroll hunting for about four to five years now but it has probably been over a year since i found an indian head penny in a box um i'm still on box six there's six rolls left in box number six like i said i was just going to go through the last 10 rolls and show you guys what i found but i had to push record i just opened up this roll and this popped out oh it's been such a long time since i found an indian head penny coin roll hunting 1907. now ah i don't want to clean it i know that's kind of the rule you don't do with coinal hunting or coins is you don't clean the coins there is some dirt or crud around it but in 1907. if i remember correctly i think a 1907 is one of the higher mintage for indian head pennies but i don't even care 1907 indian head penny um i was i was not expecting this i don't even think there's any uh wheat pennies in the roll this just popped out and i'm like oh my gosh i gotta record this but all right guys we have six rolls left in box number six and then we're going to move on 1907. that is an awesome find all right guys so i just finished box number six and i'm still in shock that indian head penny absolutely awesome we got a total of nine wheat pennies and one indian head penny so i guess a total of 10 cool finds and we got a quite a few older finds in this box you know we got the 1929 wheatie we got a 1928 and we got a 1910 and then obviously the indian head that is just awesome 1907. i'm really excited box number seven the final box of this video it came from the same bank that i just found this indian head uh penny in same bank um same order of coins and then last box has two wheat penny enders will we find another indian head i don't know maybe but we'll see all right let's move on to box number seven and see what we can find for the end of the video right guys really quick i just wanted to show you the enders and box number seven we have a 1947 denver and then down here i think we have a 19 um 1946 i think so i did check for enders we have two wheat penny enders i'll go ahead and open those up first and um yeah hopefully we have some more cool finds in this final box let's go right guys i'm on box number seven i went through the first 10 rolls and i included those enders one of the enders was a 1941 the other um no the other ender was a 1947 d and then there was a 1953 denver in the 1941 ender role um so all three wheat pennies came out of from the two enders and then there was one more wheat penny in one of the ender rolls the other rolls uh no wheat penny so hopefully the box picks up hopefully it starts to heat up a little more and um yeah let's go through 10 more rolls just went through 10 more rolls and just got one wheat penny a 1940. let's hope this uh final box number seven picks up a little bit this will be wheat penny number four um let's go through ten more rolls and see what else we can find been pretty slow but we have two weed enders hopefully it picks up all right just went through 10 more rolls got two more wheat pennies and a nice young head canadian scent got a couple keepers here as you can see i normally find these and they're completely like brown but this still has some luster to it 1962 canada so that's kind of cool then we also got a 1952 denver and a 1950 denver so that's one two three that's six wheat pennies for the box we have 20 rolls to go in box number seven let me go through another 10 rolls when we finish this box guys i'm gonna do a big wrap up for all seven boxes so make sure and stick around so just went through ten more rolls and got four more wheat pennies we have ten rolls left in box number seven and then we're finally going to be done with all seven boxes man this has been a journey 46d 1941 and another 1945. all right let's go through the last 10 rolls and we're gonna do a big seven box wrap up all right i'll be back all right guys so i just finished box number seven we officially finished all seven boxes and got two more wheat pennies a 1951 denver and a 1956 denver so that brings box number seven's total to 12 wheat pennies unfortunately we didn't find another another indian head penny but i'm not complaining we found a couple canadians uh that really nice um young head i mean it's got some damage but it's pretty nice condition for being a young head but all right let me go ahead and count up the total wheats for all seven boxes we're gonna do a big wrap up here in just a second so stick around i'll be right back so here we go guys before i show you all the finds here's a quick wrap-up box number one we had 13 wheats box two we had nine wheats box three we had 18 wheaties box 420 box number five six wheats uh box number six nine wheats plus the indian and box number seven we had twelve wheats so that is a total of eighty seven um 87 wheat pennies let's go ahead and do 87 divided by seven boxes so that's pretty average for me that's not bad 12.4 all those numbers so about 12 wheaties per box on average that is pretty normal for me so that's pretty good a total of 87 wheat pennies but all right guys let me show you the wrap up really quick these are all just the common 40s and 50s wheaties nothing special about them i will keep them just common 40s and 50s in a big pile here i'm not going to go through every single one just common 40s and 50s right here is our pile of foreigns mainly all canadians 60s 70s some newer 2000s we got the two euro cent that's the only forum that wasn't canadian and guys out of seven boxes of pennies here are the best finds in my opinion we do have the king george vi which was in 1951. obviously the indian head penny i was honestly really shocked to find this i'm like i was really hoping we would find one but um my hopes were getting down after what five boxes with no indians i'm like we're not gonna find one but we found one 1907 and here's just a couple other older wheaties in 1929 a 28 i love that 1910 in a 1925 a 28 a 19 s a 1920 and a 1936. so yeah we had a lot of cool finds um what was it 87 wheat pennies big pile of wheats here an indian some older ones this was a really long but fun hunt but all right everyone thank you so much for watching honestly this was really fun but i'm probably not gonna do pennies again for a while seven boxes of pennies i've spent about the last three days not constantly but the last three days on and off going through these seven boxes of pennies and um i'm exhausted honestly my hands hurt from going through so many rolls and um yeah i'm just tired but guys i hope you enjoyed this video please make sure and leave a like subscribe leave a comment down below and i hope you enjoyed the video until next time guys keep on digging [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Diggin Dave
Views: 36,490
Rating: 4.906323 out of 5
Keywords: coin roll hunting, pennies, coin roll hunting pennies, penny hunt, roll hunting pennies, 7 box penny hunt, wheat pennies, coin roll hunt, coin roll hunt pennies, diggin dave, coin roll hunting pennies rob finds treasure, indian head penny, indian head penny coin roll hunting, half dolla make you holla, quin's coins, treasure town
Id: TIWj7jz8UCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 11sec (2291 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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