Coin Roll Hunting Pennies - The Boston Box

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hey everybody it's rob with rob finds treasure and i've got a pretty exciting box here in front of me it's from one of my young viewers sophia she had reached out to me or her father reached out to me and said that she enjoys the show and wanted to know if she could send me a penny box from boston that i can open live and hunt for you guys on my channel so let me flip the camera around show you the box and thank you sophia so here's the box right here and it is definitely taped up i already took it out of the bubble wrap it was definitely protected very good job of packaging sofia and it even came with a letter so i'll read it really quick her name is sophia 12 years old lives in boston rob finds treasures one of my favorite shows watch it every time you post a new video very kind of you i have sent a b of a penny box from boston i opened a boston penny box at the beginning of the year and had 20 wheat pennies in it and lots of copper if you could open this on your show it would make me very happy sincerely sophia well sophia that was very kind of you and definitely can't wait to get in here i don't know if you checked it for it being circulated or uncirculated pennies i would imagine you did but let me just take a second and get this box open that way we can see what goodies lie inside all right i got the top popped i figured we'd take a quick pixie in here to see they're definitely circulated and it was pre-opened before i opened it as far as under the tape so definitely it was checked to make sure if it had circulated since and it does uh first glance i don't see any wheat cents this one looks a little promising let me just take a look it's a 70 something but i can see a lot of copper in here and that makes me excited because i love checking northeast penny boxes because there's so many varieties that come from the philadelphia mint that i've listed on my cornrow hunting penny mat and i just don't get a lot of chances to czech philadelphia minted coins for a lot of the varieties anyway we're gonna push this back we're going to start the hunt you guys know we're looking for wheat cents i do pull out the coppers of course i'd love to find some varieties i'd love to find some proofs oh i've only found a couple of those in my time and at the end of the day no matter what we find it's going to be a fun hunt because again these are my favorite boxes to hunt sophia thank you very much let's get this hunt started roll number two of the boston massachusetts box and we have our first wheat cent obverse facing 1957 philadelphia not too shabby second to last year wheat cent wheat cent number one roll number two roll number three wheat cent number two just a 1944 philadelphia but oldest of the box and second through three rolls roll number six is gonna yield our first canadian scent of the box 1984 and what's cool is i'm finding a lot of 1984 cents from philly in here and i always check those for the double deer i guess i'll point out while i have you here we did find a beautiful 1969 denver it is not the no fg but it's a stunner nonetheless holy cow all right back to the hunt roll number 10 wheat cent number three 1956 denver roll number eleven is gonna be a dandy because we're at the end of the roll and we've got two wheat cents as i flatten them out and pull them forward the first one is a 1940 philly oldest of the box and the second one is 1953 d so now we have five wheat cents through only 11 rolls roll 13 wheat cent number six 1956 denver roll number 22 of this boston massachusetts box and we're gonna have wheat cent number seven already and it's a 1946 philadelphia to add to the collection we're on roll 26 and i haven't been showing you the canadians because we've got six of them already but i'm going to bring in for this one because it is a young head so it's got some age to it it's going to be 1964 or older and it's 1960. canadian number seven wheat cents at seven who will win roll number 27 is gonna yield wheat cent number eight to take the lead what year is this one gonna be 1955 denver roll number 36 and i'm bringing you in for this canadian because not only is it a young head but it's number nine of the box 1957 and now the canadians have taken the lead nine to eight same role in the wheat cents will not go quietly into the night they just tied it up ninth wheat cent is another 1946 philadelphia roll number 37 wheat cents take the lead with this find here is a 1957 philly number 10. just grabbed rolled number 39 out of the box and flipped it around and i see a 1951 wheat cent ender 1951 wheat cent ender is minted in denver wheat cent number 11. roll number 47 is going to produce wheat cent number 12. that is a dozen and that's a 1950 on the nose roll number 50 and get out your aprons boys because we've got a baker's dozen 1941 philly which now puts the wheat cents at 13 canadians 10. same roll and this will be number 14 and it looks pretty nice by the reverse cushioned in between a couple of nice 2019's definitely not a bad look at wheat center it's got to be in the 50s probably late 50s no and we've got a nice 1948 philly and i'll have to check my album but that could be an upgrader i don't recall if my 48 philly is as nice as this but i'll take that all day weed said 14 is almost a blazer but definitely a dandy let's see if there's any more before i depart and i don't think so i'll be back with a wrap up well we finished that boston box from sofia thank you once again sophia it was definitely a strong boston box to hunt we did not find any varieties despite probably scoping about 33 of all coins from the rolls because there's so many philadelphia minted pennies that have issues that being said we had a nice box 14 wheat cents found the oldest being in 1940 and the nicest being this 1948 philly which i did compared to my album and the one in my album is slightly better so it will not fill a spot believe it or not we only had two 2009's in the entire box only two 2009's in the entire box unbelievable we did get 10 canadians we got 359s none of them the rpm four beauties a 61 d not the rpm 62 p not the ddo a 69 d not the no fg and a 78 even though it's more modern it's just too nice for me to send back absolutely loved it and then we did find also 169s about what i find in my boxes obviously not the ddo sophia thank you for the box and you were right they were full of copper we got about two thirds maybe three quarters of a cup there and that's a good hunt hopefully you guys enjoyed this boston penny box if you did i'd appreciate a thumbs up and as always happy hunting and thanks for watching
Channel: RobFindsTreasure
Views: 12,758
Rating: 4.9691782 out of 5
Keywords: 1972 penny, 1969 penny, valuable pennies, valuable pennies to look for, coin hunting, rob finds treasure, coin roll hunting, pennies, penny, coin roll hunting pennies, coin, coin hunting pennies, coins, penny rolls, penny key dates, wheat pennies, rob finds treasure pennies, penny hunt, coin collecting, coins worth money to look out for, roll hunting, coin hunt, penny boxes, error pennies, coin rolls, coin shortage, asking for coins, rolled coins bank, 1955 penny double die
Id: 4gsMcSO6a9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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