7 Wheat Penny Rolls From A Bank Teller?!

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so I'm pretty excited you guys I've decided to get back into coral hunting and that's why I created this channel it's a new channel for me and my very first bank that I hit up I'm not a member at so she wouldn't give me very many roles excuse me she wouldn't give me very many roles but she gave me $10 worth and seven of the roles are customer hand-rolled roles that have the word wheat or Wheaties on him my very first stop in and I get those kinds of roles so I thought you know what I want to record this live of me opening them just so you all can appreciate it with me and if I catch something awesome within the roles it'd be great to have it on camera without further ado let's go check out these roles that I got so a little exciting cuz like I told you in the beginning I got these roles and let me tell you what's exciting about it first of all these roles are old in their hand roles whenever they're hand rolled I highly doubt they're searched when they are this type of paper the role says we'd on it I am not seen a role like this in a while it's specifically from a local store in Martinsville Illinois which is kind of cool this old role also says wait it looks like it's written by the bank looks like the bank posted it and then wrote the word wheat in the section where there's a blank space to be able to write in not to mention it's an old roll same thing with this one someone wrote the word wheat on it again it could just be lucky could just BBS but pretty cool same thing another roll with the word wheat and the posted from the bank stamp someone wrote actually the word it looks and if I were to guess it looks like it's an elderly person's handwriting just because it's not very consistent I guess it could be the edge of the pennies that cause that but nine times out of ten it usually is just an older hand that's writing and I like that it says we Penny's not sure if the whole roll is wheat pennies but it says it again another one word the word wheat was put right where the post it was and then another older role where someone wrote in wheat pennies and they really didn't even spell it right they but it's like they put wreaths pennies hey but the bank when it posted it wrote the word wheat again as well so I got these rolls here there's only seven of them I think it's pretty cool in that same Bank they gave me more hand rolled ones and then I went to another bank and they were able to give me 20 rolls of machine rolled ones nothing on the end there is nothing really cool looks like a lot of these are just your typical you know pennies but I want to show you that I'm excited and then I open one and see if it's just some BS or maybe there's one way penny in the row and they just wanted to make sure they knew that I don't know oh my gosh oh my gosh it's all alright guys sorry I I haven't even looked at these yet I'm so excited I can't even breathe really I mean every one of these at least in this first rule is a we D I haven't even looked at the dates yet I is it's obviously unsearched I don't think anyone would search their Wheaties for a few key dates and then re-roll them and give them to the bank so I'm thinking that these are legitimately hand rolled by some old-timer or maybe some kids that didn't know and they found their grandfather's coin collection and they just rolled him up and I happen to walk into the bank the day they were sitting there in the vault I mean she had nothing in the drawer so she had to literally go to the vault to get me some coin rolls well I guess we'll just go ahead and go through them with a little extra lighting on these and let's just see what we got here looks like the first ones in 1946 D looks like the next ones also in 1946 looks like we got a 1950 D let's take a look at the next one 1952 d let's take a look at the next one 19:47 d let's take a look at the next one here 1951 d another 1951 d see what the next one is in this role whoo-hoo a 1955 folks just for fun let me get my 16 times magnification out and just take a look at the edges on this guy and see if I see anything worthwhile it appears to not be anything special from the 55 year but 1949 Philadelphia so in this rule of the first one I'll opened remember it was labeled wheat it was indeed all Wheaties nothing below 46 a fire call somebody rolled this up or at least these are all their common Wheaties and I don't think they rolled them up to get rid of them but I think they just rolled up to keep them together by years I'm hoping since these are part of the same collection maybe this was the 50s maybe some of these are the 40s 30s 20s and teens who knows but in the first rule in this video guys that's what we got alright so here's the second roll again I'm hoping the DS are maybe a different decade it's funny because on this one someone wrote the words wreaths pennies and then the bank stamp that they validated that it was wheat pennies as you can see and they wrote and posted they double-check that it was wheat so all right so we'll get the key in here can already see that the first one is definitely a wheaty yeah this is a whole nother this is a whole nother batch of weeds for sure I'm gonna pull out the first three and we will take a look at what these years are hopefully they're not still the forties and fifties but you never know first one is 1958 d here's a 1955 d and hold on one second not the air coin 1940 all right so that's the oldest one I've got here this is 1940 plane so it's out of Philadelphia I'm gonna go ahead and kinda tear this apart just see if I see any other colors in here I don't see anything that would indicate steel this is kind of an odd color right here let's just pull this guy out I knew you know this is gonna be a 40s batch guys I just pulled out a 1941 and it is a weird-looking color like I said it's got a weird patina I'll be back this up a little bit it's got a weird patina it's like almost like they coated it with a sheen that soaked in something but this is a really nice coin so that's a nice year 1941 so that's another forty-one Philadelphia this looks like it's going to be mostly 40s so that's a looks like it's a 40 50 combo so if my Theory's right these rolls are combinations of decades or transitional decades should be nice to get a forty three copper in here just kidding that's not gonna happen here's a 42 D that's a great-looking coin look at this guy's a 1944 no mint mark and look at the color of it another 1944 D so second role was always as well looks like was a good combination of mid to late 50s as well as early to mid 40s as well so - rolls down got a lot more 40s in that role we've got five more rolls to go through still there goes another roll let's hope that thing's the luck of all we need continues I think it's a pretty good sign that this is all gonna be Wheaties again so so not as much in this third roll but the best coin from it was this 1920 plain date it's in rough condition but you can't get mad at getting a 1920s penny in a bankroll alright let's get into this next roll and see what kind of Wheaties we get out of it wish me luck so right here I noticed that there is a what appears to be a steel Tweety and as you can see it is a 43 d steel we D that kind of got my heart going for a second because I was excited it was only my second steel ever and first ever from a coin roll hunt from a bank so yeah I was excited I'll give you a look a little bit a better look at it both sides 43 D steel penny really we got a 1964 D it's not a we D first no first not now I'm not only up 349 we he's a little mad a little bad that I might only have 349 out of the 350 we teased that I thought I was gonna get so I'm going to speed it up to this part of the role I mean most of these coins in this role were again mid 30s to mid 50s but a lot of them are just your everyday common Wheaties nothing really gangbusters so far but I did notice that once again I got another Lincoln Memorial penny and it was supposed to be all Wheaties now we're down to 348 someone's getting a little mad about now I do get a little excited right here cuz I couldn't tell if it was a 1916 or a 1919 it was hard to tell just the last number was almost worn away but after further inspection it appeared to be a 1919 - oldest coin I got so far in the rolls all right guys let's get into this next roll labelled handwritten weep and confirmed by the bank when it posted it let's take a look inside looks like a 47s there we go 1923 1929 d:1929 D 36 so we finished up this row with a nice 1929 I believe it was a D a lot more 20s in that role and we still have two rolls to go without further ado we're gonna go ahead and grab this next roll here and tear right into it I was gonna cut to the chase in this role guys this was the best penny I got in it it was a 1917 plane barely legible not the greatest condition this coin roll was filled with mostly 30s 40s and 50s so didn't want to bore you with all the details and in that last role it was nothing but 1951 d pennies the entire role so there you have it everyone I finished open up to seven roles basically all 30s 40s and 50s mostly 40s and 50s a lot of Commons still exciting whenever you get penny rolls that from a bank that say Wheaties on them so if you enjoyed the video please give it a thumbs up and as always happy hunting
Channel: RobFindsTreasure
Views: 100,129
Rating: 4.8279781 out of 5
Keywords: coin roll hunting, coin collecting, pennies, penny, error penny, 1969S penny, copper, wheat pennies, wheat penny rolls, treasure hunter, lincoln, cent, double die, cherrypicker, silver, bank rolls, bank bags, bank boxes, coinstar, coin star, indian head penny, epic coin roll, coin roll hunting silver, coin, metal detecting, hunting, detector, wheat back penny, canadian coins, young head, bird cent, amazing coin roll, rare pennies, error coins, JD's Variety Channel, Bank Teller
Id: HIc15Rhfpxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2017
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