Cursed Comments #3

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I hate Spotify ads cuz I listen to podcasts in the shower and there's nothing scarier than being naked and hearing LeBron James say I'll tell you what makes me firsty he's ready for some cuss comments anyone anyone anyone okay I'm being in dicted for tax for all I'm currently on the run from the authorities hey when was this taken September the 11th 2001 it's a sad time Minecraft world guys mass homicide caused by suicidal creeper multiple cows were killed the funeral will be scheduled for the next Tuesday and on an unrelated note barbecue on Wednesday what's your town's incidence crucifying the Easter Bunny to teach kids that Easter is about Jesus circumcised people only bite their fingernails because they don't have a foreskin to nibble on with the food do people need do sniper rifles for you see someone cloned JFK we had a soy mouth minja is writing a book that will teach you to become an unstoppable gamer mine comforts been out for years you can hold your foreskin shots while peeing to release the charged shots this is not funny I tried it there's pee all over my pants and on the floor how do I tell my mom what if grass leaked your feet when you stepped on it I would do a split every day we stray forever from God's grace yesterday I finally achieved what every single college student in America has dreamed of yet can only hope it will happen to them that's right I got run over by a bus on campus ah yes the face of somebody who's just achieved their lifelong goal of getting absolutely decimated by the school bus Bravo fantastic achievement my friend the girl of my school got hit by a campus bus too now she doesn't have to worry about paying a single cent the word of student loans not because the school paid it but because she died what's the human equivalent of a bee dying after stinging someone hmm launching your intestines out of your ass to strangle someone with them you guys know how this car from cars is a world war tooji which applies there was a car Hitler and a car Holocaust and also there's a Cartman hope which means a car Jesus died on a cross for their car sins right brah this is a kid baby human this is a kid baby goats they both scream for no reason there's no difference between them baby goat tastes better just saying did you know in 1924 people used to play real-life chess called human chess yeah well did you know in 1939 245 people used to play real-life pub G called World War maybe flies are actually the reincarnated relatives attempting to get your attention then I'll just have to kill them again when she tells you to try the other hall an unexpected journey it always gets weird when they take out their glass I feast your eyes my friends for we have the most ambitious life hack of all time not this is the freaking show that we qualify this year as the future I've tried these and it's all fun games and do you take a sip and get deep throated by a 4-inch ice rod just saying to Lani rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize well we need to rise up against children with leukemia my husband and I discovered you can get photo shower curtains ah now nobody will find the bodies what's the best way to start a speech as a funeral hello everyone and welcome to the unboxing 1 million views and I'll do a taste test a case the keemstar tweets are saying I waited to everyone in the UK was sleeping before I disc them you'll say Mario really weird they'd be like Mario you'll see school really weird don't call it a shooting range being kissed in your sleep is like the purest form of love hmm unless you're home alone I don't know why I added you you're a duck I'm a human our love is forbidden why shush they made this any harder than it needs to be when you single-handedly bring down the class average per team percents yeah I'm a beast when you single-handedly bring down the class size by 14% ma man this image right here it's so sad it almost looks as if he's passing life to the next generation I hope you don't take this comment negatively it's a beautiful picture baby use digger train wait on the second how could this baby possibly possess the powers of the Giga Drain move like surely that child is maybe like level free max he hasn't even hit his first evolution yet school toilets exist everyone is an absolute tragedy it really is students made students stop pissing on the floor hey more juice for me to drink I guess forgive me Lord for what I'm about to do I must go all out just this once viciously beats child to death wait no when you're watching a movie with your parents and a sex scene comes on and you try to act like you aren't paying attention mmm yes the floor here is made of floor as a true alpha I make direct eye contact with my parents and stare them down during sex scenes to assert dominance I start vaping in a really aggressive and violent way masya he must be thinking of other girls Felix writes oh dear oh no I let that creeper blow me any day of the week people that pay for pornography why I like to support my friends and family what's something that seems fun but it's actually terrible waking up to a slow [ __ ] I thought I would enjoy but it was the worst experience I've ever had I will tell you one thing no I will never fall asleep on a park bench with my mouth open again if I wanted to kill myself I would climb up to your ego and jump down to your IQ if I wanted to ascend to heaven I would climb up Garfield's massive duck I tried committing suicide but it didn't work out oops can you try again okay Google guys remember when BTR and patchy the pirate from Sponge Bob had a crossover hmm this looks like the start of a very questionable gay poor L the idea of money not being able to buy happiness is a lie because you can buy a dog and a [ __ ] and one for your dog remember dinosaur pasta this is it now feel old yet oh yeah still just a spoonful baby when your girlfriend is silenced during sex do the roar dead bodies don't raw speaking of gifts do you ever just come in your bellybutton and puts sticky tape over it so that the next morning it's hardened you have a little cookie to feed your cats jazz music stops oh the jazz music actually stops this is weird it's kind of awkward actually last time I had sex it felt like the 100-meter Olympic final over in ten seconds poor thing now eight black men and a gun what the [ __ ] did moths do before lights boom moths were actually the dominant predator before Thomas Edison created the light bulb as a defense against moths moths need complete darkness - great - that human-eating sighs the history books won't tell you this because the government wants us to believe we're untouchable I'll slash awful superpowers anyone you shoot finger gun set as a sudden orgasm talk about school shooting toddler leashless ankle weights system Taber's wait what this is such a bad product you might have temporary control over your talk but you're just gonna make it stronger what's worse than an uncontrollable baby an uncontrollable baby who has never miss life day and could kill you with one kick the because you reached out to bed my head I'm not sure why but I accepted it this is the strangest picture I've seen today nah he was jerking it with the other hand once it contacted climax didn't want to be an overt creep just say a few seconds to appreciate what the Spanish just suggested is so so bad but it's also kind of creative so I don't know what to say Brunswick family loses everything in a fire except the Bible seems a little passive-aggressive if your God allows your house to burn down and he leaves his business card oh hey guys look it's Sam I think i think it's a razor car I have no idea if this is real or not but either way guess what now I can run over kids in 240fps Doctor my back hurts when I wake up in the morning ah wake up in the afternoon then alternatively the pain will stop if you don't wake up at all clocking sound what is heavier a 200 pounds of brakes or 200 pounds of feathers the answer is the Bevers 200 pounds of brakes is just a bunch of brakes but if you try to carry 200 pounds Bevers you also have to carry the weight of what you did to those poor birds wow that was steep and I did not anticipate that all such two-sentence horror mama always told me you can tell someone's intent by the look in their eyes only problem was this thing had no eyes but its frothing erection was a clear sign just want to sit on his lap and feel him get hot you leave the mall Santas alone my family got me a vibrating toothbrush dye can most definitely use to masturbate and finally get off GDI but the only problem here is that it's got Mike Wazowski 'he's face on it and i don't know if I'm ready for that level of commitment update I did it I did it and I hate myself my dad and I are a great reminder that genetics aren't an exact science now that's what he says and you can see there's definitely a difference between him and his father however let's get some information here from the professionals geneticist err there are a number of factors that go into determining a person's heights genetics of course plays a huge role but other things such as diets environments and having a cheating [ __ ] of a mother please into the equation as well ha okay so some was mom sex I'm saying what does mood AF mean mood is food like my current mood or whatever why did you comment that under a video of a gorilla throwing his own shoe I can't even imagine what my mom's reaction would be if she found out what my reddit user name was horny [ __ ] 420 yeah I'm with you too buddy mom right Oh mom writers 69 that's practically an Xbox game attack and that is it for this episode of cursed comments I really hope you guys did enjoy let me know down below in the comments what kind of other videos you guys want to see that instead have an absolutely amazing day guys much love peace
Channel: Fainted
Views: 933,018
Rating: 4.9507341 out of 5
Keywords: cursed comments, r/cursedcomments, cursedcomments, cursed comments #3, reddit, r/, subreddit, top reddit posts, best of reddit, memes, r/cursedcomment
Id: 4RKfeBFZhoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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