I Spoke To Dream's Sister

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joke is that they think that i hit you because i made it look like i hit you you did hit me no i did nothing no so i was streaming on dreams minecraft server and then suddenly his sister joined you know big man dream all right mr youtube mister he's his sister joined the call what do you do when that happens i spoke to dreams sister also uh please do subscribe i'm sure you might not but if you want to it really helps out the channel and it's completely free it's literally the best thing you can do for the youtube thank you so much to everyone that is subscribed if you can check the subscribe button and consider subscribing boys thank you so much enjoy the video [Music] hello hello what you doing i've been building a huge whole dream you see and i'm going to make it because i think it will intimidate everyone and then i'm going to use the the resources from that to make a huge tower and then that will also intimidate everyone i guess you could say i'm sort of like jesus oh hey hi where's your hole okay where's the hole that you dug yeah my mom yesterday so yesterday i'm sitting at the like lunch table with my mom and her phone goes off and she looks at it and then she goes oh tommy's live and i go what what apparently like my sister turned on your notifications on my mom's phone because my sister watches you really she's probably watching right now what's your sister's name is it drister it's a it's top secret you can't know her name okay probably drifter then dreaming sister in it ah oh i didn't think about that so anyway what did you say to your mother when she said tommy's gone live just laughed i was like wait what and then she's like yeah and she said that she put her uh did she join the notification gang yeah i told her today about the video oh i said yeah yeah tommy uploaded on his channel it's called i spoke to dream's mom and she was laughing oh dude you don't even one day i'll do a stream with my mother you have to make the sequel i i spoke to you i spoke to my mother dream's sister joined dream smp you don't like you're not going to let your sister on the snp i wouldn't let her on her on my account in front of me supervised how old is your sister she is 14. she's only one year younger than you no two years two years two years the who does your sister watch then she probably watches you the most other than me what out of everyone in the world you're funny well not everyone in the world out of everyone in the world no she likes i don't know if she what she watches i know she's like she's really big like harry styles and like one direction fan i could get my sister if you want you can talk to her you can say hi oh i mean what would i say i'll be here but i'll be here oh oh all right i'm i'm back tommy i'm back hello you're on you're on speaker but like it's kind of hard to hear you but well hello hi [Music] what's up okay i'm gonna get one second i'm gonna plug headphones back in and i'm gonna give her that one i won't be able to hear you tommy okay hello did your voice just drop yeah i did take control take control there you go i think oh what you actually know how to play a little bit no i'm not who do you who do you watch please stop um i don't know please stop am i recommended who's your favorite youtuber dream yeah you [ __ ] say yes if dream is a bit of an [ __ ] off in real life better not be saying anything dumb thomas dream i do not know what's just happened to you but can you tell dream that is no no a voice change has gone on first on the converse no no no no no no no no no stop get out of the chair he's going to kill me what's happened to your voice what do you mean it's gone really really really deep i was unplugging my mic and stuff did you probably just glitch did you just go through puberty did she sound weird too then yeah yeah she did she just said you're a child she's younger than me he said that you're younger than him okay but he's still a child he's like a year and a half older than me like what does that even how does it feel to be a child tristan tristan no no no no take that back take that back i can't i can't take it back i'm sorry okay how are you um you know i was better and i started speaking okay okay [ __ ] we can we can have we can be like this if you want you could be the next i'm the next drister i am just a dresser you know why would you just insult me because you're a child i can't like you're younger than me okay by like a year and a half okay so you're a child as well you're a child as well yeah i am i am exactly i'm literally older than you okay well well you're a child as well but what's up oh wait wait wait no wait no because i just pressed you but can you can you just stop can you i don't i will just kill you i will just kill you how are you doing chris how are you doing chris how did you learn this when did you learn this i'm a pro gamer what the [ __ ] funny you're losing to a girl you're losing too much yeah that's fine why are you being so mean i'm not you just start stabbing me be friends here let's be friends tell him dream your sister is a [ __ ] can you say that to him please dream your sister is a [ __ ] what okay i'm going controlling it he so is you're so good i didn't realize that why are you so good why are you so bad are you guys so quick no no no no stop it stop it please seriously i mean you just don't understand d you just don't understand i mean it's just not fair it's just uh please stop it because i can't heal cause i'm going to i'm just going to die i'm just yes yeah what's wrong with you drister nothing there is something wrong with you honey dream dream i mean i cannot believe this is the nicest way possible but your sister is a terrible person how did you let her kill you because i didn't want to stab a back dream and i didn't have a shield or gaps on me krista you're a real piece of work you know that you're a real piece of work thank you so what's your what's your favorite subject at school i actually already graduated because i'm not a child like you you are rich you're actually younger than me i love you tommy you're so you're so good at minecraft you're real have you er are you bipolar no you're switching up on me a little bit too a little bit too quick drister what do you mean i've seen you literally the whole time so who's your favorite youtuber um you because you're better than technoblade really yeah i really appreciate you you're just so good at minecraft like okay listen so you want to go help me mine out this big pit yeah yeah we'll go help you mine out the pit can you put dream on can you put dream on hey yeah your sister's got problems he said you have problems he said your sister's got problems she's shaking her head don't cry it's okay now no please let me stop stop don't cry yeah don't cry it's okay it's okay stop come on yeah she was really mean to me dream and she called me a child and then proceeded to tell me how much she liked me and then started calling me a child again no no she said you were a man yeah but she switched up on me dream she keeps switching up on me do you like tommy yeah she said yeah do you like his is he did it a good youtube channel yeah she said yeah how do i say thanks actually you could just put it back on now oh my god he heard me call myself a [ __ ] that's why he texted you who heard you call yourself a [ __ ] my dad what do you think of something he's a person i hate him he's so snapping up hey mama's like trista you are so cool holy [ __ ] what do you think of tubbo good i love him he's dream's telling you what to say isn't he no okay what do you think of of george i can't even hear you sir george is um i don't know he's he's jewelry is he really isn't he's real right yeah i mean he's just really vote him out you're friends with george not found i am wow my respect for you just threw the roof christy you are so cool yeah i mean i wish i was more like you have you got any questions for me i mean i can tell you quite the uh honestly i mean you said you're friends with george not found so like i shouldn't question you you're a real piece of work you keep dissing me like yeah it's because you joined the court and started stabbing me and then repeatedly called me a child it's just real love but it's just real overwhelming i'm just such i'm such a big fan that i was just oh well i mean i appreciate it it's just real overwhelming i'm just not sure what what what big man dream would make back there sorry she's she's a bit of a stalker tommy i'm sorry yeah she's a bit she's a bit much dream i mean you know i'm already used to used to this but yeah you probably i would have her muted on twitter what do you make of her dream say say one if you think she's a bit weird one okay now say say yes if if you wish she wasn't your sister she's trying to listen she's trying to listen okay no trying to listen dream puncher the joke is that they think that i hit you because i made it look like i hit you you did hit me no i did nothing no no i did not clarify i did not i did not anyway yeah you're ready just gonna transition after that yeah yeah okay okay put dressed around put dresser all right fine fine don't don't say i hate you [Music] tommy i need your help he hit me i need your help stop trista yeah say one if he hit you one oh god they won it same money how do you feel about my mom watching your videos i think it's very cool that i have such a large age demographic yeah did you just call her old whoa tommy tell me i'll kill you no no i didn't i don't she's she's young she's a young woman she's a young girl she's in the she's in the prime of her life she's in the prime minister why are you digging this hole there's this guy called jay schlatt and he's kind of taken my land from me so i'm making a big inconvenient hole and then i'm going to make a big inconvenient tower to intimidate them that's really intimidating wow you better not be being sarcastic with me no i'm not the one we've gotta go get some food i have food i have plenty of food well can you stop being can you stop being selfish i don't know should i give you any like yes okay okay well yeah it's all gone it's definitely a stake why is your chat spinning walk whap oh come with me anyway yeah this is the worship and prayer area they play the halo theme and then we [Music] you like that tommy not really oh okay i'll stop all right you wanted the full tour fine you know what we'll give you the full tour stand next to me oh i can't hear him no you can't hear him i'm doing the tour now this is [Music] clay okay anyways hey yeah i don't know what i was about oh okay oh yeah you don't want to speak to that guy actually maybe we don't you want to speak to tenor blade or would you would you would you rather not but you're better than him so why wouldn't we speak to him yep true i mean i mean really just true hey blade i'm your biggest fan i'm your biggest fan tommy did a giveaway tommy did a giveaway where your biggest fan can talk to you i won all right yeah i tweeted about it and i said whoever won would that might that that you're uh technoblade's biggest fan tommy when was this tweet set i'm not i'm not saying see i'm searching tommy in it giveaway and there's there's nothing you don't seem very excited to talk to me tenno you're kind of being a bit of a dick yeah you're speaking to your biggest fan and you're trying to prove him wrong like one of those aggressive fans isn't it i just feel like i'm getting i'm getting a little bit ganged up on here you know yes because you're being a bit a bit mean no i love you in minecraft monday like you're so good at minecraft oh my god and when you beat dream in the duel that was so good uh drister do you want to keep walking you've gone all still i've gone still cause i can't even move i'm shaking like i can't believe i'm talking right no i mean i get that i get that it was like this for me the first time but the more time the more times you realize that he is literally just a picture you want to give away too and you're his no i didn't win a giveaway i mean it's for the second one this isn't fair well it's not fair but well you're just going all still stop shaking fight fight why are you telling us to fight why don't you back me up like you're such a drama queen you're such a drama queen of an instigator from the sideline can you can you at least just walk because i'm sick of standing still do you want to get rid of a techno because he's kind of just being old yeah he he's not really backing me up he's just kind of being a bit of a dick yeah it's all right i got my advertising i agree [Music] i just came here and i'm getting attacked i mean no you're not being attacked i loved your blitz parody let's go oh my game just crashed yeah yeah i watched oh you watched me you were watching me i watched you crash yeah why why were you watching me okay should we just let's just mutually agree that tenno is getting a bit on our nerves yeah we'll get rid of him say one say one if you want me to kick him one hey techno what is he asking you let's go back to i mean i could say why did you just take why would you just take off your chest plate i didn't yeah you okay why were you looking at me why were you looking at me tommy why was you thinking so am i [ __ ] i was just making eye contact you don't play that card on me now that is just not fair okay where are we going are you giving me the tour well i'm trying to but you're just you're just accusing me you've seen it all in my videos haven't you there's a sign that i don't watch you what the [ __ ] i'm subscribed i'm subscribed just for you though you know i'm part of the small percent of the people that's actually subscribed who watches your videos so yeah yeah i mean keep talking about this small percentage of people the answer because there's so many people that just haven't clicked the subscriber yeah you haven't subscribed just know that i'm in the small percentage of people who actually watch his videos who aren't you are good and i mean this you are the coolest person i've ever met yeah i know okay you're also the biggest [ __ ] i've ever met sorry tell me what you want to see a trick i'll do water okay go on stop it stop it please stop it please sister you're being an arse you're being an [ __ ] this is really this is so counterintuitive i'm making it more intimidating you're getting rid of it it's not better now look how intimidating it is now i guess i'm literally an interior designer oh i guess it is kind of you've kind of made it floating exterior designer so like what you said earlier a few questions yeah so why do you call dream big d that you're a little speechless because because because his first name is the first letter of his name is d and think the first letter of his name is c so why are you calling big d because this is you kidding me he's going to give me a bit more prep than that you need prep for what like why would you call him big d well i'm trying to explain to you but you just you keep accusing me do you want an axe no you've got one yeah i do you've got you know you've got no you've got it yeah well you've gone give it to me don't be greedy don't be greedy i'm the guest here like well not really well not really because this is your server and i'm on it my server oh yeah it is my server i own it now yeah so really i'm the guest smp it's not the drister smp wait hold on hold on i forgot i was on his account wait you're not going to be able to change accounts because you won't be whitelisted what the [ __ ] what the hell dressed up what was the what was the point in that it's my server you said it's not yeah but you don't have to be a dick you have to be an ass that was really hey wait actually can you do me a favor and ban you no no no can you type type that [Music] okay [Music] yeah yeah do you think you could do unbanned or slash pardon no i don't know how to do that oh dot slash pardon tommy in it yeah if you could i mean if you could just type that i don't know if i want to it's a little that's a lot of work well i mean you can just copy and paste it you can just kind of please just copy and paste it um okay okay i'll this is your one chance i'll do it okay thank you just don't don't use the dot at the beginning okay um thank you okay i'll give you another command if you can do no i'm not doing it if you can do slash op tommy in it okay that is not fair that that is that that is not fair this is the smp you can't be in game mode what was she doing while i was gone nothing nothing we were just in survival we were building this tower it was it was fun it was i see in our chats that you said slash op tommy emmett [Music] yeah that was a joke i mean that was just really a joke i mean that was just i mean that was just i mean you know you know i mean jim you know how i operate right it's just banter you know it's i've been having a laugh you know giggle yeah you know i'm disappointed tommy you you are you are manipulating a young girl i'm drinking no no no no i am a miner all right and also she banned me dream she banned you she banned me she she manipulated you she's manipulating what she's like she would never like she's lying oh god you're such a stupid man she's you're she's lying all right here you're saying you're lying tommy innit is a liar never guys he's a liar he manipulated a minor no no hey trista let's maybe let's make me not do that call me in it you are cancelled now i'm not okay i'll make me cancel you drifter because i will you can't cancel me well i mean i can what did i ever do well you were you were really mean and hurtful to me at the beginning and then like you even know you were banned money you better keep going tommy tommy oh okay so you're abusive so you're an abusive woman yeah no okay i didn't i'm sorry tommy okay well then i'm sorry why don't we un-cancel one another well i can't really un-cancel i'm sorry that's not gonna work you just can't all right fine fine fine okay yeah nobody will cancel me they'll cancel you they'll tweet that they'll tweet that whoa whoa that's a little too far no no no they can tweet that but if they tweet that then we will be killed again okay do you want to come and mine wood with me then but why do we need wood for ladders what do we need ladders for to get up this tower you stupid actually you stupid you have to leave it floating why why what okay fine you have literally you have battery you have that tree you break it whatever i want it's my server hey okay fine make why don't we okay well if you were you said if you were a good friend you'd make your our server and if you're a good friend you you'd opt me and make it our server you're trying to manipulate me again wait till he comes back wait till he comes back and he'll know that this isn't fair this isn't fair i'm not enjoying this now you've made you've made me all so sorry you're making me pretty sad because like your whole channel is wrong and i'm not pog because you've just you just i've just what listen bro i'm a minor i'm a minor [Music] that wasn't cool you just made fun of my british accent that was low all right drister i don't go i don't make fun of you i didn't make fun of you i said i was a miner that yeah you said it in my accent though you said it in my no i didn't stop it you can't just kill me that's just not fair because i'll die i can't just kill you well no you can but i'd actually request you i'm not telling you please no i'm not challenging you i'm just not trying i think you were challenged i'm genuine i'm truly not challenging you just uh no i mean you've got you've just you've got to understand i'm outside i've got i'm on three hearts i might please okay i'll just i'll let you kill me i'm just gonna die i'm just kidding you don't even know are you just gonna steal that wasn't even funny it was just it was just rude tommy what you're weirder than skeppy's tweets like i'm gonna be honest how dare you how dare you say that to my face say that to my face you are weirder than skeppy's tweets tommy tommy you don't want to start this tommy you don't want to i mean i mean you [ __ ] up tommy stop hitting me tommy someone clipped that tommy stop hitting me why is everyone saying check twitter i don't know i don't want to check twitter oh no hashtag tommy in it is oh trending in the uk oh my god i'm on his twitter i'm on dream twitter i'm on twitter should i tweet something on his account yeah i do it like tweet hurry up i don't want to come back tommy is awesome me and tommy in it are children and tommy is awesome should i tweet that yeah yeah tweet that too that i mean that's a good name it came back when he leaves again we'll pull it back up okay okay you can't say it once it's in the room trista oh tommy i can scroll through your chat with dream himself oh my god tommy dream is so cool dream is amazing dream you're so good at speedrunning i can't believe you're why why are you are you deluded you're literally a dream stan you're so awesome dream i can't believe you got sub 25. wait wait are you on about my twitch chat my twitch chat yeah your twitch chat yeah why they're not me though they are you know that's a whole different thing i was wrong okay we've already been over this i'm not a streamer yeah you're [ __ ] stupid whoa sorry sorry sorry i mean it was absolutely ever since you got me get dream in the room right now what's dream dream with side with me really he would side with you yeah yeah are you calling his little sister that's a mine are [ __ ] stupid one minor to another yeah from one minute to another i mean that was that was that was i mean that was a bit much yeah yeah but i said it i said it joke fully well now my feelings are all hurt nice one should we go for man why do you want to kill everyone man just just what's wrong with you you were just bashing on him earlier yeah so we don't want to stop him man i can tell you right here tommy in it was swearing at you just now so now you just you're just talking about me behind my back to my face nice one nice one drister watching me do another mlg water come on watch me i'm up here i'm watching just so i don't don't get twitch banned can you just like say that dream didn't hit you earlier oh yeah dream didn't hit me earlier tommy does not abuse minors this put this disclaimer wow i mean and i mean and i mean wow yummy yes can we go steal people's stuff uh yeah sure so we're going to first uh oh you have to whisper i'm not going to whisper because it gets it gets all weird in my headset because i've got if you could just destroy this tell me how are you allowed past there what does it say no [ __ ] are like what are you what are you trying to say trista look i can go past it you can't i can't it's impossible it's important what are you trying to say well i don't know why you're coming past it yeah but you're breaking the rules it's not like there's a magical barrier you're just breaking the rules well no because i'm not a [ __ ] i think you are this is this is the worst day of my life this is a terrible day this is a horrible horrible horrible terrible day i'm just going to start stealing our stuff whose place is this uh scappies yeah i mean you can just take what you want from here if you want padding what don't swear at me dressed up don't swear at me i'm a miner i'm a minor you can't you can't just say that i can't say that because if you can say it i'll just use it as child but i'm also the alpha male i bet bad would confirm i'm the alpha male you're not an alpha man you can yeah i am it's true yep what are you doing it's a nice sculpture i'm kind of like your mentor in a lot of ways yeah i think i know you're really not tommy you're not i'm kind of teaching you a lot about i don't know this is my time to go with you i think i'm kind of i'm kind of teaching you a lot i'm kind of teaching i mean do you have anything to say to me before i leave yeah yeah you want you aren't too bad bro thank you oh are you going yeah i'm gonna leave all right bye okay bye whatever okay bye come back hey hey you just starting to kill me yes your sister's a real piece of work i mean she's almost there but she's a real piece of work yeah yeah
Channel: TommyInnit
Views: 18,862,553
Rating: 4.910521 out of 5
Keywords: tommyinnit, minecraft, mine craft, dream, dream minecraft, funny, minecraft funny, minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft speedrun, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft but, technoblade, badboyhalo, dreams sister, tommyinnit dreams sister, mrbeast, $100000 Dream vs Technoblade Duel!, dream war, dream smp, fun, I Spoke To Dream's Mom, I Spoke To Dream's Sister
Id: nNavV-FTBeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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