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hey everyone my name is jake and welcome to curse comments where we're going to be looking at comments which are cursed and youtube doesn't like these so i've demonetized the video myself so you get no ads because it's pointless even if you got an ad because i'd make no money and uh yeah so if you like the video and subscribe it's like compromise that'd be epic but enjoy the very cursed comments yeah biodegradable cigarette filters with flower seeds ah that sounds pretty cool yeah you can help nature in two ways by planting trees and killing yourself smoking kills guys brazil has nearly 60 000 murders here's a map to put that number in perspective oh wow i think that's equal so blue has 60 000 and brazil has 60 thousand brazil has had as many homicides as all the blue countries combined you're probably aware that brazil is a dangerous place evil america brazil i don't know what that means or if i'm saying it right but he's proud to be brazilian i guess oh no stepladder what are you doing ah it is incest with extra steps ah we didn't need incest with less stabs never mind extra this guy crushing his car and getting out pretty fine and this guy falling over and oh he's in so much pain did you see the video where an f1 car crashed in the wheel flew off and hit someone in the face even he wasn't rolling around screaming he was dead but still wow this is beautiful i think this is some makeup of some kind i could create this look for you in about five to ten don't do that to yourself bro you could do it in like two minutes let's be honest uh he's obviously a makeup artist yeah kids can sense evil people hashtag thanks obama look ah the kids are angry with trump and they're happy with obama but wait a sec hitler smiling looks like thomas the tank engine well he commanded forces of tank engines too yeah thomas the panzer engine uh a girl in ancient greece exists and zeus oh is for me wow zeus is like the epstein of greek mythology ah oh that i don't think that's a good thing shitty life pro tip lose a leg or two and gain a couple inches still not over the fact that when i got my prosthetic legs they were like do you want to be taller and i was like yeah and then they made me two inches taller you wish you were me all right time to cut off my dick well to be fair if you've seen rick and morty jerry he kind of gets it off and then he gets a replacement and you know it's it's a better it's a better one so i don't know if you're gonna save the universe why not just found out that my school has been recording people through the chromebooks they handed out and i don't mean monitoring search history i mean through the cameras as i have mentioned before my school is insane ah you should bust a nut in front of the chromebook and then sue them for underage things ah that's the way brother i mean technically yeah you could probably do that i think that's so weird that they're doing that anyway ah my lips forgot what a kiss feels like and my arms forgot what a hug felt like and my heart forgot how love feels like and my dick forgot what a can of baked beans feels like well you're in the right direction if you can't feel that it means you haven't done it in a while which is probably good the lesbian girl pretending to be straight at the girl's sleepover and the straight boy pretending to be gay at the girl's sleepover and me helicoptering my dick of both okay bro why why are you doing that that's just weird wait other countries didn't have to sing their national anthem every day at school for 12 years uh no not at all we actually looked at usa funny for that we think it's mad corny i live in the states now but i'm from germany oh yeah but that's because the last time you all got patriotic it didn't work out nice did it yeah maybe just don't do that germination what does your school use zoom 43 microsoft teams 19 google 19 and other 19. uh we use the pornhub live chat yeah it's pretty pretty good the teacher's on there all the time sharks kill 12 people per year and people kill 11 414 sharks per hour yeah we are winning i think we might be just by a tiny bit games that are better with friends pokemon go yeah basketball obviously russian roulette oh and minecraft yeah well five out of six people do say it's safe it's true actually though you're never going to see a bad review of russian roulette because everyone that's ever played it and then written a review that has won they've survived and if they don't then they're not going to write a negative review so it's the best rated game pretty much newborn kangaroos measure only about two centimeters in length oh wow that that is pretty small the forbidden gummy bear no no don't no please darn it i don't care where this bus is going but i want on uh it's going to the meat factory i take it back i no longer want to go where this bus is going actual fact leafy made 4 million with a 60 mic ah you know who else became a millionaire with a cheap mic uh adolf hitler yeah yeah probably they probably had no he probably had a really expensive mic actually just probably really bad at the time i don't this is the banana of luck don't ignore it and you get good news tomorrow oh guys you're gonna like the video otherwise you're gonna get bad luck quick uh i actually liked this post and it got paid 350 the next day for taking a survey god is good i actually liked this post and got paid 15 a man for jerking off punks under the queensborough bridge god is good i don't know what that sentence means or whatever but sure yeah 15 books yeah my custom abortion hoops came in and i am screaming oh it says abortion i can't have children of my own and this makes me sick oh maybe you can get some custom hoops that say infertile or something i don't know someone order her some custom ones that'd be so good first day of primary school i'm so ready and last day of high school ah please just i'm ready to leave i didn't realize harry transferred to an american school yeah you got to become prepared get a real prepared if you go there when i run over a thousand kids with my car but it doesn't turn gold those bastards lied to me what well actually i unlocked the red splatter camo but can't get anything else i keep trying maybe it's ten thousand just keep trying until you're there i don't actually uh try that because you won't get any camo i feel like i have to say that as like a disclaimer even though i'm not getting ads like i'm not like saying anything everything in this video is sarcastic and and not true please please yeah i'm fine lego star wars the skywalker saga gameplay trailer ah i'm looking forward to the level with anakin and the younglins that's gonna be fun family tree made of gummy bears explaining genetics through gummy bears we got red and yellow one and then it gets look 50 50 traits that one and then goes to oh that's actually pretty cool yeah uh mom always said i had my grandfather's right leg yeah well my mom always said i had my grandfather's middle leg tagging and blood tests for a bison just to give you an idea of how big they are this male weighs around 3 000 pounds wow what holy sh how big is the bison then true yeah if that guy is three thousand pounds that bison must be like at least uh it's i don't know like 60 000 or something so this video for context is about a guy who only got 10 years for doing like mass genocide wait so killing one person gives you 20 years in prison but 12 million gives you 10. yeah well quantity discount you know you got to get them numbers up and then you get economies of scale guys using the smirking phase after a normal sentence is the funniest [ __ ] ever forgot to feed the kids in my basement smirking face ha going to play with my kids smirking face i'm home alone with my cat smirking face i had to bury my wife again you see the last one there it's not the normal one uh you have to do it normally wow the beat dropped so hard my grandma thought the germans were back oh uh i hope she's all right i guess the perfect zoom chord background doesn't exist oh harris that's a pretty good background but how do you know it's a background yeah wait a second a hungry kid called 9-1-1 so cops brought him a pizza and shot him 22 times oh you can't get hungry if you're dead his last words was why is there no pineapples in my pizza ah that's why they shot him because he likes pineapple and pizza ah worthy i'm joking you can like pineapple and pizza if you like it sure i don't normal people don't but if you do yeah click click another video right there if you enjoy it or you don't like it whichever one just watch another one if you want thanks
Channel: WhyJake
Views: 242,071
Rating: 4.9693151 out of 5
Keywords: twitter posts, facebook posts, reddit posts, tinder posts, funny, comedy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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