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Helzer is pretty athletic for a person that was locked up in her room since she was young until she turned 21 wait actually didn't she quarantine herself like we should all be like Elsa right hey everyone my name is Jake and welcome to shower thoughts where we're gonna be thinking really hard in the shower even though there isn't a shower here Shh now there's a shower here look at that Wow shower shower thoughts that's before videos have sucked a lot of the fun out of rickrolling true but what if we uploaded Rick Astley's is never gonna give you up as an unskipable add you click on a random fake Jake video and you get an ADD for reals like we need to do this we need to do this in Despicable Me the entrance to the villain Bank is in the middle of 3 urinals which makes sense because no sane person would use the middle urinal to avoid being right next to someone while peeing plus only a villain would use the middle urinal to create the chaos anyway but what about the female entrances how did they get it or were they the same ones did females just walk into the men's toilets and go straight to the urinals and yes I'm saying urinals and urinals because I don't know why annoying you probably have a better understanding of how far you can jump in a game than in how far you can jump in real life and you know whose fault that is society's you don't just see people jumping around like you do in Mario do you people can jump around in Mario and all these games but if I jump in real life everyone looks at me like I'm a weirdo I just want to jump man the show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire becomes less impressive every year with inflation and guaranteed that shows produces a living inflation attack yes we have to pay them less and less each year this is great one of the great things about cooking your own food is the sweet certainty that any hair in it is yours all the bald people watching this video are cooking be like wait a sec bad propaganda is something you can identify good propaganda or is something you think of as the full truth does that mean like we all go blind to good propaganda no one's ever seen good it's like a good heist you never see the best ones because they're good that's why they're good limousines have gone completely out of fashion and no one is really noticed yeah limousines are just used for like proms weddings maybe probably not it's just proms really is it no pulls up to the club a limo and every wow that's really cool if Shrek was considered hot when he turned human then in Oakhurst standards he's mad cute is this all it takes to get him to shower thoughts now like we already knew that I'm pretty sure everyone already knew that you never think about how many handles are in a building until you are tasked with cleaning them all twice a day if you work in a hotel that's gonna be paper like this quarantine thing you've got to clean all of them at least three times an hour it's like ah I better be getting paid more the first sign that your computer is turned on is the monitor changing from black to black yeah you're right when you don't understand science everything looks like a conspiracy oh yeah does it no that's that's not real I already know that's not real fake you know you're really hating a game when you still hate it when you're winning but I'll still play I'll still play every day this is why I quit I'm not playing any more games until tomorrow sarcasm went from being impossible to read in text to being the underlying theme of every sentence oh yeah sure it did sure it did it's kind of strange that our only response to humor is to convulse and make noise our response to sadness is to leak water and wail well sometimes if it's funny enough I leak water and wail if it's really funny roses are red roses are blue depending on their velocity relative to you hmm don't like this one I don't like this one it's all catching a dropped object in midair makes you realize what a geometry genius your brain is yeah I'm kind of smart right I didn't like the one before that was a smart joke but I'm kind of smart I can catch things having both stupid and incompetent characters show up in disaster movies ended up being a lot more realistic than previously assumed hmm yeah we need we need a movie of people just going for toilet paper like just freaking out and then dying to zombies that would be good I would like to see that the dreams that her the most aren't the nightmares but the beautiful ones you have to wake up from huh that's a show of doll that's a shower door right there I'm stood in the shower I'm like wow it was a nightmare cuz I wanted to live in that more than I enjoy my life wow this is depressing now being a surgeon would suck it's like being a mechanic but you can't throw screwdrivers and walk away and they probably get paid a lot more actually depending on what kind of mechanic you are I don't know the mechanics get paid more than some surgeons probably not probably not in America you guys just everything's $500,000 adult cats meow at humans exclusively so it's reasonable to assume that they're trying to speak but they can't because their mouths aren't the right shape conclusion when you meow at your cat you're essentially mocking their speech impediment ah now I feel bad for meowing at cats way to make me feel bad the sound of one person cheering at the top of their lungs is terrible but the sound of a crowd of people cheering at the top of their lungs is awesome Apes together strong Apes together strong if there was a button that removed the person who pressed it along with any memories and traces of them from existence we would think that no one has ever pressed it it surely it would just be a button we never know that like it could be real like that button right there if an actor or actress in a movie you're watching makes you mad or annoyed or want to punch them they're actually doing a good job it's actually true like I always see movies and I'm like god I hate that person and then you think wow they're a really good actor because they're probably not like that unless they are like that in real life that's why they're such a good actor then I want to punch them ha it's a predicament nothing makes you feel more superior than driving by your own house on a field trip yeah that's my house right there guys that's my wood I love that yep I walked from here this morning that's mine everyone's like wow that's cool you never actually taught how to work well in a team it seems to be presumed you'll pick it up by being forced into the situation this is so true especially for like Boy Scouts Scouts or Girl Scouts whatever they teach you how to be a leader but never how to like follow the leader so everyone is just like I'll be the leader no I will be the leader and it's just it's chaos it's awful when our grandchildren asked us all where it went wrong a sizable number of us will mention a gorilla getting shot well yeah that is when it started that fateful day in 2016 god I'll never forget it Harambee rest in peace as computer storage has gotten bigger it has also gotten smaller denser denser right that's what it is it's denser most of the bosses in video games are stronger than you but they don't know how to aim we'll just wait until they know how to aim that's when you put it up to like veteran difficulty on any game and they just destroy you like you're dead everytime god I suck there are probably hundreds of Wikipedia articles that have only been read by the author you see that guy that like wrote a third of all Wikipedia pages he's read them all he has read every single one I guarantee the Great Depression would have been a thousand times more depressing if they had social media yeah probably oh no this one coming isn't that the stock market crashed it's gonna be very depressing uh-oh stay happy guys I'll keep making videos make sure I'm happy and we'll all be happy the most disturbing thing about suddenly switching bodies with another human is tasting the inside of their mouth wait you've switched bodies with someone else huh what a lot of people who don't like leaving their house only want to go outside because they can't yeah well that's the thing in it you want what you can't get it must be even harder reporting a death to someone on April 1st ah and it's April 1st today or yesterday whenever this vide goes out yesterday I think I'm not sure but yeah that was suck take a look at what is directly above you chances are it's white yes it is white good ones if there was a terrible tasting potion you had to take every day to extend your life most people would take it yet most people still won't eat healthy which does the same thing hmm the thing is it doesn't guarantee it so you could like eat healthy for 10 years of your life and then get hit by a train was it worth it probably up or main maybe it's kind of fun to eat healthy sometimes but sometimes I like cake what am I talking about this is like a shower thought a billion video thought matter how many times we see it we are always a little surprised whenever we see the moon during the day yet because it's cool it's not supposed to be there but it is look it's the moon in the day we are all addicted to sleep and have an extreme withdrawals after only a day or two just can't get enough scratching biani a wolf can't get enough asleep asking someone if they're dead is not a yes or no question it's more of a no or nothing questions I guess they're not gonna say yes other a lot of people are gonna realize that the world still goes on without them going to work yeah it does and a lot of people are probably gonna realize they can work from home they don't need to go to an office you don't need to commute 40 minutes in your car to go to an office where you go on a computer which you could just do at home it works you're always going to feel old because you're only frame of reference is being younger its unless you're the guy from earlier who switched bodies with someone that guy thinks differently I was just thinking guys right in the shower I was like what is if I click on another video that would be kind of cool right got it cool you can do that too he's not even a shower thought anymore it's real or you can follow me if you want do either Thanks you still hurt
Channel: WhyJake
Views: 81,253
Rating: 4.9522152 out of 5
Keywords: twitter posts, facebook posts, reddit posts, tinder posts, funny, comedy
Id: Y46dkLCuOA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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