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yo if i were a nun i would wear heelies and glide everywhere just to mess with people no don't do that yo can we get automatic healies like you just literally just click and you can go you don't need to run up oh i need that hey everyone my name is jacob curse comments i almost forgot what we were doing where i look like i'm in a like a boy band or something but you know we move in these videos they get demonetized so if you leave a like on them and if you like cursed comments that'd be epic you know it's like it's a trade-off you don't get ads hopefully i mean they might play them and then not give me any money but that's what they do for some reason just leave a like and comment and subscribe nice enjoyed men have read it would you take a male birth control pill and why or why not uh yeah i don't want to be giving birth anytime soon right no way i'm pushing a baby out of my peepee unless i'm damn sure i want kids why not yeah i don't want kids i mean i make youtube videos so that's already a birth control pill really took an allergy test i'm allergic to almost everything oh wow do not leave home do not pass go do not have a social life and do not consume any food or drink well you could just eat a big peanut butter sandwich and hope you roll better stats when you respawn yeah if we do respawn hopefully uh hi hello there damn six feet and three inches you're tall yeah these are two separate measurements you have been unmatched ah wow i didn't know humans could only be three inches tall and a six foot peepee too nice this is a normal train you do not need to make a choice oh okay well i'm jumping in front of it like i want to make a choice i know i don't need to but i'm gonna ferb ended up with this baddie because he didn't talk be like ferb true but she was 16 and he was about 10. i mean he's doing well all right she's probably grooming him but he's doing well lady crochet's the ultimate costume for her kid all right that is awesome yes i need to see a child predator next hi i'm chris hansen uh why don't you have a seat oh no no i didn't mean a child predator i meant a child but never mind you're locked in a room with us what are you doing uh i'd get eight kidneys four livers four hearts eight eyeballs roughly 20 liters of blood if pressed correctly and i'll be a hero at the hospital you'll be a hero if they don't question where you got them from you just be like oh i was born with these extra stuff so i was like yeah i mean as well get rid of it and donate to people in need don't question anything do not question anything guys i just got in this uber and oh no oh no it's two rides one car what are you doing at that point like did you get out do you ask why people who stay up late are more likely to die early night owls are more likely to die early oh finally some good news wait does this guy sleep early or does he sleep late hmm both are good both are good i guess blurst cat okay oh big hand me after valentine's day ah again the same again this year and breaking kylie jenner has just announced that she is donating her organs after death for people in need alright step one shoot myself in the stomach area step two get an organ transplant with her organs you know colon intestine stomach etc and step three enjoy the rancid smell of kylie jenner's farts coming right out of my own bow why did i read this why did i think this was going to be like a nice wholesome thing this is cursed today i learned that only 20 people have been boiled alive in yellowstone national park yeah but with your help we can change that for just a small monthly donation you can help us sacrifice a tourist to old faithful every single year ah where do i sign up if you don't find a way to make money while you sleep you will work until you die warren buffett true yeah streamer made sixteen thousand dollars filming himself asleep and letting viewers disturb him with loud noises wait this way you can also make money after you die just put a live stream in your tomb and let people see you decomposing ah stonks right john favreau says stop sending me pilots for your star wars series idea i'm not that john favreau oh he's a different one and then jeffrey r epstein says i feel your pain oh bro change your name at that point you have to change your name vsauce michael here you can't contain me forever vsauce michael here the scp foundation is devoted to containing anomalies and they have succeeded on containing me or have they mums smoking doesn't affect my baby the kid a couple of years later oh oh wait what was she smoking i think 128 pack of crayola crayons that's the only thing i can think of i send life threats not death threats what like i'm gonna come to your house and give birth to you you littles is that even a threat then if you give life to someone that that's like a nice thing you're like here have life does that mean you get extended life or does it just mean they're gonna cause if they give birth to you now that's kind of weird but the extended life thing i'll take what is the dumbest thing your government has done in the last 20 years deleted by deleted wait a sec china china is that you if you feel useless today just remember that a guy used a lifeline for this equal to 746 watts what animal based unit is used to measure the rate at which work is done is it a horsepower b donkey strength c llama thrust or d zebra force and he and he yeah wait how did that many people not get horsepower and then this guy oh llama thrust is what got me banned from the zoo you know she's a hoe when she puts her phone in her back pocket ah let me just shove it on my butt then where else is it gonna go i mean yeah do girls even have the front pockets that fit that actually fit you know the phones clinic and waiting room of a dentist this is called perfection ah that's actually kind of cool i wonder what if a gynecologist copies this idea yeah maybe don't maybe maybe just don't ever update get ready for a pounding some of us could see eight inches or more that's too much even for me yes why does he tap out at 7.5 why would you tweet that he knew what he was doing right when you realize kovid is 19 so it can't legally touch you wait a sec covet like screwing the elderly me too wait does that mean as soon as you turn 18 that's when covert will go for you so school should be open because oh wait a sec that makes covert 19 a child predator it makes sense now spanish police discover migrants hidden in mattresses oh wow oh how did they breathe when your friends ask you to play hide and seek add them in a mattress and then wake up in another country happens every day that'd be a good excuse be like whoa i didn't know i was here i was just playing hide and seek one moment and now i'm 32 and here question how much did all this cost and the answer the the gravestones of american soldiers i think never forget the sacrifice of those brave americans who were ground up and made into hot dogs oh my mistake yeah we don't learn that in the eu so yeah it makes sense my cat's name is noodle i bought him this hat he is now chicken noodle oh wow eat him yeah but he tastes good this is a poor person you know 270 650 1200 2500 65 another 2500 400 and 600 and then a rich guy 35 70 and 70s well at least the rich guy has a 70 pp yeah that arrow is pointing mad that is whoa i can't swim and i can't perform the art of swimming i have drowned syndrome ah wait i think my little sister had this lamal she not alive anymore okay whoa uh what happened dad you're a hot topic shopping with your girl and this guy comes up and roars at her what are you gonna do hmm i would scan his wrists for a 30 discount and then just leave hey you got to get the bonuses whoa the titan gym for some reason they've got this guy at the titan gyms is this crossfit ah that would make sense canada is ranked number two in the world for most cocaine use and then canada has officially ranked number one in the world for the best quality of life punjabi influence me and the boys after drinking energy drinks before bed so we can run faster in our nightmare we are intellectually superior in every way well crack works better just saying from experian i've tried it all and crack is like it's good when you're watching a video and can't tell if a noise came from the video or your house uh what playing csgo in iraq be like wait wait did the bomb get planted guys or is that just in real life which one what's a fact that makes you uncomfortable we'll start your bones are wet oh well there's a moment during the cremation process where the meat is perfectly cooked that's not uncomfortable i kind of like that fact and if you like facts too then click another video there's no facts in these videos just i thought it'd lead on very well you know end of the video you click another one you subscribe because youtube is just finessing us right now that'd be awesome like trade yeah yeah
Channel: WhyJake
Views: 241,370
Rating: 4.9707274 out of 5
Keywords: twitter posts, facebook posts, reddit posts, tinder posts, funny, comedy
Id: gLZterMfVNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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