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rest in peace prince philip so many fond memories oh look at that picture hey where is this from oh buckingham palace ah he looks so good in that picture hey everyone my name is jake come on to curse comments where we're gonna be looking at posts which people have ruined by making them cursed you know you get that weird guy that always replies but a lot of the time it's funny youtube doesn't seem to think so so they like to demonetize so leave a like and like exchange for no ads i mean they'll probably still play out but you get the picture enjoy it yeah it's normal to date five years apart but when she's 20 in you're 25 not when you're 18 and 19 and she's like 13 and 14. yeah that is weird dude people date 18 years apart all the time my girlfriend is still in her dad's balls yo it's normal wait is it awkward when you kiss oh you can imagine like hey you're how you doing pokemon says how would you put i'm a pokemon trainer on your resume um i would kidnap wild animals and shove them in my balls why why why plants produce useful oxygen then why eat them chickens produce bad carbon dioxide we should eat them true humans make bad carbon dioxide let's eat them too i already do whoa cool jeff kaplan he's the cool version people wonder why social distancing will never work in india well yeah this this is how he would talk with his unborn baby as well yeah what is with this thing in unborn babies today why don't come in we are wrapping presents that's meant to say rapping guys it's meant to say rapping i really hope they haven't gotten a puppy just yeah either way even if it wasn't a spelling mistake i hope they haven't got a puppy the lacrimal puctum is the small hole in your eyelids that drains your tears through your nose ah it's the reason you get a runny nose from crying about not having a girlfriend oh those artists seeing a small hole write that down write that down no god oh god please no not in the eye man that's just odd a robot company is selling clones of dead partners created with 3d scans okay that that's weird ah people are so spoiled nowadays back in my day we dug up a corpse with our bare hands and screwed it like the good lord intended no i'm all for religion like you want to be religious go for it it doesn't don't affect me like at all but if if that's what your good lord intends you to do no i'm not for it ever what is a life hack that seems fake but is a true lifesaver well if a man is in an accident car ladder fall etc and he gets an erection don't move him he has a spinal injury ah wait at what point do i stop blowing him um i don't know huh i i don't know what this video is but i don't want to watch it ever imagine walking in the woods and then you hear hey vsauce michael here how fast can you run okay i never want to watch this video people who only poop at home yet and people who poop violently in public with the door open oh oh what about people who poop in sports stadiums oh no i simply can't poop in a place such as this said bob as he stared at the stall soaked with pants there's the seat and there's poop on the floor a hole for a peepee and it's missing the door but that's where a man came and ran to the stall ignoring the pit and the thing on the wall he dropped down his pants as he let out a scream blasting poop violently out like a beam the toilet was ruined as he split it in two without any cover he sat in plain view bob looked to the man who had murdered the ball he said to him surely you must have no soul yeah what is this dr seuss at heart here's me thinking i'm gonna get like a nice cursed comment you know sometimes you think it's a nice cursed comment i want a cursed comment not dr seuss i don't want doctor's use it was good i'm sure you spent a long time on that poem but but why ah the robots you know the ones that can move like this dull and dark i just want to know what year they'll be screwable huh well this year if i can get my hands on one please don't tell me he's got his hands on one this was 2019 he's probably got one what if we kissed at the pride themed anti-homeless spike covered underpass well you see anti-homeless spikes and i see free seating for hundreds of brave participants a-ha oh it's the same thing again if a man is in an accident you know car ladder fall etc and he gets an erection don't move him because he has a spinal injury as a pandemic this is true it's called priapism and it's associated with a mid to low back injury side note unfortunately it might be his last so make it count ah that answers the question from earlier louis vuitton is selling an airplane shaped handbag for 39 000. uh now all we need is a twin tower themed bag no we don't need any why why have they made this and someone's bought it probably if you were in walmart and everything became free for 10 minutes what would you get all right what would you guys get huh huh trampled to death probably yeah that's the most realistic answer think about it you tell people in walmart it's free bro they're running the bride was now concerned about marrying her elder brother yeah that's a fair concern hey it's not incest if you say no chromos me and my sister watching our younger brother finally getting told off oh finally yes hey this format still works if you remove the word told oh no no when i was younger i heard about people overdosing on drugs so when i decided i didn't want to live anymore i took three calcium pills instead of one oh it's like the tragic backstory of a superhero with really strong bones yeah boner man oh wait a sec boner man that reminds me did this guy have a spinal injury when he was younger huh is that is that how he came to be oh what are the lessons you learn too late in life all right don't give your 100 on someone if you're not able to give 100 on you true this is why i barely look after my autistic son wow that's bad for some reason i feel like this one is real and i i'm not sure what to think difference between pop and rap in pop they say baby i love you and in rap they say add an e to the end of both and it still works wait baby i love you e oh wait no pope and yeah yes 2016 oh she got stabbed in the heart 2017 still not repaired in 2018 still not repaired 2019 she's she's like i don't know how to recover from attempted murder by transitioning into a creature of the damned what is a story you will never stop telling to people well i freaked a girl with a stutter one time it was great i managed to finish before she said no jesus please be a joke please be a joke please be this is something i would hear jimmy car say or like frankie boyle if you know those guys that it's just oh you'd get cancelled on twitter if you said it nowadays usain bolt show me the best racer no no not sonic i said the best oh the droplets perfection no no no i'm the best racist yeah yeah we didn't we didn't say that no no wrong wrong room this old picture of easter eggs for hitler happy easter a very different type of easter egg hunt where the eggs hunt you trump confirms existence of aliens but claims they won't reveal themselves until humanity has reelected him oh yeah yeah that's all you had to say wait wait are these illegal aliens he gets back into power and he's like all right kick them out i don't want them here wow this guy in his very fancy car that that's all she doesn't need a seat belt she has two built-in airbags ronnie may i introduce you to my best friend jesus uh nope well that's too bad drives off a cliff no no no you were supposed to accept him no a man once tried to sue pepsi after claiming he discovered a mouse in his mountain jew pepsi defended itself by proving that a can of mountain jew would dissolve a mouse in a matter of months oh does pepsi then hold their product for months before distribution yes to make sure all the mice have completely dissolved before they get to the consumer pepsi doing god's work killing mice with one mountain dew at a time wow that fire has a girl in it look it's like a face whoa well that was pretty common thing in fires just a few centuries ago yeah if she did anything out of the ordinary straight to the fire these tree planting drones are firing seed missiles into the ground less than a year later they're already 20 inches tall ten drones can plant four hundred thousand trees wow well i fight seed missiles into your mum i bet they'll be 20 inches in nine months nice guys if gingers have no soul explain this ah well he steals the souls and keeps them in his hair the more souls the bigger the hair it's true you ever see a ginger with huge hair a lot of souls fun fact before 1913 you could legally mail a baby forbidden uber eats ah forbidden huh might have to time traveled cyberpunk 2077 2020 not not very good burger that and battlefield hardline 2015. okay but that's a pretty good burger wait why are there condoms next to a burger lol you mean you've never screwed a burger before no not with a condom on you delete that right now is this couple risking their lives for the perfect photo ah i mean it looks like it's if she falls at least you're gonna get the soul stone yeah true it's worth it either way either you get a perfect photo or an all-powerful stone and that's exactly what you get right here if you click this one you get wait i forgot what the two things were stone good photo that's that's what they were i remember now i i looked i cheated but click and leave a like and subscribe thanks
Channel: WhyJake
Views: 174,201
Rating: 4.9629965 out of 5
Keywords: twitter posts, facebook posts, reddit posts, tinder posts, funny, comedy
Id: gyaTiwWAeJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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