๐ŸŒด Garfield in vacations !๐ŸŒด 2023 episode compilation

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you suggestions [Music] no Heather I know how much you supermodels love cartoonists but I promise to another [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello time to get up very important day wakey wakey oh I hate to do this no I don't oh why did you do that you did that because it's trash night hardly it's some sort of holiday it's oh no that's today oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry he's sorry sorry sorry I'll have them in a chip all right Garfield your birthday lasagnas are ready [Music] [Music] oh no this is great Garfield I'm going to edit this into my lasagna home video montage [Music] I've been shortchanged [Music] there I've added the new footage I have over six hours of video of Garfield eating lasagna well it's not like he does anything else complete is something wrong Garfield we can't demand [Music] what is it I cooked you one lasagna for every year old you are [Music] I'm one short I'm one short [Applause] and I don't have the ingredients to make another birthday lasagna I'm going to the markets I'll be right back well he's gone I'm gonna put the time to good use I'm gonna do something constructive [Music] [Music] oh [Music] 24 sword Nicks until we reach the Invasion the planet exalted later cool did you send for ricotta here he is exalted leader we could I have a mission of vital importance for you I am a lady attack on the Innovation the planet exaltedly there no this is more important let me show you [Music] our scanners have taken thousands of images of the invasion planet and we see nothing that can forcibly prevent us from invading and making its people our slaves except possibly for this [Music] people we do not parently they're from a planet that is enabled to us they obviously travel to the planet we intend to invade what happened to them the Spy images do not show that we need to know what we are facing I believe I know that a person they're wrong but I think that is my uncle the bossy go ahead to The Invasion Planet go to where that orange creature is and find out what happened to those people [Music] it will measure the brain power of those you encounter right away exalted the lead foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] have a located the orange creature it appears to be in a state of deep suspended animation [Music] [Music] [Music] please do not eat me uh did you hear something [Music] [Music] did you that is what was it [Music] what's up buddy did you see my lasagna run past this week what it did my lasagna headlights and then it ran and it talked and then it asked me if it was and it had like a mouth and it was talking and it went like it ran you believe me don't you Odie well that's okay I don't believe me either [Music] that the origins nature will be no threat I am I do not know what he did to Vanquish the people in those images but I know I was able to handle him then the invasion shall commence all these years and I didn't know that zanya could talk Why didn't it say something what if it isn't just lasagna what if ravioli can talk what if canoli tries to beat me up and the garlic bread I'll start [Music] all right boy I can't understand you please note ODI is less articulate than baked lasagna what is it [Music] something out there [Music] holy they're coming for me oh I've gotta hide wow that creature sees him [Music] if I had an ounce of courage I'd go out there and save my friend Odie good thing for me I don't have an ounce of courage fine work ricotta now we just need to neutralize that orange creature you say he will be easy to defeat very easy exhausted leader just as soon as we find him he's here somewhere [Music] we will find that orange creature and we will destroy him what did I ever do to lasagna besides eating thousands of them there is a no sign of the orange creature in here let's check all the clothes [Music] did you ignorance or something [Music] I heard something wrong this is silly I can't just hide in here for the rest of my life yes I can no I can't John y talking lasagna [Music] it's me they went might as well get it over with [Music] foreign it's time to end this wow I didn't know what happened but I'm sure glad they're gone yeah but you never know what happened they were dangerous and scary and destructive but boy they sure looked delicious Garfield I'm back I knew you wouldn't want to wait until I cooked it so I stopped off at Vito's and got you that extra birthday lasagna no no take it away it might talk to me it might it might gee I always thought Vita was a pretty good cook [Music] thank you [Music] dinner's just about ready Garfield [Music] lasagna wow lasagna I haven't had any of that since uh about four o'clock goodbye supper time [Music] don't worry if you don't want yours I'll eat it one piping hot lasagna hey Daddy I got it [Music] you got it boy I thought you couldn't look any cuter but add marinara sauce melted cheese to anything and it looks better sorry Garfield I got your toy dirty Pookie is not a toy Pookie is a best friend who just happens to be made of mostly cloth here you got it messy you clean it you better be as fluffy and adorable as always he'll be done any minute now he's done here he is what have you done to him he looks like a porcupine watching a horror movie relax Garfield he just needs to be dried overnight tomorrow morning he'll be his old self again tomorrow morning you're a big cat Garfield you can sleep without Pookie for one night [Music] he's right I can do without Pookie for one night [Music] well I hope he's okay out there [Music] oh that's right he's right in the back on the clothesline I'm sure he's all right what am I worried about he's fine [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] come on oyster let's bring Pookie in so he can have breakfast with us all right he's gone boo he's gone Pookie where are you cookies where are you don't worry cookie I'll find you [Music] hey Cookie's not in there Cookie's not in here Pookie's not down there [Music] huh [Music] I'm sorry Pookie disappeared Garfield well you ought to be when I saw he was missing I ran out and bought you a new little friend I hope you like him not as cute as pookie I thought you might not like that one so I also got this one yeah it looks too much like normal [Music] one more it's the latest thing the teddytron 2000 a fully robotic state of the art digital teddy bear it's not as cute as pookie make it say whatever you want just by speaking into this microphone hello Garfield I want to be your friend be your friend and there are all sorts of other commands on the controller here [Music] let's see what happens when I press walk [Music] still not as cute as pookie let's see what happens when I press dance [Music] nope maybe this button that says cuddle [Music] hey let me go hey one of these commands has got to be uncuddled [Music] whoa step step go back to cuddles this one says stop oh wow Pookie never did that to me oh boy [Music] huh you're back like I didn't have enough bad news [Music] you found Pookie yeah yeah well don't you stand there slobbering take me to him [Music] in here that that Pookie Napper that mutt took my best friend ah okay one of my best friends and I'm gonna get him back you that's my pookie you've got there I demand that you return him huh I demanded you stay out of my yard Pookie is mine now mine if that mutt thinks I'm giving up Pookie without a fight he's got another thing coming [Music] this is called fishing for pookie [Music] [Music] not a real red there's like cookies putting out a little weight there you are pookie [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] [Applause] thank you I got out of that one okay all right I'm trying something else maybe the old phony Bush trick [Music] [Music] how much do you get for gardening work [Music] okay I'm through being Mr Nice cat I know how to get Pookie back I need to find an old dress [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] don't you see the family resemblance I can get away with this because as you may have noticed dogs aren't too bright let me take you back to Garcia's little pookie I'm sorry no he was your kid lady I just wanted a friend I never had one I'm supposed to be this real tough dog scaring everyone away well that's the trouble I scare everyone away so long Pookie it was nice having a friend for a little while even if I did have to steal you foreign [Music] real sad so I I think we're gonna have to find him a friend yeah it's great having you around I never had anybody to talk to before boy I used to not have one friend and now I got three oh well that worked out well can someone be friends with a useless creature they can't even think hey you and I are Pals aren't we [Music] come on pookie let's go home and see if John has lunch ready and if you don't want yours I'll eat it [Music] foreign [Music] smell that country air boys wasn't it a great idea to go spend a week with my brother on the farm no isn't it good to get away from the TV no and won't it be great to get up at the crack of dawn work in the fields and do chores no no and no and in that order seven days with no TV no pizza delivery and John calling his brother a name he doesn't like don't call me don't call me duck boy don't call me doc boy don't call me doc boy doc boy doc boy doc boy told you you like working here on the farm John it's a very efficient operation that's my farm hand Ralph how's it going round fine Mr Arbuckle I'm just about to go commence the milk in the cows later on Ralph will collect the eggs that my chickens have laid today they are all very productive sure looks that way doc boy don't call me duck boy and later he or I will milk the cows I sell the milk the eggs the crops at the local farmers market it's going to be fun to work here doc boy don't call me duck boy [Music] you are way too happy to be here I'm going to start the milking Mr Arbuckle but I wanted to ask you about something we got this ad here it says high definition cable TV 250 channels of movies sports music programs like super millionaire name that fish and forget about it we've decided not to have TV on this phone no TV that's inhumane there are some good things on TV maybe but we took a vote I let all the animals vote and we all decided no TV on this Farm do you want TV here ladies [Music] so what do a bunch of cows knew she saw that ass it's settled no TV on this Farm come on John you can go with me into town to pick up the supply fine with me doc boy Garfield you and Odie can do the chores while we're gone I made up a short list sure is there anything like work oh and before I forget John don't call me duck boy duck boy duck boy we have an awful lot of things to do we better get to work first off there's raking the leaves [Music] then we gotta wash the windows in the barn then we have to pile up the firewood Mr spot [Applause] all my favorite shows are on and I'm missing them I know I know they voted well then we'll just have to demand a recount huh you know Chads here's how you get mail wouldn't it be easier to just go down to the supermarket to have a whole refrigerator case of this stuff that's about if you give it a try cat [Music] laughs this is a strange way to get milk excuse the claws ma'am [Applause] [Music] well you think that's funny do you know sorry I'm just bored because there's no TV to watch on this farm TV what's so great about TV what's so great you can see the world without having to actually get up and do something look at all these great channels like the all Hopscotch Network and over here is special programming for cows a cooking show with recipes for the most delicious Cod you ever chewed oh tell me more uh everything on TV is so great do you really think we'll get TV out here soon I'm working on it next up we have to convince the chicken and the horses [Music] [Music] [Music] we must be getting close to your farm talk boy we are and don't call me dog boy dog boy dog boy dog boy hey that truck's from the cable TV company I thought you weren't going to order it that's what I thought too all hooked up sir I didn't order cable TV you're firm-handed he curled I rushed straight out here got here before the pizza delivery guy Pizza bonjour I came all the way from the city many miles to bring you Vito's fine pies as ordered Taco Boy I've got to get to the bottom of this don't you call me duck boy either so the secret of good chewable CAD is to start with a top grade grass and weeds avoid you know Birds there's stickers that all costs what are you all doing you should be giving milk my cows aren't giving milk but it's okay my chickens have been laying lots of eggs lately [Music] how's the egg production going [Music] laying eggs but at least my horses aren't lying around watching TV and eating pizza how much do you want to bet laughs [Applause] what are you doing no one's doing any work at all I have to find out who's responsible for this I have a feeling I know and now Mrs Edna flurp for one million dollars can you name that fish [Music] looks like Herbert to me you know this living on a farm isn't so bad now my cows are watching TV and eating pizza my chickens are watching TV and eating pizza even my horses are watching TV and eating pizza you know you know what they said to me I'm ruined my farm will be out of business excuse me I'm sorry doc I poured my life into this farm and dark you call me Doc yeah I guess I did here comes the mushy part do you know how long it's been since you called me Doc instead of that boy a while [Music] I'm sorry Mrs flirt the name of the fish you couldn't identify was Herbert hmm told you and now we're dialing a phone number selected completely at random to see if some lucky viewer at home can name this fish [Music] it's a freshwater silver crusted mango trout I know my fish if the person we call is watching and can name this fish he or she will win one hundred thousand dollars don't get your hopes up the odds are like a zillion to one against him calling here and again hello sir what's your name I know I don't watch TV oh uh yes I guess I'm watching super LED for one hundred thousand dollars can you name that fish [Music] sure freshwater silver crusted mango trap why are you okay damn right sorry about ruining your farm the way I did Sir who needs farming I'm rich average [Music] he's Rich he's sorry rich [Music] [Applause] [Music] the big screen TV all the pizza paid vacations for your animals your prize money will eventually run out so when it runs out I'll go back to farming by that time everything will be in reruns anyway um good pizza do you have out here okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] John's cousin passed away and he left him something in his will boy I hope it's edible and there's lots of it [Music] foreign [Music] we've been waiting for you do come in thanks I'm Mr Connor I am the attorney representing the estate of your cousin Ichabod I hope we're in time for the reading of the will we've been waiting for you is dog boy here yet your brother is here and waiting for the will he does ask that people not address him as dark boy I'll try very hard to respect his wishes doc boy doc boy doc boy okay dog boy that's John trying very hard to respect his brother's wishes and gentlemen it is sad that your cousin Ichabod has left us he was the greatest guy in the whole world he was a prince among men did you ever meet him no did you [Music] your cousin left an estate where the fortune he also left his will in the form of this DVD he recorded he left his will as a DVD couldn't we just watch cartoons instead hello to my relatives if you're watching this DVD then I'm cool but I want to make this for you John and duck boy don't call me doc boy as you probably know my estate is worth a fortune since I never got to meet either of you I couldn't decide which one of you should inherit it but about leaving it to a cat so I decided to come which of you was the bravest of all the most deserving some people say my house is haunted well maybe it is I want you to just stay here whichever of you lasts the longest gets my fortune the first one to leave is out of the will and he gets nothing have a nice night and watch out for ghosts [Laughter] those are the terms of the will please come with me foreign [Music] will be down the hall he was kidding about the ghost stuff right yeah we always heard cousin Ichabod like playing tricks on people I'm just a lawyer I enforce the rules but um and just between us even for a million dollars I wouldn't spend one night in this house oh I'm starting to feel that way myself well done I think we're really um spending the night in a haunted house yeah well at least it isn't dark and all Stormy with lightning and thunder [Music] wow you have a great future as a wedding man on television well maybe we should go to our room yeah is it okay if Odie keeps me company John if he wants good night foreign this is a nice room we have a nice bed a private bathroom a TV set what more could anyone want oh right food there's scarier things than ghosts like lack of dinner if you want food Garfield you're going to have to go find it you mean alone all right oh [Music] what was that oh it's you hey don't worry I'll find some food to put in you did you hear something Odie there are moments in this world that call for bravery foreign [Music] that was tough but no one will be able to get in here [Music] [Applause] yes but now no one can get out [Music] there must be a kitchen in this place somewhere [Music] [Music] have a nice ride [Music] oh my where's the room with John in it [Music] hey mice mice like me because I don't eat them all right guys I'm lust uh could you tell me where the master bedroom is or better still the kitchen [Music] who's your best [Music] that's Odie [Music] [Music] again [Music] gotta get rid of these bats somehow [Music] thank you [Applause] if you are looking for that handsome pussycat he went that way laughs [Applause] I won't hurt you little dog what are you running friend you know that's a very good thing to run from Watch How I do it [Music] Odie Garfield doc boy [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think we lost him for now it'll catch us if we that is if I don't come up with a brilliant plan I think I lost them I bet that's the guy behind all this I recognize those sounds of pain doc boy are you okay doc boy speak to me oh poor duck boy don't call me doc boy [Music] okay keep it steady this is gonna be great I'm an evil ghost here to scare you oh [Music] Jared oops looks like I'm a naked ghost [Music] there must be something we can do [Music] hoodie this suit of armor thing it does everything I do watch this [Music] Nowhere to Run No Way Out I figured it out Odie these are robot ghosts like in an amusement park all except for this guy who must be the guy behind it all he said it all up to scare John and his brother out of the house so he could keep cousin ichabod's Fortune really yeah I learned this kind of thing watching cartoons on television and now for the unmasking it has to be that lawyer guy huh it can't be but it is cousin Ichabod the reading of the will we thought you were gone fool you didn't I I couldn't figure out which one of you would get my estate so I set this up as a little test well don't keep us in suspense yeah who won neither of you you were both tooth cowardly I told you leave everything to a cat see you later cousins [Laughter] boy the looks on your cowardly face watch this no it has not been a waste of time because I'm gonna get something useful out of it oh [Music] Lord wonderful wonderful it's better than a mansion and a fortune any day right there foreign [Music] this smells something vacant terrific John is baking pies no bread no cake oh bread and cake and rice maybe muffins muffin's Church rolls maybe cookies I'm baking dough balls Garfield maybe Danish maybe prune Danish Maybe we're driving to The Cove to go fishing today dough balls make great bait to catch fish hmm [Music] what a cool thing to do to a fish all right bubster going fishing with John no not me you won't catch me out in that leaky boat of his getting seasick I know no no no I don't care about the beautiful scenery the only beautiful scenery I want to see is right here if you're looking for food Garfield I packed everything to take on the fishing trip [Music] ah fishing the most glorious sport in all the world ah fishing the most glorious sport in all the world nah I don't care about the fish but I'll do anything for lunch so peace fish isn't the important part it's the peace and the Serenity and just being out in nature that matters if you fishermen will always say that when they've been out three hours and haven't cut so much as a sardine I don't care if I catch a fish it doesn't matter to me one bit if I catch a fish I've got a fish on my line I did it I did it John did it John did it alert the media [Music] he's an hors d'oeuvre there we go I knew my dough balls were the perfect bait I'll put an even bigger one on and catch a bigger fish [Music] oh [Music] [Music] all right [Music] hey leave me alone I'm dreaming about penne pasta and alfredo sauce [Music] I care if you are thirsty we're surrounded by water try some [Music] [Music] mama said I gotta find food gotta find food [Music] that was close Chopper almost bothered me now what was I doing oh yeah yeah yeah looking for dinner hey there's something yeah a dough ball no fish in his right mind would fight under one of those things [Music] I won mama's favorite food oh [Music] my my wife is so happy with this worm [Music] mama mama look what I brought you you can't keep a dog down here I do what oh that's funny I thought he was a boy what's wrong with your mama he needs air oh well where can he get some okay Junior hey I know that dog he needs air he sure does hey Bernie Bernie Blowfish that dog he saved my life a little while ago now we gotta save his you're full of air you're a thing red I'll give him one of my big beautiful bubbles [Music] where's Jordy that's funny we're out in the middle of the cove and there's no sign of him I guess he fell overboard fell overboard [Applause] ladies and gentlemen I'm about to do my one heroic deed for the year [Music] he must be a Gunner he couldn't breathe down here thanks again for throwing me back dog the orange cat running out of Arrow a day a friend you have yours dog yeah come on [Music] it's a nice place you got here your friend here saved my life would you like a little tour of the bottom of the Cove oh yeah sure we really like it down here it's wet but it's home well let's take Russian this is the main underwater thoroughfare and there's our traffic cop does he ever give out traffic tickets uh only when he catches someone swimming over the speed limit this is one of those new fast food places that are popping up they have a swim through window anything kcd I'm famished would you like a worm to go I'm not that famished God reminds me I promise to find Mama a lime ah see you later the seahorses well this takes some sort of a race track yes and it looks like a race is just about to start follow my Ponyboy basket [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] ER Chopper that's my brother it's stronger we gotta do something [Music] perfect leave it to me I think I know [Music] hey hey run [Music] all right oh and fish food [Music] [Music] I caught another fish [Applause] huh laughs [Music] Chomper is heading out at the coat and into the ocean you saved us again how can we show our appreciation well years getting a little thin in here so if you don't mind certainly Barney At Your Service growing up [Music] Garfield Odie they must have gotten knocked overboard along with most of my gear oh no no they were such wonderful friends so cute so adorable don't try to cheer me up Garfield and Odie I'm missing Garfield and Odie three two one and then if you keep hugging us like that let's celebrate we'll have lunch except that there's no lunch we're stuck here until somebody comes by and rescues us stuck out here with nothing to eat in the meantime dough ball uh no thanks I've seen what those things do to fish don't worry someone will be along soon I'm sorry all we have to eat are these dough balls yeah real story all right could you press too much too dirty oh [Music] oh hey I was just indulging in winning my favorite past types sleeping which reminds me we get a lot of letters here asking me to name my 10 favorite things in the whole world to do well here they are in no particular order may I have the screen please foreign number one sleeping number two eating number three sleeping and dreaming about eating and [Music] number four and this one's a tricky one eating while sleeping number five sleeping on my other side number six mailing normal to Abu Dhabi here I notice I did not mark it fragile number seven eight and nine are all more eating which brings us to number 10. number 10 my favorite thing in the whole world to do and amazingly it involves neither eating nor sleeping it's watching Odie being tormented by squirrels I shall now demonstrate watch this is gonna be your favorite thing in the whole world trust me [Music] Red Alert [Music] s [Music] 15 lines all right all right what did I tell you this is great oh you're a squirrel you can come out now the squirrels are gone [Music] on behalf of myself in the audience thank you for giving us such a good time audience squirrels you just can't get enough of them [Music] fine job everyone that must be the stupidest dog in the history [Music] is the brain size of a walnut oh I can cashew [Music] and now we're going to show you something you've never seen before in your whole life I've seen this a man in swipotamus biting biting when he successfully bit one hippopotamus tied for second place is everyone else in the entire world boring 637 channels and nothing to watch it's only my favorite thing in the world was happening right now [Music] that's odie's I'm chasing squirrels and I'm about to make a fool of myself bark everyone [Music] time [Music] ah a [Music] games [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] okay we're done here you can come home now all right stay with you in a gym [Music] hey you finally caught one sort of for those of you scoring at home that's od1 squirrels 783. I can't watch this it's too horrible yeah he's a gunner poor devil that's a fine braid squirrel there's nothing we can do for him hey don't worry Oster the bushy-tailed one here it's just in shock he'll wake up any minute now just give him time hey what are you doing nah we don't want that in the House John doesn't like having unconscious squirrels in the living room I don't want to have anything to do with this [Music] it is sad what has happened to our friend Professor Walnut I never heard of a dog catching a squirrel before is this a common event oh no this is most unusual as a matter of fact this is at first no dog in history has ever actually caught a squirrel this is a tragedy I see so would you say that the future of squirrels as a species is in Jeopardy oh yes definitely definitely it looks like we are at the end of an era and that we will all have to move to dog-free territories and now if you'll excuse me I have some packing to do take me with you [Music] I don't want to move I like it here yeah maybe we could talk to the dog make peace with him after all the run things we've done to him don't be foolish he must hate our guts we can try what do we got to lose [Music] oh no he's tasting me he's gonna eat me [Music] what you want to shake pause with me yeah yeah after all the crummy things we've done to you yeah that dog won't want to make peace with us we have to try I wonder if he tries to eat us no telling what he's the underwear friend [Music] quick Riley's away let's get you out of here make a run for it hey I'm playing with my new friend your new friend a dog what can I say we had them all wrong and then probably all dogs foreign good boy and neither of you is worth watching what to watch what to watch could it be is it possible it sounds like Goldie's chasing squirrels again the Best Buy For Your Entertainment dollar [Music] s wise what color is the sky in your world squirrels ori's idea of an intellectual Pursuit is chasing his tail for an hour how dare you insult our friend are we gonna let him talk like that about Odie I will not okay what do I look like a bag of Amish stop stop no no um well it looks like my favorite show has been canceled no more Odie chasing squirrels but when you get bad news that's the time to put out a happy face [Music] and if you don't sometimes someone will put one on for you [Music] thank you [Music] John's coming everybody mm-hmm nice job is standing guard pal it's a great place to live as long as that Arbuckle guy doesn't notice us there's no place I'd rather be well let's see what shall we watch a 23-hour documentary on how some TV shows are too long a rerun of a repeat of an encore presentation of an old program we didn't watch in the first place here's a travel log about a new tourist attraction dedicated to cheese cheese turn to channel 9 Garfield [Music] and today we visit the world's greatest new amusement park Eddie gormont [Music] this because everybody loves cheese so here the rides are uh-huh you got it made of cheese the buildings are cheese the windows in the buildings are cheesed even the cheese pizza actually contains cheese that's a novelty wait have cheeseburgers cheese sandwiches cheese danish cheese so find yourself a Cheesy vacation and come together that's Eddie garman's cheese land but seven days a week no mice allowed oh gee I have a strange urge for a piece of cheese Garfield old pal old friend you gotta take us there to cheese land you heard the man no mice aloud that's why you've got to take us there you're smart enough to sneak us in oh no way you want to go there you figure a way in I'm not gonna go help you sneak into cheese land I just went into the kitchen and got a piece of cheese uh what's wrong with that this was attached to it can we please go to cheese land this whole house is full of mice again it's your job to get rid of them this is where John always threatens to withhold my lasagna privileges can we please go to TV's land and if you don't get rid of them right away no lasagna for the rest of this decade it's a cheap constant threat which is not to say that it doesn't always work can we please go to cheese land you want us to leave Garfield take us to cheese land will it get you out of here if I do stuff like this scenaro whoa where'd that come from nope can we please go to TV's land ah okay let's go now listen and listen good cat I've hire you to keep mice out of my cheese land now if you let one mountain rat or rodent get in or anything furry you're fired no problem Mr Gourmand I'm on the job you won't see any mice here better not I got a great job here and I don't want to lose it [Music] too many problems business is terrible I thought people love cheese I don't know what's going on wow hey Garfield well it's you Harry fancy meeting you here isn't it a little hot for an Overcoat oh no no I'm very cool cool I am it's 89 degrees what was that cold gosh I should have brought a scarf well see you later Harry huh hey uh Garfield you wouldn't happen to have any mice in that Overcoat nice why would I have mice in my overcooked here's too funny [Music] are we in a cheese land not quite you promised to get us inside yeah I will I have another idea I am here to deliver more avitos phenomenal children [Music] you're not away pal [Music] let me have a look at these pizzas there's a great topping you didn't order the mouse of pizza [Music] [Music] I know I know you sure about these Garfield no but we're already up here I Think We're not gonna make it that was right we didn't make it you promised squeaky if you're gonna hold me to my promises I'm gonna stop making them can we please go to teasland like I did a pretty good job keeping mice out of here Harry look out the mice are trying to get in oh right [Music] hey I'm chasing them out of here thanks Garfield you just saved me to trouble hey you come back in [Music] about [Music] thank you this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my whole life come on guys let's eat it [Music] because I'll get you for this come on squeak he's gonna get me through this I want to taste that building over there looks like Camembert later nice going Garfield we lost him yeah but uh what's that terrible smell it's it's the walls this place is made out of limb burger oh no let me out yeah [Applause] [Music] you're gonna cost me my job Garfield I gotta get out of this please oh [Music] [Music] this car is coming apart what do you want everything here is made out of cheese [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] except mice and they don't have any money or very little too many people these days are lactose intolerant excuse me are you Eddie gormand owner of Eddie gormon's cheese land I am why I represent a company that builds huge shopping malls in areas that already have too many of them we'd like to buy this land and build one you want to buy my lamb indeed we'll pay you more than you paid to build cheese land wow it's a deal on the condition that you clear all these cheesy buildings off the land I'll be back later with a contract I'm saved I'll even make a profit I just have to figure out how to get rid of these buildings hey Garfield [Music] it's a fine idea tell your boss we'll clear the land for him only if I can help hey Mr Gorman says he's gonna get me a job at the new mall oh great another piece of Gorgonzola roof Garfield no thanks I'm just finishing off some of the gouda flooring and see that three-story building I'm just trying to figure out how to grill it between two big slices of bread ah maybe I'll just melt it down and have the world's biggest fondue [Music] foreign foreign [Music] those are tasty cookies but I definitely could use another snack or two problem is I'd have to get up and go to the kitchen [Music] fetch me something to eat yeah thanks but no thanks Cody I don't eat squeaky rubber bones uh nobody does for that man except for you of course hmm should I get up and go to the kitchen tough decision so far it's been a perfect day woke up at 10 had breakfast took a little nap had lunch watched some TV took a little nap what's up it's the end of the world and I'm still hungry [Music] what did what what was that did that really happen yeah everything seems to be all right probably some kind of hallucination due to extreme hunger let's grab something to eat [Music] okay that's weird [Music] [Music] I came for John's checkup oh sure he's right over there what I came for John's checkup remember you called me yesterday and asked me to come take a look at him what is going on around here are you all right Garfield you look tense have you been working late on your drawings again huh my drawings what drawings okay John let's take a look at you you seem to be slightly overweight I'll probably have to put you on a low-calorie diet what about dining out tonight Garfield there's a new Siamese restaurant downtown supposed to be first class I managed to book as a table uh restaurant but yeah why not it's a good idea I have to get out of here [Applause] [Music] okay much better much much better I'm fully awake now it was all a bad dream just a bad bad very weird dream hi Garfield don't forget poker night on Friday huh yo Garfield my man where's your trash it's collection day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what's up [Music] I don't believe it they don't believe it where am I what is this crazy world where cats act like humans and humans act like cats creepy maybe if I go back inside everything will be back to normal [Music] diet of boiled rice for two weeks why are you staring at me like that aren't you going to answer your phone there are days where I really don't understand you Garfield hello uh yes just a second for you it's your publisher [Music] yes I'm still waiting for your last drawings maybe they are not on my desk tomorrow at 4pm I'm tearing up your contract and you can find another publisher my contract does this mean I have to work in order to survive Yes dear like everyone else oh you spend too much time daydreaming Garfield snap out of it that a cat pick me up at eight huh oh yeah the the uh Siamese restaurant what is this horrible world where cats have to work there's no Dr cogliari sorry guys as much as I like soap operas I have to find out what this crazy world is all about parallel universes do they really exist or does one only find them in science fiction novels parallel universes controversial physicist Dr Angus mcloone is here with us to answer that question will shutterly theoretically parallel universes could exist they could probably be accessed through wormholes I have just invented a device that can prove their existence that's it I'm in a parallel universe I travel through a wormhole and ended up in a parallel universe which explains the identical Garfield who was going the other way probably to my universe that's fine but how did I end up here in that first place oh what a terrible mishap what did I do what did I do poor Garfield hey you're the guy just saw on TV Garfield you're alive is that you uh yeah I guess at least I hope so if I weren't me anymore I'd really miss myself because sometimes if I say I'm talking to me I mean me and my well anyway you're the parallel universe guy right yes but you already know that since I'm your best friend you're my best friend wow there's no accounting for Taste anyway what if I told you I'm not the Garfield you know and did I come from a parallel universe where humans wait on cats a parallel universe my invention it worked it worked I accessed a parallel universe I'm a genius Garfield a genius okay okay doc sell down my last meal is about to make a comeback after you disappeared I mean after the other you disappeared I had to make sure whether or not you I mean the other you were really gone hence my presence in this house very thoughtful of you doc now how about telling me how I ended up here fair enough let's go to my lab [Music] it's my latest invention the who the what the Wormhole opener this morning I invited you I mean the other you over to my lab to show it to you this apparatus can open wormholes and detect parallel universes Nifty how does it work it's a very complex operation you need to throw the switches and hit the buttons of the exact rate sequence and I'm the only one who knows it they aren't of anyone else finding the right sequence are rewarding a million oh yeah a month supply of lasagna that I beat the odds I'm my guest [Music] what happened I don't believe it you did it when lasagna is at stake I always win get away from the sphere now [Music] New World stinks cats are slaves they have jobs they have to wait on humans it's disgusting and I'm really happy to go home and your world stinks too cats do nothing all day but eat sleep and watch TV it's so boring I can't wait to go home hey you have drawings to deliver tomorrow got it and you have to pick up Arlene today you're dining now what did you say [Music] home sweet home [Music] good to see you foreign [Music] don't thank me I said don't thank me some things never change Garfield your lasagna is ready fresh out of the oven and that's all right with me ah it's so good to work again that other world where cats just sit around doing nothing was Dreadful how dare you stand me up do you know how hard it is to get a table in that restaurant there's a restaurant good restaurant oh don't play games with me Garfield I am not in the mood ah yes of course I I can explain everything remember doc mcloone well he invented a device called The Who The Wormhole opener and I was accidentally sucked into it and wound up in a parallel world identical to our world except cats weren't working do you really expect me to believe that ridiculous story well the Wormhole part at least oh you are not going to get away with this Garfield and that's a promise you know what maybe that other world wasn't so bad after laughs [Music] so Liz how did you and Heather enjoy your trip to Egypt it was great the two of us had so much fun I've brought a couple of snapshots from the trip you could that a couple they have fewer photos on the internet Garfield did you know that in ancient Egypt cats were worshiped like Gods some of them were even embalmed and buried in their Master's sarcophagus buried you call that worship oh and John I brought you a little souvenir from Cairo The Old Man Who Sold it to me at the market said it was an ancient artifact but I'm sure it's just a copy wow thank you Liz how cool is that the man's excited by an old mirror hey put some of that gratitude in feeding us all wow me especially Garfield's right I'd better go get dinner on the table okay if I help [Music] you hide and seek how about if you hide and we don't seek one two four but consider hiding when she hits 80 or so [Music] um [Applause] [Music] 100 Garfield odor I'm gonna find you now where did they disappear to [Music] as if I didn't have enough problems already [Music] I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore Odie or anywhere else [Music] hey would you be careful with those things I like my food the way it is on a living body we are your humble servants master This Way Your Excellence [Music] more like it [Music] bad Jacko [Music] whatever you say more grapes please and uh would you mind peeling them As You Wish great leader I am a long time ago cats were not just worshiped by ancient Egyptians that's ruled over them men were merely our slaves building us monuments and pyramids but one day thousands of years ago the men dared to rebel against us we were banished into another dimension through a magic mirror uh could you skip to the end I never liked educational programs [Music] according to an ancient prophecy an orange cat and his pet Jackal will appear one day you mean [Music] is that supposed to be me the orange cat shall become our new pharaoh and we will worship him for 2 000 years you want to worship me and feed me who am I to deny my adoring public you shall have all you wish for as soon as we're done with the crowning ceremony good can we get it over with in time for lunch [Music] hey not so tight you want to start my breathing no that will come soon enough [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] that's enough grapes to last someone a lifetime for me about an hour in the sarcophagus an hour will be your lifetime you never mentioned anything about putting me into that over decorated Phone Booth didn't I oh you must have slipped off my mind to our previous Pharaoh was getting a little um oh hey thanks for inviting me to be Pharaoh but I just remember the previous engagement did not have my life in me [Music] we'll be in here ouch that we shall worship and adore for the next 2 000 years the least you could have done was give me the grapes be silent there's no talking in a sarcophagus oh sorry it's dark in here and I couldn't read the sign [Music] all right you are battling the temple with your story oops guess I didn't tell you I'm a loud sleeper today people in the next stage sometimes call them complain about the noise didn't you hear what I said be silent suits you way better why you that don't let him get away all right that's in your seat belt never Kitty [Music] this is gonna be one bumpy ride [Music] this way already [Music] [Music] [Music] this way that's our exit Audi quick [Music] ster how did you open it try to remember use your brain all right so the prophecy was right the day we crowned our new Pharaoh was indeed the day of our freedom I Shall Gather all my troops we shall cross through the magic gate and wage a war that will enslave Mankind and grant us full world domination but we already have full world domination whatever do you mean modern day cats already rule humans Titus and Perez and bias annoying Kitty toys and let us sleep just about anywhere we want to and all day hey we want to sleep all day and we did it in such a clever and subtle way that the humans still haven't figured out that there are slaves you want to mess with that and have someone serve us freshly baked lasagna wait if this is true take me to your world so I can see it for myself this way your highness uh but I'd lose the Egyptian suit if I were you just to keep a low profile all right that's it I'm free I'm I'm here John where did this beautiful cat come from never saw her before maybe she belongs to one of the neighbors I don't see any identification tattoo or collar unhand Me Filthy mortal Oh what a beautiful kitty can I hold her sure can I keep her auntie Liz can I can I I've always wanted a kitty oh if no Neighbor comes looking for her sure why not [Music] hi Priestess is that you no point in letting them go away just being on the safe side we wouldn't want any conquests of mankind oh we're gonna be such great friends [Music] yes hey that's how it is sometimes One Day You're The High Priestess of the planet the next day your fuzz button [Music] please [Music] oh boy not more trick-or-treaters [Music] there's something I don't like about Halloween maybe it's giving perfectly good candy way to total strangers instead of me eating it trick or treat here's one for you and one for you and one for you [Music] you're doing for me and one for me and one for me oh peppermint now make sure you don't eat all the candy Garfield leave some for the trick-or-treaters hey the Bowl's empty the candy is all gone she I wonder where it all went I'd better go out and buy some more first dinner then you go out and buy some more trick-or-treaters Garfield get the door [Music] and wash your feet sorry for a lot of candy come back next year [Music] Garfield that's mean open the door and give them something we don't need [Music] here we don't need this Garfield you can't give Odie away [Music] oh the only candy we have left now is this old Taffy you didn't eat last Halloween don't touch any of it hey don't worry there's some things in the world even I won't eat and still Taffy is most of them all right this is the night for free goodies all I need is a costume let's see now peyote what do you think I should go as besides an overweight pussycat the scarier the costume the more treats you get now let's see where can I dress as it would be really scary I'm coming to you live from the zoo where visitors are flocking to see what may well be the scariest creatures he's Catzilla a rare and near descendant of the prehistoric saber-toothed tiger everyone seems very afraid of him which made me go give him lots and lots of candy [Music] John won't mind if I used his paint and the reason he won't mind is he won't know where's that toy walrus John won at the carnival ring toss game last year mind if I borrow these of course you don't you're a toy now I need to capture that Savage cats look yeah no no good if I'm gonna look really mean I'll have to think of something to make me look really hostile oh I'm a sorry kitty cat we have no more pepperoni for your pizza how about some nice raisins no more hostile than that come on guy for you let's do some aerobic exercises then we'll eat nothing but lettuce for a month not quite it's got to be something to make me truly hostile hiya Garfield yes it's me normal I'm coming to live with you and I'm gonna sleep in your bed that's it now to the trees hey let's see what's on the news before we go let's take one last look at Catzilla we can't get too close to this Fierce Feast because where's the fierce Beast where's Catzilla oh he's gone casilla has escaped [Applause] sure lock the doors we're not far from the zoo [Music] terrible the Beast is loose oh maybe I better warn the trick-or-treaters to get inside did you see the news they said [Music] pretty good hey no peanut brittle [Music] and another good haul but no peanut brittle of course I recognized him it was cats cats you're on my mind what is it with these people don't they know how popular peanut brittle is it was Godzilla I'm sure of it I was just watching the TV news report of how he escaped from the zoo let's see 23 houses 23 bowls of Candy Toilet Man of peanut poodle zero maybe I'll have better luck at the next 23 houses he's making a break for it after him [Music] [Music] hey do I tell everybody what you're up to hiding place [Music] no sign of him back here when they catch him they're gonna ship him off to a zoo in Siberia Siberia Hollywood with some peanut brittle I have to get home I'll be safe I'm almost there [Music] [Music] we have reports that Catzilla has been sighted on the west side he is extremely dangerous and everyone is warned to watch for him Yelp is right it's Godzilla [Music] police this is John Arbuckle Catzilla is on my front porch hurry [Music] come on I'm registered you can't do this [Music] good work we'll get him back to the zoo right away you guys have it all wrong I'm not Catzilla I live in there there there's Godzilla see there he's sneaking into our house oh that was close imagine the terror and the danger of having Catzilla in our home oh let me out give me an attorney give me an attorney named Murray I'm not Godzilla he's in my house about to jump the puppy and that guy who cooks my lasagna I gotta get out of here it's open at the top maybe if I climb out I can do it I can do it yeah I can't do it maybe I can pry the bars open [Music] I give up I'm not a superhero I'm not a bodybuilder I'm just a flabby out of shaped cat I'm a flabby out of shape pussycat Yahoo anybody I shouldn't be in here hello you shouldn't be in there you're not Catzilla you're a flabby out of shape pussycat you noticed where's Catzilla I know where Catzilla is and I've got to get home before he goes trick-or-treating with Odie and John as the treats [Music] there for some fruit Odie [Music] gee you are hungry I'll get some more snacks where is that light switch hey how come the light switch is all furry [Music] you can't see those in the house oh you've noticed [Music] thank you [Music] maybe we can give him something to eat like John's car or something wait I know click hoodie open up these rappers of Taffy dear fella trick or treat having trouble chewing fella well I don't think you'll be biting anyone for a while there he is there's Catzilla be careful with him man bet you're glad to have him back we sure are psych it's been touched when I'm around it's always feeding time the cat ceiling is quite an appetite each meal only gets 10 steaks 10 cans of salmon a roast beef or two a dozen lasagnas and for dessert and you might think this is odd his favorite thing peanut brittle it's wonderful peanut bro oh what are we waiting for it's feeding time mind if I uh join you for dinner smiley [Music] thank you no it's too late to play ball this dog never learns fine let's play my favorite game and sleep outside [Music] guys [Music] [Music] [Music] shake the house so you like I ain't getting up to let you in Odie [Music] all right that Santiam repulsar is missing but I don't find it I'll never make it before the saturnian rush hour there it is that sure is quadrupled life form has really saved the day how could I possibly repay you strange Earthlings [Music] foreign [Music] orange creature has it pretty easy [Music] it is time to turn the table and make things right [Music] the dude is done [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Rudy stop it Garfield I'm very funny you almost had me for a moment where is Odie anyway [Music] where's it Dreadful stench coming from what's with the doggy breath I better go brush my teeth how did I end up here I must have been sleepwalking there you are Odie come on in breakfast is ready wow you still can't get my name right after all these years lasagna yummy oh they're right dear if he's Garfield then who am I this can't be Odie and I have swapped bodies which means eating my lasagna there you go Odie no wonder what his breath is so unpleasant I'm not eating that back off booty those lasagnas are mine right it's not panning now it's just Odie are you trying to tell me something yes yes yes John John it's me Garfield I'm drafting odie's body do something oh I get it Odie you need some exercise ah oh what's the matter Odie I can't breathe must be a nightmare that's it wake up girls wake up [Music] they don't believe this what is watching my favorite TV show in my favorite seat in my body come on Odie let's run another couple of blocks I've had enough sport for a lifetime [Music] Bernie it's me Garfield yeah right and I'm the queen of England [Music] Arlene wait I'm really Garfield and I can prove it last year I accidentally ate all your birthday cake and and remember I fell asleep in front of the TV on our first date thanks for bringing back such good memories what on Earth are you doing in odie's body hey you tell me [Music] right they always treated him like a dog and now I am one oh cheer up Garfield just think of all the new things you can do now that you're a dog like what run after my tail all day and drink out of the toilet an awesome day you know what early you may have a point this is fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you insane these dogs have a death wish on me Cody come back here Garfield this is your one and final mistake [Music] leave me uh leave him alone Odie what's your problem you're protecting Garfield yeah can you think of one nice thing that feline ever did for you one nice thing uh one nice thing with uh no foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] stay where you are okay [Music] [Applause] which way did that cat go wait how do we know you're telling the truth I swear dogs honor wow that was hairy come on Odie let's go home buddy Odie where are you you miserable hoodie no yeah this could be my lucky day the day I finally get rid of that pescue Vermin wanted for all yeah I'm sending you to ugadugu all right [Music] someone called the cops that psycho Postman stole my body [Music] are you in there Dodge cars are so dull hey what do you think you're doing [Music] thank you another example of cat's immense superiority over dogs don't land gracefully on four feet there he is [Music] just hang in there Odie I just risked my life for a laptop where'd that stupid cat go come back here you four-legged all right buddy wait this way [Music] not good this way come back there you orange nuisance not that way honey this one no way out this is it already [Music] for what it's worth I'm sorry for being mean to you old friend good coyote [Music] I better check how my quadruped friend is doing my second dreams I guess I shouldn't have interfered in the first place let's fix this mess before it gets ugly [Music] Mac delicate whiskers my wonderful orange fur hi me again I'm Garfield at least things are back to normal [Music] all things considered the chairs big enough for two here's new Dodie [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] here I need a break from this box do me a favor grab your remote control and pause this for a second thanks you're probably wondering how we got into this mess right well it all started earlier today with a picnic by the lake he was a pretty good picnic John Liz the dog and me oh and the food was pretty good too I think I put it best when I said I'm full I'm so full I could need another bite if my life depended on it and for dessert I brought along a strawberry cheesecake okay maybe one more bite Garfield four two four seventy eight Garfield this cheesecake is for all of us and it's for later [Music] Liz and I are going for a walk around the lake do not eat the cheesecake while we're gone and this is where John made his customary cheap threat if you do you can walk the 20 miles home hey that wasn't a bad one come on John I need to stretch my legs do you think the chances are that cheesecake will be there when we get back oh it'll be there it'll probably be inside Garfield but it'll be there if I was glad they went for a walk now there was nothing that could interrupt my neck well almost nothing I do not want to play a game [Music] oh all right I'll play a game how about if we play go get it yeah [Music] you don't know how to play go get it oh okay then I'll teach you [Music] [Applause] go get it it's my favorite game go get it if they put it on television they'd make a fortune [Music] the cheesecake looks mighty good no I need to sleep and I don't want to walk home no you skip behind my rest and again it's only 20 miles anyway while I was contemplating that dilemma Odie was in search of his bones now I wasn't there for this part but I found out later he looked everywhere for it in the bushes behind rocks there was no sign of it he was just about ready to give up when he spotted [Music] it was a little wolf just a couple weeks old or he thought the wolf was very cute but he wasn't about to let it have his bone hmm [Music] well he wasn't until he realized how hungry the Little Wolf was [Music] already discovered the joys of sharing your food with someone else I have to try that sometime maybe not this Millennium after a while Odie realized that there wasn't much nourishment in that old bone the Little Wolf still looked hungry where to get food he wanted where to get food but of course there was only one answer Odie brought the Little Wolf back to the picnic area where I was in my usual habitat Dreamland [Music] Odie usually does induce meeky things but I guess hanging around with me for all these years has had its effect on it meanwhile John and Liz were finishing their hike don't you want to get back while there's still a chance of a small piece of cheesecake you know sometimes I don't have enough faith in Garfield he's basically a good cat you watch I'll bet the cheesecake is untouched John was wrong it had been touched all right but just not by me good because I can't wait to have some of that cheesecake Woody probably wasn't worried about what they do to him he was worried about the little wolf just give me a small piece of cheesecake Liz I don't wanna oh we'll be small about the size of a crumb yikes how could you how could you eat that entire cheesecake while we were away huh I didn't eat the cheesecake honest and my honor is an overweight cat I did not eat one bite of that cheesecake did I eat that cheesecake no amazingly I did not you're lying Garfield if you didn't who did Odie would never do anything that sneaky John you're not gonna make him walk home no but I should I'll figure out a suitable punishment when we get home hmm [Music] how did that happen we got the car all packed up and we headed back to town it was probably about then that the little Wolf's mother right she must have picked up the scent or something she was pretty determined to get her baby back no matter how far she had to follow me all the way home I was angry I menaced I tell you I never touched that cheesecake the one time I didn't take the food and I'm being punished for it John dropped Liz off at her place and then we headed for home I'll be over after I finish some chores someone else was heading for our home too [Music] of course John was still mad at me how could you I didn't [Music] but he was worried that he'd get in trouble for giving a cheesecake to the wolf or maybe that somebody would put his new friend in a zoo or something how could you when nobody was looking he snucked a little real fast [Music] Woody told a little wolf to stay there in the garage and he'd bring him food he was probably gonna borrow another cheesecake and they'd blame it on me [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I guess it was about then that our visitor arrived about the time I thought John had forgiven me for the cheesecake incident dinner Garfield well it's a bad time maybe John finally realized I'm innocent of this anyway I'm having a porterhouse steak baked potato with everything glazed carrots sauteed mushrooms and a dinner roll you get kitty crunch dry imitation cat food you should have fear I'm being punished for eating an entire cheesecake and I didn't even get to eat the entire cheesecake that's all you're getting for the rest of the month oh I'll bet Odie would enjoy that yummy piece of steak Odie here boy he's just doing this to torment me it's working I'm turning up come on come enjoy the steak [Music] the word you're looking for is woof what do we do Garfield I think it's obvious what we do we run oh [Music] so that's how we wound up being chased around John's house by a Savage wolf do you understand now no no no no don't unpause the video too late [Music] oh yeah it looks like this is it for us Garfield do you have any final regrets yes I regret that I didn't eat the cheesecake [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] I've arranged for the pet control people to take them back to the woods where they belong thanks Liz oh by the way I examined a little wolf cub he had strawberry cheesecake in the fur around his mouth you mean he not Garfield just because I can't talk doesn't mean you can't listen to me come on Garfield I think I owe you a good meal to say I'm sorry I think about a 10 lasagna apologies in order and make that 11. [Music] all right foreign [Music]
Views: 433,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garfieldofficial, Garfield, US, cats, entertainment, fun, GarfieldUS, Garfieldbritain, Garfieldcompilation, cartoon, animation, kidsshow, funny, garfieldLiz, funnycartoon, kidscartoon, englishcartoon, holiday, magical, funtimes, magic
Id: wu2fke0Mx8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 42sec (8562 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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