Curious George 🐡George Cleans Up 🐡 Kids Cartoon 🐡 Kids Movies | Videos for Kids

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hi boy i'm glad to be home professor wiseman asked me to bring some rare stamps to mr stamp one two three four five all there they're so rare i i was nervous i might lose one [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow george i can't believe you did all that while i was gone [Music] you know i think you broke the world's speed record for making a gigantic mess george didn't see a gigantic mess just a bunch of little messes that look big together [Music] george you have to learn to clean up after yourself and there is no time like the present here's your very own dirt dragon [Music] now you can clean up whenever you see a mess [Music] see you later george [Music] hi mr stamp those rare postage stamps are right here on m [Music] [Music] can i call you back [Music] huh wow george cleaned the whole place including the rare valuable stamps that means they're in the vacuum until he empties the bag [Music] charkie couldn't carry all those small pieces of biscuit at once [Music] lucky for her her friend george was here charkie hoped he would guard the pieces for her charkie forgot that george didn't speak dog [Music] did a monkey and a cape just take our jacks [Music] a monkey with a vacuum just vacuumed up by winning lottery tickets george was a happy hero thinking of all the animals and people he had made happy [Music] george come back [Music] hmm why wasn't it working what good is a superhero without a vacuum cleaner [Music] when the bag is filled you empty it into a garbage can and start again of course it was time to empty the bag [Music] and there was the perfect place to get rid of everything that was in it [Music] [Applause] george saw everyone he had helped today running towards him they must be coming to thank him george have you emptied this bag at all today [Music] [Applause] george was happy to be of service i'm happy to say they're all there huh thanks george would you like to vacuum my place i have lots of valuable dusty collectibles valuable collectibles sorry gotta go now bye [Music] george always liked to visit the men with the yellow hat's old neighborhood and that used to be the bookstore and look that's where i saw my very first movie [Music] oh this used to be a great old theater maybe some days someone will fix it up hmm hey what's going on progress that's what where do you see the unique self-cleaning parking structure i planned for this site but this old theater is full of memories you can't tear it down [Music] tear down this theater you're not serious look at the beautiful lobby this bijou is what inspired me to become a doorman in the first place but it's tired and run down it's a hopeless broken old theater george didn't think it looked hopeless he'd seen the man with the yellow hat fixed things up before why couldn't he fix up an old movie theater too [Music] repair the theater us hmm you're right george if we don't do it who will how about it mr glass let us put on a special screening we'll show you that this theater is worth preserving i don't want to go out to a movie with one of these why bother [Applause] but a movie is always more fun on the big screen it can be a truly unique event unique hmm hi you're a monkey aren't you uh-huh okay it's a deal wait if you clean up this place and put on a unique one-of-a-kind show i'll save the theater mr glass i promise we'll knock your socks off hey great work you two i can't believe this is the same theater wow [Music] welcome to the bijou mr glass isle of dinosaurs seen it a hundred times no no enjoy the show george will show you to your seat [Music] this didn't seem like enough kernels to make popcorn for everyone [Music] hundley was afraid the popcorn would never stop it was time to get help stopping this mess [Music] hundley wasn't going to let a bag of popcorn in a monkey stop him [Music] uh mr glass i'll i'll be in the lobby if you'd like to talk oh well what did he think now that was unique i've never sat through anything like it you folks truly knocked my socks off yes you've convinced me that this old bijou has got to stay uh just one thing next time when the volcano erupts how about a little less salt on the popcorn 30 feet wow wow jeff bisghetti with a spaghetti strand that long you're sure to get in ginny's world record book that's our goal we'll know this afternoon when ginny herself comes to see it do ginny the official world record book lady is coming here yes and we need to go to town hall now to get back before genie comes we're getting permission to enlarge this place because once we break the record the business will come home [Music] it's gonna take hours to untangle this mess we don't have ours we are due down at the town hall now sure george and i can untangle the spaghetti i'm gonna hurry home to get my record book collection for jenny to autograph [Music] hello you have reached bisgetti's please leave a tasty message steve are you there pick up i have an important question to ask george wasn't sure if he should pick up the phone pick up the phone so george picked up the phone ah oh steve thank goodness you answered we need for you to check on something for us eh yeah please go outside and tell me how tall the building next to our building is [Music] george had never measured anything as big as a building [Music] how is he going to do it [Music] since he knew he was two feet tall maybe he could use himself as a measuring tool okay that was one george but how many georges tall was the building let's see there was one george two georges three georges four georges [Music] george lost count if only he had something like that measuring tape the tape measure was only 20 feet long but the building was more than 20 feet tall but how much more [Music] now how was george going to measure the building if only he had something longer than that tape [Music] of course george had a spaghetti strand 30 feet long george could see that the spaghetti wasn't touching the ground which meant it was a little bit shorter than the building [Music] how could he measure the difference when george held the strand at the top of his head it reached the ground that meant the building was exactly one spaghetti strand and one george tall [Music] and tell her the building next door is a three stories tall [Music] so gnocchi finally got to play with the spaghetti and chef pisghetti broke a second record world's longest cat toy [Applause] oh boy i have no idea how to use this but when in doubt read the instructions hmm i guess there are no instructions oh don't worry between a smart man and a smart monkey we should be able to figure it out hello what yeah i'll i'll be right there sorry george professor weissman needs me at the museum they're picking a new shade of yellow for the main hall i'll i'll be back as soon as i can [Music] george figured a smart monkey all by himself should be able to work this thing [Music] now what did juicy j say he put in that drink it's got five fruits and vegetables plus a special secret ingredient five fruits and vegetables and all of them seem to be red apples are red and peppers and strawberries [Music] and watermelons [Music] george didn't know what cabbage was but it was the last red thing in the fridge five red things now all george needed was a special ingredient [Music] a red fish why not [Applause] [Music] okay so maybe raw fish is not a special juice ingredient maybe george needed more of these things close but george thought more apples might help [Music] george's juice was perfect well almost it still needed a special secret ingredient hmm where could he find one of those oh but careful radishes are a little special that means spicy radishes were spicy but spicy might be good in a drink i know help yourself georgie [Music] just the radishes [Music] bye-bye [Music] george hoped that one radish would do the trick [Music] george had done it his juice was just as good as juicy j's better even george [Music] oh no [Music] oh have you been making juice [Music] oh oh my goodness this juice is amazing [Music] [Laughter] [Music] george thought his juice was so delicious he decided to give it away at the next farmer's market get your george juice it's made with apples for strong bones cabbage for vitamin c and a bunch of other healthy stuff [Music] oh thanks oh this is fantastic can i get the recipe sure george started with your juice but added a few new ingredients a radish oh that is brilliant a revolution in juice making to george and his delicious george juice [Music] why thank you hundley [Music] i have to run this upstairs keep an eye on things for me will ya [Music] a toddler and his toy clown were no match for a lobby dog [Music] look dylan hundley brought your toy thank you hundley [Music] george could mess up a lobby faster than 10 toddlers with toys [Music] there was only one thing a door dog could do return that toy and fast which to george looked exactly like a game of tag [Laughter] george couldn't figure out why hundley didn't want to play tag anymore [Music] it was dylan's toy [Music] if there was one thing gnocchi couldn't resist it was a toy clown [Music] three cases of olive oil [Music] what do you have there a clown oh so cute now don't chew it all to pieces okay i must keep my basement tidy [Music] hundley had better rescue that clown fast [Music] holy prosciutto i forget to buy the garlic [Music] now what kind of chef forgets his garlic gotta go back to the [Music] hundley store be a door dog but he wasn't very good at door knobs fortunately monkeys are excellent door openers [Music] unless the door is locked [Music] george's ramps worked [Music] what did you do to my basement jojo [Music] dylan and his mom were back [Music] hundley had to hurry [Music] gnocchi didn't know what was going on but it sure looked like fun [Music] hundley oh thank you i thought we'd lost this forever look dylan you are the best door dog [Music] another job well done well almost done [Music] hey hiya george are you ready to hear this are you ready it's kind of unbelievable and i don't think you'll even believe it so are you ready [Music] okay i am going to kindergarten [Music] huh kindergarten is where you go when you're big and you need to learn stuff like how to write your name in eight plus two ah and i want you to come with me to get all my school tools so can you come can you come [Music] it was a good thing george went shopping with ali because she needed a monkey's eye [Music] okay which backpack the lion the witch or the warthog [Music] yeah that's the one i wanted too because it holds the most stuff see in kindergarten you need exactly three rulers and a cowboy belt and binoculars and pipe cleaners wow kindergarten sure sounded like fun where else would you need three rulers in a cowboy belt guess what these are two for one oh would you like a backpack george [Music] the next day george wondered how allie was doing at kindergarten [Music] kindergarten was great and guess what i told my teacher i was best friends with a monkey and she said you could come to school with me tomorrow [Music] yeah you'll be our official guest monkey wow that's right so today let's share some of our favorite movements ali would you like to start oh yes my favorite movement is a forward backbend walkover handstand [Music] it's my favorite except i can't actually do it that was lovely george what kind of movements do you like to make [Music] careful george not so [Music] ah it's all right george i know it was an accident we'll fix it later now castles weren't just for kings and queens butlers maids cooks and carpenters lived in them too lots of people lived in castles i've always thought it would be fun to live in a castle high on a hill overlooking the ocean in fact i would like each of you to draw a castle that you would like to live in george had an idea instead of drawing a castle why not build one [Music] a castle for mrs gold to live in yes well thank you that was most informative i'm sure it will look ah oh my it was george's idea but we helped when you set a castle you meant a castle oh this is wonderful it's amazing what you can do when you use your imagination and work together and have a monkey to help you [Music] yay [Music] it was good being a guest monkey but it was also good being a plain old regular monkey on his way home [Music] sharky please if this falls it'll break she knows what it is she can smell it [Music] see bath oils in my favorite glass bottles oh charkie just loves their aroma don't you girl sharky didn't want to break anything she just wanted a whiff george still couldn't smell it i better hide these really well if she gets her paws on them i'll have bath oil all over the place [Music] charkie even smelled it through the door that dog had one powerful nose [Music] oh no he didn't deliver my second package if the delivery man returns could you set the package inside for me thanks george i'll be back soon [Music] hey there i forgot to deliver the lady's other package is she still there you can accept it [Music] oh thanks can you sign right here this must have been more of that easy to break stuff george couldn't smell it but charkie sure seemed to [Music] charkie was the fastest runner but she couldn't resist a puddle [Music] hiya george how you doing [Music] [Applause] [Music] good thing charkie never got tired of chasing her toys [Music] with all these boxes how would george ever find the right one [Music] [Music] [Music] hi george did my package arrived [Music] george was proud to give aunt margaret her package safe and sound well i see you took good care of it thank you oh easy girl after i left i remembered what was in this box you didn't have to protect this one from charkie [Music] these are the new dog toys i ordered for her [Music] this was the greatest ending to the greatest game charkie had ever played [Music] all thanks to george [Music] had seen a lot of strange things in his day but this was strange well i see you two have met george this is my granddaughter ally are you a monkey i like monkeys do you want to play tomorrow allie's a spark plug but if there's anyone who can keep up with her it's you george bye-bye oops don't forget about tomorrow [Music] bright and early the very next morning hiya george huh man with the yellow pants he said i could go see if you're awake are you awake finally oh you were sleeping forever so you know what i want to do today [Music] wait don't monkeys go out the window [Music] all that morning george showed ali monkey stuff like how to eat strawberries with your feet [Music] how to swing on a rope how to sound like a full percussion section in an orchestra george [Music] and how to blow bubbles with an extra big monkey breath i'm going to the store do you want anything george did you know that monkeys can blow bubbles longer than anybody [Music] that doesn't surprise me how about you ally you need anything from the store oh yes um a flying trapeze and a walkie-talkie please um i'll see what i can do i love squirrels oops [Music] does he live in that tree hey let's go see rachel i think this hole is his house oops i can't see anything do you have special sea in the dark monkey eyes huh we need a flashlight oh i know i have one in my room i'll go get it oops except how do i get down [Music] [Music] yeah only i can't really do that cause i'm not an actual monkey so how would a non-actual monkey get down from a tree [Music] whoops i ran out of rope george hey look what you did george let's do it again [Music] hey it's mr yellow pants did you get me the flying trapeze sorry the store doesn't carry circus equipment for some reason but i found these oh walkie talkies oh i have to show my grandmother bye-bye i'll call you later thank you thank you thank you you're welcome happy dreams [Music] [Music] so i figured out how to make friends with that squirrel first we grow a tree clearly this was the start of a beautiful and curious jump out friendship we say hi yeah squirrel huh [Music] you
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 2,814,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: 7UC13NdM8eM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 57sec (2337 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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