George has a sleepover 🐵 Curious George 🐵 Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies

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and Bill's decorations were already down [Music] but not George's [Music] she's still got some life in her a sort of [Music] oh hey I almost forgot the erector set ready to tackle the 1889 Paris exhibition [Music] sounds like a big project what do you say we set it up in the attic where there's more room hang in there George I'm just getting it started for you then she's all yours [Music] it had been too cold to climb with jumpy squirrel or run with Dottie dear or waddle with dumpling duck George missed his animal friends [Music] since it was too cold for George to play outside maybe his friends could come inside for a sleepover [Music] oh uh let's see here um are these sleeping bags okay so you want to have a sleepover with your friends sure why not [Applause] [Music] me and Bill and whoever that other person is see if one of them is good with Erector Sets [Music] having a sleepover you'll need snacks snap fun party games [Music] and cozy sleeping bags now all George needed were guests jumpy didn't like being startled whatever the monkey wanted it had better be good [Music] who was jumpy to say no to free nuts Dottie wondered where jumpy had gone oh [Music] if it was good enough for the squirrel and the deer dumpling wanted in two [Music] maybe they'd like to play a game [Music] dumpling knew what to do with eggs fortunately George had extra game pieces jumpy thought they were nuts and Dottie thought the dice were sugar cubes haha [Music] hi [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe they should just go to bed laughs [Music] huh was this their first sleepover which would have to show them how sleeping bags worked [Music] [Laughter] George and the Man with the Yellow Hat had been invited by Mr Quint to go ice fishing George thought he should practice the trouble was [Music] the ice weren't fighting hey George what happened to all our George you do realize that ice fishing doesn't mean fishing for ice Mr Quint will show you better go pack a coat hat and mittens it's going to be cold up north oh [Music] Mr Quinn we're here wow hello you two come on in thanks for the invitation I have always wanted to try ice fishing [Music] [Applause] George doesn't believe that fish can live in the ice see down there the fish are in the water under the eyes [Music] no charge it takes an expert fisherman him like me to catch them they don't just jump up and say hello maybe they do jump up and say hello [Music] it was George's old friends professors Einstein and pizza [Music] oh my you look a lot like our pal George why it is George what brings you up here fellas we're here on an important Mission but we're having trouble with our sub someone spilled his juice box on the control panel someone drives like this at any rate it appears that we'll have to scrap the mission oh wait a minute Einstein George is here the mini sub George how would you like to do some whale counting for us um that sounds like yes to me the mission is saved [Music] okay George in you go [Music] sir you remember how to use all the controls [Music] [Applause] [Music] I got one I got a big one [Music] thanks Mr Quint George this time of year several species of whales are swimming to their winter homes we're trying to track them as they migrate your mission is to count the whales you see going by ah see the screen on your dashboard that shows the different kinds of whales you might encounter [Music] beluga whales are white bowhead whales are dark and narwhals have long tusks [Music] now George Wells aren't fish they come up to the surface of the water to breathe air some of them also swim really deep so you'll have to look up and down hey would you see one of these whales just touch the picture on the screen that matches it and the computer will count it okay George here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it was autumn in the country leaves were falling and so are acorns [Music] jumpy had stashed away plenty for winter but there was always room for more [Music] Jumpy's Acorn stash was gone he had just hidden those nuts whoever had taken them couldn't have gone far he just had to find someone eating [Music] the monkey [Music] [Applause] [Music] George come back and finish lunch hey [Music] the monkey was eating Jumpy's nuts nut lunch jumpy had to get his acorns back [Music] watch that monkey like a hawk and his friend got into the car and went home good night George [Music] ah oh no you can play with jumpy tomorrow [Music] what was jumpy so grumpy about he liked nuts maybe if George gave him a nut he'd feel better [Music] jump he couldn't believe it the monkey was stealing acorns right under his nose [Music] jumpy had usually saved more nuts than that by fall someone might have taken them and jumpy seemed to think that someone was George [Music] someone had taken those nuts it was up to George to find out who oh could those be Jumpy's nuts [Music] hiya George want a piece of pie fresh out of the oven but how could Mrs rankins have gotten up Jumpy's tree huh [Music] [Applause] not possible there had been a storm last night maybe the wind blew so hard the nuts rolled out of the tree and Mrs rankins found them [Music] George had to tell jumpy he would see it was all a big mistake jump you could see there was a mistake all right nuts were acorns and those nuts were pecans huh jumpy was right Mrs Rankin's nuts were different [Music] loved visiting the Maldives mostly because of Uncle Hassan and now breathe calmly in and out whose morning ritual included yoga [Music] he made them traditional maldivian food not too spicy I hope [Music] just like your mom used to make just when George thought it couldn't get any better did snorkeling oh that's a great idea and of course you can use my boat you'll love it the coral reef is the home of so many different kinds of fish there are glass fish parrot fish butterfly fish and surgeon fish [Music] oh George you ready to go snorkeling [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] take a trip see somewhere new [Music] there's different words and different ways [Music] so head on out there's so much to see a million things [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so much to see a million things [Music] [Music] so the simplest route is to go around this bit of land George wanted to bring his ball but was there an extra seat yes George sure you can put the ball in there [Music] [Music] that seems easy enough ready to get going George all right off we go bye happy snorkeling see you later huh that person must be expecting a big emergency [Music] here George I'll steer while you navigate we want to keep going east keep the E pointed toward the front of the boat and make sure the red arrow is pointed toward the end [Music] if the Red Arrow moves away from the end let me know [Music] there's nothing a little monkey likes better than playing in the sand at the beach for finding seashells looks like the ocean gave you a present George [Music] we better hurry our tour of the Marine rehab center starts in a few minutes [Music] George liked having his special shell but he didn't want it to break hello [Music] well hello well hello George didn't know he was going to see his friends professors Einstein and pizza thanks for inviting us to check out your Marine Lab our pleasure we love sharing our Underwater World with visitors and we're hoping you'll help us clean the fish tanks later huh [Music] a lot of fish tanks oh hey [Music] George had never seen an animal with eight arms before huh why that's Octavia the octopus and like all octopuses she's very smart ah George could do a lot with four hands but what could he do if he had eight laughs [Music] George noticed one of octavia's arms was short oh she's fine before Octavia came to us she must have lost one of her arms luckily she's an octopus so it's growing back oh wait what that's right an octopus can regrow an arm not only that she can taste with her arms too here hold this out George [Music] she's tasting it with her arms the way you taste with your tongue [Music] George wondered what it would be like to taste something with his arms [Music] look George huh seahorses the seahorses were beautiful their bright colors reminded George of his shell George realized he'd put his seashell on the table earlier [Music] George you're looking for your shell uh-huh well maybe you dropped it somewhere George hadn't dropped it he'd left it on the table he was sure of that it wouldn't be the first thing that's gone missing around here lately Oh no just yesterday I left my shoes in the lab and one of them disappeared too [Music] anyway don't worry George there are lots of shells around here we'll find you one that's just as nice but George wanted his shell the one the ocean had given him but where could it be [Music] [Applause] [Music] what was a snake doing in water [Music] maybe this snake took George's shell and then hid out in the fish tank [Music] oh he can't come out of the tank George that's an eel eels are a kind of fish a long skinny fish if the eel couldn't come out of the water it couldn't have taken George's shell or Professor Einstein's shoe so where was it wow gallops [Music] see those ha ha ha even scientists like Professor Einstein and pizza appreciate having friends to help them please hurry you may be our only hope [Music] Professor Pizza We Came as fast as we could well there's no time to waste I hope they need us to ride in their submarine right this way gentlemen that you're here excellent we need your unique style of help well we'll do what it takes sail into the eye of a hurricane in a submarine [Music] dive into an undersea volcano in a submarine [Music] this is more serious than any hurricane or volcano we need you to help find Tony's birthday present what Tony Spends His birthdays at Sea and six years ago today I gave him a very nice birthday present did not well I tried we were 2 000 miles from where we are now [Music] undersea day data recorder as a very nice gift it records sounds images water quality temperature tidal shift and movement when you do this then a whale bumped into the boat [Music] the gift was dragged away fast by the powerful current is moving water the oceans are huge and they're always moving [Music] never got my birthday present oh come on yes but with your help this story may have a happy ending on my birthday boat trip today our equipment picked up a surprising sound from Far Below [Music] we believe the gift has ridden the current recording ocean data for six whole years and now it's here [Music] the data could reveal a lot about our oceans but we must find it fast the battery only lasts six years ah [Music] but when the power runs out which could be at any moment it will go silent and be lost forever George understood they had no time to spare they needed to act fast and he was ready to help [Music] let's get in the sub and find it we get to ride in the sub right no that's why we called you you called us not to ride in the sub foreign [Music] Periscope Lube use this mini submersible it has a microphone and camera so we can hear and see undersea I just added those Grabbers to grab the gift but the controls take up too much room inside oh well I think George is the only one who could fit in that small space exactly want to rescue a lost birthday present in a mini sub-george George to learn to use the Grabbers [Music] remember be a good little monkey in a submarine [Music] in the country things tend to move at a slower pace [Music] for the man with the yellow helmet [Applause] woohoo he was training for a triathlon race on Saturday and George was helping how'd I do George the guys are still fixing the roof roof repair was a country thing that happened slowly the hall is bigger than we thought a lot of water got in oh wow that's a whole all right we have to patch the hole then fix the ceilings in the bedrooms [Music] hmm is that my bed yeah the upstairs will be downstairs while we fix the hole and the ceilings oh I wonder how George will be with sleeping in the living room that's a pretty big change [Music] when it comes to change monkeys bounce back quickly but there are drawbacks to having your bedroom in your living room [Music] especially after Dark [Music] in the dark everything looked and sounded different it made it hard for a monkey to sleep [Music] oh [Music] what's that oh well what do you know bats [Music] they must have come in through the hole in the roof uh This Way guy oh no no I wish I were a bat then I could see in the dark too huh [Music] they can't exactly see when it's this dark they use their ears instead of eyes okay out you go [Music] ah that was exciting you want a glass of milk to help us sleep [Music] well um bat Screech to find out where they are they can't see in the dark so they have to use a different sense huh you remember senses George we have five of them sight sound taste touch and smell oh [Music] right bats use their sense of sound to hear where they're going ah see their voices bounce off things so they know where stuff is even if they can't see it you think you can sleep now George [Music] glass of milk worked like a charm for monkeys laughs the next day the man looked really tired at his Triathlon training time me George oh once I find the lake George hoped the man slept tonight and he did but George didn't now what would help him fall asleep ah milk that's what George needed [Music] wake the man the man's way to the kitchen in the dark [Music] it was a big day at the Museum a newly discovered dinosaur skeleton was going to be unveiled to the world at five o'clock these seats will be filled with the world's foremost scientists and dinosaur experts your new dinosaur skeleton is Gonna Make You Famous no the unveiling will be a huge embarrassment I'm missing a bone as far as George could see Professor Wiseman wasn't missing any bones [Music] skeleton was exactly I promised them the oldest complete ankylosaurus but I'm one bone short of a dinosaur wasn't that one of the four bones we brought to you last week it should have been but there were only three bones in this box one two three and no four [Music] are you sure you packed all four bones in that box um let me think I remember the box was so full it wouldn't close tightly and that Mr Quint was visiting for the fall Fish Fest [Music] e squared but I can't say for sure I had four bones in the Box George Mr Quint may remember if I packed them all [Music] I'm not home to take your call my must be out to sea leave a message at the sound [Applause] he's not home [Music] of course Mr Quint sent us the photos he took of his trip to visit us they might show how many bones I pack we'll go check hurry the skeleton must be unveiled at five o'clock [Music] where did I put those photos Quint sent us of his visit [Music] are you sure those are the ones Mr Quint took [Music] all this shows is the Box wouldn't close because the bones didn't fit the box was closed tightly when we reached the museum that means there's less inside now where did we lose a bone between here and the museum well to find a lost thing you should retrace the exact path you took when you lost it uh I can't remember the exact path we took can you I remember we made that delivery but with all the sightseeing we did with Mr Quint well it was really a hectic day [Music] George went through the photos Mr Quint had taken of his trip to the city he pulled out the ones he took while he delivered the Box oh [Music] I get it that's where we started and that's where we finished so if we put the rest in the order they happened we can retrace our path and find that bone hopefully [Music] come on George no time to play with Huntley started right here so where do you think we went next ah okay we left home ate soup bought fruit I fell on the lake we went to the museum let's retrace the path first stop paschettis [Music] I got a table for you guys right here oh we're not here to eat we're looking for a dinosaur bone and hoped you could help us oh don't you have to dig to find those oh they got experts who do that me I'm just a chef no we're looking for one we lost remember we were here last week and I had a big box ah [Music] no [Music] that picture helps me remember why I don't remember [Music] monkeys love mornings [Music] especially mornings with waffles in them laughs [Music] good morning well life is so much better now since you and my friends we laugh and play sometimes all day yeah the good times never end and I'm down you cheer me up you take away the Blues so on this day I wanna say something special just to you won't you be my Valentine my Valentine No Monkeys [Music] no Monkey Shine [Music] best friends ow yep never touch a hot waffle iron right always wait a while until it's cool uh-huh oops almost forgot Happy Valentine's Day George [Music] oh I love Valentine's Day it's when we get to show all our friends how much we care about them George wanted to show the man how much he cared about him too don't worry about the dishes I can take care of them [Music] George would make the man the best Valentine's Day card ever [Music] took longer than he thought but he wanted his Valentine's card to be really special [Music] but the man had said Valentine's Day was for showing all your friends that you cared about them George had a lot of friends [Music] and he wanted to make a card for every single one [Music] but even using hands and feet it took a long time [Music] by the time he finished drawing cards for all his friends it'd probably be summer again he needed a faster way to make cards so he could surprise all his friends today [Music] and then he realized he had stabs maybe there were some stamps in the drawer he could use to make a Valentine's card [Music] he didn't have a single stamp that was right he needed a heart [Music] hmm [Music] he could make his own hard stab rectangles squares circles half circles and triangles hmm thank you how could he make a heart from those shapes [Music] if you put a rectangle and a rectangle together he got a square or a longer rectangle that did not look like a heart if you put a square and a square together he got another rectangle [Music] George and Marco were out taking a stroll when all of a sudden an entire Street was having a party was it the Street's birthday happy here it's not New Year's January 1st is New Year's Chinese New Year's I thought you might not be Chinese though because you are looking around like this [Music] welcome to Chinatown I'm Lily I'm Marco and this is George Aunt Ling Happy New Year to you too Lily but I'm sorry to tell you your cousins have been delayed so they won't have time to practice oh no I'm sure you'll be fine Meanwhile your father would like you to fetch him some plum sauce from the storeroom no problem oh and here is something for good luck this year wow what is that it's a Chinese tradition to give money to children on New Year's for good luck wanna see a dragon yes follow me we have fireworks today and a parade and at the end of the parade there's a dragon oh [Applause] [Music] George hello Marco you look tasty [Music] I used to just be in the middle but this year I'm leading the whole Dragon Dance it's a big honor my mom and dad are very proud I was supposed to practice today but you heard about my cousins hey wanna help me make a dance [Music] Marco you go in the middle and George you go to the end now walk around and move it back and forth be like a dragon [Music] oh no I should have kept my eyes forward now I've ruined my great-grandfather's dragon it can't be in the parade looking like that Lord should stained a few things before George George [Music] but they always fix them at the dry cleaners [Music] dry cleaners hey good thinking George they can get any stain out we'll take the dragon there we can't the parade is starting soon we won't get back in time just have to hurry come on we can do it we just have to be like a dragon [Music] and keep my eyes forward [Music] here's the plum sauce Dad I'm taking the dragon to the dry cleaners with Marco and George the monkey okay have fun taking the dragon to the dry cleaners with a monkey such a vivid imagination [Music] we've got to go around the tree [Music] ah you two need to stay behind me in a line oh okay being a dragon was harder than it looked [Music] [Applause] [Music] laughs [Music] good staying behind but you guys need to keep an even distance even distance got it right George [Music] way to go guys let's keep our spacing there's nothing a little monkey likes better than playing in the sand at the beach hmm for finding seashells looks like the ocean gave you a present George oh [Music] George we better hurry our tour of the Marine rehab center starts in a few minutes [Music] George liked having his special shell but he didn't want it to break hello [Music] well hello well hello George didn't know he was going to see his friends professors Einstein and pizza thanks for inviting us to check out your Marine Lab our pleasure we love sharing our Underwater World with visitors and we're hoping you'll help us clean the fish tanks later wow those are a lot of fish tanks [Music] huh George had never seen an animal with eight arms before that's Octavia the octopus and like all octopuses she's very smart ah George could do a lot with four hands but what could he do if he had eight [Music] George noticed one of octavia's arms was short oh she's fine before Octavia came to us she must have lost one of her arms luckily she's an octopus so it's growing back oh wait what that's right an octopus can regrow an arm not only that she can taste with her arms too here hold this out George [Music] she's tasting it with her arms the way you taste with your tongue [Music] George wondered what it would be like to taste something with his arms [Music] look George huh seahorses sea horses were beautiful their bright colors reminded George of his shell George realized he'd put his seashell on the table earlier [Music] what's the matter George you're looking for your shell uh-huh well maybe you dropped it somewhere George hadn't dropped it he'd left it on the table he was sure of that well it wouldn't be the first thing that's gone missing round here lately Oh no just yesterday I left my shoes in the lab and one of them disappeared too [Music] anyway don't worry George there are lots of shells around here we'll find you one that's just as nice George wanted his shell the one the ocean had given him but where could it be [Music] [Applause] [Music] was a snake doing in water [Music] maybe this snake took George's shell and then hid out in the fish tank [Music] oh he can't come out of the tank George that's a Neal um eels are a kind of fish a long skinny fish if the eel couldn't come out of the water it couldn't have taken George's shell or Professor Einstein's shoe so where was it wow scallops [Music] see those [Music] it was the perfect afternoon for a trip George and his friend were going someplace special to see the stars [Music] George knew the stars were really really far away he wanted to make sure he had everything he needed for the trip [Music] including trail mix if you're going into outer space it's a good idea to bring a snack George uh George it's not that far to Mr griggs's House [Music] you can take a toy and a snack but let's leave the rest here buddy okay [Music] [Applause] let's go see some Stars [Music] [Applause] [Music] here we are [Music] George wasn't sure how they were going to see stars in a house unless they were friends of Mr Griggs oh see George there it is [Music] it's something all right Mr Griggs built his own Observatory oh I'm so glad you're here and on the perfect night let's go on up George learned Mr Griggs was an astronomer he studied the Moon and stars and all sorts of other things in space [Music] Oh that's a picture of a supernova an exploding star [Music] ah do you want to see how I got all these pictures I can't wait right this way welcome to my Observatory amazing and this is the telescope I use to see the stars wow you've come on the perfect night to see something astounding isn't it exciting [Music] allow me to introduce Fail-Safe this is the first time I've ever met a monkey hello and hello tall person wearing yellow uh hi failsafe helps me control the telescope he took all the pictures you just saw [Music] works like this say we want to look at the Crab Nebula we point the telescope toward one teeny tiny area of the sky you can't see it with your eyes but our powerful telescope can and I can snap a picture [Music] tonight we'll get a picture of a comet hitting the planet Mars what's a comet oh I'm glad you asked [Music] giant giant giant chunk of ice and dust that flies through space like a snowball as it nears the sun some of the ice starts to melt and trails off it looks like a big shiny tail wow wow wow indeed sometimes comets collide with other objects in space like the one that will hit mars tonight Little Monkeys love riding buses but a ride on the z bus was the best trip of all because it ended at welcome to zany Island say hello to our new friends Petey hello God how would you like your own pity wow nice George Barbie Adventure ahead and here's a map to keep you on course have fun George planned on having a great time and thanks to his map he wouldn't miss a thing [Music] George's friend rode fast rides slow rides scary rides wet rides and Scenic rides until one by one George Petey and the Man with the Yellow Hat had ridden them all foreign [Music] too bad they don't come in yellow lucky you you got the last one in your size we're usually out of stock by this time of day [Music] that'd be your warning shot zany Island be cruising in 30 minutes I see one more ride [Music] thank you so did you have a good time today George what was your favorite part [Music] yeah you sure had fun with Petey [Music] uh-huh hey um where is Petey did we leave him behind [Music] whoa George hang on look I know you're worried about Petey but it's really late I promise we'll look for him first thing in the morning okay [Music] but George didn't want to wait until morning luckily you didn't have to the Sea bus ran all night [Music] he could rescue Petey now [Music] Island was a big place good thing George had kept his map it showed everywhere he and Petey had been that day [Music] let the hunt for parrot PD begin but George wondered where to look first maybe right here [Music] it was the last day of the year which meant George was busy putting up decorations [Music] oh streamers get away from you again George after decorating there was baking and preparing for guests looks like we're all set for New Year's oh [Music] you're right George tomorrow starts the brand new year we'll need a new calendar [Music] come on we'll tear off the last number at midnight and you know what happens then [Music] Happy New Year [Music] hey you think you can really stay up till midnight this year George well if you want to be awake at midnight it might help to take a nap okay your choice but you might fall asleep and miss the party like last year [Music] [Music] George didn't want to miss the party [Music] so he decided to give the nap a try [Music] but it was too bright to sleep hmm [Music] finally George was ready to fall asleep [Music] George what are you [Music] trouble sleeping huh you know what my grandmother used to tell me if you can't sleep count sheep oh okay give it a try [Music] you'll be asleep in no time one [Music] George needed to count more than one sheep to get sleepy luckily he knew just where to find some [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] two three four [Music] five six seven [Music] the Sheep kept moving George couldn't tell which ones he'd counted [Music] if George wanted to know how many sheep there were he could only count each sheep once [Music] so he asked the Sheep to line up [Music] getting sheep to follow directions was harder than George expected if only sheep came with numbers hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] George I thought you were taking a nap [Music] okay have fun with our calendar now George could number the Sheep as he counted them [Music] sheep number one was very friendly it was a perfect day in the country for a hike [Music] some places in the country were hard to reach [Music] but they were worth it thank you foreign [Music] City kid George [Music] we're almost there the super secret hidden nobody but us knows about if you hey I'm getting hungry sandwich break [Music] [Music] I'm all right I'm all right I'm ow I guess I'm not all right I don't think I can walk on my leg George maybe if I go slow [Music] ouch that's not going to work oh George knew he needed to go for help [Laughter] [Music] hey thanks for the lift guys you did a great job getting help for your friend George I'm Bill she's going to meet you at the hospital [Music] going there you are yeah they have the best fruit cup I've ever tasted it almost makes all this worth it [Music] hey George would you like to ride in the ambulance with us sure why not [Music] it's the paramedics job to give people first aid and bring them to the hospital George [Music] right and the ambulance has all the equipment we need it's almost like a rolling Hospital [Music] hey Danny haters Paula how's it going Barry hi Trish wow you seem to know a lot of people here yeah I've been in the hospital before ah we aren't playing chess not everybody well hello Bill what happened hurt my leg what was it this time checkers turkey sandwich it's a wristband for the doctors and nurses to keep track of all of us patients [Music] well Bill it looks like your leg is broken in three places really [Music] Bill's leg looked like it was all in one piece you can't see the break on the outside that's why we Radiologists use an x-ray machine it takes pictures of how you look on the inside George had seen an x-ray before [Music] that's right there are fractures here here and here what happened slept on a turkey sandwich of course I should have guessed oh wow George thought he'd like to have an x-ray machine of his own looks like Bill's going to need a cast so his leg can heal
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 927,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: uVQmh5KsBtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 44sec (4424 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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