Curious George 🐵Candy Counter 🐵 WildBrain

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oh you want to buy two more [Music] you're missing two [Music] how do i know you didn't eat them you most certainly haven't eaten any chocolate boy you sure have nice teeth [Music] pick any two you want sorry i shortchanged you i put some of these boxes together at home and my cat distracts me oh dear i need to pick up more stock but i can't just leave hey would you mind watching the counter [Music] you're obviously extremely honest and i've hardly had any business all day all you have to do is watch the chocolates while i'm gone thank you so much can you please prepare my boxes i'm gonna miss my bus i'd like a white one or a red one or um maybe another blue one george wanted to stop the interruptions so he could work on this box problem oh are you giving out free samples give me give me give me mommy kimmy my order please hello george just wanted to keep everyone quiet so he could think oh free samples [Music] we sold 25 candies and gave away 190. i didn't make enough money to buy more ingredients i can't afford to make any more chocolates once these are sold that's it i'm out of business [Music] ah that's okay you didn't realize all george could do was go home it would be a long sad walk to the apartment [Music] hey it's a rhombus [Music] monkey george felt so bad he couldn't even try one chocolate [Music] look at those i have never seen blue candy before these are amazing first thing tomorrow george we are getting some candy george didn't think kaylee would be too happy to see him again oh no it's that monkey who gave away all my candy [Music] george wanted to avoid seeing kaylee without seeming obvious oh george you don't need a tie don't you want to buy some candy maybe we should have come earlier huh [Music] oh it's you hey can you give me a hand [Music] the free samples were a huge hit everyone's coming back to buy more let's get to work [Music] we're nearly sold out and i have tons of advance orders now i can go buy more ingredients george you are a sorting whiz when we get home you can organize the closets well i'd better go get those ingredients you can watch the counter right [Music] what i need two dozen men 15 pinks 11 whites and 16 boxes and then it starts to get complicated 13 blue ones eight green ones one black and white one in however many box chords four red five white six blues nineteen purple dot triangle ones and fifty three cylinders evenly distributed in smaller boxes then one oh that's that's a fairy book it carries people in cars across the river george loved cars but cars and boats together it was the apple pie and ice cream of transportation [Music] ahoy today's our annual model boat show big prizes for little boats george over here what do you think of her george sailors call boats her a better city kid like you never knew that you made that bill yes sir well that is pretty impressive isn't it george oh thanks but it's nothing compared to mr quinn's model whaling boat that's it over there [Music] draw the nets ladies aye aye captain and over there is mrs rankin's ark [Music] and look at all those over there it's a pretty tough competition this year now don't underestimate yourself bill that is one fine looking boat good luck oh sure you can stay with bill i'll set you up right here okay i'll be over at the bleachers saving up some seats and sizing up bill's competition i'd sure like to win a ribbon george to buy this kit i had to save nine weeks of money for my paper out oh i almost forgot to do my paper route could you do me a big favor and watch my boat while i'm gone [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] george couldn't figure out what he'd done to it it looked perfect but he knew one thing bill couldn't enter the contest with this boat [Music] george had to build him a new one and fast [Music] unfortunately george had no idea how to do that okay a wide boat with steam coming out and a propeller [Music] all done i'm just gonna drop my bike at home would you mind watching my boat for a few more minutes huh [Music] holy cow you did me a real favor george i forgot to close the windows thanks for showing me i would have really been sunk if it happened in the contest model boating requires utmost attention to tiny details and keeping the water out [Music] [Applause] congratulations george i didn't even know you built a boat i convinced him to enter it and can you see this it says best boat by a monkey that's funny they must have run out of regular ribbons i'll take care of this i'll ask him to make you one that says best vote by a city kid [Music] thanks for helping me with the nature week exhibit george we'd like to see the tracks of all the animals that live around here the swim mask oh i'm gonna go jump in the lake to conduct the nature week fish survey [Music] bye george wished his photos were more exciting but there weren't many exciting animals around here hey george ah what you doing wow i see you've got almost every local animal except that fawn i've seen in the hills huh a fawn is a baby deer bet you don't see too many of them in the city huh a fawn was just the special unusual animal george was looking for come on i'll show you where to find it george still hadn't seen the fawn or learned what its tracks looked like these were the biggest tracks george had seen so far something extra large must have left them they looked like big duck tracks a big duck would make a terrific photo this was like the long track the garter snake made [Music] a giant duck with a snake's tail would make an even better picture [Music] but a huge snake with duck feet would be the most incredible photo of all [Music] maybe it's swam back home george remembered he'd seen big tracks like these in a book there they were dinosaur tracks a duck-billed dinosaur and the tracks were headed towards bill's house [Music] hiya george did you see the phone yeah i guess those do look like dinosaur [Music] tracks [Music] yep my new boots were hurting my feet so i put these on to walk to the lake i told you i was going swimming remember [Music] hey now i know what it's like to walk in a dinosaur's footsteps with no hungry dinosaurs around george still needed that special photo for nature week it sounded like jumpy was hungry again [Music] but george had enough pictures of that [Music] squirrel [Music] for such big animals those deer left pretty small tracks hey deer tracks wow you used fruits and vegetables to lure the deer to our house so you could take photos [Music] look at these wonderful deer how did you manage to capture such amazing photos george oh you know george he just used his imagination isn't that right [Music] george thought the best way to spend a relaxing afternoon was a visit with professor wiseman george is right you need to relax we'll help we're very relaxing guys how about saturday george is right oh where is the schedule i had a pen [Music] oh there it is thank you saturday relax [Music] let's see professor wiseman needs our help hmm let's think of some relaxing things to do tomorrow [Music] uh-huh that's fun but she needs to relax you know something peaceful [Music] um george a picnic that's relaxing perfect [Music] so the next morning the man with the yellow hat packed at picnic lunch i think we have all the ingredients it takes to relax one professor [Music] this is sure to relax you well honestly i'm just as happy sitting on the ground but what could be more relaxing than hanging from a tree watch you just lie back and let your troubles melt away [Music] thanks george george okay come on come on come on come on [Music] feed the ducks youtube fun relaxation ducks okay here i go george's careful problem we're still feeding them right it's fun huh right ducks [Music] but your hat is waddling away [Music] oh my hat [Music] we can solve this problem you shouldn't i i should okay how hmm we need more weight okay try again [Music] please accept my apology apology for what i had a very relaxing day huh relaxing exactly hands-on problem-solving not like work where i just answer questions and shuffle paper ah well then you're welcome well see ya oh okay ah wow who knew relaxing could be so exhausting oh sure come on george i think it's time for a nap welcome giorgio how is your friend capello gialogrande oh i can't play i'm making a very special meal for famous restaurant critic sally tessio when she likes a place business booms so it's very important that everything will be perfect she has today look at the taste you said there'd be fresh bread i don't see any bread here well her taste is delicate butter voicey not so much [Music] this hard stuff was spaghetti didn't smell like anything [Music] george wanted to replace his broken piece he'd seen the chef put the rest of it in the pot it didn't smell like much and the steam coming out was hot george had to be careful it had changed maybe maybe it wasn't just donut makers maybe all kitchens were magic here was a pot that turned crisp things into floppy things [Music] what else could it turn floppy a soft floppy egg that'd be funny [Music] good candidate for flopification [Music] [Applause] [Music] if sugar were soft and floppy instead of grainy [Music] you could chew it all day like gum [Music] he put some sugar in the flopification pot it disappeared well this made no sense at all [Music] george was pretty sure the brown thing was a potato weird green vegetable bats [Music] [Music] george knew the chef would be happy with all the fun extra things he'd turned floppy who turned my plain pasta into crowded spoon soap [Music] somehow floppification didn't work on spoons i don't like this at all but it smells good she was right the longer that stuff stayed in the flopifying pot the better it smelled do you know there's a cat and a monkey in your kitchen the monkey made the stew quite good but you said you know like it if you made it it's no good but for a monkey what's his recipe well um never mind i got it maybe kitchens aren't magic maybe it's cooks who are magic okay how you can lose so many balls huh any day that starts out just smelling and ends with a cookie is a pretty great day how'd you enjoy the show george aren't all the different breeds fascinating would you like to see the winners up [Music] close george got a big surprise because when he actually looked at the big ones and the small ones [Music] and the crazily hairy ones [Music] he thought the dog show was great have you ever seen so many unforgettable dogs before okay well it looks like you had fun i hope he wasn't too much trouble he was no trouble at all wow that's great to hear gotta run see you tomorrow thanks so much bye-bye so you like the dog show huh [Music] george wanted to tell the man about all the unforgettable dogs he saw [Laughter] but he only remembered three it's okay you can tell me later oh would you do me a big favor and mail these letters i made a sandwich if you're hungry and when i'm done i want to hear about all the dogs george was afraid he wouldn't be able to tell the man more because no matter how hard he tried he could only remember three [Music] there was only one solution oh [Music] but no matter how many times george looked at those dogs he couldn't remember more than three oh there was obviously no way a monkey could remember them all attention could i see the owners of the winners over here please briskly briskly scribbles clay [Music] [Music] [Music] there were three big three small and three hairy dogs george i'm all right hundley what are you doing here [Music] my new spread george there are like 20 dogs in here george remembered all the dogs hmm so where did these three and three and three nine dogs come from i'm just so happy they're all back in all safe well everyone's back where they belong [Music] stop the car hundley's in there come back [Applause] [Music] oh no i'm out of uniform delivery i rush right up right on time i buy and sell autographed balls very expensive this one's freddy fraqikio i have a lot more balls coming today valuable collector's items don't worry hundley and i will make sure they're safe delivery hundley didn't want people to think his lobby's doorman was a monkey [Music] george picked the most interesting looking box to open first [Music] order had to be restored the lobby couldn't look like this oh those careless delivery guys if any of my balls aren't properly packed i'm gonna be very upset now george understood these boxes belonged here and the delivery man gave them to george by mistake i'll be down to check every last one as soon as i'm off the phone they had to clean up before the ball collector came downstairs [Music] all they had to do was put the balls back into the right boxes how hard could that be [Music] sometimes things don't fit when they look like they should or they fit in more than one place but there's only one place they really belong and once you figure that out it's easy even if you're a monkey [Music] [Applause] [Music] hundley showed george how to lay them flat [Music] they did it all the balls were back where they started kind of [Music] [Music] looks like they're all here oh even the priceless andy turkey rolly perfect score bowling ball i'm back is everything okay my delivery came your dog and monkey took care of everything that's great thank you hundley thank you george it's nice to know hundley has helped keeping the place clean and organized george would you like to help hundley again tomorrow morning you can be my official door monkey i won't be here and tomorrow is water delivery day [Music] oh good morning george i'm gonna sleep five more minutes okay [Laughter] sorry this here roller coaster whips and snaps your own hairpin turns at 70 miles per hour [Music] so come on down to zadie island and ride the turbo python 3 000. that's captain's orders everyone was excited about riding the turbo python 3000 except the man with the yellow hat he was afraid of roller coasters and remembered the first and last time he rode a roller coaster it was so long ago he was just the boy with the yellow hat [Music] and since that day roller coasters upset him okay i'm a grown man i have no reason to fear a roller coaster [Applause] uh enjoy the ride george i am thirsty [Music] excuse me i'm sorry but you can't ride the turbo python 3000 oh you have to be as tall as this sign to ride and uh you're not that's it honey go to sleep nothing makes you grow like a good sleep and i want you to grow up to be big and healthy [Music] all this growing made george tired if sleep made you grow he could do two things at once made george grow a lot at least in his dream [Music] i'm sorry you can't ride the turbo python 3000 you're too big [Music] george didn't grow as big as he had in his dream but he grew enough to be five licorice whips tall [Applause] seeing betsy lose her hat reminded the man with the yellow hat of that fateful day [Music] that's it i'm not afraid of roller coasters i'm afraid of losing my yellow hat your hat is safe betsy what's with all these sour faces i don't like sour faces at me park you know ah hi there captain zaney you see this monkey's too sure to ride the turbo python 3 000. too short [Music] he's not too short monkeys don't grow very big that's why we have the you must be this tall if you're a monkey side you can ride george and i'm coming with you but first give me all your licorice [Music] [Applause] [Music] who cared about heat when there were stars to count only there weren't any [Music] maybe stars were only in the country like mooses [Music] [Music] it's kind of tough counting stars in the city they're up there but we just can't see them really it's like trying to count stars during the day there's too much light [Music] [Music] uh we can't turn it on george don't want to knock out all the power oh [Music] at least his star counting pad was good for something george was too hot to sleep [Music] the one time he could have stayed awake [Music] and there weren't any stars to count [Music] people had their windows closed and their air conditioners were on oh george could hear them hump with all those people using air conditioners it couldn't hurt if george turned theirs on he'd only turn it on just long enough to cool a little monkey [Music] hmm [Music] hmm there was only one thing for a monkey to do at a time like this hide george george the power's out [Music] oh george where are you george you up here [Music] hi compass george tried to tell the man with the yellow hat how sorry he was for wrecking the city's electricity oh you think the blackout is your fault oh george it takes more than one little monkey to cause a blackout i i hope oh hello just came up to check on the pigeons this blackouts really stop midnight uh-huh george thinks it's his fault he turned on our air conditioner i thought it was my fault too hundley was so hot i turned on our ac then the lights went out but the radio said it was really caused by ants ants carpenter ants chewed through some polls in ohio and the lines went down well george there's one good thing about a blackout you can use this george hadn't even thought to look up this seemed like even more stars than they had in the country that's not the only good thing these'll melt with the freezer turned off so i guess we just have to eat them you found the big dipper george settled in for a good long relaxing star count [Music] you
Channel: WildBrain Kids
Views: 1,232,332
Rating: 4.1596489 out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: X3vke-FY8sA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 2sec (2642 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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