Curious George 🐵The Clean, Perfect Yellow Hat 🐵 WildBrain

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[Music] george couldn't recall ever seeing the man with the yellow hat looking like this [Music] he was usually calm cool and wearing a yellow hat oh here he comes hello good morning come on in ready as promised ah it was worth living without it for three long days [Music] i'd rather carry it myself george you're not gonna wear your hat no i want to keep it perfect till tonight we're going to the opening of the new planetarium dome [Music] [Music] thanks let's get home before anything happens to my perfect clean hat maybe he needed to pull harder [Music] or maybe it had to be cut off [Music] george had forgotten that the last time he used his safety scissors was to cut his strawberry jam and banana sandwich it was only a small smudge all he had to do was clean it off [Music] this stiff brush got the grill sparkling like new every time and the grill got dirtier than the hat [Music] [Laughter] [Music] he may have scrubbed too hard when i get back we're going right to the planetarium george had to do something fast [Music] george realized that no hat he made could ever be the man's yellow hat [Music] but the hole didn't look so bad when there was yellow paper inside that was it he didn't need a new hat he needed to patch the hole [Music] the paper looked good but something made of more hatty material would look better [Music] something like a yellow sock [Music] wow george did hundley drop by for a shower or is one of our towels running away from home george where's my hat gnocchi don't touch my clean hat it has to be perfect for tonight [Music] george why does my hat have a tail and a hole [Music] george couldn't believe he didn't think of that you see it looks great all right we've got to go did you take a bath [Music] fixed hat fresh suit clean monkey i feel like there's something we forgot to do welcome to the incredible edible arboretum a cornucopia of exotic comestibles blueberries all right blueberries are my favorite bush-based fruit come on george it looks like you all forgot the county sprout rules uh rule number one never eat any plant that you're not 100 certain is safe and that means consulting the edible plants guidebook um no it means getting an okay from an adult right rule number two plants are living things you can kill or hurt them if you're too rough so don't pull on them and don't break any branches come on [Music] why is the screen flickering either the earth is off its axis or i forgot to charge the batteries okay george can you climb that tree and see where we are [Music] and bill bill bill where are you going don't worry i've got my handy backup compass this way folks bill a sprout never leaves the trail that that that's rule number three bill oh my excitement's really growing cause we don't know where we're going [Applause] in this direction green in this direction a path [Music] george couldn't believe what he was seeing someone was trying to break that branch somebody was not being a sprout [Music] oh no this man was wrecking a tree are you a monkey cool [Music] i always wanted a monkey but my mother said no george had to do something and fast this tree was in trouble [Music] hey return the headgear monkey [Music] george didn't mean for the hat to get wet or the man but george couldn't wait around he had to check on that tree george wished he could think of a way to get the branches back on the tree he needed something sticky really sticky like mud [Laughter] i'm sorry i left you in that tree oh dr greenbean nice to see you sorry we're late we've had a rough day tell me about it first this monkey ran off with my hat and now my tree lopper has vanished [Music] hey what's going on who put mud on this uh george ah so dr green bean was cutting some branches and you thought he was hurting the tree oh you should have asked oh wait oh you're a monkey well anyway this is called pruning you make a careful cut and it doesn't hurt the tree at all [Music] hey i got it uh mr sproutmaster according to this you're going the exact wrong wait you're going the right way never mind proceed [Applause] [Music] good morning george i'm gonna sleep five more minutes okay [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] sorry this here roller coaster whips and snaps your own hairpin turns at 70 miles per hour so come on down to zany island and ride the turbo python 3 000. that's captain's orders [Music] [Applause] everyone was excited about riding the turbo python 3000 except the man with the yellow hat he was afraid of roller coasters and remembered the first and last time he rode a roller coaster it was so long ago he was just the boy with the yellow hat [Music] and since that day roller coasters upset him okay i'm a grown man i have no reason to fear a roller coaster [Applause] uh enjoy the ride george i am thirsty excuse me i'm sorry but you can't ride the turbo python 3000. oh you have to be as tall as this sign to ride and uh you're not that's it honey go to sleep nothing makes you grow like a good sleep and i want you to grow up to be big and healthy [Music] all this growing made george tired if sleep made you grow he could do two things at once [Music] sleep made george grow a lot at least in his dream i'm sorry you can't ride the turbo python 3000 you're too big george didn't grow as big as he had in his dream but he grew enough to be five licorice whips tall seeing betsy lose her hat reminded the man with the yellow hat of that fateful my day [Music] that's it i'm not afraid of roller coasters i'm afraid of losing my yellow hat your hat is safe betsy what's with all these sour faces i don't like sour faces at me park you know ah hey there captain zaney you see this monkey's too short to ride the turbo python 3000. too short [Music] he's not too short monkeys don't grow very big that's why we have the you must be this tall if you're a monkey side you can ride george and i'm coming with you but first give me all your licorice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so what do you think very impressive i'm glad you liked it george oh we should go the rocket presentation is starting soon are you coming with us george or do you want to stay here and watch the clock [Music] well if it's okay with professor wiseman it's okay with me now if you want to see the little people play again move the minute hand once around to 12. have fun how long does it take to build a clock like that oh about three years oh that reminds me huh i'll be right back george be a good little monkey exactly george wanted to see the little people again [Music] that looked like george's friend compass the almost homing pigeon because when all the other homing pigeons homed in on the statue he almost made it [Applause] [Music] it was compass all right george was happy to see his friend the pigeon he couldn't fix the minute hand and that's what made the little people play george remembered there was another way into the clock the back [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh when you take something apart it's a good idea to pay attention to what went where where could george find out how a clock's parts go together the library of course he hopes studying the big clock would show him exactly what to do with the little clock [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what [Music] george was glad that noise had stopped whose toes are these okay and this goes there now you see ah what a beautiful clock did you make it i know everything about clocks but not one thing about understanding monkey [Music] george how did this heavy metal tool box gets so [Music] [Music] how'd you enjoy the show george aren't all the different breeds fascinating would you like to see the winners up [Music] close george got a big surprise because when he actually looked at the big ones and the small ones [Music] and the crazily hairy ones [Music] oh he thought the dog show was great have you ever seen so many unforgettable dogs before okay well it looks like you had fun i hope he wasn't too much trouble he was no trouble at all wow that's great to hear gotta run see you tomorrow thanks so much bye-bye so you like the dog show huh [Music] george wanted to tell the man about all the unforgettable dogs he saw [Laughter] but he only remembered three it's okay you can tell me later oh would you do me a big favor and mail these letters i made a sandwich if you're hungry and when i'm done i want to hear about all the dogs george was afraid he wouldn't be able to tell the man more because no matter how hard he tried he could only remember three [Music] there was only one solution [Music] oh [Music] but no matter how many times george looked at those dogs he couldn't remember more than three oh there was obviously no way a monkey could remember them all attention could i see the owners of the winners over here please briskly briskly clippers [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm there were three big three small and three hairy dogs george i'm all right hundley what are you doing here [Music] there are like 20 dogs in here george remembered all the dogs so where did these three and three and three nine dogs come from [Music] i'm just so happy they're all back in all safe well everyone's back where they belong [Music] hundley stop the car hundley's in there come back [Applause] [Music] oh you want to buy two more [Music] you're missing two [Music] how do i know you didn't eat them [Music] you most certainly haven't eaten any chocolate boy you sure have nice teeth pick any two you want sorry i shortchanged you i put some of these boxes together at home and my cat distracts me [Music] oh dear i need to pick up more stock but i can't just leave hey would you mind watching the counter [Music] you're obviously extremely honest and i've hardly had any business all day all you have to do is watch the chocolates while i'm gone you so much can you please prepare my boxes i'm gonna miss my bus i'd like a white one or a red one or um maybe another blue one george wanted to stop the interruptions so he could work on this box problem oh are you giving out free samples gimme gimme gimme mommy gimme my order please hello george just wanted to keep everyone quiet so he could think oh free samples [Music] we sold 25 candies and gave away 190. i didn't make enough money to buy more ingredients i can't afford to make any more chocolates once these are sold that's it i'm out of business [Music] ah that's okay you didn't realize [Music] all george could do was go home it would be a long sad walk to the apartment [Music] hey it's a rhombus monkey george felt so bad he couldn't even try one chocolate [Music] look at those i have never seen blue candy before these are amazing first thing tomorrow george we are getting some candy george didn't think kaylee would be too happy to see him again oh no it's that monkey who gave away all my candy george wanted to avoid seeing kaylee without seeming obvious oh george you don't need a tie don't you want to buy some candy [Music] maybe we should have come earlier huh [Music] oh it's you hey can you give me a hand [Music] the free samples were a huge hit everyone's coming back to buy more let's get to work we're nearly sold out and i have tons of advanced orders now i can go buy more ingredients george you are assorting whiz when we get home you can organize the closets well i'd better go get those ingredients you can watch the counter right what [Music] i need two dozen men 15 pinks 11 whites and 16 boxes and then it starts to get complicated thirteen blue ones eight green ones one black and white one in however many boxes four reds five white six blues nineteen purple dot triangle ones and 53 cylinders evenly distributed in small [Music] boxes [Music] tracy taught her chicks to walk tall and be proud like a chicken [Music] oh [Music] it was time for a bath because in being proud like a chicken neatness counts george [Music] would you come here please neighbors will be here soon for our monthly game lunch so i need you to run to the store we're out of toothpicks it's not a party if you don't pick up small food with toothpicks uh-huh oh we need marshmallows too and a new deck of cards you uh you got some jelly on the old deck [Music] so take this list to ada and luke's general store okay that sounded like a chicken in trouble george could see those six chicks needed to be rescued now all the chicks had to do was walk [Music] across the bridge wasn't chick safe yet [Music] what could he do to make it safer [Music] that bridge had sides made from triangle [Music] shapes [Music] hmm george suggested they cross one at a time in case the bridge wasn't strong enough to hold them all [Music] but the bridge was plenty strong oh it even held a whole hand a job well done george could now rush home with the marshmallows toothpicks and cards maybe not straight home [Music] [Applause] that must be some party if you need more marshmallows toothpicks and cards already [Music] now it's officially a party all righty we're going to play goldfish [Music] [Laughter] [Music] mama come see what the chickens built they are geniuses we better start looking at colleges and that's how the rankings college fund for gifted chickens got its start [Music] so is it he i believe so your highness your highness what you are in the presence of her royal majesty the princess of bratzvia so now we bow wow a real princess in our lobby and now we leave hey wait a minute you can't walk away with hundley oh we got carried away this may be a descendant of the royal dachshund of brothsvia [Music] [Applause] a royal doggy i always knew he was special [Music] we must adjourn to the royal quarters and complete the test only if i come with you [Music] you're both more than welcome especially the fuzzy monkey [Music] he weighs much more than a helmet he is not [Music] royal uh shouldn't we weigh him without the monkey [Music] he is royalty beyond question you're one special dog hundley not henley his name is lord percival buckington the 15th percival barkington [Music] and now lord percival can take his rightful place in his new home new home you want us to live here not you just lord percival hundley without me was he really four stripes long [Music] huh that guy must have had some strong neck muscles to wear this they weighed the same too hundley matched all the measurements [Music] george never noticed that mark on hundley before today [Music] it smelled like jelly ah percival are you all right there was no time to look for soap [Music] is something wrong fuzzy monkey [Music] oh do i get him too know your highness now he will go wait look lord percival's royal birthmark is vanished impossible that would mean he's not lord percival after all so we made a mistake huntley must return to his old life you hear that boy don't be too sad hundley [Laughter] well don't be too happy either please accept our gift of the royal bratsville league and gravy hoagie [Music] a dog's lobby was his castle and for hundley even better than a real castle [Applause] [Music] george wondered who were these incredible fruit balancers zucchinis giorgio these are my friends the famous zucchinis [Music] we can bite to order food for our rehearsal our show is tonight but now all he wanted was to be an amazing balancing zucchini you want to deliver this to the zucchinis for me maybe you like to see them again because you want to be a zucchini huh [Music] ah food sustenance that's which gives us the strength to perform our amazing [Music] feats i think he wants to join us [Music] it's not that easy it takes lots of practice to do things like us balance requires total control [Music] i never sneeze unless uh yeah a cat oh leo's allergic to cat hair and sneezing is very bad for his balance it would wreck our shoes [Music] george was proud to be a starter zucchini he gave out every flyer and that night everyone he knew came to the show everyone gnocchi just wanted to watch she found a quiet place where she couldn't possibly bother anyone okay just relax chef we'll do everything this is like a dream come true [Music] gnocchi ran to chef bischetti whenever she saw him so why should now be any different [Applause] [Music] he's better oh it's gnocchi leo don't sneeze it i i can't can't yogi go with your [Music] this was just like that mop so george shifted his hands now i know where george was all day practicing to be in the show after a sneeze break the show went on and was a great success and when it was over because of their great the balance we voted to make george and chef pisghetti official zucchinis and you're welcome to practice with us anytime so that was all real oh i'm glad i didn't know i i would have worried ah nothing to worry about george is a natural but maybe he should stick to the high [Music] wire [Music] you
Channel: WildBrain – Kids Videos
Views: 1,745,947
Rating: 3.8192315 out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: XxJ-M6x1_3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 9sec (2649 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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