Doctor Monkey - Curious George | WildBrain

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[Music] [Music] [Music] and meet friends like this just paint [Music] if you ask yourself what is i like curious [Music] for a professional lobby dog like hundley it's nice to catch a nap when the lobby is peaceful but when george lives in your building [Music] guarding against monkey mishaps is always more important than sleep good morning headed out to have fun no going to dr baker for my annual checkup [Music] right on time as usual what didn't you bring george hello have a seat in the waiting room i'll call you when the doctor's ready [Music] george learned that the thing you need most in a doctor's waiting room is patience [Music] huh a mysterious sound george listened as quietly as he could dr baker will see you now oh great come on george we're finally getting out of the waiting room [Music] george gave up hope of hearing any mystery sound past that sneezing i'm still waiting for dr gazzand well i'm sure he'll be right with you [Music] excuse me has dr gazund seen you yet no where is he he should be right with you [Music] you're waiting for dr gazoone too he should be right with you oh hi doctor you remember george how could i forget before your last checkup i never knew the x-ray machine fit out the window huh [Music] dr baker have you seen dr gezund his patients are waiting um no you should check the x-ray room and you should take off your shirt for the examination yeah sure doc george thought he'd like to be a doctor because dr baker seemed so smart and he got to wear a really great white coat okay let's get started up in the scale [Music] whoa i think you need to cut out the desserts you've gained some weight i i have maybe one donut a month i run marathons it's impossible same as last year whew this is how i check his reflexes george [Music] [Music] um my knee's starting to get sore oh sorry i never get to play with a monkey [Music] dr gesund ah okay take a long deep breath um i don't like the sound of that breathing no i um george was whoa ever use the stethoscope george huh i use it to hear things that i can't see [Music] that's the sound of my heart you can play with your heart while we go to the x-ray room not everything had a heartbeat [Music] but george found sounds he hadn't noticed with his bare ears a doctor coat just didn't sound the same without a doctor in it [Music] before he was just a young monkey with a stethoscope now he was george m.d monkey doctor dr george had just the tool he needed to track down that mysterious bloopy sound [Music] she made a lot of noise maybe she was emitting some bloopy sounds [Music] you're not dr gazzone are you really a doctor i've been waiting so long i don't even care i have this terrible sneeze it goes away it comes back it goes away [Music] the sweater was muffling the sounds inside there was one way to fix that [Music] oh should hmm keep breathing it might help if i take this off [Music] i'm cured you're a genius monkey doctor monkey [Music] oh i'm not cured i'm allergic to this sweater you're the best doctor i've ever had and i'm not just saying that because you're a monkey [Music] george had cured his first patient but then [Music] doctor is that you [Music] a doctor never ignores a patient in need [Music] hey you're a monkey [Music] my problem is my arm not my throat i'll wait for dr gazoon because you're a monkey did you hear that weird noise too what is that i've had the hiccups for two weeks i can't stop [Music] well aren't you gonna help me what kind of monkey doctor are you [Music] that's him that's the monkey that tried to make me go ah he's a genius monkey doctor he discovered my allergy george do you have permission to be a doctor what's going on out here george what are you wearing you haven't performed any operations have you what was that you don't know i figured it was your medical machinery hello i came in here during my break to play just one round i must have lost track of time nothing feels as great as monkey curiosity satisfied oh my my hiccups are cured [Music] george liked the stethoscope and doctor coat so much that dr baker let him keep them and though hundley was grateful the lobby was peaceful [Music] he started to worry that someday george might really be his doctor [Music] the day started with a wham wham wham lots of people heard it but only one was so curious he had to go see what it was [Music] wow pretty impressive construction site huh george [Music] that's what it'll look like when they're all done my hat stop my hat anybody [Music] hmm [Music] these metal boxes looked important metal on the outside tasty sandwich inside with all this great equipment to see george didn't want to waste time on food [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] machinery is more fun when it's nice and [Music] loud you see there it goes again why is my building groaning and quaking i think the ground under the foundation is shifting but i can't figure out where or why i want this place to be safe we'll have to shut the site down until we find the problem [Music] george george get down that's not a playground hey buddy this your monkey is this your cat yeah no but i am i i know her oh not good cat well looks like lunch is on me [Music] the next morning the man with the yellow hat was doing a little constructing of his own good morning george what'll it be for breakfast waffles or pancakes waffles and pancakes it is i'm sorry george but there are no blueberries we'll just find something else fun to put on top or you could go down to the store and buy blueberries okay george this is a ten so be very careful george suddenly realized something was missing no wham wham wham maybe they were done the building was built the blueberries would have to wait the building wasn't done but no one was working today maybe this was a perfect time to look around without distracting anybody [Music] how would he pay for the blueberries [Music] george was definitely going to give compass blueberries for his help [Music] [Music] wow the money was ripped but at least george had both halves compass was a homing pigeon what george needed was a retriever [Music] no one wanted to go in there maybe there was another way [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there was no way george's arm could ever reach the bottom of that hole [Music] hi have you seen george i sent him to the store a while ago and store i saw him running past the store down the street oh the construction site's that way i hope he's being a good little monkey [Music] this wasn't as easy as it looked [Music] [Music] wow [Laughter] [Music] there had to be a machine for this [Music] [Applause] [Music] i inspected every girder last night and i can't find the problem and the only way to be safe is to tear it down and start all over otherwise a big wind or strong shaking might make the whole thing fall down what's that sound hey stop that the sight's closed [Music] this site isn't safe i'll turn off that jackhammer look a broken water main that's what weakened the foundation it was hidden [Applause] [Music] oh i hope george had nothing to do with this um i am so sorry i didn't know one monkey could knock over a building can i pay for lunch no george didn't cause that that side of the building was unsafe now i'll have to knock it down and start all over no you don't we can save the whole thing by changing the design hmm very angular modern and it would save money i love it how can i thank you i know here [Music] well what are we waiting for we'll bring back blueberry waffles for everyone and that's how curious george helped design a building and got blueberry waffles too [Music] you
Channel: WildBrain Kids
Views: 1,576,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wildbrain, wildbrain kids videos, baby learning, toddler learning, kids music, baby video, nursery rhyme, education, number, children, rosie and jim, Rosie And Jim (TV Program), How Children Learn (Book)doodlebops, Cailou full episodes, kids tv show, childrens shows, Topsy and tim full episodes
Id: _z3u_QLLKqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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