Curious George 🐵 George's Day Out 🐵 Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies 🐵 Videos for Kids

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just when george was sure he'd seen all the moving things there was another one it was too small for people [Music] but perfect for george maybe it was a monkey mover oh no [Music] that they use it to find things maybe george could borrow it to look for his plane all set let's find our gate and george [Music] [Music] george fancy seeing you here with the parent dog [Music] oh okay so long george have a nice trip [Music] have a nice flight george [Music] now george i'm just going to confirm our seat assignments whatever you do don't go anywhere i mean it [Music] [Music] there what are you doing here you should be at the animal loading area [Music] do you have any bananas on this flight [Music] well i'll be a monkey's uncle how did you get out of your crate where is your crate [Music] hey you don't belong here you got yourself a seat now we got to get you to your plane quick you can ride in a ton george george this is the final boarding call for kona carriers flight 5230 to hawaii have you seen george [Music] but i can't get on i've lost my monkey now do you mean george [Music] [Music] enjoy your flight george [Music] thanks captain [Music] oh there you are you little dickens i was hoping i'd see you again remember me from the line [Laughter] you left this on my bag [Laughter] that airport was a fun place it was like a vacation before vacation [Music] in fact the airport was better than vacation for george the quiet beach didn't compare to the buzzing flashing beeping airport [Music] [Music] but then again when you're curious [Music] fun has a way of just showing up [Music] done [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this sand felt different that other sand was obviously broken if he could make a sand bunny he could make a big castle here but before he built his castle he had to make seven sand bunnies because bill had seven [Laughter] don't look yet i'm not done [Music] george brought the man with the yellow hat down to see his bunny sand sculptures [Music] but he couldn't find them he was positive he built them this far from the water who would take a guy's sand bunnies did you lose something hey where are you pale in your castle book george knew he'd left those on the rock but the rock had moved [Music] that rock used to be out of the water didn't it you know what happened george the tide came in [Music] you see this rock didn't move when the tides in the waves reach higher up the beach [Music] did the waves wash away what you built [Music] oh i'm sorry george this just isn't a good spot to build the ocean will wash everything away [Music] hey you guys i'm really sorry [Music] well my rabbit burrowed right through your nice castle when i wasn't looking oh well our surprises didn't turn out like we expected huh you know what let's not go home disappointed if we work together we can build one good castle before the day's over can i help [Music] see so they all pull together all right once you get good wet packing sand carry it away from the water so the waves can't wipe out your work [Music] boy you city kids sure are handy with your feet [Music] that's a pretty good job boys and more rabbit won't burrow through it because she has her own doorway well time to pack up george put anything wet or sandy in the trunk for the trip home [Music] it was a great little castle but george wasn't going to give up on his dream of having a great big castle [Music] even if it took all summer he would keep looking for just the right place to build his castle and when he found that perfect spot he wanted to be prepared [Music] good morning george i'm gonna sleep five more minutes okay [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] sorry this here roller coaster whips and snaps your own hairpin turns at 70 miles per hour so come on down to zadie island and ride the turbo python 3 000. that's captain's orders [Music] oh well that looks uh very exciting george anyway we have a lot of errands to run today [Music] like i was saying i'll get dressed so we can spend a fun day at zany island riding the turbo python 3000. [Music] [Applause] [Music] now don't eat all that licorice at once okay george hi steve betsy hi george [Music] hey have you guys been on the turbo python 3000 we've been on nine times already that's the record ah is it uh fun he screamed his head off nine times we're gonna ride it all day wanna come [Applause] everyone was excited about riding the turbo python 3000 except the man with the yellow hat he was afraid of roller coasters and remembered the first and last time he rode a roller coaster it was so long ago he was just the boy with the yellow hat [Music] and since that day roller coasters upset him okay i'm a grown man i have no reason to fear a roller coaster [Applause] uh enjoy the ride george i am thirsty [Music] excuse me i'm sorry but you can't ride the turbo python 3000. [Music] oh you have to be as tall as this sign to ride and uh you're not sorry pal [Music] that goes for you too son [Music] [Applause] do you mind if we ride without you uh yeah oh [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] sorry i measure to the top of a head not the top of a hat [Music] you're gonna have to really grow before you can ride there little fella george wondered exactly how much he had to grow [Music] but when he measured with his hand he was the same height as the sign he must have grown already you're not measuring right i wish i had a ruler or something let's see one two three four five well the sign is five licorice whips tall and you are one two three four licorice whips tall [Music] you can come back when you're growing one more licorice whip tall until then enjoy the rest of the park oh [Music] maybe stars were only in the country like mooses [Music] [Music] it's kind of tough counting stars in the city they're up there but we just can't see them really it's like trying to count stars during the day there's too much light [Music] [Music] uh we can't turn it on george don't want to knock out all the power oh [Music] at least his star counting pad was good for something george was too hot to sleep [Music] the one time he could have stayed awake and there weren't any stars to count [Music] people had their windows closed and their air conditioners were on oh george could hear them hum with all those people using air conditioners it couldn't hurt if george turned theirs on he'd only turn it on just long enough to cool a little monkey [Music] hmm [Music] there was only one thing for a monkey to do at a time like this hide [Music] george george the power's out [Music] oh george where are you george you up here [Music] uh-huh hi compass george tried to tell the man with the yellow hat how sorry he was for wrecking the city's electricity oh you think the blackout is your fault oh george it takes more than one little monkey to cause a blackout i i hope oh hello just came up to check on the pigeons this blackout's really sup midnight uh-huh george thinks it's his fault he turned on our air conditioner i thought it was my fault too hundley was so hot i turned on our ac then the lights went out [Music] but the radio said it was really caused by ants ants carpenter ants chewed through some poles in ohio and the lines went down well george there's one good thing about a blackout you can use this george hadn't even thought to look up this seemed like even more stars than they had in the country that's not the only good thing these'll melt with the freezer turned off so i guess we just have to eat them [Music] you found the big dipper george settled in for a good long relaxing star count [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this sand felt different that other sand was obviously broken if he could make a sand bunny he could make a big castle here but before he built his castle he had to make seven sand bunnies because bill had seven [Laughter] don't look yet i'm not done [Music] george brought the man with the yellow hat down to see his bunny sand sculptures [Music] he couldn't find them he was positive he built them this far from the water who would take a guy's sand bunnies did you lose something hey where are you pale in your castle book george knew he'd left those on the rock but the rock had moved [Music] that rock used to be out of the water didn't it you know what happened george the tide came in [Music] you see this rock didn't move when the tides in the waves reach higher up the beach [Music] did the waves wash away what you built [Music] oh i'm sorry george this just isn't a good spot to build the ocean will wash everything away [Music] hey you guys i'm really sorry [Music] well my rabbit burrowed right through your nice castle when i wasn't looking oh well our surprises didn't turn out like we expected huh you know what let's not go home disappointed if we work together we can build one good castle before the day's over can i help [Music] see [Music] so they all pull together all right once you get good wet packing sand carry it away from the water so the waves can't wipe out your work [Music] um boy you city kids sure are handy with your feet that's a pretty good job boys [Music] and more rabbit won't burrow through it because she has her own doorway well time to pack up george put anything wet or sandy in the trunk for the trip home [Music] it was a great little castle but george wasn't going to give up on his dream of having a great big castle [Music] even if it took all summer he would keep looking for just the right place to build his castle and when he found that perfect spot he wanted to be prepared george when mrs quint asked for help setting up a surprise party for mr quint's birthday george was almost ready [Music] he practiced yelling surprise until he was really good at it but he wanted to be the best so he kept practicing you ever thrown a surprise party for mr quint before well it's the only way to give him a party because they're such a big family exactly i'm watching for mr quinn's boat no sign of him oh you don't have to watch yet bill he won't be back for at least two hours [Music] it's not my birthday george i'm not supposed to get surprised he's home early no what do we do take him to your house and keep him there till party time [Music] not yet george well hey there young fellas ooh looks like you sprung a leak bad luck today huh ah not all bad got to see part of the river i never saw before the bottom well i got to change my soggy socks don't i mean come to our house we want to build a fish pond and need expert advice about fish uh well sure well let me just get some dry clothes here dry clothes go help him all right mother if you say so huh no quit can resist fish crackers they may come in handy okay goodbye have fun [Music] so george and the man with the yellow hat kept mr quint busy with lots of questions what do you think well if you make a pond that big you can have almost any size fish as george was about to ask exactly how many whales he could have mr quint's brother flint quint showed up hi george it's mr quint's brother the train station master hi clint happy birthday hey flynn happy birthday oh didn't you know the quints were born together so flint can't know about the party either okay the quints were twins now george had two people to yell surprise at it couldn't get any better you know i said you needed help so i came right over well this here's fish business not trained so you can weigh anchor i'll meet you back at my house don't go we want to know about running a train around the pond we're planning i'll be right back hello oh it's mrs quint disaster the bakery truck broke down so they can't deliver the birthday cake don't worry i can go pick it up oh thank you it's mr piscato's bakery over in franklin square you can't run tracks across the pond it'll scare the fish well then we'll just have to tunnel guys could you monkey sit for me while i run an errand uh sure we'll just figure out the pond while you're gone [Music] george it's your job to keep the quints here so the surprise isn't wrecked okay [Music] george knew this would be easy because the quint brothers would probably argue about the pond for hours well we've got it all worked out the perfect pond and train so we'll monkey set you at my house where we could draw up plans [Music] george had to keep the quints here it was important the surprise [Music] fish crackers oh [Music] [Music] george never realized that hundley spent so much of the day playing this was fun [Music] oh only his hands weren't used to being dog paws george realized he needed a few small changes to be a good dog [Music] did you have a nice ride dante i bet you did [Music] well what is this well hundley it looks like we have two lobby dogs today what do you think of that [Music] say bye bye doggies [Music] [Applause] [Music] but being hundley wasn't all fun in games [Music] it helped to be long and low to do this job why thank you look dante hundley found your ball good dog george wanted to be a good dog too just like his new hero hundley hold the elevator [Music] and here was his chance the picking up things with your mouth was harder than it looked that's a baby right hi baby thank you um that's a dog right thanks doggie hundley couldn't believe it everyone knew dogs were more dignified than that [Music] being a dog was hard work just look what it did to hundley delivery looks important we'll get it upstairs right away come on lobby dogs [Music] hey looks like we're stuck oh it's okay hundley we can handle this i'll sound the alarm uh oh oh there's only one way out but we need somebody who can monkey up sigh huh you've been such a good dog george i almost forgot you were a monkey huh george had almost forgotten he was a monkey too there were things monkeys could easily do that no one else could [Music] hello i'd like to report a stuck elevator best of all george didn't even have to think about how to be a monkey [Music] it just came naturally a flashlight thanks george and a bottle of water and cushions and a radio and sometimes a monkey [Music] was just the thing to be [Music] george you did it thanks george wow even hundley thought george was pretty amazing he might even make a good dog someday but george didn't want to be a dog anymore all he wanted was to take a bath brush his teeth and go to bed in his nice clean room [Music] people sure are buying a lot of coffee makers i just wrapped 15 in a row there you are i've been looking all over for you george wanted to play with the rapper people some more but he had to get these pants home george hadn't been gone very long but when he got back [Music] the present had disappeared [Music] oh thanks for picking up my pants george i know how curious a little monkey can be so i put the present away that should take your mind off of it but hiding the present only made george more curious [Music] this was the first time george noticed the walls were wrapped it looks like wrapping on top of more wrapping maybe there were a hundred layers of wallpaper under here [Music] or not since he reached the end george tried to put it all back but it didn't want to go [Music] then he thought of a way to make this the perfect bathroom for the professor's birthday [Music] [Applause] [Music] up is that you george make sure you wash up before professor wiseman gets here [Music] and would you make sure that bowl of her favorite fresh fruit is out where she'll see it [Music] [Music] you can't get away with that [Music] huh you didn't wash this hand is all sticky okay now what happened in here oh professor wiseman help me hide this mess [Music] hello george everything okay i'll be right out i got your favorite fruit help yourself [Music] is this a bonanzarine you can't put skins on fruit george only nature can do that on the other hand nature doesn't make banangearines uh sorry i'm happy birthday from george and me oh you didn't have to would you like to help me open it george [Laughter] [Music] i never would have guessed that's what was in this big box that's uh that's why it was wrapped that way oh my favorite symphony you remembered thanks let's listen to it during dinner oh here i'll get that george figured he'd better eat something because this was going to take a while [Music] sure you can play with that stuff [Music] but don't ride the unicycle without a helmet [Music] wow great stuff let's get to work [Music] [Applause] [Music] betsy aunt margaret says to be home for dinner in an hour holy cow we made our own mini golf course [Music] you want to play okay in our game each hole uses a special club [Music] you'll never get it through there you kept hitting the windmill yesterday [Applause] [Music] a hole in one great if george can do that i'm gonna break all my golf records on this easy course [Music] george thanks but i really don't need help on this [Music] are you keeping track of your score on this easy course steve oh yes okay on the first hole george got a one lucky betsy got a six and i got a six the club for this hole please here we go [Applause] my first ever looks like i'm going for the record too okay here comes my hole-in-one [Applause] [Music] uh-huh [Applause] [Music] a hole in two [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] we're all going for our best scores ever on this course they're our first scores ever on this course yeah so they're still the best what's the club for the last hole [Music] no club it's a blowhole get it whale blow hole [Music] oh perfect [Music] at the end of the game i have 40 and betsy has 25 and george got a 21. i told you you'd play better when you knew the rules i'm sorry i said monkeys shouldn't play golf you guys want to play real mini golf tomorrow thanks but i think we like this better oh can i play again with you tomorrow maybe george can help me improve my game [Music] george wondered what a rubber band would grow into [Music] or a feather [Music] george was going to grow all kinds of exciting things [Music] the man with the yellow hat hadn't finished his speech george could grow the rest for him [Music] thank you [Applause] this would be the best speech ever [Music] have you been just sitting there waiting for me the whole time oh you weren't just sitting there waiting for me the whole time [Music] when the man looked like that it meant george was about to hear a long lecture so you see seeds nuts acorns grow my socks the radio the can opener don't grow okay now we have to dig up all those things you buried george where's my speech [Music] okay we have to dig up my speech first unlike jumpy squirrel george didn't know how to find what he wanted everything smelled like dirt [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey you digging a swimming pool uh oh no bill uh george was being a squirrel and buried my speech we can't find it well i'll help huh wait i know someone who can really help she's a great digger no speech here oh digging a pool there are you george buried something and we're trying to find it well i've got a metal detector i use to find coins and such down by the lake maybe that'll help cool uh well my speech isn't exactly made of [Music] oh no aha maybe it's what you're looking for no my speech isn't made of me are they pirate keys that could be maybe to a treasure chest oh we're we're not gonna find my speech and i can't rewrite it in time i'll just have to skip the tribute [Music] george didn't have the talents of a squirrel but he did have the talents of a monkey which meant he could see really well [Music] you found it the speech well that's not made of metal [Music] so this is the air that inspired that wonderful speech are you planting something it's a long story that's not a peanut looks like something you buried is growing maybe you are a little bit squirrel after all [Music] being a dog hundley had tasted a lot of tennis balls but these were the first that ever tasted like ink these were the valuable balls the doorman promised to protect [Music] [Music] hundley couldn't stop george from opening boxes that he thought belonged to him but he knew how to play defense [Music] it was tough for george to guess who sent all this stuff to him [Music] [Music] uh hold on there's a monkey and a wiener dog at the door oh those careless delivery guys if any of my balls aren't properly packed i'm gonna be very upset now george understood these boxes belonged here and the delivery man gave them to george by mistake i'll be down to check every last one as soon as i'm off the phone they had to clean up before the ball collector came downstairs [Music] all they had to do was put the balls back into the right boxes how hard could that be [Music] sometimes things don't fit when they look like they should or they fit in more than one place [Music] but there's only one place they really belong and once you figure that out it's easy even if you're a monkey [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh showed george how to lay them flat [Music] they did it all the balls were back where they started kind of [Music] [Music] looks like they're all here oh even the priceless andy turkey rolly perfect score bowling ball i'm back [Music] is everything okay my delivery came your dog and monkey took care of everything that's great thank you hundley thank you george it's nice to know hundley has helped keeping the place clean and organized george would you like to help hundley again tomorrow morning you can be my official door monkey i won't be here and tomorrow is water delivery day [Music] no one wanted to go in there maybe there was another way [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh-huh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] there was no way george's arm could ever reach the bottom of that hole [Music] hi have you seen george i sent him to the store a while ago and store i saw him running past the store down the street oh the construction site's that way i hope he's being a good little monkey [Music] this wasn't as easy as it looked [Music] ah [Music] huh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] there had to be a machine for this oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] i inspected every girder last night and i can't find the problem and the only way to be safe is to tear it down and start all over otherwise a big wind or strong shaking might make the whole thing fall down what's that sound stop that the site's closed [Music] this site isn't safe i'll turn off that jackhammer look a broken water main that's what weakened the foundation it was hidden [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh i hope george had nothing to do with this [Applause] i am so sorry i didn't know one monkey could knock over a building can i pay for lunch no george didn't cause that that side of the building was unsafe now i'll have to knock it down and start all over no you don't we can save the whole thing by changing the design [Music] hmm very angular modern and it would save money i love it how can i thank you i know here [Music] what are we waiting for we'll bring back blueberry waffles for everyone [Laughter] and that's how curious george helped design a building and got blueberry waffles too
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 1,117,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: opb4s7i69hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 27sec (3507 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 01 2022
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