Curious George 🐵Metal Detective 🐵 Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies | Videos for Kids

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george thought it would be fun to sit inside a cozy house and watch a storm with the man and your bow george you can't go outside when there's thunder and lightning your bow is out there don't worry he'll get wet but we'll clean and dry him before he has time to rust as soon as the storm quiets down we'll go get him hey how about a game of tic-tac-toe [Music] george usually really enjoyed tic-tac-toe but this time he couldn't get his mind off your bow [Music] wow the storm really did a number on the beach don't worry george yorbo's a tough little robot we'll find him [Music] but your bow wasn't under that seaweed [Music] or any of the seaweed okay so we've searched on top of the sand and under the seaweed which means your bow must be buried in the sand [Music] oh wow i found gold wow or a cd player hey that's mine i forgot all about it oh wow wasn't that a great storm i always find such great stuff after a storm you know nifty huh it's a metal detector it helps you find buried metal now the louder it beeps the closer you're getting to metal now when it beeps like crazy bingo [Music] using the detector george found lots of metal things [Music] oh the batteries are dead i'll have to recharge them but i'll bring this back tomorrow in case you're still looking bye now thank you [Music] well george can't find his robot it's buried in the sand hmm is it made of metal you could try using a metal detector we borrowed one but it ran out of batteries well metal detectors are easy to make [Music] sure first grab the portable radio from the shell okay am fm radio check next find the calculator a bottom drawer on the desk [Music] then get some tape and top drawer on the desk now take the radio and switch it to am okay then turn the knob all the way to the highest radio station number but make sure you get static and not an actual station turn up the volume then turn on the calculator and tape it to the radio fantastic you see the radio and calculator act as a magnet when it finds things that would stick to a magnet the radio beeps [Music] [Applause] george was confused he had already searched half the beach but which half if only the beach were smaller then george remembered tic-tac-toe he could break up the beach into smaller sections like a tic-tac-toe board if george could mark off the squares he searched then he'd know where he'd looked and where he needed to look [Music] hi george [Laughter] you want to make a grid to help you keep track of your search oh great idea george [Music] all set let me know if you need anything no luck huh your bow had to be in this last square he had to [Music] [Music] way to go george you found him your ball is great yes [Music] [Music] have fun well i guess this means i can get back to the thrilling conclusion of my book [Music] oh well wait for me [Applause] [Music] bill was not going to be happy about this [Music] [Applause] [Music] to the bunnies this was a big game of hide and seek which was not good for george because if there's one thing you should know about bunnies it's that they play to win [Music] george would have to out-think them [Music] one down six to go three down four to go [Music] squirrels don't like surprises not even small ones [Music] he counted the bulls he caught whitey spotty black ears cottontail brownie and a jumpy squirrel [Music] [Applause] um add being grabbed by a monkey to the list of surprises that squirrels really don't like [Music] [Music] not all footprints lead to cute little bunnies [Music] hi george what you doing bill was almost done george's time was running out [Music] george had caught every bunny except herbert nininger and bill would be home soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] george had looked everywhere what he needed was a bunny expert but who knew a lot about bunnies [Music] it wasn't going to work [Music] george tried to explain this was no time to play with a fuzz ball she had to find herbert nininger this was no ordinary fuzz this was the end of herbert nininger [Music] hey george keeping the bunnies company thanks as a reward for doing that and being so patient i'm gonna let you pet one right now petting the bunny isn't easy it's all about maintaining control step one unlock latch [Music] but you want a peta bunny don't you okay you sure are one careful kid hey how bad acorn get in there guided by the scientists the rocket hooked onto the telescope [Music] it was time for the space walk george your job is to push this button and let me back inside this keeps me attached to the rocket while i'm outside [Music] who i owed [Music] um the tether link ripped off my suit then you can't go outside oh boy we have to scrub the mission oh no [Music] let george do it [Music] [Applause] and don't forget be a good little monkey space walker [Music] wow that city kid really gets around george knew what he had to do first remove the nuts using the wrench [Music] why didn't it move he knew the rule lefty lucy and righty tidy [Music] he wasn't the first monkey to mix up his lucy and his tidy just the first one in space [Music] oh did i mention george only has enough air to last two minutes well you did now george you must complete the mission expeditiously i mean finish up and get back in the rocket very quickly [Music] putting replacements in was pretty easy [Music] and then it wasn't [Music] maybe he needed to put this stuff in exactly where the old stuff was [Music] oh no this last hole was a completely different shape [Music] george you need to head inside now george i'm going out there after him you can't you don't have a tether oh boy [Music] why it wasn't a different shape at all now he needed righty righty-tighty george you have only five seconds of air left that's it i'm going out no you'll float out into space [Music] he made it george is safe yes george george did it the telescope controls work again [Music] great work guys you're coming home oh it wasn't two minutes it was an hour and two minutes my mistake [Music] the library's full of helpful books [Music] and they've got a really big clock on top [Music] he hopes studying the big clock would show him exactly what to do with the little clock [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] george was glad that noise had stopped but maybe it was time to pack up and go home that clock has never stopped ever the big clock on the library stopped well let's go wait stew what are we supposed to do we're the fire department we'll figure it out [Music] mr ello the big clock stopped the big library clock that the whole city depends upon yeah oh that clock has never stopped ever we must move like lightning [Music] food [Music] so [Applause] [Music] he was sure he had all the tools but george still felt like he was missing something [Music] okay miss thank you please step outside i must listen [Music] she [Music] [Applause] whose toes are these what's a little monkey like you doing in a huge clock like this [Laughter] would you like me to help you okay and this goes there now you see [Music] what a beautiful clock did you make it [Laughter] i know everything about clocks but not one thing about understanding monkey [Music] well be more careful in the future eh time is a precious thing [Music] compass what have we said about bringing pigeons indoors george oh it's all right are you showing him my clock well go ahead [Music] george how did this heavy metal toolbox get so [Music] oh it's from my mother happy birthday love mom i'm late for my appointment hold on to this for me will you george i'll be back at 7 and then we'll celebrate bye george you want to have a party [Music] a surprise party even better all you need is a an apartment b your buddies c a cake and d decorations abcd that didn't sound hard at all the man with the yellow hat would be back at seven george had only four hours to get the party ready and the men's buddies were listed in this book since you invited me to your party i'm gonna give you my special all-fruit frozen cake on the house just because eyes giorgio hmm a big party needed a big cake i had the big one surprise [Music] looks like quite a celebration is it a birthday yeah say i could blow that up for you it'd make a great decoration [Music] hiya george everyone's coming i just had to say yellow hat and they all said yes george had picked too wide of a cake it wouldn't fit in the freezer luckily it was cold out on the balcony that took care of c cake [Music] george had also picked too big of a poster and a too small ladder everything was the wrong size [Music] george had gotten his wish his apartment was the perfect size for a monkey now he just needed the cake and decorations the cake was in the freezer the poster was on the wall and the star was no trouble at all george was ready for his guests [Music] hello georgio but not ready for their size i hope we're not too early he's coming [Music] george is right we have to hide okay [Music] hi everybody [Music] a party for me chief thanks oh me too [Music] how about some music a george sized apartment was fine for little monkeys but not at all good for people-sized people [Music] this was more like it everything was the size it should be [Music] george was doing great he was able to follow charkie everywhere with his ears [Music] uh did a black dog flip by followed by a blindfolded monkey you mean there's nothing wrong with my glasses which way they go [Music] ah where was he these things didn't feel familiar hmm what were they for [Music] what's that sound huh sounds like a hose [Music] george did you pull the pump valves [Music] had george lost charkie nothing he touched felt furry and he didn't hear her hmm ah but his nose knew that wet dog aroma she was close by [Music] why don't we get any normal visitors here [Music] she was hiding again but george knew how to find a silent wet dog [Music] fur he'd caught up with charkie but it didn't smell like a wet dog and this dog was too small to be charky yeah this dog was a cat [Music] delicious smell plus a cat he knew exactly where he was with gnocchi at chef pisghetti's place a place with great food is exactly where charkie would go [Music] oh no what have you done my pasta you know normally if i heard yelling followed by crashing i'd worry it's george but he's at a party [Music] [Music] uh did a black dog flip by followed by a blindfolded monkey how come everybody in town seen him but i can't find them [Music] it wasn't so noisy here and there was grass why even blindfolded he knew he was in endless park and that wet dog smelled close [Music] george smelled and touched and found something that felt like charkie when he heard her bark he knew it was charkie [Music] i searched everywhere i can't find george and sharky did you look there now just take one swing this time okay [Music] this time george didn't just use the bat he used sound [Music] and touch [Music] and smell [Applause] i taught him everything he knows [Music] george had used all his senses except one to find the pinata and that one was taste [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay the only rule is that you cannot cut through the corn stalks everybody ready on your marks get set maze [Music] so we should go this way [Music] excuse me [Music] i know the bell sounded like it's that way but we are here the map says left [Music] hold on george oh tough break for the little monkey he's hit another dead end leaving them in last place there here we are you want to ring the bell team george is the last to reach checkpoint one i doubt they'll ever catch team quint [Music] now hmm just turn well whatever you say tina see here's the bridge and the red tractor it's all on the map the maze looked a lot more like the map when seen from above and now george could easily see the path to the next bell [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm right behind you george [Music] team george is back in the race oh folks looks like sprint is running in circles [Music] okay george which way now [Music] oh oh i see every direction looks the same so we can't orient the map i guess we're lost [Music] [Music] george saw the bridge the duck pond even leslie the cow [Music] but they were all in the wrong place [Music] until george turned the map just right now everything lined up and george knew exactly where they had to go [Music] [Laughter] that way let's go [Music] are we lost again [Music] [Music] where to next george we're almost to the finish line [Music] [Music] follow the cow don't you still want a raise i hear them they're coming it could be all over any second [Music] this is is a cow [Music] i don't think the cow's a contestant no this is our winner team john we won well right makes us third stop destination reached excuse me looks like you two win the golden cob that's one smart monkey knowing that leslie could always find the barn at milk and time oh very clever george cool yes listeners it has been quite a day has anyone seen my microphone [Music] watch closely george and witness a little magic first i dip the egg in the yellow dye then i dip the yellow egg into the blue dye and presto it comes out uh green exactly but if yellow and blue made green george wondered what would blue and red make [Music] why george you created a brand new fruit a per banana [Music] [Music] george you're yellow [Music] oh no i gave my guarantee and now a whole monkey is wrecked betsy what am i gonna do don't look at me you're in charge chef steve oh there problem solved no one will ever know he's yellow now sometimes i think i'm a genius [Music] and red and blue made purple maybe he could find what color's made brown and dye himself back to normal george no orange a blue dog and an orange monkey what could be worse than that where'd they go i don't know but we better find them before the bird watchers do [Music] voila i see the red bird perched on the stop sign by the fire truck are there many orange monkeys in this park no i have the only monkey in town and he's monkey-colored usually oh no george there you are where's charkie [Music] it's very close [Music] i see the red tanager don't anybody move [Music] let's see if i remember right red and blue makes purple and purple and orange make brown just hurry before the bird watchers get back i am sure george is clean as a cucumber they're here what do we do hide [Music] [Applause] [Music] where's george as a chef i cannot tell a lie george fell into this oh there you are taking another bath to keep extra clean for the picture and to think i thought that i might find a messy monkey i got the kick whoa [Music] george you're you're red he's as red as the rare summer tanager this gives me a fabulous idea [Music] a true dedication to the red summer tanager this will be the best bird watchers cover ever and so it was thanks to a certain colorful monkey [Music] you
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 2,950,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: p-27-GnXQXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 2sec (2402 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 24 2018
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