Robocar POLI Special 4 | Traffic Safety, S1, Fire Safety | Cartoon for Kids | Robocar POLI TV

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[Music] jaywalking is dangerous i'll take one please i want one too wow it's 50 off super ranger today while supplies last that sounds like a pretty good deal to me these are the last ones a super ranger half price sale hey don't you know that's dangerous oh this is us pay attention you know this isn't a crosswalk ah this is a bad situation mom i just have to have a super ranger please if we don't get to the store today they're all gonna be gone no way oh why not why not why not because i bought you a new toy last week but mom that wasn't the super ranger hey you promised me when i got you that toy you said you'd study hard play with your sister and put all your toys away remember that not really okay well if you can't remember then i'm sure you'll forget all about super ranger in a day or so too i remember [Music] oh my we're out of vegetables huh i need some juice and a quart of milk too i suppose i'll have to go to the market today huh come on mom we better hurry kevin what's all the rush well i thought we could stop at the toy store on the way there uh i don't know you're the best um oh my [Music] hooray i finally got it what is that gin this tada it's super ranger but jyn you're not a kid amber for your information adults can be fans of super ranger 2. huh a rescue team this is jen hiya jin oh hi cap guess what the store's having a super ranger sale that's why i called there's lots of people going to the store and some of them aren't crossing at the crosswalks if we don't do something there could be an accident we're on the way i'll go gin me too poli first up toy store all right but you have to keep your promise don't worry i will [Music] one left that's the last one mom let's hurry no kevin we have to use the crosswalk huh i don't see a crosswalk that's too far hey that guy's not crossing at the crosswalk how do we have to oh no i'll take no way [Music] i've got to stop that cement mixer wait kevin [Music] we all should be glad that kevin is safe jaywalking's not only dangerous and sets a bad example but it's illegal yes i wasn't thinking paulie when children see adults jaywalking they think it's okay and that could lead to some terrible accidents remember kevin be smart whenever you cross the street use a crosswalk an overpass or an underpass and always obey the lights yeah but what if the crosswalks really far away bully the important thing is safety even if it takes more time when you're in a hurry it doesn't matter if a ball rolls into the street or if someone's calling you there's never a good reason to jaywalk you're right poli i was holding his hand but somehow he got away that happens quite a bit ma'am but there's a much better way to hold on it's pretty easy for kids to get out of hands so hold their wrists for a better grip i'm very grateful to the both of you yeah me too here this is for you i'm sure he's your hero oh that's really nice but i want a bigger hero than super ranger all right bigger than super ranger yep now i want my very own holy sorry kevin but i'm afraid i'm not on then i'll pay full price never jaywalk and always cross at the crosswalks see you next time useful but dangerous fire [Music] fire is useful but it can be very dangerous so we must always be careful now we will all learn what to do in case of a fire so boring huh johnny johnny mr pencil johnny you monster sorry cindy class quiet down focus on the lesson oh mr pencil tragically struck down guys we have a problem if the results of this survey are right lots of broomstowners haven't been taught by our safety this says some houses don't even have fire extinguishers looks like people just aren't aware what causes fires or how to prevent them seems people might not be taking fire safety seriously sounds like a serious problem yes it is and we seriously need to do something about it we must start teaching people fire safety now hmm the bunny or the doggy which one johnny let's go to the toy store just hang on peter i haven't figured out which one do you need some help uh hello need help finding something yes i'm just trying to figure out which pencil to get a girl i'm torn between these two well i think she would be happy with either one hmm do you have one with a gorilla on top a gorilla i think there might be one in the back that would rule i'll just go get it i'll be back in a sec great hey thanks a lot johnny look a super dragon wow it's awesome oh wow wow huh what's that noise attention customers a fire is broken out on the third floor please follow the staff and safely whoa i've never seen a real fire oh i can't breathe boys you're in danger follow me okay children are you all right amber it's dangerous here go somewhere safe uh-huh helly put out the fire on the top floor [Music] who knew fire could spread so fast fire is really scary stuff oh no i'm here i can't get out amber keep dousing the fire heli and i will go help her chance roy [Music] [Applause] [Music] here take my hand yeah i'll try heli please say to the rest did you get injured at all i think i'm fine thanks thank you so much today's topic is scary but useful fire okay roy huh fire is a very powerful and useful element it lights up the darkness making life much more convenient it also heats and cooks food and keeps us warm when the weather's cold but when a fire gets out of control it can become a very scary thing it can burn up not only the stuff we love but the very house we live in so it is very important to be properly educated in both fire safety and fire prevention we must always be alert a fire can break out at any time ah yes sir roy what you did before was so awesome oh yeah you heroically and bravely saved that trap clerk when you put out the fire it was just the best [Music] sorry cindy rescue team of broomstown hey cleany good morning good morning [Music] morning guys morning come on spooky you went over the stop line that could be very dangerous sorry huh huh i've got to go holy bye bye spooky well take care holy bye have a wonderful day scooby hi cap so another busy day eh i'm on routine patrol how are you i'm doing just great i'm the best taxi in this town let me know if anything comes up and you need my help i will take care paulie will do so long [Music] thank you roy if you hadn't found the fire something terrible could have happened thanks even the smallest fire can be dangerous we're lucky it wasn't worse now tell me bruner is your burn all right all right no i'm not all right ah i warned you not to touch anything he did what do i do now don't worry amber is on her way here [Music] amber hi helly where are you going in such a rush bruner's hurt so i'm going to the construction site then you'd better be on your way see you later hallie take care hi you three is the emergency phone out of order uh-huh it doesn't work which means we can't make a call in the event of an emergency that worries me it worries me more come on i'm the most worried i'll have the phone working in no time now that should do it let's check to see if it works rescue team gin speaking do you read me loud and clear sound and video that's great my work is done good job helly no problem back to the rescue station take care bye ellie hello hello hello hello boy that could have been worse what happened terry nothing serious just a little backhand bump be careful i promise come on guys and help me [Music] unload [Music] hi we're back good work guys how are things in town glad to report everything's fine oh wait did mr builder's construction site have a fire right i got there quickly so there was little damage i heard bruner got hurt is he okay he only sustained a small burn but i took care of him and he'll be just fine i'm glad to hear that and hallie repaired the port's emergency phone i'd say we're having a good day you're all set you're loaded up and ready to roll you take care now bye bye terry thanks buddies [Music] [Music] okay here comes the curve i'd better slow down a bit my brakes i can't slow down [Music] huh i've sure got a lot of mail to deliver today what was that all about guys it's quitting time so i think we should call it a day right i can't stop look out uh did something just pass by here [Music] wow this is serious i've got to find some help oh that's it rescue team gin speaking oh cap gin there's an emergency terry's in danger what please give me the details [Music] terry's speeding through town shouting for someone to come and help him stop i think he's broken something somewhere rescue team members get ready to move [Music] hmm [Music] kelly please determine terry's whereabouts great polly [Music] somebody help me found holy terry just exited the highway onto the 7th street stone bridge got it heli poli i think taking route 2 to get to the 7th street stone bridge will be much faster all right so let's get there before terry does heli keep an eye out and tell us where he is okay terry hellie my brakes don't work i can't stop don't worry the rescue team is on their way just try to stay on course i'll try to [Music] kelly what's going on terry's coming down the hill now all right now are you two ready right [Music] now amber you've got to hold on tight all right oh you're safe now terry i'm alive everything looks fine but still make sure you go and get a complete checkup thanks a lot amber oh it's been a horrible day but without you it could have been worse i don't even want to think about how things might have been but no i'm safe thanks to all of you you're welcome being safe is what it's all about that's right terry should you ever need help we're the ones you should call we'll be there for you whenever and wherever thank you because of you guys you make me feel really safe hearing words like that gives me strength that's right my good friends how to cross the street safely kevin kevin we're late hurry up hey doug i need jenny this dinosaur myself huh well she's not gonna like it oh yeah well let's see what you got her sure i got her a present that any girl would love to have show me [Music] whoa i want it oh no this is a birthday gift for jenny but doggy jenny won't appreciate a beetle as much as me i bet she likes it more than she likes your dinosaur are you serious i am [Music] why don't we go ask jenny which present she likes better okay i'll show her mine first hey wait for me wait up dog [Music] coming through boys move aside please hooper's on the road what a busy day so many deliveries let's go guy i don't have all day that's your problem one can you speed up oh sure thing learn how to [Music] that drive was a close one cooper you've gone past the stop line oh holy what if someone had run into the crosswalk sorry my bad whenever you come to a crosswalk slow down okay whooper i will poley green light i'll see you later paulie whooper i'm not sure he's learned his lesson [Music] out of my way quit pushing me that's daddy's house across the street hey what did you stop for all of a sudden to wait for the light you stopped cause i was running faster excuse me i was way ahead of you yeah well i was just gonna pass you oh yeah fine let's see who's the fastest one great but it's not gonna be you yeah that posty he's always putting me behind schedule there he is he won't block me this time this could get really dangerous [Applause] like [Music] you should have slowed down oh you boys okay us kevin doug you should never run across the street like that even when the light is green but poli i thought it was okay to cross when it's green yeah me too green means go but just because the light's green doesn't mean it's safe to run across some cars might miss the light change and not be able to stop in time then what are we supposed to do when we have to cross the street paulie we fly if we could but we can't i know just remember three steps and you can cross the street safely and easily step one always stop at the curb before you enter into a crosswalk and wait for the green light and even if the light is green stop and look in all directions first step two make sure all cars are stopped before you cross make eye contact with the drivers and check that all cars are stopped as you cross step three don't take your eyes off the cars while you're crossing always keep watching to make sure that you see the cars and the drivers see you okay pretty simple right guys yeah just remember it's not about how fast you cross it's about how safely you cross got it got it [Music] happy birthday jenny thanks guys jenny i got a birthday present for you which one is better oh my dinosaur is better right a beetle that's alive is way better [Music] what do you mean jenny i hate them both be careful in the kitchen [Music] see you later then you seem too happy i'm leaving you better remember everything you promised me get all of our homework done don't leave messes anywhere and i will not let the children starve please don't give them only junk food all right not gonna happen i'm making something from the book i'll make you whatever you want as long as it's in here that sounds awesome [Laughter] [Music] yahoo i'm finally done what's that gin this is called the three-step alarm i've never heard of that that might be because i just invented it it rings when children cross into what should be a child-free area child free area yeah a child free area is a one meter zone around things that can cause an accident like a stove or a heater children should be kept from entering that zone very smart huh why is it ringing jin well a child walked into the area didn't he i am not a child just cause you're big doesn't mean that you're an adult yet [Music] [Laughter] [Music] that's amazing dad it's done [Music] oh [Music] it's mom [Music] hello everybody's fine peter of course he's doing his homework [Music] lucy oh yeah she's picking up her toys [Music] dinner yep almost done it already smells great guess i'll move along now please don't forget to install your new three-step alarm we'll install it thanks again bye-bye roy next stop is little peter's house right first we chop all the onions up this is how you do it like this come on dad let me slice a few no no knives are dangerous [Music] now who wants to sprinkle the salt i do take that now the pepper [Laughter] whoa smells great it's almost done huh bet that's mom hang tight for a second kids hello hey honey what's going on me too oh no the meat's burning peter what are you doing the meat's going to burn it needs to be turned ow oh i just turn other side and done peter lucy why do you keep screaming look just knock [Music] we'll have dinner any minute now hurry home children huh smoke's coming out of peter's house [Music] peter grab onto my hand okay children robert you all need to get out of the house right sure [Music] just thank goodness that nobody got hurt thank you roy you saved all our lives i'm sure to make sure that this doesn't happen anymore i've got some safety tips for you when you're cooking never leave the kitchen while the stove is on a fire can break out at any time also put nothing flammable such as towels or paper near the stove's flame because these can easily spread fire and don't let pets or children get near the flames or the hot food they might have an accident and since they won't know how best to deal with it they could be seriously injured yes what's going on here huh it's mom i'm home because you said dinner would be ready now why are you all outside wow well honey you know about the dinner the thing is uh we're eating out instead what are you talking about i just thought we'd go out to eat scooby's present [Music] and i love kids more than anything in the whole world safe arrival everyone be careful when you get off annie tim mary toby sam now make sure you all treat each other nicely okay scooby we're not kids anymore we'll treat each other nicely of course that's right we're grade school students now of course i forgot all of you are now officially in grade school i'm so proud of you all congratulations on becoming first graders oh you'll be late get to your class now we're going see you later bye bye everyone [Music] oh hard to believe my friends are already in first grade time flies so fast i'd love to give each one of them a surprise present but what is good uh should i give them pretty flowers or thank you posty you're welcome how about a cute card oh i wish i could make up my mind huh what pretty balloons that's it i'll give them all pretty balloons [Music] hello mister would it be okay if i bought some balloons from you of course it is i've got some blue balloons and some red balloons i have all kinds of colors this is a present for my little friends so i'd like the most special ones you have something special eh there aren't a lot now let's see not this one not that one see i have exactly five left perfect that's the exact number of balloons i'll need all right but make sure you handle them all with care otherwise they could cause mischief thanks mister thank you very much scooby has some really pretty balloons scooby hi hilly what's with the balloon secrets oh tell me please i promise i'll keep it a secret okay but you can't tell anyone they're surprise gifts for my kid friends who just started brooms elementary school their surprise wow they're going to love them so much do you think so i'm so excited to give them their presents i can hardly wait scooby what about the rescue team can you think of anything we can do to help with your plan something to help me hmm that's it i've just come up with something that you can do wow what is it let me whisper it that sounds like a great idea i'll tell everyone at the station then it's a deal i'll see you after school okay [Applause] [Music] you look so happy it looks like you're thinking about something fun i am happy i just heard about a surprise that involves all of you oh surprise scooby wants us to help him with presents to help give them to his friends what are they for come closer okay scooby's friends just started going to broome town elementary school when they get these balloons the kids are going to love it thank you you're the best friend i ever had oh boy i'm so excited i'm floating like these balloons i just hope everything goes like i [Music] planned oh no my balloons please stop come back my balloons so our job is to put on a surprise show for the kids exactly that's what school bee would like the kids get balloons and then we put on a surprise show that sounds so great we'll have a bow it will be a present that they never forget it will be so much fun it will i think it will be fun too rescue team this is jen oh it's scooby is something wrong it's it's my balloons the wind got a hold of them and they just blew away flew away they're all gone now what am i going to do don't worry scooby there's got to be a way we can help you out really i'm sure of it i'll send a rescue team right away [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh [Music] it's my friends the whole thing is my fault i was too excited and i wasn't paying attention just try and relax i'm sure we can help why not try to find the balloon vendor again i'm sure the vendor would be happy to sell you some more no that won't work he only had five balloons left and they were special oh don't cry scooby we'll find your balloons i know it you will i promise by the way scooby do you know which direction the balloons drifted off oh let me think the blue airplane balloon and the orange star balloon flew behind city hall and the yellow butterfly balloon and the red heart balloon both flew to the west gate but then the soccer ball oh i have no idea where that balloon went so now what just stay calm if we look for them together we'll find them right cheer up scooby thank you friends i believe you're right good so let's go and find them all let's [Music] go i'm sure i just saw some balloons up there holy huh posty hey what are you doing posty have you seen an airplane-shaped balloon around here a balloon i just saw one sailing gently down the hill really thanks posty huh oh no [Music] [Music] well at least you're safe now where did it go [Music] silly though you may pretend to be an apple you're still a balloon good catch hmm oh i found it this tire no i'm sorry mr wheeler i'll take care of that [Music] since i sighed first it is mine i saw it before you which means it's mine excuse me something wrong sorry but i have to take it that balloon already belongs to someone it can't be true if so it's no big deal i was bored with this balloon from the beginning me too me too oh got you you are a troublemaker oh no i am still one balloon short i need one for toby i have to give one to everyone oh so now what oh it's already one the kids will be getting out of school pretty soon oh no what should i do huh hey look up there a balloon what do you know oh that spider is going to pop the balloon what should i do don't worry scooby i'll bring it back wow thanks so much you're welcome kids congratulations you're in elementary school [Music] helly ready to go i'm ready let's do it hey kids look up at the sky huh [Music] wow fireworks i love you kids thank you scooby my pleasure you're still the best friend i ever had [Music] school bus safety oh i sure wish jyn would hurry the kids will be out soon [Laughter] kevin and doug are here hi scooby and wait long scooby no not really i get the window no way excuse me it isn't safe to misbehave on the bus [Laughter] boys all right that should do it what did you make this time gin scooby asked me to come up with a boarding guard so what's a boarding guard well it's a safety device that'll help kids get on and off the bus safely what time is it i was supposed to get this to scooby oh i'll take it to him jin ah i'm going out on patrol now thank you pulley scooby will be so pleased i hope so hmm please guys don't sticking your heads out the window is something you should never do he was right wasn't he yeah why can't you two just sit still when we're in here what's the matter with you i'm listening to you please settle down i need to focus on driving please get back to your seat jenny yes scooby kev what's this hey don't touch it that's mine this is the belt i wear for taekwondo taekwondo yep i'll show ya oh please stop it boys scooby i get off here oh okay jenny [Music] are you all right boys excuse me whoa a red belt we're at the gym kevin you need to get off here too that's right me too wait for me yeah oh doug and kevin are off what a relief that is see you tomorrow scooby oh yeah hey wait up guys what's wrong kevin oh scooby sorry didn't see your belt get caught are you okay yeah i'm okay hey guys wait up no kevin wait [Music] [Music] kevin you know you should never run into a crosswalk it just isn't safe yeah but i didn't see the car coming poli that's my point you didn't follow the safety rules ah okay can we go through them again yeah when you get off the bus a motorcycle or bicycle might be coming always look both ways first then get off slowly after you get off the bus never run around the front to cross the street drivers can't see you and that's dangerous always remember that the doors on a bus or van can be very dangerous too if loose clothes or bags or even belts are hanging out they can get caught in the doors don't let that happen to you always wait on the sidewalk for the bus never step into the street playing fighting loud talking and leaning out the windows can distract the bus driver and cause accidents so sit quietly and always wear your seat belt scooby i'm sorry yeah me too i promise i'll behave from now on thanks boys and i promise to pay even more attention to safety oh scooby a present for you a present for me these look like wings climb a bus not a plane dangerous short circuit [Music] oh goodness scooby are you sick no way i'm all right let me off first jeez i got here first let me cut it out you guys are making scooby feel even sicker what ah scooby are you sick thanks but i'm all right guys you don't need to worry at all see you after a while huh scooby doesn't look good at all we made him feel even worse nice work [Music] scooby we were really worried about you you were scooby we're sorry for earlier yeah we're sorry i didn't know that you were sick it isn't your fault at all guys i've just got a little cold i just need rest but thank you all for coming by colby wait there's more we brought you some get well stuff huh just leave us we'll take good care of you until you get all better [Music] scooby can you please lift your tire up all right scooby where do you put your garbage just right beside the door there hey that tickles a lot there's dust everywhere we'll freshen you up scooby i can't take it you guys stop that's cold huh there scooby how does that feel oh that feels nice leave everything to us [Music] today there yeah great nice and warm thanks very much you guys you're very welcome feel better scooby goodness i'm really hungry me too yeah good thing i thought to bring a whole bunch of awesome snacks [Laughter] hey guys anybody else smell that johnny stop eating bead hey it's not me huh it smells like fire scooby oh please wake up [Music] children hurry climb aboard now put on your seat belt and hold on tight all right huh smoke seems to be coming from school bee's place now please take the children somewhere right away now then that's what happened it's really good to think of your friends but you must use your electronics with care when you plug in devices don't plug in too many at once that much current flowing can overheat the outlet which can lead to a fire also loose plugs can be dangerous plugs that aren't pushed in all the way can cause sparks to occur which can also start fires lastly make sure the insulation on the wires doesn't peel off and that water never gets in the plug a short circuit can cause a fire too do you understand yes thank you roy uh sorry scooby i only wanted to help it's fine guys you made me feel so much better i'm not sick anymore you're not awesome huh it looks like you might have come down with scooby's cold oh yeah guess it's cindy's turn right cindy we're here to help uh i'm fine thanks i'm very fine concrete fuss [Music] huh what happened huh risk you team how can i help you oh gin ah mr builder jin we're in trouble huh we have a major water leak happening somewhere in the system what i'm already digging in several places where i suspect trouble but nothing so far i'm not sure what else to do calm down huh you see i've invented a device i like to call the suspect detector wow gin really really i'm thinking we can use it to find out exactly where the water is leaking from oh that would be great that way we won't have to dig without a plan so gin may we use it now of course you can i will send heli right away i'm on it [Music] huh hey look it's ellie leak detected leak detected i found the leak i think it's right here poke huh dig right here whoa here oh look out wow we found the leak do you need more soil no that's fine the ground is weak here so i think it'll be better to pour concrete now let me see before mickey arrives we need someone to watch the pit who should do that i'll ask bruner to keep watch great that'll work perfectly just tell bruner to be extra careful not to let anybody go near the pit before the concrete has a chance to harden up we don't want that i'll put this sign over there you can't miss that great now if you'll excuse me [Music] don't see you later oh [Music] turn the drums so the concrete doesn't get hard skinny spin spin hello friends hi there dump bruner why do you have that ball i'm practicing for the performance competition that's coming soon hmm hey bruner mickey should be here any minute what dump five i said mickey will be here very soon right perfect mickey said that no one should be anywhere near the pit after pouring the concrete until it gets hard bruner did you hear anything i said sure loud and clear i'm getting good you know i don't think he heard a thing i said you think oh i don't know i hope he'll be okay oh dumb what would you like me to do today i'd like you to follow me awesome score hey the drums so the concrete doesn't get hard huh where is everybody i want them to see my soft concrete is the best they can be oh well too bad here we go the cleanest concrete anywhere that's all of it i'm empty now time for the next job mr builder it seems like there are an awful lot of things to do there certainly are max so then when would you like me to get started in a moment you'll get your turn soon hmm hmm huh ellie can i have my ball back broner what are you doing here what stop playing with the ball oh the pit pit oh the pit sorry all practice is good but not at work practice later yeah right do your work before mr builder gets mad i guess so say where's my ball here but don't worry about the ball now it's very dangerous to bring a ball into a construction site right [Music] wow that's so mean taking my ball away no mickey said he was going to pour the concrete help somebody help help me hey that sounds like someone screaming that's bruner sounds like bruner's in trouble again i'll go bruno help me won't you [Music] jim has there been any news from helly no news is good news right since they're using my suspect detector everything will be just fine huh hallie you can stop the compliments i know my suspect detector is a great invention there's no time to talk about your detector we've got a problem bruner fell into the concrete oh huh how did he get in there help help me i can't get out please hurry that concrete is going to harden sooner or later you hear that you'd better get over there fast now move we're all [Music] hmm oh now what am i going to do soon i feel like i'm going to become hard as a rock hold on bruner the rescue team will be here soon oh why didn't i listen to dumps advice when i had the chance i should have been more forceful when i warned him our poor friend rooner here [Music] please help me it's hardening up the surface has become hard already bruner will be in danger if we try to lift him out i know this is the end goodbye world please stay calm we'll figure something out a strong blast of water could safely get him out are you sure helly i saw it done that strong blast of water lifted poke right up right poke [Music] hmm okay let's go for it roy can you do that sure i can all right i'll dig a hole i'll bring up the blast of water get ready it's working ah no it's not i'm stuck forever oh huh what could be the problem that's why i'm out of water i remember i couldn't fill up when the water supply shut down oh no so where can we find some water now if only there was a fire hydrant nearby i'll ask kelly to take a look heli look for a hydrant please okay just give me a second uh there i see one okay all set that's great let's go [Music] are you okay i'm not sure my body's not working i can't move very well don't worry huh i'm not finished yet now everybody move back look at me move i'm as good as new that's great friend and now i think it's time for the juggling champion to have his ball back yahoo looking good and you can be sure we'll all be there cheering you on i'll just have to win it for you you
Channel: Robocar POLI TV
Views: 6,615,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robocarpoli, POLI, Amber, Roy, helly, Broomstown, 로보카폴리, RoiVIsual, 로이비쥬얼, police, car, ambulance, fireengine, Helicopter, car animation, policecar, rescue team, jin
Id: HeaWnzrxIso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 57sec (3897 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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