Baby Learning with Ms Rachel - Baby Songs, Speech, Sign Language for Babies - Baby Videos

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Hi! Hello! Hi! can you wave? Waving. Waving. This is waving. Hi! Great job, peek-a-boo. Can you play peek-a-boo? Where did I go? peek-a-boo. Peek-a-boo Peek-a- boo Great job. This is clapping. Can you clap with me? clapping. Clapping Good job. Thumbs up. Thumbs up, Thumbs up. Wow. What's that? look! It's a star. Pointing to the star. I'm pointing to the star! Star. Star. Wow. Can you say mama, mama. can you say mama's name? Can you say Mama, mama. Can you say mama's name. Can you say dada? Dada. Can you say dada's name? Can you say dada? Dada. Can you say dada's name? Can you blow a kiss? Blowing a kiss, blowing a kiss. You did it high five. Can you give a high five? High five! High five! Great job. Does a shoe go on my head? No. No, Can you shake your head no? no, no, no. A shoe does not go on my head. Shoes go on our feet. shoes go on our feet. How big is baby? So big! can you do that? How big is baby? So big. Yay! Arms up. Arms up. Arms up. Arms up. How big is baby? So big! So big! Yay! That was fun. Look! Blue car. Look at this. It's a blue car. Blue car. Car. Car. Blue car. What does a car say? Beep beep. Beep beep. Pretending to drive a car! Vroom vroom. Vroom vroom. Beep beep. So fun. Quack quack. Quack quack. Oh, is that a duck? Is that a duck? Yes, yes, that's a duck. Yeah. Yes. Duck. Duck. It's a yellow duck. Can you quack like a duck? Quack quack quack. Quack quack quack. Quack Quack. Good job! Hmmm, can you do? Hmmm. Maybe if we say go, the duck will jump into the pond. Ready? Set, Go! Oh, the duck jumped in the pond, wow! The duck jumped in the pond. Hands are clapping, clap, clap, clap Hands are clapping, clap, clap, clap. Hands are clapping, clap, clap, clap. clap your hands sweet baby. Fingers are wiggling, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle. Fingers are wiggling, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle. Fingers are wiggling, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle. Wiggle your fingers Sweet baby. Eyes are hiding, Peek-a-boo. Eyes are hiding, Peek-a-boo. Eyes are hiding peek-a-boo. Peek-a-boo sweet baby! Hands are waving, Hello Friends. Hands are waving, Hello friends. Hands are waving, Hello Friends. Wave your hands sweet baby. Shhhh. Can you do that? Shhh. That means we need to be quiet. Shhh. Puppy is sleeping. The puppy is sleeping. Let's pretend to sleep too. (Snoring) (Snorning) Wake up, Night, night. Night night. Wake up. Pretend to sleep. Wake up. Oh, the puppy is awake. The puppy is awake. Hi puppy. Hi puppy. Oh, bye bye puppy. Bye bye. Bye bye. Hmmm, What's in the box? I don't know. Can you do that? I don't know what's in the box? I don't know. I don't know. Let's open it and see what's inside. Say open. Open. Open! Oh, wow! it's a Ball. Ball. ball. It's a red Ball. Red Ball. Ball. The ball is bouncing. Bounce, bounce, bounce. bounce, bounce, bounce. The ball is bouncing. Uh-oh. Can you say that? Uh-oh. I smell something stinky. It's stinky. Stinky. Oh no. What's that smell? It's a skunk. Wait wait bye bye Skunk. bye bye Skunk. Bye bye. Bye bye. Can you tap your fingers? Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap. Good job. Let's tap some words together. ma-ma. Mama Let's try dada. Da-da. Dada/ Great tapping. You did such a great job with all of our gestures, thumbs up. Great job, I'm proud of you. Hi Gadi! Hi miss Rachel! I have an idea. What's your idea? Let's both go up! Up. Yeah, I'll count to three. One, two, Three. Hmmm, That's not right. Let's try it again. Okay, you count. One, Two, Three. Hmmm, that's not right either. Let's try again. One, Two, Three. Stop. We're so silly. Can you help us? please? Yeah, please help. Let's sing, say up. Say up, say up, say You said up and now we're both up! Thank you so much for helping. Thank you. This is up, this is up and this is down. This is up, This is up and this is down. This is leaning to the side, side to side and this is turning around. Up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down. This is up, (up) this is up (up) and this is down (this is down). This is up (up), This is up (up), And this is down (this is down). This is leaning to the side, side to side and this is turning Around. Up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down. This is leaning to the side, side to side. And this is turning around. Up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and Up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and Up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down. Oooooo. Aaaaa. ma ma ma ma ma ma Da da da da da da Ba ba ba ba ba ba mama dada mama dada. Oh huh, Ball. Hi! Bye! Great job! Where is your nose? Where could it be? where is your nose Point to it with me? Yeah, you got Where are your eyes? Where could they be? Where are your eyes? Point to them with me. Yeah! We have two eyes. Where is your mouth? Where could it be? Where is your mouth? Point to it with me. That's our mouth. You got it? Where are your ears? Where could they be? Where are your ears? Point to them with me. Milk Milk Milk More More More All done All done All done Three hungry ants marching in a line. They come upon a picnic where they can dine. They march into the salad. They march into the cake. They march into the pepper. Uh-Oh that's a mistake. Ah, ah A-Choo. Two hungry ants marching in a line, they come upon a picnic where they can dine. They march into the salad. They march into the cake. They march into the pepper. Uh-Oh. That's a mistake. Ah, Ah, ah-choo! One hungry ant marching in a line. He comes upon a picnic where he can dine. He marches to the salad. He marches to the cake. He marches to the pepper. Uh-Oh that's a mistake. Ah ah ah-choo. Do you want to play hide and seek with me? Let's play hide and seek with the teddy bear. We'll count and the teddy bear will hide. Cover your eyes. one, two, three, four, five! Ready or not, here I come. Where is the teddy bear? We need to find him. Is that the teddy bear under the bed? No, it's a doll. Is that the teddy bear behind the chair. No, that's a ball. Hmm, Where is that teddy bear? Oh, do you think the teddy bear is under the blanket? Yes, let's check. Oh! We found you. We found you, teddy bear. Now it's your turn to count. Hide and seek is so much fun. Show me your thumbs. Let's sing Where is thumbkin. Where is thumbkin? Where is thumbkin? Here I am. Here I am. How are you today sir? Very well, I thank you. Run away. Run away. Let's sing it again. Where is thumbkin? Where is thumbkin? Here I am. Here I am. How are you today sir? Very well, I thank You Run away. Run away. Can you feed your baby? Pretending to feed the baby? She likes it. The baby is eating. Ring ring. What's that sound? Ring ring. Hello? Hello. Hi mommy. Can you pretend to talk on the phone? Do do do do do do do do do do do do do. Hello? Hi. Hi daddy. How are you? I'm good. Bye bye. Bye bye. See you later! One, Two, Three. Woah! Herbie. Did you just count to three? I just counted to three all by myself. All by yourself. Yeah, I can go to five you wanna hear? Really? Yeah. Okay. One, Two, Three, Four, five. You did it! That's amazing. I have an idea Herbie, do you want to learn how to count to five in Spanish? In Espanol? Would you teach me? Oh yeah, ready. It's very easy. You go Uno Uno, dos, Tres, cuatro and cinco cinco. Yeah you did it! I did it? And you want to know the best part? what? Dame cinco means give me five. Yeah! There's only one problem. What's the problem? I only have four fingers. Four fingers. Yeah. Let's do a Dame cuatro. Dame cuatro. Alright, thank you. Thank you, hug? Yeah mama mama, mama. Dada Dada, dada grandma, grandma, grandma, grandpa, grandpa grandpa. Can you help the car go down the ramp? You say go and the car will go down the ramp. Ready Set, Go! The car went down the ramp. Uh-Oh I dropped my toy. This is the Uh-Oh song, Uh-Oh. Uh-oh I dropped my toy. This is the Uh-Oh song Uh-Oh. Uh-Oh I dropped my toy. This is the Uh-Oh song. Uh-Oh I dropped my toy This is the Uh-Oh song Uh-Oh. peek-a-Boo. What was that? Wow Peek-a-Boo. It's a cow. What does a cow say? Moo. Good job. Moo. You did it. Uh-Oh! Uh-oh! The cow went on my head. So silly. Ah, ah, ah-choo. That was so silly. The cow fell down. The cow fell down. The cow fell down. Yes, that was silly. Oh no! Uh-oh. the cow is going up. Up, Up Up again and on Ms Rachel's head. Where's the cow? It's on my head. Ah ah ah-choo. Ah ah ah-choo. Mooooo That was so silly. Can you do that? Ah. Ah ah ah-choo That was funny. Good job. Look. It's a doll and a box. Wow! Can you help me put the doll in the box? Yes? you say in and the doll will go in the box. Put it in, put it in, put it In. Thank you! The doll went in the box. Pop! The doll popped out of the box. Pop! That was silly. Let's put her back in. We need to clean up. We need to clean Up. Put it in, put it in, put it In. Now the doll is in the box again. The doll is in the box again. Good job cleaning up. Good job cleaning. Up. You did it! Can you say Weee? That's fun. Try it with me. Weeee. Weeee. I know a fun song that says weeee. Oh, we are two sailors come from o'er the sea, if you want to go away again, come along with me. Oh wishy washy, wishy washy, wishy washy weeee. If you want to go away again Come along with me. Oh, we like to wash and scrub up in the tub So come right in and join us and scrub-a-dub a-dub. Oh wishy Washy wishy washy, wishy washy weee. If you want to go away again come along with me. Potty, Potty, Potty Bath, bath, bath. We need to help the baby get dressed. What does the baby need? Hmmm,What goes on his legs? pants. Yeah, he needs to put on pants. Pants pants. Yay! Now what does he need here? A shirt. Say shirt with me shirt. Now he has a shirt. Now he has a shirt. What does he need on his Feet? Hmmm. He needs socks. Yeah. Say socks with me, socks, socks. He needs socks. Yay! Now he has socks. What goes on his feet after the socks? Shoes. He needs shoes. Say shoes with me. Shoes. Now he has shoes. Yay he's happy! should we give him a hat? Yes, let's give him a hat. Say hat with me. Hat. Yay! What if he wants to go outside? What does he need to stay warm? A jacket or a coat? Say coat with me. Coat. Yay! Now he has a coat. Now he's ready to go outside. Yay! Thank you for helping me get him dressed. Hat, Hat, hat. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. Peek-a-boo baby. A songs for littles book. Hey little baby, where are you? You're behind the chair, peek-a-boo. Hey little baby, where are you? You're under the blanket, peek-a-boo. Hey little baby, where are you? You're behind your two hands peek-a-boo. Hey little baby, where are you? You're behind the teddy bear peek-a-boo. Hey little baby, I love you. Let's play together, peek-a- boo That was so much fun reading a book with you. I'm a little teapot short and stout. Here is my handle. Here is my spout. When I get all steamed up, hear me shout, tip me over and pour me out. Let me see you do your teapot dance with me. All right, here we go. I'm a little teapot short and stout here is my handle. Here is my spout. When I get all steamed up, hear me shout, tip me over and pour me out. Very good. Eat eat eat apple apple apple banana banana banana cracker cracker cracker cookie cookie cookie. Two little eyes to look around. Two little ears to hear each sound. One little nose to smell what's sweet and one little mouth that likes to eat. Yay, Good job! Wow friends. It's mr potato head. What does he need? what does he need to see? eyes. Yeah, we have two eyes. Let's give him some eyes. Hooray! Now he has eyes. What does he need to smell? Yeah friends, he needs a nose. Nose. Can you say push with me? We need to push the piece in. push push. We did it. What else does he need on his face? How about a mouth? Yeah. How about a smile and a tongue to taste? Say push with me, push it in. We did it. What does he need to hear? Yes, he needs ears. Help me push them in Push. we pushed it in. Now he needs one more. Push it in. Push Hooray! What do we wear on our head? Hmmm. A hat. Yay! Should we give him a blue hat or a green hat? How about today we choose blue. You say on and I'll put it on! put it on, put it on, put it on. Yay! Wow, he looks great. Now let's give him feet. Push! We put on the feet. and now we need two arms. Can you help me push in the arms? Say push Push we did it. Push we did it. Hooray! Thank you so much for helping me. I'm so happy He's so happy. Mr. potato head is so happy and I'm happy too. drink, drink, drink water water water juice juice juice Hmm I'm thirsty. I want more water. More water. What do I do? Say more, say more, say More! Oh wow, more water. More water. More water. Thank you for helping me get more. Let's sing Old Macdonald had a farm! old Macdonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O And on that farm he had a cow E-I-E-I-O With a moo moo here and a moo moo there. Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo moo. Old Macdonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O. What's next? It's a pig? Old Macdonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O And on that farm he had a pig E-I-E-I-O with an oink oink here and an oink oink there. Here an oink, there an oink, everywhere an oink oink. Old Macdonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O. What's next? It's a horse! Old Macdonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O and on that farm he had a horse E-I-E-I-O With a neigh neigh here, and a neigh neigh there. Here a neigh, there a neigh everywhere A neigh neigh. Old Macdonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O. Look! It's a chicken. Old Macdonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O. and on that farm he had a chicken E-I-E-I-O. With a cluck cluck here, and a cluck cluck there. Here a cluck, there a cluck, everywhere a Cluck cluck! Old Mcdonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O. Wow, it's a sheep. Old Macdonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O. And on that farm he had a sheep E-I-E-I-O. with a baa baa here, and a baa baa there. Here a baa, there a baa, everywhere a baa baa. Old Macdonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O. I see a duck. Old Macdonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O. And on that farm he had duck E-I-E-I-O. With a quack quack here ,and a quack quack there. Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack quack. Old Macdonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O. play play play Car Car,car. Ball Ball Ball Book baby, baby, baby. Here we go looby loo Here we go looby light. Here we go Looby loo All on a Saturday night. You put your right hand, you put your right hand out, you give your hand a shake, shake, shake and turn yourself about. Here we go looby loo, here we go looby light. Here we go Looby loo, all on a Saturday night. You put your left hand in, you put your left hand out, you give your hand a shake, shake, shake And turn yourself bout. Here we go looby loo. Here we go Looby light. Here we go Looby loo, All on a saturday night. You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out, you give your foot a shake, shake, shake and turn yourself about. Here we go Looby Loo, here we go Looby light, Here we go Looby Loo, All on a Saturday night. You put your left foot in, you put your left foot out, you give your foot a shake, shake, shake and turn yourself about. Here we go Looby Loo, Here we go Looby Light, Here we go Looby Loo, all on a Saturday night. You put your head in, you put your head out, you give your head a shake, shake, shake and turn yourself about. Here we go Looby Loo Here we go, looby light Here we go Looby Loo, all on a Saturday night. You put your whole self in. You put your whole self out, you give yourself a shake, shake, shake and turn yourself about. Here we go Looby Loo, Here we go Looby light Here we go Looby Loo, all on a Saturday night. Help Help Help Wait Wait Wait Stop stop, stop Go Stop horse. Go horse. Great job horse! green means go. Go, go go. Yellow means slow, slow, slow, slow. Red means stop. Go go, go slow, slow, slow, Stop. Good job. Should we do more? Let's do more. Green means go. Go go go. Yellow means slow. Slow, slow, slow. Red means stop. Go go go slow slow. Stop. Good job! Yes Yes Yes No No No peek-a-boo peek-a-boo Peek-a- boo. Good job. I'm so happy, jump. I'm so happy, jump clap. I'm so happy today. Jump, clap, spin, stomp, stomp, Hey! I'm so happy, jump. I'm so happy and nothing's Gonna bring me down today. I can sign and dance I can hang out with my friends I can draw a picture of the sky. I can spin around, I can go upside down Even if it's hard I wanna try. (I wanna try) I'm so happy, jump. I'm so happy, jump clap. I'm so happy today. Jump, clap, spin, stomp, stomp, hey! I'm so happy, jump. I'm so happy And nothing's gonna bring me down today. What if it rain? no, no, no I can dance in the rain. What if it's cold? I'll have hot chocolate to drink? What if we fall? It's okay I can get back up again, My joy is in the way I choose to think. (Yes it is!) I'm so happy, jump. I'm so happy, jump, clap. I'm so happy today. Jump, clap, spin, stomp, stomp, hey! I'm so happy, jump. I'm so happy and nothing's gonna bring me down today. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. So happy. And even when it rains, I'll dance out in the rain (I'm so happy) And even if I fall I'll get back up again (I'm so happy) I'm so happy Up, Up, Up. down, down, down The girl is going up up up. Now she's going down. Outside outside outside sleep, sleep, Sleep Red, Orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. I love a rainbow, I love a rainbow, I love a rainbow oh oh oh oh Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, Indigo, violet. I love a rainbow, I love a rainbow, I love a rainbow oh oh oh oh I love a rainbow, I love a rainbow, I love a rainbow oh oh oh oh please Please please Thank you Thank you Thank you Sorry sorry sorry. Oh Mr. Sun, sun Mr. Golden sun please shine down on me. Oh Mr. Sun, Sun Mr. Golden sun hiding behind a tree. These little children are asking you, to please come out so we can play with you. Oh Mr. Sun, sun, Mr. Golden Sun, please shine down on me. Mr. Sun sun Mr. Golden sun Please shine down on me. Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden sun hiding behind a tree. These little Children Are asking you to please come out so we can play with you. Oh Mr. Sun, Sun Mr. Golden sun please shine down on, won't you shine down on, please shine down on me. Can you pretend to be a banana with me? Go like this and pretend you're a banana. Okay are you ready? Bananas unite! Peel bananas, peel, peel bananas. Peel bananas, peel, peel, bananas. Chop bananas, chop, chop bananas. Chop bananas, chop, chop bananas. Mash bananas, mash, mash bananas. Mash bananas, mash, mash bananas. Eat bananas, Eat eat bananas, eat Bananas. Eat bananas, eat eat bananas. Go bananas! that was so fun. Great job. Want Want Want Want milk Want juice Want water Good job! You did it! Everybody grab your ticket, follow me. Come inside the zoo There's so much to see. Look at how the elephants are stomping their feet, look at that giraffe having leaves to eat. Walking at the zoo walking at the zoo, me and you. Walking at the zoo walking at the zoo, doodily doo. I can see an ostrich and her egg and a pink flamingo standing on one leg. I can see a peacock prancing around and a lazy lion laying on the ground. Walking at the zoo walking at zoo, me and you. Walking at the zoo, walking at the zoo doodily do. Swinging around like a monkey in a tree. Swimming around like the penguins 1,2,3. Look at how the sloth moves really slow. Cheetahs are fast, they go go go. Now let's wave goodbye to the big baboon, bye bye zoo we'll see you. Walking at the zoo, walking at the zoo, me and you. Walking at the zoo, walking at the zoo doodily doo. Let's sing Mary had a little lamb Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb. Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow. Everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went. Everywhere that Mary went, that lamb was sure to go. Alright, sing with me now. Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb. Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow. Everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went. Everywhere that Mary went, that lamb was sure to go. ma ma ma ma Ma ma ma ma. Mama you said mama! da da da da da da. Wow! Dada? daddy's in the kitchen. Bear? Oh, the teddy bear? You see the teddy bear! It's a brown teddy bear. Let's get the teddy bear and playing with it together. We're playing with the teddy bear. It's fun. It's time for a special book about belly breaths. Breathe Slow and Steady Teddy, by Rachel Accurso and Zannah Ford LCSW. Teddy is feeling mad because his block tower fell down, breathe slow and steady Teddy. Everything's OK. Take a belly breath. Now what do you say? I feel better. I can ask my daddy to help me build it again. Teddy is feeling sad because he misses his mom. Breathe slow and steady Teddy. Everything's OK. Take a belly breath now what do you say? I feel better. I'll see her soon, I can make her a picture. Teddy is feeling afraid because he doesn't like the dark, breathe slow and steady Teddy, everything's OK. Take a belly breath Now what do you say? I feel better. I can ask for my nightlight. When I take a deep breath, my brain works better! When I'm calm, I can figure out what I need. Taking deep breaths, helps me! Can you try it? Put a stuffed animal on your belly and make it rise. Great job. The end. Remind me, What do I do when I'm feeling mad? Stop, breathe slowly In and out. Stop breathing slowly, there's no need to shout. You can make a smart choice, feelings come and go. You'll feel better soon. Start by breathing slow. Oh yeah.
Channel: Ms Rachel - Toddler Learning Videos
Views: 220,345,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ms rachel, miss rachel for babies, baby songs, baby sensory video, cocomelon, baby learning videos, videos for babies, baby videos for babies to watch, learn to talk, sign language, baby signs, baby sign language, ms rachel baby, ms rachel baby talk, mrs rachel, rachel toddler learning, songs for littles, baby talk, baby videos, 1 year old, toddler learning video, toddler videos, toddler songs, blippi, cocomelon nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes, first words, babybus, baby
Id: zmEv7vTOQGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 2sec (3602 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2022
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