Curious George 🐡 Snowy Delivery Boy 🐡 Kids Cartoon 🐡 Kids Movies 🐡 Videos for Kids

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[Music] George loved to watch his friend Bill deliver papers when it came to newspaper delivery [Music] Bill never missed a Target [Music] and Bill never ever missed a delivery day 364 days of perfect delivery you know what that means George [Music] uh if I deliver all my papers on time tomorrow I'll win the golden pouch [Music] yep the golden pouch is only given to the best of the best George and I aim to be the bestest ah one more perfect day and that bag is mine [Music] but the next day was not perfect it was lousy George wondered how Bill would ride his bike in all that snow oh not very well it turned out can you believe this George biggest day of my career and I can't even get out of my driveway last time it snowed this bad pug knows O'Reilly crashed on the Lake Street curve sprained his elbow and had to retire that's how I got his wrap it's no use [Music] so long golden pouch that's the spirit George did freckles McFadden the all-time winningest golden pouch winner quit during the snowstorm of 79 ah no he did not if freckles didn't quit neither will I now push me city boy push me [Music] thanks George but the trouble with biking in the snow is if you manage to get going [Music] you often Can't Stop [Music] ah [Music] I can't even make my first delivery how am I gonna finish my whole route in time hey if you're not delivering papers want to pull me around in the snow bikes did not work well in snow but that thing did [Music] I've never used a toboggan before but so far it's great thanks for thinking of it George [Music] of course once we get to the flats we'll have to pull it but we'll make such a good time on the way down it won't matter [Music] good morning thanks Boys Hang On gotta steer around this curve [Music] hey you boys all right foreign [Music] don't know much about toboggans I'm not much on snow Sports I guess I spend too much time playing with my trains maybe there's something else you could use in here instead [Music] George Ben George realized you can steer by leaning [Music] George you're a genius why didn't I think to lean that's how we can steer the toboggan George had spent a very busy morning in the park chasing dragonflies and watching clouds being a monkey was hard work [Music] George had never met this dog before but the dog didn't seem to mind [Music] with a new friend here catch [Applause] wow your new friend is really good at catch Blaze that's George George lives down the block this town's not normal George this is Sam our new probe that means he's probationary he's training to be a fireman but first he has to pass all the tests [Music] you fire dog Blaze he's on probation too because he keeps running away and one of Sam's tests is to keep Blaze from running away but we probably have to look out for each other right Blaze okay buddy back inside nice meeting you George [Music] come on Blaze George hoped he saw his new friend Blaze again soon [Music] George had the strangest feeling he was being followed [Music] guess not [Music] with those footsteps George heard and panting a mailbox with a tail [Music] what will they think of next Blaze [Music] Blaze ran off can you help me find him he looks just like that dog under the mailbox [Music] I love you too Blaze you Wheezy yes I do but you've gotta stop running away yes you do you do maybe they didn't notice we were gone lazy hey you lost them again didn't you probie he's like a ninja but I know how he got out this entire wall of the station is a giant door and it was open we closed this and he'll never get out again bro well we have to train now Blaze but we'll play later thanks for your help George [Music] you stay here okay blazy stay [Music] Blaze was very bad at staying what if he got out and Ran So Far Away they couldn't find him how would someone know to bring him back to the Firehouse [Music] aha if Blaze had clothes like the firemen everyone would know where he came from [Music] ah [Music] everything in the station had a label to say where it was from maybe Blaze just needed one of those Firehouse labels on him [Music] after a little searching George found one he hadn't even made that big of a mess well for a monkey [Music] George headed home sure his troubles with blaze were over [Music] [Music] but then George thought he heard footsteps again ah that was odd it had been a very Sneezy winter [Music] first George had been sick and now it was the man with the yellow hats turn George hoped his special cold-fighting little bit of everything soup would make him feel better [Music] tada huh I I'm sure it's delicious George but I can't taste anything oh George I wouldn't do that if I were you Boone was just in my mouth it probably has cold germs on it see germs are too tiny to see but they're inside me and cold germs are what made you sick when they got inside you [Music] yep so be sure to wash your hands [Music] George wish there was some way he could help the man get better [Music] but all that cooking had made him one sleepy little monkey [Music] [Applause] [Music] George had just fallen asleep strange sound [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] George remembered the last time he and Yoki had flown around in the spaceship he had become very small and had flown all around his own body [Music] George find those germs that were inside the man with yellow hat [Music] if George could kick them out the man might get better [Music] what a big mouth George wanted to explore but there was no time he had germs to find headed for the stomach [Music] got into the man's stomach they found out they weren't alone [Music] George knew that germ it was toots he and his friends had made George sick before now they were playing a concert in the man's stomach well I'm a ramblinger I'm always out on the go I'll bring you down and head up to another show well I've been lots of places floating free as a wheeze riding on your silverware a flyer not sneeze cause I'm a rambling [Music] dirty [Music] people all across this great big land especially in the folks who don't wash their hands because soap makes me wiggle and soap makes me sneezements [Music] [Music] I'm coming to New York Times welcome germ to the hey you're no germ you're that meddling monkey you'll never catch us this time never [Music] okay foreign [Music] could get stuck in that stuff when you live in a city you see all different kinds of buildings tall ones and short ones square ones and curvy ones but of all the buildings in the city George's favorite was that George and Steve super skyscraping skyscraper Tower hey that's cute you two are almost as good at building as bees are [Applause] bees could build things where'd they find tools that small [Music] come on I'll show you what is that honeycomb it's what bees make inside a beehive bees build hives to lay their eggs and to store pollen and honey hmm wait a minute you mean all that gooey stuff in there is honey [Music] yeah see those cells bees make those with wax from their own bodies isn't that amazing yeah it's a Marvel of engineering an engineering marble that smells marvelously delicious today is Earth Day and I'm doing my junior Farmer's Earth Day speech on honeybees you want to hear it if we say yes can we have honey maybe okay these are amazing creatures they build hives and trees mostly thousands of bees can live there all the other bees follow a queen she's the biggest bee and there's only one in a hive every bee has a job drones mate with the queen but worker bees go from flower to flower getting nectar and pollen to make honey have you heard a word I've said uh oh yeah the honey and stuff you want to try a taste oh my ballet class I'm gonna run I'll be back around five [Music] thank you Betsy I'll just have a little [Music] oh man that is good try some ah [Music] this is too delicious okay one last Little slice and then I'm done we ate Betsy's honeycomb and she needs it for her speech oh what are we gonna do foreign good thinking George we'll buy more honeycomb let's go do you have honeycomb honeycomb [Music] why does no one have honeycomb hey I know in Betsy's picture The Hive was in a tree right the park is full of trees maybe there's a beehive in one of them let's go [Music] be careful bees can sting they might not like you touching their hive [Music] George couldn't find a hive but he found something almost as good [Music] thank you in Earth Day celebration good thinking George maybe they have bee things here [Music] howdy Buster beesman's name but you can call me Buzz honeycomb we need honeycomb sorry fella just sold the last one no oh this is a beehive I built it from scratch a beehive it didn't look anything like the beehive in Betsy's picture [Music] it was a beautiful day on lake wanasink lake fishermen were fishing herpetologists were herpetology and monkeys were monkeying it's a boomerang you throw it and it comes back to you hey [Music] well it's supposed to come back foreign [Music] ball no it's an egg ah where'd it come from a bird's nest of course huh maybe it rolled here poor little fella how do you know it's a boy egg I think it's a girl egg and I'm gonna name her Tiffany still it's a bad spot for an egg eggs are great for some things Michelle lets in air and moisture and keeps out dirt that's good but because they're so thin they let in cold and heat too that's bad that's why birds sit on them so the egg is always the right temperature an egg without a nest might not hatch George had to get the egg back to its nest before it was too late flash him around we have to find her mommy so she can come and sit on Tiffany good idea oh my paper out oh I'll come help as soon as I'm done it's up to us George how we stay here and protect Tiffany while you find the mommy [Music] all about eggs [Music] help [Music] found an egg huh one big egg might be an eagle egg huh that's the only bird around here with an egg that size there's an eagle nesting in the Pine Grove down by the lake that's just wanna have a picnic no dress passing past this [Music] did you find the mommy George [Music] well hurry the egg might get too hot oh you found an egg can we see it now uh shells are thin you might wake Tiffany from a nap yeah [Music] want some watermelon [Music] Ali was right it was getting hot George had to hurry well they've got to be here somewhere they couldn't just walk away well they could I just hope they didn't because that would be a disaster [Music] Eagles sure did have big nests and really big eggs to go in them his egg was nearly so big how could Mr rankins ever have thought his egg was an eagle's egg he'd drawn his egg way too big [Music] was a big day for Hundley he was in charge of the building for two weeks in the mornings while the doorman went to fire safety class Miss coppotnik's coming to get these flowers Huntley and Jerry will be here for her quarterly visit I'll be back in a few hours and just like that a dog had his own building [Music] what's this someone eating Miz caplotznick's flowers it was up to Huntley to lay down the law boom all right [Music] Hunley was scaring the caterpillar away very very slowly Huntley noticed it was long and low to the ground kind of like him but it still shouldn't be in his building huh wait long low and cleaning the lobby it was exactly like him on Lee had a new friend Hundley Jr George wanted to show Hundley his new ball [Applause] looked like Hundley wanted to play catch [Music] he wasn't very good at it though [Music] Conley wasn't about to let a runny jumpy georgie-ish monkey near his new friend Uncle Junior might get squished George tried to tell Hundley there was a caterpillar behind him hello Hundley was relieved George hadn't ruined things [Music] Hundley was giving him flowers okay not for him for the caterpillar to eat Huntley JR could live in the lobby forever oh maybe he'd even be a doorman when he grew up yep the lobby was a great place for a baby caterpillar Hundley remember me I'm Jerry I'm here to get rid of your bugs [Music] the lobby is a terrible place for a baby caterpillar you might want to go outside while I spray [Music] they needed a new place for Huntley Jr to live foreign [Music] ly like George's idea Hundley Jr was up high and safe but close enough to see from the lobby a tree was the perfect place for him to live except [Music] his neighbors wanted to eat him [Music] outside was out [Music] Hundley wondered where else his new friend could live hundley's favorite place to live was his home it was warm soft and safe that's it Huntley JR could live with him [Music] hey Hundley is the doorman around I need him to sign for this package whoa let's go well I'm running behind today so close enough have a good day Hundley had to stay in the lobby and take care of Hundley Jr but he couldn't do both at the same time and the only one around who could help was a monkey oh once upon a time in a land not so far away George was at his last rehearsal for his very first Community play in the play George was a castle guard [Music] you really wished he were a knight like Stephen Betsy Knight's got to ride horses and had cool helmets plus Knights were really Brave but the man said there are no small roles there are only small monkey actors yeah [Music] so George kept practicing to make sure he said his line right [Music] sire two writers approacheth guard last George's big moment was here [Music] she'll wreck the stage guard the castle it was just like in the play but Sharky did not halt Sharky kept ride on go [Music] oh my God [Music] well at least the castles in one piece [Music] medieval castles had dragons we have Sharky well we better get busy rebuilding the set and the props we'll get the flag back you guard the stage George in case Sharkey comes back George felt awful it was his job to guard the castle and he'd messed it up [Music] [Applause] [Music] Sharkey came back during the play tonight he needed some way to keep turkey off the stage for good but it's hard to think if you've stayed awake all night practicing your one line especially if your costume was hot and the stage lights were hotter what hole huh that means hey what's up a dragon is on the loose don't want it getting into the castle again [Music] it's it followed us to the castle [Music] good guard George had to stop the dragon it would proved his bravery and the King might make him a knight whoa nothing is worse than dragon breath except maybe Dragon slobber my banquet stopper [Music] [Applause] can you not stop the Beast [Music] don't laugh and laugh my magic hath met its match [Music] [Music] king would never make good guard George at night now how can we have our celebration with that Beast destroying the castle and then the little guard remembered Dragons Were sore afraid of bats monkeys are natural born explorers so when the Man with the Yellow Hat decided to visit buncha beak Island to photograph Birds George decided to explore with him as the radio here's the throttle and here is the key I think the key ring is big enough easy there fun to play with though okay here you go powerful that's the only key we have really I they used to be five Keys one for each squint the first key he fell down the drain [Music] second key fell down the drain the third key fell down the rain what happened to the fourth key probably fell down the drain so be very careful with this key it's the only one we've got don't worry Mr Quint we'll take good care of it won't we George well what are you waiting for shove off have fun at last it was time for exploring an Explorer always keeps an eye out for interesting things huh George saw interesting birds interesting fish and a very interesting water monkey oh [Music] oh [Music] but the most interesting thing George saw was a water lump and it was following them I wonder what that is [Music] what do you know George it's an otter pup hello a pop the man couldn't be right that thing didn't look anything like a dog its paws were like hands and its toes were like fingers only they had webs plus George didn't know any dog that could float on his back but it did bark maybe it was a dog [Music] not a pup like a dog young otters are also called pups ah from the look of him he's a very young pup he must live around here they usually have homes called dens along the shore huh a den [Music] George didn't see TVs sofas or any other Den furniture just a hole [Music] otters are very playful and very curious almost as curious as a monkey [Music] I think he likes you [Music] what do you know saludovicianus also known as a Rose-breasted gross beak you want to go with me or stay with your friend [Music] to put this someplace safe foreign [Music] the man was right about the otter he was very playful he played peek-a-boo [Music] and hide and seek [Music] the man said the otter was a pop [Music] maybe he liked to play fetch too [Music] the only thing little monkeys like better than being in pictures he's taking pictures [Music] hey George look guess what it's up you'll never guess guess [Music] um they're perseids Percy what they're teeny tiny animals that look like purses oh I think I heard my grandpa talking to my Grandma about them he says you can see them best down by the lake [Music] oh George that's a great idea what picture of them that will make a perfect surprise for Grandpa wait [Music] you can only see perseids at night George aha but grandpa said you can see the best of all if you get up early early in the morning ah fisherman early if you both come with me grandpa says I can go sure ah no George I can't take the picture uh-huh no I may be great at doing drawings but I'm not nearly as good a picture taker as you ah oh besides if I take the picture I can't be in it see you bright and early [Music] early early early [Music] [Music] hey Allie George Dale what are you doing up so early looking for the perseids oh they're beautiful have fun yeah this way [Music] keep your eyes open perseid should be around here someplace grandpa said you can't miss him oh [Music] shooting stars wow [Music] be sure to save some pictures for the Percy it's George okay they're here somewhere do you see them no [Music] bill you go that way in Georgia go this way aye aye oh [Music] I hear something ah I hear something here hey too late they're gone well of course because you scared them okay Persians are delicate gentle creatures like me well this isn't going to work yeah if only we had a way to talk to each other without making any sound oh wow good idea George we'll just wave to each other if we see a perseid okay let's go [Music] here Percy Percy Percy [Music] it's waving Bill's trying to tell us something ah he's saying go go this way oh [Music] that way get that way hurry George George was excited he was on his way to Australia no we haven't even taken off [Music] here you go George maybe this will help [Music] foreign [Music] we're in Sydney g'day welcome to the land down under I'm your tour guide Bailey Bungie how'd you know it was us we recognized you by a monkey mum said a monkey would be on the Safari so I beg to come along this is my vacation too my daughter Bindi and you must be George let's get going your Australian Outback Safari Adventure awaits I hope you like animals because you're about to meet a lot of them [Music] enjoy the view [Music] we have so many strange animals that'll Amaze you these are dingoes wild cousins of man's best friend I bet you make a new body just wait and see you'll find a friend smiling back at you no worries [Music] koalas foreign [Music] [Music] strangely refreshing keep your heart wide open and chew [Music] snake no worries [Music] ways [Music] [Music] here we are all the Comforts of home or even a shower [Music] no George [Music] no worries George we get rain six months out of the year so the tents are waterproof today was great but tomorrow's going to be even better we're gonna see my favorite Australian animal the what's that cook I've never heard of an animal called a cook isn't an animal Cooks a cook la la la he plays a didgeridoo whenever it's time for dinner wow that was neat [Music] meal why don't you get some shut eye yes you have a big day tomorrow okay I'll set up our beds [Music] these were the biggest Footprints George had ever seen he wondered who or what made them [Music] the prince went one in front of the other ah but these Footprints were side by side [Music] really far apart [Music] ah the only way you could get that far and keep your feet side by side was by hopping George loved to watch his friend Bill deliver papers when it came to newspaper delivery [Music] Bill never missed a Target and Bill never ever missed a delivery day 364 days of perfect delivery you know what that means George [Music] if I deliver all my papers on time tomorrow I'll win the golden pouch [Music] yep the golden pouch is only given to the best of the best George and I aim to be the bestest ah one more perfect day and that bag is mine [Music] good foreign but the next day was not perfect it was lousy George wondered how Bill would ride his bike and all that snow oh not very well it turned out can you believe this George big career and I can't even get out of my driveway last time it snowed this bad pug knows O'Reilly crashed on the Lake Street curve sprained his elbow and had to retire that's how I got his route it's no use [Music] so long golden pouch that's the spirit George did freckles McFadden the all-time winningest golden pouch winner quit during the snowstorm of 79 ah no he did not if freckles didn't quit neither will I now push me city boy push me [Music] thanks George but the trouble with biking in the snow is if you manage to get going [Music] you often Can't Stop [Music] [Music] I can't even make my first delivery how am I gonna finish my whole route in time hey if you're not delivering papers want to pull me around in the snow bikes did not work well in snow but that thing did [Music] I've never used a toboggan before but so far it's great thanks for thinking of it George [Music] of course once we get to the flats we'll have to pull it but we'll make such a good time on the way down it won't matter [Music] good morning thanks Boys Hang On gotta steer around this curve [Music] hey you boys all right [Music] I don't know much about toboggans I'm not much on snow Sports I guess I spend too much time playing with my trains oh maybe there's something else you could use in here instead [Music] Ben George realized you can steer by leaning [Music] oh there George you're a genius why didn't I think to lean that's how we can steer the toboggan George had spent a very busy morning in the park chasing dragonflies and watching clouds being a monkey was hard work [Music] George had never met this dog before but the dog didn't seem to mind [Music] Blaze there you are with a new friend here catch [Applause] wow your new friend is really good at catch Blaze that's George George lives down the block this town's not normal George this is Sam our new probe that means he's probationary he's training to be a fireman but first he has to pass all the tests and that's our new fire dog Blaze he's on probation too because he keeps running away and one of Sam's tests is to keep Blaze from running away but we probably have to look out for each other right Blaze okay buddy back inside hey George [Music] come on please George hoped he saw his new friend Blaze again soon foreign [Music] had the strangest feeling he was being followed [Music] guess not [Music] steps George heard and panting okay a mailbox with a tail [Music] what will they think of next [Music] find them he looks just like that dog under the mailbox [Music] I love you too Blaze you Wheezy yes I do but you've gotta stop running away yes you do you do maybe they didn't notice we were gone lazy hey you lost him again didn't you probie he's like a ninja but I know how he got out this entire wall of the station is a giant door and it was open we closed this and he'll never get out again bro well we have to train now Blaze but we'll play later thanks for your help George [Music] you stay here okay blazy stay [Music] Blaze was very bad at staying what if he got out and Ran So Far Away they couldn't find him how would someone know to bring him back to the Firehouse [Music] aha if Blaze had clothes like the firemen everyone would know where he came from [Music] ah [Music] everything in the station had a label to say where it was from maybe Blaze just needed one of those Firehouse labels on him [Music] after a little searching George found one he hadn't even made that big of a mess well for a monkey [Music] George headed home sure his troubles with blaze were over [Music] [Music] but then George thought he heard footsteps again ah that was odd it had been a very Sneezy winter huh first George had been sick and now it was the man with the yellow hats turn George hoped his special cold-fighting little bit of everything soup would make him feel better [Music] tada I I'm sure it's delicious George but I can't taste anything oh George I wouldn't do that if I were you spoon was just in my mouth it probably has cold germs on it see germs are too tiny to see but they're inside me and cold germs are what made you sick when they got inside you [Music] yep so be sure to wash your hands [Music] George wish there was some way he could help the man get better [Music] but all that cooking had made him one sleepy little monkey [Music] [Applause] [Music] George had just fallen asleep strange sound [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] George remembered the last time he and Yoki had flown around in a spaceship he had become very small and had flown all around his own body [Music] George find those germs that were inside the man with yellow hat [Music] if George could kick them out the man might get better [Music] what a big mouth George wanted to explore but there was no time he had germs to find headed for the stomach [Music] he got into the man's stomach they found out they weren't alone [Music] George knew that germ it was toots he and his friends had made George sick before now they were playing a concert in the man's stomach well I'm a ramblinger I'm always out on the go I'll bring you down and head up to another show well I've been lots of places floating free as a wheeze the riding on your silverware a flyer not sneeze cause I'm a rambling [Music] dirty [Music] people all across this great big land especially in the folks who don't wash their hands because soap makes me wiggle and soap makes me a Germans a revolution [Music] welcome germ to the hey you're no germ you're that melon monkey quick run for it you'll never catch us this time [Music] watch out for the mucus the jam could get stuck in that stuff when you live in a city you see all different kinds of buildings tall ones and short ones square ones and curvy ones but of all the buildings in the city George's favorite was the George and Steve super skyscraping skyscraper Tower hey that's cute you two are almost as good at building as bees are [Applause] bees could build things where'd they find tools that small [Music] come on I'll show you what is that honeycomb it's what bees make inside a beehive bees build hives to lay their eggs and to store pollen and honey [Music] wait a minute you mean all that gooey stuff in there is honey [Music] see those cells bees make those with wax from their own bodies isn't that amazing yeah it's a Marvel of engineering engineering marble that smells marvelously delicious today is Earth Day and I'm doing my junior Farmer's Earth Day speech on honeybees you want to hear it if we say yes can we have honey maybe okay these are amazing creatures they build hives and trees mostly thousands of bees can live there all the other bees follow a queen she's the biggest bee and there's only one in a hive every bee has a job drones mate with the queen but worker bees go from flower to flower getting nectar and pollen to make honey have you heard a word I've said uh oh yeah uh honey and stuff you want to try a taste oh my ballet class I've gotta run I'll be back around five [Music] woohoo thank you Betsy I'll just have a little [Music] oh man that is good Trace them [Music] this is too delicious okay one last Little slice and then I'm done we ate Betsy's honeycomb and she needs it for her speech oh what are we gonna do [Music] good thinking George we'll buy more honeycomb let's go do you have honeycomb honeycomb [Music] why does no one have honeycomb hey I know in Betsy's picture The Hive was in a tree right the park is full of trees maybe there's a beehive in one of them let's go [Music] this can sting they might not like you touching their hive [Music] couldn't find a hive huh but he found something almost as good [Music] thank you an Earth Day celebration good thinking George maybe they have bee things here [Music] howdy Buster beesman's name but you can call me Buzz honeycomb we need honeycomb sorry fella just sold the last one no oh this is a beehive I built it from scratch a beehive it didn't look anything like the beehive in Betsy's picture [Music] it was a beautiful day on lake wanasink lake fishermen were fishing herpetologists were herpetology and monkeys were monkeying you throw it and it comes back to you hey [Music] well it's supposed to come back foreign [Music] ball no it's an egg ah where'd it come from a bird's nest of course huh maybe it rolled here poor little fella how do you know it's a boy egg I think it's a girl egg and I'm gonna name her Tiffany still it's a bad spot for an egg eggs are great for some things Michelle lets in air and moisture and keeps out dirt that's good but because they're so thin they let in cold and heat too that's bad that's why birds sit on them so the egg is always the right temperature an egg without a nest might not hatch George had to get the egg back to its nest before it was too late slosh him around we have to find her mommy so she can come and sit on Tiffany good idea my paper out oh I'll come help as soon as I'm done it's up to us George how to stay here and protect Tiffany while you find the mommy [Music] all about eggs [Music] help [Music] found an egg huh it's one big egg might be an eagle egg huh that's the only bird around here with an egg that size there's an eagle nesting in the Pine Grove down by the lake that's you just want to have a picnic no dress passing past this [Music] did you find the mommy George [Music] well hurry the egg might get too hot oh you found an egg can we see it now uh shells are thin you might wake Tiffany from a nap yeah [Music] want some watermelon [Music] Ally was right it was getting hot George had to hurry well they've got to be here somewhere they couldn't just walk away well they could I just I hope they didn't because that would be a disaster [Music] Eagles sure did have big nests and really big eggs to go in them his egg was nearly so big how could Mr rankins ever have thought his egg was an eagle's egg he'd drawn his egg way too big [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 592,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: etWqTrLKXj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 45sec (4305 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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