The Little Bear Movie
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Channel: Little Bear - Official
Views: 5,618,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cartoons for Children, Funny animal cartoons for kids, funny animal cartoons, funny cartoons for kids, cartoons for kids, cartoons, cartoon show, funny cartoons for children, funny cartoons, funny cartoon for kids, funny cartoons collection, funny cartoons playlist, Animal Cartoons, father, papa, papa bear, little bear, little bear full episodes, bear, bear show, little bear (award-winning work), treehouse, tv, preschool, Treehous Direct, treehouse direct
Id: hKqri_XuIWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 22sec (4522 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 15 2014
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I never knew that Maurice Sendak created Little Bear.
I forgot about the Little Bear movie. Always the last show before Noggin became The N.
I always thought it was weird that Emily, a human child, was able to talk to Little Bear and friends. In this universe, do you think all animals (including humans) were able to understand each other? Why did mother and father bear wear clothes but other animals did not?