Cubitos - GameNight! DateNight!! Se8 Ep40 - How to Play and Playthrough

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[Music] do game night date night tonight on game night date night nikki and me lincoln are going to teach and show you how to play qubitos a game for two to four players designed by john d clare and published by aeg as the box says you better be fast or be last welcome to game night date night tonight we are going to play cubitos in this game we are all citizens of cubitos and every year we get together to participate in the qubitos cup yeah so we've got a race track laid out here and we've got lincoln and nikki racing cube see i'm a monkey you're a lion i am a lion you're leo and we also have uh dice and lincoln will explain all of the dice when he starts explaining the game but we also have all these different wonderful powers that we can uh pay for to activate our terms by buying dice well the way the game works is basically it's uh you you do this stuff together it's kind of a little bit like quacks albert in that regard we would both be doing this but we'll play we're going to play it mostly um each player doing a turn so that we can clarify what we're doing so people can see but you're going to have a dice pool that you will as you go you discard them over here and then you can't bring any back until you've completely used all those dice okay and you're going to choose at the beginning of the game we each get to start with nine which we only have nine dice we have seven basic and two of the darker ones and the basic ones only have one face and that has a coin on it and then the slightly more advanced dark ones have one movement which is indicated by this foot and one coin you're going to choose all these to roll and it's a push or luck game so we are racing but we're also pushing our luck to see if we get the most out of our dice that we can possibly get before you roll 0 faces so if you if you have something like this your turn is over and you lose everything that you've rolled and you only gain a an advancement on what this is called this is the fan track and that's the one one way you gain uh unfortunately gain advancements on the fan track and i'll explain what that does when we get down to the board here but you're going to be rolling your dice activating the ones that you're going to keep and you can keep re-rolling until you pass or you bust as nicki mentioned we have these different powers for these dice here these change you can change them in a game there's scenarios that have them set up and recommended tracks there are four different tracks for this game we're playing the start one which is called nothing nothing goes right so this is a race track we're only turning left and these are the cards that uh that we have for this one that tell you what the powers are for these dice you'll draw nine dice in the beginning as we have here to roll in that round and you're going to roll all the die and then determine what you're going to keep each turn now i'm going to definitely keep those i put them in my active zone okay then if i decide to continue again which i would although i could buy rich dog for two and i get another dollar coin whatever these cube bucks two bucks i want to go again because i'm crazy and i got one so i'd probably stop now just because who knows so this would give me one movement and four coins to spend and you are allowed on your turn to purchase two different dice they have to be different colors but that is the max that you can purchase on your turn but what we're going to do is use your abilities first if there's any special dice that you have in your pool and that the faces came up okay then you're going to resolve this mill this strength one which is another die that we'll explain that in a moment and then you determine how many how much money and how many action uh movement you have then you're gonna do your movement you're gonna move your cube on the track hopefully to end up on spots that will give you bonuses and i'll go over those in just a moment and then you're going to buy you'll get to buy your two and then you discard the dice so anything that was active and was used goes to the discard and any that didn't get used so they have no face value on them go into the roll zones for your next choice yep you're going to use those the next turn for sure then you would reset all of these because you have only four to take so then you would again we only we're allowed nine so i'd take all these again i'd roll all these dice you're going to want to try to get rid of some of these lower value ones because they only have one coin face and the rest are blank so there's a good chance that you won't uh you might not gain what you need there and actually these should be this way because this is roll phase then run phase rules phases first and as you're moving on the track you can see here like we have this very first spot here would give us two coins you get that's actually to credit you take the two credit and you get to keep that between turns but you must spend if you're going to spend it you don't have to spend everything but you have to spend anything you gain in a roll okay right in that turn it doesn't doesn't carry over only the credits carry over there's a little chance for confusion because you're resolving abilities and determining how much you gain um so you have to kind of track that i'm not sure what we what we do is if you have them in your active zone then you just you know this is money that you have and then you have your your um chips you just spend them this way right you would go like that yeah the problem is of course some of these special powers give you additional coins which again they count the same way unless it says it's a credit and then we'll go over those in a moment let's look at some of the icons on the track as i pointed out we have the two credits there's this one here that lets you lose a die that was what i was talking about earlier where you might want to get rid of some of these light gray dye and they actually go out where they don't come into your pool you can choose from where you want to remove it for example i would probably remove it from this pile so that i don't have to roll it this round if i had some other special dice that i wanted to do so anywhere i could remove it from the draw if i wanted to absolutely okay these are more money or more yeah credits this here is what i was talking about the fan track so if you land on this you get to advance yourself on this fan track and what this does is initially you just advance on the fan track as you move along here you'll gain a credit for when you advance this you'll have a credit plus an additional movement excuse me an additional die which you put this on your ch uh draw roll pile and then you have you have 10 dice that you can have to roll with and then there's basically the same type of thing all the way to the end and then every time you advance on the fan track beyond that beyond 13 you just get six credits which is good but i don't know the credit i don't know that you're going to get there right i mean some of these might be maybe there's multiple times around the track there's only so many of them on the board you'll notice though that some of these spots if you land on them you will get to lose a die gain a fan on the fan track lose two dice uh gain two credit two credits there's one where you lose two dice but you're coming around here in the end and you might want to angle in if you notice here there's a line that shows the shortest path around the track okay dark yep the little dark line and this one is actually gaining a die correct correct there's a spot right here and there's one here and when you land on that you get to choose any die of your choice to add to your drop a discard pile okay and do you have to land on these to try you do have to land on these okay there is another uh icon on another map that is the jet pack that doubles your remaining movement okay when you hit it or when you start on it but we um we don't have that on this board what do these red lines do the red lines are to d like a catch up mechanism so every line that you have ahead of you before you catch up to your competition you gain an additional die that you can put into your uh your roll pot there nice yes absolutely the um the game's actually pretty simple there's not much you have to worry about there's not going to be a lot of money it seems like you have to really target some of these spaces to really gain it um because you know there's only so much we have one two that's it two flags wow and so but you're going to gain more here you're going to gain i'm sure we're going to probably uh we're going to bust many times because it seems like you're going to really be pushing it you've got a lot of dice in your pool that don't have any uh much value to them and you know you need to get more dice that add movement one thing i forgot to mention before we get to the cards you cannot bust until you have at least three active faces in your active pool so if you roll just all blanks the first round you're okay you're okay you can keep rolling until you have at least three active dice and then you lose those three and then you lose those strengths so on the cards we have the rich dog rich dog is kind of neat because he's inexpensive but he just gives you money so when you get the face that has the three on it which is this one here you just get three coins and again those are those are what you need to spend on this round and then if you get the dog face which is this one here you collect the three coins but you must discard the die so it's an inexpensive die to add to your pool will give you more currency to potentially purchase other dice so you're probably going to be buying a few of these initially and discarding means it goes back into back into this pool yes it's not in your discard pile it goes into the box all right then we have mr soldier mr soldier is the one that uses these power faces in a normal game when you're rolling together you're going to judge who has the most of these faces okay and then you get that action if the other player if you don't have it you don't get it but you also don't lose one of the die but what it does give you is when you when you do have the most power in that you gain three credits and two movements so it's pretty great but you'll lose one of these die as well if you lead and then those are those ties are broken by whoever the start player is and i'll explain this is what indicates a start player i'll explain that in a moment so then we have rock on rock on is if you push meaning you roll again after you've started you've done your first roll you would take it it would need to have the shield visible but you would get to push that back into your roll zone to roll okay and the good thing about that is it also has a movement on it so this has three faces which means it keeps keeps you alive potentially and your ultimate goal is to hopefully get another movement out of it and that costs four this game i don't think i mentioned mr soldier was three then smelly cat i know i don't know what they're feeding it but it costs five and what that gives you is it has movement on the die has two regular movement plus it has the cat and the cat just gives you two movement that symbol gives you two movement as well then we have bob bob is doing oh you know it's telling you what phases this is the run this is the run that's where you compare this is the active that's when you're doing things and then this is the run bob is also on the run after you move that means that you've put all your dice into active you've you've uh stopped rolling before you busted then you're going to take you're going to do movement first so you take all the movement and then you move your cube to where it is and then you can potentially gain the benefit of a space up to two spaces away from you so you could choose this two credit here or this um fans track movement which is pretty great and that also has its two faces two of the bob's spaces which are like peace sign plus there's also two credits for that one yeah and bob also costs five then we have the dugout which costs seven it's also uh you do it when it when the face comes up when the face comes up you take an additional three dice from your draw zone and roll them into this into the uh into your active zone right okay and then you take any faces that you have and put them in your active zone so then those dice are still in your pool when you continue to roll the ones that don't go to your active zone we have reckless cheese reckless cheese is interesting when that face comes up in your roll every time you push from that point on as long as you have the cheese in your active zone you get to move one additional space on your track but you must push so every time you push it goes forward so this seems like it's something it's expensive it costs 10. yeah but it might be something good to get early on and remember you can collect credits to potentially pay for some of these more expensive ones the most expensive one is the rollosaurus which is 12. but what that one does is when that single face on the die it's not necessarily likely to come up but when that does come up you gain four movement from that which is nice which is really great then we have this die right here this is the start player die so you get this die does not count to your total your dice total so you will get to roll 10 dice on your first turn because of this this is a powerful diet has two coin uh two coins one credit and one movement okay so that actually has a die face that gives you credit not just um the values not just coins you must spend this round so that's pretty great i have this still in my pool which i don't have a plus one diaphragm die in my pool now movement on the track we have some obstacles you cannot go through water i mean there are some dice that when that you have the right card will allow you to move over water okay which is cool um there's also on the other sides we'll show when we're done there's some things like that are shortcuts and things like that that you either spend money or movement to to activate but when we get around the track the winner is whoever crosses the first if more than one person crosses the track uh at the same on the same turn then it's whoever went the furthest beyond that you you fully play out any movement you have and then whoever went the most and if there's still a tie then you play another round really yes okay to determine who the winner is john declare does not like ties friendly time i'm pretty sure i can't we've played quite a few of his games and i know i remember that at least once before that he did he doesn't like ties uh you want to want wants a true winner so you're the first player nikki p and we're gonna as i said we're gonna do this uh you know turn based so yeah so go ahead and i mean we might get further on we might start playing rolling at the same time but go ahead right now you've got what you've got with you and that additional die which is fantastic all right so all nine on my die correct plus the start player down yep there's one thing i didn't mention actually nikki p you spend four coins for each edit for an additional movement if you want so towards the end of the game when you're not wanting to spend you can um okay you can do that well that was all blanks okay well you roll again okay yeah it's likely that's going to happen the odds are very high that you roll lots of blanks all right i got it oh i got a two on that one nice two coin active and a one and a one right i will continue okay you have three now you could bust i could bust i know a foot and another coin so that's what's going to happen i'm stopping so the rest of these go in the roll discard oh yeah they're all facing exactly you'll be rolling those five and then i'm going to move one and take two credits two credit yep and you can use that now or save it and now i've got two three four five six seven yep and you can buy up to two dice well definitely rich dog is one that i think is worth you could go with smelly cat right off the bat and get more movement and i like smelly cat so uh two three four five so that's all of those being used yep that's correct um for smelly cat smelly cat goes into your discard yep and then i've got a two left and i could buy rich dog if i want to and that's movement also isn't it no it's it's coins it's just coins but it's it's rich dog he's going to help you get more money to buy more coins dice i'm going to do it because i would like to get mosasaurus you know so there's two well you might have to save to get rolls okay who knows that was my turn remember these are going to be coins that you must spend too that that doesn't contribute to uh maybe getting to a 12. i mean once you have some credits it might be good that um to get a chance to be able to get that roll of source i will roll my nine die that's all i get this turn and you can land on top absolutely i was just going to say that exactly that i was hoping that i would get to at least move one and say that but there you go you've cleared five i'm sorry so no it's okay i got three so i'm immediately combust but i would like to have a little bit of movement so let's see what we can do here woof and a movement and a foot so that's four that gives me six oh you know me i'm gonna roll one more time i'll cry here now hey i got one more i basically have the same kind of thing you have okay because i have a total of five plus i'm gonna move exactly where you're at yes i guess you can get to it on the track i get two yep two credits thank you and i can spend i move that into discard oh these go into the roll zone and i'm going to do exactly the same thing unless i want to do bob hmm bob's nice i think i'm going to do bob initially so i'll put a bob here bob's going to let me claim one of these just within two spaces away when that symbol comes up if you'll notice i didn't actually say this the dice also have these uh additional dots around them that indicates some of the other cards have a this is an additional thing that will happen right so you have the the first and i don't know exactly what they do and then this is another condition that you would be able to um okay activate crazy and that cost me those five and then i'll spend the two and get uh i'll get the rich dog rich dog okay nikki it's your turn i know it's my turn now it is so i take that die i add that to this so i have three and now i can add more here so of course i'm going to take all the higher value dice yes that's uh seven eight nine okay okay i kind of hope i roll well i want the coins i do like the idea of rolling the credit on that uh first player die oh well i only got a foot out of that that's not a hand nikki p that's a foot that's not a die roll that's a foot yipes okay well at least i got more movement here i want a coin i got a coin now i could bust yep i'm gonna go for it another foot wow hmm so i moved three one two three i could get lose a die i'm not sure that although i tell you you got to get rid of these dice at some point uh one more i'm sure this is it oh thank goodness okay so these go out or they don't go out they go into my roll zone so i have these five dice i was really hoping i could get a bob yeah but i'm going to move three so i move these three spaces here i'm going to go on to the loser die and i'm going to lose one of these because that's coming up in my next turn then i get one and then this dog rich dog gives me three additional coins this round but i lose it now so now i have a total of four coins and i guess i will take a rock on that cost me all of my four and then these move over i've used all these and now it is your turn these slide over two you've got five i know i have five so you can add four more definitely that one seven and then the two dark grays yeah here we go oh kitty i got a casey smelly cat smelly cat two coins and rolling again one and one another movement nope no movements you still have the brown dye there right but you you're not no but brown has two faces so it's like the dark dye i think i'm gonna not do it so these go hey hey okay so you get to move two two one two yeah one two that's used and then four four you're gonna do a rock on rock on yeah okay cool that one's great because it does have movement on it and that has the shields that let you activate its power okay so you're the start player again oh i get to go right now so there's a cool thing i have four i have to use these come back four oh i'm sorry accidentally accident four five six seven eight correct okay nine yeah plus the other yeah ten total yeah okay roll them up i got a foot on that one that's not a hand that's a foot was that it no no a cat i got a kid oh cat that's three things remove my toes and i can roll again without worry yep because you won't bust hey three three five that's great so in that case the the dog uh rich dog you don't lose the die you just get the three coins right because a dog icon didn't get right again okay well i know the big guys big guy didn't arg now what you've got six coins it's pretty great but goodness gracious you still have a 50 chance on that that start player die oh let's you're gonna do it let's see how how a bust looks what is like you didn't hey and now i'm stopping i would say that's good let's go there so you have a lot you do have a lot so first thing you do is movement you move three that's mine one two three you want the two credits yeah two credit now you could have a bunch you could probably do the 10 now right or the 12. so you have 2 3 5 6 7 8 11. you have 11. one away so maybe save the two credits for potential higher ones and then spend what you got here which is five nine well you could do the dugout and rich dog bob is good yep that's seven you can you don't have to land on something you can get it you have nine right you can do a rock on an additional rock on that's total a rock on and a bob that's what's happening cool rock on is cool because it gives you the chance it keeps you in the game potentially right you got three faces that give you a fifty percent chance for something now it's my turn so i have these plus these so that's six dice and then i will take these three as well roll them up getting slippery on this surface okay i got two feet and a bob finally got a bob but it's not oh a box yeah bob's good bob's your uncle but i need i need a little bit more well i would get that flag i'm gonna roll anyway i might be stopping there two movement total of two movement which would give me two coins i think i will do that i'm going to move you're stopping yeah i mean it's it's not a good chance there you can go so i get i'll wait i get two credit plus i have an additional one from my die roll bob also lets me choose something up to two away and i'm going to take i'm gonna advance my flat fan track one okay it doesn't give me anything this round but moves me towards some goodies and then i might be able to land on it depending on my movement so now i have a total of three and since i really don't have a lot i'm going to go ahead and go with that and i did the bob did the movement and i'm going to get mr soldier you are yeah it doesn't matter it's i lose it if it comes up and you don't if i if i win so those go into your role yep and you are now start player yep okay well i get this plus some more of these which is not going to be all of them unfortunately i have a total of six i get three more i will take bob which lets me reach out and that's definitely good this is helpful and then this one and these will stay which is kind of too bad yeah you need to get rid of more yeah whatever dark one okay here we go so i get a credit i've got a shield and your bob only gave me money that's fine but i get to put this back into my roll pile because that's what rock on does and then i roll again i get two coins and a foot that's not a that's a foot okay and then i'm going to roll again i know i'm pushing it but you are hey i think i'm done but at least that's the oh well the the this is huge if this comes up though it's three credit and two it's good it's five i got five i don't want to do it six i have six i'm going to move one i did not get bob though i'm gonna move one and then i'm going to let me see this is a total of five you know what i think i want a smelly cat so i'm gonna keep this credit build towards the future you can turn that into a credit a real credit that's what this is okay because it's two coins a foot or a credit i didn't notice that correct distinction there yep and then i'm gonna get five so i will get the smelly cat smelly cat what are they feeding you okay nikki p it's your turn ta-da okay i just go into my rolls-royce already then these move in here yep you can put them into the tray if you want like you have because they have to be so you have five now yep now slide all those over and then take four more from that i know now we're running into like oh i don't know if i want to get rid of that two three you also want to leave some have some extras to be able to roll when you start to get things like um dugout in your hand which you didn't get yet i thought you were no this is i don't know okay here we go [Music] foot a foot is that all you got that's all i got wow okay well you still see a lot of light gray in here yeah this time hey three a three and a one and another one all right hey cat and bob smelly cat bob and a wall and that would be that i'm done now yeah i would say so okay so first you get three you could do this one two three if you want to land on that i do okay it's one two yeah so there's that so i move up one on the fans track yep which is nothing right but you also can do bob right okay that's move and then i'm gonna bob the two bob bob's your well it's not credits but but yeah go ahead remember yeah oh yeah yeah i'm sorry yes that is credits mob and now you have six to spend now i have six seven eight ten sure but i just thought you were saving first roll asaurus but yeah reckless cheese is interesting you want to get it early i would say that that's probably a good choice because you want that face every time you push you gain an additional movement so you want to again you only have two faces that have the cheese on it but you got a third of a chance uh you know 33 chance of getting a cheese and then if you push again you get another movement all right buy enough get it get a movement you can buy a box and a smelly cat i'll do that instead i don't know about that reckless cheese yeah i'm not sure yet either but i do want to get a chance to do it okay so there's that there's those all go into that and this all goes away okay so i have these i'm done it's your turn now here you go that's that so i have two again and then all of these go yep you have no choice plus the big die and the big guy what do i got in there i have four seven four five six seven yep you take two more take both the cats probably yeah or bobby cat but bob they could maybe get close enough to losing something yeah you would be good to lose a die maybe both bobs i'm gonna do both bops roll it up okay two bobs well there you go you got your chance to get that now oh okay i was putting it in there so i could at least get one and then the shield goes into your active you get to move the shield into your pool to roll again all right just trying to understand that one i saw you do it but i was still like okay another shield so you're safe at least there got it no i got a one okay so you get to roll that back in there if you want if you're gonna go so yeah one more time back i'm gonna go one more time do you have smelly cat in there you don't no shield all right i'm done forget it you could do it one more but i agree it's there's so few dices definitely pushing your luck so that's just done so you get to move one and i believe since there's two you have two you're going to be able to take both the two credits and lose a die and i would lose one of these if you want um you know what i mean well yeah because it's two away so two credits one two with a bob one of the bobs and then one two for losing a gray die so out that's the other bob and then i've got three five total if you want well three i'll get the warrior guy mr soldier mr soldier yeah okey-dokey so it's my turn i have these four plus these two and then i get an additional three so i'll just do these three and roll it up okey dokey i get that plus that i'm gonna put that back into there and roll it up come on something good i don't really have a lot here that's good okay i get a bob and a movement and this which i will push back into here and roll and hopefully not be all blanks okay that's right now three coins get the other coin in there yep there's another it's a 50 these are all good i'm going to go for it what the heck what we'll see the first zonk here oh hey well everything came up okay so if it wasn't your if you hadn't already had your turn this would be an issue sure now it is an issue for me i do get three credits and two movement so i have a total of three movement this goes away this goes away so now i have three movement total i will go one two three i get two more credits and i'm going to take the bob to get rid of one more wow everything went out so i'll get rid of one of these that's my total movement that goes away and i did bob so now i have five credits plus six i have 11. oh one away from the rollosaurus well i was saying that reckless cheese was um i'm gonna do it reckless cheese i'm gonna spend four of these wait i think i need to spend them all no i need to spend five i leave one that's what i was thinking okay and then these five and i get reckless cheese it's kind of like reckless eric okay i still have one credit it is now yeah it's my turn there you go so i have no dice i have these two i really don't have i still have quite a few gray light gray obviously i'm going to put the cheese in there let's hope i get that there's a you know 33 chance that's seven so three seven nine okay that's what i'm rolling wish me luck okay go yipes these need to actually go into the tray okay i got a movement and a and a uh two coins come on cheese no cheese you got a foot i've got a it's not a hand that's a foot and i'm gonna keep going because i have a lot of good stuff well sort of good stuff here i actually don't oof okay at least these paid out so i have three movement i did not get bob ah gosh darn it that die is in there come on something good okay well a coin we're down to the last well he's gonna wait yes so he'll go into the zone for the next turn um mr reckless cheese mr reckless okay so i have a total of four movements wow so let's just do that four one two three four one two three four i think i want the gray one two three four i'm gonna do that i'm gonna lose another gray die and that'll go over there because that's gonna come in immediately and then i get to spend an addition i get to spend six seven if i would like i'm gonna get a dug out dug out sure so all that goes away i get out of dugout in my pool and it's your turn okay so you've got two dice right that are in your roll but i also have this uh line right but that would we would have determined that at the beginning of the turn right because we're rolling simultaneously so you still have your nine dice sure okay uh there's two and then all of these have to go so what do i got two four six nine i have all my nines wow okay so these all go yep over to the draw firm another turn yep the green one's not in there so it really won't make a big difference i got a green one well dug that's the one that really actually might make a difference hey nothing oh it's okay you're still still safe cat well that's good is that the only one yep that's the only one well you're still safe you got two more dice you need to get in there in the active zone to be able to even have a chance of busting pay another cat shield and nothing else so i put the shield back put the shield back in there wasn't there a gray one in there as well yeah i must have missed it okay we'll take it out and put it over there take one out so now you have three now what do you have left in here um did you get anything yeah i have two feet well then put them in there that's six movement that's huge okay i wait yep okay six movement let's move and three coins if you want it so i'm gonna move in the end track uh one two three four five six okay well that's probably a good move i mean you've got enough movement dice in your pool okay um so those go and then i've got three and it feels like it's a waste to not spend at all but i don't really want any of that but i should probably always take a die so i will take the dog okay so there's one die there you go and one goes into your discard okay now you start your turn all right so i got four and then uh five six seven eight nine okay there you go cool roll it roll it up and that one yep [Music] two bobs two bobs a one and a dog and that's it go again okay three just one another movement seems like such a waste to not roll not for sure i mean that's what i want i did yeah all right you busted it i busted boo hoo bust okay well darn it that was a lot of stuff oops the one that didn't have a face so you advanced one here on the track nikki peak oh because i busted yep we didn't bust here since you you gave us the first example of a bus here's an example of that okay so i get this one plus this one in a seven additional die i'll go with these three and these three that is six seven eight nine okay here we go yipes okay a foot and a coin not great okay now i got cheese finally so cheese a movement a foot and i got the dugout so i get to roll those two additionally and i'm oh yeah those go independent of the stuff nothing happened there should i go again i've got two movement if i go again i get to move one for free i'm gonna move one for free come on okay so i made it i get well it doesn't even matter i do get the movement for pushing i think i will probably stop there it is three movements and three coins so that means you used um reckless cheese right correct yeah that gave me that additional movement right there um i am done because i don't want to risk it so these three go back into the roll pile reckless cheese so i move three plus reckless cheese moves over there and that moves over there one two three is there's something there nope and then i get three coins i'll get a mr soldier and my turn is done here you go yep my turn to go first i've got these four or these three and i will take i get six more i'll take these and these since i have this in here nikki p you get to choose what you you probably should roll as well all right so i have to take that one and the roll and then the two from the draw i mean if you're going to roll then you need to take the red yeah five eight nine okay simultaneous role [Music] we've got one right off the bat i got two movement and a two movement and a bob and a shield oh another movement here that's a two meter two movement i'm going to put that back in there and roll again okay so i keep rolling you do okay yipes almost busted i'll go one more me too okay now i've got the uh the swords or the i have the same as you um there's only two two cheese two ah these are gonna stay okay i pushed it once i'm not pushing it anymore okay done so i have we both have one of these but since i have the start player die i get it you don't lose your die but i do okay so i get three credits and i get an additional two movement so i have a total of six movement okay one two one two three four five six six i want to do six so i can get that three so i will do that and then i have my bob here so those are gone here why did i have six oh because of the thing then i have the bob which will give me additional three credits and i have one coin plus these six to spend i think i need smelly cat because i need more movement although that was a pretty great movement turn that cost me five one two three four five so i still have two credits i don't think i'm gonna really have the opportunity to get the big one there and that is my turn okay we're gonna resolve my thing which was uh one movement so that's gone then i'm going to use bob for that and get rid of the gray then i've got three three and the two three coins plus two credit you have a total of five i'll just i'll spend it all and get a spelling cap smelly cat okey-dokey and you are the start player again that was fast quick turn around all right so one two three four five six you're gonna do the other two yeah all three actually seven eight nine yeah plus that plus that yep then these all go over here this is not fabulous stuff that's okay you got good stuff and you got two movement right there and a bob the dog is three coins but it is gone but it is gone okay i will do the what is that rock on rock on another movement a foot and a coin i'm actually going to call it good okey-doke all right so i get one credit for that yep you can save that or spend it now okay and then the dog is um three coins do i take the three i wouldn't take it just just remember it's three you have four coins right four coins total yeah i'll do the movement you're gonna do one yep two three yep and then bob i can bob behind me too right now and remove another gray yep there's bob then i've got three four and five so this goes out i'll just do another rock on because i i that's actually been pretty good too having another rock on seems like a good time so that stays because i used it all in die okay it's my turn and i have these six to start off with which i have these movement ones huh i think i want these two [Music] that's eight and a bob bob i have a bob hopefully the orange one dugout comes up hey it did so i roll these three why don't you move these out of here because i dug out yep because the dugout came out hey another foot and a coin well that was kind of exciting it was and i'm gonna roll again which is crazy but who knows okay cheese cheese got some reckless cheese going on in a coin oh one more go so i get a free movement okay lucky so i get that free move i would have gotten the free movement anyway and then i have that movement and all these go over into the roll pile so i get a total of three movement this is already used this is already used so three movement one two three and then i have bob it's not it's four away i had three away i'll take this well do i want to move remove a gray die i think i want to remove a grain now and then that goes away and i have two and i will take a a rich dog and i'm done your turn oh it's my turn again looking at this now we have three spaces between us three lines you actually had one line oh so you would have gotten one extra die so roll it let's roll one of the grey down what will it do okay the just the light a light one yeah let's just see if you if you got if you get a movement or something a coin out of that yeah nothing okay okay well now you're gonna get three that's fine so because i'm the start player now right yes okay so put your set your dice up don't forget you have three how do you track okay you get three additional so um three nine there's my nine yup you get another three and one two these slide over ooh bob or fl or green i got two greens in there already or cat or bob okay i'm set up when it's my turn okay i get six more dice these two three four five six gosh darn it i don't know yeah i guess so well we should want the power ones because then if i get this i'll get to roll these three as well you should probably roll at the same time have guys you don't no i lost it when i got that the last time oh yeah that's the thing about uh mr soldier okay i got the cheese right off the bat and i get to roll these other three so and i got the cat okay that was nothing but i get the cat and the duck dug out he doesn't he's already so you just did it yep we put them over on the discard because we know we've done it here we go well there's still a bunch of good dice in here i get two movement right off the bat woof one coin yeah thank goodness i got one because uh i have three active dice already so i pushed and i barely made it so i get to move that for the reckless cheese which goes off well actually it's active until i stop right this is also going to give me three coins which i don't know that i need okay well then i'll roll again which gives me another movement okay i got a bob this was something too i don't know it was a foot or something i don't know what that was so i'm just going to leave it as a not that i don't know what it was in that coin or maybe that's what i was going for was that coin i don't think we had that much okay i'm pushing again okay i actually shouldn't have taken that because i you only get the uh reckless cheese if you don't bust if you don't bust it it does it is weird though you're pushing right but it's something that you need to know okay i've got you didn't bust your reckless breakfast cheese boy i think i'm within spitting distance of the uh win one two three four five i have three movement right now no i have four movement right now oh are you gonna wish your luck dilemma hmm wow so i i have a good chance oh whatever okay so i got i get the movement and i okay get two coins which isn't really important but i guess that gives me another movement so i will move these go here although the game is probably over it is i have a total of six eight i'm going to take that in movement of course so first a year right your real movements right well this is part of it yeah so i get four movement one two three four plus that's this here and then i got all of this which again is eight total coins that goes away and i'll move an additional two okay boy oh boy i don't know but you won immediately i don't even take my two no you you still have your turn i do oh right because we would be simultaneously right yeah so you go roll well you've got a bunch of dice there's a chance you're gonna buy anything what if there's another i already spent all of my money on two more movement okay well i mean you might as well right it pushes me beyond the the finish line so i set myself up already two movement there plus oh that's great too there there i think that's all right but you get to push the the sh you put the you're still safe yeah you're missing this put that back into your active roll zone there yep but you could bust now i could bust now but you already have i got it you have four movement right now i gotta just go for it that is a foot and two bobs and a three hmm not great for the movement well bob's or that's where bob's kind of suck at the end of the game you don't necessarily need to spend you want to move and they don't have any movement on them yeah i mean i wonder if there's any like additional movement spots on them oh there is the rockets rock on has a foot yeah it does wow neither of them and nothing so you can push those three two back in and roll again you have to go you have to just keep going keep going till they bust yeah or hopefully you don't bust there's one foot in a coin one foot and a coin and then in out out you got left just three dice three the only one more movement how much movement do you have now you have two three four five six does that one two three four five six yeah you can't do it you needed to have all cats to even maybe get around the corner yeah and i had a more cat another cat over right you needed this that would have been great if you had that so should i just stop i would roll again it doesn't make any difference right you have i want to see yeah hey remember those are only going to be coins the other ones that's the only other movement you have on it yeah okay well then it's just okay we're done and uh let me just move me um so it's two six total one two three four nope four five six five six yep okay and then you would have a bob that would you get three i guess that's three that's three away you can't can't do either of those yeah there's nothing none of my bobs would have the downer is this you could have gotten an additional six coins from this right that would be a movement and a half then you would add that that would give you um two three that would be two total well i got one of those yeah you still you what should i one more to get an additional movement there and then wait you also get three coins we're not done yet yeah you get three coins for the uh soldier soldiers mr soldier so you move you're gonna be within range of these one two so you're within range so that's an additional six coins okay six so you have now nine ten you get eleven twelve you get three more spaces one two three there you go that's much better that looks better yeah but that's that's crazy that actually was quite a bit of movement around the track so this is great like now this is gone but those are really cool because they give you a lot of money those seem like those might be great at the end of the game mr soldier has got a lot on it except all you get exactly but all you get is three coins and two no matter no matter how many you have you just win you just potentially win the opportunity to get those three coins into movement but that's i know pretty good at least for this level of play i know that there's more cards to do for sure there's a lot of difference in the game um first thing is is like we can look at the other side of the board sure so we didn't really get anywhere on the fans track that's actually kind of disappointing but you can see what we didn't really bust though you know that was what was crazy oops okay let's put that over like that well i was hoping to get um some of the purple hands from the fan track right now i would like to have an additional die as well yeah well you got that bonus at the end and you would have had one more on the other one but again it would have only been a coin bonus of up to a one coin this is an example with the shortcuts so you instead of going all the way around this uh obstruction of the lake here or the pond you spend eight coins and you move all the way over here and you gain two coins and a fan on that one and there's a jet pack right next oh there's a jet pack right there so if you roll a lot of feet you're going to double them up on that turn and if you're in the space if you hit if you start on it or pass through it on your turn so once you pass through it then any remaining feet you have are doubled this is you gain a coin excuse me you gain a die that is four or less in value it's not as exciting as the one like this one here that lets you just gain any dye we didn't get any of the purple ones that's kind of sad this is another shortcut this is a pretty massive one that goes all the way around but you have to spend seven movement to make it again you lose a die and you gain a fan for doing that and then you have to come through here which is money but you know if you have i don't know seven movement seven movement seems like a lot for this close yeah that one's six coins is that the deathly hollow is that what that is so look at the space right before it is two boy you want to stop and then yeah lose two die yeah that is cool and then there's another two maps here let's show those here we go and i'm sure it's a little bit more of the same this is a this one has a lot of choke points right but there's some there's this very valuable pass through but you must have 15 on the other side to be able to get out of there could you imagine what would you do over there i guess you'd keep i'm not sure what you'd do you'd have to have 23 in advance i think to even potentially get that unless you got high value coins but i mean that's a very it's a huge leap ahead right there's a whole bunch of stuff through here um you would gain credits from fans if you kept busting so you could potentially again i'm always on the lookout for that for the losing of the day spot three well this one has two two fan spaces right here now you have to stop in those but this one gains you a die or you got bob well no you're using different abilities right that's exactly right the way it works is you can use the scenarios and then they have a suggested so they have the recommended the dice that you're going to use in that scenario and then they have a recommended track you don't have to take that track but you can also create your own scenarios so that you can use the cards that you want to try to do that but these are the different tours that they have sure so we just played race one right and that was the that was the cards that they have for that one and again all this is recommended right and then this is the suggested track but you can make your own here it tells you right here that you can make your own yeah you can also create your own card sets well you can make the setup however you want including randomly the following are some tips to ensure a fun game okay make sure you have a reasonably balanced distribution of costs and then it says including twos three twos and three abilities cards uh that cost five or less i was saying two or three ability cards that cost five or less yeah yeah i would imagine oh that's right because some of these could be more valuable they could be more expensive on some of the other uh they're not all these exact values yeah and it says also try to include at least one ability card that lets you lose dice or draw extra dice huh now we didn't have anything that gave us any lose dice here but we did have the dugout that let you gain more dice on your turn when that popped maybe the tr i didn't come compare but maybe the track we were on has more spots where you lose die sure that's true well there's a lot on this one did we look at the other side of this one no i didn't okay this one here is ahead of the curve wow that's got a big jump there too but you kind of you have to go out of your way but you know there's a bunch of goodies there to grab but that costs you 13. oh i see wait wait i think i misread that i misunderstood that look at this one i said that you need to have 25 but you don't you need to have oh yeah you do need to you have to jump for the second one because it cost you 15. so i've been 23. so yeah this one you know comes over here and then you you can gain a die that's up to eight value on there oh okay i didn't really even see that there's one that gains one that's five gain one that's four look at that shortcut right wow but you're going all the way around this loop to this side so none of them well that's pretty big though it's uh six again six movement i mean one two three four five six i don't know is that worth it i don't know if it's worth it either like you have to go out of your way to get that but you're going to get these things but look there's hardly anything special from this one all the way to this there's nothing right plus you can't bank foot movement you'd have to hope to have the right kind of dice i mean you'd have to you'd want to have a cup well again it depends on what the game it gives you right we're only judging based on these dice i really really enjoy the uh the variability of all this stuff here and plus the tracks so what do you think nikki p of the game oh i like it i i like the idea of the racing uh i haven't played a racing game in a little while right so um it was cool to get back to a racing game and this player board is really straightforward and clean and you know what you're doing and you know where your dice needs to be so you're ready for your rolling i do definitely recommend the way lincoln and i played it at first where we were taking turns just to yeah just to understand what you're doing uh how you use your die but the game could definitely be sped up if you're doing the simultaneous rolling of course and i like the idea that these dies are depending on the cards that you're choosing um the dice will do different things depending on for sure on the set i love the variability of that i didn't notice anything that said you don't play with these dice or anything i think all the details have multiple um abilities when with the camera well and like that was saying can you pull out the cards sure we have the you can see some of the values of some of these things and they they go all over the place right so dugout is seven here but it's two to eight two two two twos three fives and an eight value on that and then uh oh wow so the dog is actually always going to be relatively cheap it's two or three so rich dog captain bark mr dog dapper doggy wizard muggles and dr livingstone i presume and then we got rolling the rolling r rick rock on it's the pop uh pineapple it's um rolling stone let's see what some of these are if you were to bust use this green dye then roll up to all of your grade i die in any zones if you hit then you do not bust wow that's awesome uh those max out at five then stokey uh or stoogey i don't know stogy uh he's six nine eight eight so the the expensive ones are expensive so that regardless this one is up to 14 the wiki wiki dinosaur gain one movement for each different color of active dice you have wow but it must come up with that face and only have one of those faces but that costs 14. shimmy shimmy dino gain one movement for each of your active white dice and gray and active gray oh wow so that's huge so that gives you a reason to keep your gray dice active i wonder if that's the light gray and the dark gray we have to look at that and see um i made a mess here already you did but actually the back of the cards actually are also um oh different art but i think it's related to the related to the card and the die yeah and then the krabby crabby uh he's two so these oh those max out at eight though so this mr soldier can go up to eight see the champion most swords or most strength or whatever no tie breaker next round you can draw all of your dice lose one red dye so you basically go for a giant uh pool of dice wow okay i have to look that one up that's interesting i'm making i'm mixing up the pile so we have bad cheese so that one's gained to movement when it comes up and you also gain if you get the the this is an example where they show the um using the die with the dots around the face oh all right that also lets you gain three coins then you lose this die not optional so that's six that's not so bad i kind of want to just do the cheaper ones do things like that where you toss the coin or the die away stinky cheese gain two also gray do not count towards your draw amount next round so that it must be both light and dark gray i don't know broken cow these max out at five the blue ones what did the bobs max out at did we i know we looked at them oh they go up to nine undercover fish gain two movement these two may be used to enter water spaces okay so there's an example of how you can get into water when you get when you activate that you get when you get that active face you can then move on water which is would be powerful right some of these other maps and again they may not have them on some of the maps right but then you can always do whatever you want if you had it for this crazy water map crazy water map well i mean that's why they have actual track spaces here clearly right but i love it i love that there's that kind of stuff the funny thing is i notice one here is jacques couteau and i thought that would be a water one but it is not i'm not really i don't know what i guess it's just jacques couto uh it's not even cocktail so i'm not i'm not sure what that's supposed to be uh but that's rad um but yeah and i love that there's the different uh different boards that give you um a different kind of experience on the track and challenges right there's a lot of different challenges and we didn't really experience these very much that would have been nice to have some more of those there's a lot of them in here yeah so there might be some other ways to gain those sure um i don't know maybe on some of the cars i don't think so though but let me look you never know no it doesn't look like it how many cards are there well there's seven of each color and eight different colors so 56 so each each deck each die type has uh seven different variants that it can do i do like that the values are all over the place though so you really there'll be still some i mean you have to be cautious that's why they i think they just give those as recommendations right probably because you wouldn't be able to buy anything if you didn't have a few inexpensive ones but some of these are definitely going to be inexpensive the dogs are always going to be they're no more than three um wizard each time you push and do not bust gain a credit wow so there's a way to get some credits dapper doggy gain all the coins and movement on all your active gray dice and additional time wow that's pretty cool we need to look and see what they mean by gray on that um gain two credit if active white white die and active red dye gain a fan do not gain the money so that moves you ahead on this but you could get you could potentially get additional die but you won't get any credit i said money but i mean credit that's rad i wonder how many combinations you actually have i bet you there's a lot yeah i bet well that's a lot of different variety there sure i'm sure math people math people will tell me those numbers oh i said the oh no that was the different one that does up to eight it's the dog that's going to be relatively inexpensive the other inexpensive one is the yeah they're not necessarily all cheap right the the pineapple pina cubeulada cubalada says use this green dye then the next round next time you push this round you cannot bust oh that's awesome too so there's some things to protect more protection from busting as well this was a lot of fun thanks for teaching lincoln absolutely and thanks to you for watching if you like this video hit the thumbs up button and consider subscribing to our channel if you click on the bell you get notified when we put up new videos see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 13,133
Rating: 4.8861208 out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, Session, board game, how to play, show me how to play, How to play Cubitos, Show me how to play Cubitos, Tabletop, Cubitos, AEG
Id: VcjWS5a1Iek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 1sec (4201 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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